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The Sanshandao gold deposit (reserves of more than 200 t Au and average grade of 3.96 g/t), located at northwestern edge of the Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern North China Craton, is one of the largest gold deposits in the Jiaodong gold province. In this deposit, disseminated- and stockwork-style ores are hosted in Mesozoic granitoids; mineralization and alteration are largely controlled by the regional Sanshandao–Cangshang fault. Host granitic rocks for the deposit display a complex paragenetic sequence of alteration and mineralization. Activities of the Sanshandao–Cangshang fault created structurally controlled permeability allowing for infiltration of hydrothermal fluids, leading to diffusive K-feldspar alteration on the two fault planes. Later, large scale diffusive sericitization symmetrically developed across the main fault, and partially overprinted the earlier K-feldspar alteration. Following the sericitization, relatively small scale silicification occurred, but now it is only retained in the hanging wall of the main fault. Subsequently, the fault gouge formed as a “barrier layer”, which is impermeable for later fluids to move upward. After that, strong pyrite–sericite–quartz alteration occurred only in the footwall of the main fault, and was accompanied by gold precipitation. The last stage carbonation and quartz-carbonate veins marked the waning of gold-related hydrothermal activity. Mass-balance calculations indicate complex behaviors of different types of elements during fluid–rock interaction. Most major elements were affected by intensive mineral replacement reactions. As expected, the fluid-mobile elements, LILE and LREE, generally show moderate to high mobility. It is notable that even the commonly assumed fluid-immobile elements, such as HREE and HFSE, tend to be changed to various degrees. In addition, Y–Ho, Zr–Hf and Nb–Ta fractionations are observed in altered domains. Studies on alteration assemblages and fluid inclusions suggest that the ore-forming fluids were characterized by low salinity (≤ 8.4 wt.% NaCl equiv.), moderate temperature (300–400 °C), weakly acidic (pH: 3–5), and relatively reducing (log fO2: ~–28) characteristics. In this type of fluids, gold was most likely transported as Au(HS)2 complex. With alteration going on, log (aK+/aH+) of fluids generally decreased due to significant formation of secondary K-bearing minerals. In addition, there might be a decrease of fO2 from pre-gold alteration stage to the main gold mineralization stage, and decrease of fO2 was probably one of the factors controlling gold precipitation. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of hydrothermal minerals, combined with previous H–O and He–Ar isotopic studies, indicate that the hydrothermal fluids were mainly derived from crustal sources (e.g., degassing of felsic magmas and meteoric water), but with involvement of mantle derived components. The gold mineralization event just coincided with reactivation of the North China Craton, as marked by asthenosphere upwelling, voluminous igneous rocks, and high crustal heat flow, which may have provided sufficient heat energy and fluid input required for the formation of the gold deposits.  相似文献   

王建  朱立新  马生明  王兵  张亮亮  唐世新  段壮 《地质通报》2020,39(11):1807-1826
三山岛北海域金矿床位于胶东金矿省的西北缘,是2015年新发现的超大型金矿床(储量470 t、Au品位4.30 g/t),金矿体赋存于中生代玲珑式花岗岩中,主矿体受三山岛-仓上断裂带控制。中生代含矿的玲珑式花岗岩显示了复杂的蚀变、矿化共生组合关系。三山岛-仓上断裂的活动使热液流体发生渗透,导致断裂带两侧发生广泛的钾化蚀变。随后,大规模的绢云母化沿主断裂两侧形成。随着断层泥的形成,其作为"阻挡层"使含矿流体不能运移到断裂带上盘,成矿流体在下盘发生强烈的绢云母-石英-黄铁矿蚀变并伴有金的析出。最后石英-碳酸盐脉的形成标志着与金成矿相关热液活动减弱。钾化和绢英岩化岩石的平衡计算揭示了SiO2、MgO和CaO带入,TiO2、K2O基本不变,而Na2O表现为带出;大多数主量元素受强烈的矿物反应影响。Au、Ag、Bi、As、Pb、Zn等相关成矿元素呈带入特征,它们之间多呈正相关关系且与黄铁绢英岩化有密切关系,显示出在水岩反应过程中不同类型的元素具有复杂的地球化学行为。蚀变组合和流体包裹体研究表明,成矿流体以中低温(126~351℃)、中低盐度(1.02%~10.48% NaCleqv)为特征,属于CO2-H2O-NaCl±CH4体系。在热液流体中,金可能主要以Au(HS)2-络合物的形式运移;黄铁绢英岩化过程中,硫化作用使Au(HS)2-络合物失稳分解导致Au沉淀富集成矿。华北克拉通的重新活化导致软流圈上涌和大量火成岩的形成,也为胶东发生大规模金成矿作用提供了充足的的热能和流体输入。  相似文献   

