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An integrated biostratigraphic (foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, crinoids), chemostratigraphic (stable carbon isotopes) and magnetostratigraphic study of the Bocieniec section (southern Poland) is presented here. The section presents a continuous and lithologically monotonous sedimentary record across the Santonian–Campanian boundary transition. A large number of macrofossil, foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil bioevents along with several well-identified carbon-isotope excursions of the upper Santonian and lowermost Campanian are documented. The base of the Campanian is well-constrained by the last occurrence (LO) of the crinoid Marsupites testudinarius, and correlates to the onset of the first δ13C positive peak of the Santonian–Campanian Boundary Event (SCBE peak a). A presumable primary Cretaceous paleomagnetic signal highlights the potential presence of the C34N/C33R magnetic reversal although its exact position remains uncertain between peaks a and b of the SCBE. The planktic foraminifer Dicarinella asymetrica is very rare at Bocieniec but a potential LO of this important marker may be recorded in coincidence with peak b of the SCBE. The first occurrence (FO) of calcareous nannofossil Broinsonia parca parca coincides with the lower part of chron C33R and with the early Campanian pilula zone event. A large set of additional nannofossil events and benthic foraminifer events further constrain the stratigraphy of the section and along with the carbon isotopes, allows for correlation with other important sections of the Boreal realm. Although the Bocieniec section is relatively thin and condensed (5.5 m), the successive order of events and presence of all past proposed stratigraphic criteria for the Santonian-Campanian boundary makes it the most complete reference section for this interval at the European and at the global scale. Moreover, this section allows for a precise correlation of the Tethyan and Boreal domains. The Bocieniec section fulfils the geological criteria to be a potential boundary stratotype candidate for the base of the Campanian Stage.  相似文献   

The first detailed biostratigraphic analyses of the Coniacian-middle Campanian shallow-marine carbonate successions exposed in the Mitla Pass, west central Sinai, Egypt have revealed the stratigraphic distribution of diverse calcareous nannofossil and planktonic foraminiferal species. Thirty-six calcareous nannofossils and thirty-two planktonic foraminifera are identified, indicating a Coniacian to middle Campanian age and four Tethyan planktonic foraminiferal and five calcareous nannofossil zones. A comparison of these bioevents from different palaeolatitudes shows considerable variation in age.Three sequence boundaries coincident with the Turonian/Coniacian, Coniacian/Santonian and Santonian/Campanian stage boundaries are recognized. A fourth sequence boundary is marked by a major upper Campanian to early Ypresian (early Eocene) unconformity. These sequence boundaries are primarily related to regional tectonism associated with the Syrian Arc Fold System and secondarily to eustatic sea-level fluctuations.  相似文献   

