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This study focuses on the morphometry and taxonomy of the Late Cretaceous coccolith genus Arkhangelskiella. Sixty samples from the Campanian–Maastrichtian interval of DSDP Hole 390A (Blake Nose) were investigated for their contents of Arkhangelskiella spp. In each sample one hundred specimens of Arkhangelskiella spp. were examined by measuring the coccolith length and width, as well as the length and width of the central area. In the samples investigated the Arkhangelskiella group exhibits a large size variation, specimens length varies from 4.95 μm to 14.52 μm. Former taxonomic concepts, based on morphometry, subdivided the Arkhangelskiella group into three species: Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana, Arkhangelskiella confusa and Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis. Our data show a large variability of the morphometric data (coccolith length, width of the outer rim). There is no indication for three independant species; two of the quoted taxa (1. thick outer rim = Arkhangelskiella maastrichtiana; 2. very thin outer rim = Arkkhangelskiella cymbiformis) seem to be extreme forms of a continuous morphometric lineage. The lower part of the investigated succession (139.92–133.42 mbsf) is dominated by small specimens with an average length of 6.8 μm whereas the upper part (132.86–126.15 mbsf) is characterized by larger specimens (mean 8.7 μm). In DSDP Hole 390A the size increase appears to be very abrupt, within two samples (samples 133.42 mbsf, 132.86 mbsf) the mean size increases by 1.51 μm. Previous morphometric studies of Arkhangelskiella indicate a more continuous size increase throughout the late Campanian–Maastrichtian. The abrupt size increase observed here hints toward a minor hiatus in DSDP Hole 390A separating upper Campanian from lower Maastrichtian sediments. It seems likely that the size increase of Arkhangelskiella reflects changes of various environmental factors like nutrient supply and sea water chemistry (Mg/Ca ratio; Ca concentration). A comparison of morphometric results with previous palaeoecological studies documents a nutrient control for the growth of Arkhangelskiella. Small specimens can be related to more mesotrophic conditions whereas large specimens are linked to oligotrophic surface waters.  相似文献   

We re-define the Cretaceous bony fish genus Rhinconichthys by re-describing the type species, R. taylori, and defining two new species; R. purgatorensis sp. nov. from the lowermost Carlile Shale (middle Turonian), southeastern Colorado, United States, and R. uyenoi sp. nov. from the Mikasa Formation (Cenomanian), Middle Yezo Group, Hokkaido, Japan. Rhinconichthys purgatoirensis sp. nov. is designated on a newly discovered specimen consisting of a nearly complete skull with pectoral elements. Only known previously by two Cenomanian age specimens from England and Japan, the North American specimen significantly extends the geographic and stratigraphic range of Rhinconichthys. The skull of Rhinconichthys is elongate, including an expansive gill basket, and estimated maximum body length ranges between 2.0 and 2.7 m. Rhinconichthys was likely an obligate suspension-feeder due to its derived cranial morphology, characterized by a remarkably large and elongate hyomandibula. The hyomandibula mechanically acts as a lever to thrust the jaw articulation and hyoid arch both ventrally and anterolaterally during protraction, thus creating a massive buccal space to maximize filtering of planktonic prey items. Cladistic analysis supports a monophyly of suspension-feeding pachycormids including Rhinconichthys, but further resolution within this clade will require more information through additional fossil specimens.  相似文献   

Forty-four boulders from moraines in two glacial valleys of Mount Erciyes (38.53°N, 35.45°E, 3917 m), central Turkey, dated with cosmogenic chlorine-36 (36Cl), indicate four periods of glacial activity in the past 22 ka (1 ka = 1000 calendar years). Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) glaciers were the most extensive, reaching 6 km in length and descending to an altitude of 2150 m above sea level. These glaciers started retreating 21.3 ± 0.9 ka (1σ) ago. They readvanced and retreated by 14.6 ± 1.2 ka ago (Lateglacial), and again by 9.3 ± 0.5 ka ago (Early Holocene). The latest advance took place 3.8 ± 0.4 ka ago (Late Holocene). Using glacier modeling together with paleoclimate proxy data from the region, we reconstructed the paleoclimate at these four discrete times. The results show that LGM climate was 8–11 °C colder than today and moisture levels were somewhat similar to modern values, with a range between 20% more and 25% less than today. The analysis of Lateglacial advance suggests that the climate was colder by 4.5–6.4 °C based on up to 1.5 times wetter conditions. The Early Holocene was 2.1–4.9 °C colder and up to twice as wet as today, while the Late Holocene was 2.4–3 °C colder and its precipitation amounts approached to similar conditions as today. Our paleoclimate reconstructions show a general trend of warming for the last 22 ka, and an increase of moisture until Early Holocene, and a decrease after that time. The recent glacier terminates at 3450 m on the northwest side of the mountain. It is a remnant from the last advance (possibly during the Little Ice Age). Repeated measurements of glacier length between 1902 and 2008 reveal a retreat rate of 4.2 m per year, which corresponds to a warming rate of 0.9–1.2 °C per century.  相似文献   

