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The source parameters for 213 Bhuj aftershocks of moment magnitude varying from 2.16 to 5.74 have been estimated using the spectral analysis of the SH- waveform on the transverse component of the three-componnet digital seismograms as well as accelerograms. The estimated stress drop values for Bhuj aftershocks show more scatter (Mo0.5 to 1 ∞ Δσ) toward the larger seismic moment values (log Mo ≥ 1014.5 N-m, larger aftershocks), whereas, they show a more systematic nature (Mo3 ∞ Δσ) for smaller seismic moment (log Mo < 1014.5 N-m, smaller aftershocks) values. This size dependency of stress drop has also been seen from the relation between our estimated seismic moment and source radius, however, this size-dependent stress drop is not observed for the source parameter estimates for the other stable continental region earthquakes in India and around the world. The estimated seismic moment (Mo), source radius (r) and stress drop (Δσ) for aftershocks of moment magnitude 2.16 to 5.74 range from 1.95 × 1012 to 4.5 × 1017 N-m, 239 to 2835 m and 0.63 to 20.7 MPa, respectively. The near-surface attenuation factor (k) is found to be large of the order of 0.03 for the Kachchh region, suggesting thick low velocity sediments beneath the region. The estimated stress drop values show an increasing trend with the depth indicating the base of seismogenic layer (as characterized by larger stress drop values (>15 MPa)) lying in 22–26km depth range beneath the region. We suggest that the concentration of large stress drop values at 10–36km depth may be related to the large stress/strain associvated with a brittle, competent intrusive body of mafic nature.  相似文献   

We have imaged earthquake source zones beneath the northeast India region by seismic tomography, fractal dimension and b value mapping. 3D P-wave velocity (Vp) structure is imaged by the Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) method. High precision P-wave (3,494) and S-wave (3,064) travel times of 980 selected earthquakes, m d ≥ 2.5, are used. The events were recorded by 77 temporary/permanent seismic stations in the region during 1993–1999. By the LET method simultaneous inversion is made for precise location of the events as well as for 3D seismic imaging of the velocity structure. Fractal dimension and seismic b value has been estimated using the 980 LET relocated epicenters. A prominent northwest–southeast low Vp structure is imaged between the Shillong Plateau and Mikir hills; that reflects the Kopili fault. At the fault end, a high-Vp structure is imaged at a depth of 40 km; this is inferred to be the source zone for high seismic activity along this fault. A similar high Vp seismic source zone is imaged beneath the Shillong Plateau at 30 km depth. Both of the source zones have high fractal dimension, from 1.80 to 1.90, indicating that most of the earthquake associated fractures are approaching a 2D space. The spatial fractal dimension variation map has revealed the seismogenic structures and the crustal heterogeneities in the region. The seismic b value in northeast India is found to vary from 0.6 to 1.0. Higher b value contours are obtained along the Kopili fault (~1.0), and in the Shillong Plateau (~0.9) The correlation coefficient between the fractal dimension and b value is found to be 0.79, indicating that the correlation is positive and significant. To the south of Shillong Plateau, a low Vp structure is interpreted as thick (~20 km) sediments in the Bengal basin, with almost no seismic activity in the basin.  相似文献   

— The devastating intraplate earthquake of Mw 7.7 of 26 January, 2001 took place along the south-dipping reverse fault in the lower crust ( 23 km) of Kutch, Gujarat, India, obliterating some 14,000 people. The aftershock activity has ensued for three years. We analyzed 997 aftershocks of M 3.0 to study the b value and fractal correlation dimensions in time and space. The b value is found to be 0.8 ± 0.03 from the Gutenberg-Richter relation and 0.76 ± 0.02 from the maximum-likelihood, suggesting a typical value for the intraplate region. The spatial correlation is 1.71 ± 0.02, indicating that events are approaching a two-dimensional region. Further, the temporal correlation dimension is estimated to be 0.78 ± 0.02, confirming the structure is mono-fractal in time domain. The depth section of b value shows a peak at 15–35 km depth range coinciding with the maximum occurrence of aftershocks ( 47%), which is inferred as a fluid-filled highly fractured rock matrix with fractures of high density. It will be important to note that tomographic results also suggest a low Vp, low Vs and a large Poissons ratio for the same depth range, further confirming this inference. Additionally, we have studied the variation of D2s and b value with time. During the first two months of aftershock activity the results show a marked negative correlation between spatial correlation dimension D2 (large) and b value (low), indicating the predominance of large events associated with weak clustering. The negative correlation means the stress release along faults of a larger surface area. After two months the fractal dimension (D2s) and b value suggests a positive correlation implying more numerous smaller shocks with stress release along faults of a smaller surface area. This would indicate a reduced probability of large magnitude earthquakes due to fragmentation of the fault zone.Acknowledgement. The authors thank Dr. V.P. Dimri, Director, NGRI for his encouragement and kind permission to publish this work. The Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi supported this study.  相似文献   

