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This paper applies a Bayesian formulation to range-dependent geoacoustic inverse problems. Two inversion methods, a hybrid optimization algorithm and a Bayesian sampling algorithm, are applied to some of the 2001 Inversion Techniques Workshop benchmark data. The hybrid inversion combines the local (gradient-based) method of downhill simplex with the global search method of simulated annealing in an adaptive algorithm. The Bayesian inversion algorithm uses a Gibbs sampler to estimate properties of the posterior probability density, such as mean and maximum a posteriori parameter estimates, marginal probability distributions, highest-probability density intervals, and the model covariance matrix. The methods are applied to noise-free and noisy benchmark data from shallow ocean environments with range-dependent geophysical and geometric properties. An under-parameterized approach is applied to determine the optimal model parameterization consistent with the resolving power of the acoustic data. The Bayesian inversion method provides a complete solution including quantitative uncertainty estimates and correlations, while the hybrid inversion method provides parameter estimates in a fraction of the computation time.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a perturbative inverse approach applied to the range-dependent acoustic data provided as part of the Geoacoustic Inversion Techniques Workshop. The method is based on the Hankel transform relationship between complex-pressure field data measured on a horizontal array and the depth-dependent Green's function for a horizontally stratified medium. The input data to the inversion algorithm are discrete values of horizontal wavenumbers estimated for locally range-independent subapertures of the acoustic data. Inversion results are presented with emphasis placed on inverting for compressional wave speed as a function of both range and depth in the bottom.  相似文献   

The paper discusses an inversion method that allows the rapid determination of in situ geoacoustic properties of the ocean bottom without resorting to large acoustic receiving apertures, synthetic or real. The method is based on broad-band waterborne measurements and modeling of the waveguide impulse response between a controlled source and a single hydrophone. Results from Yellow Shark '94 experiments in Mediterranean shallow waters using single elements of a vertical array are reviewed, inversion of the bottom parameters is performed with an objective function that includes the processing gain of a model-based matched filter (MBMF) receiver relative to the conventional matched filter. The MBMF reference signals incorporate waveguide Green's functions for known geometry and water column acoustic model and hypothesized bottom geoacoustic models. The experimental inversion results demonstrated that, even for complex environmental conditions, a single transmission of a broad-band (200-800 Hz) coded signal received at a single depth and a few hundred forward modeling runs were sufficient to correctly resolve the bottom features. These included the sound speed profile, attenuation, density, and thickness of the top clay sediment layer, and sound speed and attenuation of the silty clay bottom. Exhaustive parameter search proved unequivocally the low-ambiguity and high-resolution properties of the MBMF-derived objective. The single-hydrophone results compare well with those obtained under identical conditions from matched-field processing of multitone pressure fields sampled on the vertical array. Both of these results agree with expectations from geophysical ground truth. The MBMF has been applied successfully to a field of advanced drifting acoustic buoys on the Western Sicilian shelf, demonstrating the general applicability of the inversion method presented  相似文献   

An inversion method using a towed system consisting of a source and two receivers is presented. High-frequency chirp signals that have been emitted from the source are received after multiple penetrations and reflections from the shallow water sub-bottom structure and are processed for geoacoustical parameter estimation. The data are processed such that a good resolution and robustness is achieved via matched filtering, which requires information about the source signal. The inversion is formulated as an optimization problem, which maximizes the cost function defined as a normalized correlation between the measured and modeled signals directly in the time domain. The very fast simulated reannealing optimization method is applied to the global search problem. The modeled time signal is obtained using a ray approach. An experiment was carried out in the Mediterranean Sea using a towed source and receiver system. The inversion method is applied to the experimental data and results are found to be consistent with previous frequency-domain analyses using measurements from a towed horizontal array of receivers and measurements on a vertical array.  相似文献   

Geoacoustic inversion results based on data obtained during the Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment (ASIAEX) 2001 East China Sea experiment are reported. The inversion process uses a genetic-algorithm-based matched-field-processing approach to optimize the search procedure for the unknown parameters. Inversion results include both geometric and geoacoustic variables. To gauge the quality of the inversion, two different analyses are employed. First, the inversion results based upon discrete source-receiver ranges are confirmed by continuous source localization over an interval of time. Second, separate inversions at many different ranges are carried out and the uncertainties of the parameter estimation are analyzed. The analysis shows that both methods yield consistent results, ensuring the reliability of inversion in this study.  相似文献   

