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A seven-year record of surface ozone measurements from Denali NationalPark, Alaska shows a persistent spring maximum. These data, combined withmeasurements of NOx, hydrocarbons, O3, and PANfrom a continental site in Alaska during the spring of 1995 are used as thebasis for a sensitivity study to explore tropospheric photochemistry in thisregion. Because of the relatively high concentrations of NOx(mean of 116, median of 91 pptv), the net tendency was for photochemicalozone production. The range of net O3 production for averageconditions measured at this site during spring is between 0.96–3.9ppbv/day depending on the assumptions used; in any case, this productionmust contribute to the observed springtime maximum in O3.Model calculations showed that of the anthropogenic ozone precursors, onlyNOx had a strong effect on the rate of ozone production; themeasured concentrations of anthropogenic hydrocarbons did not significantlyaffect the ozone budget. Naturally produced biogenic hydrocarbons, such asisoprene, may also have a significant effect on ozone production, even atconcentrations of a few 10's of pptv. An observed temperature-isoprenerelationship from a boreal site in Canada indicates that isoprene may bepresent during the Alaskan spring. Measurements of isoprene taken duringthe spring of 1996 suggest that reactive biogenic hydrocarbon emissionsbegin before the emergence of leaves on deciduous trees and that theconcentrations were sufficient to accelerate ozone production.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted during the growing season of 1993 at a mixed deciduous forest in southern Ontario, Canada to investigate the atmospheric abundance of hydrocarbons from phytogenic origins, and to measure emission rates from foliage of deciduous trees. The most abundant phytogenic chemical species found in the ambient air were isoprene and the monoterpenes -pinene and -pinene. Prior to leaf-bud break during spring, ambient hydrocarbon mixing ratios above the forest remained barely above instrument detection limit (20 parts per trillion), but they became abundant during the latter part of the growing season. Peak isoprene mixing ratios reached nearly 10 parts per billion (ppbv) during mid-growing season while maximum monoterpene mixing ratios were close to 2 ppbv. Both isoprene and monoterpene mixing ratios exhibited marked diurnal variations. Typical isoprene mixing ratios were highest during mid-afternoon and were lowest during nighttime. Peak isoprene mixing ratios coincided with maximum canopy temperature. The diurnal pattern of ambient isoprene mixing ratio was closely linked to the local emissions from foliage. Isoprene emission rates from foliage were measured by enclosing branches of trees inside environment-controlled cuvette systems and measuring the gas mixing ratio difference between cuvette inlet and outlet airstream. Isoprene emissions depended on tree species, foliage ontogeny, and environmental factors such as foliage temperature and intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). For instance, young (<1 month old) aspen leaves released approximately 80 times less isoprene than mature (>3 months old) leaves. During the latter part of the growing season the amount of carbon released back to the atmosphere as isoprene by big-tooth and trembling aspen leaves accounted for approximately 2% of the photosynthetically fixed carbon. Significant isoprene mixing ratio gradients existed between the forest crown and at twice canopy height above the ground. The gradient diffusion approach coupled with similarity theory was used to estimate canopy isoprene flux densities. These canopy fluxes compared favorably with values obtained from a multilayered canopy model that utilized locally measured plant microclimate, biomass distribution and leaf isoprene emission rate data. Modeled isoprene fluxes were approximately 30% higher compared to measured fluxes. Further comparisons between measured and modeled canopy biogenic hydrocarbon flux densities are required to assess uncertainties in modeling systems that provide inventories of biogenic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Atmospheric hydroxyl (OH), hydroperoxy (HO2), total peroxy (HO2 and organic peroxy radicals, RO2) mixing ratios and OH reactivity (first order OH loss rate) were measured at a rural site in central Pennsylvania during May and June 2002. OH and HO2 mixing ratios were measured with laser induced fluorescence (LIF); HO2 + RO2 mixing ratios were measured with chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS). The daytime maximum mixing ratios were up to 0.6 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) for OH, 30 pptv for HO2, and 45 pptv for HO2 + RO2. A parameterized RACM (Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism) box model was used to predict steady state OH, HO2 and HO2 + RO2 concentrations by constraining the model to the measured OH reactivity and previously measured volatile organic compound (VOC) distributions. The averaged model calculations are generally in good agreement with the observations. For OH, the model matched the observations for day and night, with an average observed-to-modeled ratio of 0.80. In previous studies such as PROPHET98, nighttime NO was near 0 pptv and observed nighttime OH was significantly larger than modeled OH. In this study, nighttime observed and modeled OH agree to within measurement and model uncertainties because the main source of the nighttime OH was the reaction HO2 + NO → OH + NO2, with the NO being continually emitted from the surrounding fertilized corn field. The observed-to-modeled ratio for HO2 is 1.0 on average, although daytime HO2 is underpredicted by a factor of 1.2 and nighttime HO2 is over-predicted by a factor of ∼2. The average measured and modeled HO2 + RO2 agree well during daytime, but the modeled value is about twice the measured value during nighttime. While measured HO2 + RO2 values agree with modeled values for NO mixing ratios less than a few parts per billion by volume (ppbv), it increases substantially above the expected value for NO greater than a few ppbv. This observation of the higher-than-expected HO2 + RO2 with the CIMS technique confirms the observed increase of HO2 above expected values at higher NO mixing ratios in HO2 measurements with the LIF technique. The maximum instantaneous O3 production rate calculated from HO2 and RO2 reactions with NO was as high as 10–15 ppb h−1 at midday; the total daily O3 production varied from 13 to 113 ppbv d−1 and was 48 ppbv d−1 on average during this campaign.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify species and levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and determine their oxidation capacity in the rural atmosphere of western Senegal. A field study was conducted to obtain air samples during September 14 and September 15, 2006 for analyses of VOCs. Methanol, acetone, and acetaldehyde were the most abundant detected chemical species and their maximum mixing ratios reached 6 parts per billion on a volume basis (ppbv). Local emission sources such as firewood and charcoal burning strongly influenced VOC concentrations. The VOC concentrations exhibited little temporal variations due to the low reactivity with hydroxyl radicals, with reactivity values ranging from 0.001 to 2.6 s−1. The conditions in this rural site were rather clean. Low ambient NO x levels limited ozone production. Nitrogen oxide (NO x ) levels reached values less than 2 ppbv and maximum VOC/NO x ratios reached 60 ppbvC/ppbv, with an overall average of 2.4 ± 4.5 ppbvC/ppbv. This indicates that the rural western Senegal region is NO x limited in terms of oxidant formation potential. Therefore, during the study period photochemical ozone production became limited due to low ambient NO x levels. The estimated ozone formation reactivity for VOCs was low and ranged between −5.5 mol of ozone/mol of benzaldehyde to 0.6 mol/mol of anthropogenic dienes.  相似文献   

