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The efficient operation of a multipurpose reservoir requires information on high and low flows. However, analyses of inflows for high flows and for low flows are typically done independently. In this paper, we considered the joint dependence of the low flow on the preceding high flow volume and duration for the wet season in the Three Gorges region of the Yangtze River Basin in China. High flow volume and duration were found to have a strong association with the annual minimum 7-day flow in Cuntan, Wanxian, and Yichang stations. Furthermore, we identified the Arctic Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and snow cover in the Tibetan Plateau to have statistically significant teleconnections with the annual minimum 7-day flow. Bayesian models that consider a different level of pooling of the site by site regressions were then developed for the annual minimum 7-day flow conditional on the climate indices and high flow volume (or duration). The full pooling model performed best, suggesting that a homogeneous regional response is best identified given the global climate predictors. Statistics such as the deviance information criterion and reduction of error, coefficient of efficiency, and coverage rate under cross validation indicate the good performance of the model. Snow cover in the western Tibetan Plateau and high flow volume were identified as the most influential factors of the annual minimum 7-day flow through their impact on water storage in the basin. Recent simulations since June 2003, when the Three Gorges Dam operation started, were used to analyse the effect of dam operation on the annual minimum 7-day flow. A comparison of observations and predictions during the post-dam period demonstrated that the dam operation effectively modifies the annual minimum 7-day flow period to have higher flows.  相似文献   

Effects of hedgerows on sediment erosion in Three Gorges Dam Area, China   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
The Three Gorges Dam Area refers to the river section from Chongqing to Yichang on the Yangtze River, which has a drainage area of 75,098 km^2, and involves 19 cities and counties. Contour hedgerows have been used in this area to control soil erosion and to improve hillslope stability in the catchment of this river section. Five experimental hedgerow plots were established in 1994 in order to study the effects of hedgerows on erosion control. During the period of 1994-1997, runoff and soil loss data were collected on these test plots, including the chemical and physical properties of soil and related topographical data. The results indicate that: (1) after 4 years of cultivation and crop planting, soil fertility increased dramatically in the hedgerow plots. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus contents in the hedgerow plots were 5-9 times higher than that in the control plot. In each of the hedgerow plots, soil structure became more stable, the quantity of granules larger than 0.02 mm increased and those finer than 0.02 mm decreased; (2) All hedgerow plots showed a major effect on reducing soil loss and surface runoff; (3) Overland flow velocity along the upper portion of the hedgerow plots was greatly reduced due to hedgerow resistance, which explains the significant decrease in soil losses in hedgerow plots, despite the fact that the hedgerow plots and the control plots had the same total runoff.  相似文献   

Since a river system is a unidirectional network, the upstream influencing factors often interfere with those downstream. We quantify the effects of the TGD on the sediment exchange processes between the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake. Based on yearly sediment load data from 1981 to 2008, two multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models were constructed to predict the potential sedimentation in Dongting Lake without implementation of the TGD. The sediment discharge at Yichang station decreased from 622.5 to 61.1 Mt/year between 1981–1985 and 2003–2008, while the sedimentation in Dongting Lake reduced from 127.3 to 6.6 Mt/year. The MLP models indicate that only 27.9% of the decreased sediment load at Yichang station and 16.9% of that in Dongting Lake is caused by the TGD, while the rest is caused mostly by other upstream climate variations and anthropogenic impacts.
EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITORN. Ilich  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest capacity hydropower station located in the Hubei province along the Yangtze River in China, which began operations in 2003. The dam also functions to store and regulate the downstream releases of water in order to provide flood control and navigational support in addition to hydropower generation. Flow regulation is particularly important for alleviating the impacts of low- and high-flow events during the summer rainy season (June, July, and August). The impact of dam operations on summer flows is the focus of this work. Naturalized flows are modelled using a canonical correlation analysis and covariates of subbasin-scale precipitation resulting in good model skill with an average correlation of 0.92. The model is then used to estimate natural flows in the period after dam operation. A comparison between modelled and gauged streamflow post 2003 is made and the impact of the dam on downstream flow is assessed. Streamflow variability is found to be strongly related to rainfall variability. An analysis of regional streamflow variability across the Yangtze River Basin showed a mode of spatially negatively correlated variability between the upper and lower basin areas. The Three Gorges Dam likely mitigated the occurrence of high-flow events at Yichang station located near the dam. However, the high flow at the remaining stations in the lower reach is not noticeably alleviated due to the diminishing influence of the dam on distant downstream flows and the impact of the lakes downstream of the dam that act to attenuate flows. Three types of flow regime changes between naturalized and observed flows were defined and used to assess the changes in the occurrence of high- and low-flow events resulting from dam operations.  相似文献   

