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The well-known twice-averaged Hill problem is considered by taking into account the oblateness of the central body. This problem has several integrable cases that have been studied qualitatively by many scientists, beginning with M.L. Lidov and Y. Kozai. However, no rigorous analytical solution can be obtained in these cases due to the complexity of the integrals. This paper is devoted to studying the case where the equatorial plane of the central body coincides with the plane of its orbital motion relative to the perturbing body, while the satellite itself moves in a polar orbit. A more detailed qualitative study is performed, and an approximate constructive-analytical solution of the evolution system in the form of explicit time dependences of the eccentricity and pericenter argument of the satellite orbit is proposed. The methodical accuracy for the polar orbits of lunar satellites has been estimated by comparison with the numerical solution of the system.  相似文献   

We consider a model that describes the evolution of distant satellite orbits and that refines the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem. Generally speaking, such a refinement was performed previously by J. Kovalevsky and A.A. Orlov in terms of Zeipel’s method by constructing a solution of the third order with respect to the small parameter m, the ratio of the mean motions of the planet and the satellite. The analytical solution suggested here differs from the solutions obtained by these authors and is closest in form to the general solution of the doubly averaged problem (∼m 2). We have performed a qualitative analysis of the evolutionary equations and conditions for the intersection of satellite orbits with the surface of a spherical planet with a finite radius. Using the suggested solution, we have obtained improved analytical time dependences of the elements of evolving orbits for a number of distant satellites of giant planets compared to the solution of the doubly averaged Hill problem and, thus, achieved their better agreement with the results of our numerical integration of the rigorous equations of perturbed motion for satellites.  相似文献   

There are several independent sources of evidence which suggest that the multiring basins of the lunar surface were created by the impact of natural satellites of the Moon, early in solar system history. If this hypothesis is correct the orbits of these primeval satellites would need to be stable for significant periods, to account for the known age differences of these basins. The stability of these primeval satellite orbits is considered. We find constraints on the satellite masses and initial orbits for long-term and short-term orbit stability. Dissipation due to lunar tidal friction may contribute significantly to the stability of close orbits.  相似文献   

The first post-Newtonian approximation of general relativity is used to account for the motion of solar system bodies and near-Earth objects which are slow moving and produce weak gravitational fields. The \(n\)-body relativistic equations of motion are given by the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann equations. For \(n=2\), we investigate the associated dynamics of two-body systems in the first post-Newtonian approximation. By direct integration of the associated planar equations of motion, we deduce a new expression that characterises the orbit of test particles in the first post-Newtonian regime generalising the well-known Binet equation for Newtonian mechanics. The expression so obtained does not appear to have been given in the literature and is consistent with classical orbiting theory in the Newtonian limit. Further, the accuracy of the post-Newtonian Binet equation is numerically verified by comparing secular variations of known expression with the full general relativistic orbit equation.  相似文献   

An analytic model for third-body perturbations and for the second zonal harmonic of the central body's gravitational field is presented. A simplified version of this model applied to the Earth-Moon-Sun system indicates the existence of high-altitude and highly-inclined orbits with their apsides in the equator plane, for which the apsidal as well as the nodal motion ceases. For special positions of the node, secular changes of eccentricity and inclination disappear too (balanced orbits). For an ascending node at vernal equinox, the inclination of balanced orbits is 94.56°, for a node at autumnal equinox 85.44°, independent of the eccentricity of the orbit. For a node perpendicular to the equinox, there exist circular balanced orbits at 90° inclination. By slightly adjusting the initial inclination as suggested by the simplified model, orbits can be found — calculated by the full model or by different methods — that show only minor variations in eccentricity, inclination, argument of perigee, and longitude of the ascending node for 105 revolutions and more. Orbits near the unstable equilibria at 94.56° and 85.44° inclination show very long periodic librations and oscillations between retrogade and prograde motion.Retired from IBM Vienna Software Development Laboratory.  相似文献   

