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It is known that the overall (mean) intensity of the low-mass X-ray binary Cyg X-2 varies on time-scales from a day to months, independently of the variations on time-scales of hours to a day by which the source moves between the horizontal, normal and flaring branches.
We present RXTE PCA observations of Cyg X-2, taken when its overall intensity was near its lowest values, in 1996 October and 1997 September. For the first time we perform a study of the fast timing behaviour at such low intensities. During the 1996 October observations, the source was in the left part of the horizontal branch, and during the 1997 September observations was most likely in the lower parts of the normal branch and flaring branch.
We find that the properties of the very low-frequency noise during the 1997 September observations are consistent with a monotonic decrease in its strength and power-law index as a function of overall intensity. In contrast, the strength of the ∼6 Hz normal branch quasi-periodic oscillations does not vary monotonically with overall intensity. They are strongest at medium overall intensity and weaker both when the overall intensity is low and when the overall intensity is high.  相似文献   

We study the soft X-ray variability of Cygnus X-3. By combining data from the All-Sky Monitor and Proportional Counter Array instruments on the RXTE satellite with EXOSAT /Medium Energy (ME) detector observations, we are able to analyse the power density spectrum (PDS) of the source from 10−9 to 0.1 Hz, thus covering time-scales from seconds to years. As the data on the longer time-scales are unevenly sampled, we combine traditional power spectral techniques with simulations to analyse the variability in this range. The PDS at higher frequencies  (≳10−3 Hz)  are for the first time compared for all states of this source. We find that it is for all states well described by a power law, with index  ∼−2  in the soft states and a tendency for a less steep power law in the hard state. At longer time-scales, we study the effect of the state transitions on the PDS, and find that the variability below  ∼10−7 Hz  is dominated by the transitions. Furthermore, we find no correlation between the length of a high/soft-state episode and the time since the previous high/soft state. On intermediate time-scales, we find evidence for a break in the PDS at time-scales of the order of the orbital period. This may be interpreted as evidence for the existence of a tidal resonance in the accretion disc around the compact object, and constraining the mass ratio to   M 2/ M 1≲ 0.3  .  相似文献   

We study X-ray spectra of Cyg X-3 from BeppoSAX , taking into account absorption and emission in the strong stellar wind of its companion. We find the intrinsic X-ray spectra are well modelled by disc blackbody emission, its upscattering by hot electrons with a hybrid distribution, and by Compton reflection. These spectra are strongly modified by absorption and reprocessing in the stellar wind, which we model using the photoionization code cloudy . The form of the observed spectra implies the wind is composed of two phases. A hot tenuous plasma containing most of the wind mass is required to account for the observed features of very strongly ionized Fe. Small dense cool clumps filling ≲0.01 of the volume are required to absorb the soft X-ray excess, which is emitted by the hot phase but not present in the data. The total mass-loss rate is found to be  (0.6–1.6) × 10−5 M yr−1  . We also discuss the feasibility of the continuum model dominated by Compton reflection, which we find to best describe our data. The intrinsic luminosities of our models suggest that the compact object is a black hole.  相似文献   

We present epoch 1996, high-quality radial velocity data for HDE 226868, the optical counterpart of Cygnus X-1. Combining our results with all published historical data, we have derived a new ephemeris for the system of HJD 245 0235.29 + n  × 5.5998, which allows accurate orbital phase calculations to be made for any X-ray observations over the last 30 years. We find no evidence for any period change such as that suggested by Ninkov, Walker &38; Yang. We discuss the shortcomings of previous work in establishing the period and orbital elements.  相似文献   

The galactic black hole candidate Cygnus X-1 is observed to be in one of two X-ray spectral states: either the low/hard (low soft X-ray flux and a flat power-law tail) or high/soft (high blackbody-like soft X-ray flux and a steep power-law tail) state. The physical origin of these two states is unclear. We present here a model of an ionized accretion disc, the spectrum of which is blurred by relativistic effects, and fit it to the ASCA , Ginga and EXOSAT data of Cygnus X-1 in both spectral states. We confirm that relativistic blurring provides a much better fit to the low/hard state data and, contrary to some previous results, find the data of both states to be consistent with an ionized thin accretion disc with a reflected fraction of unity extending to the innermost stable circular orbit around the black hole. Our model is an alternative to those that, in the low/hard state, require the accretion disc to be truncated at a few tens of Schwarzschild radii, within which there is a Thomson-thin, hot accretion flow. We suggest a mechanism that may cause the changes in spectral state.  相似文献   

