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辽宁红透山块状硫化物矿床位于华北克拉通北缘,是中国最大的太古宙块状硫化物矿床。该矿床经历了高级角闪岩相变质变形和后期热液改造。通过野外和矿相学观察,将红透山矿床的主要矿石类型划分为4类。块状矿石呈层状和块状构造,等粒状和变晶结构;粗晶状矿石呈透镜状和块状构造,巨斑状和填隙结构;糜棱岩化矿石又称矿石糜棱岩,矿石呈透镜状和揉皱状构造,细粒化和重结晶结构;富铜矿石,或称"铜条",呈脉状和板条状,交代残留和乳滴结构,变形显著。通过对以上4类矿石矿物组合、共生关系和变形特征的分析,系统厘定了矿石的成因和形成过程。块状矿石的变形和流体活动不明显,是原生VMS矿石受区域变质重结晶的产物。粗晶状矿石变斑晶发育,黄铜矿和闪锌矿含量极低,代表强烈变质重结晶和再活化后的残余相。矿石糜棱岩韧性变形最强烈,黄铜矿和闪锌矿明显高于块状矿石,代表韧性变形和再活化的硫化物矿石。铜条韧性变形和交代结构发育,以黄铜矿为主,闪锌矿次之,同时含少量指示低温成因的硫铜钴矿,是机械再活化与变质热液再沉淀的产物。  相似文献   

A mountainous terrain, the eastern Pontide tectonic belt, located in northeastern Turkey, contains more than 60 known volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits that differ in reserves (0.1–30 million tonnes) and grades. Soil geochemistry is conventionally used in exploration programs to discover concealed VMS deposits in the region. In the present study, Pb and As element pair were used as pathfinder elements to investigate the relationship of their anomalies to a completely delineated ore deposit (Killik VMS deposit) in an orientation survey that served as a natural physical model. Two hundred forty soil samples were analyzed in the present study. The two elements, which represent the opposite ends of the mobility range, revealed high contrast and overlapped each other at the location of the ore deposit due to enhancement of the anomalies by hydromorphic dispersion, which is an indication that soil samples would produce reliable results. The successful delineation of the deposit is remarkable considering the rough topography and the climatic limitations. Previously the extremely moist and temperate climate was thought to cause excessive leaching of the trace element pathfinders from the ore deposits to produce extensive anomalies usually extending away from the mineralization thus, leading to erroneous results and/or extensive anomalous areas. But the present research has shown that the method can be used effectively if the sampling and data evaluation is carefully conducted.  相似文献   

Gold-rich Fe–Cu–Zn volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits occur within strata of probable Jurassic age on Rapu Rapu Island in Albay Province, Philippines. Massive sulfides at the Ungay Malobago and Hixbar deposits are spatially associated with dacitic volcanic rocks within a highly-deformed sequence of mafic volcanic and quartzofeldspathic sedimentary rocks. The massive sulfide deposits formed at the stratigraphic contact between footwall dacites and hangingwall mafic volcanic and quartzofeldspathic rocks. The deposits and their host strata have undergone regional metamorphism with strong penetrative deformation. Metamorphic mineral assemblages and textural evidence suggest that peak metamorphism was upper-greenschist to lower-amphibolite grade and syn-D1 deformation. Based on the age of regional metamorphism, deformation is inferred to be mid-Tertiary in age. Deformation at Rapu Rapu resulted in reorientation of the strata into a broad antiform with strong shallow-plunging elongation fabrics, overturning of the volcanic sequence that hosts the Ungay Malobago deposit, and complex folding of the mineralized zones. The present highly linear form of the Ungay Malobago deposit is mainly a product of this ductile strain.Immobile element ratios for a given lithology generally remain constant in saprolitic samples, and thus provide an effective identification tool even in strongly weathered rocks. Lithogeochemical data define a bimodal volcanic suite that is comparable to bimodal assemblages that occur in several modern back-arc basins in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, including those behind the Vanuatu and the New Britain arcs. On Rapu Rapu, the dacitic rocks are enriched in light REE and have high Zr/Y ratios, which indicates a calc–alkaline affinity and suggests a mature island-arc setting. The quartzofeldspathic sedimentary rocks are more widespread than the dacites and have notably lower Zr/Y ratios; they may have been derived from erosion of a distant volcanic arc. The mafic volcanic rocks are dominantly low-K arc tholeiites of basaltic to andesitic composition, but with modest enrichment in the light REE; comparable rocks can be found in the Vanuatu and New Britain back-arc basins.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00126-003-0349-0An erratum to this article can be found at Editorial handling: O. Christensen  相似文献   

