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中国东北及邻区大陆边缘构造   总被引:82,自引:1,他引:82       下载免费PDF全文
唐克东  王莹 《地质学报》1995,69(1):16-30
中国东北及邻区大陆边缘包括两个构造带。内带由裂解的古陆碎块组成,其北部与古亚洲洋的演化有关,南部与古太平洋演化有关。外带由中生代地体组成。它们是晚古生代到早中生代的洋壳碎块与晚中生代的深海沟堆积组成的混杂体带。古亚洲洋封闭后到现代太平洋板块活动前,即由泥盆纪到侏罗纪曾存在过另一个大洋-古太平洋,其洋底扩张活动形成了上述的构造带。晚侏罗世后本区发育左旋平移断裂系,晚白垩世一早第三纪形成了大陆缘火山-  相似文献   

渤海海底地震仪探测试验及初步成果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用大容量气枪枪阵震源和海底地震仪在渤海首次开展人工地震深部地球物理探测试验。本次试验布设一条NWW-SEE向垂直构造走向的勘测线,共投放海底地震仪51台,回收成功50台。试验结果和数据分析表明,所使用的枪阵有足够的能量输出,海底地震仪记录震相丰富,可识别到Ps,Pg,PmP,Pn等多种震相。初至波层析成像结果表明,9 km以上地层速度结构存在明显的横向不均匀性,渤中地区新生代沉积基底埋深5~6 km,结晶基底埋深约9 km,郯庐断裂带内存在"U"型下凹的相对低速体并有向下切割的趋势。此次试验是我国在渤海深部探测中的成功示范,有效填补了渤海海域深地震测深数据的空白,为渤海深部地壳结构研究及含油气盆地形成演化研究提供了重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

从航空重力看郯庐断裂系(渤海)及其围区构造几何学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文以我国首次试验的渤海西、南部海陆结合带航空重力测量资料为依据,探讨了郯庐断裂在渤海西、南部海域的空间展布及其围区的构造几何学特征.研究表明,(1)渤海南部和西部两个明显的NNE向重力异常梯级带属于区域不同重力场的分界线,分别是郯庐断裂带东支断裂(主干断裂)和西支断裂的反映;(2)郯庐主断裂东侧主要发育NE-NNE向重力异常梯级带,西侧呈现NW向、NE-NNE向、近EW向重力异常梯级带相互交错的面貌,反映了东、西两侧不同的断裂构造格局;(3)重力异常小区与异常梯级带的不同组合,反映了拉张、压缩、扭动三类构造样式;(4)不同的重力异常区、亚区、小区,反映了不同的沉积构造特征,分别对应不同的构造单元.  相似文献   

华北及其邻区块体转动模式和动力来源   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
徐锡伟  程国良 《地球科学》1994,19(2):129-138
块体的转动是地壳中重要的构造运动形式。根据地质、地球物理和地震活动性等资料,可将华北及其邻区划分为3个亚板块,华北亚板块可进一步细分为多个级块体,这些不同级别的块体或多或少都显示出一定的刚体特性。根据地质构造、地震和古地磁测量等资料,详细地论细地论述了不同级块体的转动问题,即华北及其邻区的黑龙江、华北和华南等3个近东西向亚板块自老第三纪以来相对于新疆地区顺时针转动了1.6°~3.5°;华北亚板块内  相似文献   

长白山及邻区地壳、上地幔顶部三维速度结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据沿长白山布设的宽频带流动地震台站及吉林省地震台网所记录的近震P波走时数据,利用层析成像方法对长白山及邻区(39°N-45°N、122°E-130°E)深至40 km的地壳和上地幔顶部三维速度结构进行了研究。结果表明:地震的发生和分布多集中于断裂等复杂地质构造。利用较高分辨率的地壳、上地幔顶部三维速度结构证实了长白山火山区岩浆囊存在,并推测岩浆囊的位置位于火山口的西南方向,深度为10~40 km。壳内岩浆囊分布对进一步解释、认识火山灾害提供了重要的深部信息。  相似文献   

