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Zijinshan is a large porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au–Mo–Ag ore system located in the Zijinshan mineral field (ZMF) of southwestern Fujian Province, China. Although it is commonly accepted that the early Cretaceous magmatism and the metallogenesis of the mineral field are closely related, the tectonic setting for the ore-forming event(s) has been controversial and regarded as either extensional or subduction-related. New U–Pb zircon geochronology, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systematics, and geochemical data presented here from granites and volcanic rocks in the mineral field help to clarify this uncertainty.LA–MC–ICP-MS U–Pb zircon analyses yield weighted mean ages of between ca. 165 and 157 for the monzogranite, ca. 112 Ma for granodiorite, and between ca. 111 and 102 Ma for nine samples of volcanic units in the study area. These dates, integrated with previous geochronological data, indicate that there were two magmatic events in the area during the Middle to Late Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous. Major and trace element geochemistry indicates that these rocks are high-K, calc-alkaline granites, are enriched in LREE and Th, U, Ta, Nd, Sm and Yb, and depleted in Ba, K, Sr, P, Ti and Y. These features are characteristic of volcanic-arc granites or active-continental margin granites. The Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons in the region have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7096 to 0.7173, εNdT values of − 10.1 to − 7.6, 206Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 18.51–18.86, 207Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 15.64–15.73, and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios of 38.76–39.18. The Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks are distinctly different with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7055–0.7116, εNdT values of − 8 to 0.5, 206Pb/204Pb ratios ranging between 18.49 and 19.77, 207Pb/204Pb ratios of 15.63–15.71, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 38.71–40.62. These characteristics suggest that the source for the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons is a partially melted Mesoproterozoic substrate, with a minor component from Paleozoic material, whereas the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks may represent mixing of crustal and mantle-derived melts. It is therefore suggested that the Middle to Late Jurassic monzogranitic plutons, and the Early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the ZMF are the result of an active continental-margin setting related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Eurasian continent. Given that the mineralization and the early Cretaceous granodiorite and volcanic rocks in the area are genetically related, the Zijinshan porphyry–epithermal ore system formed in the subduction-related tectonic setting.  相似文献   

The Tayuan (Cu–Mo)–Pb–Zn deposit is located in the northern part of Daxinganling, NE China. Lenticular ore body occurs in the skarn zone. The skarn minerals mainly include garnet, pyroxene, epidote and wollastonite. Electron microprobe analysis shows that the end member of garnet is mainly andradite (Ad62–97Gr11–45), the pyroxene is mainly diopside, and epidote is mainly clinozoisite. These characteristics indicate that the Tayuan polymetallic skarn deposit is mainly calcareous skarn. Sometimes the content zonation can be observed in garnets. With one garnet crystal, content is shifty from the core to the rim. In general, the iron content in the core is higher than in the edge. The content in the garnet shows that the garnet in the Tayuan deposit formed from weak oxidation in alkaline environment with the oxygen fugacity increasing, suggesting that the hydrothermal fluid evolved from an acidic to a slight alkaline state. In the Tayuan polymetallic deposit, the ratio of Mn/Fe in pyroxene is about 1.3, and of Mg/Fe, it is about 2. The components of garnet in the Tayuan deposit plot in the field of the typical skarn Zn, Cu, Mo deposits in the world.  相似文献   

