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A very uncommon garnet-zoning—Ca poor centre and Ca rich margin—has been observed, in a granulite facies rock. Calculation of equilibrium at each stage of the garnet growth led to apply in this particular case, as well as for the most garnet-zoning instances, the Rayleigh fractionation model, the fractionation factor Ca being less than 1 at the beginning of the crystallization. Subsequent coronitisation, at lower P and/or higher T, involved the development of orthopyroxene and plagioclase in equilibrium with a thin (15 thick) Ca-Mg poor and Fe rich outer cuticle of the garnet: thus the garnet lattice appears to be not so refractory as previously admitted, and in most coronitisation processes involving garnet such an outer cuticle must be considered as a component of the new mineral assemblage.  相似文献   

In this study, the electrical conductivity of synthetic and natural orthopyroxene single crystals containing various amounts of hydrogen and cation impurities (i.e., Al, Fe) was investigated using impedance spectroscopy. A new cell was developed to measure conductivities of submillimeter-sized oriented single crystals with impedances up to 1010?Ohm. In contrast to previous studies on olivine and orthopyroxene, results from this study do not show a simple correlation of the concentration of protons and the electrical conductivity. Instead, the electrical conductivity appears to be a complex function of iron content, hydrogen content, crystal orientation and concentration of other impurity cations and shows similar activation energies to hydrogen diffusion. Model calculations considering proton conduction rather exclude than suggest orthopyroxene as responsible phase for high-conductivity regions in the Earth’s upper mantle.  相似文献   

The lower-crustal rocks of the Kohistan complex (northern Pakistan) are mostly composed of metabasic rocks such as pyroxene granulites, garnet granulites and amphibolites. We have investigated P–T trajectories of the relic two-pyroxene granulites, which are the protolith of the amphibolites within the Kamila amphibolite belt. Aluminous pyroxene retains igneous textures such as exsolution lamellae developed in the core. The significant amount of Al in clinopyroxene is buffered by breakdown reactions of plagioclase accompanied by film-like quartz as a product at grain boundaries between plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Distinct Al zoning profiles are preserved in pyroxene with exsolution lamellae in the core and in plagioclase adjacent to clinopyroxene in pyroxene granulites. In the northern part of the Kamila amphibolite belt, Al in clinopyroxene increases towards the rim and abruptly decreases at the outer rim, and anorthite in plagioclase decreases towards the rim and abruptly increases near the grain boundary between plagioclase and clinopyroxene. In the southern part of the Kamila amphibolite belt, Al in clinopyroxene and anorthite in plagioclase simply increase towards the margins of the grains. The anorthite zoning in plagioclase is in agreement with the zoning profiles of Ca-Tschermaks and jadeite components inferred from variations of Al, Na, Ti and Fe3+ in clinopyroxene. Assuming that the growth surface between them was in equilibrium, geothermobarometry based on Al zoning in clinopyroxene coexisting with plagioclase indicates that metamorphic pressures significantly increased with increasing temperature under granulite facies metamorphism. The peak of granulite facies metamorphism occurred at conditions of about 800 °C and 800–1100 MPa. These prograde P–T paths represent a crustal thickening process of the Kohistan arc during the Early to Middle Cretaceous. The crustal thickening of the Kohistan arc was caused by accretion of basaltic magma at mid-crustal depths.  相似文献   