The Sanshandao gold deposit, with total resources of more than 60 t of gold, is located in the Jiaodong gold province, the most important gold province of China. The deposit is a typical highly fractured and altered, disseminated gold system, with high-grade, quartz-sulphide vein/veinlet stockworks that cut Mesozoic granodiorite. There are four stages of veins that developed in the following sequence: (1) quartz-K-feldspar-sericite; (2) quartz-pyrite±arsenopyrite; (3) quartz-base metal sulfide; and (4) quartz-carbonate. Fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite in vein/veinlet stockworks contain C-O-H fluids of three main types. The first type consists of dilute CO2–H2O fluids coeval with the early vein stage. Molar volumes of these CO2–H2O fluid inclusions, ranging from 50–60 cm3/mol, yield estimated minimum trapping pressures of 3 kbar. Homogenization temperatures, obtained mainly from CO2–H2O inclusions with lower CO2 concentration, range from 267–375 °C. The second inclusion type, with a CO2–H2O±CH4 composition, was trapped during the main mineralizing stages. These fluids may reflect the CO2–H2O fluids that were modified by fluid/rock reactions with altered wallrocks. Isochores for CO2-H2O±CH4 inclusions, with homogenization temperatures ranging from 204–325 °C and molar volumes from 55 to 70 cm3/mol, provide an estimated minimum trapping pressure of 1.2 kbar. The third inclusion type, aqueous inclusions, trapped in cross-cutting microfractures in quartz and randomly in calcite, are post-mineralization, and have homogenization temperatures between 143–228 °C and salinities from 0.71–7.86 wt% NaCl equiv. Stable isotope data show that the metamorphic fluid contribution is minimal and that ore fluids are of magmatic origin, most likely sourced from 120–126 Ma mafic to intermediate dikes. This is consistent with the carbonic nature of the fluid, and the cross-cutting nature of those deposits relative to the host Mesozoic granitoid.Editorial handling: R.J. Goldfarb  相似文献   

胶东大尹格庄金矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
胶东是我国最重要的金矿集区。其中,破碎带蚀变岩型———"焦家式"金矿床是区内最重要的金矿床类型,占胶东已探明金矿资源量的90%以上。大尹格庄金矿床位于胶西北招平断裂带中段,是典型的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床,区内发育有大规模的绢英岩化蚀变带(宽20~200m)和钾化/红化蚀变带(宽50~300m),蚀变岩型金矿体主要发育在招-平断裂带下盘的绢英岩化蚀变带中。本文在详细的野外地质观测基础上,查清了大尹格庄金矿床蚀变类型及矿物组合特征,针对大尹格庄金矿床Ⅱ号矿体系统采集了不同蚀变类型的岩石样品,进行了岩石元素地球化学分析,运用质量平衡方法讨论了热液蚀变过程中元素迁移规律,初步探讨了大尹格庄金矿床热液蚀变作用过程和金沉淀机制。通过本研究得出:大尹格庄金矿床内主要矿石类型为黄铁绢英岩,以浸染状、细脉状为主要矿化形式。大尹格庄金矿床热液蚀变期在时间上可以划分为:钾化/红化→绢英岩化→黄铁绢英岩化→碳酸盐化。钾化/红化蚀变为成矿前蚀变,在此过程中有少量热液钾长石的形成。在地球化学方面表现为Fe、Cu、Pb和Rb元素带入,Si、Al、Na、Ca、Ba、Sr、Cr等元素带出。同时流体-围岩通过交代反应使金从围岩中释放出来成为高价态离子活化进入成矿流体。绢英岩化和黄铁绢英岩化蚀变为成矿期蚀变,蚀变过程中与矿化有关的Fe、Cu、Pb元素表现为迁入状态,流体运移过程中,热液中的HS~-等组分损失,导致Au(HS)~(2-)络合物失稳分解,Fe~(2+)、Fe~(3+)被消耗形成黄铁矿,同时金大量聚集沉淀,此时完成了金由活化→迁移→沉淀富集成矿过程。  相似文献   