The Luoboling Cu–Mo deposit in the Zijinshan Orefield, Fujian province, southeastern China, is a large porphyry deposit hosted by the Sifang granodiorite and the Luoboling granodiorite porphyry. The largest Cu–Mo orebody is saddle-shaped with various types of hydrothermal veinlets. Intensive hydrothermal alteration in the deposit is characterized by outward zoning from potassic, overprinted by phyllic alteration, to phyllic and alunite–dickite alteration. Based on the mineral assemblages and crosscutting relationships of veins, the ore-forming process can be divided into three stages, namely: an early-stage K-feldspar + quartz ± magnetite ± molybdenite veins associated with potassic alteration; a middle-stage quartz + molybdenite + chalcopyrite + pyrite veins in phyllic zone; and a late-stage quartz ± gypsum veins in the phyllic and alunite–dickite alteration zones. Six molybdenite separates yield a Re−Os isochron age 104.6 ± 1.0 Ma, which is identical to the age of emplacement of the Sifang and Luoboling granodiorite porphyries. Three types of fluid inclusions (FIs) were observed at the Luoboling deposit: 1) NaCl–H2O (aqueous), 2) daughter mineral-bearing and 3) CO2–H2O fluid inclusions. FIs of the early and middle stages are predominantly vapor-rich aqueous and daughter mineral-bearing inclusions, together with minor CO2-rich and liquid-rich aqueous inclusions; whereas the late-stage minerals only contain liquid-rich aqueous inclusions. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of FIs trapped in the early-stage minerals range from 420 to 540 °C and 0.4 to 62.9 wt.% NaCl equiv., respectively. FIs of the middle-stage yield homogenization temperatures of 340 to 480 °C and salinities of 0.5 to 56.0 wt.% NaCl equiv. CO2 content and the oxygen fugacity (indicated by daughter minerals) of FIs trapped in middle-stage minerals are lower than those in the early stage. The liquid-rich aqueous inclusions of the late-stage homogenize at temperatures of 140 to 280 °C, yielding salinities of 0.4 to 8.4 wt.% NaCl equiv. The minimum estimated pressures of the three stages are 30–70 MPa, 10–40 MPa and 1–10 MPa, respectively, corresponding to minimum ore-forming depths of 1–2.8 km. Fluids trapped in early, middle and late stages yield δD values of − 67‰ to − 54‰, − 54‰ to − 70‰, and − 62‰, and δ18O values of 5.4‰ to 6.7‰, 2.8‰ to 4.2‰, and − 2.1‰, respectively. Fluid boiling, which resulted in the formation of stockworks and the precipitation of sulfides, occurred in the early and middle stages. The fluids subsequently evolved into a low temperature, low salinity system in the late stage, along with an input of meteoric water. The Luoboling porphyry Cu–Mo system was developed in a transition from continental arc to back-arc extension region, which was related to the westward subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate beneath the Huanan Orogen.  相似文献   

The Yidun Arc was formed in response to the westward subduction of Garze–Litang Ocean (a branch of Paleotethys) in the Late Triassic, where abundant porphyry Cu–Mo deposits (221–213 Ma) developed along the regional NW–SE sinistral faults and emplaced in the southern portion of the arc. The ore-related porphyries are mostly metaluminous or slightly peraluminous, belonging to shoshonitic high-potassium calc-alkaline I-type granites, with εHf(t) values of −6.64 to +4.12. The ore-bearing magmas were probably derived from the partial melting of subduction-metasomatic-enriched mantle, with the contamination of underplated mafic materials. The Late Cretaceous (88–80 Ma) highly fractionated I-type granite belt and related porphyry Cu–Mo deposits and magmatic-hydrothermal Cu–Mo–W deposits occur along approximately N–S-trending faults in the Yidun Arc. This belt extended across the Yidun Arc and Garze–Litang suture zone to the north and across the Yangtze Craton to the south, intruding the Late Triassic porphyry belt. The ore-related porphyries are characterized by high silica and high total alkalis, with enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; Rb, U and K) and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE; Nb, Ta, P and Ti) and Ba. They have lower εHf(t) values varying from −9.55 to −2.75, and significant negative Eu anomalies, indicating that the ore-bearing porphyritic magmas originated from ancient middle-upper crust. Two-stage magmatism and mineralization were superimposed in the Xiangcheng-Shangri-La district. Some ore deposits comprise two episodes of magmatism and associated mineralization such as both 207 ± 3.0 Ma granodiorite and 82.1 ± 1.2 Ma monzogranite intruded in the Xiuwacu deposit, causing Cu–Mo–W polymetallic mineralization. To date, 11 Late Triassic porphyry Cu deposits (e.g. the Pulang giant deposit with 5.1 Mt Cu), and five Late Cretaceous porphyry Cu–Mo (W) deposits (e.g. Tongchanggou Mo deposit with 0.59 Mt Mo) have been evaluated in the Xiangcheng-Shangri-La district. The continuity and inheritance of multiphase magmatism and the new understanding of superimposed mineralization will help to guide future exploration.  相似文献   

