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The Great Xing’an Range(GXAR)is one of the most important metallogenic belts in China.Previous study has shown that porphyry Cu-Mo deposit distributed in the northern Great Xing’an Range formed mainly in two stages:(1)Early Ordovician,such as Duobaoshan and Tongshan deposits(Liu et al.,2017);2)Triassic-Early Jurassic,including Wunugetushan,Taipingchuan and Badaguan deposits(Tang et al.,2016).In recent years,two potential porphyry Cu-Mo deposits,Huoluotai and Xiaokele,were discovered in the Erguna Block,northern GXAR(Figs.1a–b).However,the ore formation ages and regional metallogenic regularity are ambiguous due to the lack of isotopic ages.Two zircon U-Pb ages from the ore-causative granites were reported in this paper,with the aims to constrain the metallogenic ages and provide evidence for study of the regional metallogenic regularity and ore prospect prediction.  相似文献   

The nature of the stability of an incommensurate 3D modulation (ITM) in the structure of Baikal lazurite was evaluated using the methods of experimental geochemistry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It was shown that ITM with a period of 4.6a is preserved in the lazurite structure at 550°C almost without changes within the time interval from t = 100 h to at least 2000 h, although its initial (t = 0) development was not restored. In contrast to higher temperatures (≥ 600°C), the activities of gas species have no significant influence on the process of modulation release, except for the region of low O2, S2, and SO2 fugacities, where the type of modulation changes, and the monosulfide ion appears in the lazurite composition. At T = 550°C and probably at lower temperatures, SO2 fugacity ceases to be the critical parameter of ITM existence. The ordered state of polysulfide and sulfate clusters corresponding to the ITM period of Baikal cubic lazurite is stable at T = 550°C and is an example of forced equilibrium. It develops in response to a crystal chemical event occurring at a temperature of T x within 600–550°C and is related to the thermal compression of the structure resulting in the isolation of structural cages containing clusters with different states of sulfur. Their mutual interaction, which leads to the rapid release of the modulation at higher temperatures owing to the equalizing of cluster sizes in the cages, ceases. As a result, the proportions of reduced (S22−, and S x 2−) and oxidized (SO42−, So32−, and S2O32− sulfur species show negligible variations, and there is only partial reduction of sulfate to sulfite and thiosulfate. Lazurite samples with disulfide and polysulfide ions behave similarly, which suggests that an important condition for the preservation of ITM is the presence of sulfur-bearing anions with different sizes rather than particular sulfur species in structural cages. The degree of ordering in the distribution of clusters attained at T x remains unchanged owing to the development of forced equilibrium maintained by the energy balance between framework deformation and cluster ordering. Natural lazurite with an ITM structure could not form at temperatures higher than T x , i.e., above 550–600°C  相似文献   

Groundwater samples from six wells and various species of plants from soils developed on ophiolites were collected from an arid area (AlKhod area, Oman) and analyzed for trace elements including rare earth elements (REEs). The distribution patterns of REEs in plants indicated an enrichment in middle REEs (MREEs?=?Sm to Dy) and heavy REEs (HREEs?=?Ho to Lu), when they are normalized to the REE composition of the Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS), with a significant negative anomaly in Ce and a positive anomaly in Eu. Compared to Oman ophiolites, the REEs in different species of plants are depleted in Ce and enriched in MREEs and slightly enriched in light REE (LREE?=?from La to Nd). Relative to PAAS, the distribution of REEs in groundwaters revealed similar patterns to the REE distribution in plants. The distribution patterns of REEs in plants relative to those in waters are nearly flat. These patterns suggest that the transfer of REEs from soil solutions to the groundwaters in Oman occurs without any significant fractionation.  相似文献   

The compositions of approximately 70 naturally quenched melt inclusions in olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase phenocrysts from tephra of the soil–pyroclastic cover of Simushir Island (Central Kuril Islands) were studied. The concentrations of the major rock-forming components, H2O, S, and Cl were analyzed in inclusions. The reconstructed melts contain 48.6–78.4 wt % SiO2, 0.3–8.26 wt % MgO, and 0.12–1.72 wt % K2O. The concentration of S and Cl in the melts changes regularly with increasing SiO2 content: from 0.14 to ~0.02 wt % S and from ~0.05 to ~0.28 wt % Cl. The content of H2O in parental melts is 4.2–4.5 wt %.  相似文献   