We report here crustal shear-wave anisotropy, ranging from 1% to 10.76% with an average of 2.4% in the aftershock zone of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake, Gujarat, India, from a study of leading shear-wave polarization directions (LPSDs), which vary on average from NNW–SSE to E–W with a delay of 0.07–0.14 s. The delays in the NNW–SSE to NE–SW directions observed at seven stations, near the seismogenic fault, suggest cracks parallel to the direction of the maximum horizontal regional compressional stress prevailing in the region, suggesting a dilatancy-induced anisotropy resulting from approximately stress-aligned parallel vertical micro-cracks. In contrast, the LPSDs at Ramvav, Rapar and Vondh stations, away from the seismogenic fault, are fault parallel, approximately E–W and almost orthogonal to the stress-aligned polarizations inferred elsewhere. The maximum average time delay of 0.14 s is observed at Lodai, where the fast polarization direction is found to be N338°W. This has been observed from anisotropic poro-elastic (APE) modelling and observations that these are 90° flips in shear-wave polarization, resulting from propagation through micro-cracks containing fluids at critically high pore-fluid pressure surrounding the hypocenter of the 2001 mainshock. The presence of high pore-fluid pressure in the seismogenic fault zone could also explain the observed scatter in shear-wave time delays. Further, the coincidence of the N–S trending intrusive bodies (as inferred from tomographic studies in the area) with the N–S direction of regional maximum horizontal compressional stress supports the interpretation of stress-aligned vertical extensive-dilatant anisotropic (EDA) cracks. The depth distribution of the estimated anisotropy (1–10.76%), b-values and stress drop values suggests an increase at 18–30 km depths, which could be attributed to high pore-fluid pressures resulting from a fluid-filled fractured rock matrix or open micro-cracks (characterized by high crack density and high porosity) coinciding with a low velocity zone (at 18–30 km depths) as delineated from tomographic studies in the area.  相似文献   

—The 12 November 1996 M w 7.7 Peru subduction zone earthquake occurred off the coast of southern Peru, near the intersection of the South American trench and the highest topographical point of the subducting Nazca Ridge. We model the broadband teleseismic P-waveforms from stations in the Global Seismic Network to constrain the source characteristics of this subduction zone earthquake. We have analyzed the vertical component P-waves for this earthquake to constrain the depth, source complexity, seismic moment and rupture characteristics. The seismic moment determined from the nondiffracted P-waves is 3–5 × 1020 N·m, corresponding to a moment magnitude M w of 7.6–7.7. The source time function for the 1996 Peru event has three pulses of seismic moment release with a total duration of approximately 45–50 seconds. The largest moment release occurs at approximately 35–40 seconds and is located ~90km southeast of the rupture initiation. Approximately 70% of the seismic moment was released in the third pulse.¶We find that the 1996 event reruptured part of the rupture area of the previous event in 1942. The location of the 1996 earthquake corresponds to a region along the Peru coast with the highest uplift rates of marine terraces. This suggests that the uplift may be due to repeated earthquakes such as the 1996 and 1942 events.  相似文献   

2013年9月24日巴基斯坦中南部发生Mw7.7地震,震中位于巴基斯坦阿瓦兰县北部69 km处,发震断层为走滑断层机制,极震区烈度达到Ⅸ度以上.我们计算了巴基斯坦地震的视应力、应力降等震源参数,明确该地震为断层动态摩擦过程中的应力上调模式;进一步选取发震断层面上滑动位移的反演结果,构建有限断层模型,对近断层区域的强地面运动进行估算,并基于强地面运动模拟结果给出震区的烈度分布图.结果显示,模拟的巴基斯坦地震烈度图极震区烈度达到Ⅸ度,Ⅶ度烈度影响范围与美国地质调查局震后给出的震动图(ShakeMap)较为一致.强烈地震发生后,基于强地面运动模拟计算给出的烈度分布情况具备较好的合理性,对震区给出及时的震情判定和开展相应的救灾工作具有较高的实际价值.  相似文献   

