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The vertical structure of the Soya Warm Current (SWC) was observed by a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) in the region of the SWC axis near the Soya Strait during a 1-year period from May 2004. The ADCP data revealed a marked seasonal variability in the vertical structure, with positive (negative) vertical shear in summer and fall (winter and spring). The volume transport of the SWC is estimated on the basis of both the vertical structure observed by the ADCP and horizontal structure observed by the ocean radars near the strait. The transport estimates have a minimum in winter and a maximum in fall, with the yearly-averaged values in the range of 0.94–1.04 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1). These lie within a reasonable range in comparison to those through other straits in the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

Time-series data of the vertical structure of the Soya Warm Current (SWC) were obtained by a bottom-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) in the middle of the Soya Strait from September 2006 to July 2008. The site of the ADCP measurement was within the coverage of the ocean-radar measurement around the strait. The volume transport of the SWC through the strait is estimated on the basis of both the vertical structure observed by the ADCP and the horizontal structure observed by the radars for the first time. The annual transport estimates are 0.62–0.67 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3s−1). They are somewhat smaller than the difference between the previous estimates of the inflow and outflow through other straits in the Sea of Japan, and smaller than those obtained in the region downstream of the strait during 2004–05 (0.94–1.04 Sv). The difference in the two periods may be attributed to interannual variability of the SWC and/or the different measurement locations.  相似文献   

Two strings of moored current meters deployed between March 1993 and May 1994, together with monthly CTD surveys, provide the first comprehensive set of observations over the seasonal cycle in the Clyde Sea. In the summer, a strong thermal stratification maintained a partial isolation of the deep waters. In winter, the stratification was weaker, and a 1 °C temperature inversion was persistent from November to the end of March. Rapid inflow of dense water from the North Channel of the Irish Sea served to re-establish the strong stratification in the spring. The mean rate of exchange was estimated from the salinity (practical salinity scale) and mass budgets to be 1·1×104 m3 s−1, indicating an average flushing time for the Clyde Sea of 3–4 months.Episodic increases in deep water salinity indicated that bottom water renewal occurred throughout the winter. Intense renewal events were observed in March 1993 and February 1994, when the North Channel density was near its seasonal maximum, and were coincident with periods of high wind stress. In the month prior to these rapid spring inflows, the basin bottom salinity reached its seasonal minimum, indicating that the effects of mixing dominated over renewal at this time. A marked inflow in the summer was inferred from the salinity budget, and observed as a salinity increase at a depth of 90 m. A 2-layer flow was observed in the Arran Deep basin throughout the year, the surface flow forming part of a clockwise circulation about Arran, with an opposing bottom layer circulation. This surface circulation prevents freshwater from entering the Kilbrannan Sound, leaving this area relatively susceptible to deep water mixing by the wind.At a station in the north of the basin, the internal tidal current was observed to have an amplitude of 2–3 cm s−1, which is half the amplitude of the barotropic tide. The energy available to mix the water column mixing associated with the internal tide at this position is estimated to be 0·01 mWm−2, which is 2 orders of magnitude less than wind mixing. The kinetic energy density in the Clyde Sea was found to be predominantly in low frequency oscillations (<1·0 cycles per day), the seasonal variation exhibiting some correlation with the wind.  相似文献   

The Great Belt, the Øresund and the Little Belt connect the central Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. A fixed station was moored in the contraction area in the Little Belt during the period 18–28 July 1995, measuring temperature, salinity and current in two levels, while discharge was measured by the RVDana. The composite Froude number calculated at the fixed station shows that the two layer flow through this area was most often supercritical. The discharges were satisfactorily related to the currents measured at the fixed station, and time-series of transports through the Little Belt were established. When compared to the transports through the Øresund the water transport ratio (Øresund:Little Belt) was found to be 4·4, while the salt transport ratio was found to be 3·0. The resistance of the Little Belt, when considering the differences in sea level from Gedser to Hornbæk, was 1839×10−12 s2 m−5. On the basis of water level and surface salinity measurements made during the period 1931–76, a net discharge of 2300 m3 s−1and a net salt transport of 36 tonnes s−1through the Little Belt from the central Baltic Sea were found.  相似文献   