The late Turonian to early Campanian calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Austrian Gosau Group is correlated with ammonite and planktonic foraminiferal zones. The standard Tethyan zonations for nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers are applied with only minor modifications. The basal marine sediments of the Gosau Group, bearing late Turonian-early Coniacian macrofossils, belong to the Marthasterites furcatus nannofossil Zone (CC13). The Micula decussata Zone (middle Coniacian to early Santonian) is combined with the Reinhardtites anthophorus Zone because of the rare occurrence of Renhardtites cf. R. anthophorus already in the Coniacian and taxonomic problems concerning the correct identification of this species. The Santonian-Campanian boundary lies within the Calculites obscures Zone (CCl7).  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》2008,29(1):40-64
The proposed definition of the Turonian/Coniacian boundary, at the first occurrence of the inoceramid bivalve Cremnoceramus deformis erectus (Meek) (= Cremnoceramus rotundatus (sensu Tröger non Fiege)), prompted a rigorous study of the calcareous nannofossil events through this interval, both for calibration of the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, and to provide an assessment of the suitability, in calcareous nannofossil terms, of the proposed stratotype section. New calcareous nannofossil data are presented here, detailing the biostratigraphy of the boundary interval from four locations. These include the candidate boundary-stratotype, the Salzgitter-Salder Quarry section (northern Germany), as well as the Slupia Nadbrzezna outcrop (central Poland), a potential secondary reference section. Also included is the Brezno Pd-1 Borehole and outcrops in the Brezno Formation (= Priesener Schichten) type-area (north-western Czech Republic), which represents an original boundary candidate (Copenhagen Stage Boundaries Meeting, 1983), and the Langdon Stairs coastal section (south-eastern England), part of the British Chalk succession. The calcareous nannofossil events derived from each section provide a sequence across the boundary of (in stratigraphical order): below the boundary, the first occurrence of Lithastrinus septenarius followed by that of Broinsonia parca expansa; above the boundary, the last occurrence of Helicolithus turonicus followed by the first occurrence of Micula staurophora (= Micula decussata of some authors). This places the boundary within Nannofossil Subzone UC9c. A similar sequence of events has previously been determined from sections in north-eastern England and in the south-eastern Indian Ocean. The presented data and correlations suggest that either the Salzgitter-Salder Quarry section or the Slupia Nadbrzezna outcrop section would make a suitable Global Stratotype Section for the Turonian/Coniacian boundary, as far as calcareous nannofossils are concerned. The use of the calcareous nannofossil Marthasterites furcatus, widely quoted as an indicator of this boundary, is discussed and proved to be untenable.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous La Cova limestones (southern Pyrenees, Spain) host a rich and diverse larger foraminiferal fauna, which represents the first diversification of K-strategists after the mass extinction at the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary.The stratigraphic distribution of the main taxa of larger foraminifera defines two assemblages. The first assemblage is characterised by the first appearance of lacazinids (Pseudolacazina loeblichi) and meandropsinids (Eofallotia simplex), by the large agglutinated Montsechiana montsechiensis, and by several species of complex rotalids (Rotorbinella campaniola, Iberorotalia reicheli, Orbitokhatina wondersmitti and Calcarinella schaubi). The second assemblage is defined by the appearance of Lacazina pyrenaica, Palandrosina taxyae and Martiguesia cyclamminiformis.A late Coniacian-early Santonian age was so far accepted for the La Cova limestones, based on indirect correlation with deep-water facies bearing planktic foraminifers of the Dicarinella concavata zone. Strontium isotope stratigraphy, based on many samples of pristine biotic calcite of rudists and ostreids, indicates that the La Cova limestones span from the early Coniacian to the early-middle Santonian boundary. The first assemblage of larger foraminifera appears very close to the early-middle Coniacian boundary and reaches its full diversity by the middle Coniacian. The originations defining the second assemblage are dated as earliest Santonian: they represent important bioevents to define the Coniacian-Santonian boundary in the shallow-water facies of the South Pyrenean province.By means of the calibration of strontium isotope stratigraphy to the Geological Time Scale, the larger foraminiferal assemblages of the La Cova limestones can be correlated to the standard biozonal scheme of ammonites, planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton. This correlation is a first step toward a larger foraminifera standard biozonation for Upper Cretaceous carbonate platform facies.  相似文献   

An almost complete Upper Cretaceous sedimentary sequence recently recovered on the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean) during ODP Leg 183 was analysed for planktonic foraminifera in order to refine and integrate the zonal schemes previously proposed for the Southern Ocean area. Detailed biostratigraphic analysis carried out on holes 1135A, 1136A and 1138A (poleward of 50°S palaeolatitude during Late Cretaceous time) has allowed recognition of low and mid–high latitude bioevents, useful for correlation across latitudes, in addition to known Austral bioevents. The low latitude biozonation can be applied to Turonian sediments, because of the occurrence of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, which marks the boundary between Whiteinella archaeocretacea and Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica zones. The base of the Whiteinella archeocretacea Zone falls within the uppermost Cenomanian–Turonian black shale level in Hole 1138A. The stratigraphic interval from upper Turonian to uppermost Santonian can be resolved using bioevents recognized in the mid–high latitude sections. They are, in stratigraphic order: the last occurrence of Falsotruncana maslakovae in the Coniacian, the first occurrence of Heterohelix papula at the Coniacian/Santonian boundary, the extinction of the marginotruncanids in the late Santonian, and the first occurrence of Globigerinelloides impensus in the latest (?) Santonian. The remainder of the Late Cretaceous fits rather well in the Austral zonal scheme, except that Globigerinelloides impensus exhibits a stratigraphic range in agreement with its record at the mid–high latitude sections and extends further downwards than previously recorded at southern sites. Therefore, despite the poor recovery in certain intervals and the presence of several hiatuses of local and regional importance as revealed by correlation among holes, a more detailed zonal scheme has been obtained (mainly for the less resolved Turonian–Santonian interval). Remarks on some species often overlooked in literature are also provided.  相似文献   