胶东焦家金矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
胶东作为中国最重要的金矿集区,区内大型-超大型金矿床集中产出,已探明金矿资源量占全国近1/3。其中,破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床是最重要的金矿床类型,占胶东已探明金矿资源量的90%以上,焦家金矿床是著名的"焦家式"破碎带蚀变岩型金矿的命名地,内发育大规模的绢英岩化蚀变带(宽20~200m)和钾化蚀变带(50~300m),蚀变岩型金矿体主要发育在焦家断裂带下盘的绢英岩化蚀变带中。本文通过详细的野外地质观测,查清了焦家金矿床蚀变类型及矿物组合特征,系统采集了不同蚀变类型的岩石样品,进行了岩石元素地球化学分析,运用质量平衡方法讨论了热液蚀变过程中元素迁移规律,初步探讨了焦家金矿床热液蚀变机理。其中,钾化蚀变是成矿前蚀变,钾化花岗岩常以团块状或角砾状残留于黄铁绢英岩和绢英岩内;黄铁绢英岩化和绢英岩化蚀变受焦家断裂及其下盘的次级断裂控制,其规模大小受断裂的规模控制;其中焦家主断裂下盘的绢英岩化蚀变带规模最大,一般宽10~200m;而次级断裂控制的绢英岩化蚀变带规模相对较小,一般以0.1~1m宽的脉状发育在钾化花岗岩内,指示绢英岩化蚀变晚于钾化蚀变。相对于黑云母花岗岩,不同蚀变带岩石普遍表现出高K2O、低Al2O3、CaO和Na2O,而不同蚀变岩石Si、Fe、Mg等元素各表现出不同特征。钾化带岩石表现为K2O的富集,而绢英岩带和黄铁绢英岩带岩石表现为MgO、Fe2O3增加的趋势。黑云母花岗岩发生钾化蚀变过程中,SiO2、K2O表现为明显的带入,指示在钾长石化过程中,流体为富硅的碱性氧化流体。在钾化花岗岩→黄铁绢英岩过程中,Fe2O3表现为明显的带入,可能是由于黑云母等暗色矿物的分解造成的;此外,亲硫元素(Au、Ag、As、Pb、Zn)均表现为带入,特别是成矿元素Au表现为明显的带入。结合本区金的来源可能部分为玲珑黑云母花岗岩,本研究认为钾化过程中的富硅碱性氧化流体通过交代蚀变反应使金从围岩中释放、成为高价态离子活化进入成矿流体,即分散还原态的金(Au0)被活化为氧化态(Au+、Au3+)以AuH3SiO4形式随热液迁移。在绢英岩化过程中,热液中的SiO2等组分损失,引起热液中的AuH3SiO4稳定性降低,造成AuH3SiO4分解,Fe2+、Fe3+被消耗形成黄铁矿,导致金大量沉淀和聚集沉淀,此时完成了金由活化→迁移→沉淀富集成矿。  相似文献   

REE mobility during hydrothermal ore-forming processes has been extensively investigated in recent years and the potential of REE to provide information about ore forming processes has commonly been recognized.The Dongping gold deposit,which is located in northwestern Hebei Province,China,occurring in the inner contact zone of the Shuiquangou syenite complex,is spatially,and probably genetically,related to the syenite,the deposit was formed under the moderate to high temperature(220℃ to 320℃),weakly acidic to weakly alkaline,rather high fo2(lgfo2=-30~-34)environment.The REE study of the host rocks,altered wall rocks,ores and gangue minerals from the deposit suggests that the REEs have been mobilized and differentiated during K-feldspathization and silicification.The extremely altered syenite enveloping auriferous quartz vein shows positive Ce anomaly and larger LREE/HREE ratio than that of the unaltered syenite.The REE concentrations and patterns of the ores are determined by the ore types and mineral assemblages,LREE/HREE ratios in the gangue quartz and hydrothermal Kfeldspars are relatively low.The most significant observation is that the gangue quartz shows significant positive Eu anomaly,whereas the hydrothermal K-feldspars show less significant or no positive Eu anomaly at all relative to the primary feldspar in the unaltered syenite. It is evident that the REEs are mobile during K-feldspathization and silicification in the ore forming process.Weak to moderate K-feldspathization caused REE mobility without apparent differentiation with the exception of extreme K-feldspathization and silicification which resulted in significant depletion of HREE and Eu and relative enrichment of Ce.The REE,Y,U,Th and Au contents of the syenite decrease as the degrees of K-feldspathization and silicification of the rocks increase towards the auriferous quartz veins.As the ores were deposited under a rather oxidized environment,Ce^4 predominated over Ce^3 .The precipitation of the former in the form of CeO2 or absorpted onto the secondary mineral assemblage resulted in the inconsistent removal of the REE and the relative Ce enrichment in the strongly altered rocks.in contrast,Eu was present mainly in a low valence state (Eu^2 ).The geochemical differences from the other REE^3 and much less sites in the secondary minerals to accommodate the Eu released form the original minerals resulted in the enrichment of Eu in the fluids.The mobility and differentiation of REE and the coherent mobilities of Y,U,Th and Au also support the argument that the syenite is one of the source rocks for gold mineralization.The REE contents and patterns of the altered rocks enveloping the auriferous quartz vein could be used as a guide for locating ore veins in mineral exploration.  相似文献   