Riverbank sediment cores and pore waters, shallow well waters, seepage waters and river waters were collected along the Meghna Riverbank in Gazaria Upazila, Bangladesh in Jan. 2006 and Oct.–Nov. 2007 to investigate hydrogeochemical processes controlling the fate of groundwater As during discharge. Redox transition zones from suboxic (0–2 m depth) to reducing (2–5 m depth) then suboxic conditions (5–7 m depth) exist at sites with sandy surficial deposits, as evidenced by depth profiles of pore water (n = 7) and sediment (n = 11; diffuse reflectance, Fe(III)/Fe ratios and Fe(III) concentrations). The sediment As enrichment zone (up to ∼700 mg kg−1) is associated with the suboxic zones mostly between 0 and 2 m depth and less frequently between 5 and 7 m depth. The As enriched zones consist of several 5–10 cm-thick dispersed layers and span a length of ∼5–15 m horizontally from the river shore. Depth profiles of riverbank pore water deployed along a 32 m transect perpendicular to the river shore show elevated levels of dissolved Fe (11.6 ± 11.7 mg L−1) and As (118 ± 91 μg L−1, mostly as arsenite) between 2 and 5 m depth, but lower concentrations between 0 and 2 m depth (0.13 ± 0.19 mg L−1 Fe, 1 ± 1 μg L−1 As) and between 5 and 6 m depth (1.14 ± 0.45 mg L−1 Fe, 28 ± 17 μg L−1 As). Because it would take more than a few hundred years of steady groundwater discharge (∼10 m yr−1) to accumulate hundreds of mg kg−1 of As in the riverbank sediment, it is concluded that groundwater As must have been naturally elevated prior to anthropogenic pumping of the aquifer since the 1970s. Not only does this lend unequivocal support to the argument that As occurrence in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta groundwater is of geogenic origin, it also calls attention to the fate of this As enriched sediment as it may recycle As into the aquifer.  相似文献   

We estimate the shear wave splitting parameters vis-à-vis the thicknesses of the continental lithosphere beneath the two permanent seismic broadband stations located at Dhanbad (DHN) and Bokaro (BOKR) in the Eastern Indian Shield region. Broadband seismic data of 146 and 131 teleseismic earthquake events recorded at DHN and BOKR stations during 2007–2014 were analyzed for the present measurements. The study is carried out using rotation-correlation and transverse component minimization methods. We retain our “Good”, “Fair” and “Null” measurements, and estimate the splitting parameters using 13 “Good” results for DHN and 10 “Good” results for BOKR stations. The average splitting parameters (ϕ, δt) for DHN and BOKR stations are found to be 50.76°±5.46° and 0.82 ± 0.2 s and 56.30°±5.07° and 0.95 ± 0.17 s, and the estimated average thicknesses of the anisotropic layers beneath these two stations are ∼ 94 and ∼109 km, respectively. The measured deviation of azimuth of the fast axis direction (ϕ) from the absolute motion of the Indian plate ranges from ∼8° to 14°. The measured deviation of azimuth of the fast axis direction (ϕ) from the absolute motion of the Indian plate ranges from ∼8° to 14°. The eastward deviation of the fast axis azimuths from absolute plate motion direction is interpreted to be caused by induced outflow from the asthenosphere. Further, the delay time found in the present analysis is close to the global average for continental shield areas, and also coherent with other studies for Indian shield regions. The five “Null” results and the lower delay time of ∼0.5–0.6 s might be indicating multilayer anisotropy existing in the mantle lithosphere beneath the study area.  相似文献   

