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为了向广大勘察设计界的读者更好地宣传2005年全国建设工作会议的有关精神,促进各地工作健康有序地发展,本刊以专栏的形式将上海、四川、浙江、成都、北京、江苏等地的经验交流材料进行了整理,以便大家学习、参考。  相似文献   

为保护市区河流两岸的生态环境,各地在河流市区段实施拦河筑坝(橡皮坝)蓄水工程,积累了不少的成功经验。水面工程对改善城市生态环境,保障经济社会的可持续发展带来积极作用,但同时对市区地下水的环境亦产生了影响。以洛阳市洛河水面工程为例分析了水面工程对城市地下水环境的影响。  相似文献   

在全省组织开展城市环境综合整治活动,用三年左右的时间打一场攻坚战,基本消除城市环境脏乱差现象,着力营造适宜创业发展和生活居住的城市环境,这是山东省委、省政府从全省经济社会发展大局出发,做出的重大战略决策。  相似文献   

All over the world, cities that are crossed by large rivers, have the great advantage of being able to meet their water needs. In the humid tropics, such cities should normally not experience water scarcity.Ilorin, the city under study is crossed by two fairly large rivers. The town is just about 100 km2 in area with a population less than 500,000. 3km E of the city, is a dam with a storage capacity of 43 million m3. The daily water production to the city is 661/person. When it is realized that less than 25% of the houses in the city have modern sanitary conveniences, then 661/person per day borders on over supply. Yet there is the cry of inadequate water supply from sections of the city.The habits of the city dwellers make them waste water. For example, mouth brushing alone takes about 2.4 I/person when the tap runs continuously. Secondly a bath with a 221 bucket of water is adequate for an adult, but when a shower bath is taken, about 841 will be required for about 15 minutes.This paper has examined the use and waste of water among the physical strata in the city. These strata coincide with the socio-economic strata.For an affluent class, a threshold water requirement of 521 is manageable, whereas in the Government Reservation area, the average is 82 1 (often includes waste). For the indigenous area, about 351 per day for an individual is the need, though the demand might be much higher than this value.  相似文献   

湖南省临湘市虎形山钨矿是近年来新发现的大型钨铍矿床。矿区内围岩蚀变类型较多,主要有云英岩化、硅化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化、绿泥石化等。为了探究矿区围岩蚀变与成矿的关系,对蚀变硅质板岩分别作了主微量元素分析,通过元素相关性分析探究了各元素的迁移特征,并探讨了主要蚀变过程中出现的矿化类型以及矿化过程中一些金属矿物的生成顺序;利用标准化Isocon图解法,对围岩蚀变过程中组分的带入带出进行质量平衡计算。研究结果表明,板岩中组分迁移受绢云母化影响强烈,其中云英岩化与成矿关系最为密切,碳酸盐化与钨矿化也有一定联系。通过对湘东北地区、虎形山矿区冷家溪群和上地壳W、Cu、Pb、Zn、As、Sb丰度值的对比,反映了矿区地层富含成矿物质,但并未给成矿提供物质来源。  相似文献   

Iris Grossmann 《Geoforum》2008,39(6):2062-2072
During recent decades, most European river-port cities and also many seaport cities have undergone a major transition towards a service-centred, rather than industrially-based metropolis, offering a high quality urban environment with a revitalised waterfront. Hamburg is one of the few river-port cities that have chosen the course of port expansion instead. This paper discusses the consequences of current global technological, organisational and economic developments for the port. Changing requirements imply rising monetary and land-use costs and environmental and social impacts, and also entail the risk that the port may not be able to fulfil new requirements and could thus lose market shares to coastal competitors. More importantly, the world-wide economic shift towards the service sector has affected port-dependent jobs in two ways: Directly port-dependent jobs have been reduced to a fraction, while many indirectly port-dependent jobs no longer require physical proximity of the port. Those benefits that continue to arise tend to spread over a much larger geographical region, while the port’s costs remain locally concentrated. Given the increasing competition between world-wide metropolitan regions that seek to establish themselves in new sectors and attract a qualified workforce, it is particularly relevant for Hamburg to account for these changes and to incorporate an assessment of the port’s changing costs and benefits into planning processes. To date, this task has received little attention from the city.  相似文献   

The intensity of postmagmatic processes in the Botuobinskaya pipe kimberlites was estimated from the calculated content of normative secondary quartz (Q). Several simple algorithms are proposed to calculate the Q content from chemical analyses of kimberlites. Ten groups of altered kimberlites have been recognized from the Q contents. The contents of MgO, some trace elements, and LREE in the groups, the contents of Cr and Ca of crimson garnets, the diamond contents of kimberlites, and the average weight of diamonds decrease as the Q content increases. It is shown that the negative SiO2–MgO correlation is the most effective indicator of the postmagmatic alteration of kimberlites. As the degree of their secondary alteration increases, the kimberlites transform into an assemblage of quartz and clay minerals enriched in some trace elements and almost completely lacking REE and diamonds.  相似文献   