Nitrate and ammonium uptake rates were measured during a series of cruises in the well-mixed region of the southern North Sea from February to September. Water column-integrated uptake rates ranged between 0.01 and 8.7 mmol N m−2 d−1 and 0.01 and 12.2 mmol N m−2 d−1 for nitrate and ammonium, respectively, with ammonium uptake dominating after the phytoplankton spring bloom in May. A moored buoy continuously measuring nitrate and chlorophyll a and seabed current meters were also deployed in the central southern North Sea in the region of the East Anglian plume—a permanent physical feature which transports nutrients towards continental Europe. This enabled the flux of water and hence of nutrients across the southern North Sea to be determined and an assessment of the contribution of freshwater nutrients to the flux to be made. A simple box model is developed to relate the phytoplankton uptake of nitrate and ammonium to the transport of nitrate, ammonium and particulate organic matter (POM) across the southern North Sea. This showed the importance of the plume region of the North Sea in the processing of nitrogen, with nitrate dominating total nitrogen transport prior to the spring bloom (10 340×103 kg N inflow to the plume in March) and transport of nitrogen as ammonium, nitrate and POM in approximately equivalent amounts during summer (2560, 2960 and 2151×103 kg N inflow to the plume, respectively, in July). The box model also demonstrates more generally the need to assess nitrogen transport as nitrate, ammonium and POM if an improved understanding of the impact of nutrient input in shelf seas is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Simulations of the time and depth-dependent salinity and current fields of the Columbia River Estuary have been performed using a multi-channel, laterally averaged estuary model. The study simulated two periods. The first, in October 1980, with low riverflow of about 4,000m3s−1, which showed marked changes in the salinity intrusion processes between neap and spring tides; and second, in spring 1981, with high riverflow varying between 7,000 and 15,000m3s−1, which showed the rapid response of the salinity intrusion to changes in riverflow and that vertical mixing did not change character with increasing tidal energy because of the maintenance of stratification by freshwater flow. An extreme low flow simulation (riverflow of 2,000m3s−1) showed a more partially mixed character of the estuary channels with tidal dispersion of salt across the Taylor Sands from the North Channel to the upper reaches of the Navigation Channel. Asymmetries in the non-linear tidal mean flows, in the flood and ebb circulations, and salinity intrusion characteristics between the two major channels were observed at all riverflows. The model confirms Jay and Smith's (1990) analysis of the circulation processes in that tidal advection of salt by the vertically sheared tidal currents is the dominant mechanism by which the salinity intrusion is maintained against large freshwater flows. An accurate finite-difference method, which minimized numerical dispersion, was used for the advection terms and was an important component in reasonably simulating the October neap-spring differences in the salinity intrusion. The simulations compare favorably with elevation, current and salinity time series observations taken during October 1980 and spring 1981.  相似文献   

Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration and properties (particle size and settling velocity), water column and boundary layer dynamics were measured during a 60-d period at a site in 110 m water depth in the northern North Sea. The site was in stratified waters and measurements were made during September–November as the seasonal thermocline was progressively weakening. SPM concentration was low, c. 1 mg dm−3 in the surface mixed layer and maximum values of 2 mg dm−3 in the bottom mixed layer. The bottom layer was characterised by larger mean particle size. SPM signals in the two layers were decoupled at the start of the period, when the thermocline was strong, but were increasingly coupled as the thermocline progressively weakened. A spring-neap cycle of resuspension and deposition of SPM was observed in the bottom mixed layer. Bed shear stresses were too small to entrain the bottom sediment (a fine sand) but were competent to resuspend benthic fluff: threshold bed shear stress and threshold current velocity at 10 mab were 0.02–0.03 Pa. and 0.18 m s−1, respectively. Maximum SPM concentration in the bottom layer preceded peak spring tide currents by 3 d. Simulation of fluff resupension by the PROWQM model confirms that this was due to a finite supply of benthic fluff: the fluff layer was stripped from the seabed so that fluff supply was zero by the time of peak spring flow. SPM was redeposited over neap tides. Fluff resuspension must have been enhanced by intermittent inertial currents in the bottom layer but unequivocal evidence for this was not seen. There was some resuspension due to wave activity. Settling velocity spectra were unimodal or bimodal with modal values of 2×10−4–2×10−3 mm s−1 (long-term suspension component) and 0.2–5.7 mm s−1 (resuspension component). The slowest settling particles remained in suspension at peak spring tides after the fluff layer had been exhausted. There was evidence of particle disaggregation during springs and aggregation during neaps.  相似文献   