On April 9, 2001 a M w 6.7 earthquake occurred offshore of the Chilean coast close to the intersection of the subducting Juan Fernández Ridge (JFR) and the trench near 33°S. The mainshock as well as an unprecedented number of aftershocks were recorded on regional broad-band and short-period seismic networks. We obtained a regional moment tensor solution of the mainshock that indcates a tensional focal mechanism consistent with the Harvard CMT solution. Based on waveform modeling and relocation, the depth of the mainshock was found to be 10–12 km. We relocated 142 aftershocks, which are strongly clustered and restricted to 10–30 km in depth. The seismicity distribution indicates a conjugate normal fault system extending into the lithospheric mantle that correlates with ridge-parallel fractures observed by previous seismic and bathymetric surveys. In conjunction with the historic regional distribution of outer-rise and large interplate seismicity, our results indicate that, with the exception of anomalously large thrust events, preexisting fractures associated with large bathymetric features like ridges have to exist to allow the generation of outer-rise seismicity along the Chilean margin. Hence, flexural bending and time-dependent interplate earthquakes can locally affect the nucleation of outer-rise events. The occurrence of the outer-rise seismicity in the oceanic mantle suggests the existence of lithospheric scale faults which might act as conduits to hydrate the subducting slab.Robert Fromm-Rhim passed away July 31st, 2004.  相似文献   

QC-estimates of Kachchh Basin in western India have been obtained in a high frequency range from 1.5 to 24.0 Hz using the aftershock data of Bhuj earthquake of January 26, 2001 recorded within an epicentral distance of 80 km. The decay of coda waves of 30 sec window from 186 seismograms has been analysed in four lapse time windows, adopting the single backscattering model. The study shows that Qc is a function of frequency and increases as frequency increases. The frequency dependent Qc relations obtained for four lapse-time windows are: Qc=82 f1.17 (20–50 sec), Qc=106 f1.11 (30–60 sec), Qc=126f1.03 (40–70 sec) and Qc=122f1.02 (50–80 sec). These empirical relations represent the average attenuation properties of a zone covering the surface area of about 11,000, 20,000, 28,000 and 38,000 square km and a depth extent of about 60, 80, 95, 110 km, respectively. With increasing window length, the degree of frequency dependence, n, decreases marginally from 1.17 to 1.02, whereas Q0 increases significantly from 82 to 122. At lower frequencies up to 6 Hz, Qc−1 of Kachchh Basin is in agreement with other regions of the world, whereas at higher frequencies from 12 to 24 Hz it is found to be low.  相似文献   

We employed layered model joint hypocentral determination (JHD) with station corrections to improve location identification for the 26 January, 2001 Mw 7.7 Bhuj early and late aftershock sequence. We relocated 999 early aftershocks using the data from a close combined network (National Geophysical Research Institute, India and Center for Earthquake Research Institute, USA) of 8–18 digital seismographs during 12–28 February, 2001. Additionally, 350 late aftershocks were also relocated using the data from 4–10 digital seismographs/accelerographs during August 2002 to December 2004. These precisely relocated aftershocks (error in the epicentral location<30 meter, error in the focal depth estimation < 50 meter) delineate an east-west trending blind thrust (North Wagad Fault, NWF) dipping (~ 45°) southward, about 25 km north of Kachchh main land fault (KMF), as the causative fault for the 2001 Bhuj earthquake. The aftershock zone is confined to a 60-km long and 40-km wide region lying between the KMF to the south and NWF to the north, extending from 2 to 45 km depth. Estimated focal depths suggest that the aftershock zone became deeper with the passage of time. The P- and S-wave station corrections determined from the JHD technique indicate that the larger values (both +ve and -ve) characterize the central aftershock zone, which is surrounded by the zones of smaller values. The station corrections vary from −0.9 to +1.1 sec for the P waves and from −0.7 to +1.4 sec for the S waves. The b-value and p-value of the whole aftershock (2001–2004) sequences of Mw ≥ 3 are estimated to be 0.77 ± 0.02 and 0.99 ± 0.02, respectively. The p-value indicates a smaller value than the global median of 1.1, suggesting a relatively slow decay of aftershocks, whereas, the relatively lower b-value (less than the average b-value of 1.0 for stable continental region earthquakes of India) suggests a relatively higher probability for larger earthquakes in Kachchh in comparison to other stable continental regions of the Indian Peninsula. Further, based on the b-value, mainshock magnitude and maximum aftershock magnitude, the Bhuj aftershock sequence is categorized as the Mogi's type II sequence, indicating the region to be of intermediate level of stresses and heterogeneous rocks. It is inferred that the decrease in p-value and increase in aftershock zone, both spatially as well as depth over the passage of time, suggests that the decay of aftershocks perhaps could be controlled by visco-elastic creep in the lower crust.  相似文献   