Information from a variety of sources, including an airborne field expedition in November 1985, is used to produce estimates of the annual emissions of some hydrocarbons from bushfires, and isoprene from trees, in tropical Australia. For the continent north of 23° S the annual bushfires (biomass burning) input was estimated, in units of Tg carbon, to be 2 TgC (uncertainty range 0.8–5 TgC), emitted predominantly during the May to October dryseason. Isoprene emissions during this period were estimated also to be 2 TgC (uncertainty range 0.5–8 TgC), but were estimated to be an order of magnitude higher during the November to April wet season, at a level of 23 TgC (uncertainty range 6–100 TgC).The large annual emission of isoprene over the tropical part of the Australian continent yields ppbv levels of isoprene measured at the surface in summertime. Isoprene reactivity with hydroxyl radical is such that at these concentrations isoprene must be a dominant factor in controlling the concentration of OH radical in the convective boundary layer. Simple arguments based on the convective velocity scale suggest that the shape of the isoprene vertical profile in November 1985 would be consistent with available data on the OH-isoprene reaction rate if OH concentration in the boundary layer averaged about 2.5×106 cm-3 over the middle part of the day.Temporarily at the International Meteorological Institute, Stockholm University, S-106 91, Stockholm, Sweden.  相似文献   

Measurements of NOx (NO +NO2) and the sum of reactive nitrogenconstituents, NOy, were made near the surface atAlert (82.5°N), Canada during March and April1998. In early March when solar insolation was absentor very low, NOx mixing ratios were frequentlynear zero. After polar sunrise when the sun was abovethe horizon for much or all of the day a diurnalvariation in NOx and NOy was observed withamplitudes as large as 30–40 pptv. The source ofactive nitrogen is attributed to release from the snowsurface by a process that is apparently sensitized bysunlight. If the source from the snowpack is a largescale feature of the Arctic then the diurnal trendsalso require a competing process for removal to thesurface. From the diurnal change in the NO/NO2ratio, mid-April mixing ratios for the sum of peroxyand halogen oxide radicals of 10 pptv werederived for periods when ozone mixing ratios were inthe normal range of 30–50 ppbv. Mid-day ozoneproduction and loss rates with the active nitrogensource were estimated to be 1–2 ppbv/day and in nearbalance. NOy mixing ratios which averaged only295±66 pptv do not support a large accumulation inthe high Arctic surface layer in the winter and springof 1998. The small abundance of NOy relative tothe elevated mixing ratios of other long-livedanthropogenic constituents requires that reactivenitrogen be removed to the surface during transport toor during residence within the high Arctic.  相似文献   

