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The model of stellar origin of the anomalous component in the low energy cosmic rays for He to Fe ions observed in space vehicles is studied in the light of recent results. The model of heliospheric origin by Fisket al which has several attractive features cannot explain the long-term variations of intensity observed during 1974 to 1978 as pointed out by Nagashima and Morishita. The stellar origin model of Durgaprasad and Biswas, on the other hand, can easily account for the sudden appearance of the anomalous component in 1972 and its large decrease in intensity in 1978 on the basis of polarity reversal of the solar magnetic field as discussed by Nagashima and Morishita (1980). In this work, we show that in the stellar model energetic ions of He, C, N, O, etc. could originate in O-type stars which manifest very strong stellar wind with mass loss rate of 3·10?6 M per year. These have terminal velocities of about 1200 to 4000 km/sec and are typically a few times their escape velocity. These velocities correspond to ion energies of 10 to 100 keV/amu. These ions are in partly ionised state and are accelerated in the interstellar shock fronts to about 1 to 50 MeV/amu and thus account for the observed anomalous component of low energy cosmic rays.  相似文献   

The conditions for the fragmentation of the baryonic component during mergers of dark matter halos in the early Universe are studied. We assume that the baryonic component undergoes a shock compression. The characteristic masses of protostellar molecular clouds and the minimum masses of protostars originating in these clouds decrease with increasing halo mass. This may indicate that the initial stellar mass function in more massive galaxies was shifted towards lower masses during the initial stages of their formation. This would result in an increase in the number of stars per unit mass of the halo, i.e., in an increase in the efficiency of star formation.  相似文献   

We consider the formation of massive stars under the assumption that a young star accretes material from the protostellar cloud through its accretion disk while losing gas in the polar directions via its stellar wind. The mass of the star reaches its maximum when the intensity of the gradually strengthening stellar wind of the young star becomes equal to the accretion rate. We show that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases with the temperature of gas in the protostellar cloud T 0, since the rate at which the protostellar matter is accreted increases with T 0. Numerical modeling indicates that the maximum mass of the forming stars increases to ~900 M for T 0 ~ 300 K. Such high temperatures of the protostellar gas can be reached either in dense star-formation regions or in the vicinity of bright active galactic nuclei. It is also shown that, the lower the abundance of heavy elements in the initial stellar material Z, the larger the maximum mass of the star, since the mass-loss rate due to the stellar wind decreases with decreasing Z. This suggests that supermassive stars with masses up to 106 M could be formed at early stages in the evolution of the Universe, in young galaxies that are almost devoid of heavy elements. Under the current conditions, for T 0 = (30–100) K, the maximum mass of a star can reach ~100M , as is confirmed by observations. Another opportunity for the most massive stars to increase their masses emerges in connection with the formation and early stages of evolution of the most massive close binary systems: the most massive stars can be produced either by coalescence of the binary components or via mass transfer in such systems.  相似文献   

The rotational effect of the cosmic vacuum is investigated. The induced rotation of elliptical galaxies due to the anti-gravity of the vacuum is found to be 10−21 s−1 for real elliptical galaxies. The effect of the vacuum rotation of the entire Universe is discussed, and can be described by the invariant ω ν = ω 0 ∼ $ \sqrt {G\rho v} $ \sqrt {G\rho v} . The corresponding numerical angular velocity of the Universe is 10−19 s−1, in good agreement with modern data on the temperature fluctuations of the cosmic background radiation.  相似文献   

The emission of hydrogen radio recombination lines from a cloud of cool interstellar matter toward the radio source Cassiopeia A has been detected. The formation of the radio recombination lines is initiated by cosmic rays. The rate of ionization of the interstellar hydrogen by cosmic-ray protons measured from the radio recombination lines using the most direct method is ζH = (1 ± 0.25)×10−16 s−1. This value of ζH is compared with measurements obtained using other methods.  相似文献   

Arguments are presented in support of the idea that the total energy losses of cosmic rays passing through molecular clouds can exceed the energy production due to the action of shocks in supernovae. Galactic cosmic rays interacting with the surface layers of molecular clouds can be efficiently reflected, so that they do not penetrate into the depths of the clouds. Low-energy cosmic rays (E < 1 GeV) that can produce the primary ionization of the molecular-cloud gas can be generated inside such clouds by numerous shocks arising due to supersonic turbulence.  相似文献   

We consider the main population of cosmic voids in a heirarchical clustering model. Based on the Press-Schechter formalism modified for regions in the Universe with reduced or enhanced matter densities, we construct the mass functions for gravitationally bound objects of dark matter occupying voids or superclusters. We show that the halo mass functions in voids and superclusters differ substantially. In particular, the spatial density of massive (M ~ 1012 M ) halos is appreciably lower in voids than in superclusters, with the difference in the mass functions being greater for larger masses. According to our computations, an appreciable fraction of the mass of matter in voids should be preserved to the present epoch in the form of primordial gravitationally bound objects (POs) with modest masses (to 10% for M PO < 109 M ) keeping baryons. These primordial objects represent “primary blocks” in the heirarchical clustering model. We argue that the oldest globular clusters in the central regions of massive galaxies are the stellar remnants of these primordial objects: they can form in molecular clouds in these objects, only later being captured in the central regions of massive galaxies in the process of gravitational clustering. Primordial objects in voids can be observed as weak dwarf galaxies or Lyα absorption systems.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - An increase in the flux of energetic particles under thunderstorm clouds is a result of the multiplication and acceleration of particles of secondary cosmic rays in the...  相似文献   