Using global positioning system (GPS) technology, significant postseismic surface displacements were observed within the first 4 months after the 2001 Mw 7.8 Kunlun earthquake which occurred in China. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms that may have possibly contributed to the postseismic deformations that have been observed. Based on the modeling results, we find that an afterslip model can interpret postseismic displacements in the near field even when the fault plane is extended to the bottom of the crust (~70 km). Models based on the viscoelastic relaxation theory showed a large discrepancy in the spatial pattern of the deformation compared with what has been observed. Thus, we infer that both mechanisms cannot interpret the observed postseismic deformation independently. A combination of afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation can further improve the data fit, especially at sites far from the fault. With maximum afterslip of ~0.4 m occurring at a depth of 10 km in the central section, the combined model shows that the estimated afterslip occurred mostly on and below the coseismic rupture plane, as well as on its eastern extension. The estimated moment released by the afterslip in the first 4 months is almost 40% of that released by the coseismic slip. The best-fitting viscoelastic relaxation model shows a “weak” upper mantle with a viscosity of ~1.0 × 1018 Pa s. The combined model also suggests the existence of a lower crust with viscosity larger than 1.0 × 1018 Pa s, although it cannot be constrained accurately.  相似文献   

Investigation of the spatiotemporal properties of the 2003 Lefkada seismic sequence is performed through non-extensive statistical physics. Information on highly accurate aftershock source parameters became feasible from the recordings of a portable digital seismological network that was installed and operated in the study area, during the evolution of the seismic sequence. Thus, the spatiotemporal distribution of aftershocks onto the main and neighboring fault segments was investigated in detail, enabling the recognition of four distinctive seismicity clusters separated by less active patches. The aftershock spatiotemporal properties are studied here, using the ideas of non-extensive statistical physics (NESP). The cumulative distribution functions of the inter-event times and the inter-event distances are presented using the data set in each seismicity cluster, and the analysis results in values for the statistical thermodynamic q T and q D parameters for each cluster, where q T varies from 1.16 to 1.47 and q D from 0.42 to 0.77 for the inter-event times and distances distributions, respectively. These values confirm the complexity and non-additivity of the spatiotemporal evolution of seismicity, and the applicability of the NESP approach in investigating aftershocks sequence. The temporal pattern is discussed using the closely connected to NESP approach of superstatistics, which is based on a superposition of ordinary local equilibrium statistical mechanics. The result indicates that the temporal evolution of the Lefkada aftershock sequence in clusters A, B and C is governed by very low number of degrees of freedom, while D is a less organized seismicity structure with a much higher number of degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

利用垂直向的Pg和Sg波的最大振幅比计算方法,计算了2001年云南永胜6.0级地震余震序列的震源机制解.通过统计方法和系统聚类分析方法,结合余震序列的震中分布,对永胜6.0级地震的震源机制解和震源区应力场的特征进行了综合分析.结果表明:(1)所得发震断层为NWW向直立右旋走滑断层,与美国哈佛大学的主震CMT解的节面一致,也与余震分布一致,证明结果比较可靠;(2)震区主压应力场方向为NNW-SSE,与其现今区域构造应力场主压应力方向(NNW向)一致,表明余震的应力场主要受主震震源应力场的控制.  相似文献   

