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The effect of galactic perturbations on long-period comet orbits is examined via numerical and analytical means. Relations are found between a comet's initial perihelion position and the positions of succeeding perihelia. It was found that the galactic effects were strongest on the comets initially at galactic latitudes close to 40°. In such cases the galactic perturbations caused the orbit to become almost circular before becoming nearly parabolic again. This effect allows comets with semimajor axes of about 25 000 AU to make only a few passages through the inner solar system in a time interval of 109yr. Thus the galactic field is an important factor in the evolution of long-period comet orbits. The observed distribution of perihelia of long-period comets indicates that galactic effects have been active.  相似文献   

Byl  John 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1986,36(3):263-273
The effect of galactic perturbations on long-period cometary orbits is re-examined using a more realistic galactic model. Numerical and analytical calculations confirm the general result of an earlier paper which demonstrated that the Galaxy can perturb comets into and out of the Oort cloud. New equations are developed to describe the perturbed orbits.  相似文献   

From 146 B.C. to 1760 A.D., 363 sets of cometary observations for a total 88 different comets were recorded in Chinese Ancient Records of Celestial Phenomena. According to those records, we reduced apparent positions and mean equatorial coordinates (epoch 2000.0) for all more than three times recorded comets. Taking into account the perturbations of all nine planets and using the numerical method of N-body problem, the orbits of correlative comets were calculated. For thirty different comets, new orbits are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the origin of comets in the system of Pluto has been considered. It has been shown that none of the 59 near-parabolic comets—candidates for Pluto’s family—passed through the sphere of its influence in the time interval from 2000 to −3000.  相似文献   

We systematically investigate the encounters between the Sun and neighbouring stars and their effects on cometary orbits in the Oort cloud, including the intrinsic one with the star Gl 710 (HIP 89 825), with some implications to stellar and cometary dynamics. Our approach is principally based on the combination of a Keplerian‐rectilinear model of stellar passages and the Hipparcos Catalogue (ESA 1997). Beyond the parameters of encounter, we pay particular attention to the observational errors in parallaxes and stellar velocities, and their propagation in time. Moreover, as a special case of this problem, we consider the collision probability of a star passing very closely to the Sun, taking also into account the mutual gravitational attraction between the stars. In the part dealing with the influence of stellar encounters on the orbital elements of Oort cloud comets, we derive new simple formulae calculating the changes in the cometary orbital elements, expressed as functions of the Jeans impulse formula. These expressions are then applied to calculate numerical values of the element changes caused by close encounters of neighbouring stars with some model comets in the Oort cloud. Moreover, the general condition for an ejection of comets from the cloud effected by a single encounter is derived and discussed.  相似文献   

Guy J. Consolmagno 《Icarus》1980,43(2):203-214
The equations describing the change in orbital elements of interplanetary dust due to Lorentz-force accelerations are presented in a simplified form. Such accelerations depend on the charge state of the dust; results of theoretical calculations for five possible dust materials are presented. Under present-day conditions, it is possible that semiconducting material such as graphite might carry a net voltage near zero, compared with a roughly 10-V charge expected for other grains. The scattering of dust by a randomly changing magnetic field can be viewed analogously to the dust diffusing in space; the equations presented thus can be used to interpret observations of the present distribution of dust in terms of its possible sources and sinks. The stronger magnetic fields of the early solar system would have led to more vigorous scattering of the dust; particles as large as 1 mm could have been significantly transported by Lorentz scattering during this time.  相似文献   