New carbon (δ13C) isotope records calibrated by planktonic bioevents provide general support for a late Campanian age assignment of the Shiranish Formation (Fm.) and its boundaries in the Dokan section (NE Iraq). The Shiranish Fm. is characterised at the base by a mid-Campanian unconformity as can be interpreted by absences of nannofossil zones CC20-21. The Shiranish Fm. then spans nannofossil biozones CC22-CC23a (UC15d-eTP to UC16aTP). Results obtained on carbon isotopes suggest that diagenesis affected and compromised a few carbonate samples in the uppermost 50 m of the section. However, once these samples are discarded, pristine trends suggest that the top of the section records a negative carbon isotope excursion that is interpreted as CMBa-c events that straddle the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary. This interpretation is supported by the lowermost occurrence of planktic foraminifers Rugoglobigerina scotti and Contusotruncana contusa some 30 m above the base of the negative excursion and 10 m below a positive excursion identified as the Maastrichtian M1+ event. Discrepancies in the stratigraphic range of several planktic foraminifer bioevents are highlighted and advocate for the need of many more integrated records of planktic foraminifer and nannofossil biostratigraphy alongside carbon isotope stratigraphy in the eastern Tethys in order to improve regional and global schemes.  相似文献   

The litho- and biostratigraphy of the Craie de Villedieu Formation (Coniacian-Santonian)of western France are described in detail. The formation is subdivided into three members each containing a number of lithologically distinct named hardgrounds and marker beds. These constitute an onlapping sequence that thins from > 15 m in the NE around Cangey and Villedieu-le-Château, to < 2 m in the SW around St Michel-sur-Loire, a distance of 70 km. Thickness variation is related to the interaction of differential subsidence with eustatic transgression. Comparison with the Chalk Rock Formation of southern England indicates that transgressive and regressive hardground suites may be differentiated on bed geometry and hardground surface characteristics. The Craie de Villedieu rests everywhere on a regional hardground that coincides with the Turonian/Coniacian boundary in expanded successions, but probably marks a significant hiatus. South-west of Tours, onlap results in Santonian strata resting disconformably on strata of Turonian age. The basal Craie de Villedieu contains a succession of three Coniacian ammonite faunas characterized by Peroniceras and Forresteria (Harleites) (oldest), Gauthiericeras margae (Schlüter), and Protexanites (youngest). Volviceramus ex gr. involutus (J. de C. Sowerby) occurs with the two uppermost ammonite assemblages. A Santonian ammonite fauna dominated by Placenticeras polyopsis (Dujardin) occurs with Texanites gallicus Collignon and common Cladoceramus in the middle of the formation. Cordiceramus ex gr. cordiformis (J. de C. Sowerby) is recorded with Santonian ammonites in the upper part of the formation. A correlation with the Micraster zones of chalk facies is suggested, based on the inoceramid stratigraphy. The record of T. gallicus in association with Cladoceramus affords the first direct evidence for the position of the base of the Santonian in the Anglo-Paris Basin.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous pelagic deposits outcropping in the Maçka (Trabzon) region include radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera. The Çatak Group represented by the volcano-sedimentary successions consists of three formations having different properties. Two sections, ÇTK1 and ÇTK2, are selected from the Çe meler and Elmalι Dere formations, respectively, establishing the biostratigraphy of outcropping sedimentary units. A total of 17 species of Whiteinella, Helvetoglobotruncana, Marginotruncana, Dicarinella, Praeglobotruncana, Archaeoglobigerina and Hedbergella demonstrating the early Turonian–Coniacian are established in the ÇTK1 stratigraphic section. The early Turonian radiolarian fauna consisting of Halesium sexangulum Pessagno, 1971, Crucella cachensis Pessagno, 1971, Stichomitra communis Squinabol, 1903 is also defined in the same section. A total of 30 species of Crucella, Halesium, Pessagnobrachia, Patulibracchium, Alievium, Archaeospongoprunum, Dicyomitra, Stichomitra, Diacanthocapsa, Dactiyliodiscus, Amphipydax, Pseudoaulophocus, Acaeniotyle, Archaeodictyomitra, Actinomma, Xitus, Neosciadocapsidae characterizing the early and late Turonian, as well as the Coniacian–early Santonian are recognized from red-coloured pelagic limestones of the ÇTK2 section. Also, planktonic foraminifera species of Marginotruncana, Hedbergella, Heterohelix, Globotruncana, Globotruncanita, Archaeoglobigerina, Dicarinella characterizing the Coniacian–Santonian are described in the thin sections of the same samples. The age of red-coloured limestones is identified as the Coniacian–Santonian benefit from radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera. Consequently, radiolarians and pelagic foraminifera within sedimentary successions of the investigation area are distributed in two intervals that coincide with the early Turonian–Coniacian and Coniacian–Santonian intervals.  相似文献   