The cosmogenic nuclides 36Cl (t1/2 = 3.0 × 105 years). 26Al (7.05 × 105 years). 10Be (1.6 × 106 years) and 53Mn (3.7 × 106 years) were measured in three shergottites, ALHA 77005, EETA 79001, and Shergotty by accelerator mass spectrometry and neutron activation. The cosmogenic nuclide data constrain the history and origin of shergottites. ALHA 77005 was ejected from its parent body about 2.7 My ago and was exposed to cosmic rays as a body of 5–6 cm radius. Solar cosmic ray produced 26A1 and 53Mn were first clearly observed in this meteorite. The exposure age of EETA 79001 was 0.6 My and the preatmospheric radius was about 15 cm. The exposure age of Shergotty was calculated to be 2.2 My and the preatmospheric size was about 10–15 cm in radius. The terrestrial age of ALHA 77005 was 0.2 My and that of EETA 79001 was less than 0.06 My. All cosmogenic nuclide data indicate that the three shergottites were never exposed to cosmic rays in their parent bodies, whether that parent body was Mars or an asteroid. All shergottites were ejected from greater than a 3 m depth in their parent bodies. The ejection of EETA 79001 was a different event from that of the other shergottites.  相似文献   

A model for the formation of supermassive black holes at the center of a cluster of primordial black holes is developed. It is assumed that ~10?3 of the mass of the Universe consists of compact clusters of primordial black holes that arose as a result of phase transitions in the early Universe. These clusters also serve as centers for the condensation of dark matter. The formation of protogalaxies with masses of the order of 2 × 108 M at redshift z = 15 containing clusters of black holes is investigated. The nuclei of these protogalaxies contain central black holes with masses ~105 M , and the protogalaxies themselves resemble dwarf spherical galaxies with their maximum density at their centers. Subsequent merging of these induced protogalaxies with ordinary halos of dark matter leads to the standard picture for the formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe. The merging of the primordial black holes leads to the formation of supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei and produces the observed correlation between the mass of the central black hole and the bulge velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

Astronomy Reports - Observational data on the large-scale structure of the Universe and the anisotropy of the cosmic background radiation are used to derive constraints on the parameters of an...  相似文献   

Studies of the extreme solar proton event of January 20, 2005 intensified the contest over of a long-standing problem: are solar cosmic rays arriving at the Earth accelerated by solar flares or by shocks preceding rapidly moving coronal mass ejections? Among the most important questions is the relationship between the energy spectra of the solar cosmic rays and the frequency spectra of flare microwave bursts. Some studies of previous solar-activity cycles have shown that such a relationship does exist, in particular, for protons with energies of tens of MeV. The present work analyzes this relation using data for 1987–2008. For flare events observed in the western half of the disk, there is a significant correlation between the index δ, which is equivalent to the power-law index of the integrated energy spectrum of 10–100 MeV protons detected near the Earth’s orbit, and radio burst parameters such as a ratio of peak fluxes S at two frequencies (for example, at 9 and 15 GHz) and a microwave peak frequency f m . Proton fluxes with hard (flat) energy spectra (δ ≤ 1.5) correspond to hard microwave frequency spectra (S 9/S 15 ≤ 1 and f m ≥ 15 GHz), while flares with soft radio spectra (S 9/S 15 ≥ 1.5 and f m ≤ 5 GHz) result in proton fluxes with soft (steep) energy spectra (δ ≥ 1.5–2). It is also shown that powerful high-frequency bursts with the hardest radio spectra (f m ≈ 30 GHz) can point at acceleration of significant proton fluxes in flares occurring in strong magnetic fields. These results argue that solar cosmic rays (or at least their initial impulses) are mainly accelerated in flares associated with impulsive and post-eruptive energy release, rather than in shocks driven by coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

BV RI data are presented for the majority of steep-spectrum objects in the RC catalog with m R <23.5m. Previously developed programs are applied to these data to estimate the redshifts and ages of the stellar systems of the host galaxies. Applying this program to the color data (BV RI JHK) for distant radio galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts indicates that this approach provides accurate estimates of the redshifts of such radio galaxies, close to those obtained using field galaxies (~20%). The age estimates are much less trustworthy, but a lower limit to the ages of objects that are not very distant (z<1.5) can be determined with certainty. We have identi fied several galaxies whose formal ages exceed the age of the Universe at the corresponding z in simple Cold Dark Matter models for the Universe. The possibility of using such objects to elucidate the role of “dark energy” is discussed. This paradox disappears in models with cosmological constants (Λ terms) equal to 0.6–0.8.  相似文献   

