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熔积岩指的是侵入、混合到未固结或弱固结的湿沉积物中的熔浆分解、原位形成的一类特殊岩石。正确地认识该类岩石,有利于增进人们对岩浆-水(沉积物)相互作用过程的理解,恢复古环境。在青海南部沱沱河地区发现了一套角砾为撕片状、锯齿状及浑圆状的安山岩,胶结物为铁硅质组合的特殊熔积岩。研究表明,该熔积岩的角砾为岩浆遇水后快速淬火、裂解的产物,铁硅质组合为海底喷气沉积形成的含铁建造;且安山岩与含铁建造发生混合时,含铁建造尚未固结。该套熔积岩的发现,改变了长期以来对开心岭铁矿为火山热液交代安山岩而形成的认识,对于在矿区寻找VMS型矿床、区域内寻找海底热水喷流沉积型矿床具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

The northeast (NE) Honshu arc was formed by three major volcano-tectonic events resulting from Late Cenozoic orogenic movement: continental margin volcanism (before 21?Ma), seafloor basaltic lava flows and subsequent bimodal volcanism accompanied by back-arc rifting (21 to 14?Ma), and felsic volcanism related to island arc uplift (12 to 2?Ma). Eight petrotectonic domains, parallel to the NE Honshu arc, were formed as a result of the eastward migration of volcanic activity with time. Major Kuroko volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits are located within the eastern marginal rift zone (Kuroko rift) that formed in the final period of back-arc rifting (16 to 14?Ma). Volcanic activity in the NE Honshu arc is divided into six volcanic stages. The eruption volumes of volcanic rocks have gradually decreased from 4,600?km3 (per 1?my for a 200-km-long section along the arc) of basaltic lava flows in the back-arc spreading stage to 1,000?C2,000?km3 of bimodal hyaloclastites in the back-arc rift stage, and about 200?km3 of felsic pumice eruptions in the island arc stage. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed at the time of abrupt decrease in the eruption volume and change in the mode of occurrence of the volcanic rocks during the final period of back-arc rifting. In the area of the Kuroko rift, felsic volcanism changed from aphyric or weakly plagioclase phyric (before 14?Ma), to quartz and plagioclase phyric with minor clinopyroxene (12 to 8?Ma), to hornblende phyric (after 8?Ma), and hornblende and biotite phyric (after 4?Ma). The Kuroko VMS deposits are closely related to the aphyric rhyolitic activity before 14?Ma. The rhyolite was generated at a relatively high temperature from a highly differentiated part of felsic magma seated at a relatively great depth and contains higher Nb, Ce, and Y contents than the post-Kuroko felsic volcanism. The Kuroko VMS deposits were formed within a specific tectonic setting, at a specific period, and associated with a particular volcanism of the arc evolution process. Therefore, detailed study of the evolutional process from rift opening to island arc tectonics is very important for the exploration of Kuroko-type VMS deposits.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and geochemistry of the massive pyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization, which contains minor magnetite, sphalerite and galena, the weathered profile and surface gossan at Mugga Mugga in Western Australia have been examined. Reactions between amphibolite wall rocks and acid waters from the oxidation of the iron sulfides have resulted in distinct mineralogical zonation of the weathered profile which is further modified near the surface by lateritization. At the base of the weathered zone an opaline chert (Opal-CT) has been precipitated from fluctuations of the water table. A gossanous zone from 25.14–68.80 m with boxworks after massive pyrite is modified by abundant kaolinite, dickite and an alunite-type mineral derived from amphibolite wall rocks, while above 25.14 m both plinthite and mottled clay zones of a laterite profile are evident. Some characteristics of a mature gossan profile – sulfate-phosphate-arsenate near the base, a carbonate zone higher in the profile, and an oxide zone near the surface – overprint the gross zonation.At the interface between sulfide and weathered rock Mg, Ca, K, S, Zn, Cd, Hg, Ba are depleted, As, Sb, Mo, Cr and V contents increase and in the weathered zone, SiO2, TiO2, P2O5, SO3, Pb, Zn, Hg, Sb, Co, Ni, W, Ba, Sr and Zr decrease up the profile whilst Al2O3, Fe2O3, CO2, Cu and As increase. Of the elements associated with the massive pyrite (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ag, As, Cd, Hg, Sb, Co, Ni) anomalous concentrations of Pb, Cu, Ag, As and Sb occur in the surface gossan despite the possibility of complete leaching by highly acidic solutions. These anomalies are similar to those found in gossans over pyrite mineralization elsewhere in the Yilgarn Block.  相似文献   