胶西北新城金矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
张潮  黄涛  刘向东  刘育  赵海  王旭东 《岩石学报》2016,32(8):2433-2450
新城金矿床是胶西北金矿集区中典型的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床,其矿体受控于NE-NNE向焦家断裂及其次级断裂系统,主要赋存于断裂下盘(黄铁)绢英岩与红化花岗岩体中。焦家断裂下盘分带性明显,自主断裂面向外依此发育主断裂面和断层泥、挤压片理带、构造透镜体带、密集节理带和稀疏节理带。其中,主断裂面和断层泥发育粘土化蚀变;挤压片理带发育面状黄铁绢英岩化蚀变,其内赋存黄铁绢英岩型矿体;构造透镜体带发育脉型(黄铁)绢英岩化、面状绢英岩化和硅化蚀变,其次级断裂内赋存石英硫化物脉型矿体;节理带(包括密集节理带和稀疏节理带)主要发育成红化和细脉型(黄铁)绢英岩化,沿节理面赋存细脉型矿体。碳酸盐化蚀变叠加于上述热液蚀变之上。焦家断裂带表现为以水平为主的蚀变-矿化特征,(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变与金成矿关系最为密切。论文在厘定断裂构造分带与蚀变-矿化分带空间关系的基础上,通过对各类蚀变岩与新鲜新城花岗岩体元素地球化学分析,剖析了热液蚀变作用过程及其机制。选取TiO_2作为不活动组分,质量平衡计算表明,成矿前新城花岗岩体发生红化作用时,带入组分有Fe_2O_3、K_2O、Al_2O_3以及少量Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sb和Bi等,而被带出组分有SiO_2、CaO和Na_2O等;成矿期红化花岗岩体蚀变为(黄铁)绢英岩过程中,明显带入组分有SiO_2、Fe_2O_3、FeO、Al_2O_3、Mg O、K_2O、Au、Ag、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Sb和Bi等,而被带出组分为Na_2O。稀土元素地球化学特征与REE球粒陨石标准化配分模式曲线表明,红化和(黄铁)绢英岩化热液蚀变作用影响REE迁移。REE分别在红化和(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变中带入和带出;Eu在红化过程中呈显著带入,表现为显著Eu正异常(δ_(Eu)=1.34),而在(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变中活化带出,表现出Eu负异常(0.89~0.95)。成矿期发生(黄铁)绢英岩化蚀变时,Eu从氧化态Eu~(3+)转变为Eu~(2+),进入流体被带走,造成Eu负异常。金主要以Au(HS)~-_2形式在变质流体中运移。成矿流体沿片理面运移时,在挤压片理带发生黄铁绢英岩化蚀变,硫化作用使得流体还原硫活度降低,导致Au(HS)~-_2络合物失稳沉淀并赋存于黄铁矿和石英等矿物裂隙或晶格中,形成黄铁绢英岩型矿化;在构造透镜体带,成矿流体沿次级断裂面和碎裂岩裂隙发生蚀变形成脉型(黄铁)绢英岩,成矿元素在次级断裂面/裂隙内沉淀并形成石英硫化物脉型矿化;在节理带,成矿流体压力瞬时降低导致流体发生不混溶现象,使得Au(HS)~-_2络合物失稳沉淀并充填节理中形成细脉型矿化。  相似文献   