The Sept Iles layered intrusion (Quebec, Canada) is dominated by a basal Layered Series made up of troctolites and gabbros, and by anorthosites occurring (1) at the roof of the magma chamber (100-500 m-thick) and (2) as cm- to m-size blocks in gabbros of the Layered Series. Anorthosite rocks are made up of plagioclase, with minor clinopyroxene, olivine and Fe-Ti oxide minerals. Plagioclase displays a very restricted range of compositions for major elements (An68-An60), trace elements (Sr: 1023-1071 ppm; Ba: 132-172 ppm) and Sr isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sri: 0.70356-0.70379). This compositional range is identical to that observed in troctolites, the most primitive cumulates of the Layered Series, whereas plagioclase in layered gabbros is more evolved (An60-An38). The origin of Sept Iles anorthosites has been investigated by calculating the density of plagioclase and that of the evolving melts. The density of the FeO-rich tholeiitic basalt parent magma first increased from 2.70 to 2.75 g/cm3 during early fractionation of troctolites and then decreased continuously to 2.16 g/cm3 with fractionation of Fe-Ti oxide-bearing gabbros. Plagioclase (An69-An60) was initially positively buoyant and partly accumulated at the top of the magma chamber to form the roof anorthosite. With further differentiation, plagioclase (<An60) became negatively buoyant and anorthosite stopped forming. Blocks of anorthosite (autoliths) even fell downward to the basal cumulate pile. The presence of positively buoyant plagioclase in basal troctolites is explained by the low efficiency of plagioclase flotation due to crystallization at the floor and/or minor plagioclase nucleation within the main magma body. Dense mafic minerals of the roof anorthosite are shown to have crystallized from the interstitial liquid.The processes related to floating and sinking of plagioclase in a large and shallow layered intrusion serve as a proxy to refine the crystallization model of the lunar magma ocean and explain the vertically stratified structure of the lunar crust, with (gabbro-)noritic rocks at the base and anorthositic rocks at the top. We propose that the lunar crust mainly crystallized bottom-up. This basal crystallization formed a mafic lower crust that might have a geochemical signature similar to the magnesian-suite without KREEP contamination, while flotation of some plagioclase grains produced ferroan anorthosites in the upper crust.  相似文献   

Electric conductivity anomaly in the Earth's crust and mantle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much evidence that reflects anomalous distributions of electrical conductivity within the earth's crust and mantle has been put forward in recent years through geomagnetic and geoelectric observations. This anomaly is called the “CA” (conductivity anomaly), and the study of such heterogeneity has become one of the important topics of present-day geophysics.  相似文献   

Reaction between chrome spinel and its supernatant magma due to changes in magmatic composition or temperature is well known; its effects can be observed in these rocks. However, evidence of solid-solid reaction between chrome spinels and enclosing olivine is also present, in the form of relict diffusion profiles in some of the olivines, and an orthopyroxene reaction product rimming the spinel. In addition, the Rhum specimens contain rims of plagioclase resulting from solid-liquid reaction around chrome spinels within the margins of olivine. Detailed microprobe traverses and analysis of reaction products have been made in an attempt to determine the equations for these reactions.  相似文献   

As part of the Sino-French earth science programme in Tibet, magnetotelluric and geomagnetic soundings were carried out in the southwestern part of Tibet. Eight magnetotelluric sounding sites and nineteen geomagnetic stations were occupied along roughly north-south profiles. The magnetotelluric profile runs from Lhozag to the south of Yangbajain to the north. The geomagnetic profile runs from Lang Kartse to Gulu. These experiments indicate a conductive layer at about 25 km in depth. This layer corresponds to the isotherm 1100°C. Shallow conductive structures related to the presence of significant partial melting were evidenced to the south of the Zangbo suture. A conductive structure was also evidenced at about 15 km in depth below the Nyainquentanglha range. This structure may correspond to partial melting due to the presence of fluids at the dipping plane between two overthrusting crustal blocks.  相似文献   