Simultaneousindependent measurements of NOy and NOx(NOx= NO + NO2) by high-sensitivitychemiluminescence systems and of PAN (peroxyacetylnitrate) and PPN (peroxypropionyl nitrate) by GC-ECDwere made at Spitsbergen in the Norwegian Arcticduring the first half year of 1994. The average mixingratio of the sum of PAN and PPN (denoted PANs)increased from around 150 pptv in early winter to amaximum of around 500 pptv in late March, whereasepisodic peak values reached 800 pptv. This occurredsimultaneously with a maximum in ozone which increasedto 45–50 ppbv in March–April. The average NOxmixing ratio was 27 pptv and did not show any cyclethrough the period. The NOy mixing ratio showeda maximum in late March, while the difference betweenNOy and PAN decreased during spring. This is anindication of the dominance of PAN in the NOybudget in the Arctic, but possible changes in theefficiency of the NOy converter could alsocontribute to this. Although most PAN in theArctic is believed to be due to long range transport,the observations indicate local loss and formationrates of up to 1–2 pptv h-1 in April–May.Measurements of carbonyl compounds suggest thatacetaldehyde was the dominant, local precursor ofPAN.Now at 1.  相似文献   

In this study, an improved and complete secondary organic aerosols (SOA) chemistry scheme was implemented in the CHIMERE model. The implementation of isoprene chemistry for SOA significantly improves agreement between long series of simulated and observed particulate matter concentrations. While simulated organic carbon concentrations are clearly improved at elevated sites by adding the SOA scheme, time correlation are impaired at low level sites in Portugal, Italy and Slovakia. At several sites a clear underestimation by the CHIMERE model is noticed in wintertime possibly due to missing wood burning emissions as shown in previous modeling studies. In Europe, the CHIMERE model gives yearly average SOA concentrations ranging from 0.5 μg m  − 3 in the Northern Europe to 4 μg m  − 3 over forested regions in Spain, France, Germany and Italy. In addition, our work suggests that during the highest fire emission periods, fires can be the dominant source of primary organic carbon over the Mediterranean Basin, but the SOA contribution from fire emissions is low. Isoprene chemistry has a strong impact on SOA formation when using current available kinetic schemes.  相似文献   

Measurements of surface O3, CO, NOx and light NMHCs were made during December 2004 at Hissar, a semi-urban site in the state of Haryana in north-west region of the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP). The night-time O3 values were higher when levels of CO, NO and NO2 were lower but almost zero values were observed during the episodes of elevated mixing ratios of CO (above 2000 ppbv) and NOx (above 50 ppbv). Slopes derived from linear fits of O3 versus CO and O3 versus NOx scatter plots were also negative. However, elevated levels of O3 were observed when CO and NOx were in the range of 200–300 ppbv and 20–30 ppbv, respectively. Slope of CO-NOx of about 33 ppbv/ppbv is much larger than that observed in the US and Europe indicating significant impact of incomplete combustion processes emitting higher CO and lesser NOx. Correlations and ratios of these trace gases including NMHCs show dominance of recently emitted pollutants mostly from biomass burning at this site.  相似文献   

The kinetics of heterogeneous reactions of NO2 with 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) adsorbed on laboratory generated kerosene soot surface was studied over the temperature range (255–330) K in a low pressure flow reactor combined with an electron-impact mass spectrometer. The kinetics of soot-bound PAH consumption due to their desorption and reaction with NO2 were monitored using off-line HPLC measurements of their concentrations in soot samples as a function of reaction time, NO2 concentrations in the gas phase being analyzed by mass spectrometer. No measurable decay of PAHs due to the reaction with NO2 was observed under experimental conditions of the study (maximum NO2 concentration of 5.5 × 1014 molecule cm−3 and reaction time of 45 min), which allowed to determine the upper limits of the first-order rate constants for the heterogeneous reactions of 17 soot-bound PAHs with NO2: k < 5.0 × 10−5 s−1 (for most PAHs studied). Comparison of these results to previous studies carried on different carbonaceous substrates, showed that heterogeneous reactivity of PAHs towards NO2 is, probably, dependent on the substrate nature even for resembling, although different carbonaceous materials. Results show that particulate PAHs degradation by NO2 alone is of minor importance in the atmosphere  相似文献   

