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The Yinshan Cu–Au–Pb–Zn–Ag deposit is located in Dexing, South China. Ore bodies are primarily hosted in low-grade phyllite of the Neoproterozoic Shuangqiaoshan Group along EW- and NNW-striking fault zones. Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization is dictated by Jurassic rhyolitic quartz porphyries (ca. 172 Ma), whereas Cu–Au mineralization is associated with Jurassic dacite porphyries (ca. 170 Ma). The main ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite–tennatite, gold, silver, and silver sulphosalt, and the principal gangue minerals are quartz, sericite, calcite, and chlorite. Two-phase liquid-rich (type I), two-phase vapor-rich (type II), and halite-bearing (type III) fluid inclusions can be observed in the hydrothermal quartz-sulfides veins. Type I inclusions are widespread and have homogenization temperatures of 187–303 °C and salinities of 4.2–9.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization, and homogenization temperatures of 196–362 °C and salinities of 3.5–9.9 wt.% NaCl equivalent in the Cu–Au mineralization. The pervasive occurrence of type I fluid inclusions with low-moderate temperatures and salinities implies that the mineralizing fluids formed in epithermal environments. The type II and coexisting type III inclusions, from deeper levels below the Cu–Au ore bodies, share similar homogenization temperatures of 317–448 °C and contrasting salinities of 0.2–4.2 and 30.9–36.8 wt.% NaCl equivalent, respectively, which indicates that boiling processes occurred. The sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides (δ34S = −1.7‰ to +3.2‰) suggest a homogeneous magmatic sulfur source. The lead isotopes of sulfides (206Pb/204Pb = 18.01–18.07; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.55–15.57; and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.03–38.12) are consistent with those of volcanic–subvolcanic rocks (206Pb/204Pb = 18.03–18.10; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.56–15.57; and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.02–38.21), indicating a magmatic origin for lead in the ore. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions (δ18O = +7.8‰ to +10.5‰, δD = −66‰ to −42‰) of inclusion water in quartz imply that ore-forming fluids were mainly derived from magmatic sources. The local boiling process beneath the epithermal Cu–Au ore-forming system indicates the possibility that porphyry-style ore bodies may exist at even deeper zones.  相似文献   

The Shilu Fe–Co–Cu ore district is situated in the western Hainan Province of south China. This district consists of the upper Fe-rich layers and the lower Co–Cu ores, which are mainly hosted within the Neoproterozoic Shilu Group, a dominantly submarine siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary succession that generally has been metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Three facies of metamorphosed BIFs, the oxide, the silicate–oxide and the sulfide–carbonate–silicate, have been identified within the Shilu Group. The oxide banded iron formation (BIF) facies (quartz itabirites or Fe-rich ores) consists of alternating hematite-rich and quartz-rich microbands. The silicate–oxide BIF facies (amphibolitic itabirites or Fe-poor ores) comprises alternating millimeter to tens of meter scale, magnetite–hematite-rich bands with calc-silicate-rich macro- to microbands. The sulfide–carbonate–silicate BIF facies (Co–Cu ores) contain alternating cobaltiferous pyrite, cobaltiferous pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite macrobands to microbands mainly with dolomite–calcite, but also with minor sericite–quartz bands. Blasto-oolitic, pelletoidal, colloidal, psammitic, and cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline textures, and blasto-bedding structures, which likely represent primary sedimentation, are often observed in the Shilu BIF facies.The Shilu BIFs and interbedded host rocks are generally characterized by relatively low but variable ∑ REE concentrations, LREE depletion and/or MREE enrichment relative to HREE, and no Ce, Gd and Eu anomalies to strongly positive Ce, Gd and Eu anomalies in the upward-convex PAAS-normalized REY patterns, except for both the banded or impure dolostones with nil Ce anomaly to negative Ce anomalies and negative La anomalies, and the minor sulfide–carbonate–silicate BIF facies with moderately negative Eu anomalies. They also contain relatively low but variable HFSE abundances as Zr, Nb, Hf, Th and Ti, and relatively high but variable abundances of Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, As, Mn and Ba. The consistently negative εNd(t) values range from − 4.8 to − 8.5, with a TDM age of ca. 2.0 Ga. In line with the covariations between Al2O3 and TiO2, Fe2O3 + FeO and SiO2, Mn and Fe, Zr and Y/Ho and REE, and Sc and LREE, the geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic features suggest that the precursors to the Shilu BIFs formed from a source dominated by seafloor-derived, high- to low temperature, acidic and reducing hydrothermal fluids but with variable input of detrital components in a seawater environment. Moreover, the involved detrital materials were sourced dominantly from an unknown, Paleoproterozoic or older crust, with lesser involvement from the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic Baoban Group underlying the Shilu Group.The Shilu BIFs of various facies are interpreted to have formed in a shallow marine, restricted or sheltered basin near the rifted continental margin most likely associated with the break-up of Rodinia as the result of mantle superplume activity in South China. The seafloor-derived, periodically upwelling metalliferous hydrothermal plume/vent fluids under anoxic but sulfidic to anoxic but Fe2 +-rich conditions were removed from the plume/vent and accumulated in the basin, and then variably mixed with terrigenous detrital components, which finally led to rhythmic deposition of the Shilu BIFs.  相似文献   

