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西昆仑甜水海古湖泊介形类及其环境意义   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
为探讨青藏高原演化过程,在高原西北部甜水海湖盆地区进行了钻探,井深56.32m,对所获取的岩芯做了介形类分析,共发现介于形类8属10种,按照介形类生态及在钻孔中的分布特征,将其划分5个不同的化石组合,根据介形类种类和组合所提供的环境信息,并结合沉积特征和年代学研究,可将24万年来以的甜水海古湖泊演化分为6个阶段:前4段(242-59kaBP)甜水海地区为淡水湖泊与河流交换变化的环境,第5段(59-  相似文献   

云南鹤庆盆地15万年以来的介形类及环境变迁   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
云南鹤庆盆地HQ钻孔剖面分析出介形类13属.32种.根据介形类丰度、分异度及百分含量的变化情况,结合孢粉、总有机碳含量(TOC)、碳氮比(C/N)、碳酸盐含量等的分布,将鹤庆盆地近15万年以来的古气候、古环境变化初步划分为5个阶段,同时又划分出若干亚阶段.总的气候特征为冷期偏湿、暖期偏干,在冷湿和暖干的宏观波动背景上存在次级波动,反映出其气候变化的区域特性.同时.各气候阶段基本可与深海氧同位素V28-38钻孔、黄土/古土壤序列邙山剖面反映的气候阶段相对比,又显示出其气候变化的协同性.在构造与气候的双重作用下.在11790aBP左右湖盆被彻底切开.  相似文献   

胡广  金章东  张飞 《中国科学D辑》2008,38(2):177-186
以云南鹤庆盆地HQ孔上部15~55 m沉积物中2个不同种属的介形类壳体为研究对象, 通过比较壳体中Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca之间及其与沉积物Sr含量的关系, 得出以下结论: (1) 壳体Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca首先反映的是该介形类生存的微生态环境; (2) 壳体Sr/Ca较Mg/Ca更好地线性响应水环境的变化, 但当体系中有文石结晶沉降时Sr/Ca不再线性响应湖泊水体盐度的变化; (3) 壳体的Sr/Ca完全受控于湖水盐度及水体中自生碳酸盐矿物的结晶过程, 而壳体中的Mg/Ca则受湖水盐度和温度控制, 实际上温度只是壳体生长速率对壳体Mg/Ca控制的外在表现. 建议在以后的古环境重建及室内培养实验时, 更多地关注沉积物组成及其自生矿物结晶对生物壳体微量元素(如Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca)组成的制约.  相似文献   

介形类壳体中Sr/Ca及Mg/Ca比值的ICP-AES测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱育新  吉磊  王苏民 《湖泊科学》1996,8(2):179-183
沉积物中介形类壳体的Sr/Ca和Mg/Ca比值可用于湖泊古盐度和古温度的重建。本文从双通道顺序扫描式ICP-AES的特点出发,对μg级介形类样品中的低含量元素Sr和Mg选择最灵敏谱线和最佳通道,对各项条件进行最优化。Sr和Mg的检测限分别为1.1μg/L和1.4μg/L。本文以此法准确测定了介形类样品中Sr/Ca比值和Mg/Ca比值,回收率实验结果令人满意。  相似文献   

宋高  王海雷  郑绵平  李军 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):962-974
于2008和2012年先后2次从西藏阿里和那曲地区61个不同水体,包括不同盐度的湖泊、湿地、浅水坑和河流等,共采集了78个水体表层沉积物样品,用以研究该地区现生介形类的生态分布及其环境指示意义.经鉴定,阿里和那曲地区现生介形类共计11属38种.除Ilyocypris neoaspera等5个种外,本次调查的介形类各属种均在湖泊中出现,尤以Limnocythere dubiosa的总壳瓣数最为丰富.Ilyocypris属中除Ilyocypris subdunshanensis和Ilyocypris xizangensis外,其余各种均喜浅水坑的小型浅水环境.Leucocythere dilitata、Limnocythere dubiosa、Limnocytherellina kunlunensis和Eucypris rischtanica为该地区的广盐种.其中Limnocythere dubiosa和Leucocythere dilitata适应盐度范围最广,在不同盐度的各类水体中均有出现.本次研究中的介形类均喜碱性水体,在p H值为8~9的水体中介形类各属种的丰度值达到最大.  相似文献   

