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通过钻井资料、野外露头、录井、测井等资料的综合应用,系统识别出陆源碎屑滨岸、混积台地、碳酸盐岩台地、斜坡-盆地是四川盆地灯影组主要的沉积相类型.盆地内灯影组二段及四段主要以碳酸盐台地沉积为特征,可细分为碳酸盐潮坪、颗粒滩、灰泥丘、局限泻湖亚相.通过建立沉积模式表明,灯影组大致经历海侵-海退-海侵的沉积旋回,一段至二段为海侵阶段,三段为海退阶段,四段为海侵阶段.  相似文献   

新疆中天山侏罗纪盆地群沉积演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
侏罗纪时中天山地区沉积盆地由伊-昭盆地、尤尔都斯盆地及焉-库盆地构成,其内沉积了一套厚度巨大的冲积和湖泊成因的碎屑岩沉积体,可识别出6种相类型、18种亚相及44种微相。早侏罗世至中侏罗世西山窑期,气候潮湿、植物繁盛、沼泽密布,形成多层煤层;中侏罗世头屯河期开始,气候变为干燥。下侏罗统三工河组及西山窑组中,辫状河和辫状河三角洲沉积发育,其砂体为好的储集体。下侏罗统八道湾组深湖-半深湖相黑色页岩及煤层是好的生油岩。  相似文献   

合肥盆地构造演化、差异变形及油气勘探前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
合肥盆地的发育经历了基底形成、坳陷、断陷及构造反转等阶段的演化,进一步可以划分为坳陷盆地发育期(早侏罗世—中侏罗世)、前陆盆地发育期(晚侏罗世)、走滑盆地发育期(早白垩世)、断陷盆地发育期(晚白垩世—古近纪)和盆地消亡期(新近纪—第四纪)等5个阶段。控制合肥盆地构造-沉积格局的关键构造变形期为:早燕山期、中燕山期、晚燕山期—早喜马拉雅期。合肥盆地差异构造变形特征十分明显,自南往北可以划分为3个构造带,即金寨—舒城逆冲—伸展叠合构造带、六安—肥西逆冲推覆-断陷叠合构造带、淮南—定远冲断-断陷叠合带。这种南北方向的构造分带性受NWW向展布的断裂带控制。笔者依据对盆地各构造形变区勘探潜力的分析,确立了淮南—定远冲断-断陷叠合带为Ⅰ类远景区,即最有利的构造形变区;六安—肥西逆冲推覆-断陷叠合带为Ⅱ类远景区,即有利构造形变区;金寨—舒城逆冲-伸展叠合构造带为Ⅲ类远景区,即较有利构造形变区。  相似文献   

四川盆地东北部长兴期沉积相、沉积模式及其演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
笔者根据四川盆地东北部长兴组沉积特点,将其分为台地边缘生物礁相、台地边缘浅滩相、开阔台地相、局限台地相、碳酸盐斜坡相、盆地相和蒸发台地相等7个基本的相带。由于期间经历了一次二级海平面的升降过程,使得长兴组广泛发育海侵生物礁滩,形成了两类最为有利的储集相带。礁滩沉积相带在纵横向上不断迁移、抬升,主要发育于台盆的两侧,呈带状分布,明显受沉积相带控制。主要沉积微相类型有生物粘结云岩微相、亮晶颗粒云岩微相、角砾云岩微相、云泥岩微相、生物粘结灰岩微相、灰泥岩微相、亮晶颗粒灰岩微相和介屑灰岩等,其中对储层最有利的微相类型是角砾云岩微相、生物粘结云岩微相和亮晶颗粒云岩微相。在详细研究分析各沉积相带沉积特点的基础上,探讨了该期沉积相带的空间展布。利用钻井、野外露头、岩心和岩石薄片等资料,对目的层进行了沉积相和沉积微相研究的基础上,建立了研究区的沉积模式以及对沉积模式的演化进行了研究,最后编制了沉积相平面分布。  相似文献   