Creation and destruction of lower continental crust   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Bulk continental crustal composition results from the net mass exchange between crust and mantle. Crustal addition is mainly by the rise of mantle-derived melts into and through the crust at convergent plate margins and (at a lower rate) within plate interiors. Crustal subtraction occurs by subduction of uppermost crust (sediment, continent-derived elements in hydrothermally altered oceanic crust), by subcrustal erosion at convergent margins and by delamination of lowermost crust following densifying gabbro-eclogite phase transformations that result in a crust-mantle density inversion. As the phase transformations only occur at high pressure, tectonic overthickening of the crust (to > 50 km) is required. The lowermost crust at continent-ocean and continent-continent convergent plate margins is more likely to experience these transient overthickening events (compressional orogenies) than is intraplate crust. Correspondingly, the preservation probability of mafic lower crust is greater for intraplate than for plate margin localities. Delamination of mafic lower crust is the main process for removing basic composition rocks from the crust, thereby creating »andesitic« crustal composition. Evidence for lower crustal delamination comes from »geochemically balanced« cross section of compressional belts, and from the high La/Yb ratios, lack of Eu anomalies, and high Sr contents in deep crustallyderived magmas from the base of tectonically over-thickened crust. These crustal magmas are often accompanied by mantle-derived basalts associated with crustal uplift and extension, both related to the coincident delamination of underlying mantle lithosphere.
Zusammenfassung Die Gesamtzusammenfassung der Kontinentalen Kruste resultiert aus dem Massenaustausch zwischen Kruste und Mantel. Krustenzuwachs erfolgt hauptsächlich beim Aufstieg in und durch die Kruste von aus dem Mantel abstammenden Basalt an konvergierenden Plattengrenzen und zum geringeren Teil Plattenintern. Der Krustenabbau wird erreicht per Subduktion der obersten Kruste, durch subkrustale Erosion an konvergierenden Plattengrenzen (Sedimente, Elemente kontinentaler Herkunft von hydrothermal veränderter ozeanischer Kruste). Dies wird hervorgerufen von der Schichtspaltung der untersten Kruste nach der Verdichtung durch die Gabbro-Eklogit-Phasentransformation, welche in der Krusten-Mantel-Dichte-Inversion resultiert. Da die Phasentransformation nur unter hohen Drücken stattfindet, werden tektonische Mächtigkeitszunahmen der Kruste (> 50 km) benötigt. Die unterste Kruste in Bereichen von konvergierenden Kontinent-Ozean und Kontinent-Kontinent Plattengrenzen unterliegt einer größeren Wahrscheinlichkeit vorübergehende Mächtigkeitszunahmen zu erfahren als platteninterne Kruste. Dementsprechend ist die Erhaltungswahrscheinlichkeit von mafischer unterer Kruste für platteninterne Bereiche größer als für Plattengrenzen. Schichtspaltung von mafischer unterer Kruste ist der Hauptprozeß basisch zusammengesetzte Gesteine aus der Kruste zu entfernen, hierbei wird die Kruste in Richtung »andesitische« Zusammensetzung verändert. Hinweise für Schichtspaltung der unteren Kruste stammen von »geochemisch bilanzierten« Profilen aus druckhaft deformierten Zonen. Weiterhin sprechen dafür hohe La/Yb-Werte, das Fehlen von Eu-Anomalien und hohe Sr-Gehalte, wie sie an der Basis tektonisch verdickter Kruste in Magmen, die aus der tiefen Kruste stammen, gefunden werden. Diese krustalen Magmen werden häufig von Mantelbasalten begleitet, die zu Krustenhebung und Dehnung in Verbindung stehen; beides im Zusammenhang stehend zu der gleichzeitig stattfindenden Schichtspaltung der unterlagernden Mantellithosphäre.

Résumé La composition d'ensemble de la croûte continentale résulte des échanges entre la croûte et le manteau. L'apport dans la croûte provient en ordre principal de la montée de basalte d'origine mantélique qui s'opère aux bordures des plaques convergentes et, dans une moindre mesure, à l'intérieur des plaques. Le départ hors de la croûte se produit par la subduction de la croûte supérieure (sédiments, éléments dérivés des continents dans la croûte océanique affectée d'altération hydrothermale), par érosion subcrustale le long des marges convergentes et par délamination à la base de la croûte, les transformations de phase gabbro-éclogitiques entraînant une augmentation de densité et une inversion de densité entre croûte et manteau. Comme ces transformations de phases ne se produisent qu'à haute pression, elles impliquent un épaississement tectonique de la croûte (jusqu'à plus de 50 Km). Le domaine probable de tels épaississement est la partie inférieure de la croûte en bordure des plaques convergentes continentocéan ou continent-continent (orogènes de compression), plutôt que la croûte intra-plaque. Inversement, la probabilité de conversion d'une croûte inférieure mafique est plus élevée au milieu des plaques que sur leurs bordures. La délamination de la croûte inférieure est le processus courant d'appauvrissement de la croûte en roches mafiques, avec création d'une composition crustale »andésitique«. Les arguments en faveur de cette delamination sub-crustale sont tirés de profils »géochimiquement équilibrés« dans les ceintures en compression, ainsi que des rapports La/Yb élevés, de l'absence d'anomalie de l'Eu et des hautes teneurs en Sr dans les magmas dérivés de la partie profonde des croûtes tectoniquement épaissies. Ces magmas crustaux sont souvent accompagnés de basaltes d'origine mantélique associés à un soulèvement et à une extension crustale, ces deux processus étant liés à la délamination concommittante de la lithosphère mantélique sousjacente.