We document the development of a suite of carbonate mineral reference materials for calibrating SIMS determinations of δ18O in samples with compositions along the dolomite–ankerite solid solution series [CaMg(CO3)2–CaFe(CO3)2]. Under routine operating conditions for the analysis of carbonates for δ18O with a CAMECA IMS 1280 instrument (at WiscSIMS, University of Wisconsin‐Madison), the magnitude of instrumental bias along the dolomite–ankerite series decreased exponentially by ~ 10‰ with increasing Fe content in the dolomite structure, but appeared insensitive to minor Mn substitution [< 2.6 mol% Mn/(Ca+Mg+Fe+Mn)]. The compositional dependence of bias (i.e., the sample matrix effect) was calibrated using the Hill equation, which relates bias to the Fe# of dolomite–ankerite [i.e., molar Fe/(Mg+Fe)] for thirteen reference materials (Fe# = 0.004–0.789); for calibrations employing either 10 or 3 μm diameter spot size measurements, this yielded residual values ≤ 0.3–0.4‰ relative to CRM NBS 19 for most reference materials in the suite. Analytical precision was ± 0.3‰ (2s, standard deviations) for 10‐μm spots and ± 0.7‰ (2s) for 3‐μm spots, based on the spot‐to‐spot repeatability of a drift monitor material that ‘bracketed’ each set of ten sample‐spot analyses. Analytical uncertainty for individual sample analyses was approximated by a combination of precision and calibration residual values (propagated in quadrature), suggesting an uncertainty of ± 0.5‰ (2s) for 10‐μm spots and ± 1‰ (2s) for 3‐μm spots.  相似文献   

A nearly complete frozen mummy of a woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis Blum., 1799) was discovered in a gold mine on the lower reaches of the Kolyma River, north–eastern Siberia. This is the first find of the whole body of woolly rhino in permafrost. A large part of the mummified body was preserved, including the left part of the body, covered by skin, including skin of the head and ear, fore and hind legs. The skull with 2 horns and the lower jaw were also preserved. Most of the internal organs were lost, except the intestines, stomach, and their contents. A rib fragment from this individual was dated by AMS-radiocarbon method to 39,140 ± 390 years BP (OxA-18755). Spore and pollen analyses of the stomach contents indicate that grasses and sagebrushes formed the main part of the diet of C. antiquitatis in this region of Arctic Siberia.  相似文献   

Exposure dating using cosmogenic 36Cl demonstrates that the summit plateau of Scafell Pike (978 m) in the SW Lake District escaped erosion by glacier ice during the last glacial maximum (LGM; c. 26–21 kyr) and probably throughout the Devensian Glacial Stage (MIS 5d-2). Exposure ages obtained for ice-moulded bedrock on an adjacent col at 750–765 m confirm over-riding and erosion of bedrock by warm-based glacier ice during the LGM. The contrast between the two sites is interpreted in terms of preservation of tors, frost-shattered outcrops and blockfields on terrain above 840–870 m under cold-based ice. An exposure age of 17.3 ± 1.1 kyr for the col at 750–765 m suggests that substantial downwastage of the last ice sheet had occurred by c. 17 kyr, consistent with deglacial exposure ages obtained for other high-level sites in the British Isles. An exposure age of 12.5 ± 0.8 kyr obtained for a glacially transported rockfall boulder within the limits of later corrie glaciation confirms that the final episode of local glaciation in the Lake District occurred during the Loch Lomond Stade (c. 12.9–11.7 kyr). This research also demonstrated the difficulties of obtaining reliable exposure ages from rhyolite and andesite bedrock that has proved resistant to glacial abrasion.  相似文献   

The linkage between the iron and the carbon cycles is of paramount importance to understand and quantify the effect of increased CO2 concentrations in natural waters on the mobility of iron and associated trace elements. In this context, we have quantified the thermodynamic stability of mixed Fe(III) hydroxo-carbonate complexes and their effect on the solubility of Fe(III) oxihydroxides. We present the results of carefully performed solubility measurements of 2-line ferrihydrite in the slightly acidic to neutral–alkaline pH ranges (3.8–8.7) under constant pCO2 varying between (0.982–98.154 kPa) at 25 °C.The outcome of the work indicates the predominance of two Fe(III) hydroxo carbonate complexes FeOHCO3 and Fe(CO3)33−, with formation constants log*β°1,1,1 = 10.76 ± 0.38 and log β°1,0,3 = 24.24 ± 0.42, respectively.The solubility constant for the ferrihydrite used in this study was determined in acid conditions (pH: 1.8–3.2) in the absence of CO2 and at T = (25 ± 1) °C, as log*Ks,0 = 1.19 ± 0.41.The relative stability of the Fe(III)-carbonate complexes in alkaline pH conditions has implications for the solubility of Fe(III) in CO2-rich environments and the subsequent mobilisation of associated trace metals that will be explored in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

