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近年来,随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,我市作为四川省省会和西南地区重要的中心城市,以国内生产值位居中西部副省级城市和省会城市之首的经济实力、宜人的气候与环境和巨大的消费市场等优势,吸引了一些国内外资金进入我市的房地产业,正日益成为中西部地区房地产开发投资热点地区之一.面对这一难得的发展机遇,我市及时制定了“积极引导居民购房,鼓励住房消费,发展住宅产业“的产业政策,引导房地产投资重点放在住宅建设上,并积极推动住房消费,使住宅产业逐渐成为我市国民经济的新的增长点,以住宅建设为主要内容的房地产业的产值占全市GDP的比重逐年提高,逐步成为了我市国民经济的重要组成部分.……  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家西部大开发战略的实施,我市作为四川省省会和西南地区重要的中心城市,以国内生产值位居中西部副省级城市和省会城市之首的经济实力、宜人的气候与环境和巨大的消费市场等优势,吸引了一些国内外资金进入我市的房地产业,正日益成为中西部地区房地产开发投资热点地区之一。面对这一难得的发展机遇,我市及时制定了“积极引导居民购房,鼓励住房消费,发展住宅产业”的产业政策,引导房地产投资重点放在住宅建设上,并  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 住房问题是重要的民生问题.党中央、国务院高度重视解决城市居民住房问题,始终把改善群众居住条件作为城市住房制度改革和房地产业发展的根本目的.20多年来,我国住房制度改革不断深化,城市住宅建设持续快速发展,城市居民住房条件总体上有了较大改善.但也要看到,城市廉租住房制度建设相对滞后,经济适用住房制度不够完善,政策措施还不配套,部分城市低收入家庭住房还比较困难.为切实加大解决城市低收入家庭住房困难工作力度,现提出以下意见:  相似文献   

房地产业是社会经济中的重要领域,随着"武汉城市圈"进程的不断加快,对其房地产市场投资环境产生了不同程度的影响。本文结合定性定量研究方法,基于多元线性回归投资决策模型,估算出2013年武汉城市圈内9座城市的商品房理论销售均价,并与2013年实际商品房销售均价进行对比,分析各市房地产投资市场,以此判断房地产投资环境;根据研究结论提出具有针对性的对策建议,为房地产业研究与政府土地管理提供参考。  相似文献   

在中国众多的市场中,房地产市场称得上是起步较晚、发展快的一个市场。从1992年到1998年的七年中,全国房地产开发投资的增长速度经历了攀升——颠峰——落底的3个阶段后,现已开始回升。 1999年中国房地产业出现了新的转机,尤其是国家推出房改、经济适用房建设、加快住宅产业现代化3大举措之后,其发展势头已显现。  相似文献   

"要坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位""提升新型城镇化建设质量"……中央经济工作会议对促进房地产业良性循环和健康发展、城市建设和乡村建设等工作作出重要部署. 住房和城乡建设是最大的国内消费市场,是稳增长扩内需、建设强大国内市场的重要领域.2022年,住房和城乡建设事业发展将面临怎样的形势?住房和城乡建设部将采取哪些...  相似文献   

全国城市住房工作会议于8月24日至25日在京召开。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理曾培炎出席会议并讲话。他指出,住房问题是重要的民生问题。要积极采取措施,加强廉租住房制度建设,解决好城市低收入家庭住房困难。继续调整住房结构,稳定住房价格,促进房地产市场健康发展。  相似文献   

大力推进普通居民住宅建设,也就是在现阶段,以经济适用住房建设为重点,推动住宅建设的快速发展并带动相关产业的发展,促进国民经济的持续稳定增长,是党中央、国务院非常关心的一件大事。随着城镇住房从实物分配向货币购买的转变,住房作为一种大宗耐用消费品,其工程质量、功能和环境质量以至物业管理、社区服务是否完善等综合指标  相似文献   

构建上海市地价管理体系的设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海是我国经济与金融中心,随着城市建设的快速发展和房地产业的蓬勃兴旺,上海成为我国土地交易最为活跃的地区之一。本文通过对我市基准地价、城市地价动态监测两项工作的探讨,展开对构建上海市地价管理体系的设想。  相似文献   

宿迁市是1996年7月经国务院批准设立的地级市,建市十年多来,随着全市经济建设的迅速崛起,特别是中心城市的快速扩张,房地产业蓬勃发展,也出现了一些突出问题。随着专项整治工作的深入推进,我市房地产领域违规开发建设的行为不断减少,投诉举报案件日趋减少,房地产市场秩序明显趋于好转。  相似文献   

关于保障性住房   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
廉租房和公租房不可能产生投资回报,必然形成财政"窟窿"。政府不宜包得太多。保障性住房建设,不可能使房价下降。根本解决办法是把自主性需求与投资、投机需求切割开,建立单独的供应体系。比较好的办法是大力发展住宅合作经济。  相似文献   

