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To understand the transport process of lithogenic particles in the ocean, we measured the grain size distributions of lithogenic particles and measured the opal, La, Yb, Th, and Sc concentrations of the settling particles collected from time-series sediment traps at Sta. KNOT (44°N, 155°E, water depth 5320 m) from June 2002 to May 2004. The annual mean lithogenic particle flux observed at the lower sediment trap (5100 m) was twice as high as that at the upper sediment trap (770 m). The contribution of Asian loess estimated by the La/Yb and the Th/Sc ratios in the lower layer was greater than that in the upper layer. The fluxes of small lithogenic particles with sizes of 3–4 μm at the lower layer (5 to 65 mg/m2/day) were approximately four times larger than that at the upper layer (0.6 to 27 mg/m2/day). These results indicate that the horizontal addition of small particle sizes of Asian loess is a main factor in the increase of lithogenic particles at the lower layer. The temporal variations in the small lithogenic particle flux at the lower layer had a positive correlation with those at the upper layer (r = 0.71). The small lithogenic particle fluxes showed a strong positive correlation with the opal fluxes (r = 0.9). We therefore conclude that the small lithogenic particles were laterally transported and scavenged by the formation of aggregates with opal.  相似文献   

In the present study, we report N_2 fixation rate(~(15)N isotope tracer assay) and the diazotroph community structure(using the molecular method) in the western tropical North Pacific Ocean(WTNP)(13°–20°N, 120°–160°E). Our independent evidence on the basis of both in situ N_2 fixation activity and diazotroph community structure showed the dominance of unicellular N_2 fixation over majority of the WTNP surface waters during the sampling periods.Moreover, a shift in the diazotrophic composition from unicellular cyanobacteria group B-dominated to Trichodesmium spp.-dominated toward the western boundary current(Kuroshio) was also observed in 2013. We hypothesize that nutrient availability may have played a major role in regulating the biogeography of N_2 fixation.In surface waters, volumetric N_2 fixation rate(calculated by nitrogen) ranged between 0.6 and 2.6 nmol/(L·d) and averaged(1.2±0.5) nmol/(L·d), with 10 μm size fraction contributed predominantly(88%±6%) to the total rate between 135°E and 160°E. Depth-integrated N_2 fixation rate over the upper 200 m ranged between 150 μmol/(m~2·d)and 480 μmol/(m~2·d)(average(225±105) μmol/(m~2·d). N_2 fixation can account for 6.2%±3.7% of the depthintegrated primary production, suggesting that N_2 fixation is a significant N source sustaining new and export production in the WTNP. The role of N_2 fixation in biogeochemical cycling in this climate change-vulnerable region calls for further investigations.  相似文献   

A C25 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) monoene hydrocarbon, designated IP25, has been proposed previously to originate from diatoms living in Arctic sea ice, while the presence of IP25 in sediments has been suggested to be a proxy for the occurrence of former Arctic sea ice. Here, we show that the 13C isotopic composition of IP25 in sea ice, in sediment trap material collected under sea ice, and in high latitude northern sediments, is distinctive (isotopically ‘heavy’) and distinguishable from that of organic matter of planktonic or terrigenous origin. Mean δ13C values for IP25 were − 22.3 ± 0.4‰ (sea ice), − 19.6 ± 1.1‰ (sediment traps) and − 19.3 ± 2.3‰ (sediments). These measurements, therefore, support further the proposed use of IP25 as an Arctic sea ice proxy.  相似文献   

Microfossil analysis (e.g. diatoms, foraminifera and pollen) represents the cornerstone of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) reconstruction because their distribution in the contemporary inter-tidal zone is principally controlled by ground elevation within the tidal frame. A combination of poor microfossil preservation and a limited range in the sediment record may severely restrict the accuracy of resulting RSL reconstructions. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis of inter-tidal sediments have shown some potential as coastal palaeoenvironmental proxies. Here we assess their viability for reconstructing RSL change by examining patterns of organic δ13C and C/N values in a modern estuarine environment. δ13C and C/N analysis of bulk organic inter-tidal sediments and vegetation, as well as suspended and bedload organic sediments of the Mersey Estuary, U.K., demonstrate that the two main sources of organic carbon to surface saltmarsh sediments (terrestrial vegetation and tidal-derived particulate organic matter) have distinctive δ13C and C/N signatures. The resulting relationship between ground elevation within the tidal frame and surface sediment δ13C and C/N is unaffected by decompositional changes. The potential of this technique for RSL reconstruction is demonstrated by the analysis of part of an early Holocene sediment core from the Mersey Estuary. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis is less time consuming than microfossil analysis and is likely to provide continuous records of RSL change.  相似文献   