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Summary Electrical ac-conductivity parameters (real part of impedance (Z), imaginary part of impedance (-Z) and parallel capacity (Cp)) of a low iron cordierite single crystal from White Well, Australia (Mg1.91 Fe0.08 Mn0.01Al3.95 Si5.01 (Na0.05, 0.56 H2O, mCO2)) (Pryce, 1973) were studied in the temperature range 200 to 820°C and frequency range 25 – 106 Hz with a test signal voltage of 1.0 volt. Measurements on the 4.2 x 3.4 x 4.7 mm sample were conducted in the crystallographic [001]- and [100] -directions in order to elucidate the electrical behaviour of this orthorhombic framework silicate parallel and normal to its c-parallel channel elements which host a variety of alkali and fluid components.The first heating excursion up to 900°C took ca. 8 hours to allow a slow degassing of the fluid components. The electrical parameters were monitored during this irreversible process. The subsequent measurement cycles did not exceed 820°C and yielded reproducible data.The data obtained in the two different crystallographic directions indicate a considerable anisotropy in electrical behaviour. While plots of the Z- vs. -Z-data obtained in the [001]-direction show two semicircular arcs, those in the [100] -direction display only one such arc. Each of the arcs may be related to a charge transfer process in the crystal.Estimates of the activation energies of the different inferred charge transfer processes derived from a plot of extrapolated RDC vs. 1/T are 0.75 and 0.83 eV for the [001]- and 0.85 eV for the [100] -direction.The occurrence of different charge transfer processes combined with large differences in the values of the Z- and - Z-parameters indicate a considerable anisotropic electrical behaviour of cordierite which can clearly be related to its structural characteristics. Further work is needed to elucidate the electrical conduction mechanisms.
Die elektrische Leitfähigkeit des Cordierits
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Wechselstromparameter (Real (Z)- und Imaginär(Z)-Teil der Impedanz sowie Parallelkapazität (Cp)) an einem eisenarmen Cordierit-Einkristall ((Mg1.91 Fe0.08 Mn0.01)Al3.95 Si5.01 (0.05 Na,0.56 H2O, mCO2)) von White Well, Australien (Pryce, 1973) in Abhängigkeit von Temperatur (200–800°C) in einem Meßfrequenzbereich zwischen 25 bis 106 Hz gemessen. (Meßspannung 1,0 Volt). Um das elektrische Leitfähigkeitsverhalten dieser Gerüststrucktur parallel und senkrecht zu ihren charakteristischen Kanälen zu überprüfen, die typischerweise Alkalien und Fluidkomponenten enthalten, wurden die Messungen in den kristallographischen Richtungen [001] und [100] einer 4.2 x 3.4 x 4.7 mm großen Probe vorgenommen.Das erste Aufheizen der Probe bis zu 900°C erfolgte über ca. 8 Stunden, um ein langsames Entgasen der Fluidkomponenten zu gewährleisten. Dieser irreversible Prozeß wurde gleichzeitig mittels Messungen der elektrischen Parameter dokumentiert. In keinem der folgenden Meßzyklen wurde 820°C überschritten, wobei die Meßwerte eine gute Reproduzierbarkeit aufwiesen.Die in den beiden Kristallrichtungen erhaltenen Daten weisen auf eine beträchtliche Anisotropie im elektrischen Verhalten des Cordierits. Bei graphischer Darstellung des Real (Z)-versus Imaginär (Z)-Teils der Impedanz ergeben die Meßdaten für die [100] Richtung zwei Halbbögen; in der [001]-Richtung ist jedoch lediglich einer zu beobachten. Jeder der Bögen ist mit einem Vorgang eines Ladungstransportes im Kristall zu korrelieren.Die Abschätzungen der Aktivierungsenergie der verschiedenen Ladungstransport-prozesse erfolgte, indem der über Extrapolation gewonnene Wert für den Gleichstrom-widerstand RDC gegen 1/T aufgetragen wurde; es ergaben sich 0.75 und 0.83 eV für die [001]- und 0.85 eV für die [100]-Richtung.Das Auftreten von verschiedenen Ladungstransport-Prozessen in Verbindung mit großen Unterschieden in den Z- und Z-Parametern geben den Hinweis auf beträchtlich anisotrope, elektrische Eigenschaften des Cordierits. Dies steht in gutem Übereinklang mit den Strukturmerkmalen. Weiterführende Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, um den Mechanismus der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit zu erfassen.