三峡大坝上下游水质时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为探索三峡大坝上下游(坝上99.9 km、坝下63.0 km、全长162.9 km)水质时空变化特征,运用主成分分析和方差分析对2016年近坝段水质时空变化特征进行了分析.主成分分析表明,水文因子流量(Q)、气温(T)、水位(Z)和水质因子(水温(WT)、pH、电导率(EC)、溶解氧(DO)、悬浮物(SS)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、硫酸盐(SO42-)、氟化物(F-)、总硬度(T-Hard)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、总氮(TN)和硒(Se))的变化主导着研究区域水质变化;各采样点主成分得分和双因素方差分析结果显示研究区域水质因子时间变化主要呈现出季节和不同水库运行时期的差异.消落期(2-5月),T-Hard、F-、SO42-和EC是影响河流水质变化的主导因子;汛期(7-8月),Q、SS、CODMn、NO3--N、TN和Se是影响河流水质变化的主导因子;T和WT主导着汛末(9月)河流水质变化,并引起了DO等理化特性的变化;高水位运行期(12月),Cl-是影响河流水质变化的主导因子.现阶段,DO、有机污染物(CODMn)、无机盐(SO42-和F-)、营养盐类(NO3--N和TN)、类金属元素(Se)和水体的矿化程度(T-Hard)的变化主导着区域水质的变化,是三峡大坝近坝段水域水质的控制因子.方差分析表明,河流的理化特性(DO、pH和SS)、营养盐组分构成(NH3-N和NO3--N)、无机盐类(EC和Cl-)、石油类有机污染物及粪大肠菌群(FC)等指标在坝上与坝下断面存在显著性差异.气温、水温、降雨、含沙量的季节性影响因素和水库调度运行模式是影响近坝段水质时间差异的主要因子;空间差异主要受城区污染排放和三峡水库调度引起的坝上和坝下水文和水动力学条件差异影响.因此控制研究区域因人类活动等造成的外源性污染,并针对不同类污染物质的季节变化特征实施合理的水库运行方式是近坝段水质提升的关键.  相似文献   

