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Water fluxes in highly impounded regions are heavily dependent on reservoir properties. However, for large and remote areas, this information is often unavailable. In this study, the geometry and volume of small surface reservoirs in the semi-arid region of Brazil were estimated using terrain and shape attributes extracted by remote sensing. Regression models and data classification were used to predict the volumes, at different water stages, of 312 reservoirs for which topographic information is available. The power function used to describe the reservoir shapes tends to overestimate the volumes; therefore, a modified shape equation was proposed. Among the methods tested, four were recommended based on performance and simplicity, for which the mean absolute percentage errors varied from 24 to 39%, in contrast to the 94% error achieved with the traditional method. Despite the challenge of precisely deriving the flooded areas of reservoirs, water management in highly reservoir-dense environments should benefit from volume prediction based on remote sensing.  相似文献   

This paper proposed an integrated simulation model to incorporate the impact of flood-induced reservoir turbidity into water supply. The integrated model includes a regional water allocation model and a one-dimensional settling model of cohesive particles based on Kynch’s theory. It simulates the settling of sediment flocculation in a turbid reservoir. The restrictions of water supply during floods is mimicked by simulating turbidity profiles for control points and then quantifying the associated treatment capability of raw water in the regional water allocation model for each time step. This framework can simulate shortages caused by flood-induced high turbidity as well as extended droughts, thus provide a basis for comprehensive evaluations of emergent and regular water supply facilities. A case study of evaluating different measures to mitigate the impact of turbid reservoir on water supply in northern Taiwan is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The conflict among water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection is getting more and more serious due to the irrational drainage and exploitation of ground water resources in coal-accumulated basins of North China. Efficient solutions to the conflict are to maintain long-term dynamic balance between input and output of the ground water basins, and to try to improve resourcification of the mine water. All solutions must guarantee the eco-environment quality. This paper presents a new idea of optimum combination of water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection so as to solve the problem of unstable mine water supply, which is caused by the changeable water drainage for the whole combination system. Both the management of hydraulic techniques and constraints in economy, society, ecology, environment, industrial structural adjustments and sustainable developments have been taken into account. Since the traditional and separate management of different departments of water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection is broken up, these departments work together to avoid repeated geological survey and specific evaluation calculations so that large amount of national investment can be saved and precise calculation for the whole system can be obtained. In the light of the conflict of water drainage, water supply and eco-environment protection in a typical sector in Jiaozuo coal mine, a case study puts forward an optimum combination scheme, in which a maximum economic benefit objective is constrained by multiple factors. The scheme provides a very important scientific base for finding a sustainable development strategy.  相似文献   


Water availability is one of the most important factors for economic development in the Middle East. The Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) model was used to assess present and future water demand and supply in Syria till 2050. Nonconventional water resources, climate change, development, industrial growth, regional cooperation, and implementation of new water saving techniques/devices were considered important factors to include in the analysis using the WEAP model. Six scenarios were evaluated depending on the actual situation, climate change, best available technology, advanced technology, regional cooperation, and regional conflict. The results display a vital need for new water resources to balance the unmet water demands. Climate change will have a major effect on Syrian water resources; possible regional conflict will also to a major extent affect water balance. However, regional cooperation and using the best available technology can help in minimizing the gap between supply and demand.
EDITOR Z.W. Kundzewicz ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

从系统全局出发,以管道单元动态抗震可靠度和震后给水管网各节点的动态自由水压为参数,以优化加固后的管网系统震后水压总降幅最小或系统加固总投入最小为优化目标,对加固方案进行优选,从而给出管网系统的抗震加固优化策略。根据管网系统的功能要求、震害特点,将优化变量转化为较少的离散变量,并利用正交枚举法进行简化计算,从而避免了大规模非线性规划求解的困难,为给水管网的抗震加固优化提供了实用有效的方法。  相似文献   

介绍了前兆台网遥控供电仪的设计思路和设计技术,就该遥控仪可实现的功能进行了描述,给出了遥控仪的技术指标和应用图例。该遥控仪可以满足遥测台站供电控制的需要。  相似文献   