Given that the Duobuza deposit was the first porphyry Cu–Au deposit discovered in central Tibet, the mineralization and mineralized porphyry in this area have been the focus of intensive research, yet the overall porphyry sequence associated with the deposit remains poorly understood. New geological mapping, logging, and sampling of an early granodiorite porphyry, an inter-mineralization porphyry, and a late-mineralization diorite porphyry were complemented by LA–ICP–MS zircon dating, whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses, and in situ Hf isotopic analyses for both inter- and late-mineralization porphyry intrusions. All of the porphyry intrusions are high-K and calc-alkaline, and were emplaced at ca. 120 Ma. The geochemistry of these intrusions is indicative of arc magmatism, as all three porphyry phases are enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, and depleted in heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements. These similar characteristics of the intrusions, when combined with the relatively high (87Sr/86Sr)i, negative εNd(t), and positive εHf(t) values, suggest that the magmas that formed the porphyries were derived from a common source region and shared a single magma chamber. The magmas were generated by the mixing of upwelling metasomatized mantle-wedge-derived mafic magmas and magmas generated by partial melting of amphibolite within the lower crust.The inter-mineralization porphyry has the lowest εNd(t) and highest (87Sr/86Sr)i values, suggesting that a large amount of lower-crust-derived material was incorporated into the melt and that metals such as Cu and Au from the enriched lower crust were scavenged by the parental magma. The relative mafic late-mineralization diorite porphyry phase was formed by the residual magma in the magma chamber mixing with upwelling mafic melt derived from metasomatized mantle. The magmatic–hydrothermal evolution of the magma in the chamber released ore-forming fluid that was transported mainly by the inter-mineralization porphyry phase during the mineralization stage, which ultimately formed the Duobuza porphyry Cu–Au deposit.These porphyritic intrusions of the Duobuza deposit have high Mg# and low (La/Yb)N values, and show some high LILE/HFSE ratios, indicating the magma source was enriched by interaction with slab-derived fluids. Combined with age constraints on the regional tectonic evolution, these dating and geochemical results suggest that the Duobuza porphyry Cu–Au deposit formed in a subduction setting during the final stages of the northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1837-1851
The Taipingchuan Cu–Mo deposit is a recently discovered large porphyry deposit located in the north of the Derbugan metallogenic belt of northeastern China. The geochronological data of the deposit yielded a Late Triassic zircon U–Pb age of 202 ± 6 Ma from a granodiorite porphyry that hosts the Cu–Mo mineralization. Measured Re–Os isotopes of seven disseminated molybdenite samples yielded an isochron age of 200 ± 5 Ma with mean square of weighted deviates of 2.7, while those of seven veinlet molybdenite samples also produced an isochron age of 200.1 ± 2.5 Ma and mean square of weighted deviates of 3.3. These isochron ages show that a Cu–Mo mineralization event occurred at ca. 200 Ma. Based on regional tectonic evolution, we propose that the Late Triassic Cu–Mo mineralization of the host porphyry in the Derbugan metallogenic belt was mainly associated with the subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean slab under the Ergun block, contrary to previous suggestion that it was related to the subduction of the Mesozoic Palaeo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