Results of a numerical modeling study of quartz dissolution and precipitation in a sub-seafloor hydrothermal system have been used to predict where in the system quartz could be deposited and potentially trap fluid inclusions. The spatial distribution of zones of quartz dissolution and precipitation is complex, owing to the fact that quartz solubility depends on many inter-related factors, including temperature, fluid salinity and fluid immiscibility, and is further complicated by the fact that quartz exhibits both prograde and retrograde solubility behavior, depending on the fluid temperature and salinity. Using the PVTX properties of H2O-NaCl, the petrographic and microthermometric properties of fluid inclusions trapped at various locations within the hydrothermal system have been predicted. Vapor-rich inclusions are trapped as a result of the retrograde temperature-dependence of quartz solubility as the convecting fluid is heated in the vicinity of the magmatic heat source. Coexisting liquid-rich and vapor-rich inclusions are also trapped in this region when quartz precipitates as a result of fluid immiscibility that lowers the overall bulk quartz solubility in the system. Fluid inclusions trapped in the shallow subsurface near the seafloor vents and in the underlying stockwork are liquid-rich with homogenization temperatures of 200?C400°C and salinities close to that of seawater. Volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits represent the uplifted and partially eroded remnants of fossil submarine hydrothermal systems, and the relationship between fluid-inclusion properties and location within the hydrothermal system described here can be used in exploration for VMS deposits to infer the direction towards potential massive sulfide ore.  相似文献   

Episodic seafloor spreading, ridge topography, and fault movement at ridges find (more extreme) analogs in the arc and back-arc setting where the volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits that we mine today were formed. The factors affecting sulfide accumulation efficiency and the extent to which sulfides are concentrated spatially are the same in both settings, however. The processes occurring at mid-ocean ridges therefore provide a useful insight into those producing VMS deposits in arcs and back-arcs. The critical observation investigated here is that all the heat introduced by seafloor spreading at mid-ocean ridges is carried out of the crust within a few hundred meters of the ridge axis by ??350°C hydrothermal fluids. The high-temperature ridge hydrothermal systems are tied to the presence of magma at the ridge axis and greatly reduce the size and control the shape of axial magma intrusions. The amount of heat introduced to each square kilometer of ocean crust during its formation can be calculated, and its removal by high-temperature convection allows calculation of the total base metal endowment of the ocean basins. Using reasonable metal deposition efficiencies, we conclude that the ocean floor is a giant VMS district with metal resources >600 times the total known VMS reserves on land and a copper resource which would last >6,000?years at current production rates.  相似文献   

Modern seafloor hydrothermal systems provide important insights into the formation and discovery of ancient volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits. In 2010, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 331 drilled five sites in the Iheya North hydrothermal field in the middle Okinawa Trough back-arc basin, Japan. Hydrothermal alteration and sulfide mineralization is hosted in a geologically complex, mixed sequence of coarse pumiceous volcaniclastic and fine hemipelagic sediments, overlying a dacitic to rhyolitic volcanic substrate. At site C0016, located adjacent to the foot of the actively venting North Big Chimney massive sulfide mound, massive sphalerite-(pyrite-chalcopyrite ± galena)-rich sulfides were intersected (to 30.2% Zn, 12.3% Pb, 2.68% Cu, 33.1 ppm