顾嘉宁    郭恩栋    孙思男    吴厚礼    王晓娜   《世界地震工程》2023,39(1):127-146
供水管网是城市重要的基础设施,为了高效合理地评估现有供水管网的抗震能力,本文从结构安全性角度出发,构建了供水管网综合抗震能力评价指标体系和供水管网综合抗震能力评价模型。综合分析管道各项指标,运用主成分分析法得到指标权重并建立供水管道抗震能力模型,基于图论理论构建了供水管网基础抗震能力评价模型。从物理、社会和时间效应三个维度出发,将管网基础抗震能力通过环境评价修正系数进行修正,构建了精细化的供水管网综合抗震能力评价模型,以此表征管网的易损性,为地震灾害风险评估工作提供支持。通过对深圳市供水管网进行抗震能力评价,将结果与传统震害预测结果对比,说明了评价模型的合理性。  相似文献   

采用供水系统震害预测及功能失效状态分析方法,对西安市阎良区供水系统在不同强度的地震作用下的震害情况和功能失效状态进行了分析,并大致估计了系统功能恢复到震前状态所需要的时间。  相似文献   

A diffusion approximation for a network of continuous time reservoirs with power law release rules is examined. Under a mild assumption on the inflow processes, we show that for physically reasonable values of the power law constants, the system of processes converges to a multi-dimensional Gaussian diffusion process. We also illustrate how the limiting Gaussian process may be used to compute approximations to the original system of reservoirs. In addition, we study the quality of our approximations by comparing them to results obtained by simulations of the original watershed model. The simulations offer support for the use of the approximation developed here.  相似文献   

贺金川  谢孝奎    郑山锁    郑淏    蔡永龙    龙立   《世界地震工程》2019,35(4):001-10
突发地震灾害下,城市供水管网往往不可避免地会发生不同程度的破坏而导致城市供水功能的失效,对人们的生产生活产生了严重影响,快速对震后城市供水管网进行科学合理的功能修复,对于降低地震灾害损失具有重要意义。本文以城市供水管网为对象,针对震后管网系统功能评价及快速修复决策等问题进行了研究。在中国点式渗漏模型的基础上,采用基于破坏概率的渗漏面积计算方法,建立了考虑地震破坏随机性的管线渗漏流量计算模型;针对震后破坏管线展开了水力分析,并提出了以节点水头损失比为指标的节点服务性能失效状态量化方法;进而建立了震后管线的修复决策模型以及功能修复费用模型。研究成果可为震后功能修复工作中管线修复顺序及修复方案的优选提供科学依据,可显著提高震后应急救灾效率,实现城市供水功能的快速修复。  相似文献   

简述福建遥测地震台网(站)仪器电源改造的几种方法。将原来使用的交流UPS电源供电改为直流电源模块供电;并就如何延长电池使用寿命,提高充电效能,节约电能等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied successfully in various fields. However, ANN models depend on large sets of historical data, and are of limited use when only vague and uncertain information is available, which leads to difficulties in defining the model architecture and a low reliability of results. A conceptual fuzzy neural network (CFNN) is proposed and applied in a water quality model to simulate the Barra Bonita reservoir system, located in the southeast region of Brazil. The CFNN model consists of a rationally‐defined architecture based on accumulated expert knowledge about variables and processes included in the model. A genetic algorithm is used as the training method for finding the parameters of fuzzy inference and the connection weights. The proposed model may handle the uncertainties related to the system itself, model parameterization, complexity of concepts involved and scarcity and inaccuracy of data. The CFNN showed greater robustness and reliability when dealing with systems for which data are considered to be vague, uncertain or incomplete. The CFNN model structure is easier to understand and to define than other ANN‐based models. Moreover, it can help to understand the basic behaviour of the system as a whole, being a successful example of cooperation between human and machine. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖典型洲滩湿地水分补排关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
林欢  许秀丽  张奇 《湖泊科学》2017,29(1):160-175
湿地水分在地下水含水层-土壤-植物-大气界面的运移和转换是维持能量和营养物平衡的重要环节,水分运移是湿地生态水文过程研究的关键.数值模型模拟已成为水分运移研究的重要手段,然而限于复杂的湿地自然条件及有限的监测手段,部分界面水分通量连续动态变化数据的获取及定量化工作较为困难,目前应用数值模拟法于湿地水分运移研究的案例仍不多见.本文以鄱阳湖典型湿地为研究区,构建垂向一维数值模型,阐释了湖泊水位显著季节性变化条件下,湿地水分在不同界面的传输过程,量化了湿地水分的补排关系.结果表明:(1)界面水分通量季节性差异大,降雨入渗地面和根系层水分渗漏均对降雨变化响应敏感,主要集中在4—6月,分别占年总量(1450和1053 mm)的65%和73%.土面蒸发和植物蒸腾年总量为176和926 mm,土面蒸发主要受气候条件影响,植物蒸腾还与植物生长特征有关,均集中在7—8月,分别占年总量的30%和47%.深层土壤向浅层根系层的水分补给集中发生在地下水浅埋时段6—8月,占年总量(609 mm)的76%;(2)湿地植物根系层水分补排受鄱阳湖水位季节性波动影响显著.除丰水期(7—9月)主要补给为深层土壤水外,退、枯、涨水期的主要补给均为降水入渗.涨水期(4—6月)和枯水期(12—3月)的主要排泄为根系层水分渗漏,丰水期以植物蒸腾排泄为主,退水期(10—11月),土面蒸发与植物蒸腾为主要排泄,且比重相当.本文定量了鄱阳湖典型湿地不同界面水分连续交换关系,区分了土面蒸发和植物蒸腾,辨析了各界面水分的主要影响因子,研究结果有助于深入理解水分在湿地生态系统地下水含水层-土壤-植物-大气界面的相互作用机制,认识湖泊洲滩湿地水量平衡,为揭示湖泊水情变化对湿地生态的可能影响提供依据,为湿地生态水文过程研究提供重要方法和理论参考.  相似文献   

