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1988年5月在青岛沿海潮间带采集了海水、沉积物、海 藻和一些常见的底栖动物样品,用原子吸收分光光度法测定Cu含量。结果表明:海水中Cu含 量低于一类海水标准,说明该海域海水Cu污染不明显;与国内外一些海域比较,沉积物Cu含 量较低;海藻中海头红、鸭毛藻和异管藻Cu含量较高,Cu含量较低的是石花菜、裙带菜和海 膜;底栖动物Cu含量排序为:贻贝>褶牡蛎>短滨螺。底栖动物对Cu的富集能力远大于海藻, 两者富集系数相差近10倍。  相似文献   

The seismic analysis of the sedimentary infill of the Ría de Vigo reveals that the infill comprises of a fifth order sequence (18 ky) bounded by a major discontinuity surface. Within the Holocene sequence, several seismic units have been identified; the oldest one originated after the Würm glaciation and the origin of its top discontinuity was eroded during the regression (sea level at − 120 m) of this last glacial episode (isotopic stages 2 to 4), 18 ky B.P.

In some places below this ría infill, another sequence can be identified. This older sequence is associated with the pre-existing faults and troughs in the deepest parts of the ría, and it was deposited during the Würm glaciation (Miocene–Pleistocene). Eroded sediments were moved from the rías area to deeper zones, where they accumulated in the lowstand system tract. The next sea level rise occured in two steps, producing two transgressive units separated by an hiatus surface. This cycle was interrupted by the next sea level fall (to − 55 m) marked on the seismic records by another recognizable boundary. The next sea level rise took place in several steps (back-stepping) with some stillstands, generating another transgressive system tract in the ría. From that time on, the relative sea level continued rising, depositing the most recent unit which represents the highstand system tract. Separating the highstand system tract and the transgresive unit below there is a consensed section.

The analysis of 29 cores provides groundtruthing for our hypothesis. The identified main lithologic units show a transgressive sequence: a granitic rock base, an overlying second unit-locally wedge shaped- and most recently, a marine muddy unit covering the present ría seafloor.  相似文献   

Hurricanes David (August 29–30, 1979) and Frederick (September 2–5, 1979) caused major flooding of the Rio de La Plata in northern Puerto Rico. A thin mud layer was deposited across the narrow insular shelf adjacent to the river mouth. Within 5 months, fair-weather shelf-winnowing processes moved the mud layer entirely from the shelf, 0.5 to 2 km to the shelf break at the 50-m contour and beyond. The process of mud movement is termed “mud hopping.”  相似文献   

Lagoa de Araruama in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a hypersaline coastal lagoon as a result of semi-arid climate conditions, a small drainage basin and a choked entrance channel. The lagoon has been continuously hypersaline for at least 4·5 centuries, but the mean salinity has varied substantially. It has recently decreased from 57 to 52 as indicated by density (salinity) measurements between 1965 and 1990.Analysis of more than 20 years of salinity time series data, in addition to monthly lagoon cruises to measure the spatial salinity distribution, indicate that the lagoon salinity largely fluctuates in response to the difference between evaporation and precipitation. The major factor explaining the long-term trend of decreasing salinity in the lagoon is the constant pumping of 1 m3s−1of freshwater to the communities surrounding the lagoon from an adjacent watershed, and subsequent discharge of this water into Lagoa de Araruama. The net salt budget is primarily a balance between the advective import of salt from the coastal ocean and eddy diffusive export of salt to the ocean, although the extensive mining of salt from the lagoon during past decades is also a small but significant contribution to the salt budget. The flushing half-life is proposed as a useful time scale of water exchange, is calculated based on a combination of hydrological and tidal processes, and is excellent for comparison of lagoons and assessing water quality changes. The flushing half-life measures 83·5 days for Lagoa de Araruama, considerably longer than for most other coastal lagoons. The proposed dredging of a second ocean channel to Lagoa de Araruama is probably not a good idea. It is likely to accelerate the decrease of lagoon salinity and somewhat improve the lagoon water exchange. At the same time, this will eliminate the apparent buffering capacity provided by the hypersaline environment, and thus may potentially cause water quality problems.  相似文献   

对采自Faulty Towers(47°57.447'N,129°6.568'W)硫化物烟囱群一个不再活动的烟囱体硫化物开展了详细的矿物学和地球化学研究。样品从外壁往内壁方向可划分为4个矿物组合带,分别为重晶石-无定形硅-铁氧羟化物带;白铁矿-黄铁矿-无定形硅-重晶石带;白铁矿-黄铁矿-闪锌矿-纤锌矿带;纤锌矿-黄铜矿-白铁矿带。从底部到顶部,样品通道形态主要有3种:不规则、不连续的多通道;椭圆形单通道;封闭的通道。矿物学研究证实,烟囱体以低温矿物组合白铁矿、纤锌矿为主,高温矿物黄铜矿少见,仅局限分布在流体通道附近。210Pb定年结果表明,烟囱壁形成经历较短时间(约3 a),而通道的闭合则经历了相对长的过程(约17 a)。结合矿物学研究,最终恢复了整个尖塔结构的生长历史。  相似文献   