The central and northern parts of the Adelaide fold belt in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, consist of a sequence of Neo-Proterozoic–Cambrian sediments overlying a Meso-Proterozoic basement complex, both of which were mildly deformed in an intracratonic setting during the 500 Ma Delamerian orogeny. The fold belt lies within a prominent heat flow anomaly (average heat flows of 90 mWm−2) reflecting extraordinary enrichments in heat producing elements in the Meso-Proterozoic basement, suggesting that anomalous thermal regimes may have been significant in localising Delamerian deformation. However, spatial variations in deformation intensity correlate more closely with variations in the thickness of the sedimentary sequence than with observed variations in heat flow, suggesting that the thickness of the sedimentary blanket plays a crucial role in localising Delamerian deformation during basin inversion. We use simple numerical models of lithospheric strength to investigate the potential role of sedimentary thickness variations on the distribution and style of deformation, focussing on the impact of a variable thickness sediment pile deposited above a ‘radioactive’ basement. We show that for thermal parameters appropriate to the Flinders Ranges, Moho temperatures may vary by 25–30°C for every additional kilometre of sediment. For a ‘Brace–Goetze’ lithospheric rheology, controlled by a combination of temperature-dependent creep processes and frictional sliding, the observed variations in thickness of the sedimentary pile are sufficient to cause dramatic reductions in the vertically-integrated strength of the lithosphere (by many orders of magnitude), thereby providing a plausible explanation for observed correlation between sediment thickness and deformation intensity during basin inversion.  相似文献   

发育于法国Cevennes聚煤盆地北坳区斯蒂芬期(Stephanian)同沉积断层在空间上局部控制了碎屑体及煤层的形态、厚度,且在时间上完成了构造反转。盆缘断层控制了盆地自身的几何形态及其岩相古地理格局,它们的活动性及强度的差异致使盆地沉降或沉积中心、富煤带的侧向迁移,使盆地整体的构造格架发生了由半地堑-地堑-新形式的半地堑的转化。在不同的演化时期,盆地钎特的沉积、充填作用对构造的活动与演化给予了  相似文献   

The lithosphere is subject to fluctuations in temperature and pressure during the formation of sedimentary basins. These fluctuations cause metamorphic reactions that change the density of the lithosphere, which, in turn, influences basin subsidence. This contribution develops a model for sedimentary basin formation to assess the importance of this coupling. The model shows that basin subsidence is significantly affected by metamorphic densification. Compared to results obtained with cruder density models, metamorphic densification accelerates subsidence in the initial post-rifting stages as garnet becomes stable over an increasing depth interval within the mantle, an effect that amplifies the crust–mantle density contrast. For models with an extraordinarily cold lithosphere, uplift is generated as a late stage of basin evolution. In general, subsidence is not smooth but occurs instead in small steps reflecting periods of accelerated/decelerated subsidence. For typical crustal thicknesses, subsidence is controlled largely by reactions in the mantle, and particularly those determining garnet stability.  相似文献   

刘少峰 《地学前缘》2008,15(3):178-185
弧后前陆盆地挠曲沉降包括逆冲负载沉降和盆地沉积物负载沉降。叠加于挠曲沉降之上还存在另一类沉降,即动力沉降。动力沉降是动力地形的一种,即动力地形低。动力地形一般认为具有两种成因,一种为与超大陆集聚和分散有关的动力地形,另一种为与大洋板片俯冲有关的动力地形。由大洋板块俯冲产生的动力沉降往往分布于弧后前陆盆地区,其幅度、波长与板块俯冲角度、俯冲速率、俯冲板块在地幔中通过的位置和俯冲岩石圈的热年代密切相关。将通过弧后前陆盆地沉积地层的去压实得到的总沉降减去盆地模拟获得的逆冲带负载和盆地沉积物负载沉降可以得到剩余沉降,即动力沉降。从地层资料中定量分离出动力沉降为改进和限制长期以来悬而未决的由洋壳俯冲导致的地幔-粘性流动构造模型提供理论基础和实际资料。  相似文献   