Ag and 0.07 ppm Au) that strongly resemble the black ore of the Miocene-age Kuroko deposits of Japan. Sulfide mineralization shows clear evidence of formation through a combination of surface detrital and subsurface chemical processes, with at least some sphalerite precipitating into void space in the rock. Volcanic rocks beneath massive sulfides exhibit quartz-muscovite/illite and quartz-Mg-chlorite alteration reminiscent of VHMS proximal footwall alteration associated with Kuroko-type deposits, characterized by increasing MgO, Fe/Zn and Cu/Zn with depth. Recovered felsic footwall rocks are of FII to FIII affinity with well-developed negative Eu anomalies, consistent with VHMS-hosting felsic rocks in Phanerozoic ensialic arc/back-arc settings worldwide.Site C0013, ∼100 m east of North Big Chimney, represents a likely location of recent high temperature discharge, preserved as surficial coarse-grained sulfidic sediments (43.2% Zn, 4.4% Pb, 5.4% Cu, 42 ppm Ag and 0.02 ppm Au) containing high concentrations of As, Cd, Mo, Sb, and W. Near surface hydrothermal alteration is dominated by kaolinite and muscovite with locally abundant native sulfur, indicative of acidic hydrothermal fluids. Alteration grades to Mg-chlorite dominated assemblages at depths of >5 mbsf (metres below sea floor). Late coarse-grained anhydrite veining overprints earlier alteration and is interpreted to have precipitated from down welling seawater as hydrothermal activity waned. At site C0014, ∼350 m farther east, hydrothermal assemblages are characterized by illite/montmorillonite, with Mg-chlorite present at depths below ∼30 mbsf. Recovered lithologies from distal, recharge site C0017 are unaltered, with low MgO, Fe2O3 and base metal concentrations.Mineralization and alteration assemblages are consistent with the Iheya North system representing a modern analogue for Kuroko-type VHMS mineralization. Fluid flow is focussed laterally along pumiceous volcaniclastic strata (compartmentalized between impermeable hemipelagic sediments), and vertically along faults. The abundance of Fe-poor sphalerite and Mg-rich chlorite (clinochlore/penninite) is consistent with the lower Fe budget, temperature and higher oxidation state of felsic volcanic-hosted hydrothermal systems worldwide compared to Mid Ocean Ridge black smoker systems.  相似文献   

Two major rock sequences, the Lower and Upper Greenstones, separated by an unconformity and associated conglomerate, are exposed in a narrow (5–30 km) elongate (130 km) greenstone belt in the Lawlers—Mt Keith area of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. The Upper Greenstones, which contain zones of significant nickel sulfide mineralization, appear to have been emplaced in a graben which cuts across folded strata of the Lower Greenstones.Exposed portions of the Lower Greenstones consist of over 90% mafic and less than 10% felsic rocks, whereas the Upper Greenstones consist of approximately one third mafic and two thirds felsic rocks. The mafic rocks of the latter sequence all appear to belong to the komatiitic rock series.7 They are divided into two groups of flows and thin sills ranging in composition from peridotite to basalt and a number of strata-bound podiform dunitic bodies which are regarded as feeder chambers for some of the overlying flows. Mafic rocks of the Lower Greenstones include Fe-rich tholeiitic basalts, gabbros, komatiitic7 ultramafic rocks and some basalts which appear chemically to be transitional between the two rock series.At Yakabindie in the centre of the Lawlers—Mt Keith belt, Western Australia, the nickel sulfide mineralization occurs mainly within the dunite pods as large (in excess of 70·106 tonnes) low grade (approx. 0.6 wt.% Ni) zones composed largely of disseminated pentlandite. Textures in much of the ore suggest that magmatic sulfides were trapped interstitial to olivine grains, although textures and chemical variations in some of the ore indicate that metals and sulfides have been redistributed during metamorphism or alteration of the host rocks.Chemical variations within the komatiites are consistent with their being the result of low pressure fractional crystallization of a liquid containing in excess of 33 wt. % MgO. In order to produce such a magnesian liquid, it is postulated that the source region of the mantle must have been melted twice, once to give rise to a basaltic liquid and again to give rise to the magnesian, komatiitic liquid. This would require diapiric ascent of mantle material from a depth of perhaps 200–250 km. Consideration of the melting curves of sulfides and mantle periodotite with pressure suggests that sulfides might have become concentrated at these depths, thus accounting for their almost universal association, in Western Australia, with very magnesian komatiites.  相似文献   