A universal method of determining the orbits of newly discovered small bodies in the Solar System using their positional observations has been developed. The proposed method suggests determining geocentric distances of a small body by means of an exhaustive search for heliocentric orbital planes and subsequent determination of the distance between the observer and the points at which the chosen plane intersects with the vectors pointing to the object. Further, the remaining orbital elements are determined using the classical Gauss method after eliminating those heliocentric distances that have a fortiori low probabilities. The obtained sets of elements are used to determine the rms between the observed and calculated positions. The sets of elements with the least rms are considered to be most probable for newly discovered small bodies. Afterwards, these elements are improved using the differential method.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relative orbital motion between arbitrary Keplerian trajectories. A closed-form vectorial solution to the nonlinear initial value problem that models this type of motion with respect to a noninertial reference frame is offered. Without imposing any particular conditions on the leader or the deputy satellites trajectories, exact expressions for the relative law of motion and relative velocity are obtained in a closed form. This solution allows the parameterization of the relative motion manifold and offers new methods to study its geometrical and topological properties. The result presented in this paper opens the way to obtain new classes of approximate solutions to the equations of relative motion with time, an eccentric or true anomaly as independent variables. Published in Russian in Solar System Research, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 44–55. The text was submitted by the autors in English.  相似文献   

The general plane isosceles three-body problem is considered for different ratios of the central body mass to the masses of other bodies. The central body goes through the middle of the segment connecting the other bodies along the perpendicular to this segment. The initial conditions are chosen by two parameters: the virial ratio k and the parameter     , where r˙ is the relative velocity of the 'outer' bodies, and R˙ is the velocity of the 'central' body with respect to the mass centre of the 'outer' bodies. The equations of motion are numerically integrated until one of three times: the time of escape of the central body, its time of ejection with   R >100 d   , or 1000 τ (here d is the mean size, and τ is the mean crossing time of the triple system). The regions corresponding to escapes of the central body after different numbers of triple approaches are found at the plane of parameters   k ∈(0,1)  and   μ ∈(-1,1)  . The regions of stable motions are revealed. The zones of regular and stochastic orbits are outlined. The fraction of stochastic trajectories increases with the central mass. The fraction of stable orbits is highest for equal masses of the bodies.  相似文献   

In this paper we briefly study changes in the mean seasonal insolations on the planet Mars caused by significant large-scale variations in the following orbital elements: the eccentricity (e), the obliquity (ε) and the longitude of perihelion (λ p ). Three orbital configurations have been investigated. In the first, the eccentricity equals successively 0, 0.075, and 0.15, whereas for the obliquity and the longitude of perihelion we took the present values which amount, respectively to 25° and 250°. In the second situation, ε=15, 25, and 35° for a circular orbit (e=0) and with λ p =250°. In the last model we have sete=0.075 and ε=25° for λ p =?90,0, and 90°. Although long-term periodic oscillations ofe (first case) and λ p (third case) produce, respectively, very small or no variations in the average yearly insolation, fluctuations of the above mentioned planetary data strongly effect the mean summer and winter daily insolations. Indeed, the calculations reveal that between the two extreme values of the orbital elements used, the seasonal insolations exhibit a change in amplitude of about 15 to 20% difference over the entire latitude interval. Considering more particularly the second case it is found that the summertime insolation experiences a nearly similar variation as the mean annual daily insolation — i.e., a decrease of about 7% at the equator and a more than twofold increase at the poles. The corresponding mean winter daily insolation varies maximally by approximately 60% in the 60–80° latitude range.  相似文献   

The Galactic orbits of 27 440 stars of all classes with accurate coordinates and parallaxes of more than 3 mas from the Hipparcos catalogue, proper motions from the Tycho-2 catalogue, and radial velocities from the Pulkovo Compilation of Radial Velocities (PCRV) are analyzed. The sample obtained is much more representative than the Geneva-Copenhagen survey and other studies of Galactic orbits in the solar neighborhood. An estimation of the influence of systematic errors in the velocities on orbital parameters shows that the errors of the proper motions due to the duplicity of stars are tangible only in the statistics of orbital parameters for very small samples, while the errors of the radial velocities are noticeable in the statistics of orbital parameters for halo stars. Therefore, previous studies of halo orbits may be erroneous. The distribution of stars in selection-free regions of the multidimensional space of orbital parameters, dereddened colors, and absolute magnitudes is considered. Owing to the large number of stars and the high accuracy of PCRV radial velocities, nonuniformities of this distribution (apart from the well-known dynamical streams) have been found. Stars with their peri- and apogalacticons in the disk, perigalacticons in the bulge and apogalacticons in the disk, perigalacticons in the bulge and apogalacticons in the halo, and perigalacticons in the disk and apogalacticons in the halo have been identified. Thus, the bulge and the halo are inhomogeneous structures, each consisting of at least two populations. The radius of the bulge has been determined: 2 kpc.  相似文献   