The Zijinshan ore district occurs as one of the largest porphyry-epithermal Cu–Au–Mo ore systems in South China, including the giant Zijinshan epithermal Cu–Au deposit and the large Luoboling porphyry Cu–Mo deposit. The mineralization is intimately related to Late Mesozoic large-scale tectono-magmatic and hydrothermal events. The Cu–Au–Mo mineralization occurs around intermediate-felsic volcanic rocks and hypabyssal porphyry intrusions. In this study, we summarize previously available Re–Os isotopes, zircon U–Pb age and trace elements, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data, and present new Pb–S and Re–Os isotope data and zircon trace elements data for ore-related granitoids from the Zijinshan high-sulfidation epithermal Cu–Au deposit and the Luoboling porphyry Cu–Mo deposit, in an attempt to explore the relationship between the two ore systems for a better understanding of their geneses. The ore-bearing porphyritic dacite from the Zijinshan deposit shows a zircon U-Pb age of 108–106 Ma and has higher zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios (92–1568, average 609) but lower Ti-in-zircon temperatures (588–753 °C, average 666 °C) when compared with the barren intrusions in the Zijinshan ore district. Relative to the Zijinshan porphyritic dacite, the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry from the Luoboling deposit show a slightly younger zircon U–Pb age of 103 Ma, but has similar or even higher zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios (213–2621, average 786) and similar Ti-in-zircon temperatures (595–752 °C, average 675 °C). These data suggest that the ore-bearing magmatic rocks crystallized from relatively oxidized and hydrous magmas. Combined with the high rhenium contents (78.6–451 ppm) of molybdenites, the Pb and S isotopic compositions of magmatic feldspars and sulfides suggest that the porphyry and ore-forming materials in the Luoboling Cu–Mo deposit mainly originated from an enriched mantle source. In contrast, the ore-bearing porphyritic dacite in the Zijinshan Cu–Au deposit might be derived from crustal materials mixing with the Cathaysia enriched mantle. The fact that the Zijinshan Cu–Au deposit and the Luoboling Cu–Mo deposit show different origin of ore-forming materials and slightly different metallogenic timing indicates that these two deposits may have been formed from two separate magmatic-hydrothermal systems. Crustal materials might provide the dominant Cu and Au in the Zijinshan epithermal deposit. Cu and Au show vertical zoning and different fertility because the gold transports at low oxygen fugacity and precipitates during the decreasing of temperature, pressure and changing of pH conditions. It is suggested that there is a large Cu–Mo potential for the deeper part of the Zijinshan epithermal Cu–Au deposit, where further deep drilling and exploration are encouraged.  相似文献   

The broadly N70°–90°E-trending dykes swarm at Kekem cut across the Paleoproterozoic-to-Achean terranes of West Cameroon remobilized during the Pan-African orogeny. They are picrite basalts and basalts with tholeiitic/transitional affinity, as shown by mineralogical and geochemical data, with variable major and trace element contents, MgO ranges from 7.3 to 12.4 wt.%, Cr from 190 to 411 ppm, Ni from 15 to 234 ppm. All the dykes are light REE enriched with LaN/YbN values of 5.3–8.1, suggesting a co-magmatic origin. They originated from a 2.8% partial melting of a spinel-mantle source with no or little crustal input. The geochemical features of Kekem dykes are similar to those of Paleozoic and Mesozoic dykes recorded in North and Central Africa, suggesting multiple reactivations of pre-existing fractures that resulted in the fragmentation of western Gondwana and the opening of Central and South Atlantic Oceans.  相似文献   

The Zijinshan high-sulfidation epithermal Cu–Au deposit is located in the Zijinshan ore field of South China, comprising porphyry–epithermal Cu–Au–Mo–Ag ore systems. The Cu ore body is more than 1000 m thick and is characterized by an assemblage of digenite–covellite–enargite–alunite. Digenite is the dominant Cu-bearing mineral, which makes this deposit unique, although the mechanisms of digenite formation remain controversial. To elucidate the genesis of digenite, this paper presents the Cu isotopic compositions of Cu-sulfides in the Zijinshan high-sulfidation Cu–Au deposit. The Cu isotopic values (65Cu relative to NIST 976) of all samples range from −2.97‰ to +0.34‰, and most values fall in a narrow range from −0.49‰ to +0.34‰, which is similar to the Cu isotopic signature of typical porphyry systems. Copper isotope ratios of each mineral decrease with increasing depth, a trend that is also typical of porphyry deposits. The variation tendency of δ65Cu values between sulfides is consistent with the sequence of mineral formation. These observations suggest that the Cu-sulfides in the Zijinshan Cu–Au deposit have a hypogene origin.  相似文献   