We utilized 234Th, a naturally occurring radionuclide, to quantify the particulate organic carbon (POC) export rates in the northern South China Sea (SCS) based on data collected in July 2000 (summer), May 2001 (spring) and November 2002 (autumn). Th-234 deficit was enhanced with depth in the euphotic zone, reaching a subsurface maximum at the Chl-a maximum in most cases, as commonly observed in many oceanic regimes. Th-234 was in general in equilibrium with 238U at a depth of ∼100 m, the bottom of the euphotic zone. In this study the 234Th deficit appeared to be less significant in November than in July and May. A surface excess of 234Th relative to 238U was found in the summer over the shelf of the northern SCS, most likely due to the accumulation of suspended particles entrapped by a salinity front. Comparison of the 234Th fluxes from the upper 10 m water column between 2-D and traditional 1-D models revealed agreement within the errors of estimation, suggesting the applicability of the 1-D model to this particular shelf region. 1-D model-based 234Th fluxes were converted to POC export rates using the ratios of bottle POC to 234Th. The values ranged from 5.3 to 26.6 mmol C m−2d−1 and were slightly higher than those in the southern SCS and other oligotrophic areas. POC export overall showed larger values in spring and summer than in autumn, the seasonality of which was, however, not significant. The highest POC export rate (26.6 mmol C m−2d−1) appeared at the shelf break in spring (May), when Chl-a increased and the community structure changed from pico-phytoplankton (<2 μm) dominated to nano-phytoplankton (2–20 μm) and micro-phytoplankton (20–200 μm) dominated.  相似文献   

A cross-system analysis of bulk sediment composition, total organic carbon (TOC), atomic C/N ratio, and carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in 82 surface sediment samples from natural and planted mangrove forests, bank and bottom of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and the subtidal habitat was conducted to examine the roles of mangroves in sedimentation and organic carbon (OC) accumulation processes, and to characterize sources of sedimentary OC of the mangrove ecosystem of Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam. Sediment grain sizes varied widely from 5.4 to 170.2 μm (mean 71.5 μm), with the fine sediment grain size fraction (< 63 μm) ranging from 11 to 99.3% (mean 72.5%). Bulk sediment composition suggested that mangroves play an important role in trapping fine sediments from river outflows and tidal water by the mechanisms of tidal current attenuation by vegetation and the ability of fine roots to bind sediments. The TOC content ranged from 0.08 to 2.18% (mean 0.78%), and was higher within mangrove forests compared to those of banks and bottoms of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and subtidal sediments. The sedimentary δ13C ranged from − 27.7 to − 20.4‰ (mean − 24.1‰), and mirrored the trend observed in TOC variation. The TOC and δ13C relationship showed that the factors of microbial remineralization and OC sources controlled the TOC pool of mangrove sediments. The comparison of δ13C and C/N ratio of sedimentary OC with those of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources indicated that the sedimentary OC within mangrove forests and the subtidal habitat was mainly composed of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources, respectively. The application of a simple mixing model showed that the mangrove contribution to sedimentary OC decreased as follows: natural mangrove forest > planted mangrove forest > tidal flat > creek bank > creek bottom > subtidal habitat.  相似文献   