The Lemarchant volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit (1.24 Mt grading at 0.58% Cu, 5.38% Zn, 1.19% Pb, 1.01 g/t Au, and 59.17 g/t Ag) is a bimodal-felsic VMS deposit hosted within the Late Cambrian (∼513–509 Ma) Tally Pond group of the Exploit Subzone in central Newfoundland, Canada. The deposit is hosted by andesitic volcaniclastic and volcanic rocks with subordinate dacite flows. The mineralisation is hosted by the dacites and is overlain by pillowed and massive basalts.Four structural breaks offset the local stratigraphic sequences including: 1) the LJ syn-volcanic shear zone; 2) the KJ syn-volcanic shear zone; 3) the Lemarchant thrust; and 4) the Bam normal fault. Deformation of the Lemarchant likely occurred during the Penobscot orogeny (486–478 Ma). Early deformation is marked with the local deformation of the LJ and KJ syn-volcanic shear zones during NW-SE compression which coincided with the development of the Lemarchant thrust. A late (<465 Ma) east trending normal fault, the Bam fault, affected the central portion of the Lemarchant area and down-faulted the southern portion of the study area relative to the northern portion.Immobile element systematics of all the sequences from the Lemarchant deposit are tholeiitic with transitional Zr/Y ratios (1.9–6.6), Lan/Smn ratios <1 (normalised to upper crust), and have primitive mantle extended rare earth elements profiles with slight light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched patterns with flat heavy REE (HREE), and weak to strong negative Nb, Zr, and Ti anomalies. Together, these geochemical features, coupled with an FIIIa signature, and existing mineralogical and Nd-Pb isotope data, are consistent with the rocks at the Lemarchant deposit having formed within a shallow (<1500 m) arc or migrating cross-arc seamount chain located within a young peri-continental rifted arc along the margin of Ganderia, within the Iapetus Ocean. The estimated shallow water emplacement of the deposit likely allowed boiling near or at the rock-sea water interface, ultimately resulting in precious metal enrichment of the Lemarchant deposit. It is suggested that cross-arcs within rifted arc environments may represent favourable exploration targets for precious metal-enriched VMS deposits.  相似文献   

新疆阿舍勒块状硫化物矿床成矿特征及形成环境   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
贾群子 《矿床地质》1996,15(3):267-277
阿舍勒块状硫化物矿床位于阿尔泰华力西地槽系南缘。容矿岩石为中、下泥盆统富钠的火山岩系,为双峰式火山岩组合,系弧后扩张背景下的产物。矿床具双层结构,并具明显的垂向分带和侧向分带。矿体下盘火山岩发生了强烈地蚀变作用,形成由石英+绢云母+绿泥石±黄铁矿组成的半整合蚀变带。同位素研究表明,硫由海水硫酸盐和岩石中硫化物所提供,铅具深源的特征。通过对比,认为阿舍勒矿床与矿区阿尔泰的块状硫化物矿床相似  相似文献   

The Paleoproterozoic Ruttan Cu–Zn volcanogenic massive-sulfide (VMS) deposit is a large, relatively low grade, bimodal-siliciclastic type deposit in the Rusty Lake volcanic belt of northern Manitoba. The deposit contained over 82.8 million tonnes of massive sulfide, of which 55.7 million tonnes were mined from 1973 to 2002. The deposit consists of a series of moderately to steeply dipping, south-facing lenses that extend along strike at the surface for 1.1 km and to a depth of 1.0 km. These lenses occur within a steeply dipping, bimodal volcanic, volcaniclastic and siliciclastic sequence. In the immediate mine area, transitional calc-alkalic to high-silica (tholeiitic), felsic, and intermediate volcanic/volcaniclastic rocks of the Mine Sequence are host to, and intercalated with, the massive-sulfide lenses. Transitional tholeiitic to calc-alkalic basalt and andesite are present in the footwall sequence, approximately 500 m down-section from the ore horizon. The overlying rocks are