释光测年中影响环境剂量率(D)的主要因素包括含水量、宇宙射线、a值(α辐射相对于γ辐射产生释光的效率)和氡逃逸等。为研究这些影响因素对D值的影响程度,采用不同的参数值对一个假定U、Th和K含量已知的样品进行了较详细的定量计算。研究结果表明,含水量变化对环境剂量率影响最大,影响程度甚至可达50%以上;其次为宇宙射线的影响,最大可达近15%;氡逃逸的影响最多不超过8%;而a值通常取固定值,产生的影响则相对小的多。   相似文献   

Long term characteristics of solar and galactic cosmic rays, as revealed by the study of their nuclear effects in lunar, meteoritic and terrestrial samples are summarised. The data so far available on radioisotopes, noble gases and tracks, though limited, are consistent with nearly constant fluxes and composition during different epochs over billions of years; one exception is14C activity in the earths atmosphere over the past few hundred years, suggesting a variation in the solar activity. Other small or brief variations, which cannot be ruled out as yet, require better estimation of depth and size dependence of nuclear effects in rocks before they can be attributed to cosmic rays.  相似文献   

宇宙中恒星的演化始于巨星的形成 ,后者的质量是太阳系的数百倍 ,寿命估计为数百万年。重元素合成于巨星的内部。它们控制了巨星爆炸过程中 (超新星 )形成的气态云和盘状物的冷凝加速度。冷凝和旋转的加速导致后代恒星质量越来越小 ,寿命越来越长 ,直到形成像太阳这样的小星体 ,其质量为 1.989× 10 30 kg ,寿命已有几十亿年。这些小恒星的形成是冷凝过程中产生的水成冰氢星子不断聚集的结果。上一代巨星的原始星盘中的物质只有一小部分参与了冰氢星子的形成。这些星体形成于致密、高速旋转的原始恒星星盘中 ,周围环绕着巨行星和褐矮星。由于星体达到恒星状态 ,它们开始影响原恒星盘 ,结果导致星体相互分散 ,同时 ,最近的巨星发生表面去气作用。后者可以从巨星到恒星的质量衰减得到证实。UpsilonAndromedae、5 5Cancri和HD16 84 4 3等天体的巨行星记载了这样的事实。太阳系中的表面去气作用主要反映在近太阳巨星的流体外壳完全消失。由于流体外壳消失 ,铁硅酸盐熔融核暴露地表 ,形成小的类地行星。木星也经历过表面去气作用 ,依据是木星具有很高的平均密度 (1.3g cm3) ,几乎是土星密度 (0 .7g cm3)的两倍。因此 ,类地行星的形成经历了两个阶段 :原行星 (其父巨星具有重的熔融核 )和正常行星 (在其父行星  相似文献   

变晶、激波变晶和外空变晶都是原来晶体结构被不同地质作用所破坏的矿物.变晶由放射性衰变的α粒子和反冲核造成.激波变晶显示激波导致的位错、相变和分解反应等独特特征.外空变晶是在地球外部空间由太阳风和宇宙射线形成非晶质.  相似文献   

The contribution of cosmic rays as a collection of charged particles to the generation of currents in the interstellar medium and to the total viscosity of this medium is analyzed. Our estimates show that this contribution is negligible under the conditions commonly found in our Galaxy but can become important when an excess dust concentration above the mean level is combined with a local increase in the cosmic-ray density.  相似文献   

The standard equations of general relativity admit extension so that they can be supplemented, not only with Einsteinian cosmological repulsive forces described by the Λ term, but also with other forces. Accordingly, we suggest a model of a uniformly expanding Universe (an S model). In this model, the cosmological forces of attraction and repulsion precisely balance each other. This S model is a good approximation for describing the Universe’s evolution over a wide range of redshifts (up to z ∼ 1000). The S model can explain in a simple way observational data on the age of the Universe, the apparent magnitude-redshift relation for Type Ia supernovae, and the angular separation between the centers of neighboring bright spots against the uniform background of the cosmic microwave background radiation.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray produced isotopes in terrestrial systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Continuing improvements in the sensitivity of measurement of cosmic ray produced isotopes in environmental samples have progressively broadened the scope of their applications to characterise and quantify a wide variety of processes in earth and planetary sciences. In this article, I will concentrate on the new developments in the field of nuclear geophysics, based on isotopic changes produced by cosmic rays in the terrestrial systems. This field, which is best described as cosmic ray geophysics, caught roots with the discovery of cosmogenic14C on the Earth by Willard Libby in 1948, and grew rapidly at first, but slowed down during the ’60s and ’70s. In the ’80s, there was arenaissance in cosmic ray produced isotope studies, thanks mainly to the developments of the accelerator mass spectrometry technique capable of measuring minute amounts of radioactivity in terrestrial samples. This technological advance has considerably enhanced the applications of cosmic ray produced isotopes and today we find them being used to address diverse problems in earth and planetary sciences I discuss the present scope of the field of cosmic ray geophysics with an emphasis ongeomorphology. I must stress here that this is the decade in which this field, which has been studied passionately by geographers, geomorphologists and geochemists for more than five decades, has at its service nuclear methods to introduce numeric time controls in the range of centuries to millions of years.  相似文献   

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