Changes in seasonality and form of precipitation alter the structure and function of grassland and steppe ecosystems and pose challenges for land management and crop production in regions like the Northern Great Plains, North America. This research uses isotopic composition of water (δ18O and δ2H) to explore the sources and fate of soil water in lower-elevation agricultural areas of the Judith River watershed, in the headwaters of the Missouri River, USA. Extensive non-irrigated cereal crop production in this area occurs on well-drained soils and depends on careful water management. Our observations indicate that colder precipitation contributes isotopically distinct water to cultivated terrace soils relative to downgradient groundwaters and streams. Riparian waters also exhibit a higher fraction of contributions from colder precipitation relative to terrace groundwaters and streams. Apparent contributions from colder precipitation in terrace and riparian soil waters suggest that snowmelt is a key component of the water supply to these systems. Riparian waters also show evidence of evaporation suggesting that water spends sufficient time in some ponds and open channels in the riparian corridor to reflect fractionation by evaporation. The evolution of water isotopic composition from soils to shallow aquifers to stream corridors indicates source water partitioning as precipitation moves through this semi-arid agricultural landscape. The apparent mixing processes evident in this evolution reveal source water dynamics that are necessary to understand plant transpiration, solute processing, and contaminant leaching processes.  相似文献   

A rapid reduction in run-off has been observed in the middle reaches of the Yellow River basin in recent decades. Understanding the contributions of climate change and human activities, such as vegetation restoration and water consumption, to surface water resource reduction has become urgent and very important for future regional planning. Here, we use attribution approaches to explore the effects of climate change and human activities on run-off over the past six decades. The results showed that the observed annual run-off at Tongguan station, which is located within the mainstream of the Yellow River, exhibited a significant decreasing trend of −0.69 mm year−1 (p < .01) and varied from −0.28 to −1.46 mm year−1 (p < .01) in the eight selected tributaries from 1960 to 2015. Two relatively abrupt changes in the double mass curves occurred around 1979 and 1999; compared with Period 1 (P1; 1960–1979), the average catchment run-off decreased 32% during Period 2 (P2; 1980–1999) and up to 49% during Period 3 (P3; 2000–2015). We calculated that approximately 29% of the reduction in the run-off during P2 and 18% during P3 were attributed to climate change. Increased surface water consumption resulted in effective run-off reduction, with relative contributions of approximately 27% and 28% during P2 and P3, respectively. With the implementation of the “Grain-for-Green” project, the vegetation coverage rapidly increased from 36% in P1 to 52% in P3 and reduced run-off by 35% during P3. These findings explain the run-off reduction and benefit water resource management in the middle reaches of the Yellow River basin.  相似文献   

It is forecasted that before the 2050s, coal would still make up 50%-60% of once energy constitution in China, but unfortunately, in most part of our coal districts and peripheral regions, we generally face the contradiction and conflict among the threat of water hazard, shortage of water resource and environmental protection, which are becoming more and more serious especially with a gradual increase in mining depth of the shaft and recovery of lower coal beds. The concrete expression is as f…  相似文献   