This work presents the results of geoacoustic inversions carried out using data from the Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment East China Sea. Broadband data from small explosive sources were used for the inversions. Compressional wave speeds in the sediment and basement layers were estimated using a nonlinear, long-range, tomographic inversion technique based on group speed dispersion. This tomographic technique is a hybrid approach that combines a genetic algorithm for global parameter search with a Levenberg-Marquardt method for fine-scale parameter tuning. The results were compared with data from gravity and piston cores and a geophysical survey conducted at the experimental location using a watergun and towed hydrophone array.  相似文献   

McIntosh  K.  Akbar  F.  Calderon  C.  Stoffa  P.  Operto  S.  Christeson  G.  Nakamura  Y.  Shipley  T.  Flueh  E.  Stavenhagen  A.  Leandro  G. 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2000,21(5):451-474
In March and April 1995 a cooperative German, Costa Rican, and United States research team recorded onshore-offshore seismic data sets along the Pacific margin of Costa Rica using the R/V Ewing. Off the Nicoya Peninsula we used a linear array of ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones (OBS/H) with onshore seismometers extending across much of the isthmus. In the central area we deployed an OBS/H areal array consisting of 30 instruments over a 9 km by 35-km area and had land stations on the Nicoya Peninsula adjacent to this marine array and also extending northeast on the main Costa Rican landmass. Our goal in these experiments was to determine the crustal velocity structure along different portions of this convergent margin and to use the dense instrument deployments to create migrated reflection images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting Cocos Plate. Our specific goal in the central area was to determine whether a subducted seamount is present at the location of the 1990, M 7 earthquake off the Nicoya Peninsula and can thus be linked to its nucleation. Subsequently we have processed the data to improve reflection signals, used the data to calculate crustal velocity models, and developed several wide-aperture migration techniques, based on a Kirchhoff algorithm, to produce reflection images. Along the northern transect we used the ocean bottom data to construct a detailed crustal velocity model, but reflections from the plate boundary and top and bottom of the subducting Cocos plate are difficult to identify and have so far produced poor images. In contrast, the land stations along this same transect recorded clear reflections from the top of the subducting plate or plate boundary, within the seismogenic zone, and we have constructed a clear image from this reflector beneath the Nicoya shelf. Data from the 3-D seismic experiment suffer from high-amplitude, coherent noise (arrivals other than reflections), and we have tried many techniques to enhance the signal to noise ratio of reflected arrivals. Due to the noise, an apparent lack of strong reflections from the plate boundary zone, and probable structural complexity, the resulting 3-D images only poorly resolve the top of the subducting Cocos Plate. The images are not able to provide compelling evidence of whether there is a subducting seamount at the 1990 earthquake hypocenter. Our results do show that OBS surveys are capable of creating images of the plate boundary zone and the subducting plate well into the seismogenic zone if coherent reflections are recorded at 1.8 km instrument spacing (2-D) and 5 km inline by 1 km crossline spacing for 3-D acquisition. However, due to typical high amplitude coherent noise, imaging results may be poorer than expected, especially in unfavorable geologic settings such as our 3-D survey area. More effective noise reduction in acquisition, possibly with the use of vertical hydrophone arrays, and in processing, with advanced multiple removal and possibly depth filtering, is required to achieve the desired detailed images of the seismogenic plate boundary zone.  相似文献   

