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用ICP-MS对TAG热液活动区表层热液沉积物中6个块状硫化物样品进行了稀土元素分析。所有样品均表现出正Eu异常(EuN/Eu*N=1.27~2.68)和LREE相对富集(LaN/YbN=15.79~47.62)的球粒陨石标准化配分模式,热液沉积物样品中稀土元素组成的变化是由于海底热液循环体系中热液流体和海水不同程度混合作用的结果,并且,海水与热液流体的混合作用是在热液沉积物形成以前发生的,与黑烟囱流体的稀土元素配分模式对比,表明热液沉积物的REE部分来自下伏的玄武岩基底,在热液沉积物的形成过程中,LREE得到了较高程度的富集,同时,海底热液沉积物的稀土元素中Eu的变化可以一定程度的反映出热液流体的演化特征。  相似文献   

本文利用“大洋多金属结核调查”期间“海洋4”号调查船HY_4-871、881航次在东太平洋海盆取得的底层水、沉积物、间隙水及多金属结核样品,对比研究了稀土元素(REE)在海底水-沉积物界面系统不同物质相中的分布变化及配分特征。结果表明,在大洋氧化性沉积物间隙水中REE相对于底层水亏损。除Ce外,沉积物与多金属结核REE含量较为接近。底层水、沉积物、间隙水REE配分特征极为相似,都表现出中稀土相对于轻、重稀土的轻度分离和富集,Ce表现为负异常。多金属结核中中稀土也有类似的富集倾向,但Ce主要表现为正异常。随深度的增加,沉积物REE含量增加,但其配分模式不变。  相似文献   

采用Longuet-Higgins形式的方向分布函数作为已知谱,用模拟数据检验了作者是所提出的估计方法EEV合理性,并与扩展最大似然方法(EMLM)及Lygre等(1986)的最在熵方法(MEM)作了比较,在验证和比较中,使用纵摇-横摇浮标,星形阵形和CERC阵列作为复合阵列,计算表明,EEV优于EMLM和EME。最后将EEV和EMLM两种方法应用于仪器阵列的外海观测数据,得到了比较合理的海浪方向  相似文献   

本文对海南岛三亚三井全新世形成的珊瑚礁中稀土元素进行了系统分析研究。结果表明,稀土元素具有明显分布特征:1.在井深4—7m范围内,ΣREE变化频繁;2.LREE/HREE的比值增大;3.Ce出现相对大的负异常。这些特征表明,在井深4—7m范围内,珊瑚礁成岩环境频繁受到古气候变化的影响,径流和风化作用增强,并且出现了相对强的氧化环境。而径流和风化作用的增强及相对强的氧化环境的形成,通常由暧湿的古气候所致。说明珊瑚礁中稀土元素对古气候变化有良好的指示作用  相似文献   

SBE19CTD仪在海洋调查中已得到了广泛的应用。本文根据美国SeaBird公司提供的仪器软件包(SEASOFT软件)及软件手册,结合实际工作经验,介绍了SBE19 CTD资料处理的具体步骤、方法和要求。  相似文献   

ENDECO水流计在实际应用中往往由于操作者一时疏忽而使仪器不能正常,乃至造成难以弥补的损失,本文提出了在实际操作中不容忽视的几个问题并介绍了解决的方法。  相似文献   

分析小冰麦异附加系列Ⅰ(TAI系列Ⅰ)的叶片酯酶(ESTL)、胚乳酯酶(ESTE)和胚芽鞘酯酶(ESTC)的酶谱表型,根据同工酶结构基因Estc-Ag1和Estl-Ag2在异附加系TAI-12,基因Este-Ag4在TAI-15中冰草染色体上的定位,推知TAI-12和TAI-15中的冰草染色体分别属于第3和6同祖群。由于此二冰草染色体上还分别存在与小麦第6和3同祖群染色体部分同源的基因;因而认为这两条冰草染色体间发生了相互易位。  相似文献   

南黄海QC2孔的ESR年代学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文报道了南黄海QC2孔33个ESR测年结果,它们和^14C年龄,微体古生物地层学及磁性地层学的结果相一致。符合地质情况,建立了一个较完整的年代学序列,用海洋沉物中石英Ge心信呈民可得到沉积物几十万年内的沉积年龄,石英E心的天然光效应使沉积物ESR测年陷入困境,但通过调整测试条件(增大微波功率),在海洋沉积环境中,仍可以利用石英的E心得到较老沉积物(大于50万年)的较为可靠的ESR年龄。  相似文献   

海南岛三亚三井珊瑚礁中稀土元素地球化学特征及其古…   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对海南岛三亚三井全新世形成的珊瑚礁中稀土元素进行了系统分析研究,结果表明,稀土元素具有明显下分布特征:1.在井深4-7m范围内,∑REE变化频繁,2.LREE/HREE的比值增大,;3.Ge出现相对大的负异常,这些特征表现,在井深4-7m范围内,珊瑚礁成岩环境繁受到古气候变化的影响,径流和风化作用增强;并且出现了相对强的氧化环境,而径流和风化作用的增强及相对强的氧化环境的形成,通常由暖湿的古气  相似文献   


The Changjiang Estuary is the doorway of the Shanghai Harbour and the throat for the six provinces in the Changjiang River drainage area. However the minimum water depth of the waterway in the estuary is only about six meters, so that the development of the Shanghai Harbour and the utilization of water transportation on the Changjiang River have been greatly restrained. Since 1975, the depth of the sea-entering waterway of the Changjiang Estuary has been successfully increased by one meter. This article has made a comprehensive summing-up about the selection of waterways, the determination of the line for dredging and disposal of the dredged material, thus providing reference data for future work in increasing the depth of the waterway of the Changjiang Estuary and for controlling similar waterways of other estuaries.  相似文献   