A block and basin system of Devonian to Carboniferous age, with Caledonide/Appalachian trends, bounds the northern margin of the supposed Hercynian Ocean on a predrift reconstruction of continents in the North Atlantic area. Basin initiation and subsidence patterns are established from broad deductions concerning sedimentary facies trends, contemporary volcanism and faulting. The British and Irish basins may be due to tensional effects arising from differential syn- to post-orogenic uplift, mantle partial melting and southward directed, lower crustal creep towards the Hercynian continental margin. The Maritime Canadian basins may be due to tensional effects associated with major dextral strike-slip faults along an extension of a transform fault system related to closure of the supposed Hercynian Ocean.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Corinth is a graben, which has undergone extension during the Late Quaternary. The subsidence rate is rapid in the currently marine part whereas uplift now affects a large part of the initially subsiding area in the North Peloponnese. In this paper, we document the rates of subsidence/uplift and extension based on new subsurface data, including seismic data and long piston coring in the deepest part of the Gulf. Continuous seismic profiling data (air gun) have shown that four (at least) major oblique prograding sequences can be traced below the northern margin of the central Gulf of Corinth. These sequences have been developed successively during low sea level stands, suggesting continuous and gradual subsidence of the northern margin by 300 m during the Late Quaternary (last 250 ka). Subsidence rates of 0.7–1.0 m kyr− 1 were calculated from the relative depth of successive topset to foreset transitions. The differential total vertical displacement between the northern and the southern margins of the Corinth graben is estimated at about 2.0–2.3 m kyr− 1.

Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of seismic profiles from the basin suggests that the upper sediments (0.6 s twtt thick) in the depocenter were accumulated during the last 250 ka at a mean rate of 2.2–2.4 m kyr− 1. Long piston coring in the central Gulf of Corinth basin enabled the recovery of lacustrine sediments, buried beneath 12–13.5 m of Holocene marine sediments. The lacustrine sequence consists of varve-like muddy layers interbedded with silty and fine sand turbidites. AMS dating determined the age of the marine–lacustrine interface (reflector Z) at about 13 ka BP. Maximum sedimentation rates of 2.4–2.9 m kyr− 1 were calculated for the Holocene marine and the last glacial, lacustrine sequences, thus verifying the respective rates obtained by the sequence stratigraphic interpretation. Recent accumulation rates obtained by the 210Pb-radiometric method on short sediment box cores coincide with the above sedimentation rates. Vertical fault slip rates were measured by using fault offsets of correlated reflector Z. The maximum subsidence rate of the depocenter (3.6 m kyr− 1) exceeds the maximum sedimentation rate by 1.8 m kyr− 1, which, consequently, corresponds to the rate of deepening of the basin's floor. The above rates indicate that the 2.2 km maximum sediment thickness as well as the 870 m maximum depth of the basin may have formed during the last 1 Ma, assuming uniform mean sedimentation rate throughout the evolution of the basin.  相似文献   

在构造-沉积-成矿背景、铀源地质体配置研究的基础上,选择滇西腾冲地块龙川江盆地南部团田地区老矿床外围部署验证工程,获得了重要找矿发现。本文以第一手钻探资料为素材,通过分析上新世龙川江盆地演化过程,建立含矿层系芒棒组的沉积体系和圈定有利赋矿微相组合,重建赋矿古冲积扇体的岩相古地理格局,为该地区和同类盆地砂岩型铀矿勘查提供科学依据。芒棒组沉积期,龙川江盆地演化经历了断陷成盆期、火山沉积期及盆地回返期3个阶段,其中断陷成盆期沉积了砂岩型铀矿主力发育层段-芒棒组下段,此时未形成具规模的湖盆,具备汇水盆地的古地理模式。盆地东、南部分布多个潜在赋矿的古冲积扇体,本文的研究重点团田地矿区位于旱坝寨扇体。团田矿区芒棒组下段识别出3种沉积相和6种亚相,根据其沉积演化序列显示,在冲积扇扇中/扇端沼泽的纵向序列转换面附近,形成“沼泽相炭质泥岩层-煤层/扇中砾质辫状河道”的有利控矿微相组合。分析团田矿区主矿层、矿层顶板层沉积期底古地理格局可发现,在扇中-扇端沉积转换期的湖泛(相对水位上升)控制下,受晚期扇端(沼泽)覆盖的早期扇中沉积相区是最有利的赋矿相区和部位。基于上述认识,提出砂岩型铀矿勘查应加强沉积微相和岩相古地理研究,建立赋矿有利相带的空间分布模式;结合铀源和成矿作用类型的分析,可更准确地定位潜在的铀矿体。  相似文献   