Szebehely's criterion for Hill stability of satellites is derived from Hill's problem and a more exact result is obtained. Direct, Hill stable, circular satellites can exist almost twice as far from the planet as retrograde satellites. For direct satellites the new result agrees with Kuiper's empirical estimate that such satellites are stable up to a distance of half the radius of action of the planet. Comparison with the results of numerical experiments shows that Hill 'stability is valid for direct satellites but meaningless for retrograde satellites. Further accuracy for the maximum distance of Hill stable orbits is obtained from the restricted problem formulation. This provides estimates for planetary distances in double star systems.  相似文献   

Resonance effects on satellite orbits due to tesseral harmonics in the potential field have been studied by many authors. Most of these studies have been restricted to nearly circular 24-hour orbits and to the deep resonance regime, where there is exact commensurability between earth rotation and orbit period. Resonance effects have also been noted, however, on eccentric synchronous and subsynchronous orbits and on orbits with far from commensurate periods. These have received much less attention; the object of this paper is to study the whole spectrum of orbits with respect to resonance effects.  相似文献   

This paper reports the existence of three types of satellite orbit periodic in coordinates rotating with the Earth. Results on linear orbital stability are presented. Also included is a survey of the author's results on quasi-periodic orbits.  相似文献   

Using a semi-analytical method, we have obtained a first-order solution of the equations of motion of near-Earth satellites under the combined perturbing effect due to Earth's figure and air drag.  相似文献   

A recurrent power series (RPS) method is constructed for the numerical integration of the equations of motion together with the variational equations of N point masses orbiting around an oblate spheroid. By the term “variational equations” we mean the equations of the partial derivatives of the bodies’ position and velocity components with respect to the initial conditions, the relative masses and the spheroid's oblateness coefficients J2 and J4. The construction of recursive relations for the partial derivatives involved in the variational equations is based on partial differentiation of the corresponding recursive relations for the integration of the equations of motion. Since the number of the auxiliary variables needed for this complex system becomes tremendously large when N>1, special care must be taken during computer implementation, so as to minimize the amount of computer memory needed as well as the cost in CPU time. The RPS method constructed in this way is tested for N=1,…,4 using real initial conditions of the Saturnian satellite system. For various sets of satellites, we monitor the behaviour of all the corresponding partial derivatives. The results show a prominent difference in the behaviour of the partial derivatives between resonant and non-resonant orbital systems.  相似文献   

For computing highly eccentric (e0.9) Earth satellite orbits with special perturbation methods, a comparison is made between different schemes, namely the direct integration of the equations of motion in Cartesian coordinates, changes of the independent variable, use of a time element, stabilization and use of regular elements. A one-step and a multi-step integration are also compared.It is shown that stabilization and regularization procedures are very helpful for non or smoothly perturbed orbits. In practical cases for space research where all perturbations are considered, these procedures are no longer so efficient. The recommended method in these cases is a multi-step integration of the Cartesian coordinates with a change of the independent variable defining an analytical step size regulation. However, the use of a time element and a stabilization procedure for the equations of motion improves the accuracy, except when a small step size is chosen.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which ‘vertical’ branches consisting of symmetric, three-dimensional periodic orbits bifurcate from families of plane orbits at ‘veertical self-resonant’ orbits is discussed, with emphasis on the relationship between symmetry properties and multiplicity, and methods for the numerical determination of such branches are described. As examples, eight new families of all symmetry classes which branch vertically from the familyf of retrograde satellite orbits in the Sun-Jupiter case of the restricted problem (μ=0.000 95), are given in their entirety; these branches are found, as expected, to occur in pairs, each pair arising from the same self-resonant orbit, and their symmetry properties following the predicted pattern. The stability and other properties of the branch orbits are discussed.  相似文献   

Three methods are proposed in this paper to lessen the complexity in the derivation and the resulting expressions of second-order analytical solutions of artificial satellite orbits while retaining the advantages of analytical solutions. Of the three, the one combining the theories of elliptical perturbation and of intermediate orbits is noteworthy for its simplicity. It can also be used with advantage in first-order and third- or higher order solutions.  相似文献   