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The Kullen-type sills of western Dronning Maud land are up to 400 m thick and form part of the Meso- to Neoproterozoic Borgmassivet suite. They consist of a Basal, Cumulate, Central and Upper zone. The petrography of the Cumulate zone, with special emphasis on the occurrences at Hammer Heads in the Annandagstoppane area, is described. Microstructures, such as delicate chains of orthopyroxene primocrysts and an increase in grain size of plagioclase chadacrysts from the cores to the margins of postcumulus clinopyroxene oikocrysts, indicatein situ crystallization. Composite grains with orthopyroxene at the core, which is mantled, in turn, by inverted pigeonite, a second generation orthopyroxene and, on the outer margin, clinopyroxene in a reaction relation with the orthopyroxene, are sporadically developed.The relation between the composite structures and plagioclase nucleation and growth is investigated by the study of plagioclase grain size distributions, nucleation density and An compositions of plagioclase cores, which indicate that two periods of plagioclase nucleation occurred. The first period of nucleation, represented by plagioclase chadacrysts enclosed in primocrysts of orthopyroxene, occurred during supercooling following intrusion. Release of latent heat of crystallization resulted in an increase in magma temperature and a normal sequence of fractional crystallization in which orthopyroxene crystallization was succeeded by pigeonite. The second period of plagioclase nucleation depleted the interface liquid in the zone of crystallization of calcium. The composition of the interface liquid was thus changed from the compositional field from which pigeonite crystallized to that from which orthopyroxene crystallized (cf the liquidus boundaries in the system CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4SiO2 ofKushiro, 1972). This constitutional supercooling (Chalmers, 1964;Tiller, 1991) resulted in crystallization of orthopyroxene and the reverse crystallization sequence En-rich orthopyroxene -pigeonite - En-rich orthopyroxene, prior to reaction of the last-formed orthopyroxene with the liquid to form clinopyroxene and subsequent inversion of pigeonite. A possible crystallization sequence is discussed by making use of thespeculative Fo-Di-An-SiO2 (forsterite-diopside-anorthite-silica) system ofMorse (1980).
Orthopyroxen-Pigeonit-Plagioklas-Beziehungen in der Borgmassivet Suite des westlichen Dronning Maud Landes, Antarktis: Hinweise auf konstitutionelles Supercooling
Zusammenfassung Lagergänge des Kullen-Types im westlichen Dronning Maud Land sind bis zu 400m mächtig und sind Teil der meso- bis neoproterozoischen Borgmassivet-Abfolge. Sie bestehen aus einer basalen, einer Cumulat, einer zentralen und einer oberen Zone. Die Petrographie der Cumulat-Zone wird mit besonderer Betonung der Vorkommen von Hammer Heads im Annandagstoppane-Gebiet beschrieben. Mikrostrukturen, wie z.B. feinkörnige Ketten von Orthopyroxen-Primokristen und eine Zunahme in der Korngröße von Plagioklas-Chadakristen von den Kernen zu den Rändern in postcumulus Klinopyroxen-Oikokristen, weisen aufin situ Kristallisation hin. Zusammengesetzte Körner mit Orthopyroxen im Kern, der von invertiertem Pigeonit umgeben ist, einer zweiten Generation Orthopyroxen, und, am äußeren Rand, Klinopyroxen in Reaktionsbeziehung mit Orthopyroxen, kommen sporadisch vor.Die Beziehung zwischen diesen zusammengesetzten Strukturen und der Nukleation, sowie dem Wachstum von Plagioklas wurde durch das Studium der Plagioklaskorngrößen, der Nukleationsdichte und der An-Zusammensetzung von Plagioklas-Kernen untersucht. Diese weisen darauf hin, daß zwei Perioden von Plagioklas-Nukleation vorgekommen sind. Die erste Nukleationsperiode wird durch Plagioklas-Chadakristen, die in Primokristen von Orthopyroxen eingeschlossen sind repräsentiert, und fand während einer Phase von Supercooling im Anschluß an die Intrusion statt. Das Freiwerden latenter Kristallisationswärme führte zu einer Zunahme der Magmentemperatur und zu einer normalen Abfolge fraktionierter Kristallisation, in der auf die Orthopyroxen-Kristallisation Pigeonit folgte. Die zweite Phase der Plagioklasnukleation führte zu einer Verarmung der Schmelze an Kalzium in der Kristallisationszone. Die Zusammensetzung der Schmelze bewegte sich so aus dem Pigeonitfeld, in das, aus dem Orthopyroxen kristallisierte (siehe die Liquidus Grenzen im System CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4-SO2 von Kushiro, 1972). Dieses konstitutionelle Supercooling (Chalmers, 1964;Tiller, 1991) führte zur Kristallisation von Orthopyroxen, und der reversen Kristallisationsabfolge En-reicher Orthopyroxen-Pigeonit-En-reicher Orthopyroxen, noch vor der Reaktion des zuletzt gebildeten Orthopyroxenes mit der Schmelze, das zur Entstehung von Klinopyroxen und zur anschließenden Inversion von Pigeonit führte. Eine mögliche Kristallisationsabfolge wird auf der Basis desspekulativen Fo-Di-An-SiO2 (Forsterit-Diopsid-Anorthit-Quartz) Systems von Morse (1980) diskutiert.

