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A study of surface sediment organic matter and heavy metal content (e.g. Cu, Zn, Pb and Sn) was carried out in 2006 to assess changes in eutrophication and pollution in the periodically anoxic Flensburg Fjord since 1972. Low hydrodynamic activity together with sewage discharges and high primary production in the inner fjord promote the enrichment of present day surface sediments in organic matter and metals in contrast to the outer fjord. However, heavy metal contents in the fjord are typical for the western Baltic Sea, although they are higher than in the preindustrial period.Although the anthropogenic nutrient load has substantially decreased since the 1970s, sediments from the inner fjord contain more organic material in 2006 than in 1972 resulting from still high levels of primary production supported by internal nutrient loading. Of the heavy metals measured, a decrease in Pb content since the 1970s is distinct, which is explained by the banning on gasoline lead. Taken together, these results suggest that the amelioration of environmental conditions needs time but is indeed related to reduced anthropogenic inputs.  相似文献   

The levels of HCH isomers, HCB and summation DDTs were determined in five species of Baltic fish collected during 1995-2006. Some downward time trends of HCH isomer, pp'-DDE and pp'-DDD concentrations in Baltic fish were observed; in contrast, HCB and DDT concentrations did not exhibit any obvious trend. Concentrations of summation HCHs expressed on a lipid weight basis were very similar in all species studied. In contrast, concentrations of summation DDTs varied in tested species. The most abundant HCH isomer was beta-HCH and among DDT-related compounds, pp'-DDE prevailed. In our investigations the sampling sites were not a crucial factor for organochlorine pesticide concentrations and patterns observed in fish, but the occurrence of several inter-species differences in the bioaccumulation features of OC pesticides were observed. For cod there was a positive correlation between fish size (length) and summation DDT concentration. In herring, sprat and salmon samples, summation DDT concentrations were negatively correlated with fat content.  相似文献   

We investigated the applicability of the Pearson-Rosenberg (P-R) conceptual model describing a generalized pattern of response of benthic communities in relation to organic enrichment to Mediterranean Sea coastal lagoons. Consistent with P-R model predictions, benthic diversity and abundance showed two different peaks at low (>2.5-5 mg g−1) and high (>25-30 mg g−1) total organic carbon (TOC) ranges, respectively. We identified TOC thresholds indicating that risks of reduced benthic diversity should be relatively low at TOC values < about 10 mg g−1, high at TOC values > about 28 mg g−1, and intermediate at values in-between. Predictive ability within these ranges was high based on results of re-sampling simulation. While not a direct measure of causality, it is anticipated that these TOC thresholds should serve as a general screening-level indicator for evaluating the likelihood of reduced sediment quality and associated bioeffects in such eutrophic systems of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a and its selected derivatives, as well as chlorophylls b and c have been determined in samples of recent (0-10 cm) sediments, collected at 30 stations in the Szczecin Lagoon, Pomeranian Bay and the Bornholm Deep. Samples were retrieved in different seasons between 1992 and 2001, including the time before and after the great flood of July 1997. Regarding the content of chlorophyll a and its derivatives in sediments, the Szczecin Lagoon may be classified as permanently eutrophic and the Pomeranian Bay and Bornholm Deep as mesotrophic. A lack of correlation between chlorophylls b, c and chlorophyll a indicated that intensive blooms of cyanobacteria occur in the Szczecin Lagoon, which is a characteristic of eutrophic zones. The chlorin a results are related to selected parameters characterizing the aquatic environment. The values for nutrients, salinity and temperature in near-bottom waters, as well as granulometry and organic carbon in the sediments verify the above conclusions.  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of extraordinary macroalgae blooms (green tides) are increasing. Here, climate change (ocean warming and acidification) impacts on life history and biochemical responses of a causative green tide species, Ulva rigida, were investigated under combinations of pH (7.95, 7.55, corresponding to lower and higher pCO2), temperature (14, 18 °C) and nitrate availability (6 and 150 μmol L? 1). The higher temperature accelerated the onset and magnitude of gamete settlement. Any two factor combination promoted germination and accelerated growth in young plants. The higher temperature increased reproduction, which increased further in combination with elevated pCO2 or nitrate. Reproductive success was highest (64.4 ± 5.1%) when the upper limits of all three variables were combined. Biochemically, more protein and lipid but less carbohydrate were synthesized under higher temperature and nitrate conditions. These results suggest that climate change may cause more severe green tides, particularly when eutrophication cannot be effectively controlled.  相似文献   