According to isotopic analysis of rocks of the Reft gabbro–diorite–tonalite complex (Middle Urals), gabbro and related diorite and dikes and vein-shaped bodies of plagiogranitoids, crosscutting gabbro, are similar to the depleted mantle substance in εNd(T) = 8.6–9.7 and εHf(T) = 15.9–17.9. Their model Hf ages are correlated with the time of crystallization. Here, the tonalites and quartz diorites constituting most of the Reft massif are characterized by lower values: εNd(T) = 3.7–6.0, εHf(T) = 11.1–12.7, and T DM values significantly exceeding the age datings. This is evidence that Neoproterozoic crustal rocks were a source of parental magma for these rocks. The primary 87Sr/86Sr ratio in rocks of both groups is highly variable (0.70348–0.70495). The data obtained allow us to reach the conclusion that the Reft gabbro–diorite–tonalite complex was formed as a result of nearly synchronous processes occurring in the crust and the mantle within a limited area.  相似文献   

The area studied is part of the Ried Central of the Ill river (Middle Alsatian plain in northeastern France). This area is located mainly in the present floodplain of the Ill. The closeness of the water table to the surface results in quasi general soil hydromorphism.The economic constraints of the last two decades led to deep changes in agricultural activities in the study area. These have essentially involved a marked extension of intensive cultivation of grain corn at the expense of grasslands. The study of the influence of this change on the parallel increase in the concentration of nitrate in groundwater is only feasible when a multidisciplinary approach is adopted.The analyses carried out in the field and in the laboratory show that nitrate reduction occurs in gleyed or peaty horizons of hydromorphic soils. The aptitude and efficiency of the permanent ambient vegetation (alluvial forests and grasslands) in retaining nitrate must be emphasized. The amount of nitrate eliminated from the aquifer by rivers fed by this aquifer is considerable. This evacuation of nitrate into the Ill is a fine example of waste and illustrates the absurdity of the economic situation responsible for excessive nitrogen fertilization of farmlands.In determining hazard zones, this study also proposes practical solutions to the problem of nitrate pollution: diminution of land area under cultivation, reintroduction of grasslands, and a more judicious use of nitrogen manure.  相似文献   

Within the Ötztal Complex (ÖC), migmatites are the only geological evidence of the pre-Variscan metamorphic evolution, which led to the occurrence of partial anatexis in different areas of the complex. We investigated migmatites from three localities in the ÖC, the Winnebach migmatite in the central part and the Verpeil- and Nauderer Gaisloch migmatite in the western part. We determined metamorphic stages using textural relations and electron microprobe analyses. Furthermore, chemical microprobe ages of monazites were obtained in order to associate the inferred stages of mineral growth to metamorphic events. All three migmatites show evidence for a polymetamorphic evolution (pre-Variscan, Variscan) and only the Winnebach migmatite shows evidence for a P-accentuated Eo-Alpine metamorphic overprint in the central ÖC. The P-T data range from 670–750 °C and < 2.8 kbar for the pre-Variscan event, 550–650 °C and 4–7 kbar for the Variscan event and 430–490 °C and ca. 8.5 kbar for the P-accentuated Eo-Alpine metamorphic overprint. U-Th-Pb electron microprobe dating of monazites from the leucosomes from all three migmatites provides an average age of 441 ± 18 Ma, thus indicating a pervasive Ordovician-Silurian metamorphic event in the ÖC.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopes have been analyzed in a typical calcrete profile developed on granite in the Toledo mountains, Central Spain. The pedogenic carbonates show clear petrographic evidence of pseudomorphic replacement of the weathered parent granite.Calcretes display 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.70961 and 0.71059 in sharp contrast to the granite whole rock (0.72856) and minerals (0.71359 to 0.91351). This difference shows that the contribution of Sr from the granite to the calcretes is at most 33% and may be as low as 3%. Direct measurements in rains and aerosols show that the allochtonous source of Ca and Sr is clearly related to the atmospheric input, mainly as dry deposit.A slight decrease of Sr concentration is observed from the upper horizon composed of continuous calcrete to the deeper calcrete veins in the saprolite. This may be due to a kinetic control of the Sr/Ca fractionation, and different crystallization rates of the carbonates in the different units of the profile.Finally, local groundwaters have Sr isotopic compositions similar to the calcretes and the atmospheric input, very different from waters running on the granite.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - New LA-ICP-MS data on the U–Pb isotope age, Hf isotope characteristics, and concentrations of trace elements in zircons from volcanic tuff of the Upper Vendian...  相似文献   

