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The SIRENE macroseismic database has been utilized to draw isoseismal maps for the 140 best-documented French earthquakes, characterized by epicentral intensities of at least V (MSK) and located in all parts of the country. A study of focal depths derived from available local intensity data using an intensity versus distance decay law (Sponheuer) shows that the focal depths of most of the events considered do not exceed about 10 km. Their distribution correlates fairly well with regional dynamic geology features. A relationship is then computed between magnitude, intensity and focal distance, based on 73 instrumenta]ly recorded earthquakes (M L between 3.3 and 6.3) and on 217 mean radius values (from 2 to 380 km) for isoseismals of intensity VIII to III (MSK). This relationship is applied to historical earthquakes contained in the database SIRENE which are characterised by their intensity only. These results are used in the evaluation as well deterministic as probabilistic of the seismic hazard on the national territory.  相似文献   

The object of this study is to consider directly the influence of regional geological conditions on the assessment of seismic hazard. It is assumed that macroseismic data at individual locations contain, in an average way, the influence of geological conditions.A Data Base referring to 199 historical (5) and instrumental (194, in the 1947–1993 period) events with macroseismic information in 1195 locations of Portugal was built. For any given seismic event, whenever macroseismic information was available at a location (town, village, etc.), an EMS-92 intensity value was estimated. To each one of those locations a geological unit, representing the most common type of soil, was assigned, based on the Geological Portuguese Map at a scale 1:500 000; the geological units were grouped into three categories: soft, intermediate and hard soils.The Data Base was used to determine the attenuation laws in terms of macroseismic intensity for the three different geological site conditions, using multiple linear regression analysis. The reasonability of the laws was tested by (i) checking residual distributions and (ii) comparing the map of isoseismals of important earthquakes with the isoseismals generated by the attenuation curves derived for each one of the three different soil classes, taking into consideration the soil class of each site. The main results of attenuation modeling are: high dispersion on macroseismic intensity data; all the models predict intensity values, for short hypocentral distances, lower than the ones observed; and for some important analyzed earthquakes and for the observed range of distances, the models confirm the expectancy that macroseismic intensity increases from hard to soft soil.The approach to obtain the hazard assessment at each location consisted in the use of the attenuation law specifically derived for the class of soil of that particular location. This method, which considers the influence of the regional geology, was illustrated with the mapping of hazard for the country for several return periods. Comparison with previous maps not taking into consideration the regional geological conditions emphasizes the importance of this new parameter. It can be concluded that (i) soil segmentation is clearly the cause for hazard increase in the region to the north of Lisbon, especially at sites with soft and intermediate soils as the ones in lower Tagus valley; the maximum increase on hazard is, in any case, less than one degree; (ii) when geological conditions are disregarded in the attenuation regression analysis, hazard pattern is similar to the one obtained for the case of hard soil everywhere.  相似文献   

A methodology for the anisotropic characterization of macroseismic fields is proposed, in order to evaluate seismic hazard, based on the real geometry of the isoseismals of the field. The proposed methodology, independent of the macroseismic intensity attenuation law, allows both for a single field and for several fields in the same source zone, the determination of minimum and maximum attenuation values and of the relative directions.  相似文献   

A probabilistic macroseismic hazard assessment has been done for Nicaragua. For this, the most complete catalogue for Central America, compiled by NORSAR in Norway has been used. In this catalogue, empirical intensity attenuation relations were found. Using these empirical relations, magnitudes were changed to epicentral intensities expected in sites where no intensities had been reported. The calculated intensities from a polygon surrounding Nicaragua were used to assess the macroseismic hazard in the region. For the whole polygon, the cumulative intensity frequency was calculated resulting in a b-value of 0.60 for an intensity interval of V–IX. The time completeness was also studied indicating that, for strong events causing higher intensities (I 0 VII), the catalogue is complete for events that have been recorded since 1840. The whole polygon was cut into independent seismotectonic regions where the statistical procedure (intensity frequency and time completeness) was done.  相似文献   

The macroseismic field of the Vrancea earthquake of March 4, 1977, characterized by the following parameters : H = 19h 21m 56s, ø = 45.8°N, γ = 26.8° E, h = 95 Km, M = 7.2, I = VIIIMSK has been analyzed. The following problems were studied : area and shape of the isoseismals of intensity III–VIII ; elongation of the isoseismal ellipses and decrease of intensity with distance. The results confirm our previous studies (Radu and Apopei, 1978) of strong intermediate earthquakes, but render evidence for some peculiarities in the seismic intensity attenuation as well.  相似文献   