Socio-economic development in Europe has exerted increasing pressure on the marine environment. Eutrophication, caused by nutrient enrichment, is evident in regions of all European seas. Its severity varies but has, in places, adversely impacted socio-economic activities. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of recently adopted policies to reduce anthropogenic nutrient inputs to European seas. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets were constructed for three different periods (prior to severe eutrophication, during severe eutrophication and contemporary) to capture changes in the relative importance of different nutrient sources in four European seas suffering from eutrophication (Baltic Proper, coastal North Sea, Northern Adriatic and North-Western Black Sea Shelf). Policy success is evident for point sources, notably for P in the Baltic and North Seas, but reduction of diffuse sources has been more problematic.  相似文献   

Sources of pollution discharges and water quality samples at 27 stations in 2006 in the coastal waters of Hebei Province, western Bohai Sea, have been analyzed in this study. Pollutant loads from industrial sewages have shown stronger impact on the water environment than those from the general sewages. Analysis indicates that pollution of COD is mainly resulted from land-based point pollutant sources. For phosphate concentration, non-point source pollution from coastal ocean (fishing and harbor areas) plays an important role. To assess the water quality conditions, Organic Pollution Index and Eutrophication Index have been used to quantify the level of water pollution and eutrophication conditions. Results show that pollution was much heavier in the dry season than flood season in 2006. Based on COD and phosphate concentrations, results show that waters near Shahe River, Douhe River, Yanghe River, and Luanhe River were heavily polluted. Water quality in the Qinhuangdao area was better than those in the Tangshan and Cangzhou areas.  相似文献   

Space-weather impacts society in diverse ways. Societies’ responses have been correspondingly diverse. Taken together these responses constitute a space weather “enterprise”, which has developed over time and continues to develop. Technological systems that space-weather affects have grown from isolated telegraph systems in the 1840s to ocean and continent-spanning cable communications systems, from a generator electrifying a few city blocks in the 1880s to continent-spanning networks of high-tension lines, from wireless telegraphy in the 1890s to globe-spanning communication by radio and satellites. To have a name for the global totality of technological systems that are vulnerable to space weather, I suggest calling it the cyberelectrosphere. When the cyberelectrosphere was young, scientists who study space weather, engineers who design systems that space weather affects, and operators of such systems — the personnel behind the space-weather enterprise — were relatively isolated. The space-weather enterprise was correspondingly incoherent. Now that the cyberelectrosphere has become pervasive and indispensable to most segments of society, the space weather enterprise has become systematic and coherent. At present it has achieved considerable momentum, but it has barely begun to realize the level of effectiveness to which it can aspire, as evidenced by achievements of a corresponding but more mature enterprise in meteorology, a field which provides useful lessons. The space-weather enterprise will enter a new phase after it matures roughly to where the tropospheric weather enterprise is now. Then it will become indispensable for humankind's further global networking through technology and for humankind's further utilization of and expansion into space.  相似文献   


The geodynamo simulation of Glatzmaier and Roberts (1996, Physica D97, 81) is driven by the cooling of the model Earth, which releases latent heat and light components of core fluid at the freezing surface of the inner core as it advances outwards. At some time in the past, the inner core was only a quarter of its present size and at some time in the future it will be twice its present size. The geodynamo operating during those epochs are studied here, the three models (past, present and future) being tied together in an evolutionary sense. The time taken for the models to evolve from past to future depends on the cooling rate, which is controlled by the dynamics of the mantle and is not studied here. All three models generate external fields of comparable strength and all three appear to be close to Taylor states. Unexpectedly, the future model showed considerable variability in time, while the past model does not. Deviations from axisymmetry in the external field increase with inner core radius and the relative predominance of the centered dipole over other multipole components declines.  相似文献   

