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1INTRODUCTIONAmongdrivingfactorsfortheEastAsianmonsoonareplanetary-scaleland-seathermodynamiccontrast(e.g.betweentheEurasiancontinentandthePacificOcean)andsub-planetary-scaleone(e.g.betweentheIndochinaandtheSouthChinaSea).ItisovertheSouthChinaSea(SCS)andadjoiningareasthattheEastAsiansummermonsoonfirstbreaksout.ItthenadvancestotheregionsofEastAsiaandSouthAsia.ItisthereforenaturaltofindlocalgeographicandtopographiceffectsoftheSCSregionevidentlyshownontheonsetoftheSCSsummermonsoon… 相似文献
城市化对广西夏季海陆风影响的数值试验 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
利用2003—2006年观测资料分析了广西区夏季海陆风地面特征,并运用WRF模式模拟了2006年8月1—2日海陆风的结构,结果表明:使用修正后的城市下垫面试验模拟的海陆风强度和分布更接近实测,白天沿海城区为海风辐合带,与暴雨中心相对应;夜间北部湾海面为陆风的汇合区,易产生对流云团。城市化试验结果表明热岛效应加强了海风的发展,但削弱了陆风;同时热岛效应减缓了夜间城市上空大气的辐射冷却,使下沉运动相应减弱,从而抑制了逆温稳定发展的主要控制因子,逆温强度大幅度降低,但对逆温层高度影响不大。 相似文献
The sea-land breeze circulation (SLBC) occurs regularly at coastal locations and influences the local weather and climate significantly. In this study, based on the observed surface wind in 9 conventional meteorological stations of Hainan Island, the frequency of sea-land breeze (SLB) is studied to depict the diurnal and seasonal variations. The statistics indicated that there is a monthly average of 12.2 SLB days and an occurrence frequency of about 40%, with the maximum frequency (49%) in summer and the minimum frequency (29%) in autumn. SLB frequencies (41%) are comparable in winter and spring. A higher frequency of SLB is present in the southern and central mountains due to the enhancement effect of the mountain-valley breeze. Due to the synoptic wind the number of SLB days in the northern hilly area is less than in other areas. Moreover, the WRF model, adopted to simulate the SLBC over the island for all seasons, performs reasonably well reproducing the phenomenon, evolution and mechanism of SLBC. Chiefly affected by the difference of temperature between sea and land, the SLBC varies in coverage and intensity with the seasons and reaches the greatest intensity in summer. The typical depth is about 2.5 km for sea breeze circulation and about 1.5 km for land breeze circulation. A strong convergence zone with severe ascending motion appears on the line parallel to the major axis of the island, penetrating 60 to 100 km inland. This type of weak sea breeze convergence zone in winter is north-south oriented. The features of SLBC in spring are similar both to that in summer with southerly wind and to that in winter with easterly wind. The coverage and intensity of SLBC in autumn is the weakest and confined to the southwest edge of the central mountainous area. The land breeze is inherently very weak and easily affected by the topography and weather. The coverage and intensity of the land breeze convergence line is significantly less than those of the sea breeze. The orographic forcing of the cen 相似文献
罗会邦 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2000,(2)
Values of the net radiative heating(QRT)at the top of atmosphere(TOA)are derived from thesatellite-observed outgoing long wave radiation(OLR)and the TOA short wave net irradiance(SHT)for the region of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas(40°S—40°N,0—180°E)and theperiod of months from January 1979 to December 1988.The anomalous QRT(QRTA)in relation tothe interannual variability of Asian monsoon is discussed.QRTA for the earth-atmosphere system inthe domain may be linked to the thermal contrasts between continents and oceans and between theplateau and surrounding free atmosphere. 相似文献
冬季黑潮延伸体异常增暖对东亚夏季风影响的数值试验 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