predominantly fine-grained volcaniclastics and siliciclastics, but include polyfragmental agglomerate that contains mafic bombs and scoriaceous felsic fragments. Syn-depositional felsic and mafic dikes, sills, and apophyses are ubiquitous throughout the Mine Sequence, including the ore lenses, indicating continued, near-vent magmatism, and volcanism during ore formation. Fabrics in altered hostrocks have consistent, down-plunge stretching lineations to the SSE that suggest the deposit has been elongated by a factor of ~1.2–1.5; otherwise, the deposit is remarkably undeformed. Syn- and post-depositional faults in the mine area have relatively minor displacements up to tens of meters. Proximal (within 200 m) footwall rocks exhibit moderate to strong chloritization, characterized by the upper greenschist to lower amphibolite facies assemblages that include cordierite–almandine–andalusite–sillimanite–biotite ± staurolite ± anthophyllite ± talc, and local silicification. The proximal hanging wall rocks are characterized by sericite ± gahnite alteration, which is restricted to within approximately 75 m of the uppermost lenses. Additional gangue minerals are anhydrite and carbonate minerals (siderite, dolomite, ankerite, and calcite), as well as chlorite, sericite, biotite, talc, and quartz. Carbonate (excluding siderite), potassium feldspar, silicification and epidotization are common distal alteration zones in the footwall to the Mine Sequence several kilometers to the northeast. There are three principal groups of massive sulfide lenses; the East lenses, the West lenses, and the Western Anomaly lenses to the far west. In general, Cu is relatively enriched at the stratigraphic base and in the center of the deposit, whereas Zn is enriched upsection and at the outer margins. Some of the Zn-rich ore exhibits primary mineralogical layering. Parts of the West and Western Anomaly lenses show two layers with Cu-rich bases and Zn-rich tops. The massive sulfide is typically 10–40-m thick; one area along the margin of the main lenses is over 130-m thick and may represent deposition adjacent to a syn-depositional fault. The main sulfide phases are pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena, with tetrahedrite as the most abundant trace phase. Gahnite is ubiquitous in the chlorite-rich assemblages adjacent to the ore lenses. The average base, precious and trace metal contents estimated from Cu and Zn concentrates, and from millhead grades and recoveries. Metals easily transported as chloride and bisulfide complexes in hydrothermal fluids including: Pb, Ag, In, Cu, Cd, Au, and Zn are enriched by 1.5–2.5 orders of magnitude in comparison to the bulk continental crust. Other elements such as Sn, Mo, and As are at near-crustal concentrations, whereas Mn, Ga, and Co are significantly depleted in comparison to the crust. Calculated metal concentrations in the average hydrothermal fluid based on the average metal contents are comparable to, or higher than those measured at sediment covered ridge hydrothermal systems, which precipitate much of their metal budget in the subsurface. Average rare earth element contents for the sulfide are light rare earth element enriched (LaN/YbN=22) and range from 0.45 to 0.02x chondritic values, with a moderate negative Eu anomaly (Eu*=0.51). Metal and trace element contents in the Ruttan exhalite horizon, and in proximal (within 1–2 km) exhalites along strike from the 0.6 million tonne Dar-2 Cu–Zn deposit 12 km south of Ruttan, have positive Eu anomalies, whereas negative Eu anomalies are present at distance. The positive Eu anomalies reflect high temperature paleoseafloor hydrothermal venting and precipitation of Eu2+-enriched clays and possibly carbonates, and indicate proximity to base-metal deposits. Silver and lead are also enriched in the exhalites near the deposits, whereas Mn is enriched at ~1–3 km along strike, but not consistently. Editorial handling: B. Gemmel An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Throughout Earth??s history, all volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS)-hosting environments are associated with specific assemblages of mafic and felsic rocks with distinct petrochemistry (petrochemical assemblages) indicative of formation at anomalously high temperatures within extensional geodynamic environments. In mafic-dominated (juvenile/ophiolitic) VMS environments, there is a preferential association with mafic rocks with boninite and low-Ti tholeiite, mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), and/or back-arc basin basalt affinities representing forearc rifting or back-arc initiation, mid-ocean ridges or back-arc basin spreading, or back-arc basins, respectively. Felsic rocks in juvenile oceanic arc environments in Archean terrains are high field strength element (HFSE) and rare earth element (REE) enriched. In post-Archean juvenile oceanic arc terrains, felsic rocks are commonly HFSE and REE depleted and have boninite like to tholeiitic signatures. In VMS environments that are associated with continental crust (i.e., continental arc and back-arc) and dominated by felsic volcanic and/or sedimentary rocks (evolved environments), felsic rocks are the dominant hosts to mineralization and are generally HFSE and REE enriched with calc-alkalic, A-type, and/or peralkalic affinities, representing continental arc rifts, continental back-arcs, and continental back-arcs to continental rifts, respectively. Coeval mafic rocks in evolved environments have alkalic (within-plate/ocean island basalt like) and MORB signatures that represent arc to back-arc rift versus back-arc spreading, respectively. The high-temperature magmatic activity in VMS environments is directly related to the upwelling of mafic magma beneath rifts in extensional geodynamic environments (e.g., mid-ocean ridges, back-arc basins, and intra-arc rifts). Underplated basaltic magma provides the heat required to drive hydrothermal circulation. Extensional geodynamic activity also provides accommodation space at the base of the lithosphere that allows for the underplated basalt to drive hydrothermal circulation and induce crustal melting, the latter leading to the formation of VMS-associated rhyolites in felsic-dominated and bimodal VMS environments. Rifts also provide extensional faults and the permeability and porosity required for recharge and discharge of VMS-related hydrothermal fluids. Rifts are also critical in creating environments conducive to preservation of VMS mineralization, either through shielding massive sulfides from seafloor weathering and mass wasting or by creating environments conducive to the precipitation of subseafloor replacement-style mineralization in sedimented rifts. Subvolcanic intrusions are also products of the elevated heat flow regime common to VMS-forming environments. Shallow-level intrusive complexes (i.e., within 1?C3?km of the seafloor) may not be the main drivers of VMS-related hydrothermal circulation, but are likely the manifestation of deeper-seated mantle-derived heat (i.e., ~3?C10?km depth) that drives hydrothermal circulation. These shallower intrusive complexes are commonly long-lived (i.e., millions of years), and reflect a sustained thermally anomalous geodynamic environment. Such a thermally anomalous environment has the potential to drive significant hydrothermal circulation, and, therefore multi-phase, long-lived subvolcanic intrusive complexes are excellent indicators of a potentially fertile VMS environment. The absence of intrusive complexes, however, does not indicate an area of low potential, as they may have been moved or removed due to post-VMS tectonic activity. In some cases, shallow-level intrusive systems contribute metals to the VMS-hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

The Näsliden and Rävliden deposits in the Skellefte field consist of stratiform massive sulfide ores associated with submarine volcanic and clastic rocks. The ores are pretectonic. Consequently, the orebodies are considered to have formed syngenetically with deposition of the host rocks. Banding and interlayering with host sediments are common features. Cu : Zn and Zn : Pb ratios of the ores show stratigraphically and laterally defined trends. Cu : Pb : Zn ratios correspond with those found in other deposits of volcanogenic origin. Nonstratiform breccia Cu mineralizations occur directly under the massive stratiform ores in the footwall rocks where hydrothermal alteration is strongest. Ore formation took place intermittently resulting in clusters of ore systems occurring at slightly different stratigraphical levels within each deposit.  相似文献   