The Maozu Pb–Zn deposit, located on the western margin of the Yangtze Block, southwest China, is a typical carbonate-hosted deposit in the Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou Pb–Zn metallogenic province with Pb + Zn reserves of about 2.0 million tonnes grading 4.15 wt.% Pb and 7.25 wt.% Zn. Its ore bodies are hosted in Sinian (635–541 Ma) Dengying Formation dolostone and show stratiform, vein and irregular textures. Ores are composed of sphalerite, galena, pyrite, calcite, dolomite, quartz and fluorite with massive, banded, disseminated and veined structures. The C–O–Sm–Nd isotopic compositions of hydrothermal calcites and S–Pb isotopic compositions of sulfides were analyzed to constrain the origin of the Maozu deposit. δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of hydrothermal calcites range from −3.7‰ to −2.0‰ and +13.8‰ to +17.5‰, respectively, and plot near the marine carbonate rocks field in a plot of δ13CPDB vs. δ18OSMOW, with a negative correlation. It suggests that CO2 in the hydrothermal fluids was mainly originated from marine carbonate rocks, with limited influence from sedimentary organic matter. δ34SCDT values of sulfides range from +9.9‰ to +19.2‰, similar to that of Cambrian to Triassic seawater sulfate (+15‰ to +35‰) and evaporate (+15‰ to +30‰) in the Cambrian to Triassic sedimentary strata. It suggests that reduced sulfur was derived from evaporate in sedimentary strata by thermo chemical sulfate reduction. Sulfides have low radiogenic Pb isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.129–18.375, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.640–15.686 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.220–38.577) that plot in the field between upper crust and the orogenic belt evolution curve in the plot of 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb, and similar to that of age corrected Proterozoic basement rocks (Dongchuan and Kunyang Groups). This indicates that ore-forming metals were mainly derived from basement rocks. Hydrothermal calcite yields a Sm–Nd isotopic age of 196 ± 13 Ma, possibly reflecting the timing of Pb–Zn mineralization in the SYG province, younger than the Permian Emeishan mantle plume (∼260 Ma). All data combined suggests that hydrothermal fluids circulated through basement rocks where they picked up metals and migrated to surface, mixed with reduced sulfur-bearing fluids and precipitated metals. Ore genesis of the Maozu deposit is different from known magmatic–hydrothermal, Sedimentary Exhalative or Mississippi Valley-types, which maybe represent a unique ore deposit type, named as the SYG-type.  相似文献   

Although Zn–Pb deposits are one of the most important Cd reservoirs in the earth, few studies have focused on the Cd isotopic fractionation in Zn–Pb hydrothermal systems. This study investigates the causes and consequences of cadmium and sulfur isotope fractionation in a large hydrothermal system at the Tianbaoshan Zn–Pb–Cd deposit from the Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou (SYG) metallogenic province, SW China. Moderate variations in Cd and S isotope compositions have been measured in sphalerite cover a distance of about 78 m. Sphalerite has δ114/110Cd values ranging from 0.01 to 0.57‰, and sulfides (sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite) have δ34SCDT values ranging from 0.2 to 5.0‰. Although δ34SCDT and δ114/110Cd values in sphalerites have no regular spatial variations, the δ34SCDT values in galena and calculated ore-forming fluid temperatures decreased from 2.1 to 0.2‰ and from about 290 to 130 °C, respectively, from the bottom to the top of the deposit. Heavy Cd isotopes are enriched in early precipitated sphalerite in contrast to previous studies. We suggest that Cd isotopic compositions in ore-forming fluids are heterogeneous, which result in heavy Cd isotope enrichment in early precipitated sphalerite. In comparison with other Zn–Pb deposits in the SYG area, the Tianbaoshan deposit has moderate Cd contents and small isotope fractionation, suggesting differences in origin to other Zn–Pb deposits in the SYG province.In the Tianbaoshan deposit, the calculated δ34S∑S-fluids value is 4.2‰, which is not only higher than the mantle-derived magmatic sulfur (0 ± 3‰), but also quite lower than those of Ediacaran marine sulfates (about 30 to 35‰). Thus, we suggest that reduced sulfur of ore-forming fluids in the deposit was mainly derived from the leaching of the basement, which contains large amount of volcanic or intrusive rocks. Based upon a combination of Cd and S isotopic systems, the Tianbaoshan deposit has different geochemical characteristics from typical Zn–Pb deposits (e.g., the Huize deposit) in SYG area, indicating the unique origin of this deposit.  相似文献   

This article reports new zircon laser ablation-multicollector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry U–Pb and Hf isotope, whole-rock major and trace element, and Sr–Nd isotope data for mineralized and barren intrusions associated with the Duolong porphyry–epithermal copper–(gold) deposit (DPCD, a mining camp containing several individual deposits) in the western Qiangtang Terrane (QT), central Tibet. These data are used to further our understanding of the geological evolution of this region. The mineralized and barren DPCD intrusions are typical I-type granitoids that were synchronously emplaced at ca. 112.6–125.9 Ma. These igneous rocks show arc affinities that are characterized by enrichments in the light rare earth elements (LaN/YbN = 4.08–15.23) and the light ion lithophile elements (Rb, Th, U, K, and Pb), and depletions in the high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, and Ti). They have 87Sr/86Sr(i) values of 0.7046–0.7079, Nd(t) values of –6.0 to +1.1, and two-stage Nd model ages of ca. 823–1410 Ma. Zircons from these intrusive rocks have variable but generally positive εHf(t) values (–2.7 to +13.7) and relatively young zircon Hf crustal model ages of 335–1351 Ma. Combining these data with geochemical data reported in recent studies, we infer that the mineralized and barren DPCD intrusions formed in a continental marginal arc setting and likely originated from a common parental magma that was result of magma mixing of juvenile crust-derived basaltic melts and old lower crust-derived melts. The formation of the DPCD intrusions indicates that the Bangongco–Nujiang oceanic lithosphere was still undergoing northward subduction beneath the western QT at ca. 112.6–125.9 Ma, suggesting in turn that the oceanic basin have not closed completely during the Early Cretaceous. These new data also indicate that the processes that occur during the subduction of oceanic crust in continental marginal arc settings produce and preserve juvenile crustal material, leading to net continental crust vertical growth and thickening.  相似文献   