The garnet(Grt)and biotite(Bt) from gneisses of the Ji‘an Group are characterized by diffusion zoning at the rim,but equilibrium composition of metamorphic peak is usually remained in extensive interior area.Garnet with growth zoning is also found in the kyanite zone.In the light of microarea compositional variation of Grt and Bt,the temperature and pressure at the progressive,peak and post-peak metamorphic stages are determined by correctly using Grt Bt thermometer and GASP barometer.On this basis,a counterclockwise P-T-t path can be constructed,which reflects the closing process of an ensialic rift belt in this region during the Early Proterozoic.  相似文献   

The Working Group I report of the Sixth Assessment Report(AR6)of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC)was released in August 2021. Base on updated and expanding data, AR6 presented the improved assessment of past changes and processes of cryosphere. AR6 also predicted the future changes us⁃ ing the models in CMIP6. The components of cryosphere were rapid shrinking under climate warming in the last decade. There were decreasing trends in Arctic sea-ice area and thickness. Sea-ice loss was significant. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and all glaciers lost more mass than in any other decade. Global warming over the last decades had led to widespread permafrost warming, active layer thickness increasing and subsea permafrost extent reducing. Snow cover extent in the Northern Hemisphere also decreased significantly. However, the variations of snow depth and snow water equivalent showed great spatial heterogeneity. The rapid shrinking of the cryosphere accelerated the global mean sea level rise. The impact of human activities on cryo⁃ sphere will become more significant in the future. The Arctic sea-ice area will decrease, and the Arctic Ocean will likely become practically sea ice-free. The Greenland Ice Sheet, the Antarctic Ice Sheet and glaciers will continue to lose mass throughout this century. Permafrost and Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent will con⁃ tinue to decrease as global climate continues to warm. In addition, there are still uncertainties in the prediction of cryosphere due to the absence of observations, the poor sensitivity of models to the components and processes of cryosphere, and the inexplicit represent of the mechanism of light-absorbing impurities. More attentions should be paid on these issues in the future. © 2022 Science Press (China). All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The recognition of the coeval growth of zircon, orthopyroxene and garnet domains formed during the same metamorphic cycle has been attempted with detailed microanalyses coupled with textural analyses. A coronitic garnet-bearing granulite from the lower crust of Calabria has been considered. U–Pb zircon data and zircon, garnet and orthopyroxene chemistries, at different textural sites, on a thin section of the considered granulite have been used to test possible equilibrium and better constrain the geological significance of the U–Pb ages related to zircon separates from other rocks of the same structural level. The garnet is very rich in REE and is characterised by a decrease in HREE from core to outer core and an increase in the margin. Zircons show core–overgrowth structures showing different chemistries, likely reflecting episodic metamorphic new growth. Zircon grains in matrix, corona around garnet and within the inner rim of garnet, are decidedly poorer in HREE up to Ho than garnet interior. Orthopyroxene in matrix and corona is homogeneously poor in REE. Thus, the outer core of garnet and the analysed zircon grains grew or equilibrated in a REE depleted system due to the former growth of garnet core. Zircon ages ranging from 357 to 333 Ma have been determined in the matrix, whereas ages 327–320 Ma and around 300 Ma have been determined, respectively, on cores and overgrowths of zircons from matrix, corona and inner rim of garnet. The calculated DREEzrn/grt and DREEopx/grt are largely different from the equilibrium values of literature due to strong depletion up to Ho in zircon and orthopyroxene with respect to garnet. On the other hand, the literature data show large variability. In the case study, (1) the D zrn/grt values define positive and linear trends from Gd to Lu as many examples from literature do and the values from Er to Lu approach the experimental results at about 900 °C in the combination zircon dated from 339 to 305 Ma with garnet outer core, and (2) D opx/grt values define positive trends reaching values considered as suggestive of equilibrium from Er to Lu only with respect to the outer core of garnet. The presence of a zircon core dated 320 Ma in the inner rim of garnet suggests that it, as well as those dated at 325–320 Ma in the other textural sites and, probably, those dated at 339–336 Ma showing depletion of HREE, grew after the garnet core, which sequestered a lot of HREE and earlier than the HREE rich margin of garnet. The quite uniform REE contents in orthopyroxene from matrix and corona and the low and uniform contents of HREE in the zircon overgrowths dated at about 300 Ma allow to think that homogenisation occurred during or after the corona formation around this age. The domains dated around 325–320 Ma would approximate the stages of decompression, whereas the metamorphic peak probably occurred earlier than 339 Ma.  相似文献   