The Kachchh province of Western India is a major seismic domain in an intraplate set-up. This seismic zone is located in a rift basin, which was developed during the early Jurassic break-up of the Gondwanaland. The crustal strain determined from the GPS velocity data of post-seismic time period following the 2001 Bhuj earthquake indicates a maximum strain rate of ∼266 × 10−9 per year along N013°. Focal mechanism solutions of the main event of 26 January 2001 and the aftershocks show that the maximum principal stress axis is close to this high strain direction. Maximum shear strain rate determined from the GPS data of the area has similar orientation. The unusually high strain rate is comparable in magnitude to the continental rift systems. The partitioning of the regional NE–SW horizontal stress (SHmax) by the pre-existing EW-striking boundary fault developed the strike–slip components parallel to the regional faults, the normal components perpendicular to the faults, NE-striking conjugate Riedel shear fractures and tension fractures. The partitioned normal component of the stress is considered to be the major cause for compression across the regional EW faults and development of the second-order conjugate shear fractures striking NE–SW and NW–SE. The NE-striking transverse faults parallel to the anti-Riedel shear planes have become critical under these conditions. These anti-Riedel planes are interpreted to be critical for the seismicity of the Kachchh region. The high strain rate in this area of low to moderate surface heat flow is responsible for deeper position of the brittle–ductile transition and development of deep seated seismic events in this intraplate region.  相似文献   

In view of an anomalous crust–mantle structure beneath the 2001 Bhuj earthquake region, double-difference relocations of 1402 aftershocks of the 2001 Bhuj earthquake were determined, using an improved 1D velocity model constructed from 3D velocity tomograms based on data from 10 to 58 three-component seismograph stations. This clearly delineated four major tectonic features: (i) south-dipping north Wagad fault (NWF), (ii and iii) south-dipping south Wagad faults 1 and 2 (SWF1, SWF2), and (iv) a northeast dipping transverse fault (ITF), which is a new find. The relocated aftershocks correlate satisfactorily with the geologically mapped and inferred faults in the epicentral region. The relocated focal depths delineate a marked variation to the tune of 12 km in the brittle–ductile transition depths beneath the central aftershock zone that could be attributed to a lateral variation in crustal composition (more or less mafic) or in the level of fracturing across the fault zone. A fault intersection between the NWF and ITF has been clearly mapped in the 10–20 km depth range beneath the central aftershock zone. It is inferred that large intraplate stresses associated with the fault intersection, deepening of the brittle–ductile transition to a depth of 34 km due to the presence of mafic/ultramafic material in the crust–mantle transition zone, and the presence of aqueous fluids (released during the metamorphic process of eclogitisation of lower crustal olivine-rich rocks) and volatile CO2 at the hypocentral depths, might have resulted in generating the 2001 Bhuj earthquake sequence covering the entire lower crust.  相似文献   

《Geofísica Internacional》2013,52(2):173-196
An analysis of local and regional data produced by the shallow, thrust Ometepec-Pinotepa Nacional earthquake (Mw 7.5) of 20 March 2012 shows that it nucleated at 16.254°N 98.531°W, about 5 km offshore at a depth of about 20 km. During the first 4 seconds the slip was relatively small. It was followed by rupture of two patches with large slip, one updip of the hypocenter to the SE and the other downdip to the north. Total rupture area, estimated from inversion of near-source strong-motion recordings, is ~25 km × 60 km. The earthquake was followed by an exceptionally large number of aftershocks. The aftershock area overlaps with that of the 1982 doublet (Mw 7.0, 6.9). However, the seismic moment of the 2012 earthquake is ~3 times the sum of the moments of the doublet, indicating that the gross rupture characteristics of the two earthquake episodes differ. The small-slip area near the hypocenter and large-slip areas of the two patches are characterized by relatively small aftershock activity. A striking, intense, linear NE alignment of the aftershocks is clearly seen. The radiated energy to seismic moment ratios, (Es/M0), of five earthquakes in the region reveal that they are an order of magnitude smaller for near-trench earthquakes than those that occur further downdip (e.g., 2012 and the 1995 Copala earthquakes). The near-trench earthquakes are known to produce low Amax. The available information suggests that the plate interface in the region can be divided in three domains. (1) From the trench to a distance of about 35 km downdip. In this domain M~6 to 7 earthquakes with low values of (Es/M0) occur. These events generate large number of aftershocks. It is not known whether the remaining area on this part of the interface slips aseismically (stable sliding) or is partially locked. (2) From 35 to 100 km from the trench. This domain is seismically coupled where stick-slip sliding occurs, generating large earthquakes. Part of the area is probably conditionally stable. (3) From 100 to 200 km from the trench. In this domain slow slip events (SSE) and nonvolcanic tremors (NVT) have been reported.The earthquake caused severe damage in and near the towns of Ometepec and Pinotepa Nacional. The PGA exceeded 1 g at a soft site in the epicentral region. Observed PGAs on hard sites as a function of distance are in reasonable agreement with the expected ones from ground motion prediction equations derived using data from Mexican interplate earthquakes. The earthquake was strongly felt in Mexico City. PGA at CU, a hard site in the city, was 12 gal. Strong-motion recordings in the city since 1985 demonstrate that PGAs during the 2012 earthquake were not exceptional, and that similar motion occurs about once in three years.  相似文献   