We present phase resolved optical spectroscopy and Doppler tomography of V1341 Cygni, the optical counterpart to the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) Cygnus X-2 (Cyg X-2). We derive a radial velocity (RV) curve for the secondary star, finding a projected RV semi-amplitude of   K 2= 79 ± 3 km s−1  , leading to a mass function of  0.51 ± 0.06 M, ∼30  per cent lower than the previous estimate. We tentatively attribute the lower value of K 2 (compared to that obtained by other authors) to variations in the X-ray irradiation of the secondary star at different epochs of observations. The limited phase coverage and/or longer timebase of previous observations may also contribute to the difference in K 2. Our value for the mass function implies a primary mass of  1.5 ± 0.3 M  , somewhat lower than previous dynamical estimates, but consistent with the value found by analysis of type-I X-ray bursts from this system. Our Doppler tomography of the broad He  ii λ4686 line reveals that most of the emission from this line is produced on the irradiated face of the donor star, with little emission from the accretion disc. In contrast, the Doppler tomogram of the N  iii λ4640.64 Bowen blend line shows bright emission from near the gas stream/accretion disc impact region, with fainter emission from the gas stream and secondary star. This is the first LMXB for which the Bowen blend is dominated by emission from the gas stream/accretion disc impact region, without comparable emission from the secondary star. This has implications for the interpretation of Bowen blend Doppler tomograms of other LMXBs for which the ephemeris may not be accurately known.  相似文献   

The spectra of disc accreting neutron stars generally show complex curvature, and individual components from the disc, boundary layer and neutron star surface cannot be uniquely identified. Here we show that much of the confusion over the spectral form derives from inadequate approximations for Comptonization and for the iron line. There is an intrinsic low-energy cut-off in Comptonized spectra at the seed photon energy. It is very important to model this correctly in neutron star systems as these have expected seed photon temperatures (from either the neutron star surface, inner disc or self-absorbed cyclotron) of ≈1 keV, clearly within the observed X-ray energy band. There is also reflected continuum emission which must accompany the observed iron line, which distorts the higher energy spectrum. We illustrate these points by a reanalysis of the Ginga spectra of Cyg X-2 at all points along its Z track, and show that the spectrum can be well fitted by models in which the low-energy spectrum is dominated by the disc, while the higher energy spectrum is dominated by Comptonized emission from the boundary layer, together with its reflected spectrum from a relativistically smeared, ionized disc.  相似文献   

Using data obtained with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer , we report the detection of a 5-Hz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the bright low-mass X-ray binary and Z source Cygnus X-2 during high overall intensities (the high-intensity state). This QPO was detected on the so-called normal-branch and can be identified with the normal-branch QPO or NBO. Our detection of the NBO is the first one during times when Cygnus X-2 was in the high-intensity state. The rms amplitude of this QPO decreased from 2.8 per cent between 2 and 3.1 keV to <1.9 per cent between 5.0 and 6.5 keV. Above 6.5 keV, its amplitude rapidly increased to ∼12 per cent rms above 16 keV. The time lags of the QPO were consistent with being zero below 5 keV (compared with the 2–3.1 keV band), but they rapidly increased to ∼70 ms (140°) around 10 keV, above which the time lags remained approximately constant near 70 ms. The photon energy dependences of the rms amplitude and the time lags are very similar to those observed for the NBO with other satellites ( Ginga , EXOSAT ) at different (i.e. lower) intensity states.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous X-ray ( RXTE ) and optical (ULTRACAM) narrow-band (Bowen blend/He  ii and nearby continuum) observations of Sco X-1 at 2–10 Hz time resolution. We find that the Bowen/He  ii emission lags the X-ray light curves with a light traveltime of     s which is consistent with reprocessing in the companion star. The echo from the donor is detected at orbital phase ∼0.5 when Sco X-1 is at the top of the flaring branch (FB). Evidence of echoes is also seen at the bottom of the FB but with time-lags of 5–10 s which are consistent with reprocessing in an accretion disc with a radial temperature profile. We discuss the implication of our results for the orbital parameters of Sco X-1.  相似文献   

We have analysed the X-ray spectra of the highly variable X-ray source Cygnus X-3 over a wide energy range from 5 keV to 150 keV using data selected from the RXTE archives. Separate analysis of the low and hard states show the presence of a hard powerlaw tail in both the states. Here we present the result of the wide band spectral study of the source.  相似文献   

We present a detailed classification of the X-ray states of Cyg X-3 based on the spectral shape and a new classification of the radio states based on the long-term correlated behaviour of the radio and soft X-ray light curves. We find a sequence of correlations, starting with a positive correlation between the radio and soft X-ray fluxes in the hard spectral state, changing to a negative one at the transition to soft spectral states. The temporal evolution can be in either direction on that sequence, unless the source goes into a very weak radio state, from which it can return only following a major radio flare. The flare decline is via relatively bright radio states, which results in a hysteresis loop on the flux–flux diagram. We also study the hard X-ray light curve, and find its overall anticorrelation with the soft X-rays. During major radio flares, the radio flux responds exponentially to the level of a hard X-ray high-energy tail. We also specify the detailed correspondence between the radio states and the X-ray spectral states. We compare our results to those of black hole and neutron star binaries. Except for the effect of strong absorption and the energy of the high-energy break in the hard state, the X-ray spectral states of Cyg X-3 closely correspond to the canonical X-ray states of black hole binaries. Also, the radio/X-ray correlation closely corresponds to that found in black hole binaries, but it significantly differs from that in neutron star binaries. Overall, our results strongly support the presence of a black hole in Cyg X-3.  相似文献   

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