The effects of the Basel earthquake on October 18,1356,22 hours local time, have been studied by collecting all available information in Switzerland, France and Germany. As far as possible the original sources such as chronicles, repair-bills and other reports were evaluated. By taking into account the type of construction in the area, MSK-intensities could be assigned in many cases.The macroseismic field shows, as a striking feature, a distinct extension of the isoseismals towards West-Southwest. In the epicentral zone, the maximum intensity is equal or greater than IX (MSK). The most probable location for the epi-center is about 10 km south of Basel, on the eastern main fault system of the southern Rhinegraben. The estimated focal depth is 10–20 km.  相似文献   

Seismic intensity information of historical earthquake of NW Himalayas has been utilized for evaluating the attenuation of the intensity with the epicentral distance. Purposefully, the observed intensity of big historical earthquake may implicitly incorporate some site effects arising due to the near surface geology or deposited soil. The isoseismal map of the 1905 Kangra earthquake yields an area of perceptibility defined by the intensity VII (RF Scale), which is mainly elongated in the NNW-SSE direction. However, the higher isoseismals of intensity VIII and IX are more symmetrical and elongated in the SE direction. These isoseismals are more compressed in the northeast and northwest direction indicating fast attenuation characteristics, which may be either due to the presence of any transverse geotectonic feature or change in lithology. In the present study the regression relation has been derived to incorporate the attenuation of intensity with variable magnitudes at different epicentral distances. The derived attenuation relation is useful for assessing damage of a potential future earthquake (earthquake scenario-based planning purposes) for the Kangra region, Northwest Himalaya. The derived relation is mentioned below:
I(R,Ms) = 2.856 + 1.31*Ms - 0.0017 * R - 0.9598*ln(R)I(R,Ms) = 2.856 + 1.31*Ms - 0.0017 * R - 0.9598*\ln (R)  相似文献   

On November 30, 1967, a strong earthquake of magnitude M = 6.6 struck the Dibra region, eastern Albania, causing considerable loss of human life and grave material damage both in the territory of Albania and that of Yugoslavia.The object of this study is to describe the effects of this earthquake on landscape and buildings, as well as to define its macroseismic field. The study further deals with some features of the aftershocks of M 4.0 distributed in time and space, the aftershock activity and the focal-mechanism solution of the main event.From the study of the macroseismic field of this earthquake and its fault, which extends over 10 km in a 40° northeasterly direction, from the distribution of aftershocks in space and the focal-mechanism solution of this earthquake, the conclusion has been reached that this event is connected with the Vlora—Dibra seismogenic belt.The authors have mentioned the existence of this traverse belt as early as 1969 (Sulstarova and Koçiaj, 1969). The existence of this belt is also shown by the chronological and geographical distribution of some strong earthquakes in Albania in the period 1800–1967 (their macroseismic field and the position of their epicentres), and by the focal-mechanism solutions of some of these earthquakes. The Vlora—Elbasan—Dibra transverse seismogenic belt continues for several hundred kilometres northeast and southwest beyond the territory of Albania.  相似文献   

For two different zonations of the Calabro-Sicilian region the macroseismic intensity attenuation parameters are computed using the Grandori model.Some modifications to this relation are proposed here in order to allow its applicability also to those cases in which the data set available for each source zone does not present three successive epicentral intensity levels (I 0) as required for its application.Maps of theoretical distribution of maximum expected intensities were plotted for both zonations adopted, in order to test the reliability, also using other attenuation models.The results of the analysis show how the proposed modifications to the Grandori relation allow the macroseismic intensity attenuation modelling even in cases in which only one intensity level is available.Finally, the comparison of theoretical maximum expected intensity distribution maps, computed for different attenuation models and seismogenic zonations, shows that the maps plotted using the Grandori model and the zonation adopted by G.N.D.T. (Gruppo Nazionale Difesa dai Terremoti - C.N.R. Italy) are more reliable.  相似文献   