In March and September 1995, bacterial production was measured by the 3H-leucine method in the oligotrophic Cretan Sea (Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean) in the framework of the CINCS/MTP program. Samples were obtained from four stations (a coastal, a continental shelf and 2 open-sea stations) for the construction of vertical profiles of bacterial abundance and production. Bacterial production ranged from 0.1 μg C m−3 h−1 at 1500 m depth, to 82 μg C m−3 h−1 in March at 50 m at the coastal station. Higher bacterial integrated production was observed in March at the coastal station (131 mg C m−2 d−1 for the 0–100 m layer). Bacterial production, integrated through the water-column, was similar in March and September for the open-sea stations (60–70 mg C m−2 d−1). Relative to production, bacterial concentrations varied little between stations and seasons ranging from 9×105 ml−1 to 3×105 ml−1. Relationships between bacterial biomass and bacterial production indicated seasonal differences, likely reflecting resource limitation of bacterial biomass in March (bloom situation), and predator limitation of bacterial biomass in September (post-bloom situation).  相似文献   

For the first time, a 12-month trap experiment was conducted on both sides of the strait between Crete and Antikythira Island (Eastern Mediterranean Sea) from June 1994 to June 1995 as part of the PELAGOS experiment. Analyses of major chemical constituents, including carbohydrates and stable lead isotopes and Scanning Electron Microscope studies were performed on the trap samples. Total mass fluxes varied between 1 and 1273 mg m−2 d−1. The lowest fluxes observed were in summer and autumn 1994, when stratification of the water column was at its deepest. In general, mass fluxes exhibited very low values throughout this experiment confirming the strong oligotrophy of this area. The mean contents of the major constituents (carbonates, opal, lithogenic fraction) were quite similar during the survey and between traps, with the exception of organic carbon contents, which were highest (7–10%) in summer 1994, i.e. during the period of lowest mass fluxes. During the first 6-month deployment (summer–autumn 1994) there was an important mass flux peak, which was depleted in organic carbon, at the Ionian near-bottom trap. This event coincided with a violent wind episode, which may have caused the resuspension of particles, which were then transported down the steep continental slope on the Ionian side of the strait. A smaller peak in mass flux occurred at the Aegean near-bottom trap, coincident with rainfall. Both these events indicate that environmental factors can control flux variations in an oligotrophic environment. During the second 6-month deployment (winter–spring 1995) there was another important increase in mass fluxes, which occurred at all three traps, although in the Ionian traps mass flux peaks were delayed by one to two sampling intervals. The distance between the two mooring sites gives a rough estimate of a minimum horizontal advection speed of 2 cm s−1 for this particulate transfer from the Aegean to the Ionian area. This estimate is in good agreement with the measured current velocities.  相似文献   

The wind-induced water exchange between the ria of Ferrol (NW Spain) and the adjacent shelf is analyzed by means of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (MOHID2000). Since thermohaline measurements indicate that the estuary can be considered vertically homogeneous a barotropic version of the model has been used. Real in situ wind measurements have been used for model calibration and further analysis. The approach to study the wind effect on water exchange through the ria strait consisted in subtracting the signal calculated with only tidal forcing (Ts) from the one with wind and tidal forcing (WTs). This shows the existence of a residual circulation, with water flowing in wind direction along surfaces layers and a counter current flowing in the opposite direction at bottom layers. The flux across the strait of Ferrol has shown to increase linearly on wind strength, with a correlation larger than 96% and reaching values close to 20 m3 s−1 under real wind forcing.  相似文献   

Using the “Eikonal Approach” (Henyey et al., 1986), we estimate energy dissipation rates in the three-dimensional Garrett-Munk internal wave field. The total energy dissipation rate within the undisturbed GM internal wave field is found to be 4.34 × 10−9 W kg−1. This corresponds to a diapycnal diffusivity of about 0.3 × 10−4 m2s−1, which is less than the value 10−4 m2s−1 required to sustain the global ocean overturning circulation. Only when the high vertical wavenumber, near-inertial current shear is enhanced can diapycnal diffusivity reach ∼10−4 m2s−1. It follows that the energy supplied at low vertical wavenumbers and low frequencies is efficiently transferred to high vertical wavenumbers and near-inertial frequencies in the mixing hotspots in the real ocean.  相似文献   