Zijinshan is a large porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au–Mo–Ag ore system located in the Zijinshan mineral field (ZMF) of southwestern Fujian Province, China. Although it is commonly accepted that the early Cretaceous magmatism and the metallogenesis of the mineral field are closely related, the tectonic setting for the ore-forming event(s) has been controversial and regarded as either extensional or subduction-related. New U–Pb zircon geochronology, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systematics, and geochemical data presented here from granites and volcanic rocks in the mineral field help to clarify this uncertainty.LA–MC–ICP-MS U–Pb zircon analyses yield weighted mean ages of between ca. 165 and 157 for the monzogranite, ca. 112 Ma for granodiorite, and between ca. 111 and 102 Ma for nine samples of volcanic units in the study area. These dates, integrated with previous geochronological data, indicate that there were two magmatic events in the area during the Middle to Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous. Major and trace element geochemistry indicates that these rocks are high-K, calc-alkaline granites, are enriched in LREE and Th, U, Ta, Nd, Sm and Yb, and depleted in Ba, K, Sr, P, Ti and Y. These features are characteristic of volcanic-arc granites or active-continental margin granites. The Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons in the region have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7096 to 0.7173, εNdT values of − 10.1 to − 7.6, 206Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 18.51–18.86, 207Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 15.64–15.73, and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 38.76–39.18. The Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks are distinctly different with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7055–0.7116, εNdT values of − 8 to 0.5, 206Pb/204Pb ratios ranging between 18.49 and 19.77, 207Pb/204Pb ratios of 15.63–15.71, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 38.71–40.62. These characteristics suggest that the source for the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons is a partially melted Mesoproterozoic substrate, with a minor component from Paleozoic material, whereas the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks may represent mixing of crustal and mantle-derived melts. It is therefore suggested that the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons, and the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the ZMF are the result of an active continental-margin setting related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent. Given that the mineralization and the early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the area are genetically related, the Zijinshan porphyry–epithermal ore system formed in the subduction-related tectonic setting.  相似文献   

A new high sulfidation epithermal Cu–Au occurrence (Nadun) has been discovered adjacent to the Cretaceous Duolong porphyry Cu–Au deposit within the Bangong–Nujiang metallogenic belt, central Tibet. The Nadun Cu–Au mineralization is hosted in a tectonic–hydrothermal breccia with advanced argillic alteration, which occurs above sandstone, associated with quartz–pyrite veins. The granodiorite porphyry with strong argillic alteration yields a zircon U–Pb age of 119.1 ± 1.3 Ma, whereas the weakly argillic granodiorite porphyry intruded into the breccia has a younger age of 116.1 ± 1.3 Ma. This indicates that Cu–Au epithermal mineralization likely occurred between ~ 116 Ma and ~ 119 Ma, consistent with the duration of magmatic–hydrothermal activity at Duolong (~ 115–118 Ma), and providing evidence that Nadun and Duolong were formed during the same event. Moreover, the Nadun and Duolong porphyries have similar Hf isotopic compositions (εHf(t) values ranging from − 8.8 to 8.1; mean = 5.0 ± 1.1, n = 32), likely indicating that the deposits are comagmatic. In addition, boiling assemblages in vapor-rich inclusions coexisting with brines occur in early stage quartz–pyrite veins, and likely record phase separation at a temperature of > 550–300 °C and pressure of 700–110 bars. Most liquid-rich fluid inclusions formed at the breccia stage show similar salinity (1.7–19.3 wt.% NaCl equiv) to vapor-rich inclusions from the underlying quartz–pyrite veins, likely indicating vapor contraction during cooling at elevated presssure. This suggests that quartz–pyrite veins may act as conduits for ore-forming fluid traveling from the porphyry to the epithermal hydrothermal system. O and H isotopic compositions (δ18Ofluid = 0.42–9.71‰ and δD =  102 to − 66‰) suggest that ore-forming fluids are dominantly from a magmatic source with a minor addition of meteoric water at a later stage. The S and Fe isotope compositions of sulfides (δ34S =  5.9 to 0.5‰ and δ57Fe =  2.15 to 0.17‰) decrease from the quartz–pyrite vein to breccia ore, indicating that ore-forming fluids gradually become SO42-enriched and relatively oxidized. This body of evidence suggests that the Nadun Cu–Au mineralization may represent the root of a high sulfidation epithermal deposit.  相似文献   