Rock magnetic and palaeomagnetic studies were performed on Mesozoic redbeds collected from the central and southern Laos, the northeastern and the eastern parts of the Khorat Plateau on the Indochina Block. Totally 606 samples from 56 sites were sampled and standard palaeomagnetic experiments were made on them. Positive fold tests are demonstrated for redbeds of Lower and Upper Cretaceous, while insignificant fold test is resulted for Lower Jurassic redbeds. The remanence carrying minerals defined from thermomagnetic measurement, AF and Thermal demagnetizations and back-field IRM measurements are both magnetite and hematite. The positive fold test argues that the remanent magnetization of magnetite or titanomagnetite and hematite in the redbeds is the primary and occurred before folding. The mean palaeomagnetic poles for Lower Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous are defined at Plat./Plon. = 56.0°N/178.5°E (A95 = 2.6°), 63. 3°N/170.2°E (A95 = 6.9°), and 67.0°N/180.8°E (A95 = 4.9°), respectively. Our palaeomagnetic results indicate a latitudinal translations (clockwise rotations) of the Indochina Block with respect to the South China Block of −10.8 ± 8.8° (16.4 ± 9.0°); −11.1 ± 6.2° (17.8 ± 6.8°); and −5.3 ± 4.7° (13.3 ± 5.0°), for Lower Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous, respectively. These results indicate a latitudinal movement of the Indochina Block of about 5–11° (translation of about 750–1700 km in the southeastward direction along the Red River Fault) and clockwise rotation of 13–18° with respect to the South China Block. The estimated palaeoposition of the Khorat Plateau at ca. 21–26°N during Jurassic to Cretaceous argues for a close relation to the Sichuan Basin in the southwest of South China Block. These results confirm that the central part of the Indochina Block has acted like a rigid plate since Jurassic time and the results also support an earlier extrusion model for Indochina.  相似文献   