南海具有复杂的地质构造背景,扩张结束以后,新构造运动活跃,但各区域新构造运动发生的时间及运动特征有较大差异。本文综合分析了南海各区域构造演化事件、现今构造格局及新构造运动的基本特征,认为南海新构造运动的起始时间为中中新世(约15 Ma)较合理。在此基础上,收集和整理了南海及邻区最新的地质和地球物理资料,对南海海域新构造期地层差异升降、活动断裂、天然地震以及岩浆活动等新构造表现形式进行了综合分析,系统总结了南海新构造运动特征,并根据活动断裂、天然地震以及岩浆活动等特征和分布规律分析,认为南海海域新构造的表现形式之间存在较大的耦合性。本文根据新构造运动表现形式在空间分布的不平衡性,将南海及邻区划分为1个强构造活动区、3个中等强度构造活动区以及1个弱构造活动区,并结合研究区应力场特征分析,认为南海新构造运动主要受控于东部菲律宾海板块和太平洋板块对东亚大陆边缘的持续俯冲碰撞作用。  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘地壳结构特征及其构造过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阎全人  王宗起 《地质论评》2000,46(4):417-423
根据“北部湾大陆缘地壳结构PS转换波测深”等地球物理测量结果,本文研究了南海北部陆缘的地壳结构特征,讨论了其白垩纪以来的构造过程。地球物理测量表明,由陆向海,南海北部陆缘地壳由陆壳、过渡壳变为洋壳,厚度由34km减薄至8km左右。垂向上地壳为3层结构模式。陆壳、过渡壳和洋壳的下地壳P波速度普遍较高。地壳伸展系数的计算表明南海北部陆缘伸展主要发育于陆坡地区。结合区域地质研究,本文认为:南海北部陆缘及  相似文献   

Abstract: By analyzing the deep seismic sounding profiles across the Longmen Shan, this paper focuses on the study of the relationship between the upper crust structure of the Longmen Shan area and the Wenchuan earthquake. The Longmen Shan thrust belt marks not only the topographical change, but also the lateral velocity variation between the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin. A low-velocity layer has consistently been found in the crust beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and ends beneath the western Sichuan Basin. The low-velocity layer at a depth of ~20 km beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau has been considered as the deep condition for favoring energy accumulation that formed the great Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

By analyzing the deep seismic sounding profiles across the Longmen Shan,this paper focuses on the study of the relationship between the upper crust structure of the Longmen Shan area and the Wenchuan earthquake.The Longmen Shan thrust belt marks not only the topographical change,but also the lateral velocity variation between the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin.A lowvelocity layer has consistently been found in the crust beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and ends beneath the ...  相似文献   

This paper presents the 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan range and adjacent areas,with constraints from seismic and density data.The density structure of crust shows that the immense boundary plane of density distribution in relation to the Longmeshan fault belt is extended downward to~80 km deep.This density boundary plane dips towards the northwest and crosses the Moho.With the proximity to the Longmenshan fault belt,it has a larger magnitude of undulation in the upper and middle crust ...  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper presents the 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan range and adjacent areas, with constraints from seismic and density data. The density structure of crust shows that the immense boundary plane of density distribution in relation to the Longmeshan fault belt is extended downward to ~80 km deep. This density boundary plane dips towards the northwest and crosses the Moho. With the proximity to the Longmenshan fault belt, it has a larger magnitude of undulation in the upper and middle crust levels. Density changes abruptly across Longmeshan fault belt. Seismic data show that most of the earthquakes in the Longmenshan area after the 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake occurred within the upper to middle crust. These earthquakes are clearly distributed in the uplifted region of the basement. A few of them occurs in the transitional zone between the uplifted and subsided areas. But most of the earthquakes distributes in transitional zone from subsided to uplifted areas in the upper and middle crust where relatively large density changes occurr The 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan and adjacent areas can thus help us to understand the pattern of overthrusting from the standpoint of deep crust and where the earthquakes occurred.  相似文献   

三叠纪华南俯冲陆壳已经延伸到华北克拉通东南缘的蚌埠地区,而该地区的俯冲陆壳是否经历超高压变质仍存在诸多争议。对华北克拉通东南缘蚌埠地区的侏罗纪花岗岩——荆山岩体中的暗色残留体、主体花岗岩以及细晶岩脉中的白云母进行岩相学观察、电子探针和拉曼光谱分析,结果表明荆山残留体和主体花岗岩中白云母颗粒较大且相对于一般花岗岩中原生的、次生的白云母具有较高的Si、Fe+Mg原子数和较低的Al原子数。拉曼光谱分析结果显示残留体和主体花岗岩中大颗粒白云母也具有相似的铝原子桥氧键(Al,O(br))的拉曼位移(421 cm-1),低于经历超高压的黄镇榴辉岩中多硅白云母的原子数和铝原子桥氧键的拉曼位移,而高于本研究中未经历超高压变质作用的奥地利Spail片岩中的白云母。残留体和花岗岩中大颗粒白云母的主量元素和拉曼位移特征指示其为变质成因的多硅白云母。因此,可以利用多硅白云母地质压力计来指示花岗岩形成的压力,并且确定荆山花岗岩发生部分熔融的压力为1.0~1.3 GPa。荆山花岗岩的源岩为华南深俯冲的陆壳碎片,华南板块俯冲到华北克拉通东南缘的深度为33~45 km,相当于华北克拉通中下地壳深...  相似文献   