During the Berlin Ozone Experiment BERLIOZ in July–August 1998 quasi-continuous measurements ofC2–C12 nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) were carried out at 10 sites in and around the city of Berlin using on-line gas-chromatographic systems (GCs) with a temporal resolution of 20–120 minutes. Additional airborne NMHCmeasurements were made using canister sampling on three aircraft and an on-line GC system on a fourth aircraft. The ground based data are analyzed to characterize the different sites and to identify the influence of emissions from Berlin on its surroundings. Benzene mixing ratios at the 4 rural sites were rather low (<0.5 ppbv). Berlin (and the surrounding highway ring) was identified as the main source of anthropogenic NMHCs at Eichstädt and Blossin, whilst other sources were important at the furthermost site Menz. The median toluene/benzene concentration ratio in Berlin was 2.3 ppbv/ppbv, agreeing well with measurements in other German cities. As expected, the ratios at the background sites decreased with increasing distance to Berlin and were usually around one or below. On 20 and 21 July, the three northwesterly sites were situated downwind of Berlin and thus were influenced by its emissions. Considering the distance between the sites and the windspeed, the city plume was observed at reasonable time scales, showing decreasing toluene/benzene ratios of 2.3, 1.6 and 1.3 with increasing distance from Berlin. Isoprene was the only biogenic NMHC measured at BERLIOZ. It was themost abundant compound at the background sites on the hotter days, dominating the local NMHC reactivity with averaged contributions to the total OH loss rate of 51% and 70% at Pabstthum and Blossin, respectively. Emissionratios (relative to CO and to the sum of analysed NMHCs) were derived from airborne measurements. The comparison with an emission inventory suggests traffic-related emissions to be the predominating source of the considered hydrocarbon species. Problems were identified with the emission inventory for propane, ethene and pentanes.  相似文献   

The new European Council Directive (PE-CONS 3696/07) frames the inhalable (PM10) and fine particles (PM2.5) on priority to chemically characterize these fractions in order to understand their possible relation with health effects. Considering this, PM2.5 was collected during four different seasons to evaluate the relative abundance of bulk elements (Cl, S, Si, Al, Br, Cu, Fe, Ti, Ca, K, Pb, Zn, Ni, Mn, Cr and V) and water soluble ions (F, Cl, NO2 , NO3 , SO4 2−, Na+, NH4 +, Ca2+ and Mg2+) over Menen, a Belgian city near the French border. The air quality over Menen is influenced by industrialized regions on both sides of the border. The most abundant ionic species were NO3 , SO4 2− and NH4 +, and they showed distinct seasonal variation. The elevated levels of NO3 during spring and summer were found to be related to the larger availability of the NOx precursor. The various elemental species analyzed were distinguished into crustal and anthropogenic source categories. The dominating elements were S and Cl in the PM2.5 particles. The anthropogenic fraction (e.g. Zn, Pb, and Cu) shows a more scattered abundance. Furthermore, the ions and elemental data were also processed using principal component analysis and cluster analysis to identify their sources and chemistry. These approach identifies anthropogenic (traffic and industrial) emissions as a major source for fine particles. The variations in the natural/anthropogenic fractions of PM2.5 were also found to be a function of meteorological conditions as well as of long-range transport of air masses from the industrialized regions of the continent. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Aerosol and rain samples were collected between 48°N and 55°S during the KH-08-2 and MR08-06 cruises conducted over the North and South Pacific Ocean in 2008 and 2009, to estimate dry and wet deposition fluxes of atmospheric inorganic nitrogen (N). Inorganic N in aerosols was composed of ~68% NH4+ and ~32% NO3 (median values for all data), with ~81% and ~45% of each species being present on fine mode aerosol, respectively. Concentrations of NH4+ and NO3 in rainwater ranged from 1.7–55 μmol L−1 and 0.16–18 μmol L−1, respectively, accounting for ~87% by NH4+ and ~13% by NO3 of total inorganic N (median values for all data). A significant correlation (r = 0.74, p < 0.05, n = 10) between NH4+ and methanesulfonic acid (MSA) was found in rainwater samples collected over the South Pacific, whereas no significant correlations were found between NH4+ and MSA in rainwater collected over the subarctic (r = 0.42, p > 0.1, n = 6) and subtropical (r = 0.33, p > 0.5, n = 6) western North Pacific, suggesting that emissions of ammonia (NH3) by marine biological activity from the ocean could become a significant source of NH4+ over the South Pacific. While NO3 was the dominant inorganic N species in dry deposition, inorganic N supplied to surface waters by wet deposition was predominantly by NH4+ (42–99% of the wet deposition fluxes for total inorganic N). We estimated mean total (dry + wet) deposition fluxes of atmospheric total inorganic N in the Pacific Ocean to be 32–64 μmol m−2 d−1, with 66–99% of this by wet deposition, indicating that wet deposition plays a more important role in the supply of atmospheric inorganic N than dry deposition.  相似文献   