Total coliforms are used as indicators for evaluating microbial water quality in distribution networks. However, total coliform provides only a weak “evidence” of possible fecal contamination because pathogens are subset of total coliform and therefore their presence in drinking water is not necessarily associated with fecal contamination. Heterotrophic plate counts are also commonly used to evaluate microbial water quality in the distribution networks, but they cover even a wider range of organisms. As a result, both of these indicators can provide incomplete and highly uncertain bodies of evidence when used individually. In this paper, it is shown that combing these two sources of information by an appropriate data fusion technique can provide improved insight into microbial water quality within distribution networks. Approximate reasoning methods like fuzzy logic and probabilistic reasoning are commonly used for data fusion where knowledge is uncertain (i.e., ambiguous, incomplete, and/or vague). Traditional probabilistic frameworks like Bayesian analysis, reasons through conditioning based on prior probabilities (which are hardly ever available). The Dempster–Shafer (DS) theory generalizes the Bayesian analysis without requiring prior probabilities. The DS theory can efficiently deal with the difficulties related to the interpretation of overall water quality where the redundancy of information is routinely observed and the credibility of available data continuously changes. In this paper, the DS rule of combination and its modifications including Yager’s modified rule, Dubois–Prade disjunctive rule and Dezert–Smarandache rule are described using an example of microbial water quality in a distribution network.  相似文献   

Reservoirs impose many negative impacts on riverine ecosystems. To balance human and ecosystem needs, we propose a reservoir operation method that combines reservoir operating rule curves with the regulated minimum water release policy to meet the environmental flow requirements of riverine ecosystems. Based on the relative positions of the reservoir and the water intakes, we consider three scenarios: water used for human needs (including industrial, domestic and agricultural) is directly withdrawn from (1) the reservoir; (2) both reservoirs and downstream river channels and (3) downstream river. The proposed method offers two advantages over traditional methods: First, it can be applied to finding the optimal reservoir operating rule curves with the consideration of environmental flow requirement, which is beneficial to the sustainable water uses. Second, it avoids a problem with traditional approaches, which prescribe the minimum environmental flow requirements as the regulated minimum environmental flow releases from reservoirs, implicitly giving lower priority to the riverine ecosystem. Our method instead determines the optimal regulated minimum releases of water to sustain environmental flows while more effectively balancing human and ecosystem needs. To demonstrate practical use of the model, we present a case study for operation of the Tanghe reservoir in China's Tang river basin for the three above‐mentioned scenarios. The results demonstrate that this approach will help the reservoir's managers satisfy both human and environmental requirements. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

特低渗透砂岩储层水驱油CT成像技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过水驱油岩心的CT成像技术,动态、定量、可视化地研究了特低渗透砂岩储层水驱油岩心的微观孔隙结构、含水饱和度分布、吸水能力及微观孔隙结构对驱油效率的影响.研究表明,实验岩心的CT值分布在1819~1961之间,与标准的Berea砂岩相比高出15%左右,属于典型的特低渗透砂岩储层.储层微观孔隙结构是影响油水分布的主要因素.特低渗透砂岩储层开发要高度重视无水采收率.储层致密和微裂缝发育的不均一性是特低渗透砂岩油田驱油效率低的根本原因.  相似文献   

To bridge the gap between academic research and actual operation, we propose an intelligent control system for reservoir operation. The methodology includes two major processes, the knowledge acquired and implemented, and the inference system. In this study, a genetic algorithm (GA) and a fuzzy rule base (FRB) are used to extract knowledge based on the historical inflow data with a design objective function and on the operating rule curves respectively. The adaptive network‐based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is then used to implement the knowledge, to create the fuzzy inference system, and then to estimate the optimal reservoir operation. To investigate its applicability and practicability, the Shihmen reservoir, Taiwan, is used as a case study. For the purpose of comparison, a simulation of the currently used M‐5 operating rule curve is also performed. The results demonstrate that (1) the GA is an efficient way to search the optimal input–output patterns, (2) the FRB can extract the knowledge from the operating rule curves, and (3) the ANFIS models built on different types of knowledge can produce much better performance than the traditional M‐5 curves in real‐time reservoir operation. Moreover, we show that the model can be more intelligent for reservoir operation if more information (or knowledge) is involved. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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