胶东大尹格庄金矿床成矿流体组成   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
大尹格庄金矿床位于胶东半岛西北部招平断裂带中段,产于断裂带下盘绢英岩化带中。矿区内围岩蚀变发育,主要包括钾长石化、硅化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化、绿泥石化和碳酸盐化,其中硅化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化与金矿化密切相关。根据野外脉体穿插关系和矿物共生组合特点,大尹格庄金矿床金成矿作用从早到晚分为三个阶段:金-石英-黄铁矿阶段(早)、金(银)-石英-多金属硫化物阶段(中)、石英-方解石-黄铁矿阶段(晚)。矿石中石英的爆裂峰集中在330~510℃、240~330℃和160~240℃,分别对应成矿作用的早、中、晚三个阶段。成矿流体总体为中温,富CO2,含CH4、C2H6、H2S等挥发分的流体。NaCl-H2O-CO2图解及较高的C2H6含量,表明成矿流体主要来源于变质流体。各阶段成矿流体中气、液相组成相似,而含量规律性变化。早、中阶段成矿流体中N2含量较低,晚阶段升高,表明从早阶段到晚阶段流体系统逐渐开放,后期有大气降水的加入;从成矿早阶段到晚阶段,Cl-/SO2-4和Na+/K+升高,说明成矿流体从早阶段CO2-H2O-K2SO4型逐渐演化为中阶段和晚阶段CO2-H2O-NaCl型;Na+、Cl-、K+和SO2-4浓度逐渐降低,指示成矿流体从成矿早阶段到晚阶段盐度降低;H2O/CO2在晚阶段高于早、中阶段,指示流体有可能在中阶段发生了沸腾作用。成矿早阶段具有较高含量的H2S,表明金硫络合物可能是金的一种运移形式;流体类型的演变和沸腾作用可能是导致大尹各庄金矿床金沉淀的重要因素。  相似文献   

胶西北寺庄金矿床热液蚀变作用   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
胶东是我国最重要的金矿集区,其中"焦家式"破碎带蚀变岩型金矿是区内最重要的金矿床类型。寺庄金矿床位于胶东金矿集区焦家金矿田南部,是典型的"焦家式"金矿,沿NE向焦家断裂发育大规模的热液蚀变带,金矿体均产于这些蚀变带内。热液蚀变空间分带明显,距离焦家断裂由近到远向下盘依次发育黄铁绢英岩化、绢英岩化、钾长石化蚀变带。时间上,钾长石化为成矿前蚀变,绢英岩化和黄铁绢英岩化叠加在钾长石化蚀变之上,为成矿期蚀变,伴随金矿化。质量平衡计算表明:钾长石化过程,主量元素SiO_2、Al_2O_3、Fe_2O_3、FeO、MgO、CaO、Na_2O、P_2O_5,成矿元素Au、Ag,亲铜元素As、Hg、Sb、Bi和稀土元素均从玲珑黑云母花岗岩中迁出;而K_2O、MnO和Cu从流体中迁入玲珑黑云母花岗岩。绢英岩化和黄铁绢英岩化过程元素迁移行为高度相似,主量元素SiO_2、Fe_2O_3、FeO、MgO、CaO、K_2O、MnO,成矿元素Au、Ag,亲铜元素As、Hg、Cu、Sb、Bi和轻稀土元素均从流体中迁入钾长石化花岗岩,而主量元素Al_2O_3、Na_2O和重稀土元素均从钾长石化花岗岩中迁出。二长石温度计估算钾长石化蚀变形成的温度约为392~449℃。玲珑黑云母花岗岩(δEu=1.45)和钾长石化花岗岩(δEu=1.38)具有明显的Eu正异常,绢英岩(δEu=0.97)和黄铁绢英岩(δEu=0.93)具有轻微的Eu负异常,指示钾长石化发生于相对氧化环境下,而绢英岩化和黄铁绢英岩化发生于相对还原环境下。综合分析表明,成矿前高温、氧化、碱性流体作用于玲珑黑云母花岗岩形成大范围面状钾长石化蚀变;成矿期中低温、还原、弱酸性的流体与钾长石化花岗岩发生水岩反应,形成绢英岩化和黄铁绢英岩化,在此过程中硫化作用引起金硫络合物分解,导致金沉淀富集成矿。  相似文献   