 Spatial variability of shallow-water carbonate sediments near Dry Tortugas, Florida, is scale-dependent. Wet bulk density, grain density, porosity, compressional wave velocity, and grain size variability generally increase down to 2.4 m vertically and 850 m laterally. Grain size is most variable, followed by porosity, wet bulk density, compressional wave velocity, and grain density bothvertically and laterally, consistent with Walther’s Law. Variability was empirically modeled by linear regression analysis to predict variability based on scale, characterize sediment property variability, and quantify sedimentisotropy.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic history of the Muglad Basin, is dominated by extension and inversion tectonics, but evidence of the inversion tectonics has not been well documented yet. In some other rift basins of CARS and WARS the phase of the inversion tectonics is well documented by several authors.This paper presents a structural study of the Heglig field area located on the eastern flank of the Muglad Basin. Detailed 3D seismic interpretation allows a better understanding of the structural style of the Heglig field. The new structural analysis has shown that the Heglig field has a complex structural framework reflected in the presence of a combination of two structural styles. The extensional structure is influenced by inversion tectonics during the Santonian time that creates four-way dip anticline structure, overprinted by the subsequent extensional movement that creates tilted fault block. The presence of inversion tectonics has supported by different means including seismic reflection, velocity, and source rock maturity data. The authors attributed the trapping of oil in the Lower Bentiu reservoir, that requires a horizontal seal, to the presence of the four-way dip anticline structure created by the inversion tectonics.The current interpretation of the Heglig field 3D seismic data sheds new light on the development and evolution of a key structure in the Muglad Basin. The results help to resolve long-standing discussion concerning hydrocarbon accumulation of the lower part of Bentiu Formation that lacks horizontal sealing.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained using the adaptive simulated annealing (ASA) algorithm to invert the test cases from the Geoacoustic Inversion Techniques Workshop held in May 2001. The ASA algorithm was chosen for use in our inversion software for its speed and robustness when searching the geoacoustic parameter solution space to minimize the difference between the observed and the modeled transmission loss (TL). Earlier work has shown that the ASA algorithm is approximately 15 times faster than a modified Boltzmann annealing algorithm, used in prior versions of our TL inversion software, with comparable fits to the measured data. Results are shown for the synthetic test cases, 0 through 3, and for the measured data cases, 4 and 5. The inversion results from the synthetic test cases showed that subtle differences between range-dependent acoustic model version 1.5, used to generate the test cases, and parabolic equation (PE) 5.0, used as the propagation loss model for the inversion, were significant enough to result in the inversion algorithm finding a geoacoustic environment that produced a better match to the synthetic data than the true environment. The measured data cases resulted in better fits using ASTRAL automated signal excess prediction system TL 5.0 than using the more sophisticated PE 5.0 as a result of the inherent range averaging present in the ASTRAL 5.0 predictions.  相似文献   

The last steps in the geological exploration of Bannock Basin (cruises BAN-88 and BAN-89 of R.V. Bannock) provided direct evidence of an inversion of relief that was long suspected but hitherto never recorded.

Dolostones and dolomitic mudstones of probable Messinian age subcropping beneath the brine in the northern part of Bannock Basin and Zanclean oozes recorded on the sill separating two narrow and elongate satellite basins along the eastern part of the rim-syncline record a relief inversion during their evolution from cylindric folds to collapse structures.

In particular, the core from the eastern intrabasin sill contains two major unconformities: one separates early Zanclean oozes from late Piacenzian pelagic sediments characterized by winnowed layers, inclined bedding and incipient hardgrounds, and the second separates the latter from Middle Pleistocene pelagic sediments. The deepening is certainly post-late Piacenzian (post-M Pl 6 biozone) because sediments of that age record an actively uplifting structure.

Another argument in favour of the relief inversion, and of the youthful age of the deepening, is derived from a core raised from the northern part of the major western basins (large sill separating Maestro from Borea basins) which contains a coarse turbidite of North African origin representing an upflow turbidite similar to others recorded on the outer slopes of the Mediterranean Ridge. This unique finding in the area of Bannock Basin is preserved in the central part of the collapse basin, whereas in other settings an erosional gap is noticed at the equivalent stratigraphic position.  相似文献   

利用前期提出的合成孔径雷达反演海面风场变分方法新解法,开展背景场对合成孔径雷达反演海面风场变分方法风速反演结果影响的模拟试验分析。模拟试验表明,变分方法有效解决了直接反演方法的两大缺陷:一是当背景场风速较大的时候,合成孔径雷达后向散射系数对风速不敏感,直接导致较大的风速反演误差;二是当背景场风向存在误差时,将导致后向散射系数更大的误差,进而导致风速反演结果更大的误差。进一步试验表明,当背景场风速较大时,变分方法风速误差低于直接反演方法风速误差。而当背景场风向误差较小时,直接反演方法风速误差比变分方法风速误差小。  相似文献   

A study of radiolarian fluxes collected during 1991–93 from time-series sediment traps deployed at 1071 and 3010 m water depth in the southern Bay of Bengal (SBBT) yielded 40 species/groups of radiolarians. Among the order Polycystina, the species of sub-order Spumellaria were by far the most abundant (∼95%) followed by sub-order Nassellaria (5%). This is contrary to reports from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is attributed to the prevailing hyposaline condition resulting from the monsoonal rainfall. Higher radiolarian fluxes occurred during March–May, when moderate salinity and a high sea surface temperature (SST) regime prevailed at the trap site. R-mode cluster analysis of the radiolarian flux data revealed three assemblages represented by the cooler (A) and warmer (C) surface dwelling fauna (0–50 m) dominated by spumellarians, and a deeper dwelling (B) sub-surface fauna (50–100 m) associated with deep dwelling (>100 m) nassellarian species. Spongaster tetras tetras, a surface water radiolarian species, exhibited its preference for high SST and moderate salinity conditions during the pre-monsoon season (March–May). Radiolarian fluxes responded to seasonal changes in SST and salinity variations due to the monsoonal precipitation, and the freshwater runoff from the Indian rivers causing a hyposaline condition in the Bay of Bengal. Results imply that the radiolarian assemblages in the down core data may reveal the monsoonal history in the geological past.  相似文献   