The solar extreme ultraviolet (e.u.v.) flux and solar ultraviolet (u.v.) flux in the Schumann-Runge continuum region have been measured by spectrometers on board the Atmosphere Explorer satellites from about 1974 to 1981. The solar flux spectra measured on 23 April 1974 (a day the Atmosphere Explorer satellite reference spectrum was obtained), 13–28 July 1976 (a period of spotless conditions near solar cycle minimum), and 19 February 1979 (a day near solar cycle maximum) are used to examine the global mean temperature structure of the thermosphere above 120 km. The results show that for solar cycle minimum the calculated global mean exospheric temperature is in agreement with empirical model predictions, indicating that the energy absorbed by the thermosphere is balanced by downward molecular thermal conduction. For solar cycle maximum the energy absorbed by the thermosphere is not balanced by downward thermal conduction but agreement between the calculated and observed temperature is obtained with the inclusion of 5.3μm radiational cooling by nitric oxide. Model calculations of the minor neutral constituents in the thermosphere show that about three times more nitric oxide is produced during solar cycle maximum than solar cycle minimum conditions. The results suggest that nitric oxide cooling is small during solar cycle minimum, because of low nitric oxide densities and low thermospheric temperatures, but it becomes significantly larger during solar cycle maximum, when nitric oxide densities and thermospheric temperatures are larger.23 April 1974 was a moderately disturbed day and the results of the global mean temperature calculation indicate that it is necessary to consider a high latitude heat source associated with the geomagnetic activity to obtain agreement between the calculated and observed global mean temperature structure.  相似文献   

Es wurden korrigierte Bahnen für 21 Kometen, basierend auf in den Minor Planets Circulars publizierten Beobachtungen, berechnet. Die Bahnelemente für die nächsten Periheldurchgänge von kurzperiodischen Kometen sind ebenfalls gegeben.  相似文献   

In a simplified model of the Earth-Moon-Sun system based on the restricted circular 3-dimensional 3-body problem, it is possible to find numerically a set of 8 periodic orbits whose time evolutions closely resemble that of the Moon's orbit. These orbits have a period of 223 synodic months (i.e. the period of the Saros cycle known for more than two millennia as a means of predicting eclipses), and are characterized by a secular rotation of the argument of perigee . Periodic orbits of longer durations exhibiting this last feature are very abundant in Earth-Moon-Sun dynamical models. Their arrangement in the space of the mean orbital elements- for various values of the lunar mean motion is presented.  相似文献   

Estimation is made of the possibility of clustering of debris particles in circular and elliptical orbits around the Earth due to the change in drag, caused by quasi-periodic variations of the atmospheric density in the orbit. The estimations show that the collective behavior of particles has time to be manifested in highly elliptical orbits, where the relative change in the atmospheric density along the orbital path is greater and characteristic lifetimes of the particles are longer. However, in this case the limit distributions of the particles are not realized, because the clusters form and break down several times during the lifetime of the particles in the orbit.  相似文献   

A procedure of selection of meteoroids from major streams is suggested and applied to the IAU Lund photographic database modified by a check for internal consistency among orbital elements (3411 orbits). Limits for choice of stream members were defined by break points on the plots of the cumulative numberN C vs. the Southworth-HawkinsD discriminant. For the break points were considered the points from which the dependenceN C vs.D changes to a quasi-linear one, and with the increasingD, N C changes only moderately. Except for the Taurids which desire a separate analysis, theN C vs.D diagrams are presented for the following major meteoroid streams: Quadrantids, Lyrids, Aquarids, Capricornids, N and S Aquarids, Perseids, Orionids, Leonids and Geminids. The mean orbits, velocities and radiants of the streams are derived and compared with the osculating orbits of their parent bodies. The limitingD B was found to be a function of the number of the stream membersN CB. Omitting the exceptionally concentrated Geminids, the relation is in the formD B = 0.058 *ln(N CB) – 0.04.  相似文献   

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