The Tongjing Cu–Au deposit is a medium-sized deposit within the Ningwu volcanic basin, east China, and is hosted by Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Dawangshan and Niangniangshan Formations. The veined and lenticular Cu–Au orebodies are spatially and temporally related to the volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the Niangniangshan Formation in the ore district. The wall-rock alteration is dominated by silicification, siderite alteration, carbonation, sericitization, chloritization, and kaolinization. On the basis of field evidence and petrographic observations, two stages of mineralization are recognized: (1) a siderite–quartz–sulfide stage (Stage 1) associated with the formation of chalcopyrite and pyrite in a quartz and siderite gangue; and (2) a quartz–bornite stage (Stage 2) cutting the Stage 1 phases. Stage 1 is the main mineralization stage. Quartz that formed in Stage 1 has δ18OH2O values of − 4.3‰ to 3.5‰ with δD values of fluid inclusion waters of − 97.1‰ to − 49.9‰, indicating that the ore-forming fluids were derived from early magmatic fluids and may have experienced oxygen isotopic exchange with meteoric water during Stage 1 mineralization.LA–MC–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating of the mineralization-related nosean-bearing phonolite and nosean-bearing phonolitic brecciated tuff at Tongjing yields ages of 129.8 ± 0.5 Ma and 128.9 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively. These results are interpreted as the crystallization age of the volcanic rocks of the Niangniangshan Formation. A hydrothermal sericite sample associated with Cu–Au mineralization at Tongjing yields a plateau 40Ar–39Ar age of 131.3 ± 1.3 Ma. These results confirm a genetic link between the volcanism and associated Cu–Au mineralization. The Tongjing Cu–Au deposit in the Ningwu basin is genetically and possibly tectonically similar to alkaline intrusion-related gold deposits elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

The Tianqiao Pb–Zn deposit in the western Yangtze Block, southwest China, is part of the Sichuan–Yunnan–Guizhou (SYG) Pb–Zn metallogenic province. Ore bodies are hosted in Devonian and Carboniferous carbonate rocks, structurally controlled by a thrust fault and anticline, and carried about 0.38 million tons Pb and Zn metals grading > 15% Pb + Zn. Both massive and disseminated Pb–Zn ores occur either as veinlets or disseminations in dolomitic rocks. They are composed of ore minerals, pyrite, sphalerite and galena, and gangue minerals, calcite and dolomite. δ34S values of sulfide minerals range from + 8.4 to + 14.4‰ and display a decreasing trend from pyrite, sphalerite to galena (δ34Spyrite > δ34Ssphalerite > δ34Sgalena). We interpret that reduced sulfur derived from sedimentary sulfate (gypsum and barite) of the host Devonian to Carboniferous carbonate rocks by thermal–chemical sulfate reduction (TSR). δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of hydrothermal calcite range from –5.3 to –3.4‰ and + 14.9 to + 19.6‰, respectively, and fall in the field between mantle and marine carbonate rocks. They display a negative correlation, suggesting that CO2 in the hydrothermal fluid was a mixture origin of mantle, marine carbonate rocks and sedimentary organic matter. Sulfide minerals have homogeneous and low radiogenic Pb isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.378 to 18.601, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.519 to 15.811 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.666 to 39.571) that are plotted in the upper crust Pb evolution curve and overlap with that of Devonian to Carboniferous carbonate rocks and Proterozoic basement rocks in the SYG province. Pb isotope compositions suggest derivation of Pb metal from mixed sources. Sulfide minerals have 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.7125 to 0.7167, higher than Sinian to Permian sedimentary rocks and Permian Emeishan flood basalts, but lower than basement rocks. Again, Sr isotope compositions are supportive of a mixture origin of Sr. They have an Rb–Sr isotopic age of 191.9 ± 6.9Ma, possibly reflecting the timing of Pb–Zn mineralization. C–O–S–Pb–Sr isotope compositions of the Tianqiao Pb–Zn deposit indicate a mixed origin of ore-forming fluids, which have Pb–Sr isotope homogenized before the mineralization. The Permian flood basalts acted as an impermeable layer for the Pb–Zn mineralization hosted in the Devonian–Carboniferous carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2003,22(1-2):61-90
Quantitative laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, trace element chemistry of sulfides, stable isotope (S), and Pb isotopes have been used to discriminate the formation of two contrasting mineralization styles and to evaluate the origin of the Cu and Au at Mt Morgan.The Mt Morgan Au–Cu deposit is hosted by Devonian felsic volcanic rocks that have been intruded by multiple phases of the Mt Morgan Tonalite, a low-K, low-Al2O3 tonalite–trondhjemite–dacite (TTD) complex. An early, barren massive sulfide mineralization with stringer veins is conforming to VHMS sub-seafloor replacement processes, whereas the high-grade Au–Cu ore is associated with a later quartz–chalcopyrite–pyrite stockwork mineralization that is related to intrusive phases of the Tonalite complex. LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analyses reveal high As (avg. 8850 ppm) and Sb (avg. 140 ppm) for the Au–Cu mineralization and 5 to 10 times higher Cu concentration than in the fluids associated with the massive pyrite mineralization. Overall, the hydrothermal system of Mt Morgan is characterized by low average fluid salinities in both mineralization styles (45–80% seawater salinity) and temperatures of 210 to 270 °C estimated from fluid inclusions. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analysis indicates a consistent and uniform array of CO2-bearing fluids. Comparison with active submarine hydrothermal vents shows an enrichment of the Mt Morgan fluids in base metals. Therefore, a seawater-dominated fluid is assumed for the barren massive sulfide mineralization, whereas magmatic volatile contributions are implied for the intrusive related mineralization. Condensation of magmatic vapor into a seawater-dominated environment explains the CO2 occurrence, the low salinities, and the enriched base and precious metal fluid composition that is associated with the Au–Cu mineralization. The sulfur isotope signature of pyrite and chalcopyrite is composed of fractionated Devonian seawater and oxidized magmatic fluids or remobilized sulfur from existing sulfides. Pb isotopes indicate that Au and Cu originated from the Mt Morgan intrusions and a particular volcanic strata that shows elevated Cu background.  相似文献   