对采自Faulty Towers(47°57.447'N,129°6.568'W)硫化物烟囱群一个不再活动的烟囱体硫化物开展了详细的矿物学和地球化学研究。样品从外壁往内壁方向可划分为4个矿物组合带,分别为重晶石-无定形硅-铁氧羟化物带;白铁矿-黄铁矿-无定形硅-重晶石带;白铁矿-黄铁矿-闪锌矿-纤锌矿带;纤锌矿-黄铜矿-白铁矿带。从底部到顶部,样品通道形态主要有3种:不规则、不连续的多通道;椭圆形单通道;封闭的通道。矿物学研究证实,烟囱体以低温矿物组合白铁矿、纤锌矿为主,高温矿物黄铜矿少见,仅局限分布在流体通道附近。210Pb定年结果表明,烟囱壁形成经历较短时间(约3 a),而通道的闭合则经历了相对长的过程(约17 a)。结合矿物学研究,最终恢复了整个尖塔结构的生长历史。  相似文献   

Along the coast at Praia de Leste, southern Brazil (25° 41’ S latitude), a positive sedimentary budget and a lowering of the sea level following the postglacial maximum has given rise to a progradational strandplain barrier that is 3–5 km wide. Sand quarries that lie 3.5 km from the present-day coastline have provided material from exceptional outcrops of 75% of the sequence of Holocene barrier facies. Five facies associations have been identified, which correspond to the inner shelf, the lower, middle and upper shorefaces, and the foreshore. The architecture of the facies shows a regressive sequence that overlies an erosional surface and downlapping Pleistocene sediments. At Praia de Leste, the facies association has a thickness of 14 m and is deposited between 2 m above and 12 m below mean paleo sea level. The barrier corresponds to a coastal environment that is characterised by medium to low wave energy under the additional influence of episodic storm events. The sequence at the Praia de Leste barrier differs from the sequence of clastic shoreline facies found elsewhere in two main ways. The first difference is the high content of fine sediment and plant debris, released at around the same time as the formation of the barrier from large estuarine systems, and the second is the predominance on the middle and lower shorefaces of swaley cross-stratified sand facies with abundant plant debris. We also describe two further characteristics of the barrier at Praia de Leste. First, the swaley cross-stratified sand represents a component of onshore transport that resulted in the accumulation of sediment transported from the shelf. Second, the beach step has been well preserved, thereby allowing the continuous tracing of seaward-dipping, low-angle cross-stratification to a sigmoidal cross-stratified beach-step sandy facies. Finally, we have herein been able to improve the precision of the sequence of formation of the depth of the facies, by making reference to paleo sea level during the formation of the barrier, rather than to present-day mean sea level.  相似文献   

Organotin compounds are used in a variety of industrial processes therefore their subsequent discharge into the environment is widespread.Bacteria play an important role in biogeochemical transformations acting as natural decontamination agents. Therefore, screening for tributyltin (TBT)-resistant and -degrading bacteria is relevant for the selection of isolates with decontamination ability of these polluted areas. With this purpose, 50 strains were isolated from sediment and water from Ria de Aveiro and their tolerance to TBT, up to 3 mM, was evaluated. Generally, occurrence of highly TBT-resistant bacteria was observed, and Gram negative bacteria exhibited more tolerance to TBT than Gram positive bacteria. A memory response was observed when bacteria were progressively exposed to increasingly higher TBT concentrations. One isolate, Aeromonas veronii Av27, highly resistant to TBT (3 mM) uses this compound as carbon source and degrades it to less toxic compounds.  相似文献   

Organotin compounds are used in a variety of industrial processes therefore their subsequent discharge into the environment is widespread. Bacteria play an important role in biogeochemical transformations acting as natural decontamination agents. Therefore, screening for tributyltin (TBT)-resistant and -degrading bacteria is relevant for the selection of isolates with decontamination ability of these polluted areas. With this purpose, 50 strains were isolated from sediment and water from Ria de Aveiro and their tolerance to TBT, up to 3mM, was evaluated. Generally, occurrence of highly TBT-resistant bacteria was observed, and Gram negative bacteria exhibited more tolerance to TBT than Gram positive bacteria. A memory response was observed when bacteria were progressively exposed to increasingly higher TBT concentrations. One isolate, Aeromonas veronii Av27, highly resistant to TBT (3mM) uses this compound as carbon source and degrades it to less toxic compounds.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(2-4):243-256
The colombian government has been implementing, during the last five years, a project for the rehabilitation of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, a coastal estuarine lagoon in the Caribbean coast of Colombia where anthropogenic activities resulted in massive mortality of the mangrove forests, water quality degradation and concomitant diminution of biodiversity, fishing resources and life quality of human populations of the area. The project was designed in two phases: the first phase set its goal in the production of an environmental management plan (EMP) for the region and was executed by three colombian institutions, CORPAMAG, INVEMAR and CORPES C.A. with the technical cooperation of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). The second phase of the project is implementing specific projects and activities identified and designed in the EMP. These can be summarized in four main programs: (1) management of hydrological resources; (2) management of faunal and floral resources; (3) social development and (4) institutional strengthening. Presently, the hydrological regime is being restored by dredging canals that re-communicate the estuarine system to the Magdalena River. This has already resulted in partial regeneration of the mangrove vegetation in areas immediately adjacent to the canals. Reforestation plans and plans for the management of fishing resources are being currently designed and implemented in agreement between governmental institutions and local communities.  相似文献   