潮汕坳陷中生代沉积的折射波2D速度结构和密度   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2006年秋,国家海洋局第二海洋研究所在东沙隆起和潮汕(潮南)坳陷完成了OBS2006-3剖面。在整条剖面速度模型的基础上,采用2D层析成像方法,对潮汕(潮南)坳陷区7个站位的中生界折射震相进行了精细的反演成像。结果表明,坳陷内可分3个沉积层,前两层是新生代沉积,速度分别为2.2 km/s和3.6 km/s,厚度较小,不超过2 km。中生代沉积地层的速度从顶部的4.4 km/s向下逐渐增加到底部的5.4 km/s,厚度较大,最厚处为8 km左右。坳陷内速度是比较均匀地随深度增加的,成水平层状分布。重力反演表明,潮汕坳陷中生代沉积的平均密度为2.45 g/cm3,地壳密度为2.86 g/cm3,下地壳高速层密度为3.05 g/cm3,莫霍面下面的上地幔密度为3.32 g/cm3。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new tectonic pattern of the deep-seated structures in China and its adjacent areas (including the T - A - B system of the Ryukyu Islands). This is based on studies of the gravity field and gravity inversion coupled with the summation of the most recent achievements in geophysical studies. From a plate-tectonic point of view, the metallogenic characteristics and their indications at depth, as well as relevant geophysical-geological characteristics of four tectonic environments of the Chinese continent are analysed, and a classification of composite metallogenic provinces and belts and prediction of metallogenic prospects are made. The author extends the Kunlun-Qilian-Qinling tectonic belt to the T-A-B system of the Ryukyu Islands through the NW deep boundary of the Hangzhou Bay, and also proposes the following basic views' the migration and superposition of tectonic environments led to the formation of a composite metallogenic system; the change in the tectonic environment resulted  相似文献   

华南地质构造的再认识   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
近年来地质构造理论及测试技术的迅猛发展,为华南地质构造的研究积累了不少新资料和同位素年龄测试新数据,为检验以往对华南地质构造的认识提供了更多的科学依据,也为推动华南地质构造研究的进一步发展奠定了良好的基础。根据以往的工作成果,提供了闽北及云开大山的有关资料,对华南地质构造格局进行了再认识。认为华夏古陆应该肯定,但范围还需探讨,华南大地构造基本格局为两陆夹一盆。晋宁运动时,扬子地块与华夏地块对接;加里东运动使两陆块间洋盆褶皱逥返,形成统一陆块;海西-印支期,华南地质构造发展进入新的阶段。  相似文献   

Based on geological, chronological, geochemical and Nd isotopic studies of the high-grade basement of the Qilian terrane, the authors have drawn the following main conclusions: (1) the high-grade basement of the Qilian terrane consists mainly of meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks and granites and its bulk part was formed in the period of 0.8-1.0 Ga (the Jinningian period); (2) most of the meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks and granitic rocks have strong negative Eu and Ba anomalies (Eu/Eu*= 0.47-0.71 and Ba/Ba*=0.16-0.64), with fDM and εNd(1.0 Ga) ranging from 1.87 to 2.26 Ga and from -8.54 to -4.06 respectively, showing relatively high maturity; and (3) the Jinningian granitic rocks are a typical product of continent-continent collision, being probably related to the formation of the supercontinent Rodinia. These studies, combined with the study of high-grade basement rocks near the Qilian terrane, suggest that before the Jinningian period, the Qilian-Qaidam northern-margin terrane and Dunhuang-Alxa terrane wer  相似文献   