Five transects across the NW Iberian margin were studied in the framework of the EU-funded Ocean Margin EXchange II (OMEX II) project, to determine and establish recent sediment and organic carbon transport and accumulation processes and fluxes.On the Galician shelf and shelf edge, resuspension of sediments resulting in well-developed bottom nepheloid layers was observed at all stations, but transport of suspended sediment appears largely confined to the shelf. On the continental slope, only very dilute bottom nepheloid layers were present, and intermediate nepheloid layers were only occasionally seen. This suggests that cross-slope transfer of particles is limited by the prevailing northerly directed shelf and slope currents.Optical backscatter and ADCP current measurements by the BOBO lander, deployed at 2152 m depth on the Galician slope, indicated that particles in the bottom boundary layer were kept in suspension by tidal currents with highest speeds between 15–25 cm s−1. Net currents during the recording period August 6th–September 10th 1998, were initially directed along-slope toward the NNW, but later turned off-slope toward the SW.The separation of the water masses on the slope from the sediment-laden shelf water by the along-slope current regime is reflected in the recent sedimentary deposits of the Galician shelf and slope. Apart from compositional differences, shelf deposits differ from those on the slope by their higher flux of excess 210Pb (0.57–5.37 dpm cm−2y−1 versus 0.11–3.00 dpm cm−2y−1), a much higher sediment accumulation rate (315.6–2295.9 g m−2y−1 versus 10.9–124.7 g m−2y−1) and organic carbon burial rate (1.01–34.30 g m−2y−1 versus 0.01–0.69 g m−2y−1).In contrast to the observations on the Galician margin, pronounced nepheloid layers occurred in the Nazaré Canyon, which extended to considerably greater water depths. This indicates that significantly greater transport of fine-grained particles in both the INL and the BNL was occurring within the canyon, as reflected in the exceptionally high 210Pb excess flux (up to 34.09 dpm cm−2y−1), mass accumulation rates (maximum 9623.1 g m−2y−1) and carbon burial fluxes (up to 180.91 g m−2y−1) in the sediment. However, radioisotope fluxes in the lower canyon were only slightly higher than at comparable depths on the Galician margin. This suggests that transport and rapid accumulation is focused on the upper and middle part of the canyon, from where it is episodically released to the deep sea. Compared to the Galician margin, the Nazaré Canyon may be considered as an important organic carbon depocenter on short time-scales, and a major conduit for particulate matter transport to the deep sea on >100 y time-scales.  相似文献   

Recent measurements indicate the transatlantic extent of the Namib Col Current at depths of 1300–3000 m near Lat. 22°S in the South Atlantic Ocean. This current forms a continuous circulation structure from the Namib Col on the Walvis Ridge to the western trough, though its characteristic change as deep water with varying properties enters and leaves the current owing to a meridional flow component. Transport estimates from hydrographic sections on the Walvis Ridge and at 15°W near the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge indicate a strength of about 3 × 106 m3 s−1. The current is part of a larger-scale eastward flow at Lon. 25°W; transport estimates across the salinity maximum core there show a similar strength. Associated with this high-salinity high-oxygen current is a basin-wide front in these properties of varying intensity (weaker in the east) marking the transition to deep water whose North Atlantic characteristics have been partly erased by mixing with Circumpolar Deep Water in the southwest South Atlantic. The water which finally crosses the Walvis Ridge is supplied both by the eastward flow of this (diluted) North Atlantic Deep Water and by a general southeastward interior flow from the northern Angola Basin. Evidence suggests that this deep water continues south in the eastern Cape Basin, leaving the South Atlantic near the African continent.  相似文献   