随着气候与生态问题的不断涌现,气候环境变化与生态系统响应研究的重要性日益凸显,而传统方法逐渐难以满足深入研究的需要.现代分子生物技术的快速发展使针对湖泊沉积物的DNA分析逐渐被引入相关研究中,有效弥补了传统研究方法的不足,为研究者提供了理解过去气候和环境变化、生态系统响应的新视角.湖泊沉积物中的DNA蕴藏着丰富的生物群...  相似文献   

GIS技术在洪湖环境演变研究中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文运用GIS技术,探索了洪湖环境的近期变化及其机理,以空间的、定量的形式,展示了与修建隔堤、分割湖区、围湖垦殖及水位控制等人为活动因素相联系的湖泊环境变化效应和过程,分析了湖中挺水植物分布的动态变化与趋协。这项工作进一步表明了地理信息系统方法在湖泊环境变化的监测、评价和研究中具有独特的功效和实用价值。  相似文献   

随着新观测技术和理论的进一步发展,同位素地球化学方法在地震监测预测研究中发挥了越来越重要的作用。通过同位素地球化学方法确定地下流体来源,研究地下流体循环特征,分析地震前兆异常的成因,评估地质构造活动的程度,开展地震预测研究。同位素示踪技术还可以结合深源流体监测和地球物理方法,揭示地震孕育、流体与震源之间的关系。此外,同位素地球化学还可以构建断裂带流体地球化学背景特征,用于地震监测点映震效能的评估,提高地震监测预测的准确性,为地震新监测点的布设和震情跟踪提供技术支撑。通过对现今同位素在地震监测预测中所使用的方法、技术及国内外应用情况的总结分析,力图全面认识同位素地球化学在地震监测预测应用中的现状及发展趋势。  相似文献   

利用一种新的多变量分析工具——典型对应分析(CCA), 有效地揭示了青藏高原45个湖泊表层沉积硅藻种群与水环境之间的关系. 在12个水环境指标中, 水深, 电导率(conductivity), Cl-, Mg2+, K+和pH值能够用于硅藻数据的解释, 具有独立解释的显著性(p<0.05). CCA前两个轴(l1=0.34, l2 = 0.27)捕捉了16.1%的硅藻数据信息, 解释57.4%的硅藻与环境指标关系, 多余环境变量和异常样品的删除并没有对硅藻数据的解释造成多大的影响. 分析表明, 水深和盐度是影响青藏高原硅藻分布的两个重要的环境要素梯度, 水深梯度主要与轴1相关, 矿化度, Cl-, Mg2+和K+则与前两个轴均相关, 代表了盐度变化的方向. 硅藻-环境模式的确定, 为硅藻-环境指标的定量化研究提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

诸多研究表明,地下流体物理化学性质的变化是地震短临前兆的有效指标.川滇地区是地震前兆反应的敏感区域,前人的诸多研究表明地震前很多地震观测台站有明显的水位、水温、水氡、应变、电磁场等前兆异常.应力变化是影响孕震和地震触发的一个重要因素,流体观测包含有区域应力-应变场和断层活动的信息.本文通过总结梳理认为,解释地震导致的地壳变形时不仅需要考虑静态弹性应变,还需要考虑浅层地表孔隙压(流体)变化导致的同震体应变变化的影响.此外,通过总结发现除了需要研究地下流体和应力变化的耦合机理外,还需要结合含水层介质特征物性参数,并结合与应力变化密切相关的水温、水化、土壤气等数据的收集分析,才可能为探究地震孕育的前兆异常做机理分析铺垫.并且,多个参量的综合观测可以增强地震前兆的可信度以及大家进一步深入探究地震前兆的信心.  相似文献   