Copper, gold and molybdenum mineralization of the Kalmakyr porphyry deposit in Uzbek Tien Shan occurs as stockworks, veinlets and disseminations in the phyllic and K-silicate alteration zones developed predominantly in a middle to late Carboniferous intrusive complex composed of monzonite and granodiorite porphyry. Zircon U–Pb dating yielded an age of 327.2 ± 5.6 Ma for the ore-hosting monzonite and an age of 313.6 ± 2.8 Ma for the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry. Re–Os dating of seven molybdenite samples from stockwork and veinlet ores yielded model ages from 313.2 to 306.3 Ma, with two well-constrained isochron ages of 307.6 ± 2.5 Ma (five stockwork ores) and 309.1 ± 2.2 Ma (five stockwork ores and two veinlet ores), respectively. These results indicate that Cu–Au mineralization post-dated the emplacement of the monzonite, started right after the emplacement of the granodiorite porphyry, and lasted for ca. 7 Ma afterward. The geochronological and geochemical data suggest that the Kalmakyr deposit was formed in a late Carboniferous mature magmatic arc setting, probably related to the latest subduction process of the Turkestan Ocean beneath the Middle Tien Shan. The εHf(t) values of zircon grains from the monzonite vary from +11 to +1.7, with an average of +5.1, and those of zircon grains from the granodiorite porphyry range from +5.7 to −1.8, with an average of +2.4. These data indicate that the magma of both monzonite and granodiorite porphyry was derived from partial melting of a thickened lower crust with input of mantle components and variable crustal contamination, and that there was more mantle contribution to the formation of the monzonite than the granodiorite porphyry. The high rhenium concentrations of molybdenite (98–899 ppm) also indicate major mantle contribution of rhenium and by inference ore metals. The relatively high EuN/EuN1 values (average 0.68), Ce4+/Ce3 values (average 890) and Ce/Nd values (average 36.8) for zircon grains from the granodiorite porphyry than those from the monzonite (average EuN/EuN1 = 0.33, average Ce4+/Ce3 = 624, average Ce/Nd = 3.9) suggest that the magma for the syn-mineralization granodiorite porphyry has higher oxygen fugacity than that for the pre-mineralization monzonite. Based on these data, it is proposed that while the monzonite was emplaced, the oxygen fugacity and volatile contents in the magma were relatively low, and ore metals might disperse in the intrusive rock, whereas when the granodiorite porphyry was emplaced, the oxygen fugacity and volatile contents in the magma were increased, favoring copper and gold enrichment in the magmatic fluids. The Kalmakyr deposit formed from a long-lived magmatic-hydrothermal system connected with fertile magmatic sources in relation to the subduction of the Turkestan Ocean beneath the Middle Tien Shan.  相似文献   

The Tonglushan Cu–Fe deposit (1.12 Mt at 1.61% Cu, 5.68 Mt at 41% Fe) is located in the westernmost district of the Middle–Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt. As a typical polymetal skarn metallogenic region, it consists of 13 skarn orebodies, mainly hosted in the contact zone between the Tonglushan quartz-diorite pluton (140 Ma) and Lower Triassic marine carbonate rocks of the Daye Formation. Four stages of mineralization and alterations can be identified: i.e. prograde skarn formation, retrograde hydrothermal alteration, quartz-sulphide followed by carbonate vein formation. Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) indicates garnets vary from grossular (Ad20.2–41.6Gr49.7–74.1) to pure andradite (Ad47.4–70.7Gr23.9–45.9) in composition, and pyroxenes are represented by diopsides. Fluid inclusions identify three major types of fluids involved during formation of the deposit within the H2O–NaCl system, i.e. liquid-rich inclusions (Type I), halite-bearing inclusions (Type II), and vapour-rich inclusions (Type III). Measurements of fluid inclusions reveal that the prograde skarn minerals formed at high temperatures (>550°C) in equilibrium with high-saline fluids (>66.57 wt.% NaCl equivalent). Oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes of fluid inclusions from garnets and pyroxenes indicate that ore-formation fluids are mainly of magmatic-hydrothermal origin (δ18O = 6.68‰ to 9.67‰, δD = –67‰ to –92‰), whereas some meteoric water was incorporated into fluids of the retrograde alteration stage judging from compositions of epidote (δ18O = 2.26‰ to 3.74‰, δD= –31‰ to –73‰). Continuing depressurization and cooling to 405–567°C may have resulted in both a decrease in salinity (to 48.43–55.36 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and the deposition of abundant magnetite. During the quartz-sulphide stage, boiling produced sulphide assemblage precipitated from primary magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (δ18O = 4.98‰, δD = –66‰, δ34S values of sulphides: 0.71–3.8‰) with an extensive range of salinities (4.96–50.75 wt.% NaCl equivalent), temperatures (240–350°C), and pressures (11.6–22.2 MPa). Carbonate veins formed at relatively low temperatures (174–284°C) from fluids of low salinity (1.57–4.03 wt.% NaCl equivalent), possibly reflecting the mixing of early magmatic fluids with abundant meteoric water. Boiling and fluid mixing played important roles for Cu precipitation in the Tonglushan deposit.  相似文献   