Secondary aerosol formation was studied at Allahabad in the Indo-Gangetic region during a field campaign called Land Campaign-II in December 2004 (northern winter). Regional source locations of the ionic species in PM10 were identified by using Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF analysis). On an average, the concentration of water soluble inorganic ions (sum of anions and cations) was 63.2 μgm−3. Amongst the water soluble ions, average NO3 concentration was the highest (25.0 μgm−3) followed by SO42− (15.8 μgm−3) and NH4+ (13.8 μgm−3) concentrations. These species, contributed 87% of the total mass of water soluble species, indicating that most of the water soluble PM10 was composed of NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4/NH4HSO4 or (NH4)3H(SO4)2 particles. Further, the concentrations of SO42−, NO3, and NH4+ aerosols increased at high relative humidity levels up to the deliquescence point (∼63% RH) for salts of these species suggesting that high humidity levels favor the conversion and partitioning of gaseous SO2, NOx, and NH3 to their aerosol phase. Additionally, lowering of ambient temperature as the winter progressed also resulted in an increase of NO3 and NH4+ concentrations, probably due to the semi volatile nature of ammonium nitrate. PSCF analysis identified regions along the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) including Northern and Central Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Northern Pakistan, and parts of Rajasthan as source regions of airborne nitrate. Similar source regions, along with Northeastern Madhya Pradesh were identified for sulfate.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive discussion on what cause high ozone episodes at a suburban photochemical observation site of the Seoul Metropolitan Area (population ~23 million). The observational site, Taehwa Research Forest (TRF), is situated ~30 km from the center of Seoul. In June 2011, we observed two very distinctive ozone periods-high ozone (peak up to 120 ppbv) and low ozone (peak up to 60 ppbv) in the mid and early month, respectively. The trace gas measurement dataset, especially CO and NO X clearly indicate that less anthropogenic influences during the high ozone period. Volatile organic compound (VOC) measurement results show that at the observational site, biogenic VOCs (mostly isoprene) contribute most of chemical reactivity towards OH, although toluene from anthropogenic activities was observed in higher concentrations. Back-trajectory analysis indicates that air-masses from the forest part of Korea Peninsula were dominant influences during the high ozone episode event. On the other hand, Aged air masses from China were the dominant influence during the low ozone episode event. Model calculations conducted using the University of Washington Chemical Mechanism (UWCM) box model, also consistently show that BVOC, especially isoprene photochemistry, can be the significantly contribution to local ozone formation in the given photochemical environments of TRF. These research results strongly suggest that ozone control strategy in the Eastern Asian megacities, mostly situated in surrounding forest areas should be based on the comprehensive scientific understanding in BVOC photochemistry and interplays between anthropogenic and biogenic interactions.  相似文献   

PM10 samples were collected over three years at Monzenmachi, the Japan Sea coast, the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa, Japan from January 17, 2001 to December 18, 2003, using a high volume air sampler with quartz filters. The concentrations of the water-soluble inorganic ions in PM10 were determined with using ion chromatography. By analyzing the characteristics of these, the evidences were found that the Asian outflow had an obviously influence on the air quality at our study site. The results were as follows: the secondary pollutants SO42−, NO3 and NH4+ were the primary water-soluble inorganic ions at our study site. The monthly mean concentrations of SO42−, NH4+, NO3 and Ca2+ have prominent peak in spring due to the strong influence of the Asian continent outflow—these according to backward air trajectory analysis, the maximum of which were 6.09 for nss-SO42− in May, 2.87 for NO3 and 0.68 μg m−3 for nss-Ca2+ in April, respectively. Comparable to similar data reported from various points around East Asia, it had the characteristics of a polluted coastal area at our study site. The concentration of nss-Ca2+ in PM10 drastically increased when the Asian dust invaded, the mean value during the Asian dust days(AD) was 0.86 μg m−3, about 4 times higher than those of normal days (NAD). Meanwhile, the mean concentrations of nss-SO42−, NO3 and NH4+ in AD periods were higher than those in NAD periods which were 5.87, 1.76 and 1.82 μg m−3, respectively, it is due to the interaction between dust and secondary particles during the long-range transport of dust storms. Finally, according to the source apportionment with positive matrix factorization (PMF) method in this study, the major source profiles of PM10 at our study site were categorized as (1) marine salt, (2) secondary sulfate, (3) secondary nitrate and (4) crustal source.  相似文献   