The peak in sediment transport in alluvial rivers generally lags behind the peak in discharge. It is thus not clear how the hysteresis in the sediment/discharge relationship may be impacted by damming, which can fundamentally alter the water and sediment regimes in the downstream reaches of the river. In this study, a total of 500 flood events in the Yichang–Chenglingji Reach (YCR) of the Middle Yangtze River immediately downstream of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) are analysed to study the impacts of dam operations on the hysteresis of suspended sediment transport. Sediment rating curves, hysteresis patterns, as well as lag times, are investigated to determine the relationship between suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and flow discharge (Q) at different temporal scales, from inter-annual to individual flood events, for the pre- and post-TGD period from 1992 to 2002 and from 2003 to 2017, respectively. The results showed that the TGD operation decreased the frequency and magnitude of floods. The decrease in peak flow and increase in base flow weakened the flood contribution to the annual discharge by nearly 20%. However, the relative suspended sediment load contribution during flood events was much higher than the discharge contribution, and was little impacted by the dam. At seasonal and monthly scales, more than 80% of the suspended sediment was transported by ~65% of the water discharge in the summer and early autumn. The monthly SSCQ relationship changed from a figure-eight to an anti-clockwise pattern after the construction of the TGD. For single flood events, the TGD operations significantly modified the downstream SSCQ hysteresis patterns, increasing the frequency of anti-clockwise loops and the lag time between peak Q and peak SSC. These adjustments were mainly caused by differences in the propagation velocities of flood and sediment waves and the sediment ‘storage–mobilization–depletion’ process, whereas the influence of lateral diversions was small. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Project is the world's largest water conservancy project. According to the design standards for the 1,000‐year flood, flood diversion areas in the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River must be utilized to ensure the safety of the Jingjiang area and the city of Wuhan. However, once these areas are used, the economic and life loss in these areas may be very great. Therefore, it is vital to reduce this loss by developing a scheme that reduces the use of the flood diversion areas through flood regulation by the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), under the premise of ensuring the safety of the Three Gorges Dam. For a 1,000‐year flood on the basis of a highly destructive flood in 1954, this paper evaluates scheduling schemes in which flood diversion areas are or are not used. The schemes are simulated based on 2.5‐m resolution reservoir topography and an optimized model of dynamic capacity flood regulation. The simulation results show the following. (a) In accord with the normal flood‐control regulation discharge, the maximum water level above the dam should be not more than 175 m, which ensures the safety of the dam and reservoir area. However, it is necessary to utilize the flood diversion areas within the Jingjiang area, and flood discharge can reach 2.81 billion m3. (b) In the case of relying on the TGR to impound floodwaters independently rather than using the flood diversion areas, the maximum water level above the dam reaches 177.35 m, which is less than the flood check level of 180.4 m to ensure the safety of the Three Gorges Dam. The average increase of the TGR water level in the Chongqing area is not more than 0.11 m, which indicates no significant effect on the upstream reservoir area. Comparing the various scheduling schemes, when the flood diversion areas are not used, it is believed that the TGR can execute safe flood control for a 1,000‐year flood, thereby greatly reducing flood damage.  相似文献   

以三峡下游河段为研究对象,利用1987-2014年原型观测数据,分析粗细颗粒在时间和空间的输移过程,并以水文站作为划分单元探讨其成因.三峡水库蓄水后坝下游d≤0.125 mm(细颗粒)各粒径组沙量沿程递增,并小于蓄水前均值;d0.125 mm(粗颗粒)沙量在宜昌—监利河段得到补给,其下游为淤积趋势,其中2003-2007年至监利站恢复程度最大.在成因上:(1)宜昌—沙市河段,河床粗化限制了粗细颗粒泥沙补给,其中细颗粒补给受制于总水量,粗颗粒受制于大流量持续天数和量值;(2)沙市—监利河段,粗细颗粒补给均受制于总水量;(3)监利—螺山河段,洞庭湖入汇对细颗粒补给起决定作用,河床补给量中洪水年大于中枯水年,粗颗粒为淤积趋势,且中洪水年淤积量小于中枯水年;(4)螺山—汉口河段,细颗粒增加受河床补给决定,2008-2014年补给强度弱于2003-2007年,2010年前后粗颗粒泥沙由淤转冲,与大流量持续天数和量值增加有关;(5)汉口—九江河段,细颗粒泥沙淤积,粗颗粒因河床冲刷得到补给,大水年补给量高于枯水;(6)九江—大通河段,鄱阳湖入汇和河床补给对细颗粒增加的贡献比例为1∶2.82,河床冲刷对粗颗粒泥沙起补给作用,受大流量持续天数和量值影响.  相似文献   

As the largest hydroelectric dam in the world, the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) has raised wide concerns over the environmental and ecological impacts since its dramatic effect on the downstream flow regime of the Yangtze River. Since 2003, the TGD has progressed from the initial operation period to the full operation period, with different effects on the downstream flow regime over each period. Although the upstream inflow change (USIC) of the TGD is a possibly additional factor affecting the downstream flow regime, this has drawn little attention. This study aims to quantify the individual contributions of the TGD and the USIC to the changes of the downstream flow regime over different operation periods of the dam. Using the Muskingum routing model and the Xin'anjiang rainfall–run‐off model, we reconstruct the discharge unregulated by the TGD for the post‐TGD period from 2003 to 2015. On this basis, the effects of the TGD and the USIC on the downstream flow regime are quantitatively assessed. Benchmarked against the flow regime during the pre‐TGD period from 1955 to 2002, it is found that the TGD and the USIC play considerable and comparable roles in affecting the downstream flow regime during the whole post‐TGD period from 2003 to 2015. Furthermore, the TGD appears to have a limited effect on the downstream flow regime during the initial operation period from 2003 to 2008 relative to the USIC. In contrast, during the full operation period from 2009 to 2015, the TGD plays a dominant role in changing the downstream flow regime, although the effect of the USIC cannot be neglected. The findings of this study are helpful to understand the exact impacts of the TGD on the downstream flow regime, thereby facilitating the development of a rational strategy for operating the dam.  相似文献   