Two NE-SW trending wide-angle seismic profiles were surveyed across the Chinese side Two NE-SW trending wide-angle seismic profiles were surveyed across the Chinese side of the Yinggehai (莺歌海) basin (YGHB) with ocean bottom hydrophones (OBHs) and piggyback recorded by onshore stations located on the Hainan (海南)Island.Detailed velocity-depth models were obtained through traveltime modeling and partially constrained by amplitude calculations.More than 15 km Tertiary sedimentary infill within the YGHB can be divided in to three layers with distinct velocity-depth distribution.Overall,the upper layer has a high velocity gradient with 3.8-4.1 km/s at its bottom,consistent with progressive compaction and diagenesls.Its thickness increases gradually towards the basin center,reaching 4.5 km along the southern profile.The middle layer is characterized in its most part as a pronounced low velocity zone (LVZ) with average velocity as low as 3.0 km/s.Its thickness increases from 3.0 to over 4.5 km from NW towards SE.The primary causes of the velocity inversion are high accumulation rate and subsequent under-compaction of sediments.The velocity at the top of the lower layer is estimated at about 4.5 km/s.Despite strong energy source used (4 x 12L airgun array),no reflections can be observed from deeper levels within the basin.Towards NE the basin is bounded sharply by a clear and deep basement fault (Fault No.1),which seems to cut through the entire crust.A typical continental crust with low-velocity middle crust is found beneath the coast of the western Hainan Island.Its thickness is determined to be 28 km and shows no sign of crustal thinning towards the basin.The sharp change in crustal structure across Fault No.1 indicates that the fault is a strike-slip fault.The crustal structure obtained in this study clearly favors the hypothesis that the YGHB is a narrow pull-apart basin formed by strike-slip faulting of the Red River fault zone.  相似文献   

黔中隆起及邻区分带性变形特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
QZ2006-40地震测线的构造变形样式及其平衡剖面缩短量分析表明,黔中隆起及邻区具有明显的分带性变形特征自NW至SE依次可以划分为黔西北构造带、黔中构造带、麻江-凯里构造带、雪峰构造带,黔西北构造带的构造变形整体上以隔挡式褶皱及其组合为主,黔中构造带的构造变形样式以平缓的褶皱及其组合为主,麻江-凯里构造带以隔槽式褶皱及其组合为主,雪峰构造带以梵净山群、板溪群和南华系褶皱岩系变形为主.平衡剖面分析结果表明研究区经历了多期复杂的构造活动,不同构造带的缩短率揭示不同时期构造活动在不同带所表现的强度不同.总的来说,寒武纪以来麻江-凯里构造带构造活动最强烈,其次为黔中构造带,黔西北构造带构造活动最弱.整体体现出明显的分带性变形特征.  相似文献   

3D structure of the crust and upper mantle in the studied area has been analyzed from surface wave tomography. The velocity distribution in the uppermost crust is symmetrical on two sides of the central line of the sea, and coincides with the structure of crystalline basement. The essential difference in tectonics between the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea mainly lies in that the velocity structures of their lower crust and upper mantle are identical to those of South China and North China respectively. In the upper mantle there exists a high-velocity zone with a nearly EW strike from the Hangzhou Bay, China, to the Tokara Channel, Japan, along about the latitude of 30°N. It is found that between the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea there are systematical differences in geomorphology, geology, seismicity, heat flow, quality factor and gravity and aeromagnetic anomalies, which is related to both left-lateral shear dislocation and right-lateral tear of the Benioff zone from the Hangzhou Bay to the Tokara Channel.It is inferred that the East China Sea was formed by Cenozoic back-arc extension. The boundary between the North China and South China crustal blocks stretches along the southern piedmont of Mts. Daba-Dabie-Hangzhou Bay-Tokara Channel, and the subduction zone at the Okinawa trench is the eastern boundary of the South China crustal block. The movements of the Pacific plate, Indian plate and upper mantle rather than the Philippine plate subduction have played a dominant role for the modern tectonic movements in East Asia.  相似文献   

中深层优质储层的发育通常制约着油气的富集程度。渤海海域秦皇岛29-2东构造钻遇物性极好的陆源碎屑和碳酸盐鲕粒、生物碎屑混积储层,对其控制因素开展研究对类似地区具有启示意义。通过岩芯观察、薄片、扫描电镜、电子探针、物性、全岩、同位素及流体包裹体等分析,系统阐述了秦皇岛29-2东混积岩的岩石学和储集空间等特征,研究结果显示:研究区沙一二段混合沉积储集层包括含陆源碎屑—碳酸盐混积岩、陆源碎屑质碳酸盐混积岩和碳酸盐质—陆源碎屑岩3类,储层类型为高孔、低—特低渗型;孔隙主要为粒间孔、生物体腔孔和次生溶蚀孔隙。并讨论了混积岩优质储层的形成机制,认为咸化湖盆滨浅湖强湖浪作用下形成的富螺混积滩相、埋藏成岩早期白云石化和成岩中后期溶蚀作用是控制该优质储层形成的重要因素。  相似文献   

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