The current research has been conducted to evaluate groundwater aquifers qualitatively in the area located in the Western side of Qena city. The Quaternary aquifer represents the main groundwater source in the study area. It exists under unconfined to semiconfined conditions at depths varying between 4 m due North and 80 m in the South. The chemical analyses of the groundwater samples indicate that 77% of the total samples are fresh and 20% are brackish, while only 3% are saline. In addition, the iso-salinity contour map indicates that the salinity increases towards the central and northern parts of the study area. The total and permanent hardness increase as water salinity increases and vice versa in case of temporary hardness in the groundwater samples. The chemical water types and the ion ratios indicate meteoric origin of groundwater as well as the dissolution of terrestrial and marine salts. The contribution of recent recharge from the River Nile to a few groundwater wells in the study area varies from low to high. In addition, the most recharge sources are from the precipitation. Nitrate concentrations in groundwater increase towards the central and Northern areas significantly elevated in response to increasing anthropogenic land uses. Much of the solutes and physicochemical parameters in these waters are under the undesirable limits of World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking purpose, and a plot of sodium adsorption ratio versus EC shows that about 23% of the groundwater samples are good water quality, about 45% of groundwater samples are moderate quality, and 23% of the groundwater samples are intermediate water class, while the rest of samples (9%) are out of the range.  相似文献   

陈惠雄  徐菲菲  王晓鹏 《冰川冻土》2017,39(5):1089-1097
运用超模博弈理论,以流域水资源管理制度形成的角度来解释流域各区段水资源管理政策执行面临的外部环境约束与激励,并通过模型描述了水资源管理域与外部关联域之间的博弈关系。分析发现:超模结构在当前钱塘江与黑河流域的水资源博弈中发挥着重要影响。钱塘江流域水资源管理制度收益函数对水功能区治理变量和经济域治理变量有递增差异。黑河流域水资源管理制度收益函数对分水治理变量和社会域治理变量有递增差异。由于这种关联作用对各区段主体策略集的限制,流域间水资源管理制度逐渐异质化,各流域管理结构呈现出一定的区域特色。钱塘江流域水资源管理偏重于扁平化、职能化管理,黑河流域为科层结构下水资源的层级分配。并依据以上研究结论提出了制度建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, the water distribution system at the Upper city of a well-preserved medieval town of Hasankeyf near the Tigris is questioned and its relation to the urban settlement pattern is assessed. The discussions are based on the cistern-intensive and available canal data collected within the residential borders of the Upper city in 2005. Being the third level features of the water system, the cisterns the majority of which are now attributable to the “conical, small and individual” typology, have shown that they were actively operated through the open rock-cut canals which were fed by the backbone of the distribution network—namely the siphon system, until recent times. Although a considerable number of converted cisterns hallmark shifts in the function of the water system and the changing conjectures over time, the blue prints of such a big “hydro-design” reveal the competence of semi-arid occupational environments in Upper Mesopotamia in showing how to cope with the topographical constraints and climatic disadvantages and turn these into an opportunity through the efficient use of terrain along with a carefully designed settlement area. That the Upper city now offers numerous water features makes this piece of land quite a representative of the regional works and shows the apex of the perception of ancient technology achieved with the siphon that could have been launched in the Roman era, and the state of art of planning ancient natural and man-made habitats.  相似文献   

贺小元  王辉  刘欢 《地下水》2019,(1):62-63,71
在进行"陕西省陕北石炭—二叠纪煤田府谷矿区马家梁-房子坪勘查区普查"项目的地质及水工环1:2. 5万地质填图中,对府谷哈镇周围部分井、泉、水库及土壤进行了采样分析,采集水样共10件,其中水质简分析4件、水质环境分析4件、水质全分析2件,采集土壤样品4件。分析结果发现该区水质多属CO32-·HCO3-·SO42--Na+·Ca2+·Mg2+型,又根据Cl-、SO42-、Mg2+、Na+之间的关系计算得出,主要为重碳酸钠型和硫酸钠型水,矿化度介于138~1145 mg/L之间,平均约580. 43 mg/L,水质中重金属铅、镉及挥发酚、pH超标。土壤分析结果显示区内的汞含量基本都超标;土污染1、4的镉元素含量超标;土污染1的镉、汞、砷、铅、锌值与其他样品相比,都表现为高值超出标准值,说明贺家梁-范家梁一带土污染较为严重。  相似文献   

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