The Renjiayingzi intermediate-acid pluton is located along a pre-existing ENE–WSW-trending dextral shear zone that forms part of the Xar Moron suture zone that marks the final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. The pluton is composed of three small intrusions, which from northwest to southeast, are named the Shuangjianshan (SI), the Qianweiliansu (QI) and the Xingshuwabeishan (XI) intrusions. LA-ICPMS zircon U–Pb dating of a pyroxene diorite from the SI yields an age of 138 ± 1 Ma; the SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of a tonalite from the QI records an age of 134 ± 2 Ma, whereas LA-ICPMS zircon U–Pb dating of a monzogranite from the XI has an age of 126 ± 1 Ma, suggesting the entire pluton was built up by three separate emplacement events that young to the ESE: this is further supported by the contact relations. Incremental growth of plutons by amalgamation of repeated small magma pulses is the most viable emplacement model. The pluton was probably emplaced by updoming of the roof along previous tensile fractures and by upward stacking of the three intrusions. The SI and QI have similar U–Pb ages and geochemical characteristics, and most likely had the same magma source and underwent similar petrogenetic processes. They have high MgO concentrations at low silica contents, are enriched in large ion lithophile elements, depleted in high field strength elements, have negative εNd(t) values of −1.8 to −3.7, with Nd model ages of 1.07–1.19 Ga. Pyroxene diorites of the SI also have variable zircon εHf(t) values (from −0.8 to +6.1), indicating that they were mainly derived from juvenile crust with minor crustal contamination and clinopyroxene-dominated fractional crystallization. The late monzogranites from the XI show weak negative εNd(t) values of −2.3 to −2.5, young Nd model ages of 0.99–1.00 Ga, positive zircon εHf(t) values (+1.3 to +4.6) and higher SiO2 and K2O contents, with strong depletion in Eu, P and Ti, indicating derivation from a distinct petrogenetic process from the two earlier intrusions. The monzogranites were the result of partial melting of juvenile crust in response to mantle-derived magma underplating, together with plagioclase-dominated fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Geochemical data and Sr–Nd isotopes of the host rocks and magmatic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) collected from the Oligocene Nodoushan Plutonic Complex (NPC) in the central part of the Urumieh–Dokhtar Magmatic Belt (UDMB) were studied in order to better understand the magmatic and geodynamic evolution of the UDMB. New U–Pb zircon ages reveal that the NPC was assembled incrementally over ca. 5 m.y., during two main episodes at 30.52 ± 0.11 Ma and 30.06 ± 0.10 Ma in the early Oligocene (middle Rupelian) for dioritic and granite intrusives, and at 24.994 ± 0.037 Ma and 24.13 ± 0.19 Ma in the late Oligocene (latest Chattian) for granodioritic and diorite porphyry units, respectively. The spherical to ellipsoidal enclaves are composed of diorite to monzodiorite and minor gabbroic diorite (SiO2 = 47.73–57.36 wt.%; Mg# = 42.15–53.04); the host intrusions are mainly granite, granodiorite and diorite porphyry (SiO2 = 56.51–72.35 wt.%; Mg# = 26.29–50.86). All the samples used in this study have similar geochemical features, including enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e.g. Rb, Ba, Sr) and light rare earth elements (LREEs) relative to high field strength elements (HFSEs) and heavy rare earth elements (HREEs). These features, combined with a relative depletion in Nb, Ta, Ti and P, are characteristic of subduction-related magmas. Isotopic data for the host rocks display ISr = 0.705045–0.707959, εNd(t) = −3.23 to +3.80, and the Nd model ages (TDM) vary from 0.58 Ga to 1.37 Ga. Compared with the host rocks, the MMEs are relatively homogeneous in isotopic composition, with ISr ranging from 0.705513 to 0.707275 and εNd(t) from −1.46 to 4.62. The MMEs have TDM ranging from 0.49 Ga to 1.39 Ga. Geochemical and isotopic similarities between the MMEs and their host rocks demonstrate that the enclaves have mixed origins and were most probably formed by interactions between the lower crust- and mantle-derived magmas. Geochemical data, in combination with geodynamic evidence, suggest that a basic magma was derived from an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM), presumably triggered by the influx of the hot asthenosphere. This magma then interacted with a crustal melt that originated from the dehydration melting of the mafic lower crust at deep crustal levels. Modeling based on Sr–Nd isotope data indicate that ∼50% to 90% of the lower crust-derived melt and ∼10% to 50% of the mantle-derived mafic magma were involved in the genesis of the early Oligocene magmas. In contrast, ∼45%–65% of the mantle-derived mafic magma were incorporated into the lower crust-derived magma (∼35%–55%) that generated the late Oligocene hybrid granitoid rocks. Early Oligocene granitoid rocks contain a higher proportion of crustal material compared to those that formed in the late Oligocene. It is reasonable to assume that lower crust and mantle interaction processes played a significant role in the genesis of these hybridgranitoid bodies, where melts undergoing fractional crystallization along with minor amounts of crustal assimilation could ascend to shallower crustal levels and generate a variety of rock types ranging from diorite to granite.  相似文献   

Five new biotite reference materials were calibrated at the SwissSIMS laboratory (University of Lausanne) for oxygen isotope determination by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and are available to the scientific community. The oxygen isotope composition of the biotites, UNIL_B1 to B5, was determined by laser‐heating fluorination to be 11.4 ± 0.11‰, 8.6 ± 0.15‰, 6.1 ± 0.04‰, 7.1 ± 0.05‰ and 7.6 ± 0.04‰, respectively. SIMS analyses on spots smaller than 20 μm gave a measurement repeatability of 0.3‰ (2 standard deviation, 2s). The matrix effect due to solid solution in natural biotite could be expressed as a linear function of XMg and XF for biotite. No effect was found for different crystallographic orientations. SIMS analysis allows the oxygen isotope composition of biotite to be measured with a measurement uncertainty of 0.3–0.4‰ (2s) for biotites with similar major element compositions. A measurement uncertainty of 0.5‰ (2s) is realistic when F poor biotites (lower than 0.2% m/m oxides) within the compositional range of XMg of 0.3–0.9 were compared from different sessions. The linear correlation with F content offers a reasonable working curve for F‐rich biotites, but additional reference materials are needed to confirm the model.  相似文献   