我国西部内陆型晚冰期环境特征的湖相沉积记录   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据新疆东部巴里坤湖沉积地层及孢粉,地球化学元素和有机质含量波动特征,同时结合年代的测定,本文对由其所揭示的晚冰期中的几次冰阶与间冰阶交替出现的内陆型环境演变行征进行了研究,指出此阶段中环境演变仍具有相对冷湿与晚干交替的匹配模式。广泛的区域性对比表明,它的出现具有全球一致性,同时又具有区域性差异特征,这种非线性的气候变化对于研究气候突变事件的发生机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Berlin relies on induced bank filtration from a broad‐scale, lake‐type surface water system. Because the surface water contains treated sewage, wastewater residues are present in surface water and groundwater. Multiple environmental tracers, including tritium and helium isotopes (3H, 3He, 4He), stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) and a number of persistent sewage indicators, such as chloride, boron and a selection of pharmaceutical residues (phenazone‐type analgesics and their metabolites, carbamazepine and anthropogenic gadolinium, Gdexcess), were used to estimate travel times from the surface water to individual production and observation wells at two sites. The study revealed a strong vertical age stratification throughout the upper aquifer, with travel times varying from a few months to several decades in greater depth. Whereas the shallow bank filtrate is characterized by the reflection of the time‐variant tracer input concentrations and young 3H/3He ages, the deeper, older bank filtrate displays no tracer seasonality, 3H/3He ages of a few years to decades and strongly deviating concentrations of several pharmaceutical residues, reflecting concentrations of the source surface water over time. The phenazone‐type pharmaceuticals persist in the aquatic environments for decades. Bank filtration in Berlin is only possible at the sandy lakeshores. In greater water depth, impermeable lacustrine sapropels inhibit infiltration. The young bank filtrate originates from the nearest shore, whereas the older bank filtrate infiltrates at more distant shores. This paper illustrates the importance of using multiple tracer methods, capable of resolving a broad range of residence times, to gain a comprehensive understanding of time‐scales and infiltration characteristics in a bank filtration system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Trace element and Th, Sr and Pb isotope data for young lavas from the Tonga-Kermadec arc in the southwest Pacific suggest that geochemical variations in the lavas along the arc are linked to differences in the material being subducted beneath the arc. Lavas from the southern (Kermadec) segment of the arc have relatively radiogenic Pb isotope compositions, which reflects a contribution from subducted sediment. In contrast, much of the Pb in Tonga lavas is derived from the altered oceanic crust in the subducting Pacific Plate, and lavas from the northernmost Tonga islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu contain Pb and Sr derived from the subducted part of the Louisville Seamount Chain. The origin of the Pb in the lavas from these two islands can thus be traced to a point on the subducting slab, and this observation is used to estimate the rate at which trace elements are transported beneath the arc. Our calculations suggest that fluid-soluble elements such as U, Sr and Pb are transported from the subducted slab, across the mantle wedge and back to the surface in lavas over a period of approximately 2–3 Ma, and that magmas are erupted at the surface less than 350 ka after the melts are generated in the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

Within the hydrologic balance of the River Arno catchment (northern Tuscany), the Rivers Elsa and Era are important tributaries entering the main river from the left bank in the lower part of the watershed. Waters and bed sediments were sampled in June 2000 during low discharges in the Rivers Elsa and Era, as well as in major tributary streams. Water samples were analysed for major chemistry and sulphur isotope composition of sulphate, and sediment samples were analysed for major composition and selected trace elements of environmental concern (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Ni). The main results for the waters are: (1) Na and Cl in solution show consistent downstream positive trends in the main rivers, thus supporting progressive contributions of anthropogenic salts; the highest concentration values are observed in tributaries; (2) as shown by sulphur isotopes, sulphate in solution is mainly controlled by dissolution of evaporites (Elsa basin) or oxidation of reduced organic/biogenic sulphur (Era basin), with anthropogenic contributions in most streams not higher than 10% in both the basins. A δ34S signature in the range ?2 to +3‰ is estimated for pollutant sulphate in the basins studied. The main results for the sediments are: (1) major chemistry is essentially controlled by the lithotypes drained by the waters; (2) pollution by heavy metals does not reach high levels; (3) compared with local fine‐grained rocks, copper is more frequently anomalous, whereas lead and zinc show only occasional anomalies; (4) local high concentrations of chromium and nickel can be attributed to upstream occurrences of ophiolites. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainwater, groundwater and soil-water samples were analysed to assess groundwater geochemistry and the origin of salinity in the Ochi-Narkwa basin of the Central Region of Ghana. The samples were measured for major ions and stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H and δ13C). The Cl? content in rainwater decreased with distance from the coast. The major hydrochemical facies were Na-Cl for the shallow groundwaters and Ca-Mg-HCO3, Na-Cl and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 for the deep groundwaters. Groundwater salinization is caused largely by halite dissolution and to a minor extent by silicate weathering and seawater intrusion. Stable isotope composition of the groundwaters followed a slope of 3.44, suggesting a mixing line. Chloride profiles in the soil zone revealed the existence of salt crusts, which support halite dissolution in the study area. A conceptual flow model developed to explain the mechanism of salinization showed principal groundwater flow in the NW–SE direction.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis


首先测算1987-2001年间太湖流域水环境变化货币化成本,结果表明,1987-2001年间全太湖流域水环境呈现阶段性恶化的特征,15年间水环境变化的货币化成本增长了约1251亿元,年均增长速度达6.67 %,其中,太湖流域苏南地区2001年的水环境货币化成本已经占到该地区GDP的19%. 其次,通过构建太湖流域水环境变化政策驱动力模型,检验了太湖流域环境治理政策的运行效果,结果表明,1996年以来实施的环境政策,使得太湖流域的水环境污染货币化成本下降了61.79%,因此,太湖流域的环境治理政策是有效的. 据此,文章最后从流域产业结构调整、发展循环经济以及建立多元的环境治理投融资体系等几个方面,提出了进一步推进太湖流域环境治理的政策建议.  相似文献   

We examine how the stable isotope composition of meteoric water is transmitted through soil and epikarst to dripwaters in a cave in western Romania. δ2H and δ18O in precipitation at this site are influenced by temperature and moisture sources (Atlantic and Mediterranean), with lower δ18O in winter and higher in summer. The stable isotope composition of cave dripwaters mimics this seasonal pattern of low and high δ18O, but the onset and end of freezing conditions in the winter season are marked by sharp transitions in the isotopic signature of cave dripwaters of approximately 1 ‰. We interpret these shifts as the result of kinetic isotopic fractionation during the transition phase from water to ice at the onset of freezing conditions and the input of meltwater to the cave at the beginning of the spring season. This process is captured in dripwaters and therefore speleothems from Ur?ilor Cave, which grew under such dripping points, may have the potential to record past changes in the severity of winters. Similar isotopic changes in dripwaters driven by freeze–thaw processes can affect other caves in areas with winter snow cover, and cave monitoring during such changes is essential in linking the isotopic variability in dripwaters and speleothems to surface climate.  相似文献   

Concentration profiles of Mg, K, La, Fe, Mn, V, Cr, As and Mo were determined in samples from a freeze core taken at the deepest site of Baldeggersee in 1993. The special coring technique allowed an exact dating of the sediment samples and an annual resolution of the profiles. Long term changes in benthic redox conditions produce diagnostic trends in several metal profiles. Fe, As and Mn enrichments trace the onset of anoxia at the deepest site of the lake. High values of Mo concentrations and Cr/V ratios indicate periods of stable anoxic conditions in a meromictic hypolimnion. A comparison of oxygen time series with metal profiles between 1950 and 1990 indicates that Mn reacts sensitively to large seasonal variations of deep-water oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

The conceptual hydrogeological model of the low to medium temperature Daying and Qicun geothermal fields has been proposed, based on hydrochemical characteristics and isotopic compositions. The two geothermal fields are located in the Xinzhou basin of Shanxi, China and exhibit similarities in their broad‐scale flow patterns. Geothermal water is derived from the regional groundwater flow system of the basin and is characterized by Cl·SO4‐Na type. Thermal water is hydrochemically distinct from cold groundwater having higher total dissolved solids (TDS) (>0·8 g/l) and Sr contents, but relatively low Ca, Mg and HCO3 contents. Most shallow groundwater belongs to local flow systems which are subject to evaporation and mixing with irrigation returns. The groundwater residence times estimated by tritium and 14C activities indicate that deep non‐thermal groundwater (130–160 m) in the Daying region range from modern (post‐1950s) in the piedmont area to more than 9·4 ka BP (Before Present) in the downriver area and imply that this water belong to an intermediate flow system. Thermal water in the two geothermal fields contains no detectable active 14C, indicating long residence times (>50 ka), consistent with this water being part of a large regional flow system. The mean recharge elevation estimated by using the obtained relationship Altitude (m) = ? 23·8 × δ2H (‰ ) ? 121·3, is 1980 and 1880 m for the Daying and Qicun geothermal fields, respectively. The annual infiltration rates in the Daying and Qicun geothermal fields can be estimated to be 9029 × 103 and 4107 × 103 m3/a, respectively. The variable 86Sr/87Sr values in the thermal and non‐thermal groundwater in the two fields reflect different lithologies encountered along the flow path(s) and possibly different extents of water‐rock interaction. Based on the analysis of groundwater flow systems in the two geothermal fields, hydrogeochemical inverse modelling was performed to indicate the possible water‐rock interaction processes that occur under different scenarios. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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