利用NCAR CAM3全球大气环流模式数值试验,研究了冬季黑潮延伸体的海温异常增暖对东亚夏季风的影响。结果表明,冬季黑潮延伸体海温异常增暖将导致东亚夏季风增强北推。表征夏季风强度的EASMI(the East Asian Summer Monsoon Index)和LSTDI(the Land-Sea Thernal Difference Index)在夏季风爆发后都呈现了明显的增强趋势,且LSTDI对海温异常增暖的响应更为敏感。华北、南海和菲律宾以东的低空西南季风显著增强,副热带西风急流轴以北(南)西风加强(减弱)。日本群岛及周边海域和中国东部长江以南至秦岭一线的降水明显减少;华北、南海、东海、黄海和菲律宾以东的西太平洋上的降水增多。华北是东亚夏季风对黑潮延伸体的海温异常响应最敏感的区域。东亚地区近地面温度表现为一致的增温特征,而30~50 °N之间对流层的整体升温导致了海陆热力差异的加大,这是促使东亚夏季风增强的重要原因。中国及周边地区环流和降水异常分布和西北太平洋副热带高压增强北抬有关。 相似文献
邵慧 《热带气象学报(英文版)》2001,7(2):131-143
In this work, the SCSMEX data are used to diagnose and compare the local land-sea thermal
conditions, with the focus of discussion on possible influences of thermal forcing of the western Pacific and the
Tibetan Plateau on the onset and development of summer monsoon in 1998. Results show a close relationship
between the distribution of the heat sources and the land-sea contrast. Due to the blocking effect of terrain, main
maximum zones of the heat sources in areas with more evident north-south land-sea contrast are more obviously
southward located than those exclusively with oceans. The surface heating is characterized with apparent
seasonal variation and difference between land and sea. The relationship between the western Pacific and the
onset of summer monsoon is reflected in the variations of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the latent heat.
The influence mechanism of the Tibetan Plateau during the summer monsoon is different: it is dominated by
sensible heating during the South China Sea monsoon and by condensed latent heating during the Indian
monsoon. 相似文献
海陆分布和地形对1998年夏季风爆发的热力影响 总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8
应用1980-1995年5天平均的CMAP降水资料、美国NMC850hPa风、卫星反演的向外长波辐射(OLR)和上部对流层水汽亮温(BT)等资料分析比较了南海夏季风爆发前后的基本特征。结果发现:BT能够反映南海夏季风的爆发及其与周围地区降水的关系,但局地降水信息的反映不够具体;OLR能够比较好的反映热带海洋上的降水,但陆地上的低值OLR可能受到地形的影响,仅仅850hPa风场不能完全确定夏季风的爆发。南海季风转换区域定义在南海的中北部比较合适,这是因为南海夏季风爆发前就存在着长年位于南海南部的带海洋对流性雨带;南海夏季风爆发后西南季风气流和季风雨带从印度洋经孟加拉湾和南海伸向西北太平洋,开始了南亚和东亚夏季风的爆发过程。 相似文献
LUO Huibang 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2000,14(2):200-209
Values of the net radiative heating(QRT)at the top of atmosphere(TOA) are derived from the satellite-observed outgoing long wave radiation(OLR)and the TOA short wave net irradiance (SHT) for the region of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas(40°S-40°N,0-180°E)and the period of months from January 1979 to December 1988.The anomalous QRT(QRTA)in relation to the interannual variability of Asian monsoon is discussed.QRTA for the earth-atmosphere system in the domain may be linked to the thermal contrasts between continents and oceans and between the plateau and surrounding free atmosphere. 相似文献
Improvement in two aspects is done of the one-level mesoscale numerical model of Mass et al.(1985)and the re-vised model is used to make a simulation of a severe convective weather process in North China,with the result showingthe pronounced effects of the topography upon the mesoscale systems. 相似文献
一次夏季西南低涡形成机理的数值试验 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
本文用一个适合于高原地区的简化流体动力学模式,对一次夏季西南低涡的形成进行了多种数值试验。控制试验结果表明,西南低涡形成的位置在高原东侧地形高度3000m附近,与实况基本吻合,降水区分布比较合理。对不同物理过程进行试验表明,动力过程对西南涡的形成起了基本作用,但单纯的动力过程不能使西南涡维持下去。潜热加热对西南涡的维持发展有重要影响。感热加热作用较小。 青藏高原地形对西南涡的形成有决定性影响。模式地形高度削减一半,模拟的西南涡形成位置比实况偏西偏南;去掉地形后,700hPa为一热低压,位于青藏高原内部。 相似文献
针对城市下垫面条件进行合理的参数设置,将城市影响引入辐射雾模式,并结合NCEP/ CFSv2(Climate Forecaset System Verison2)资料及常规气象观测资料,对2010年2月8日发生在上海宝山的一次辐射雾过程进行数值研究。结果表明:(1) 受城市地表影响,感热输送成为城市地表加热大气的主要方式;城市下垫面的湍流交换作用较强,近地面湍流交换系数最大可达2.0 m2/s;(2) 城市辐射雾的起雾高度比农村高,雾首先在32 m高度上形成,且雾顶可发展到150 m高度;上部雾形成的主要原因是长波辐射冷却引起的水汽凝结;而8 m以下气层雾形成的主要原因是重力沉降导致的含水量的累积。 相似文献