The aim is to build a seasonal flood frequency analysis model and estimate seasonal design floods. The importance of seasonal flood frequency analysis and the advantages of considering seasonal design floods in the derivation of reservoir planning and operating rules are discussed, recognising that seasonal flood frequency models have been in use for over 30 years. A set of non-identical models with non-constant parameters is proposed and developed to describe flows that reflect seasonal flood variation. The peak-over-threshold (POT) sampling method was used, as it is considered to provide significantly more information on flood seasonality than annual maximum (AM) sampling and has better performance in flood seasonality estimation. The number of exceedences is assumed to follow the Poisson distribution (Po), while the peak exceedences are described by the exponential (Ex) and generalized Pareto (GP) distributions and a combination of both, resulting in three models, viz. Po-Ex, Po-GP and Po-Ex/GP. Their performances are analysed and compared. The Geheyan and the Baiyunshan reservoirs were chosen for the case study. The application and statistical experiment results show that each model has its merits and that the Po-Ex/GP model performs best. Use of the Po-Ex/GP model is recommended in seasonal flood frequency analysis for the purpose of deriving reservoir operation rules.  相似文献   

Min Li  Ting Zhang  Ping Feng 《水文研究》2019,33(21):2759-2771
With the intensification of climate change, its impact on runoff variations cannot be ignored. The main purpose of this study is to analyse the nonstationarity of runoff frequency adjusted for future climate change in the Luanhe River basin, China, and quantify the different sources of uncertainties in nonstationary runoff frequency analysis. The advantage of our method is the combination of generalized additive models in location, scale, and shape (GAMLSS) and downscaling models. The nonstationary GAMLSS models were established for the nonstationary frequency analysis of runoff (1961–2010) by using the observed precipitation as a covariate, which is closely related to runoff and contributes significantly to its nonstationarity. To consider the nonstationary effects of future climate change on future runoff variations, the downscaled precipitation series in the future (2011–2080) from the general circulation models (GCMs) were substituted into the selected nonstationary model to calculate the statistical parameters and runoff frequency in the future. A variance decomposition method was applied to quantify the impacts of different sources of uncertainty on the nonstationary runoff frequency analysis. The results show that the impacts of uncertainty in the GCMs, scenarios, and statistical parameters of the GAMLSS model increase with increasing runoff magnitude. In addition, GCMs and GAMLSS model parameters have the main impacts on runoff uncertainty, accounting for 14% and 83% of the total uncertainty sources, respectively. Conversely, the interactions and scenarios make limited contributions, accounting for 2% and 1%, respectively. Further analysis shows that the sources of uncertainty in the statistical parameters of the nonstationary model mainly result from the fluctuations in the precipitation sequence. This result indicates the necessity of considering the precipitation sequence as a covariate for runoff frequency analysis in the future.  相似文献   


Several methods for the exploration and modelling of spatial point patterns are introduced to study the spatial patterns of homogeneous pooling groups for flood frequency analysis. The study is based on selected catchments in Great Britain, where a high density of gauging stations has been established. Initial pooling groups are formed using the K-means clustering algorithm with appropriately selected similarity measures. The pooling groups are subsequently revised to improve the homogeneity in the hydrological response. Spatial patterns of the initial and final pooling groups are explored in terms of intensity and dependence of the spatial distribution of the catchments. A test against a spatial point process is used to confirm or reject the initial impression of spatial clustering. Changes in the spatial patterns from the initial to the final pooling groups are examined using two comparison methods. The spatial pattern analysis described above can be used to answer the following questions: whether homogeneous catchments tend to exist in the vicinity of each other; whether the improvement in homogeneity tends to form more clustered pooling groups; and how the spatial patterns observed can be used to direct the selection of pooling variables.  相似文献   