Four isolated cervical vertebrae from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian) of Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England are identified as from a pliosaurid plesiosaurian sauropterygian on account of their shortness relative to width and height, their near platycoelous nature and the location of tall rib facets on the centrum body. They are noteworthy for their size, with a maximum width of 269 mm, maximum height of 222 mm and maximum length of 103 mm. Simple scaling and comparisons with cervical vertebrae of Mid Jurassic pliosaurs Peloneustes and Liopleurodon, and the Early Cretaceous Stenorhynchosaurus and Sachicasaurus suggest a total body length of between ~ 9.8 m and 14.4 m for the Abingdon Kimmeridge Clay pliosaur. Likely the true length was towards the higher end of this range.A genus and species cannot be confidently determined on the basis of the described material, but they likely belong to Pliosaurus sp. or a similar animal, for which a precise neck length is not known. We estimate a neck length of 0.77 m for Pliosaurus ?brachyspondylus based on the average cervical lengths provided for specimen CAMSM J.35991.  相似文献   

New U–Pb and Sm–Nd isotopic data for orthogneiss and granitoid rocks from the Neoproterozoic Goiás magmatic arc in western Goiás constrain the geological evolution of this juvenile crust in the western Brasília belt. Orthogneiss rock samples have U–Pb crystallization ages of 804±6, 669±3, 662±12, 634±8, 630±5, and 637±20 Ma and show εNd(T) values between +2.8 and −15.1. Rock units with negative εNd(T) are more frequent in the eastern part of the studied area to the south of Anicuns, which indicates the presence of older continental crust in that part of the arc. Metagranitoids have ages of 821±10, 810±10, 792±5, 790±12, 782±14, 748±4, and 614±5 Ma and εNd(T) values between +5.1 and −3.7. The data presented here, combined with those in the literature, suggest that igneous activity in the Goiás magmatic arc took place in two episodes: between ca. 0.89 and 0.8 Ga, probably in intraoceanic settings, and between ca. 0.66 and 0.60 Ga, likely in an active continental margin at the end of the Brasiliano orogeny.  相似文献   

Geothermobarometric and geochronological work indicates a complete Eocene/early Oligocene blueschist/greenschist facies metamorphic cycle of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit on Naxos Island in the Aegean Sea region. Using the average pressure–temperature (P–T) method of thermocalc coupled with detailed textural work, we separate an early blueschist facies event at 576 ± 16 to 619 ± 32°C and 15.5 ± 0.5 to 16.3 ± 0.9 kbar from a subsequent greenschist facies overprint at 384 ± 30°C and 3.8 ± 1.1 kbar. Multi‐mineral Rb–Sr isochron dating yields crystallization ages for near peak‐pressure blueschist facies assemblages between 40.5 ± 1.0 and 38.3 ± 0.5 Ma. The greenschist facies overprint commonly did not result in complete resetting of age signatures. Maximum ages for the end of greenschist facies reworking, obtained from disequilibrium patterns, cluster near c. 32 Ma, with one sample showing rejuvenation at c. 27 Ma. We conclude that the high‐P rocks from south Naxos were exhumed to upper mid‐crustal levels in the late Eocene and early Oligocene at rates of 7.4 ± 4.6 km/Ma, completing a full blueschist‐/greenschist facies metamorphic cycle soon after subduction within c. 8 Ma. The greenschist facies overprint of the blueschist facies rocks from south Naxos resulted from rapid exhumation and associated deformation/fluid‐controlled metamorphic re‐equilibration, and is unrelated to the strong high‐T metamorphism associated with the Miocene formation of the Naxos migmatite dome. It follows that the Miocene thermal overprint had no impact on rock textures or Sr isotopic signatures, and that the rocks of south Naxos underwent three metamorphic events, one more than hitherto envisaged.  相似文献   

Perovskite, a common Th- and U-enriched accessory mineral crystallised from kimberlitic magmas, has long been thought to be an important geochronometer for dating the emplacement of kimberlite. However, it also contains variably high levels of common Pb, which makes it difficult to obtain a precise measurement of radiogenic Pb/U and Pb/Th isotopic compositions using microbeam techniques such as SIMS and LA-ICP-MS. We present calibration protocols for in situ U–Pb and Th–Pb age determination of kimberlitic perovskite using the large double-focusing Cameca IMS 1280. Linear relationships are found between ln(206Pb?+/U+) and ln(UO2+/U+), and between ln(208Pb?+/Th+) and ln(ThO+/Th+), based on which the inter-element fractionation in unknown samples during SIMS analyses can be precisely calibrated against a perovskite standard. The well-characterized Ice River perovskite is chosen as the U–Pb and Th–Pb age standard in this study. The 204Pb-correction method was used to estimate the fraction of common Pb, which is consistent with the results obtained using the 207Pb-based correction method for the dated perovskites of Phanerozoic age.A Tazheran perovskite with unusually high U but rather low Th yielded a Concordia U–Pb age of 462.8 ± 2.5 Ma and a Th–Pb age of 462 ± 4 Ma. Two perovskite samples from the Iron Mountain kimberlite have identical Concordia U–Pb ages of 410.8 ± 3.4 Ma and 411.0 ± 2.6 Ma, which are consistent within errors with their corresponding Th–Pb ages of 409.2 ± 7.2 Ma and 412.3 ± 3.3 Ma, respectively. Two perovskite samples from the Wesselton Mine of South Africa yielded indistinguishable 206Pb/238U ages of 91.5 ± 2.2 Ma and 90.3 ± 2.9 Ma, and Th–Pb ages of 90.5 ± 0.8 Ma and 88.4 ± 1.6 Ma, respectively. Accuracy and precision of 1–2% (95% confidence level) for these measurements have been demonstrated by the consistency of their U–Pb and Th–Pb ages with the recommended U–Pb ages of previous works.  相似文献   