A new analytical method using micro-X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is presented for the in situ analysis of major elements in rock samples. This approach has allowed for a separate study of hydrothermal alteration of matrix versus fragments in volcaniclastic material (i.e. flow breccia). This is particularly important for volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) exploration in subaqueous felsic dome-flow complexes, where brecciated facies are omnipresent and the imprint of hydrothermal alteration is typically heterogeneous. In this study, eleven elements are measured with a 1.7 by 1.3 mm window considered to be representative of each sample, based on replicate analyses. An average is calculated for the analyzed window and yields a nearly complete analysis with the exception of loss of ignition (LOI). Micro-XRF data were validated using whole rock XRF analyses performed on the same sample block. The application of this chemical method has been tested successfully on thin sections from the Cap d'Ours section of the Glenwood rhyolite in the Rouyn-Noranda region of Québec, Canada. With 58 samples spaced at approximately 50 m intervals, two styles of alteration zoning were recognized: (1) a lateral and concordant zoning expressed by vent-proximal silicification in the west grading toward vent-distal chlorite–sericite alteration to the east, and (2) vertical and discordant zoning expressed by stronger sericitization in the upper part of later volcanic quartz- and feldspar-phyric endogenous lobes. The former is typical of cooling induced by seawater interaction at the lava–water interface at temperatures greater than 400 °C, whereas the latter is related to lower temperature (< 300 °C) hydrothermal mineralization associated with endogenous lobe emplacement within the volcanic pile. The presented results clearly demonstrate the potential use of the micro-XRF data for characterizing weak to intense hydrothermal alteration in highly fragmented volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

熔积岩指的是侵入、混合到未固结或弱固结的湿沉积物中的熔浆分解、原位形成的一类特殊岩石。正确地认识该类岩石,有利于增进人们对岩浆-水(沉积物)相互作用过程的理解,恢复古环境。在青海南部沱沱河地区发现了一套角砾为撕片状、锯齿状及浑圆状的安山岩,胶结物为铁硅质组合的特殊熔积岩。研究表明,该熔积岩的角砾为岩浆遇水后快速淬火、裂解的产物,铁硅质组合为海底喷气沉积形成的含铁建造;且安山岩与含铁建造发生混合时,含铁建造尚未固结。该套熔积岩的发现,改变了长期以来对开心岭铁矿为火山热液交代安山岩而形成的认识,对于在矿区寻找VMS型矿床、区域内寻找海底热水喷流沉积型矿床具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

新疆哈密卡拉塔格块状硫化物矿床金银赋存状态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新疆哈密红海黄土坡VMS矿床位于东天山卡拉塔格隆起带,是卡拉塔格矿集区内新发现的块状硫化物矿床。矿体产于卡拉塔格隆起带核部火山沉积岩建造中,具有典型的VMS型矿床“上层下脉”二元结构特征。该矿床中含金硫化物矿石主要有块状黄铁矿黄铜矿、块状黄铁矿黄铜矿闪锌矿、块状黄铁矿闪锌矿黄铜矿和块状闪锌矿。文中在对各类含金硫化物矿石进行详细的矿相学研究基础上,结合扫描电子显微镜与能谱仪联用技术(SEM/EDS),对硫化物样品中金、银的赋存状态进行研究。结果表明,4种块状硫化物中的主要矿物形成于多个期次,主要包括VMS成矿期(黄铁矿阶段、闪锌矿黄铜矿黝铜矿方铅矿阶段、石英重晶石阶段)、热液叠加期(石英黄铁矿黄铜矿闪锌矿方铅矿阶段)和表生期(铜蓝纤铁矿阶段)。矿区首次发现4颗金银金属互化物(银金矿、碲银矿),其较大的化学成分差异指示了热液环境由中酸性中性转变为更有利于Au、Ag迁移沉淀的偏碱性。后期的偏碱性热液对VMS成矿期形成矿物产生了交代作用,使得Au、Ag活化再富集。由于后期热液叠加改造,红海VMS型矿床中Au、Ag不仅赋存于VMS成矿期后期中低温闪锌矿黄铜矿阶段,也赋存于VMS成矿期早期中高温黄铁矿阶段,并贯穿整个热液叠加期。各含金矿物组合中除4颗金银金属互化物外Au多呈显微不可见状态,推测Au、Ag主要以原子或离子形式赋存于矿物晶格中或矿物空位处。  相似文献   