The outcrop of the Marnes Bleues at the Col de Pré-Guittard, 11 km north of the village of Rémuzat in the Départment of Drôme in southeastern France is probably the most intensively studied succession spanning the Aptian/Albian boundary interval. Following the rejection of the proposed GSSP for the base of the Albian Stage (based on the first occurrence of the ammonite Leymeriellla tardefurcata in the section at Le Pillart, Tartonne, Alpes-de-Haute Provence), we re-visit the Pré-Guittard section. A new candidate GSSP defined by the first occurrence of the planktonic foraminifera Microhedbergella renilaevis Huber and Leckie, 2011 is here proposed. This first occurrence is placed in a 100 m section with 28 secondary markers, including calcareous nannofossils, planktonic foraminifera, palynomorphs, an inoceramid bivalve, ammonites, stable carbon isotopes, and local marker beds. The outcrop fulfils most of the physical criteria required of a Global Stratotype Section and Point.  相似文献   

A measured stratigraphic section including the upper Coniacian – upper Santonian interval in the Mardin-Mazidag area in Southeastern Turkey lies on the Arabian Platform and documents the drowning of the Arabian platform. The studied succession transgressively overlies the exposed carbonate platform and exhibits a relatively condensed sequence characterized by presence of fish remains, phosphate nodules, oncoids, phosphatic fragments, glauconites and planktonic foraminifera. Calcareous nannofossils attest a late Coniacian to late Santonian age (zones UC11 UC12). Numerous elasmobranch teeth are also present in this pelagic facies, representing mackerel sharks (Squalicorax, Pseudocorax and Scapanorhynchus) and a ray (Ctenopristis). The presence of pelagic facies and phosphate deposits on the drowned platform may indicate a sudden rise of sea level and increase of nutrient due to upwelling currents. The collapse parts of the Arabian carbonate platform occurred earlier than previously reported, starting from late Coniacian-Santonian onwards.  相似文献   