By means of the regional boundary layer model (RBLM), a study on the influences of the urban planning and construction on the summer urban heat island (UHI) in the metropolis of Shenzhen is performed. In the study, the current summer UHI distribution, the influences of the increasing high-density construction and the energy consumption on the summer air temperature distribution, and the influences of the urban ventilation corridor on the summer air temperature distribution are numerically analyzed. Some conclusions are drawn in the light of the study: (1) The summer UHI is more obvious in day time than that in night time in the summer of Shenzhen, and the maximum values of UHI intensity in the day time appear in the areas with high-density construction, which are located in Nanshan, Futian and Luohu and western Bao′an districts. (2) The increase of construction density and energy consumption in the urban area will lead to the increase of temperature near the ground, and the increase of temperature at nighttime is more obvious than that at daytime. (3) The ventilation corridor can effectively reduce the UHI intensity and can be taken as a method to eliminate the negative climatic effect caused by the increase of high-density construction and energy consumption in the future. 相似文献
夏季青藏高原雪盖对东亚大气环流影响的数值试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用钱永甫 模式和与颜宏模式嵌套,并引入修正的青藏高原雪盖下垫面上的反照率参数化,来研究理相民状态下青藏高原东部及南侧夏季有雪盖对东亚大气歪流的影响。/ 相似文献
Improvement in two aspects is done of the one-level mesoscale numerical model of Mass et al.(1985) and the revised model is used to make a simulation of a severe convective weather process in North China,with the result showing the pronounced effects of the topography upon the mesoscale systems. 相似文献
利用球带p-σ坐标系模式,模拟了臭氧对夏季大气环流的作用,结果表明,臭氧作用引入模式后,大气高压环流特征得到显著改善,臭氧使高层大气的加热率增大;对低层大气,虽然臭氧的加热作用很小,但可通过改变其他加热场分量的分布和量值,从而改变总加热率,使低层大气环流同样发生变化。 相似文献
A barotropic prirnitive equation model is used to simulate the tropical cyclone motion.Tropical cyclonemovements under different environmental flow backgrounds were examined and sensitivity of tropical cyclonetracks were discussed.Conclusions of practical significance have been obtained in this paper. 相似文献
In terms of the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM3),the effect of the Indian Peninsulaon the course of the Asian tropical summer monsoon is simulated in this paper,and numericalexperimental results show that the Indian Peninsula plays a critical role in the establishmentprocess of the Asian tropical summer monsoon.When the CCM3 includes the Indian Peninsula,the model successfully simulates out the course of the Asian tropical summer monsoon,i.e.theSouth China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon at first bursts in middle May,while the Indian monsoonjust establishes until middle June.However when the Indian Peninsula topography is deleted in themodel,the Indian and SCS summer monsoons almost simultaneously establish in late May.Numerical results further indicate that in the former experiment the sensible heating of the IndianPeninsula warms the air above and produces evident temperature contrast between the peninsulaand its adjacent SCS and Bay of Bengal (BOB).which results in the strengthening and maintenanceof the BOB trough in the low-middle layer of the troposphere in the end of spring and early summerand thus the earliest establishment of the Asian tropical summer monsoon in the SCS in middleMay.However,the Indian summer monsoon just establishes until middle June when the strongwest wind over the Arabian Sea shifts northwards and cancels out the influence of the northwestflow behind the BOB trough.In the latter experiment the effect of Tibetan Plateau only produces avery weak BOB trough,and thus the SCS and Indian summer monsoons almost simultaneouslyestablish. 相似文献