Standing stocks and production rates of phytoplankton and abundance of bacteria were investigated at 39 stations in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan during four crulses in October 1993, January, April and June 1994. Primary productivity was measured by the13C tracer method. Photosynthetic rate varied from 0.41 to 32.1 μgC/1/h with an average value of 4.67 μgC/l/h. Annual primary production was estimated to be 218 gC/m2/year. Annual primary production in this study was 1.8 times as high as the values which were previously reported at same area. The reason for the disagreement between our primary production value and previous values is not thought to be due to the difference of methods used for measuring primary production or the different Chl.a concentrations but to the method of estimating the primary production in the euphotic zone from thein vitro measurements. The distribution of bacterial cells in surface seawater was examined during the same cruises. Bacterial cell density ranged from 0.32 to 3.4×106 cells/ml. The density was relatively high in the eutrophic regions of Hiroshima Bay and Osaka Bay In addition, a high density of bacteria was also observed in an area within Suo Nada where Chl.a was relatively low. The disparity between Chla and bacterial density in Suo Nada suggests that bacterial abundance can be controlled by the availability of substrates other than phytoplankton exudate.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (C) and total nitrogen (N) contents and corresponding isotope ratios were determined in surficial sediment (0–3 cm) at 94 stations ranging from 21 to 1995 m water depth off Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan, to elucidate the distribution and source of sedimentary organic matter. Suspended particulate organic matter (POM) in the seawater and suspended POM and sediment in the Tokachi River were also examined. δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios of the samples in the Tokachi River suggest that the spring snowmelt is an important process for the transport of terrestrial organic matter to the coastal waters. δ13C values of suspended POM in the surface seawater were higher in May and November than in August, while δ15N values of the POM were higher in May and August than in November. These changes are attributed to seasonal changes in phytoplankton growth rate and nitrate availability. δ13C and δ15N values in the sediments off Tokachi were lowest near the Tokachi River mouth, and increased offshore to constant values that persisted from 134 to 1995 m water depth. The spatial variation in C / N ratios in the sediment mirrored those of δ13C and δ15N. Comparison of δ13C, δ15N and C / N ratios in the sediments off Tokachi with those in the Tokachi River and seawater indicates that about half of the organic matter in the sediment was of terrestrial origin near the Tokachi River mouth, and the sedimentary organic matter from 134 to 1995 m water depth was of marine origin. The organic C content in the sediment was high near the Tokachi River mouth, and also around 1000 m water depth. The C content was significantly correlated with silt plus clay content, with different regression lines for those stations shallower and deeper than 134 m, owing to several stations of higher C content with the elevated C / N ratio on the inner shelf. These results suggest that transport and deposition of organic-rich fine sediment particles by hydrodynamic processes were major factors controlling C content off Tokachi. In addition, the supply of a fraction of terrestrial organic matter with high C / N probably also affected C content on the inner shelf.  相似文献   

One hundred and ten carbon and nineteen strontium isotopic values of outcropping Cambrian Series 2 and Series 3 carbonate rocks in the Penglaiba section of the Keping area were analyzed. Effective isotopic data with little influence of diagenesis were used to address the global correlation. The δ13C values exhibit two major positive excursions (peaking at 3.1‰ and 3.3‰) and three major negative excursions (peaking at −3.0‰, −4.2‰ and −3.2‰). The carbon isotope excursions (peaking at −3.0‰ and −4.2‰) across the Cambrian Series 2-Series 3 boundary show good correlations with similar variations reported in Siberia, Laurentia, North China and South China. In contrast, the other three carbon isotope excursions (peaking at 3.1‰, 3.3‰ and −3.2‰) do not have a fairly good global correlation because of the lack of biostratigraphic data. With respect to the 87Sr/86Sr ratios, they show good correlation with those reported for Laurentia, and further support the global δ13C comparison. On the basis of these new data, it is showed that the combination of δ13C curves and 87Sr/86Sr variations serves as a powerful tool for correlation and subdivision of Cambrian strata in the Tarim Basin of northwest China, and provides new data for global correlation.  相似文献   

We have conducted elemental, isotopic, and Rock-Eval analyses of Cenomanian–Santonian sediment samples from ODP Site 1138 in the southern Indian Ocean to assess the origin and thermal maturity of organic matter in mid-Cretaceous black shales found at this high-latitude location. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations range between 1 and 20 wt% in black to medium-gray sediments deposited around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary. Results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis indicate that the organic matter is algal Type II material that has experienced modest alteration. Important contributions of nitrogen-fixing bacteria to the amplified production of organic matter implied by the high TOC concentrations is recorded in δ15N values between −5 and 1‰, and the existence of a near-surface intensified oxygen minimum zone that favored organic carbon preservation is implied by TOC/TN ratios between 20 and 40. In contrast to the marine nature of the organic matter in the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary section, deeper sediments at Site 1138 contain evidence of contributions land-derived organic matter that implies the former presence of forests on the Kerguelen Plateau until the earliest Cenomanian.  相似文献   