Given that the Duobuza deposit was the first porphyry Cu–Au deposit discovered in central Tibet, the mineralization and mineralized porphyry in this area have been the focus of intensive research, yet the overall porphyry sequence associated with the deposit remains poorly understood. New geological mapping, logging, and sampling of an early granodiorite porphyry, an inter-mineralization porphyry, and a late-mineralization diorite porphyry were complemented by LA–ICP–MS zircon dating, whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses, and in situ Hf isotopic analyses for both inter- and late-mineralization porphyry intrusions. All of the porphyry intrusions are high-K and calc-alkaline, and were emplaced at ca. 120 Ma. The geochemistry of these intrusions is indicative of arc magmatism, as all three porphyry phases are enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, and depleted in heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements. These similar characteristics of the intrusions, when combined with the relatively high (87Sr/86Sr)i, negative εNd(t), and positive εHf(t) values, suggest that the magmas that formed the porphyries were derived from a common source region and shared a single magma chamber. The magmas were generated by the mixing of upwelling metasomatized mantle-wedge-derived mafic magmas and magmas generated by partial melting of amphibolite within the lower crust.The inter-mineralization porphyry has the lowest εNd(t) and highest (87Sr/86Sr)i values, suggesting that a large amount of lower-crust-derived material was incorporated into the melt and that metals such as Cu and Au from the enriched lower crust were scavenged by the parental magma. The relative mafic late-mineralization diorite porphyry phase was formed by the residual magma in the magma chamber mixing with upwelling mafic melt derived from metasomatized mantle. The magmatic–hydrothermal evolution of the magma in the chamber released ore-forming fluid that was transported mainly by the inter-mineralization porphyry phase during the mineralization stage, which ultimately formed the Duobuza porphyry Cu–Au deposit.These porphyritic intrusions of the Duobuza deposit have high Mg# and low (La/Yb)N values, and show some high LILE/HFSE ratios, indicating the magma source was enriched by interaction with slab-derived fluids. Combined with age constraints on the regional tectonic evolution, these dating and geochemical results suggest that the Duobuza porphyry Cu–Au deposit formed in a subduction setting during the final stages of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean.  相似文献   

Zircon textures and micro-chemical compositions precisely record the origin and petrogenesis of granitoids, which are crucial for evaluating crustal growth and reworking, thermal and geodynamic evolution. Zircons in peraluminous granitoids from the three largest 820 Ma complexes (Guibei, Yueyang and Jiuling) in the Jiangnan Fold Belt in South China are used to constrain their sources and petrogenetic processes. Zircons in the Guibei granitoids have complex internal structures. Nearly all magmatic and inherited zircons have similar εHf (?6.8 to +5.6) and δ18O values (8.8–11.6 ‰) and dominantly lie between εHf evolution vectors for a crust created between 1.7 and 2.1 Ga, suggesting that the Guibei granitoids were produced by partial melting of recycled heterogeneous supracrustal material. However, the Yueyang granitoids contain zircons with high εHf (?0.5 to +9.7) and relatively low δ18O values (5.9–8.4 ‰) and two-stage model ages of 1.1–1.8 Ga, and thus may have been formed by melting of mafic rocks from the lower crust. The Jiuling granitoids and their enclaves contain more complex zircons with more variable εHf (?7.2 to +9.7) and δ18O values (7.0–10.6 ‰), and lie along the mixing trend between the above-proposed infracrustal and supracrustal granitoids. Therefore, the Neoproterozoic peraluminous granitoids in the Jiangnan Fold Belt were produced by melting and mixing of continental crust. Compared with extremely low (≤4 ‰) and negative δ18O values of Neoproterozoic igneous zircons formed in its northern active continental margin, the high δ18O peraluminous granitoids in the southeastern Yangtze Block are considered to have been formed by melting of hydrothermally unaltered continental crust triggered by asthenosphere upwelling in the Nanhua back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The Zijinshan ore district occurs as one of the largest porphyry-epithermal Cu–Au–Mo ore systems in South China, including the giant Zijinshan epithermal Cu–Au deposit and the large Luoboling porphyry Cu–Mo deposit. The mineralization is intimately related to Late Mesozoic large-scale tectono-magmatic and hydrothermal events. The Cu–Au–Mo mineralization occurs around intermediate-felsic volcanic rocks and hypabyssal porphyry intrusions. In this study, we summarize previously available Re–Os isotopes, zircon U–Pb age and trace elements, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data, and present new Pb–S and Re–Os isotope data and zircon trace elements data for ore-related granitoids from the Zijinshan high-sulfidation epithermal Cu–Au deposit and the Luoboling porphyry Cu–Mo deposit, in an attempt to explore the relationship between the two ore systems for a better understanding of their geneses. The ore-bearing porphyritic dacite from the Zijinshan deposit shows a zircon U-Pb age of 108–106 Ma and has higher zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios (92–1568, average 609) but lower Ti-in-zircon temperatures (588–753 °C, average 666 °C) when compared with the barren intrusions in the Zijinshan ore district. Relative to the Zijinshan porphyritic dacite, the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry from the Luoboling deposit show a slightly younger zircon U–Pb age of 103 Ma, but has similar or even higher zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios (213–2621, average 786) and similar Ti-in-zircon temperatures (595–752 °C, average 675 °C). These data suggest that the ore-bearing magmatic rocks crystallized from relatively oxidized and hydrous magmas. Combined with the high rhenium contents (78.6–451 ppm) of molybdenites, the Pb and S isotopic compositions of magmatic feldspars and sulfides suggest that the porphyry and ore-forming materials in the Luoboling Cu–Mo deposit mainly originated from an enriched mantle source. In contrast, the ore-bearing porphyritic dacite in the Zijinshan Cu–Au deposit might be derived from crustal materials mixing with the Cathaysia enriched mantle. The fact that the Zijinshan Cu–Au deposit and the Luoboling Cu–Mo deposit show different origin of ore-forming materials and slightly different metallogenic timing indicates that these two deposits may have been formed from two separate magmatic-hydrothermal systems. Crustal materials might provide the dominant Cu and Au in the Zijinshan epithermal deposit. Cu and Au show vertical zoning and different fertility because the gold transports at low oxygen fugacity and precipitates during the decreasing of temperature, pressure and changing of pH conditions. It is suggested that there is a large Cu–Mo potential for the deeper part of the Zijinshan epithermal Cu–Au deposit, where further deep drilling and exploration are encouraged.  相似文献   