Tellurides have been identified in VMS mineralization at Yuinmery and Austin in the Archean Youanmi Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Tellurides identified at Yuinmery include: petzite, stützite, hessite, tellurobismuthite, altaite, rucklidgeite, melonite, mattagamite and a nickel-cobalt telluride with chemical composition similar to cobaltian melonite which has previously only been reported once before. Tellurides and related minerals identified at Austin include: stützite, volynskite, tellurobismuthite, tetradymite, tsumoite, rucklidgeite, altaite and a mineral with the formula (Bi,Pb)3(Te,Se,S)4 corresponding to the rare mineral poubaite. The tellurides are interpreted to have been deposited with the base metals on and immediately below the sea floor by very hot fluids during a period of quiescence in the volcanism. The mineral assemblage suggests that the fluids in both areas had high ƒTe2 and were oxidising but close to the pyrrhotite-pyrite boundary. The presence of Ni and Co tellurides at Yuinmery but not at Austin is probably due to the derivation of the fluids at Yuinmery from mafic volcanism whereas at Austin the succession is dominantly felsic. The metamorphic grade at Austin is higher than that at Yuinmery and this may have resulted in some re-crystallization of tellurides and tellurosulfides.  相似文献   

Massive Zn‐Pb‐Ag sulfide mineralization appears conformable with felsic volcanism, developed in an Upper Jurassic volcanic arc to the Southwest (SW) of the Serbo‐Macedonian continent in Northern Greece. The host volcanic sequence of the mineralization comprises mylonitized rhyolitic to rhyodacitic lavas, pyroclastics, quartz‐feldspar porphyries, and cherty tuffs. A “white mica—quartz—pyrite” mineral assemblage characterizes the volcanic rocks in the footwall and hanging‐wall of massive sulfide ore layers, formed as a result of greenschist‐grade regional metamorphism on “clay‐quartz‐pyrite” hydrothermal alteration haloes. Massive ore lenses are usually underlain by deformed Cu‐pyrite and quartz‐pyrite stockworks. Most of the sulfide ore bodies have proximal‐type features. Ductile deformation and regional metamorphism have transformed many of the stockwork structures. The mineralization is characterized by high Zn, Pb, and Ag contents, while Cu and critical metals are low. Primary depositional textures, for example, layering, clastic pyrite, colloform, and atoll textures were identified. The overall textural features of the mineralization indicate it has undergone mechanical deformation. The most prominent features of the effects of metamorphism, folding and shearing, are modification of the ore body morphology toward flattened and boudinage structures and transformation of the ore textures toward the dominance of planar fabrics. Sulfur isotope analyses of sulfides along with textural observations are consistent with a dual source of sulfide sulfur. Sulfur isotope values for sphalerite, non‐colloform pyrite, galena, and chalcopyrite fall in a limited range from ?1.6 to +4.8‰ (mean δ34S + 2‰), indicating a hydrothermal source derived from the reduction of coeval seawater sulfate in the convective system. Pyrites with colloform and atoll textures are characterized by a 34S depletion, indicating a bacterial reduction of coeval seawater sulfate. The morphology of ore beds, the mineralogy, sulfide textures, and ore chemistry along with the petrology and tectonic setting of the host rocks can be attributed to typical of a bimodal‐felsic metallogenesis. Although similar in many respects to classic Kuroko‐type volcanogenic massive sulfide mineralization, it has some atypical features, like the absence of barite ore, which is possibly a result of significant temporal depletion in sulfate due to bacterial reduction, a conclusion supported by the widespread occurrence of colloidal and atoll textures of pyrite.  相似文献   

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