山东招远大尹格庄金矿成矿流体特征   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:18  
大尹格庄金矿位于中国胶北地体西北部招平断裂带下盘的蚀变花岗质碎裂岩 (绢英岩 )带中 ,断裂上盘为胶东群变质岩系。金主要产于黄铁绢英岩和黄铁矿±多金属硫化物 石英±碳酸盐脉 -细网脉中 ,构成细脉 -浸染状矿石。对蚀变围岩和金矿石中流体包裹体的研究表明钾长石化岩 (钾长石 -石英脉 )和绢英岩 (第 I和第 II阶段 )的石英中含有丰富的 CO2 -H2 O包裹体 ,而金 -硫化物矿石和石英 -碳酸盐脉 (第 III和第 IV阶段 )中 CO2 - H2 O包裹体数量逐渐减少。显微测温指示 ,钾长石化岩和绢英岩石英中的 CO2 - H2 O包裹体的均一温度范围为 2 80~ 36 0℃ ;而金 -黄铜矿和金 -方铅矿 -闪锌矿矿石中包裹体的均一温度分别为 2 40~ 2 75℃和 180~ 2 5 0℃。显微测温和激光拉曼探针分析表明 ,第 I和第 II阶段的成矿流体含 10~ 2 5mol% CO2 ;而第 III和第 IV阶段的含 <5~ 10 mol% CO2 ,并含少量至可观数量 CH4,H2 S和 SO2 等。广泛的黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化蚀变以及缺乏较高盐度的水包裹体说明金很可能是以硫络合物和碳络合物形式被搬运。金的沉淀与温度下降、由裂隙的(重复 )开放引起明显的压力降低和原始流体的不混溶作用有关 ,具多阶段成矿特点  相似文献   

Precious-metal mineralization in the southern Apuseni Mountains of western Romania is hosted by mid-Miocene (∼14 Ma) andesitic stocks and lava flows. The mineralized veins are surrounded by aureoles of hydrothermal alteration, consisting of quartz, sericite, K-feldspar, pyrite and calcite. The alteration process caused a total homogenization of initial 87Sr/86Sr in the rocks. Ages determined for the hydrothermal alteration are 13.7–15.7 Ma, indicating that hydrothermal alteration immediately followed igneous activity. Furthermore, a large influx of radiogenic Sr took place during alteration, this Sr probably being derived from the hydrothermal leaching of continental meta-sedimentary rocks in the basement. Received: 5 December 1997 / Accepted: 26 February 1998  相似文献   

大坪金矿是云南哀牢山金矿带中最大的新生代造山型金矿之一,其矿体可分为两种类型:晚元古代闪长岩岩体中金矿和中泥盆统马鹿洞组(D2m)灰岩地层中金矿。成矿流体H-O-C-S同位素研究表明,闪长岩岩体中金矿δ18OH2O为2.39‰~7.59‰,δD为-85‰~-60‰,热液方解石的δ13C值为-4.7‰~-4.6‰,黄铁矿δ34S值为-2.8‰~7.6‰,平均3.1‰,方铅矿δ34S值为0.2‰~6.3‰,平均2.0‰,而灰岩地层中金矿的δ18OH2O值为4.36‰~6.82‰,δD为-75‰~-67‰,热液铁白云石和方解石δ13C为-7.6‰~-0.5‰,黄铁矿δ34S值为2.2‰~10.2‰,平均6.5‰,显示大坪金矿中两种主要金矿类型成矿流体的组成和来源基本一致,均主要为来自下地壳的变质流体组成,但有地幔流体加入。大坪金矿属于剪切带控制的中深中温热液型金矿,其成矿与哀牢山金矿带在喜马拉雅早期强烈的壳幔相互作用有关。来自下地壳和地幔的深源流体沿超壳剪切带上升,在地壳浅部向次级断裂构造流通,分别在闪长岩体和灰岩地层中成矿。围岩不是大坪金矿的主要控矿因素。  相似文献   

栗子沟金矿位于河南省熊耳山变质核杂岩中,矿区内已有矿化类型有Au、Ag、Pb(Ag),显示出矿区内有较大的找矿潜力.笔者以金矿床为研究对象,通过对流体包裹体的分析研究认为,在不同的矿化阶段包裹体类型及包裹体类型组合不同,成矿早期(Ⅰ),流体以高温、高盐度为特征,反映出其来源可能来自深部;在主成矿期(Ⅱ),流体裹包体则表现为均一温度的降低,盐度总体呈现为降低,但变化范围较大18.14%~0.59%,到了成矿晚期(Ⅲ),成矿流体进一步演化,温度降低,盐度减少.氢、氧同位素研究表明,早期阶段成矿流体的δD为-77.85‰~-70.43‰,应来源于岩浆热液或变质热液;第Ⅱ阶段和第Ⅲ阶段明显偏离岩浆水,向大气水方向飘移.  相似文献   