右江盆地晚古生代深水相地层沉积构造演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈丛林  史晓颖 《中国地质》2006,33(2):436-443
在对测自桂西地区的田林八渡、那坡坡荷、百色平圩、阳圩等地晚古生代的深水相沉积地层的沉积特征、玄武岩地球化学分析以及重要的构造地质事件研究的基础上.对右江盆地晚古生代盆地沉积演化做了阐述,提出了右江盆地自早泥盆世晚期开始出现大陆边缘裂离,先后经历了裂谷盆地形成阶段(早泥盆世晚期-中三叠世早期)、洋壳盆地形成阶段(晚泥盆世-早石炭世)、洋壳盆地强烈扩张阶段(晚石炭世-中二叠世)、洋壳盆地收缩阶段(晚二叠世-中三叠世早期)-洋盆封闭快速充填阶段(中三叠世晚期)的完整沉积盆地演化序列。  相似文献   

野外露头岩石学与地层学研究表明,青藏高原东北缘囊谦古近纪盆地贡觉组自下而上可分为5个岩性段,它们构成两套由粗变细的沉积序列,主要形成于冲积扇-河流-湖泊-三角洲沉积环境。不同的岩性段具有不同的岩石组合,反映其形成于不同的沉积环境:第一岩性段分布局限,为滨浅湖相沉积;第二岩性段、第四岩性段和第五岩性段形成于近源、快速堆积环境;第三岩性段为面积分布广泛的干旱-炎热气候条件下的河流-湖泊沉积环境产物。由于盆地沉积的不对称性及所处沉积环境的不同,各岩性段在盆地内的出露也不相同,总体反映盆地经历了早期挤压推覆前陆盆地、中期走滑拉分盆地、晚期走滑挤压推覆前陆盆地的演化历史。  相似文献   

何金有 《地质与勘探》2017,53(2):361-370
本文综合利用钻井岩心、地震剖面等资料,揭示了塔东低凸起震旦系沉积特征,并建立了沉积演化模式。研究认为,塔东低凸起震旦系白云岩可划分为三种沉积相类型,包括潮坪相、颗粒滩相和缓坡相。连井对比及地震剖面揭示,塔东低凸起震旦系具有楔状反射结构,反映了向北倾的断陷盆地沉积结构特征,整体上具有南高北低的沉积格局。本文结合区域构造背景,建立了由早期的向北缓倾单斜逐渐演变为断陷台地的沉积演化模式,认为断陷台地的主体发育在塔东1井至东探1井北部的斜坡部位。  相似文献   

Folding at upper crustal levels occurs by bending of beds and flexural slip between beds. As a fold's interlimb angle decreases, changes in bed thickness and limb rotation are accommodated by various mechanisms, depending on deformation conditions. In the elastico-frictional (EF) regime, cataclastic flow may be the dominant mechanism for fold tightening. The Canyon Range (CR) syncline, located in the Sevier belt of central Utah, shows this type of deformation. The fold involves three thick quartzite units, with slight lithological variations between them. Fold tightening took place in the EF regime (<2 km overburden) by cataclastic flow, involving collective movement on a distributed network of fractures and deformation zones (DZs) from the micro- to the outcrop-scale. In detail, the degree of cataclastic deformation varies significantly across the fold due to minor variations in initial bedding thickness, grain size, matrix composition, etc. A cooperative relationship exists across different scales, and the fracture networks result in a fracture shape fabric that is relatively homogeneous at the outcrop-scale.The initial outcrop scale fracture/DZ network geometry is a product of the growth and linking of micro-scale cataclasite zones, which in turn is controlled by primary lithological variations. Once a fracture network forms, the material behavior of the fractured rock is unlike that of the original rock, with sliding of fracture-bound blocks accomplishing ‘block-controlled’ cataclastic flow. Thus, initial lithological variations at the micro-scale largely control the final deformation behavior at the largest scale. During progressive fold tightening, additional factors regulate cataclastic flow, such as fracture/DZ reactivation or healing, during folding. Although initial lithological variations in different units may produce unique network geometries, each unit's behavior may also depend upon the behavior of adjacent units. In the CR syncline, during the initial stages of cataclastic flow, the inherent nature of each quartzite unit results in unit-specific fracture network geometries. As deformation progresses, unit-specific networks begin to interact with those in surrounding units, resulting in feedback mechanisms regulating the later stages of network development. Thus, the nature of cataclastic flow changes dramatically from the initial to the final stages of folding.  相似文献   