Airborne measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were performed overthe tropical rainforest in Surinam (0–12 km altitude,2°–7° N, 54°–58° W) using the proton transferreaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) technique, which allows online monitoringof compounds like isoprene, its oxidation products methyl vinyl ketone,methacrolein, tentatively identified hydroxy-isoprene-hydroperoxides, andseveral other organic compounds. Isoprene volume mixing ratios (VMR) variedfrom below the detection limit at the highest altitudes to about 7 nmol/molin the planetary boundary layer shortly before sunset. Correlations betweenisoprene and its product compounds were made for different times of day andaltitudes, with the isoprene-hydroperoxides showing the highest correlation.Model calculated mixing ratios of the isoprene oxidation products using adetailed hydrocarbon oxidation mechanism, as well as the intercomparisonmeasurement with air samples collected during the flights in canisters andlater analysed with a GC-FID, showed good agreement with the PTR-MSmeasurements, in particular at the higher mixing ratios.Low OH concentrations in the range of 1–3 × 105molecules cm-3 averaged over 24 hours were calculated due to lossof OH and HO2 in the isoprene oxidation chain, thereby stronglyenhancing the lifetime of gases in the forest boundary layer.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the chemical compositions of rainwater was carried out from June 2007 to December 2008 in Guiyang, a city located on the acid rain control zone of southwest China. All samples were analyzed for pH, major anions (F, Cl, NO3, SO42−), major cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NH4+), Sr2+ and Sr isotope. The pH increase is due to the result of neutralization caused by the alkaline dust which contain large amount of CaCO3. It was observed that Ca2+ was the most abundant cation with a volume-weighted mean (VWM) value of 217.6 μeq/L (52.7–1928 μeq/L), accounting for 66% (39%–88%) of the total cations. SO42− was the most abundant anion with VWM value of 237.8 μeq/L (49.6-1643 μeq/L). SO42− and NO3 were dominant among the anions, accounting for 66%–97% of the total measured anions. The Sr concentrations vary from 0.01 to 0.92 μmol/L, and strontium isotopic ratios vary in the range of 0.707684–0.710094, with an average of 0.708092. The elements ratios and the 87Sr/86Sr ratios showed that the solutes of rainwater mainly come from weathering of carbonate and secondary dust input. Moreover, urbanization results in the calcium-rich dust increased and the high concentrations of alkaline ions (mainly Ca2+) have played an important role to neutralize the acidity of rainwater, leading to the increase of arithmetic pH mean value by 0.5 units since 2002. It is worth noting that the emission of SO2 and NOx from the automobile exhaust is increasing and is becoming another important precursor of acid rain now.  相似文献   

Using a single drop experiment, the uptake of NO3 radicals on aqueous solutions of the dye Alizarin Red S and NaCl was measured at 293 K. Uptake coefficients in the range (1.7–3.1) ⋅ 10− 3 were measured on Alizarin Red S solutions. The uptake coefficients measured on NaCl solutions were in the range of (1.1–2.0) ⋅ 10−3 depending on the salt concentration. Both experiments lead to a consistent result for the mass accommodation coefficient of αNO3 = (4.2− 1.7+2.2)⋅ 10−3. The product H(Dl kClII)0.5 for the NO3 radical was determined to be (1.9 ± 0.2) M atm− 1 cm s−0.5 M−0.5 s−0.5 by fitting the uptake data for the NaCl solutions to the so-called resistance model. The yield of the chemical NO3 radical source was characterized using UV-VIS and FT-IR spectroscopy. The amount of gas-phase NO3 radicals measured at elevated humidities was less than expected. Instead, a rise of the gas-phase HNO3 concentration was found indicating a conversion of gas-phase NO3 radicals to gas-phase HNO3 on the moist reactor walls.  相似文献   

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