From January 2003 to December 2004 microphytobenthic primary production was estimated both from in situ (MPPs) and in the laboratory (MPPp) 14C-incubation of slurries collected in a coastal site of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea). MPPs values varied from −7.54 ± 3.12 to 34.59 ± 7.66 mg C m−2 h−1 over the whole period. The lowest MPPs were observed in November 2003 and August 2004, while the highest MPPs in July 2003 and May 2004, in correspondence with high PAR at the bottom. Significant correlations between MPPs and the microphytobenthic biomass (BIOM) (r = 0.75, p < 0.001), between MPPs and PAR at the bottom (r = 0.54, p < 0.01) and between MPPs and OXY (r = 0.50, p < 0.05) were revealed. MPPp values were higher than MPPs ones in 15 out of 23 observations, with the highest MPPp recorded in July 2003. At 17 m depth a seasonal pattern of sampling months was revealed by the cluster analysis. The role of abiotic parameters in determining this seasonal pattern was highlighted by the PCA, with the first axis correlated with MPPs and PAR, and the second one with temperature. Applying the fuzzy sets it resulted that spring months showed a higher degree of membership with MPPs, summer months with temperature and autumn–winter months with OXY. The microphytobenthic community did not seem to be photosynthetically active throughout the study period. From August–September to December low or negative MPPs values were recorded. We infer that during these months a shift from the autotrophic to heterotrophic metabolism of the benthic microalgae occurred in correspondence with low PAR and/or high temperature at the bottom. Despite the progressive lowering of the trophy of the study area occurred during the last 20 years, we found higher primary production values than those estimated two decades earlier.  相似文献   

We have determined chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration, primary productivity, cell density and species composition of diatoms, and the number of microzooplankton at the surface in the subarctic North Pacific in January 1996. The wet weight of copepods obtained by vertical tows from 150 m to the surface was also measured during the cruise. Chla concentration and primary productivity tended to be higher in the region west of 180°, the western subarctic North Pacific (WSNP), than east of 180°, the eastern subarctic North Pacific (ESNP). The same results were observed for the total diatom cell densities and for the genera Thalassiosira and Denticulopsis. Significant linear relationships were observed between the Thalassiosira cell density and Chla concentration and primary productivity, indicating that Thalassiosira contributes to the high-WSNP and low-ESNP distribution patterns of Chla concentration and primary productivity. Moreover, naked ciliate abundance tended to be lower in the WSNP than in the ESNP, whereas copepod biomass showed an inverse trend. Significantly negative Spearman rank correlations were found between the Thalassiosira cell density and the number of naked ciliates and between the number of naked ciliates and the wet weight of copepods. These results indicate that copepod grazing indirectly controls Thalassiosira cell density via predation on the naked ciliates. We conclude that the high copepod biomass in the WSNP is a factor controlling the high-WSNP and low-ESNP Thalassiosira abundance and hence Chla concentration and primary productivity patterns.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in coccolithophore abundance, chlorophyll, nutrients and production of particulate organic and inorganic carbon (POC and PIC) were determined along a coastal to oceanic east-west transect (Line P) culminating at Ocean Station Papa in the northeastern subarctic Pacific between 1998 and 2000. Offshore stations generally exhibited low seasonality in chlorophyll concentrations, with moderate seasonality in POC production. Near shelf stations showed a similar pattern to offshore stations, but were also characterized by sporadic events of higher POC productivity. During the 1998 El Niño, June was characterized by low chlorophyll and POC productivity along the transect, presumably as a result of depleted surface nitrate. In contrast, during the 1999 La Niña, and in 2000, higher POC productivity and surface nitrate occurred along the transect in June. Chlorophyll and POC productivity were similar in late summer in all 3 years. The coccolithophore population was usually numerically dominated by Emiliania huxleyi, particularly in June. Along the transect, abundance of coccolithophores was much higher in June during the 1998 El Niño (mean of 221 cells ml−1) than in the 1999 La Niña (mean of 40 cells ml−1), with their abundance in late summers of both years being very low. Abundances were even higher along the transect in June and the late summer of 2000 with sporadic ‘blooms’ of >1000 cells ml−1 at some stations (cruise averages 395 and 552 cell ml−1, respectively). Production rates of PIC did not consistently correlate with areas of high coccolithophore abundance. PIC production was high (100-250 mg C m−2 d−1) along the transect during June 1998, and low (1-40 mg C m−2 d−1) during both winters, June 1999 and during late summers of 1998 and 1999. The year 2000 was more complicated, with high rates of PIC production accompanying high abundance of coccolithophores in late summer, but lower rates of PIC production accompanying high coccolithophore numbers in June. Our data suggest that the abundance of coccolithophores and the production rates of PIC in the subarctic are higher than previously thought. Occasional PIC:POC production ratios of 1 or greater in 1998 and 2000 suggest that coccolithophores in this region could have a significant impact on the efficiency of the biological carbon pump.  相似文献   

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