The Upper Barremian to Aptian Almadich Formation (Inner Prebetic Domain of the Betic Cordillera) is composed of hemipelagic sediments deposited on a distal carbonate ramp in the southern Iberian Palaeomargin. Within this facies we have found a thick interval of blue to black shales and marls that is interpreted as deposited under oxygen-depleted conditions. We think that this interval, dated as early Aptian, represents the local record of Ocean Anoxic Event 1a. The integrated biostratigraphic analysis of a section in the Almadich Formation, by means of planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils and ammonites, enables us to recognize most of the biostratigraphic units based on these three fossil groups and to correlate between them. The Sartousiana, Sarasini, Weissi, Deshayesi and Furcata (ammonite) Zones were identified for the Upper Barremian–Lower Aptian interval. By means of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy the Micrantholithus hoschulzii, Hayesites irregularis and Rhagodiscus angustus Zones, plus several additional biohorizons, were identified. A quantitative study performed on a set of 27 Lower Aptian samples has enabled the precise identification of the ‘nannoconid crisis’, the lower limit of which clearly precedes the main anoxic event, and its correlation with other bioevents. Planktonic foraminifera occur consistently throughout the Lower to Upper Aptian of the Cau section and are moderately well preserved. This fact allows us to use the most recent taxonomic framework, based on wall texture, to identify the Blowiella blowi, Schackoina cabri, Globigerinelloides ferreolensis, Globigerinelloides algerianus, Hedbergella trocoidea andTicinella bejaouaensis Zones. Coincident with the anoxic episode, the planktonic foraminiferal assemblages are composed of a significant number of forms with elongated chambers and/or tubulospines assigned to the genera Claviblowiella,Lilliputianella , Leupoldina and Schackoina. Most of the planktonic foraminiferal and nannofossil taxa are illustrated.  相似文献   

藏南定日遮普惹山剖面主要是Albian 晚期到古近纪海相沉积, Willems 等( 1996 )对岩石地层和沉积微相进行了详细研究,并通过浮游有孔虫研究建立生物地层格架。在与岗巴地区地层对比基础上,该剖面被认为是整个藏南地区白垩纪—古近纪海相地层的标准剖面。2004 年我们与中国、德国同行一道对该剖面上白垩统地层进行再考察,重点对无脊椎动物化石样品进行采集和研究。与西藏大多数白垩纪剖面一样,尽管沉积环境为陆棚环境,该剖面以前却几乎没有菊石和叠瓦蛤类化石的报道,而同样环境下的世界其他地区剖面含有大量的菊石和叠瓦蛤类化石。藏南定日剖面重新调查后发现了少量的菊石和叠瓦蛤类化石。化石数量少一方面是由于灰泥质灰岩和泥灰质灰岩内化石保存状况差,另一方面采样条件也不理想。还有,当时的环境条件可能不利于大多数无脊椎动物类群的生存,这一点或许从大量存在于岗巴群上部的小个体双壳类碎片可以得到证实。尽管获得的化石分散并且保存差,本次研究仍获得了一些有价值的生物地层数据。岗巴群上部发现的化石Calycoceras?,指示其时代为Cenomanian 晚期,随后出现不能鉴定的desmoceratids类的幼体。之上,菊石Forresteria sp.的发现表明岗巴群顶部地层属于Coniacian下部,这被同一地层内发现的其他化石所支?  相似文献   

For the first time, the calcareous nannofossils of marly deposits near Kerman (Bardsir area) have been studied. This study presents the integrated (calcareous nannofossils) biostratigraphy of the Bardsir section in the Kerman basin, Central Iran. In most parts of Central Iran, the Upper Cretaceous sequence is complete and continuous and is divided into two groups: Cenomanian–Touronian flysch and Campanian–Maastrichtian flysch. Flyschs composed of sets of green marl sequences (Coniacian–Santonian) have been separated to reduce the basin depth and refer to the relative calm. Bardsir is located 57.6 km from Kerman (Central Iran). The lithology of this area includes light green marl with layers of calcareous siltstone, limestone, and flysch rocks. In this study, 24 samples were taken and prepared with smear slide. Most species were photographed with a light microscope. As a result of this study, 30 genera and 42 species of nannofossils have been identified. A high-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic study has been carried out, allowing the division of the studied section into eight biozones of Late Santonian to Early Maastrichtian age (CC17–CC24).  相似文献   