冀西石湖金矿成矿流体特征   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
通过对石湖金矿矿石中石英包裹体的气、液相成分分析表明,石湖金矿成矿流体为富含CO2、H2O和CH4、C2H6等挥发分的K -Na -Ca2 -SO24--NO3--Cl-体系。硫、碳同位素分析显示硫、碳来源于地幔,氢氧同位素分析则显示成矿流体为岩浆热液和大气水的混合流体。6个均一法测温数据平均为310℃,显示为中温成矿,53个爆裂法测温数据主要集中在区域320~350℃和360~380℃两个区域,成矿期大致分为两个阶段。成矿压力为20.3MPa,成矿深度为0.75km,lgfo2=-39.95,Eh=-0.42~-0.64V,pH=5.94~6.44,这些特征都表明矿床形成于超浅成、相对偏氧化的弱碱性成矿环境。101-4主矿体不同中段石英包裹体测温等温线图表明,成矿流体的运移方向为自矿区南端深部流向矿区北端浅部,运移方向与矿体的侧伏方向基本一致,预示矿区南端深部还有很好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

山东蓬家夼金矿床成矿流体地球化学特征   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
胶东地区存在3种类型的金矿床,蚀变岩型(焦家式)和石英脉型(玲珑式)已经广为重视。最近在胶莱盆地的东北缘发现了一种新型金矿床-层探型金矿床,以蓬家夼金矿床和宋家沟金矿床为代表。蓬家夼金矿床赋存在胶莱盆地东北缘拆离断层带中,产于莱阳组砾岩与荆山群地层的构造接触部位,是在燕山期火山-岩浆活动期间在大气水和岩浆水的参与下形成的。围岩遭受了强烈的硅化、绢云母化、碳酸经和黄铁矿化等蚀变作用。单个矿体最大长度  相似文献   

邦布金矿床位于青藏高原雅鲁藏布江结合带东段南侧,矿体受大型脆-韧性剪切带的次级断裂控制,其一系列地质地球化学特征显示该矿属于造山型金矿。其含金石英脉中黄铁矿的流体包裹体3He/4He=0.174~1.010Ra,40Ar/36Ar=311.9~1724.9,矿物δ34S=2.8‰~4.7‰,平均3.6‰;围岩中不含金黄铁矿流体包裹体3He/4He=0.01137Ra,40Ar/36Ar=1709.7,矿物δ34S=6.5‰,显示邦布金矿成矿流体主要由地壳流体组成,但其中有地幔流体的加入,幔源He占2.7%~16.7%。由壳幔相互作用导致的幔源流体的加入是邦布金矿重要的成矿条件。在印度板块与欧亚大陆板块碰撞过程中,形成切穿地壳的纵向剪切带,深源地幔流体上升,与地壳来源的富CO2流体混合,由于温度和压力下降和流体沸腾导致含金硫化物和石英结晶,并在其次级断裂构造中形成邦布金矿体。  相似文献   

江西省金山金矿有机流体与金矿关系   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
对江西省金山金矿流体包裹体研究表明,矿区发育的包裹体有:①气-液两相盐水溶液包裹体,占包裹体总量80%~85%;②纯有机烃类包裹体,占包裹体总量10%~15%;③含盐类子矿物多相包裹体,占包裹体总量1%左右;④纯CO2包裹体(含液态CO2三相包裹体),占包裹体总量1%以下。流体时空演化表明,成矿前深大断裂引发深部流体上侵,带来了深部的纯CO2流体和岩浆期后高盐度流体,伴随后期构造活动,大量向下循环的大气水,不仅温度升高,而且在水-岩交换过程中带来地层中的有机质。在对流体包裹体深入研究的基础上,对成矿流体种类、流体的时空演化,特别是有机流体在成矿中的作用等进行了有益的探索  相似文献   