An integrated biological-chemical survey of organotin compounds was carried out in Guanabara Bay, the second most important Brazilian harbor complex. The biological survey revealed high levels of imposex in Stramonita haemastoma populations. Inside the bay values of relative penis length index from 42.7 to 107.6 and vas deferens sequence index from III to VI were found, while organisms collected outside the bay had values ranging from <0.1 to 35.2 and from 0 to II. None of the females sampled inside the bay were normal and imposex was found in all stations. Surface sediments in the bay are contaminated by tributyltin (10-522 ng/g d.w.) and triphenyltin (<3.9-39.4 ng/g d.w.) with greater concentrations close to shipyards and marinas. The observed predominance of parent compounds (TBT and TPT) is commonly found when recent inputs occur, but may also indicate slow degradation processes in the anoxic conditions of these sediments. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a combined imposex-sediment approach to evaluate organotin contamination in marine environments of South America, and also the first report of TPT detection in environmental matrices in this region.  相似文献   

Cold filaments associated with Eastern Boundary Currents are typically narrower than 100 km but can be several hundred kilometers long, extending from the coast to the open ocean in upwelling areas. One such structure, observed off Península de Mejillones (23°S, Chile), was studied with both satellite images and two 5-days hydrographic cruises carried out during January 1997. The study used a coastal grid of 31 stations in an area of 165 ×155 km2, approximately. The spatial distribution of the filament and its change between cruises are described from the horizontal distributions of dynamic height, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. The filament was a shallow feature (thickness <100 m) and extended at least 165 km toward the open ocean. A meandering northward current flowed at the borders of the filament, separating oceanic and coastal waters of different physical properties. Comparisons of cross sections of the filament near the coast and in the oceanic zone show the ascent of the shallow salinity minimum (SSM), and its extension toward the ocean, bound to the filament. It is concluded that Subantarctic Water ((SAAW) distinguish by low salinity, high dissolved oxygen) and Equatorial Subsurface Water ((ESSW) high salinity, low dissolved oxygen, high nutrient content) form this filament, and that their relative proportions depend on the strength of the coastal upwelling. Thus, the knowledge of the dynamics of these structures is fundamental to better understanding of the spatial distribution of important biological variables, such as nutrients and chlorophyll, in the coastal ecosystem.  相似文献   

The vestimentiferan tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae is an ecosystem-structuring organism in the hydrothermal vent environments of the Northeast Pacific. During this study, a single representative aggregation of the long-skinny morphotype of R. piscesae from the main endeavor segment was monitored for 3 yr before being collected in its entirety with a hydraulically actuated collection device manipulated in situ by a research vehicle. Vestimentiferan growth rates in this aggregation were determined by staining the exterior of the tubes and measuring newly deposited tube sections. The average growth rate of R. piscesae in this aggregation was very low in both years of the growth study (3.2 mm yr−1). Although the incidence of plume damage from partial predation was very high (>95%), mortality was very low (<4% yr−1). The distribution and the very tight clustering of recently recruited individuals indicated gregarious settlement behavior that is hypothesized to be partly due to biotic cues from settled larvae. Coupled measurements of vent fluid sulfide concentration and temperature were used to calculate the exposure of the vestimentiferans to sulfide from short- and long-term temperature monitoring. Plume-level temperature records indicate that most of the time individuals in this aggregation were exposed to extremely low levels of vent fluid, and therefore sulfide (<0.1 μM), while their posterior sections were consistently exposed to sulfide concentrations in the 100 μM range. A rootball-like structure formed the common base of the aggregation. In contrast to the anterior sections of the tubeworm tubes, the portions of the tubes within the “rootball” were freely permeable to sulfide. The results of this study show that R. piscesae, unlike vestimentiferans from the East Pacific Rise, can survive and grow in areas of low diffuse vent flow with very low plume-level exposure to sulfide. We propose that this morphotype of R. piscesae has the ability to acquire sulfide from sources near their posterior ends, similar to some species of cold seep vestimentiferans from the Gulf of Mexico. The ability of this single species of vestimentiferan to survive low exposure to vent flow with low mortality coupled with sulfide uptake across posterior tube sections may help explain the occurrence of a single vent vestimentiferan species in a wide variety of habitat conditions at hydrothermal vent sites in the Northeast Pacific.  相似文献   

Reproduction is greatly affected when the crustacean isopod Idotea balthica basteri is exposed to detergents, maturation being considerably delayed. Adults suffer a significant decrease in fecundity, either through females failing to produce eggs or miscarrying, and so producing fewer juveniles. This decrease of fecundity is accompanied by hormonal changes. Many juveniles from animals exposed to detergents are malformed.  相似文献   

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