A complete thermal history for the Qulong porphyry Cu–Mo deposit, Tibet is presented. Zircon U–Pb geochronology indicates that the mineralization at Qulong resulted from brecciation-veining events associated with the emplacement of a series of intermediate-felsic intrusions. Combined with previously published ages, our results reveal a whole intrusive history of the Qulong composite pluton. Causative porphyries were emplaced at ~ 16.0 Ma as revealed by 40Ar–39Ar dating of hydrothermal biotite (15.7 ± 0.2 Ma) and sericite (15.7 ± 0.2 Ma). Zircon and apatite (U–Th)/He (ZHe and AHe) dating of Qulong revealed that both followed similar, monotonic thermal trajectories from 900 °C (U–Pb ages: 17.5–15.9 Ma) to 200 °C (ZHe: 15.7–14.0 Ma), and that the causative porphyries experienced faster cooling at a maximum rate of greater than 200 °C/myr. The Qulong deposit was exhumed between 13.6 Ma and 12.4 Ma (AHe) at an estimated rate of 0.16–0.24 mm/y, which is consistent with previous estimates for other Gangdese Miocene porphyry deposits. Our AHe thermochronology results suggest that neither the Gangdese thrust system, nor the Yadong–Gulu graben affected or accelerated exhumation at the Qulong deposit.  相似文献   

The Jinchuan Ni–Cu sulfide deposit is hosted by an elongated, olivine-rich ultramafic body that is divided by subvertical strike-slip faults into three segments (central, eastern, and western). The central segment is characterized by concentric enrichments of cumulus olivine crystals and interstitial sulfides (pyrrhotite–pentlandite–chalcopyrite intergrowth), whereas the eastern and western segments are characterized by an increase of sulfides toward the lower contacts. In all segments sulfides are concentrated at the expense of intercumulus silicates. Olivine re-crystallization is found to be associated with actinolite alteration in some samples. The compositional variations of primary olivine from the sulfide-poor samples can be explained by a small degree of olivine crystallization (<5%) from a basaltic magma followed by local re-equilibration of the olivine with up to 30% trapped silicate liquid. In the sulfide-bearing samples the compositions of primary olivine record the results of olivine-sulfide Fe–Ni exchange that occurred after the trapped silicate liquid crystallized. Our olivine data indicate that Ni in the original sulfide liquids increased inward in the central segment and laterally away from the lower contact in the eastern segment. Variations in the compositions of sulfide liquids are thought to result from fractional segregation of immiscible sulfide liquid from a basaltic magma in a staging chamber instead of in situ differentiation. High concentrations of olivine crystals (mostly >50 modal%) and sulfide (averaging ~5 wt%) in the rocks are consistent with the interpretation that the Jinchuan deposit was formed by olivine- and sulfide-laden magma successively ascending through a conduit to a higher, now-eroded, level. Sulfide enrichment toward the center in the central segment and toward the lower contact in the eastern and western segments may have, in part, resulted from flow differentiation and gravitational settling during magma ascent, respectively.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   