鉴于数字信号处理技术的广泛应用,数字滤波技术的诸多优点,电磁测流方法的信号微弱性,介绍了数字滤波技术在电磁海流计中的应用实例,并给出了信号分析的相关图形。  相似文献   

首先概述了坐底式海洋环境监测系统的发展历程、结构组成、工作原理和系统功能等。设计开发了一套浅海坐底式海洋环境监测系统,并在北黄海海域进行了长时间应用。对其结构组成特点、原理功能和实际应用情况等进行了详细阐述,并结合一段时间的监测数据,说明其可为海洋科学研究、海水养殖与海洋工程等提供基础数据。对坐底式海洋环境监测系统的布放与回收方法进行介绍,针对近海经常出现无释放器或释放器失灵的坐底式海洋环境监测系统,且潜水员或作业型水下机器人(ROV)不方便下潜系缆的情况,设计了一种实操性强的打捞回收方法。总结归纳了所设计的浅海坐底式海洋环境监测系统特点及回收方法,可为相关应用与研究提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

We analyze the contemporary methods and means of measurements of the sea level and inland waters, describe a CTD-meter designed at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Ukrainian National of Science for the determination of the sea level, formulate the requirements to the perfect meter of the water level, and demonstrate that an electronic sounding stick based on the distributed Walsh thermoprofilometers can play the role of a device of this kind.  相似文献   

目前业内普遍使用的机械式海流计功耗大,连续工作时间短,姿态测量精度较低,体积较大,存储容量较小,维护复杂,在需要长时间进行海洋观测使用时十分不便。针对这一实际问题,为提高海流计的性能,设计以STM32f103ZE处理器为核心,运用现代锂离子电池技术,存储技术,传感器技术,无线充电技术,无线通信技术,对机械式海流计电子电路进行了重新设计。样机测试结果表明:该设计功耗低,流向精度高,维护简单且可长时间在水下稳定工作,完全满足各种海洋作业中海流测量需求,具有很大的实用价值。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional nonlinear baroclinic model is used to model the circulation in the Ballenas Channel, Gulf of California, México, which was inferred from current meter observations over three sills that surround the area. The suggested circulation consists of deep inflow that follows two paths: the first one is a direct spill of water through San Lorenzo sill into Ballenas Channel, the second one, a larger route that starts at San Esteban sill, then flows north of the island passing over Tiburón and Delfín basins, and then turns to the south reaching the North Ballenas Channel sill and then spills into Ballenas Channel. Following the latter result, a previous modeling effort to reproduce the circulation was partially obtained, the long path was not reproduced and it was believed that finer horizontal resolution was needed. In this work, the bathymetric resolution was increased by a factor of three and the full path of this deep circulation is now obtained and corroborated.  相似文献   

The performance of various directional instruments for practical oceanographic and coastal engineering applications is examined. The emphasis is put on the application of conventional current meters equipped with high resolution pressure sensors and three element arrays. Two simulation techniques have been used to produce input data with known frequency spectrum and known directional spreading. The directional spreading is determined by the maximum likelihood method and the resulting spreading is compared with the input spreading. The performance of a conventional current meter equipped with a high resolution pressure sensor depends on the width of the directional spreading of surface waves and on the frequencies under consideration. Even for very narrow directional spreading, the current meter response is acceptable for practical applications and for shallow water deployment. In general, the current meter directional response does not depend on the direction of the incident waves. The spatial array of three wave staffs deployed in shallow water shows a similar performance to that of the current meters when the dimension of the spatial array is of the order of 1 m. This performance also does not depend on the direction of the incident waves.  相似文献   

为了提高海洋观测研究浮标在位运行的安全性,自主设计了一种北斗/GPS双模定位信标。该信标采用传统的GPS技术进行定位结合“北斗”卫星特有的报文通信和定位功能,通过解决传统GPS信号盲区问题,为中国近海海洋观测研究浮标安全运行提供了更加有力的保障,同时提高了数据保密能力。该系统采用外部供电和内部自主供电相结合的模式,即使外部供电中断,也可保证正常运行不低于1 a,而且基本上不需要对信标进行专门维护,大大降低了运行和维护成本。与该信标配套的岸站管理系统具备发送和短信和邮件报警的功能,可实现浮标运行状态实时监控。  相似文献   

A wave-height meter using a simple microwave Doppler radar,simeq10mW in power and 10.525 GHz in frequency, is proposed so that we can measure oceanic waves effectively while the ship is steaming. It was first applied to the measurement of the variation of water level generated in a wave tank, which suggested that it is adequately applicable to the measurement of oceanic waves. A field test was carried out off the cape of Nojimazaki by installing the Doppler radar 5 m above the sea level at the bow of the ship. The result agreed reasonably well with that measured simultaneously by the ultrasonic wave-height meter installed at the same position. Another test is running successfully on a larger ship with the wave-height meter installed at 9 m above the sea level. The significant wave height measured by the present meter is being compared with that observed visually by the navigation officers.  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝筏式养成水层的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筏式养殖为目前世界上许多国家人工养殖扇贝的重要养成形式。但养殖水层、养殖方法及其解说却各不相同。为了探求栉孔扇贝筏式养成的合理水层,最大限度地提高经济效益,我们于1981年4月—1982年11月,在荣成县俚岛湾以相同的筏养形式,进行了不同水层的养殖试验。  相似文献   

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