郭建足 《福建地质》2013,32(1):70-74
当前房屋价值日益提高,分户房屋建筑面积的准确性尤其重要,因为它是房屋所有权人拥有的房地产权益的量化指标,是商品房销售活动中作为结算的重要依据之一,与房屋单价共同构成房屋的价值。在界定商品房建筑面积的基础上,结合厦门市商品住宅测绘的实例,分析了房屋建筑面积的测量技术和方法,以及共有建筑面积的分摊方法。  相似文献   

住宅商品化使住宅设计理念更新,城市住宅产品丰富多彩。本文论述高质量住宅社区环境及城市住宅设计产品在市场竞争中定位合理。在经济上得到快速回报。  相似文献   

漳州邮区中心综合楼人工挖孔桩,因11号桩开挖至12.34m深处见残积粘性土时,泥、水突然上涌,被迫停工。我院负责降水工作,仅用20天(钻孔10天,降水10天)时间就将地下水位降至19m深处,为桩基安全、顺利施工提供了保证,也为如何在水文地质条件复杂的花岗岩分布区开展降水工作提供了可资借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

This paper reviews housing policy development in Lithuania in the light of previous literature which reinterprets Esping-Andersen’s work on welfare regimes and adopts it to study housing policy. It seeks to highlight the major features of the Lithuanian housing policy. The findings of this paper reveal that the Lithuanian housing regime exhibits many features which are common under the liberal one. Most significant of these are low de-commodification for those who have to buy or rent a home for the market price, increasing stratification based on income and the dominant position of the market in housing production, allocation and price determination. However, a detailed examination of the Lithuanian housing policy reveals that the housing policy system, despite having many features similar to the liberal one, has been operating in different social and economic settings as a result of unique historical experience of the communist housing policy (massive production of low quality apartment blocks during the communist era, which currently need substantial renovation) and consequently drastic changes in the housing field since 1990s (massive privatization of the housing stock and decentralization of the housing management system). The Lithuanian housing policy regime could be characterized as a regime with the higher owner-occupation compared to other welfare state regimes, but the lower economic power of the owners to take care of their property maintenance, repair and renovation.  相似文献   

This case study examines Israeli resettlement policy and housing demolition measures practiced in the Gaza Strip. Since the Gaza Strip is distinguished by a huge concentration of dispossessed Palestinian refugees maintained in large camps, the Israeli authorities, from the early stage of the 1967 occupation of the area, have devoted major effort to breaking up the camps and relocating their inhabitants elsewhere. The Israeli authorities have applied a clear policy of systematic destruction of refugee shelters and initiation of resettlement schemes, aimed in the short run at making the refugee camps less congested, while in the long run, the policy appears designed to remove these camps from the landscape entirely, since they remain a constant reminder of Palestinian uprootedness and exile. To date, the Israeli strategy of demolishing the entire refugee camp network has failed to achieve its final objective.  相似文献   

Much has been said, yet little remains known, about the impacts of the changes associated with post-socialist transition on housing inequalities in metropolitan Central and Eastern Europe. To some extent, this depends on the scarcity of ‘hard evidence’ about the socialist epoch against which the subsequent developments may be gauged. Based on a case study of Bucharest, the Romanian capital and one of the region’s major cities, this study investigates various lines of housing inequality using data from a 20 % sample of the national censuses of 1992 and 2002. With only minor changes having taken place since the revolutionary events of late 1989, the year 1992 provides an accurate picture of the housing inequalities inherited from the socialist epoch, whereas the new societal order had largely been established by 2002. We use linear regression and binary logistic regression modeling to identify the factors that predict living space and level of facilities. The results suggest that the first decade of transition did not exert any major influences on the housing inequalities inherited from socialism, with the exception of notable improvements at the very top of the social pyramid. This finding is at odds with the literature that highlights the (suggested) effects of socio-economic polarization on the residential structure of cities after socialism. However, the results from 1992 indicate that housing was segmented along socio-economic lines already under socialism, and perhaps more so than one would have expected in the light of the literature on housing inequalities during this period.  相似文献   

在我国部分地区已开始利用工业固体废物建筑制品建造房屋,但仍存在不少问题,如与工业固体废物相关的料研、生产、应用和服务体系还不完善。本文针对上述问题进行了阐述,最后对以工业固体废物生产企业为骨干的住宅产业集团的前景、其社会效益与经济效益进行了说明。  相似文献   

根据我的观察,美国的住宅设计有以下一些新鲜的地方:(一)在建材方面 1、寻找木材的代用品:在美国木结构的房屋是住宅的主流,美国人有住木结构房屋的传统,采用木结构很容易塑造他们喜欢的房屋体型、外观和与周围环境的和谐;木材资源丰富(但美国目前已有1/3的木材依靠进口)、造价低,已经形成了从设计、到木材和相关配套材料的供应、施工技术和机具、专业人才培训、建筑规范和服务等等的完整体系,他们喜欢木结构房屋的思想已根深蒂固,想改动绝非易事。  相似文献   

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