A vectorial modelling of observed macroseismic intensity aimed at the analytical determination of the epicentre is proposed here. The methodology is based on the determination of a plane system of vectors which characterises the macroseismic intensity distribution. The epicentre of each seismic event considered is determined as the centre of this vector system by an analytical expression which is independent from all possible directions of seismic energy propagation. The analysis of the intensity distribution is carried out by a new model called a macroseismic plane, different from the one known as macroseismic field, formed by a set of small areas built around the observed intensity points; hence its name.With the proposed methodology, some earthquakes in southern Italy and eastern Sicily are analysed calculating their epicentres, also for distributions of observed intensity which are particularly complex.  相似文献   

Historical and present century instrumental data have been used to determine seismic hazard in 35 sites of Greece by the application of Cornell's method (Cornell, 1968) and the mean value method. The macroseismic intensity has been considered as a measure of seismic hazard. Comparison of the results of the two methods showed that, in general, the mean value method gives higher values, particularly for low probabilities of exceedance. In addition, for some sites, the differences of the expected intensities resulting from the two methods, indicate that finer tuning of the seismogenic souce model is required, or suggest time dependence. Although each one of these methods has its own merits, the method based on seismic zonation (Cornell's method) has several advantages and must be preferred when an accurate zonation is possible by the use of macroseismic and instrumental seismic data, together with geological and geomorphological information. However, reliable estimates of seismic hazard at a particular site require work on a microzoning scale, incorporating historical, archaeological, and recent geological data.Paper presented at the 21st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission held in Sofia, 1988.  相似文献   

The 19 November 1923 earthquake in the Aran Valley (Central Pyrenees), with observed maximum intensityI max = VIII (MSK), has been studied through the compiling and reviewing of macroseismic information and collecting and processing early seismograms. Analysis of macroseismic data gives a focal depth ofh = 5 km and an anelastic attenuation coefficient 10–3 km–1. Analysis of early instrumental records allows the computation of estimate of magnitude (M L = 5.6) and seismic moment (M o = 1.1 × 1017 N × m) which are consistent with the values ofI o andh obtained from macroseismic data.  相似文献   

A method for the evaluation of seismic hazard in a given zone, taking into account both the spreading of macroseismic effects and seismic catalogue information, is applied. A data-bank of some 500 digitized isoseisms of earthquakes having occurred in Italy between 1542 and 1986 is used. The isoseismical maps are digitized considering for each degree of intensity the length of 24 spreading rays starting from the macroseismic epicenter or barycentre of the megaseismic area. These rays are separated from each other by the same angle, i.e. every isoseism is divided into 24 equal circular sectors. The year 1542 is taken as the beginning of the time span, since this is when the first seismic event occurred for which reliable isoseismal maps are available. The epicentral intensities considered lie between theVI andXI degrees of the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg scale (MCS). This digitized data-bank is analyzed to achieve, for each homogeneous seismogenetic zone that has been recognized, the mean azimuthal spreadings of effects for each degree of intensity as a function of the epicentral intensity. Once a mean propagation model is obtained for each zone, this is applied to seismic events of the same zone, the isoseismal maps of which are not available. A geographic grid is defined to cover the analyzed area, and for each cell of this grid it is then possible to count the number of felt events and their degree. These effects have been evaluated either on the basis of the isoseismal maps (when available) or on the basis of the mean propagations of the zone in which the single event occurred. Moreover, an index summarizing the seismic information was computed for each cell of the previous grid. All the events producing effects and their provenance are stored on files, allowing the main seismogenic zones influencing this cell to be identified. This methodology has been applied to central and southern Italy in an area between the latitudes 40.6 and 43.3 N. In particular, attention is focussed on the sample areas of Rome (given the historical and political importance of the city) and of the Sannio-Matese and Irpinia zone (in which some of the strongest earthquakes of the Apennine chain have occurred). Finally, in order to evaluate the maximum expected magnitude, extreme value statistics (Gumbel III-type) are applied to the Colli Albani area, which represents the seismogenic zone nearest to Rome. For the Sannio-Matese and Irpinia area, considering the more dangerous zone as a unicum, theWeibull distribution has been hypothesized to determine the mean return time for events with an intensity greater than or equal to IX.  相似文献   