Mineralium Deposita - The massive sulfide deposits of the Kristineberg area, Sweden, occur within a 2- to 3-km-thick succession of felsic volcaniclastic rocks belonging to the Skellefte Group. The...  相似文献   

The Canatuan and Malusok massive sulfide deposits are located near Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte, in southwestern Mindanao, Philippines. The Canatuan–Malusok area is underlain by the Jurassic–Cretaceous Tungauan schists, which form much of the Zamboanga Peninsula. The volcanic strata at Canatuan and Malusok can be traced for >7 km along strike and is host to at least three discrete massive sulfide bodies: Canatuan, Malusok and SE Malusok. Basal basaltic andesite volcanic rocks are generally chemically uniform and show only moderate alteration. The massive sulfide deposits occur in overlying rhyolitic to rhyodacitic volcanic rocks that are altered to a schistose assemblage of quartz, sericite, chlorite and pyrite. The alteration is texturally destructive but graded clastic beds are locally observed. Despite tropical saprolitic weathering, four lithogeochemical subunits of the felsic package are identified. Stratigraphic interleaving, however, has made correlation of these units over any significant distance difficult. The sulfide lenses are overlain by a few metres of felsic schists which locally contain manganese-bearing silicates and oxides that serve as a stratigraphic marker. Hangingwall andesitic volcaniclastic rocks are discontinuously preserved, although where present, they consist of regularly bedded mafic volcanic sandstones. The lateral continuity of a manganese-bearing marker and flanking felsic volcaniclastic intervals indicate that locally the volcanic strata form a homoclinal sequence. The Canatuan Au–Ag–Cu–Zn deposit consists of a gossan overlying a massive sulfide lens. The sulfides and gossan are flat lying and hosted within felsic volcanic rocks. The gossan is gold–silver-rich, and was formed by a combination of oxidation and volume collapse of the original sulfide lens. The sulfide minerals present below the current water table, are auriferous massive pyrite with base metal sulfides, with some supergene chalcocite. The transition from gossan to sulfides is very sharp, occurring at the water table. Massive sulfide deposits at Malusok are hosted in the same felsic sequence as Canatuan and they have similar base and precious metal contents. Only limited gossan has been found at Malusok. The bimodal nature of the volcanic rocks at Canatuan, together with their low HFSE contents, near-flat REE patterns and tholeiitic affinities, suggest that they formed in an intra-oceanic arc setting above a depleted mantle source. Mafic and felsic volcanic rocks of similar composition have been recovered from the Tonga-Kermadec and Izu-Bonin-Marianas island-arc systems in the western Pacific. Mafic rocks at Canatuan show no evidence for LILE enrichment that characterizes melts derived from metasomatized mantle under more mature arcs, suggesting that they are the product of a nascent, rather than a mature arc. There is no evidence from the REE, or other incompatible trace elements, that continental crust or evolved arc crust was involved in the generation of the Canatuan-Malusok volcanic rocks. Although it has been proposed that the Zamboanga metamorphic complex comprises microcontinental fragments of Eurasian affinity, our data do not support an evolved crustal setting for the Canatuan-Malusok volcanic rocks, which we suggest were derived from an intra-oceanic arc and subsequently accreted to the eastern Mindanao terrane.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00126-003-0350-7Editorial handling: R.R. Large  相似文献   