唐鹏程  汪新  谢会文  雷刚林  黄少英 《地质学报》2010,84(12):1735-1745
本文利用野外地质调查结果、遥感资料、地震资料和钻、测井数据,建立了两条库车坳陷却勒地区的区域大剖面,约束却勒地区盐构造特征和演化,分析东、西段变形差异及差异形成过程,探讨构造变形控制因素。却勒地区发育的盐构造样式主要有盐底辟、盐焊接、盐撤凹陷、大型盐推覆体、外来盐席、盐枕、盐背斜和滑脱褶皱,其中,盐撤凹陷、盐背斜和滑脱褶皱仅发育于东段,造成东、西段构造变形差异。却勒地区盐构造分为3期:①渐新世—中新世吉迪克期为构造平静期,发育盐撤凹陷和盐底辟;②中新世康村期—上新世早期构造挤压微弱,发生早期褶皱作用,却勒盐丘继续发育,北部盐底辟中新世末停止发育;③上新世晚期—现今发生大规模逆冲推覆,是褶皱-冲断带主要形成时期,发育大型盐撤凹陷、外来盐席、盐推覆构造、盐背斜和滑脱褶皱。却勒地区东、西段盐构造变形差异主要形成于上新世晚期—现今(第3期)。喀拉玉尔滚右旋走滑断层为薄皮构造,调节了却勒地区东、西段前缘的变形差异。却勒地区构造变形主要受控于盐岩沉积范围、区域构造应力及强度、上覆层应变强度和差异负载(沉积负载和局部构造负载)。  相似文献   

以珠江口盆地白云凹陷钻井、测井、地震和古生物资料为基础,结合前人研究成果,系统的分析了白云凹陷晚渐新统到早中新统沉积相发育特征及凹陷沉积充填演化过程。研究结果表明,珠海组下部发育大型陆架边缘三角洲沉积,地震反射特征表明该三角洲发育三期;钻遇水下分支河道、支流间湾、河口坝及远砂坝微相,沉积物以富砂为特征,发育冲刷-充填构造、递变层理及较粗的水平潜穴等多种构造;珠海组上部为浅海相,沉积物以海相砂泥岩互层为主,此时期陆架坡折带位于白云凹陷南坡;珠江组沉积时期,海平面升降旋回频繁,陆架坡折带迁至凹陷北坡。随着古珠江流域扩大,沉积物输入量增加,在珠江组下部发育了深水扇,沉积物以细-粗砂岩为主,夹少量粉砂岩及深海泥岩,发育颗粒流、液化流、浊流及碎屑流等四种主要的重力流,钻遇内扇水道,中扇废弃水道及水道间漫溢沉积,外扇深海泥沉积;珠江组上部为半深海相,沉积物以深海泥岩为主。  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2004,26(6-7):1293-1301
The geometry of some orebodies can be described simply and accurately by three orthogonal axes, UVW. The ratios between these axes can be expressed as a parameter j=(U/V−1)/(V/W−1), and represented by a graph of U/V plotted against V/W, analogous to the treatment of strain ellipsoids. The orientations of orebodies can be plotted simply on projections using the UVW axes. Measurements of ore bodies from two examples of lode gold deposits from the Zimbabwe craton show that most of these orebodies are oblate. However, orebodies can have significant U/V ratios, implying a component of pipe-like fluid flow during mineralization. Pipe flow is demonstrated to be orders of magnitude more conductive than flow in planar veins and faults. There are significant variations in orebody geometry between deposits and within different sections of a single deposit. W values appear to be influenced by host rock: more permeable rocks have higher W. A negative trend of j value with orebody volume indicates that orebodies do not evolve in a self-similar way, but tend to more oblate shapes with increasing volume.  相似文献   

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