 Coexisting muscovite and paragonite have been observed in an eclogite from the Sesia–Lanzo Zone (Western Alps, Italy). The P-T conditions of this eclogite reached 570–650 °C and 19–21 kbar and the rocks show several stages of mineral growth during their retrograde path, ranging from the subsequent lower-P eclogite facies to the blueschist facies and then the greenschist facies. Muscovite and paragonite are very common in these rocks and show two texturally different occurrences indicating equilibrium and non-equilibrium states between them. In one mode of occurrence they coexist in equilibrium in the lower-P eclogite facies. In the same rock muscovite ± albite also replaced paragonite during a greenschist-facies overprint, as evidenced by unique across – (001) layer boundaries. The chemical compositions of the lower-P eclogite-facies micas plot astride the muscovite – paragonite solvus, whereas the compositions of the greenschist-facies micas lie outside the solvus and indicate disequilibrium. The TEM observations of the textural relations of the greenschist-facies micas imply structural coherency between paragonite and muscovite along the layers, but there is a sharp discontinuity in the composition of the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets across the phase boundary. We propose that muscovite formed through a dissolution and recrystallization process, since no gradual variations toward the muscovite – paragonite interfaces occur and no intermediate, homogeneous Na-K phase has been observed. Because a solid-state diffusion mechanism is highly unlikely at these low temperatures (300–500 °C), especially with respect to octahedral and tetrahedral sites, it is assumed that H2O plays an important role in this process. The across-layer boundaries are inferred to be characteristic of such non-equilibrium replacement processes. The characterization of these intergrowths is crucial to avoiding erroneous assumptions regarding composition and therefore about the state of equilibrium between both micas, which in turn may lead to misinterpretations of thermometric results. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 19 October 1999  相似文献   

The Hongshi gold deposit is located in the southwestern margin of the Kanggur–Huangshan ductile shear zone in Eastern Tianshan, Northwest China. The gold ore bodies are predominantly hosted in the volcanogenic metasedimentary rocks of the Lower Carboniferous Gandun Formation and the Carboniferous syenogranite and alkali-feldspar granite. The syenogranite and the alkali-feldspar granite yield SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages of 337.6 ± 4.5 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 1.3) and 334.0 ± 3.7 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 1.1), respectively, indicating that the Hongshi gold deposit is younger than 334 Ma. The granitoids belong to shoshonitic series and are relatively enriched in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, K, Ba, and Pb) and depleted in high field-strength elements (Nb, Ta, P, and Ti). Moreover, these granitoids have high SiO2, Al2O3, and K2O contents, low Na2O, MgO, and TiO2 contents, low Nb/Ta ratios, and slightly positive Eu anomalies. The εHf(t) values of the zircons from a syenogranite sample vary from + 1.5 to + 8.8 with an average of + 5.6; the εHf(t) values of the zircons from an alkali-feldspar granite sample vary from + 5.0 and + 10.1 with an average of + 7.9. The δ34S values of 10 sulfide samples ranged from − 11.5‰ to + 4.2‰, with peaks in the range of + 1‰ to + 4‰. The above-mentioned data suggest that the Hongshi granitoids were derived from the melting of juvenile lower crust mixed with mantle components formed by the southward subduction of the paleo-Tianshan ocean plate beneath the Aqishan–Yamansu island arc during the Early Carboniferous. The Hongshi gold deposit was formed by post-collisional tectonism during the Permian. The granitoids most likely acted as impermeable barriers that prevented the leakage and runoff of ore-bearing fluids. Thus, the granitoids probably played an important role in controlling gold mineralization.  相似文献   