With 12 Figures  相似文献   




Hydrous partial melting within the lower oceanic crust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied more than 60 oceanic gabbros from the recent oceanic crust and from ophiolites (East Pacific Rise, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Southwest Indian Ridge, Oman ophiolite) by scanning electron microscopy and found in nearly all samples microstructures suggesting that hydrous partial melting reactions proceeded. The characteristic paragenesis consists of orthopyroxene and pargasite rimming olivine and clinopyroxene primocrysts in intimate contact with neoblastic plagioclase strongly enriched in anorthite. This is in agreement with recent water-saturated melting experiments on a variety of natural gabbros between 900 and 1000 °C. The observed microtextures in the natural gabbros imply the propagation of water-rich fluids on grain boundaries in a ductile regime causing hydrous partial melting. Thus, this type of hydrothermal activity proceeds within the deep oceanic crust at very high temperatures (900–1000 °C) without a crack system, a prerequisite in current models for enabling hydrothermal circulation.  相似文献   

Below the melt lens of fast spreading ridges, a low seismic velocity zone has been identified. From the study of ophiolite gabbros, in particular in Oman, this domain has been interpreted as a large magma chamber filled by a melt-poor mush where granular flow controlled by pressure solution-crystallization predominates over plastic flow. Melt migration through the mush is difficult to study in the field because the large magmatic flow taking place in this magma chamber has erased nearly all traces of migration paths. It is, however, still possible to identify sills and former dikes, now largely transposed into the layering. Physical traces for porous flow are rare, but petrological and geochemical evidence suggests that it also contributed to melt migration. Finally, in the lower gabbro horizons large magmatic folds and brecciated zones may bear evidence for magmatic intrusions. The combination of diking, porous flow and large-scale intrusions to carry melt through the magma chamber may be explained by the granular behaviour of the medium. It is suggested that the melt film present between grains and clots of grains reduces the large cohesive forces which characterize a solid, plastic, medium. Melt migration through the mush may thus depend on the size of cohesive clots, evolving through time and space, from porous flow to diking and melt intrusions for increasing larger clots. This process is illustrated by a physical experiment on pressurized air circulation through a granular medium.  相似文献   

Must magmatic intrusion in the lower crust produce reflectivity?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Færoe–Iceland Ridge (FIR) provides a laboratory in which to investigate the reflectivity and velocity structure of thick crust generated above a mantle plume in order to constrain models of underplating and the origins of lower-crustal layering in an environment dominated by young igneous processes. Over 600 km of common midpoint (cmp) data were collected along and across the FIR using a large airgun array with a 240-channel streamer. The interpretation of these data has been integrated with a velocity model of the crust and upper mantle along the FIR obtained from wide-angle seismic arrivals into ocean bottom and land seismometers. Due to the intermediate water depths and the presence of basalt near the water bottom, specialized processing steps were required for the cmp data. A wave equation-based multiple attenuation scheme was applied to the prestack data, which used a forward model of the multiple series to predict and attenuate multiple energy. Array simulations were applied in the shot and receiver domains in order to minimize spatial aliasing and reduce low apparent-velocity noise. Most of the sections over the central (oceanic) portion of the FIR show no pronounced reflectivity, although occasional Moho and/or lower-crustal reflections are observed. We believe that the poor reflectivity results largely from a lack of physical property contrasts rather than being an effect of acquisition or processing, although we also conclude that residual energy from strong multiple reflection remains in the final sections. Amplitude decay and reflection strength vary along the FIR, but there is good signal-to-noise ratio to travel times of at least 9 s (i.e., into the lower crust), implying that the reduced reflectivity beneath the main part of the FIR is not an artifact of signal penetration loss. We conclude that the addition of melt to the lower crust along the trace of the plume apparently did not produce strong physical property contrasts in the lower crust, where little reflectivity is apparent. Perhaps this was because the entire crust was hot at the time of formation. In contrast, igneous intrusion into preexisting continental crust (at the Færoe Islands end of the FIR) and into older igneous crust (at the Iceland end of the FIR) produces significant lower-crustal reflectivity. Strong lower-crustal reflectivity elsewhere beneath the northwestern European continental margins may have a similar intrusive origin.  相似文献   