The paper presents a theoretical study to explain the regular occurrence of a cold water upwelling cell at the southern east coast of the Gotland island in the central Baltic Sea. While for a circular island up- and downwelling patterns would rotate around the island, the responses around the elongated Gotland island with narrow tips at its southern and northern ends are different. The study uses the example of the response of a coastal ocean to a wind band to develop an understanding of important aspects of generation of Kelvin waves and how the waves change the response patterns.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl (dl-PCBs) concentrations in Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) have been relatively stable since the mid to late 1990s. It is unclear why concentrations in Baltic herring are not following the observed decreases in other environmental matrices. Here, changes in long-term temporal trends in Baltic herring were examined. A number of biological variables were examined alongside the temporal trends to investigate whether fish biology e.g., growth (length, weight, age), lipid content, reproductive phase or fishing date may provide an explanation for the temporal trends observed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of size-fractionated phytoplankton along the salinity gradient in the Pearl River Estuary and the adjacent near-shore oceanic water was investigated using microscopic, flow cytometric, and chlorophyll analyses in the early spring (March) and early autumn (September) of 2005. In the inner part of the estuary where salinity was less than 30, the phytoplankton community was dominated by micro- and nano-sized (3–200 μm) cells, particularly the diatom Skeletonema costatum, both in early spring and early autumn. In areas where salinity >30, including the mixing zone and nearshore oceanic water, micro- and nano-sized cell populations dominated the phytoplankton assemblage during early spring when influence of river discharge was minimal, whereas pico-sized (≤3 μm) cell populations were dominant during early autumn as a result of strong river discharge in the summer, with Synechococcus and pico-eukaryotes being predominant. Picophytoplankton were two orders of magnitude more abundant in early autumn (106 cells mL−1) than in early spring in the nearshore oceanic water. Nutrients delivered by freshwater input to the estuary were pushed toward high salinity (>30) areas as a result of short residence time, exerting a strong influence on phytoplankton abundance, especially picophytoplankton in the nearshore, otherwise oligotrophic, water. Influenced by high abundance of DIN and limitation in phosphorus, picophytoplankton in the adjacent nearshore oceanic water rose to prominence seasonally. Our results indicate that eutrophication in the Pearl River Estuary not only stimulates the growth of S. costatum in the nutrient-rich areas of the estuary but also appears to promote the growth of Synechococcus and pico-eukaryotes in the adjacent usually oligotrophic oceanic water at least during our autumn cruise.  相似文献   

PCBs were analysed in surficial sediments and selected sediment cores collected between 2002 and 2008 in Central Vietnam coastal lagoons. The aim was to determine contamination levels and trends, and to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic pressures and natural events. Samples were mostly fine-grained with low total PCB concentrations (0.367-44.7 μg kg−1). Atmospheric transport and post depositional processes modify to some degree the fingerprint of PCB inputs to the environment favouring the predominance of 3, 4 and 5 chlorinated congeners. The similarity of congener distributions in contemporary surficial samples also suggests the presence of a unique source over the entire study area, probably connected to mobilisation and long range transports from land-based stocks. The removal of consistent sediment layers is hypothesised based on repeated samplings of the same area. Natural meteorological events (such as typhoons) are suspected to be responsible for these sediment losses.  相似文献   

Enormous PCBs increase in oysters from the coast of Guangdong, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PCBs equivalent to Aroclor 1242 and 1254 in soft tissues of oysters Crassostrea rivularis from the Guangdong coast, China, were measured using a GC-ECD. PCB concentrations (ng g−1 d.w.) ranged from 30 to 2040 with an average of 315 in 2003-2007, and 0.35-1.43 with an average of 0.56 in 1989-1991. Annual averages were 0.61, 0.65, 313, 290 and 342 ng g−1, respectively in 1989, 1991, 2003, 2006 and 2007. In east Guangdong, the Pearl River Estuary, and west Guangdong, regional means were 444, 273, 194 ng g−1, respectively in 2003-2007, and 0.43, 0.78, 0.38 ng g−1, respectively in 1989-1991, indicating PCB levels in oysters have risen greatly by ratios of 350-1032 compared with earlier data. PCB sources may derive from older transformers, printing materials and pressworks. Fortunately, current residual PCBs in the oysters were 0.004-0.253 mg kg−1 (w.w.), still below hygienic criteria of China and developed countries.  相似文献   