A new CA-ID TIMS U–Pb age of 130.39 ± 0.16 Ma is presented here from the Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation, lower Hauterivian of the Neuquén Basin in west-central Argentina. This high precision radioisotopic new age, together with the two former ones from the upper Hauterivian Agua de la Mula Member of the Agrio Formation and modern cyclostratigraphic studies in the classical sections of the Mediterranean Province of the Tethys indicate that the Hauterivian Stage spans some 6 Ma, starting ca. 132 Ma and ending ca. 126 Ma. These radioisotopic ages are tied to ammonite biostratigraphy and calcareous nannofossil bioevents and biozones recognized in the Neuquén Basin which in turn are correlated with the Mediterranean standard zones. A new geological time scale for the Valanginian–Hauterivian stages in the Mediterranean region integrating astrochronological and radiochronological data differs with the current official geological time scale which still maintains poorly constraint absolute ages for the Berriasian-Aptian interval.  相似文献   

For the first time, the calcareous nannofossils of the chalky limestone of upper Abderaz Formation and lower part of Abtalkh Formation have been studied. In this study, 83 nannoplanktonic species of 45 genera were identified and presented. A biostratigraphic study of calcareous nannofossils from this section has allowed the recognition of five calcareous nannofossil biozones of Sissingh (Geol Mijnbouw 56:37–65, 1977) CC17–CC21. On the obtained calcareous nannofossils, the age of this section is Late Santonian/Early Campanian–Early Late Campanian.  相似文献   

An integrated study of the ammonites, inoceramid bivalves, planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, geochemistry, stable carbon isotopes, and cyclostratigraphy is provided for the upper Middle to upper Upper Albian sucession exposed in the Col de Palluel section east of Rosans in Hautes-Alpes, France. The Albian-Cenomanian boundary interval described by Gale et al. at Mont Risou is re-examined, a total thickness of 370 m of the Marnes Bleues Formation. Zonal schemes based on ammonites, inoceramid bivalves, planktonic foraminifera, and calcareous nannofossils are integrated with the stable carbon isotope curve and key lithostratigraphic markers to provide a sequence of more than 70 events in the uppermost Middle Albian to basal Cenomanian interval. Time series analysis of the Al2O3 content of the 500 m Albian sequence present in the Col de Palluel and Risou sections reveals the presence of the 20 kyr precession, 40 kyr tilt, 100 kyr short eccentricity, and 406 kyr long eccentricity cycles. Correlation using planktonic foraminiferan and nannofossil data provide a link between the Col de Palluel and Risou sections and the Italian sequence at Gubbio, and in the Piobbico core. This provides a basis for the extension of the orbital time scale of Grippo et al. to the sequence. It reveals a major break in the Col de Palluel succession at the top of the distinctive marker bed known as the Petite Vérole that may represent as much as 2 Ma. It also provides a basis for the estimation of the length of the Albian Stage at 4.12 Ma, 0.8 Ma for the early Albian, 2.84 Ma for the Middle Albian, and 3.68 Ma for the late Albian substages.  相似文献   

The phylostratigraphy, taphonomy and palaeoecology of the Late Cretaceous neoselachian Ptychodus of northern Germany appears to be facies related. Ptychodus is not present in lower Cenomanian shark-tooth-rich rocks. First P. oweni records seem to relate to middle Cenomanian strata. P. decurrens appears in the middle to upper Cenomanian mainly in non-coastal environments of the shallow marine carbonate ramp and swell facies which isolated teeth were found partly in giant ammonite scour troughs on the Northwestphalian-Lippe High submarine swell in the southern Pre-North Sea Basin. They are recorded rare in deeper basin black shales facies (upwelling influenced, OAE Event II). P. polygyrus seems to be restricted to upwelling influenced basin and deeper ramp facies mainly of the uppermost Cenomanian and basal lower Turonian (OAE II Event). P. mammillaris is mostly represented during the lower to middle Turonian in the inoceramid-rich ramp and the near shore greensand facies along the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin coast north of the Rhenish Massif mainland. Finally, P. latissimus is recorded by two new tooth sets and appears in the upper Turonian basin swell facies and the coastal greensands. Autochthonous post-Turonian Ptychodus remains are unrecorded in the Santonian–Campanian of Germany yet. Reworked material from Cenomanian/Turonian strata was found in early Santonian and middle Eocene shark-tooth-rich condensation beds. With the regression starting in the Coniacian, Ptychodus disappeared in at least the Münster Cretaceous Basin (NW-Germany), but remained present at least in North America in the Western Interior Seaway. The Cenomanian/Turonian Ptychodus species indicate a rapid neoselachian evolution within the marine transgression and global high stand. A correlation between inoceramid shell sizes, thicknesses and their increasing size during the Cenomanian and Turonian might explain the more robust and coarser ridged enamel surfaces in Ptychodus teeth, if Ptychodus is believed to have preyed on epifaunistic inoceramid bivalves.  相似文献   