A simple direct inversion scheme for computing the velocity profile of an inhomogeneous slab from reflected data using the order-of-scattering method of solving the Riccati equation for a lossless medium is presented. Extension of this method to the estimation of the constant attention in a low-loss dispersive medium is also indicated.  相似文献   

Between June 2004 and September 2004 a temporary seismic network was installed on the northern insular shelf of Iceland and onshore in north Iceland. The seismic setup aimed at resolving the subsurface structure and, thus, the geodynamical transition from Icelandic crust to typical oceanic crust along Kolbeinsey Ridge. The experiment recorded about 1,000 earthquakes. The region encloses the Tjörnes Fracture Zone containing the Husavik–Flatey strike-slip fault and the extensional seismic Grimsey Lineament. Most of the seismicity occurs in swarms offshore. Preliminary results reveal typical mid-ocean crust north of Grimsey and a heterogeneous structure with major velocity anomalies along the seismic lineaments and north–south trending subsurface features. Complementary bathymetric mapping highlight numerous extrusion features along the Grimsey Lineament and Kolbeinsey Ridge. The seismic dataset promises to deliver new insights into the tectonic framework for earthquakes in an extensional transform zone along the global mid-ocean ridge system.  相似文献   

Three deep holes, with a maximum penetration of 960 m below sea floor, were drilled into the distal Bengal Fan just south of the equator during ODP Leg 116. The entire section recovered is dominated by sandy silt and mud turbidites derived from the Ganges Delta and from the continental margin of the western Bay of Bengal, interbedded with thin pelagic clays and with biogenic turbidites probably from a local sea mount source. The effects of Hi-Malayan uplift, sea level fluctuations, local tectonics, and fan channel/lobe processes have closely interacted to produce the observed sedimentary record of the past 17 million years since the early Miocene.Coauthors include: James R. Cochran, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory (Co-chief scientist); Dorrik A. V. Stow, Nottingham University, England (Co-chief scientist); Christian A. Auroux, Texas A & M University, USA (ODP staff scientist); Kazou Amano, Ibaraki University, Japan; Peter S. Balson, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Notts, England; Jacques Boulegue, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France; Garrett W. Brass, University of Miami, Florida, USA; Jeffrey Corrigan, University of Texas, Austin, USA; Stefan Gartner, Texas A & M University, USA; Stuart A. Hall, University of Houston, Texas, USA; Silvia Iaccarino, University of Parma, Italy; Toshio Ishizuka, University of Tokyo, Japan; trena Kacmarska, Mount Allison University, New Brunswick, Canada; Heidemarie Kassens, Kiel University, West Germany; Gregory Leger, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Franca Proto Decima, University of Padova, Italy; C. V. Raman, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India; William W. Sager, Texas A & M University, USA; Kozo Takahashi, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA; Thomas Thompson, 580 Euclid Ave, Boulder, Colo, USA; Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, University of Bretagne, Brest, France; Mark Townsend, University of Nottingham, England; Andreas Wetzel, Tubingen University, West Germany; N. P. Wijayananda, National Aquatatic Resource Agency, Colombo, Sri Lanka; and Colin Williams, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory.  相似文献   

A 3-D model of sediment sound speed for a 90-km $^{2}$ area on the New Jersey shelf was constructed by application of a geoacoustic inversion technique. This approach is based on a combination of seismic reflection measurements and a perturbative inversion scheme using horizontal wave number estimates. In a two-step process, seismic reflection measurements were used to identify depths at which discontinuities in the sound-speed profile (SSP) likely occur. Then, the perturbative inversion algorithm made use of this a priori information by employing qualitative regularization, an optimal method for addressing stability and uniqueness issues associated with solving the ill-posed inversion problem that provides for resolution of the layered seabed structure.   相似文献   

Gravity, magnetic and bathymetric data were collected over the continental margin of south-western Africa by H.M.S. Hecla in 1966. A study of the gravity measurements shows that the positive free-air anomalies of the continental edge effect are unusually large, and in excess of those calculated for an isostatic model of the Earth's crust. Taking into account the available seismic and magnetic evidence, a two-dimensional crustal model has been designed incorporating a body of relatively high density in the upper crust to account for the unusually large values.  相似文献   

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