As an alternative to the commonly used univariate flood frequency analysis, copula frequency analysis can be used. In this study, 58 flood events at the Litija gauging station on the Sava River in Slovenia were analysed, selected based on annual maximum discharge values. Corresponding hydrograph volumes and durations were considered. Different bivariate copulas from three families were applied and compared using different statistical, graphical and upper tail dependence tests. The parameters of the copulas were estimated using the method of moments with the inversion of Kendall's tau. The Gumbel–Hougaard copula was selected as the most appropriate for the pair of peak discharge and hydrograph volume (Q‐V). The same copula was also selected for the pair hydrograph volume and duration (V‐D), and the Student‐t copula was selected for the pair of peak discharge and hydrograph duration (Q‐D). The differences among most of the applied copulas were not significant. Different primary, secondary and conditional return periods were calculated and compared, and some relationships among them were obtained. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flood frequency analysis is usually based on the fitting of an extreme value distribution to the local streamflow series. However, when the local data series is short, frequency analysis results become unreliable. Regional frequency analysis is a convenient way to reduce the estimation uncertainty. In this work, we propose a regional Bayesian model for short record length sites. This model is less restrictive than the index flood model while preserving the formalism of “homogeneous regions”. The performance of the proposed model is assessed on a set of gauging stations in France. The accuracy of quantile estimates as a function of the degree of homogeneity of the pooling group is also analysed. The results indicate that the regional Bayesian model outperforms the index flood model and local estimators. Furthermore, it seems that working with relatively large and homogeneous regions may lead to more accurate results than working with smaller and highly homogeneous regions.  相似文献   

Many civil infrastructures are located near the confluence of two streams, where they may be subject to inundation by high flows from either stream or both. These infrastructures, such as highway bridges, are designed to meet specified performance objectives for floods of a specified return period (e.g. the 100 year flood). Because the flooding of structures on one stream can be affected by high flows on the other stream, it is important to know the relationship between the coincident exceedence probabilities on the confluent stream pair in many hydrological engineering practices. Currently, the National Flood Frequency Program (NFF), which was developed by the US Geological Survey (USGS) and based on regional analysis, is probably the most popular model for ungauged site flood estimation and could be employed to estimate flood probabilities at the confluence points. The need for improved infrastructure design at such sites has motivated a renewed interest in the development of more rigorous joint probability distributions of the coincident flows. To accomplish this, a practical procedure is needed to determine the crucial bivariate distributions of design flows at stream confluences. In the past, the copula method provided a way to construct multivariate distribution functions. This paper aims to develop the Copula‐based Flood Frequency (COFF) method at the confluence points with any type of marginal distributions via the use of Archimedean copulas and dependent parameters. The practical implementation was assessed and tested against the standard NFF approach by a case study in Iowa's Des Moines River. Monte Carlo simulations proved the success of the generalized copula‐based joint distribution algorithm. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

泥沙问题是三峡工程建设与运行中的关键技术问题之一,只有妥善处理好泥沙问题,才能保证三峡工程长期有效使用,维持水库功能的全面发挥。本文首先结合实测水文、河道地形观测资料,对三峡水库运行近20年来的泥沙淤积特性及水库排沙比进行了较为全面的分析研究,并与已有研究成果进行了对比;其次,围绕防洪、航运以及坝前段的泥沙淤积等方面,进一步分析了水库淤积产生的影响。结果表明:三峡水库蓄水以来,在不考虑区间来沙的情况下,三峡水库共淤积泥沙20.484亿t,近似年均淤积1.102亿t,水库排沙比为23.6%,水库年均淤积量为原论证预测值的33%。其中,库区干流段累计淤积泥沙17.835亿m3(变动回水区冲刷0.694亿m3;常年回水区淤积18.529亿m3),淤积在水库防洪库容内的泥沙为1.648亿m3(干、支流分别淤积1.517亿m3和0.131亿m3),占水库防洪库容的0.74%,“十一五”攻关阶段研究得出的多年平均淤积量及排沙比较实测值均偏大,变动回水区冲淤则出现反向的...  相似文献   