Garnet-bearing micaschists and paragneisses of the Yaounde Group in the Pan-African Central African Orogenic Belt in Cameroon underwent a polyphase structural evolution with the deformation stages D1–D2, D3 and D4. The garnet-bearing assemblages crystallized in course of the deformation stage D1–D2 which led to the formation of the regional main foliation S2. In XCaXMg coordinates one can distinguish several zonation trends in the garnet porphyroblasts. Zonation trends with increasing XMg and variably decreasing XCa signalize a garnet growth during prograde metamorphism. Intermineral microstructures provided criteria for local equilibria and a structurally controlled application of geothermobarometers based on cation exchange and net transfer reactions. The syndeformational PT path sections calculated from cores and rims of garnets in individual samples partly overlap and align along clockwise PT trends. The PT evolution started at ~450 °C/7 kbar, passed high-pressure conditions at 11–12 kbar at variable temperatures (600–700 °C) and involved a marked decompression toward 6–7 kbar at high temperatures (700–750 °C). Th–U–Pb dating of metamorphic monazite by electron microprobe (EMP-CHIME method) in eight samples revealed a single period of crystallization between 613 ± 33 Ma and 586 ± 15 Ma. The EMP-monazite age populations between 613 ± 33 Ma enclosed in garnet and 605 ± 12 Ma in the matrix apparently bracket the high temperature–intermediate pressure stage at the end of the prograde PT path. The younger monazites crystallized still at amphibolite-facies conditions during subsequent retrogression. The Pan-African overall clockwise PT evolution in the Yaounde Group with its syndeformational high pressure stages and marked pressure variations is typical of the parts of orogens which underwent contractional crustal thickening by stacking of nappe units during continental collision and/or during subduction-related accretionary processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents geochemical, Sr–Nd isotopic, and U–Pb zircon geochronological data on the Alvand plutonic complex in Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (SSZ), Western Iran. The gabbroic rocks show a trend of a calc-alkaline magma suite and are characterized by low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7023–0.7037) and positive εNd(t) values (2.9–3.3), which suggest derivation from a moderately depleted mantle source. Geochemical features of the granites illustrate a high-K calc-alkaline magma series, whereas the leucocratic granitoids form part of a low-K series. Granites have intermediate 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707–0.719) and negative εNd(t) values (−1.0 to −3.4), while leucocratic granitoids have higher initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.713–0.714) and more negative εNd(t) values (−3.5 to −4.5). Potential basement source lithologies for the granites are Proterozoic granites and orthogneisses, and those for the leucocratic granites are plagioclase-rich sources such as meta-arkoses or tonalites. The U–Pb dating results demonstrate that all granitoids were exclusively emplaced during the Jurassic instead of being Cretaceous or younger in age as suggested previously. The pluton was assembled incrementally over c. 10 Ma. Gabbros formed at 166.5 ± 1.8 Ma, granites between 163.9 ± 0.9 Ma and 161.7 ± 0.6 Ma, and leucocratic granitoids between 154.4 ± 1.3 and 153.3 ± 2.7 Ma. Granites and leucocratic granitoids show some A-type affinity. It is concluded that the Alvand plutonic complex was generated in a continental-arc-related extensional regime during subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath the SSZ. The U/Pb zircon age data, recently corroborated by similar results in the central and southern SSZ, indicate that Jurassic granitoids are more areally extensive in this belt than previously thought.  相似文献   

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