The Permian Huangshanxi Cu–Ni deposit is the second largest magmatic sulfide deposit discovered to date in a major Ni–Cu province related to protracted basaltic magmatism in eastern Xinjiang, China. It is hosted by a small mafic–ultramafic intrusion comprised predominantly of lherzolites, olivine websterites, gabbronorites, and gabbros. The Huangshanxi intrusion is coeval with Permian basalts of tholeiitic and alkaline affinities in the Tuha and Tarim basins, respectively. To evaluate a possible genetic relationship between the Huangshanxi intrusion and a specific type of coeval basalt in the region, as well as ore genesis in the intrusion, we have carried out an integrated mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical study. Our data reveal that the Huangshanxi intrusive rocks are characterized by relatively flat chondrite-normalized REE patterns, depletion in Nb and Ta, and elevated εNd values varying between 6 and 10. These features are similar to those of coeval tholeiitic basalts in the nearby Tuha basin, but are significantly different from those of coeval alkaline basalts in the relatively remote Tarim basin. The geochemical similarities and differences suggest that the Huangshanxi intrusion is genetically related to the tholeiitic basalts in the Tuha basin, not to the alkaline basalts in the Tarim basin, as suggested previously by some researchers. This implies that regional exploration for the Huangshanxi-type Cu–Ni deposits should be centered in the Tuha basin instead of the Tarim basin. More specifically, the uplifted areas around the Tuha basin where similar intrusions may have been brought close to the surface should be carefully examined for mineralization potential. Intrusive relations and mass balance constraints from incompatible trace elements and sulfide abundances suggest that the Huangshanxi intrusion represents a dynamic magma conduit through which multiple pulses of magma ascended to higher levels or to the surface. Numerical simulation of magma evolution and mixing calculations using Sr–Nd isotopes indicate that selective assimilation of S-bearing crustal materials is important for sulfide saturation during the early stages of magma evolution when lherzolites formed. Fractional crystallization may have also played a role in the attainment of sulfide saturation during the later stages of magma evolution when olivine websterites and gabbronorites formed. In both cases, immiscible sulfide droplets were retained in the conduit to form disseminated sulfide lenses while the fractionated silicate liquids and buoyant phases such as plagioclase continued to ascend. Extremely low PGE tenors in the sulfide ores of the Huangshanxi deposit suggest that the parental magma was highly depleted in chalcophile elements possibly due to previous sulfide segregation at depth.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2003,22(1-2):61-90
Quantitative laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, trace element chemistry of sulfides, stable isotope (S), and Pb isotopes have been used to discriminate the formation of two contrasting mineralization styles and to evaluate the origin of the Cu and Au at Mt Morgan.The Mt Morgan Au–Cu deposit is hosted by Devonian felsic volcanic rocks that have been intruded by multiple phases of the Mt Morgan Tonalite, a low-K, low-Al2O3 tonalite–trondhjemite–dacite (TTD) complex. An early, barren massive sulfide mineralization with stringer veins is conforming to VHMS sub-seafloor replacement processes, whereas the high-grade Au–Cu ore is associated with a later quartz–chalcopyrite–pyrite stockwork mineralization that is related to intrusive phases of the Tonalite complex. LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analyses reveal high As (avg. 8850 ppm) and Sb (avg. 140 ppm) for the Au–Cu mineralization and 5 to 10 times higher Cu concentration than in the fluids associated with the massive pyrite mineralization. Overall, the hydrothermal system of Mt Morgan is characterized by low average fluid salinities in both mineralization styles (45–80% seawater salinity) and temperatures of 210 to 270 °C estimated from fluid inclusions. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analysis indicates a consistent and uniform array of CO2-bearing fluids. Comparison with active submarine hydrothermal vents shows an enrichment of the Mt Morgan fluids in base metals. Therefore, a seawater-dominated fluid is assumed for the barren massive sulfide mineralization, whereas magmatic volatile contributions are implied for the intrusive related mineralization. Condensation of magmatic vapor into a seawater-dominated environment explains the CO2 occurrence, the low salinities, and the enriched base and precious metal fluid composition that is associated with the Au–Cu mineralization. The sulfur isotope signature of pyrite and chalcopyrite is composed of fractionated Devonian seawater and oxidized magmatic fluids or remobilized sulfur from existing sulfides. Pb isotopes indicate that Au and Cu originated from the Mt Morgan intrusions and a particular volcanic strata that shows elevated Cu background.  相似文献   