The paper presents newly obtained original data on the morphology, internal structure (as seen in cathodoluminescence images, CL), and composition of more than 400 zircon grains separated from gabbroids and plagiogranites (OPG) sampled at the axial zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The zircons were analyzed for REE by LA-ICP-MS and for Hf, U, Th, Y, and P by EPMA. Magmatic zircon in the gabbroids crystallized from differentiating magmatic melt in a number of episodes, as follows from systematic rimward increase in the Hf concentration, and also often from the simultaneous increase in the (U + Th) and (Y + P) concentrations. These tendencies are also discernible (although much less clearly) in zircons from the OPG. Zircon in the OPG is depleted in REE compared to the least modified zircons in the gabbro, which suggests that the OPG were derived via partial melting of gabbro in the presence of seawater-derived concentrated aqueous salt fluid. Another reason for the REE depletion might be simultaneous crystallization of zircon and apatite. The CL-dark sectors, which are found in practically all of the magmatic zircon grains, have Y/P (a.p.f.u.) ? 1 which most likely resulted from OH accommodation in the zircon structure, a fact suggesting that the OPG parental melt contained water. High-temperature hydrothermal processes induced partial to complete recrystallization of zircon (via dissolution-reprecepitation), a process that was associated with ductile and brittle deformations of the zircon-hosting rocks. The morphology of the hydrothermal zircons varies depending on pH and silica activity in the fluid from weakly corroded subhedral crystals with typical vermicular microtopography of the crystal faces to completely modified grains of colloform structure. Geochemically, the earlier hydrothermal transformations of the zircons resulted in their enrichment in La and other LREE, except only Ce, whose concentration, conversely, decreases compared to that of the unmodified magmatic zircons. The hydrothermal zircon displays a reduced Ce anomaly and its most altered domains typically host minute inclusions of xenotime, U and Th oxides and silicates, and occasionally also baddeleyite, which suggests that the hydrothermal fluid was reduced and highly alkaline. These features were acquired by the seawater-derived fluid when it circulated within the axial MAR zone area due to phase separation in the H2O–NaCl system and particularly as a result of fluid interaction with the abyssal peridotites of oceanic core complexes. Our data demonstrate that zircon is a sensitive indicator of tectonic and physicochemical processes in the oceanic crust.  相似文献   

U–Pb zircon dating is combined with petrology, Zr-in-rutile thermometry and mineral equilibria modelling to discuss zircon petrogenesis and the age of metamorphism in three units of the Variscan Vosges Mountains (NE France). The monotonous gneiss unit shows results at 700–500?Ma, but no Variscan ages. The varied gneiss unit preserves ages between 600 and 460?Ma and a Variscan group at 340–335?Ma. Zircon analyses from the felsic granulite unit define a continuous array of ages between 500 and 340?Ma. In varied gneiss samples, zoned garnet includes kyanite and rutile and is surrounded by matrix sillimanite and cordierite. In a pseudosection, it points to peak conditions of?~16 kbar/850?°C followed by isothermal decompression to 8–10 kbar/820–860?°C. In felsic granulite samples, the assemblage K-feldspar–garnet–kyanite–Zr-rich rutile is replaced by sillimanite and Zr-poor rutile. Modelling these assemblages supports minimum conditions of?~13 kbar/925?°C, and a subsequent P–T decrease to 6.5–8.5 kbar/800–820?°C. The internal structure and chemistry of zircons, and modelling of zircon dissolution/growth along the inferred P–T paths are used to discuss the significance of the U–Pb ages. In the monotonous unit, inherited zircon ages of 700–500?Ma point to sedimentation during the Late Cambrian, while medium-grade metamorphism did not allow the formation of Variscan zircon domains. In both the varied gneiss and felsic granulite units, zircons with a blurred oscillatory-zoned pattern could reflect solid-state recrystallization of older grains during HT metamorphism, whereas zircons with a dark cathodoluminescence pattern are thought to derive from crystallization of an anatectic melt during cooling at middle pressure conditions. The present work proposes that U–Pb zircon ages of ca. 340?Ma probably reflect the end of a widespread HT metamorphic event at middle crustal level.  相似文献   

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