A set of hydrographic surveys were carried out in the Ría of Vigo (NW Spain) at 2–4 d intervals during four 2–3 week periods in 1997, covering contrasting seasons. Residual exchange fluxes with the adjacent shelf were estimated with a 2-D, non-steady-state, salinity–temperature weighted box model. Exchange fluxes consist of a steady-state term (dependent on the variability of continental runoff) and a non-steady-state term (dependent on the time changes of density gradients in the embayment). More than 95% of the short-time-scale variability of the exchange fluxes in the middle and outer ría can be explained by the non-steady-state term that, in turns, is correlated (R2>75%) with the offshore Ekman transport. Conversely, 96% of the variability of exchange fluxes in the inner ría rely on the steady-state term. The outer and middle ría are under the direct influence of coastal upwelling, which enhances the positive residual circulation pattern by an order of magnitude: from 102to 103 m3s−1. On the contrary, downwelling provokes a reversal of the circulation in the outer ría. The position of the downwelling front along the embayment depends on the relative importance of Ekman transport (Qx, m3s−1km−1) and continental runoff (R, m3s−1). When Qx/ R>7±2 the reversal of the circulation affects the middle ría. Our results are representative for the ‘Rías Baixas’, four large coastal indentations in NW Spain. During the upwelling season (spring and summer), 60% of shelf surface waters off the ‘Rías Baixas’ consist of fresh Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENACW) upwelled in situ. The remaining 40% consists of upwelled ENACW that previously enters the rías and it is subsequently outwelled after thermohaline modification. During the downwelling season (autumn and winter), 40% of the warm and salty oceanic subtropic surface water, which piled on the shelf by the predominant southerly winds, enters the rías.  相似文献   

The first oceanographic research (hydrography, nutrient salts, chlorophyll, primary production and phytoplankton assemblages) in a Middle Galician Ria was carried out in Corme-Laxe during 2001, just a year before the Prestige oil spill, being the only reference to evaluate eventual changes in the phytoplankton community. Due to the small size of this ria (6.5 km2), oceanographic processes were driven by the continental water supplied by Anllons River during the wet season (20–30 m3 s−1 in winter), and the strong oceanic influence from the nearby shelf during the dry season. The annual cycle showed a spring bloom with high levels of chlorophyll (up to 14 μg Chl-a L−1) and primary production (3 g C m−2 d−1) and a summer upwelling bloom (up to 8 μg Chl-a L−1 and 10 g C m−2 d−1) where the proximity of the Galician upwelling core (<13.5 °C at sea surface) favors the input of upwelled seawater (up to 9 μM of nitrate and silicate) to the bottom ria layer, even during summer stratification events (primary production around 2 g C m−2 d−1). Thus, phytoplankton assemblages form a “continuum” from spring to autumn with a predominance of diatoms and overlapping species between consecutive periods; only in autumn dinoflagellates and flagellates characterized the phytoplankton community. In the Middle Rias as Corme-Laxe, the nutrient values, Chl-a, primary production and phytoplankton abundance for productive periods were higher than those reported for the Northern (Ria of A Coruña) and Southern Rias (Ria of Arousa) for year 2001; this suggests the importance of the hydrographic events occurring in the zone of maximum upwelling intensity of the Western Iberian Shelf, where a lack of annual cycles studies exists.  相似文献   

Near bottom water samples and sediments were taken during five cruises to 6 stations forming a transect across the N.W. European Continental Margin at Goban Spur. Flow velocity spot measurements in the benthic boundary layer (BBL) always increased from the shelf to the upper slope (1470 m) from 5 to 9 cm s−1 in spring/summer and from 15 to 37 cm s−1 in autumn/winter. Decreasing values were detected at the lower slope (2000 m) and the lowest values of ca. 2 cm s−1 at the continental rise at 4500 m water depth. Long term measurements with a benthic lander at 1470 m show that currents have a tidal component and reach maximum velocities up to 20 cm s−1, sufficiently high periodically to resuspend and transport phytodetritus. During these long-term observations, currents were always weaker in spring/summer than in autumn/winter. Critical shear velocities of shelf/slope sediments increased with depth from 0.5 to 1.7 cm s−1 and major resuspension events and Intermediate Nepheloid Layers (INLs) should occur around 1000 m. Chloroplastic Pigment Equivalents (CPE) ranged from 0.0 to 0.21 μg dm−3, Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) from 12 to 141 μg dm−3 and Total Particulate Matter (TPM) from 0.2 to 10.0 mg dm−3. Aggregates in the BBL occurred with a median diameter of 152 to 468 μm. Data on suspended particulate matter in the near-bottom waters showed that hydrodynamic sorting within the particulate organic fraction occurred. Phytodetritus was packaged in relatively large aggregates and contributed little to the total organic carbon pool in nearbottom waters (CPE/POC ca.0.2%). The main organic fraction has low settling velocities and high residence times within the benthic boundary layer. As POC was not concentrated in the near bed region the degree to which carbon is accessible to the benthic community depends on aggregate formation, subsequent settling and/or biodeposition of the POC. Close to the sea bed downslope transport may dominate. Under flow conditions high enough to resuspend fresh phythodetritus from sediments at the productive shelf edge, this could be transported to 1500 m (Goban Spur) or abyssal depth (Canyon site between Meriadzek and Goban Spur) within 21 days.  相似文献   