The seismic hazard parameters of the Vrancea seismogenic region are derived by applying a probabilistic model (the Epstein-Lomnitz model) making use of the first type of Gumbel distribution. The extreme value data are of two types: macroseismic data (1901–1933) and instrumental data (1934–1991). The output parameters (In = 8.30; = 1.67), for the set I and (In = 9.33; = 1.87) for the set II allow a more reliable estimation of the basic hazard parameters and they are discussed and compared with previous works.  相似文献   

Comparison between the observed and the synthesized isoseismals of the relatively small earthquake of Sierra Madre (1991) and of the big one in San Francisco (1906), California, suggests that sometimes the areal shapes of the territories damaged by earthquakes might be synthetically traced out with a simple kinematic function which, following the asymptotic approach, takes into account some gross features of the sources. The rather good fits presented herein may indicate the possibility of substituting in some regions the so-called empirical attenuation relations, which are currently used in regional seismic hazard studies, by new more source-dependent algorithms. Conversely, the technique could help in retrieving information about sources of earthquakes from the pre-instrumental era, (i) in areas where it could be proved that the effects due to the travel paths and to local site conditions are negligible, (ii) when the detailed modelling techniques nowadays available are inapplicable due to lack of data, or (iii) for saving time and money. It seems that the algorithm gives rather stable results.Formerly: LIVIO SIRO.  相似文献   

The main result of this work is to show that macroseismic intensity decay with distance strongly depends on the epicentral intensity. An attenuation law that takes this parameter into account is proposed for Metropolitan France, from the analysis of SISFRANCE macroseismic database. Such a model significantly reduces the difference between observed and theoretical intensities. A map of the attenuation variations is also set up for Metropolitan France. No major site effects are observed, but at a broad scale, young Alpine regions display a stronger attenuation than old Hercynian regions. To cite this article: P. Arroucau et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Web-based macroseismic survey in Italy: method validation and results   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sbarra  Paola  Tosi  Patrizia  De Rubeis  Valerio 《Natural Hazards》2010,54(2):563-581
A new method of macroseismic surveys, based on voluntary collaboration through the Internet, has been running at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) since July 2007. The macroseismic questionnaire is addressed to a single non-specialist; reported effects are statistically analysed to extrapolate a probabilistic estimate of Mercalli Cancani Sieberg and European Macroseismic Scale intensities for that observer. Maps of macroseismic intensity are displayed online in almost real time and are continuously updated when new data are made available. For densely inhabited zones, we have received reports of felt effects for even very small events (M = 2). Six earthquakes are presented here, showing the ability of the method to give fast and interesting results. The effects reported in questionnaires coming from three towns are carefully analysed and assigned intensities are compared with those derived from traditional macroseismic surveys, showing the reliability of our web-based method.  相似文献   

Stochastic models are derived for two source formulations for explosions. Using this kind of model, a comparison is made between source time functions due to Blake, Haskell, Mueller and Murphy, and Von Seggern and Blandford, for explosions, and between -square (Aki, Brune)and -cube (Aki, Haskell)models for earthquakes. When seeking a stochastic model for records of Rayleigh waves from atmospheric explosions, the k-model corresponding to Haskell's time function was found to be an appropriate choice.  相似文献   

From the influence already revealed by attenuation models on the values of expected intensity for North-Eastern Sicily, the necessity arises to quantify the weight of these models and of their respective coefficients on the projection of intensity.A first evaluation is presented in this paper using the Sponheuer, Blake, and Grandori models.A comparison of the expected intensity maps allows a first critical estimate, showing the greater adaptability of the Grandori model to describe the attenuation of intensity for the investigated area.  相似文献   

Results from a recent earthquake in the Eastern Pyrenees are presented and the seismotectonics of the region is analyzed from the presently available data. On 26 September 1984 an earthquake (ML = 4.4) took place in the area of the historical destructive earthquake of 1428. Several portable stations installed in the epicentral area to record aftershocks permitted of defining a precise location at 42°19.2′N, 2°10.2′E and 5 km depth. A maximum felt intensity of V (MSK) is obtained from macroseismic data. The epicentral location lies within a block bounded by E-W-trending structures and the focal solution shows right-lateral shearing with a NW-SE pressure axis.The seismicity in the Eastern Pyrenees shows a complex pattern which can be associated with both E-W fractures and NE-SW fault systems. Focal solutions of another two recent earthquakes of ML ~ 4, with differences in horizontal pressure axis, are also discussed.  相似文献   

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