Boreal and Tethyan realms of Western Europe present significant sedimentological, paleontological, and stratigraphic differences. The purpose of this study is to constrain regional versus global controls on the dynamics of a sedimentary system located at the interface of these two realms in order to better understand the origin of their differences. Detailed sedimentological, palynofacies and calcareous nannofossil analyses were performed on two sections from the La Rochelle platform (western France). The Pas section includes part of the Late Oxfordian and Early Kimmeridgian, and the Rocher d'Yves section is assigned to the Late Kimmeridgian. They correspond to monotonous marl–argillaceous limestone alternations. Limestones are essentially mudstones with echinoderms, bivalves and foraminifera that suggest low-energy, open-marine conditions. Highly bioclastic and/or peloidal deposits occur commonly, and show wackestones to wacke-pack-grainstones textures. These deposits indicate frequent high-energy events, and are interpreted as storm deposits. Marls dominate in the most proximal depositional environments, while calcareous deposits are more important in more distal environments. The Rocher d'Yves section is globally more marly than the Pas section, suggesting a more proximal setting. Palynofacies are dominated by woody particles, suggesting shallow-water, proximal depositional environments. Calcareous nannofossils are ascidian spicules, coccoliths, and schizospheres. Watznaueria britannica dominate calcareous nannofossil assemblages in the Pas section. The Rocher d'Yves assemblages are quasi-exclusively composed of Cyclagelosphaera margerelii, and indicate more proximal paleoenvironments than those of the Pas section. Different orders of depositional sequences are defined, with sequence boundaries corresponding to the most rapid relative sea-level falls. They are hierarchically stacked, and correlate, on the basis of ammonite zones, with the sequences of contemporaneous sections from Tethyan and boreal realms. The stacking pattern of these sequences suggests an orbital control on sedimentation. Small-, medium- and large-scale sequences correspond to precession (20 ky) cycles and to 100 ky and 400 ky eccentricity cycles, respectively. The elementary sequences have durations shorter than 20 ky. The Kimmeridgian was a period of global sea-level rise that ended in the Late Kimmeridgian. More proximal depositional environments in the Rocher d'Yves section (Late Kimmeridgian) than in the Pas section (Early Kimmeridgian) imply a progradation of the La Rochelle platform during the Kimmeridgian. This progradation resulted from a slowdown of the subsidence in the Aquitaine Basin during the Kimmeridgian, corresponding to the first steps of Atlantic Ocean opening. High-frequency cycles on the La Rochelle platform formed in sync with Milankovitch orbital cycles, while tectonics controlled the formation of the low-frequency cycles.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from a well-exposed uppermost Cretaceous section at Zumaia (northern Spain) provide a basis for comparison with previous biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic studies on the problematic location of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in the section. The position of the last occurrence of Corradinisphaeridium horridum and first common occurrence of Alterbidinium acutulum, correspond well with the bioevents defining the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary in the Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point of Tercis les Bains (130 km to the North). Together with other age-diagnostic dinoflagellate cyst bioevents, we suggest that the boundary should be placed between 239.75 and 224.75 m below the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary, about 46 m lower than an interpretation based on the first occurrence of the planktonic foraminifer Pseudoguembelina palpebra and the last occurrence of the nannofossil Broinsonia parca subsp. constricta. A conspicuous acme of the dinoflagellate cyst Thalassiphora cf. delicata is encountered around the lower-upper Maastrichtian boundary (calibrated by foraminiferal, calcareous nannoplankton and magnetic polarity data), which may prove to be a useful correlatable event.  相似文献   

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