The Bonnifield district hosts 26 tmmined volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) occurrences. Environmental geochemical samples of water and stream sediment were collected at several occurrences, concentrating on the two best-exposed and largest deposits, Red Mountain (RM) and Sheep Creek (SC). Limited samples were also collected at the poorly exposed WTF deposit. The deposits are Late Devonian to Early Mississippian, and are hosted by felsic metavolcanic and carbonaceous schist members of the Totatlanika Schist or Keevy Peak Fm. Spring and stream waters at RM and SC have pH values commonly 〈3.5 (as low as 2.4 at RM and 2.5 at SC), high conductivity (up to 11000 μS/cm), and very high (Is to 100s mg/L) dissolved contents of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb. Waters at RM are characterized by extremely high REE contents (summed REE median 3200 μg/L, n=33). At both RM and SC, pyrite oxidation and dissolution produce low pH waters that interact with and dissolve bedrock minerals, resulting in acidic, metal-laden, naturally degraded streams that are mostly devoid of aquatic life. Ferricrete is common. In contrast, WTF barely produces a surficial environmental footprint, mostly due to topography and relief. RM and SC are well exposed in the areas of relatively high relief, and both exhibit extensive areas of quartz-sericite-pyrite-alteration. While WTF shares many of the same deposit-and alteration characteristics, it is concealed by tundra in a large, nearly flat area. Surface water at WTF is absent and outcrops are sparse. Even though WTF is roughly the same size as Red Mountain (both around 3 million tonnes) and has similar base- and precious-metal grades, the surficial geochemical manifestation of WTF is minimal. However, exposure through mining of the altered, mineralized rock at WTF potentially could initiate the same processes of pyrite oxidation, acid generation, and mineral dissolution that are observed naturally at RM and SC.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios of oxygen and carbon were determined for CO2 in soil gas in the vicinity of the massive sulfide deposit at Crandon, Wisconsin with the objective of determining the source of anomalously high CO2 concentrations detected previously by McCarthy et al. (1986). Values of δ13C in soil gas CO2 from depths between 0.5 and 1.0 m were found to range from −12.68‰ to −20.03‰ (PDB). Organic carbon from the uppermost meter of soil has δ13C between −24.1 and −25.8‰ (PDB), indicating derivation from plant species with the C3 (Calvin) type of photosynthetic pathway. Microbial decomposition of the organic carbon and root respiration from C3 and C4 (Hatch-Slack) plants, together with atmospheric CO2 are the likely sources of carbon in soil gas CO2. Values of δ18O in soil-gas CO2 range from 32 to 38‰ (SMOW). These δ18O values are intermediate between that calculated for CO2 gas in isotopic equilibrium with local groundwaters and that for atmospheric CO2. The δ18O data indicate that atmospheric CO2 has been incorporated by mixing or diffusion. Any CO2 generated by microbial oxidation of organic matter has equilibrated its oxygen isotopes with the local groundwaters.The isotopic composition of soil-gas CO2 taken from directly above the massive sulfide deposit was not distinguishable from that of background samples taken 1 to 2 km away. No enrichment of the δ13C value of soil-gas CO2 was observed, contrary to what would be expected if the anomalous CO2 were derived from the dissolution of Proterozoic marine limestone country rock or of Paleozoic limestone clasts in glacial till. Therefore, it is inferred that root respiration and decay of C3 plant material were responsible for most CO2 generation both in the vicinity of the massive sulfide and in the “background” area, on the occasion of our sampling. Interpretation of our data is complicated by the effects of rainfall, which significantly reduced the magnitude of the CO2 anomaly. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possible mechanism of carbonate dissolution driven by pyrite oxidation, as proposed by Lovell et al. (1983) and McCarthy et al. (1986). Further work is needed on seasonal and daily variations of CO2 concentrations and stable isotope ratios in various hydrogeologic and ecologic settings so that more effective sampling strategies can be developed for mineral exploration using soil gases.  相似文献   

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