This study contributes a rigorous diagnostic assessment of state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) and highlights key advances that the water resources field can exploit to better discover the critical tradeoffs constraining our systems. This study provides the most comprehensive diagnostic assessment of MOEAs for water resources to date, exploiting more than 100,000 MOEA runs and trillions of design evaluations. The diagnostic assessment measures the effectiveness, efficiency, reliability, and controllability of ten benchmark MOEAs for a representative suite of water resources applications addressing rainfall–runoff calibration, long-term groundwater monitoring (LTM), and risk-based water supply portfolio planning. The suite of problems encompasses a range of challenging problem properties including (1) many-objective formulations with four or more objectives, (2) multi-modality (or false optima), (3) nonlinearity, (4) discreteness, (5) severe constraints, (6) stochastic objectives, and (7) non-separability (also called epistasis). The applications are representative of the dominant problem classes that have shaped the history of MOEAs in water resources and that will be dominant foci in the future. Recommendations are given for the new algorithms that should serve as the benchmarks for innovations in the water resources literature. The future of MOEAs in water resources needs to emphasize self-adaptive search, new technologies for visualizing tradeoffs, and the next generation of computing technologies.  相似文献   

湖泊藻型富营养化控制——技术、理论及应用   总被引:66,自引:7,他引:66  
湖泊富营养化防治走过了从控制营养盐、直接除藻、到生物调控、生态工程及生态恢复等艰难历程,各国为此投入了巨额资金、然而收效甚微,富营养化依然是全球性重大水环境问题。回顾和分析富营养化湖泊治理研究与实践的成功经验与失败教训,无疑将有助于采取更切实可行的技术有效控制湖泊富营养化。综观全球营养养化治理研究成果,不难看出,富营养化是一个典型的生态问题,生态问题只有用生态学方法解决。在全湖性富营养化难以快速根治的情况下,如何集中技术优势和有限财力,优先解决对人类生活影响较大的局部水域富营养化问题,逐步修复受损的湖泊生态系统,提高水体自净能力、改善水体环境质量并建立湖泊健康生态系统。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in the coastal sea surface microlayer (SML), the sub-surface waters (SSW) and the overlying atmosphere in order to investigate the influence of the SML on contaminant enrichment and air-sea exchange. Samples were collected at two contrasting locations of the NW Mediterranean, one urban influenced (off Barcelona, Spain) and another comparatively clean (off Banyuls-sur-Mer, France). Statistical data analysis confirmed the accumulation of PAHs in the SML with respect to the SSW (20.3+/-9.1 vs. 13.1+/-10.0 ng L(-1) in the dissolved phase; 709+/-207 vs. 158+/-111 ng g(-1) in the particulate phase). This accumulation was higher at the contaminated location (Barcelona station) compared with the more pristine one, with PAH enrichments 1.5 and 4.5 times higher for the dissolved and particulate phases, respectively, indicating that the enrichment of PAHs in the SML is dominated by particle transport processes.  相似文献   

In this study, the seismic quiescence prior to hazardous earthquakes was analyzed along the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone (SASZ). The seismicity data were screened statistically with mainshock earthquakes of M w?≥?4.4 reported during 1980–2015 being defined as the completeness database. In order to examine the possibility of using the seismic quiescence stage as a marker of subsequent earthquakes, the seismicity data reported prior to the eight major earthquakes along the SASZ were analyzed for changes in their seismicity rate using the statistical Z test. Iterative tests revealed that Z factors of N?=?50 events and T?=?2?years were optimal for detecting sudden rate changes such as quiescence and to map these spatially. The observed quiescence periods conformed to the subsequent major earthquake occurrences both spatially and temporally. Using suitable conditions obtained from successive retrospective tests, the seismicity rate changes were then mapped from the most up-to-date seismicity data available. This revealed three areas along the SASZ that might generate a major earthquake in the future: (i) Nicobar Islands (Z?=?6.7), (ii) the western offshore side of Sumatra Island (Z?=?7.1), and (iii) western Myanmar (Z?=?6.7). The performance of a stochastic test using a number of synthetic randomized catalogues indicated these levels of anomalous Z value showed the above anomaly is unlikely due to chance or random fluctuations of the earthquake. Thus, these three areas have a high possibility of generating a strong-to-major earthquake in the future.  相似文献   

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