To investigate the sources of particulate organic matter (POM) and the impact of Three Gorges Dam (TGD), two large lakes and erosion processes on determining the composition and flux of POM in low water discharge periods along the middle and lower Changjiang, suspended particulate samples were collected along the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) in January 2008. Organic geochemistry of bulk sediment (particulate organic carbon, organic carbon to nitrogen molar ratio (C/N), stable carbon isotope (δ13C) and grain size) and biomarker of bulk sediment (lignin phenols) were measured to trace the sources of POM. The range of C/N ratios (6.4–8.9), δ13C (?24.3‰ – ?26.2‰) and lignin phenols concentration Λ8 (0.45 mg/100 mg OC‐2.00 mg/100 mg OC) of POM suggested that POM originated from the mixture of soil, plant tissue and autochthonous organic matter (OM) during the dry season. POM from lakes contained a higher portion of terrestrial OM than the mainstream, which was related to sand mining and hydropower erosion processes. A three end‐member model based on δ13C and Λ8 was performed. The results indicated that soil contributed approximately 50% of OM to the POM, which is the dominant OM source in most stations. POM composition was affected by total suspended matter (TSM) and grain size composition, and the direct OM input from two lakes and channel erosion induced OM. The lower TSM concentration in January 2008 was mainly caused by seasonal variations; the impact from the TGD in the dry season was relatively small. A box model indicated that more than 90% of the terrestrial OM transported by the Changjiang in January 2008 was from the middle and lower drainage basins. Channel erosion induced OM, and contributions from Poyang Lake were the major terrestrial OM sources in the dry season. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Itajaí River basin is one of the areas most affected by flood-related disasters in Brazil. Flood hazard maps based on digital elevation models (DEM) are an important alternative in the absence of detailed hydrological data and for application in large areas. We developed a flood hazard mapping methodology by combining flow frequency analysis with the Height Above the Nearest Drainage (HAND) model – f2HAND – and applied it in three municipalities in the Itajaí River basin. The f2HAND performance was evaluated through comparison with observed 2011 flood extent maps. Model performance and sensitivity were tested for different DEM resolutions, return periods and streamflow data from stations located upstream and downstream on the main river. The flood hazard mapping with our combined approach matched 92% of the 2011 flood event. We found that the f2HAND model has low sensitivity to DEM resolution and high sensitivity to area threshold of channel initiation.  相似文献   

高宇  任实  王海  吕超楠  赵汗青 《湖泊科学》2023,35(2):662-672
泥沙淤积问题直接影响着三峡水库的使用寿命及综合效益的发挥,研究其入库水沙特性对于解决水库泥沙淤积问题具有重要意义。根据水文站实测数据,分析了三峡水库入库水沙输移特性及来源组成变化,重点研究了金沙江下游梯级水库运行后的三峡水库高洪水期入库水沙特性。结果表明:2003—2021年,三峡水库入库泥沙集中于汛期的高洪水期,2013年以后该现象更为显著,泥沙来源也由金沙江为主转变为嘉陵江为主。寸滩站洪峰流量高于50000 m3/s的高洪水期三峡入库沙量显著大于30000~50000 m3/s区间的高洪水期,三峡水库泥沙调度关键在于上游发生编号洪水期间。三峡水库上游沱江或嘉陵江等支流发生流域性大洪水时,易引起高洪水期入库水沙出现“小水大沙”的特点。金沙江下游梯级水库运行后,三峡水库高洪水期入库泥沙大幅减少,中小洪水调度期间泥沙淤积量也大幅减小。研究结果可为三峡水库的泥沙精细化调度和长期高效使用提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水前后长江中下游流量特征变化及其对造床作用的影响一直受到学者的关注.采用枝城等6个水文站日均流量资料,分别统计了各站流量的经验频率分布,检验了8种概率密度函数的适用性,并讨论了三峡水库蓄水前后流量频率分布特征与造床流量的关系.研究表明:长江中下游干流洪中枯各级流量的频率分布具有分段特性,无法用皮尔逊Ⅲ型或对数...  相似文献   

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