The 7.1 Ma Broken Hills adularia-sericite Au–Ag deposit is currently the only producing rhyolite-hosted epithermal deposit in the Hauraki Goldfield of New Zealand. The opaque minerals include pyrite, electrum, acanthite (Ag2S), sphalerite, and galena, which are common in other adularia-sericite epithermal deposits in the Hauraki Goldfield and elsewhere worldwide. Broken Hills ores also contain the less common minerals aguilarite (Ag4SeS), naumannite (Ag2Se), petrovskaite (AuAgS), uytenbogaardtite (Ag3AuS2), fischesserite (Ag3AuSe2), an unnamed silver chloride (Ag2Cl), and unnamed Ag?±?Au minerals. Uytenbogaardtite and petrovskaite occur with high-fineness electrum. Broken Hills is the only deposit in the Hauraki Goldfield where uytenbogaardtite and petrovskaite have been identified, and these phases appear to have formed predominantly from unmixing of a precursor high-temperature phase under hypogene conditions. Supergene minerals include covellite, chalcocite, Au-rich electrum, barite, and a variety of iron oxyhydroxide minerals. Uytenbogaardtite can form under supergene and hypogene conditions, and textural relationships between uytenbogaardtite and associated high-fineness electrum may be similar in both conditions. Distinguishing the likely environment of formation rests principally on identification of other supergene minerals and documenting their relationships with uytenbogaardtite. The presence of aguilarite, naumannite, petrovskaite, and fischesserite at Broken Hills reflects a Se-rich mineral assemblage. In the Hauraki Goldfield and the western Great Basin, USA, Se-rich minerals are more abundant in provinces that are characterized by bimodal rhyolite–andesite volcanism, but in other epithermal provinces worldwide, the controls on the occurrences of Se-bearing minerals remain poorly constrained, in spite of the unusually high grades associated with many Se-rich epithermal deposits.  相似文献   

We report new zircon U–Pb age, Hf isotopic, and major and trace element data for rhyolites from the Duolong Ore Concentration Area of the Southern Qiangtang Terrane. Building on previous studies, we constrain the tectonic setting and propose a model to explain the geodynamics and crustal growth during regional magmatism in the Early Cretaceous. The analysed rhyolites yield laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U–Pb ages of 115 and 118 Ma. The rocks are K-rich (K2O = 6.66–9.93 wt.%; K2O/Na2O = 8.2–19.7 wt.%), alkaline and peraluminous (A/CNK = 1.02–1.46), and are characterized by high SiO2 contents (72.8–78.8 wt.%) similar to highly fractionated I-type granites. Fractionation of Fe–Ti oxides, plagioclase, hornblende, Ti-bearing phases, apatite, monazite, allanite and zircon contributed to the variations in major and trace element chemistry. High K2O contents are likely due to partial melting of the continental crust. The samples have positive zircon εHf(t) values ranging from +7.1 to +11.2. These features, together with young zircon Hf crustal model ages of 489–721 Ma, indicate that the K-rich rhyolites were derived from juvenile lower crust with an input of a mantle-derived component. We suggest that the Early Cretaceous K-rich rhyolites formed in a continental arc setting during northward subduction of Bangong Co–Nujiang oceanic lithosphere. Basaltic magma underplating was responsible for vertical crustal growth, triggered by slab roll-back in the Duolong Ore Concentration Area in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of high Mg# adakitic rocks in intracontinental settings is still a matter of debate. This paper reports major and trace element, whole-rock Sr–Nd isotope, zircon U–Pb and Hf isotope data for a suite of adakitic monzogranite and its mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) at Yangba in the northwestern margin of the South China Block. These geochemical data suggest that magma mixing between felsic adakitic magma derived from thickened lower continental crust and mafic magma derived from subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) may account for the origin of high Mg# adakitic rocks in the intracontinental setting. The host monzogranite and MMEs from the Yangba pluton have zircon U–Pb ages of 207 ± 2 and 208 ± 2 Ma, respectively. The MMEs show igneous textures and contain abundant acicular apatite that suggests quenching process. Their trace element and evolved Sr–Nd isotopic compositions [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.707069–0.707138, and εNd(t) = −6.5] indicate an origin from SCLM. Some zircon grains from the MMEs have positive εHf(t) values of 2.3–8.2 with single-stage Hf model ages of 531–764 Ma. Thus, the MMEs would be derived from partial melts of the Neoproterozoic SCLM that formed during rift magmatism in response to breakup of supercontinent Rodinia, and experience subsequent fractional crystallization and magma mixing process. The host monzogranite exhibits typical geochemical characteristics of adakite, i.e., high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, low contents of Y (9.5–14.5 ppm) and Yb, no significant Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.81–0.90), suggesting that garnet was stable in their source during partial melting. Its evolved Sr–Nd isotopic compositions [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7041–0.7061, and εNd(t) = −3.1 to −4.3] and high contents of K2O (3.22–3.84%) and Th (13.7–19.0 ppm) clearly indicate an origin from the continental crust. In addition, its high Mg# (51–55), Cr and Ni contents may result from mixing with the SCLM-derived mafic magma. Most of the zircon grains from the adakitic monzogranite show negative εHf(t) values of −9.4 to −0.1 with two-stage Hf model ages of 1,043–1,517 Ma; some zircon grains display positive εHf(t) of 0.1–3.9 with single-stage Hf ages of 704–856 Ma. These indicate that the source region of adakitic monzogranite contains the Neoproterozoic juvenile crust that has the positive εHf(t) values in the Triassic. Thus, the high-Mg adakitic granites in the intracontinental setting would form by mixing between the crustal-derived adakitic magma and the SCLM-derived mafic magma. The mafic and adakitic magmas were generated coevally at Late Triassic, temporally consistent with the exhumation of deeply subducted continental crust in the northern margin of the South China Block. This bimodal magmatism postdates slab breakoff at mantle depths and therefore is suggested as a geodynamic response to lithospheric extension subsequent to the continental collision between the South China and North China Blocks.  相似文献   