In the spring and summer of 2002 primary production in the Chukchi Sea was measured, using 14C uptake experiments. Our cruise track encompassed the shelf and continental slope area of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas progressing into deep water over the Canada Basin. The study area experienced upwards of 90% ice cover during the spring, with ice retreating into the basin during the summer. Production in the spring was light-limited due to ice cover, with average euphotic zone production rates of <0.3 g C m−2 d−1. Values of 8 g C m−2 d−1 were observed in association with surface bloom conditions during the initial ice breakup. Considerable nutrient reduction in the surface waters took place between the spring and summer cruise, and although not observed, this was attributed to a spring bloom. Decreased ice cover and increased clarity of surface waters in the summer allowed greater light penetration. The highest rates of production during the second cruise were found at 25–30 m, coincident with the top of the nutricline. Daily euphotic zone productivity in the summer averaged 0.78 g C m−2 d−1 on the shelf and 0.32 g C m−2 d−1 on the edge of the Canada basin. These data provide an estimated annual production of 90 g C m−2 yr−1 in the study area.  相似文献   

Factors controlling the timing of major (>10 mg chlorophyll a m−3) spring bloom events in the estuarine waters of the Solent, on the south coast of the UK, have been investigated. Winter to summer variations in chlorophyll a concentration together with relevant meteorological and hydrographical data have been analysed for 5 years (1988, 1992, 2001, 2002 and 2003). Mean water column irradiance is demonstrated to be the main factor controlling the timing of the first major spring bloom event, usually dominated by large chain-forming diatoms. When chlorophyll a concentration first exceeds 10 mg m−3 in spring (usually in May) the mean water column photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) averaged for one week prior to the sampling date was always >380 W h m−2 d−1. Prior to the main spring bloom event surface incident radiation and water turbidity combine to limit chlorophyll a concentration to levels <10 mg m−3. Chlorophyll a concentrations >10 mg m−3 do not occur in the Solent until almost the entire 10 m water column is within the euphotic zone (i.e. above 1% light level) and light extinction coefficient (k) is ca. ≤0.5 m−1. Statistically, river flow explains the largest percentage of the variations in k and the delayed bloom in June 2002 is due to increased cloud cover and high levels of rainfall in May, which caused a reduction in surface incident irradiance and increased turbidity. Chlorophyll a peaks during these major bloom events generally occur on spring tides when increased mixing rates favour net growth of diatoms.  相似文献   

Budgets for conservative tracers are used to determine the flow through the Irish Sea and combined with available data on nutrient distributions and inputs to estimate non-conservative nutrient fluxes. Steady state salinity and caesium-137 balances yield consistent estimates of the flow through the Irish Sea of Φ≈6×104 m3s−1. Using both tracers together with a mass balance allows the inclusion of separate diffusive flux terms and results in a diffusivity estimate ofK≈450 m2s−1and a reduced flow of Φ≈4×104 m3s−1. These values are, however, sensitive to the gradients of salinity and caesium-137 concentration, which are not well defined by the observations.Following the LOICZ procedures, salinity and mass balances were combined with analogous statements for dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), in order to assess the non-conservative process rates. With regard to phosphorus it was found that the Irish Sea is close to balance with a slight net uptake of dissolved inorganic phosphorus, but the implied excess of uptake over release is not significant on account of uncertainties in the observations of boundary values and inputs. The DIN budget is subject to comparable uncertainties in the input data but does, however, indicate a significant imbalance with an average rate of denitrification of the order 0·3 mol N m−2y−1.The implications of these budget results and their limitations are considered in relation to the application of the budgeting approach to areas with sparse data coverage. While the application of box model disciplines to conservative tracers can lead to satisfactory estimates of advective transport, the extension to non-conservative components requires extensive data to adequately specify the boundary values and input parameters averaged over the seasonal cycle.  相似文献   

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