The dynamic evolution of sun-synchronous orbits at a time interval of 20 years is considered. The numerical motion simulation has been carried out using the Celestial Mechanics software package developed at the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Bern. The dependence of the dynamic evolution on the initial value of the ascending node longitude is examined for two families of sun-synchronous orbits with altitudes of 751 and 1191 km. Variations of the semimajor axis and orbit inclination are obtained depending on the initial value of the ascending node longitude. Recommendations on the selection of orbits, in which spent sun-synchronous satellites can be moved, are formulated. Minimal changes of elements over a time interval of 20 years have been observed for orbits in which at the initial time the angle between the orbit ascending node and the direction of the Sun measured along the equator have been close to 90° or 270°. In this case, the semimajor axis of the orbit is not experiencing secular perturbations arising from the satellite’s passage through the Earth’s shadow.  相似文献   

We consider the main problem in satellite theory restricted to the polar plane. For suitable values of the energy the system has two unstable periodic orbits. We classify the trajectories in terms of their ultimate behavior with respect these periodic orbits in: oscillating, asymptotic and capture orbits. We study the energy level set and the existence and properties of the mentioned types of motion.  相似文献   

The resonance C1 occurs when the longitude of the perigee measured from the equinox becomes a slow angle in the doubly averaged equations of motion. This resonance is one of the critical inclination family with I 46°. For prograde Earth satellite orbits, up to five critical points can be identified. Only simple pitchfork bifurcations occur for the single resonance C1. A two degrees of freedom system is studied to check how a coupling of two lunisolar resonances affects the results furnished by the analysis of an isolated resonance case. In the system with two critical angles (g+h and h,+2 , seven types of critical points have been identified. The critical points arise and change their stability through 11 bifurcations. If the initial conditions are selected close to the critical points, the system becomes chaotic as shown in Poincaré maps.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the reduction of the equations of motion for non-planar perturbed two body problems into linear form. It is seen that this can be easily accomplished for any element of the class of radial intermediaries to the satellite problem proposed by Deprit in 1981, since they have a functional dependence suitable for linearization. The transformation is worked out by using an adequate set of redundant variables. Four harmonic oscillators are obtained, of which two are coupled through gyroscopic terms. Their constant frequencies contain the secular contribution of the main problem of artificial satellite theory up to the order of the considered intermediary. Therefore, this result may well be interesting in relation to the study and prediction of accurate long-term solutions to satellite problems.  相似文献   

This review presents the recent works devoted to the construction or the improvement of the theories of motion of all natural planetary, satellites (except the Moon). The knowledge of the long-term evolution of these motions is strongly dependent on the accuracy of current theories. With the increasing precision of the ground-based observations, and with the past and future space missions, most of the theories have been or have to be revisited, taking into account more and more disturbing effects and specially tidal dissipation. These studies are often made difficult by the resonant behaviour of the system. We emphasize here tidal evolution in resonance. In the Jovian and Saturnian systems, tidal actions might explain the observed resonant state, as well as the heating of the satellites up to the softening and the resurfacing of some of them. However in the case of the Uranian satellites., no true resonance appears in spite of an observational evidence of tidal effects in resurfacing Ariel and Miranda, and new works try to expalin these differences.  相似文献   

In this paper a new mathematical model is proposed for the study of the effects of the direct solar radiation pressure on the orbit of an artificial Earth satellite. The equations for the first order effects become canonical when a different definition for the orders of magnitude is adopted. This enables us the utilization of the method of Von Zeipel to eliminate all periodic terms. The model leads to the non-existence of pure secular perturbations owing to the direct solar radiation pressure on the metric elements: semi-major axis, eccentricity and inclination. Numerical examples built with an approximation for the shadow function show that the secular inequalities on the angle variables—longitude, perigee and node—are very small.  相似文献   

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