Shuiyindong is one of the largest and highest grade stratabound Carlin-type gold deposits in China. This paper reports on the results of petrographic studies, electron microprobe analyses (EMPA) of arsenian pyrite, and the mass transfer during mineralization and alteration, and it presents the deposit-scale distributions of Au, As, Sb, Hg, Tl, and trace elements in a representative cross section across the Shuiyindong Carlin-type gold deposit, Guizhou Province. The main objectives were to identify the precipitation mechanisms of minerals, or elements from fluids, and the migration paths of ore-forming fluids.Petrographic and EMPA studies indicate that gold in the primary ores is mainly hosted by arsenian pyrite. Mass transfer associated with alteration and mineralization shows that Au, As, Sb, Hg, Tl, and S were significantly added to all mineralized rocks, Fe2O3 and SiO2 were immobile in the main orebodies that are hosted in bioclastic limestone, and CaO, Na2O, Sr, and Li were removed from country rocks. The relations between Fe and S indicate that the sedimentary rocks at the Shuiyindong deposit contain more iron than is needed to combine with all of their contained sulfur to form pyrite. This suggests that sulfidation and decarbonation were the principal mechanism of gold precipitation at the Shuiyindong deposit. Hg, Sb, and As commonly formed sulfide minerals, such as stibnite, realgar, and orpiment, in late-stage quartz–calcite veins, or absorbed by organic matter in argillite. Fluid cooling presumably led to depositions of stibnite, realgar, and orpiment in late-stage quartz–calcite veins. Organic matter likely served as a reductant in argillite for the ore fluids, causing the precipitation of As, Sb, Hg, and S, as well as Au.Deposit-scale distributions of gold and other relevant elements reflect the passage of fluids through the rocks. Rock strata and structures allowed the ore-forming fluids to migrate horizontally along the unconformity surface of the Middle–Upper Permian, converge on the high position of an anticline, and then ascend into the overlying strata along the anticlinal axis. The distributions of the major and trace elements show that elements that accompanied the ore-forming fluids include Au, As, Sb, Hg, Tl, and S, and that Na2O and Li were exhausted in the Longtan Formation at the anticlinal core during gold mineralization. The enrichment of Co, Cr, and Ni in the Longtan Formation at the anticlinal core might be associated with deformation that formed the anticline, or with gold mineralization. Different host rocks were preferentially mineralized by different elements. The bioclastic limestone is commonly enriched in Au, whereas the argillite is preferentially enriched in As, Hg, Sb, and Tl. The zonation of ore-forming elements in the deposit appears to be Sb–Tl–As–Hg–Au–Hg–As (from bottom to top). Enrichment of Au, As, Sb, Hg, and Tl provides useful guidance for the exploration for Carlin-type gold deposits in Guizhou. Anomalies of As and Hg in soil or stream sediment might be an important clue and these elements can be used as indicator elements. Ore-forming fluids migrated along the unconformity surface of the Middle–Upper Permian and the anticlinal axis, so these are favorable sites for exploration for Carlin-type gold deposits in Guizhou.  相似文献   

石城金矿位于胶东牟平-乳山成矿带南端,为多金属硫化物型金矿床。其成矿流体阶段可分为3个,相应的流体包裹体特征为:(1)成矿早期(第1阶段)富CO2包裹体;(2)主成矿期(第2阶段)H2O包裹体和含CO2包裹体;(3)成矿后期(第3阶段)H2O包裹体。第1阶段均一温度为256~360℃,盐度3.71%~6.88%NaCl,第2阶段均一温度为168~270℃,盐度4.49%~10.24%NaCl,第3阶段均一温度为123~178℃,盐度0.35%~7.59%NaCl。其中主成矿期为中低温、低盐度的CO2-H2O-NaCl流体体系。H、O同位素表明石城金矿成矿流体为岩浆水与大气水形成的混合热液,C、O同位素则反映了地幔富CO2流体参与了成矿作用,而S同位素进一步揭示了金矿的成矿物质来源为壳幔相互作用的结果。石城金矿的出现表明研究区至少存在两期成矿事件,早期成矿时代约120Ma,主要为石英+黄铁矿型矿石,晚期成矿时代小于111Ma,主要为多金属硫化物型矿石,以石城金矿为代表。  相似文献   

多不杂富金斑岩铜矿位于斑公湖-怒江缝合带北侧的铁格山岩浆弧中。具O型埃达克岩特征的闪长玢岩、花岗闪长斑岩侵位于中侏罗统雁石坪群中。岩体内及其围岩中蚀变强烈,分带明显,各种细脉、细网脉特别发育,矿化为细脉-浸染状,含矿斑岩全岩矿化,少量矿化产于围岩中,矿化为铜-金组合。发育丰富的热液磁铁矿、赤铁矿、金红石等,铜、金沉淀与热液磁铁矿的形成关系密切;矿石矿物总体上为黄铜矿>斑铜矿>黄铁矿,黄铁矿很少,矿区内还发育丰富的石膏脉,说明母岩浆是高氧化性的。流体包裹体岩相学和显微测温结果显示高温阶段气相和含子矿物包裹体普遍共存,中高温阶段液相和气相包裹体共存,暗示流体沸腾可能是主要的成矿机制,成矿流体是直接从岩浆熔体中出溶(600~900°C)的具高氧化性、(超)高盐度的富含Cu、Au、S元素的岩浆流体。成岩成矿时代为早白垩世,系古特提斯洋闭合俯冲增生阶段的产物。  相似文献   

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