Re–Os dating of disseminated ore from the Kalatongke Cu–Ni sulfide mineral deposit, Xinjiang, Northwest (NW) China, yields an apparent isochron age of 433 ± 31 Ma with an apparent initial 187Os/188Os (433 Ma) ratio of 0.197 ± 0.027. This apparent age is older than not only the zircon U–Pb age of the host intrusion (287 ± 5 Ma, Han et al., 2004) but also the stratigraphic age of the intruded country rock. Thus, the regression line is a pseudo-isochron. However, previous Re–Os dating of massive ores of the same deposit yielded an age that is consistent, within analytical uncertainty, with the zircon U–Pb age (Zhang et al., 2008). This relationship is similar to that observed in the Jinchuan deposit, NW China. Therefore, we suggested that the same mechanism, post-segregation diffusion of Os (Yang et al., 2008), is applicable to the Kalatongke deposit.Re–Os isotopic studies of Kalatongke, Jinchuan and representative magmatic Cu–Ni sulfide deposits suggest that the massive ores of mafic–ultramafic-rock-associated Cu–Ni sulfide deposits would yield geologically meaningful Re–Os age, whereas a pseudo-isochron would be obtained for the disseminated ores. Therefore, to obtain a geologically meaningful Re–Os age, the type of the deposit, the type of the ore and the ore-forming process should be taken into account.  相似文献   

The newly discovered Fuxing porphyry Cu deposit is located in the Dananhu–Tousuquan arc, adjacent to the Tuwu–Yandong Cu deposits of Eastern Tianshan, in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The Fuxing deposit is hosted by volcanic rocks (basalt and dacite) in the Early Carboniferous Qi'eshan Group and Carboniferous felsic intrusions (plagiogranite porphyry, monzogranite, and quartz diorite). New SIMS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the plagiogranite porphyry and monzogranite emplaced at 332.1 ± 2.2 Ma and 328.4 ± 3.4 Ma, respectively. The basalts are characterized by low SiO2 contents (47.47–54.90 wt.%), a lack of Eu anomalies, strong depletion of Na, Ta, and Ti elements but positive Sr, U, and Pb anomalies, high Y (20.8–28.2 ppm) and HREE concentrations (Yb = 2.23–3.06 ppm), and relatively low (La/Yb)N (2.20–3.92) values; the dacite samples have high SiO2 contents (66.13–76.93 wt.%), clearly negative Eu anomalies, high Mg# values (36–51), and high Y (41.8–54.9 ppm) and Yb (5.76–8.98 ppm) concentrations. The basalts and dacites exhibit similar signatures as normal arc rocks, and were considered to be derived from partial melting of mantle-wedge peridotite that was previously metasomatized by slab melts. In contrast, the plagiogranite porphyry, monzogranite, and quartz diorite show the same geochemical affinity with modern adakites, which are characterized by high SiO2 contents (67.55–79.00 wt.%), minor negative to positive Eu anomalies, strong depletion of heavy rare earth elements (Yb = 0.17–1.19 ppm) and Y (1.86–10.1 ppm), positive K, Rb, Sr, and Ba but negative Nb, Ta, Th, and Ti anomalies, and high (La/Yb)N ratios and Mg# values. Moreover, these adakitic felsic intrusions display relatively high positive zircon εHf(t) values (+ 11.4 to + 18.3), low 87Sr/86Sr (0.706080–0.711239), high 143Nd/144Nd (0.512692–0.512922) ratios, and consistent zircon δ18O values (4.41‰–5.48‰), suggesting that their parental magma were most likely derived from partial melting of the subducted oceanic crust followed by mantle peridotite interaction. Based on the whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf–O isotopic data, as well as detailed petrographic analyses, we further suggest that the Fuxing igneous rocks and associated porphyry Cu mineralization were generated by the northward subduction of the paleo-Tianshan oceanic plate beneath the Dananhu–Tousuquan island arc during the Early Carboniferous.  相似文献   

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