Magnetite is a common mineral in many ore deposits and their host rocks, and contains a wide range of trace elements (e.g., Ti, V, Mg, Cr, Mn, Ca, Al, Ni, Ga, Sn) that can be used for deposit type fingerprinting. In this study, we present new magnetite geochemical data for the Longqiao Fe deposit (Luzong ore district) and Tieshan Fe–(Cu) deposit (Edong ore district), which are important magmatic-hydrothermal deposits in eastern China.Textural features, mineral assemblages and paragenesis of the Longqiao and Tieshan ore samples have suggested the presence of two main mineralization periods (sedimentary and hydrothermal) at Longqiao, among which the hydrothermal period comprises four stages (skarn, magnetite, sulfide and carbonate); whilst the Tieshan Fe–(Cu) deposit comprises four mineralization stages (skarn, magnetite, quartz-sulfide and carbonate).Magnetite from the Longqiao and Tieshan deposits has different geochemistry, and can be clearly discriminated by the Sn vs. Ga, Ni vs. Cr, Ga vs. Al, Ni vs. Al, V vs. Ti, and Al vs. Mg diagrams. Such difference may be applied to distinguish other typical skarn (Tieshan) and multi-origin hydrothermal (Longqiao) deposits in the MLYRB. The fluid–rock interactions, influence of the co-crystallizing minerals and other physicochemical parameters, such as temperature and fO2, may have altogether controlled the magnetite trace element contents of both deposits. The Tieshan deposit may have had higher degree of fO2, but lower fluid–rock interactions and ore-forming temperature than the Longqiao deposit. The TiO2–Al2O3–(MgO + MnO) and (Ca + Al + Mn) vs. (Ti + V) magnetite discrimination diagrams show that the Longqiao Fe deposit has both sedimentary and hydrothermal features, whereas the Tieshan Fe–(Cu) deposit is skarn-type and was likely formed via hydrothermal metasomatism, consistent with the ore characteristics observed.  相似文献   

Late Mesozoic dioritic and quartz dioritic plutons are widespread in the Daye region, eastern Yangtze craton, eastern China. Detailed geochronological, geochemical, and Sr–Nd isotopic studies have been undertaken for most of these plutons, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive understanding in the age, genesis and geodynamical control of the extensive magmatism. SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicate that the plutons were emplaced in the range of latest Jurassic (ca. 152 Ma) to early Cretaceous (ca. 132 Ma), which was followed by dyke emplacement between 127 and 121 Ma and volcanism during the 130–113 Ma interval. Both diorites and quartz diorites are sodic, metaluminous, high-K calc-alkaline, and characterized by strongly fractionated, sub-parallel REE patterns without obvious Eu anomalies. The rocks are enriched in highly incompatible elements and large ion lithophile elements, but depleted in high field strength elements. Samples of diorite and quartz diorite have similar Sr–Nd isotopic compositions that are consistent with the early Cretaceous basalts and mafic intrusions throughout the eastern Yangtze craton. The geochemical and isotopic data, together with results of geochemical modeling, indicate an enriched mantle source for the plutonic rocks. The quartz diorites have geochemical signatures resembling adakites, such as high Al2O3 (15–19 wt.%), Sr (630–2,080 ppm), Na2O (>3.5 wt.%), negative Nb–Ta anomalies, low Y (7–19 ppm), Yb (0.5–1.8 ppm), Sc (5–15 ppm), and resultant high Sr/Y (45–200) and La/Yb (31–63) ratios. Genesis of the adakitic quartz diorites is best explained in terms of low-pressure intracrustal fractional crystallization of cumulates consisting of hornblende, plagioclase, K-feldspar, magnetite, and apatite from mantle-derived dioritic magmas. Mantle-derived magmatism broadly coeval with that of the Daye region also is widespread in other regions of the eastern Yangtze craton, reflecting large-scale melting of the lithospheric mantle during the Late Mesozoic. The large-scale magmatism was most likely driven by lithospheric extension associated with thinning of lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern China continent.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1532-1547
The Jitoushan W–Mo ore body is a typical skarn-type deposit with the potential for porphyry Mo mineralization at depth. As it is newly discovered, only a few studies have been conducted on the geochronology and ore genesis of this deposit. The ore district consists of Cambrian to Silurian sedimentary and low-grade metasedimentary strata, intruded by granodiorite, diorite porphyry, granite porphyry, and quartz porphyry. Skarn W–Mo ore bodies are hosted in the contact zone between the granodiorite and Cambrian limestone strata. Within the granodiorite near the contact zone, quartz vein type and disseminated sulphide mineralization are well developed. The Mo-bearing granite porphyry has been traced at depth by drilling. Our results reveal two discrete magmatic events at ca. 138 and ca. 127 Ma in the study area. The molybdenite Re–Os isochronal age of 136.6 ± 1.5 million years is consistent with the first magmatic event. The zircon Hf isotope (?Hf(t) =??12.55?3.91), sulphide isotopes (δ34S = 3.32–5.59‰), and Re content of molybdenite (Recontent = 6.424–19.07 μg) indicate that the ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the deep crust. The regional tectonic system switched from a Late Jurassic transpressive regime to an earliest Cretaceous extensional regime at ca. 145 Ma, and at ca. 138 Ma, the Jitoushan W–Mo deposit formed in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