This study examines two large thrust subduction earthquakes occurring within the Rivera-Cocos plate boundary which struck the western coast of México on 9 October 1995, Mw 8.0, and 21 (22 GMT) January 2003, Mw 7.5. The Modified Mercalli (MM) earthquake intensities observed during these earthquakes were surprising for some towns located in the Mexican coastal zone. During the smaller Mw 7.5 2003 earthquake, MM intensity VII was observed for towns of Colima, Villa de Alvarez and Ixtlahuacán, while during the larger Mw 8.0 1995 earthquake, their MM intensities were only IV?CV, V and V?CVI, respectively. We construct the macroseismic patterns for these two earthquakes and discuss the possible reasons for the significant difference in the outline of the MM VII isoseismals, such as the tectonic setting of epicentral zones and the directivity of rupture processes along and across the coastal line.  相似文献   

太原盆地小地震时间序列A(b)-N法之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过山西太原基准地震台测震和遥测台网记录的小地震,运用A(b)-N法以太原盆地为窗口,对太原盆地及周边地区1989年至2002年7月发生的3.6级以上的地震进行分析。结果表明,地震与异常的对应率约60%,说明此方法对今后地震预报的研究似有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

—On October 4, 1994, an earthquake of magnitude M w = 8.2 occurred in the western part of the Kurile Islands, generating a tsunami that has been well recorded along the entire coast of Japan. Previous works have shown that this earthquake does not represent a low angle thrust event, normally expected in a subduction zone, rather an intra-plate event rupturing through the slab. On the basis of the accepted mechanism, two fault models, representative of the nodal plane ambiguity, have been suggested. The goal of this work is to verify whether the tsunami simulations are able to rule out one of the two proposed fault models. Taking into account both fault models together with a heterogeneous slip along the fault, we have performed numerical simulations of the tsunami. All source models produce tide-gauge records in agreement with the observed ones. The limit of resolution of the performed simulations, estimated by means of a perturbed bathymetry, does not allow us to distinguish the best source model.  相似文献   

2006年7月4日,在距离北京100 km左右的文安地区,发生了Mw=5.1级地震,引起了北京地区的强烈震感.为了更好的认识区域构造,我们利用近震及远震波形反演的方法得到了此次文安地震的震源机制.选择了北京数字地震台网的9个地震台,震中距小于600 km,台站的方位角覆盖较好.为了更好地利用信号相对较弱的P波信号,对于一个地震记录,本文分别截取出P波和面波两个部分,分别给予不同的权重进行反演,结合格点搜索的方法,得到了与记录P波及面波三分量对应较好的地震的方位角、倾角和滑移角.同时考虑到北京西北地区地壳较厚,本文在利用F-K方法计算近震理论波形的时候,对不同的方位角,采用了不同的地壳速度模型.随后结合远震信号中的直达P、pP、sP波形得到了分辨率较高的地震震源深度.反演结果表明,此次文安地震是一个较为典型的走滑型地震,方位角为210°,倾角80°,滑移角-150°,地震的深度为14~15 km,地震的震级为(Mw-5.1).反演结果与断层的几何分布、余震分布及北京地区北北东向应力场有很好的一致性.  相似文献   

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