拆沉作用(delamination)是地球科学中一个重要的科学问题。本文认为,大洋岩石圈拆沉和大陆下地壳拆沉是不一样的:(1)拆沉的物质不同。大洋岩石圈拆沉的物质包括大洋地壳、岩石圈地幔甚至一部分软流圈地幔,它们共同进入地幔深部;而大陆下地壳拆沉仅仅限制在下地壳,不包括岩石圈地幔。(2)拆沉的动力不同。大洋岩石圈拆沉是由板块俯冲引起的,是地幔对流的产物,因此是一种快速的主动的拆沉;而下地壳拆沉是由于下地壳加厚使下地壳密度增加引起的,还要求其下刚性的岩石圈地幔转变成塑性的软流圈地幔才有可能发生。因此下地壳拆沉要克服许多阻力才能实现,使拆沉成为一个漫长的过程,是慢速的和被动的拆沉。(3)拆沉的过程不同,大洋岩石圈拆沉是由板块俯冲触发的,俯冲导致碰撞,大洋岩石圈从根部断裂,拆沉进入地幔。大陆下地壳拆沉由地壳加厚开始,使下地壳转变为榴辉岩相;随后,岩石圈地幔减薄,直至全部转化为软流圈地幔;下地壳发生部分熔融,形成大规模的(埃达克质)岩浆,使下地壳榴辉岩的密度大于下伏的地幔,从而引发拆沉。大陆下地壳拆沉不大可能是整体进行的,可能是一块一块地被蚕食,被拆沉的。(4)拆沉后的效液压不同,大洋岩石圈地幔拆沉,使热的软流罪状地幔上涌,从而引发了一系列地质效应;如岩浆活动,地壳抬升,构造松弛以及随后的造山带垮塌等。而下地壳拆沉只引起地壳减薄,高原和山脉垮塌,并不伴有大规模的岩浆活动和地壳抬升等过程。(5)拆沉与岩浆活动的关系不同,主动拆沉导致大规模岩浆活动,而被拆沉是在大规模岩浆活动的基础上开始的。此外,文中还对“下地壳+岩石圈地幔拆沉”模式提出了质疑,认为该模式有许多难以理解的问题和太多推测的成分,而且与现在保存的地质事实不符。  相似文献   

A suite of samples collected from the uppermost part of the plutonic section of the oceanic crust formed at the southern East Pacific Rise and exposed at the Pito Deep has been examined. These rocks were sampled in situ by ROV and lie beneath a complete upper crustal section providing geological context. This is only the second area (after the Hess Deep) in which a substantial depth into the plutonic complex formed at the East Pacific Rise has been sampled in situ and reveals significant spatial heterogeneity in the plutonic complex. In contrast to the uppermost plutonic rocks at Hess Deep, the rocks studied here are generally primitive with olivine forsterite contents mainly between 85 and 88 and including many troctolites. The melt that the majority of the samples crystallized from was aggregated normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). Despite this high Mg# clinopyroxene is common despite model predictions that clinopyroxene should not reach the liquidus early during low-pressure crystallization of MORB. Stochastic modeling of melt crystallisation at various levels in the crust suggests that it is unlikely that a significant melt mass crystallized in the deeper crust (for example in sills) because this would lead to more evolved shallow level plutonic rocks. Similar to the upper plutonic section at Hess Deep, and in the Oman ophiolite, many samples show a steeply dipping, axis-parallel, magmatic fabric. This suggests that vertical magmatic flow is an important process in the upper part of the seismic low velocity zone beneath fast-spreading ridges. We suggest that both temporal and spatial (along-axis) variability in the magmatic and hydrothermal systems can explain the differences observed between the Hess Deep and Pito Deep plutonics. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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