The Tonglushan ore district in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley metallogenic belt includes the Tonglushan Cu–Fe, the Jiguanzui Au–Cu, and the Taohuazui Au–Cu skarn deposits. They are characterized by NE-striking ore bodies and hosted at the contact of Triassic carbonate rocks and Late Mesozoic granitoid deposits. New Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA–ICP-MS) zircon U–Pb, molybdenite Re–Os, and phlogopite 40Ar–39Ar ages indicate that these skarn deposits formed between 140.3 ± 1.1 and 137.3 ± 2.4 Ma. These dates are identical to the zircon U–Pb ages for host quartz diorites ranging from 140 ± 2 to 139 ± 1 Ma. These results confirm that both skarn mineralization and related intrusions were initiated during the Early Cretaceous. The high rhenium contents (261.4–1152 μg/g) of molybdenites indicate that a metasomatic mantle fluid was involved in the ore-forming process of these skarn ore systems. This conclusion is consistent with previously published constraints from sulfur, deuterium, and oxygen isotope compositions, and the geochemical signatures, and Sr–Nd isotopic data of the mineralization-hosting intrusions. Geological and geochronological evidence demonstrates that there were two igneous events in the Tonglushan ore district. The first resulted in the emplacement of quartz diorite during the Early Cretaceous (140 ± 2 to 139 ± 1 Ma), and the second is characterized by the eruption of volcanic rocks during the mid-Early Cretaceous (130 ± 2 to 124 ± 2 Ma). The former is spatially, temporally and genetically associated with skarn gold-bearing mineralization (140.3 ± 1.1 to 137.3 ± 2.4 Ma). The recognition of these two igneous events invalidates previous models that proposed continuous magmatism and associated mineral deposits in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley metallogenic belt.  相似文献   

Detailed geological observations and analytical studies make it possible to distinguish two groups of fluid-explosion breccias (FEB) in the Vysokogorskoe tin deposit of the Kavalerovo ore district. These breccias are assumed to be related to different stages of geological (geodynamic) evolution and played different roles in ore formation. The earlier breccias (79–69 Ma), which were altered by boron metasomatism and subsequent main tin mineralization, were most probably formed at the Cretaceous subduction stage. The later breccias (55–51 Ma) are syngenetic to the dacite (rhyolite) porphyry dikes of the Paleocene–Eocene transform stage. They were formed after precipitation of the majority of the cassiterite, but prior to the latest quartz–fluorite–carbonate stage of ore formation. According to the Sillitoe classification, the explosion breccias of the Vysokogorskoe deposit correspond to a magmatic–hydrothermal genetic type. They are characterized by multiple brecciation and intersection by small bodies of porphyritic rhyolites.  相似文献   

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