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董宇  魏博  王焰 《岩石学报》2021,37(9):2875-2888



The first evaluation of the distribution of platinum group elements (PGE) derived from automobile catalytic converters in urban soil samples in Mexico City was carried out. There are more than four millions cars in Mexico City and, at the present time, one third of them have catalytic converters. PGE concentrations in soils exposed to high traffic densities exceed the natural background values by upto two orders of magnitude and are directly influenced by traffic conditions. The highest concentrations of Pt, Pd and Rh in the analyzed samples are about 300, 70 and 40 μg/l, respectively. Although the PGE concentrations found in soil samples are relatively low, they represent an accumulation of only 10 yr. It is likely that the use of catalytic converters will dramatically change the distribution of these metals in the urban environment in the next decades.  相似文献   

金川岩浆铜镍(铂)硫化物矿床是我国最主要的铂族等战略性关键金属宝库。金川矿床中铂族金属的富集过程和富集机制还存在很多争论。本文通过详细的矿物学及矿床学研究,厘定了金川矿床成矿阶段。成矿阶段可划分为硫化物矿浆结晶阶段、挥发分流体作用阶段及热液改造阶段。其中硫化物矿浆结晶阶段的主要矿物组合为镍黄铁矿(Pn- a)- 磁黄铁矿(Po- a)- 黄铜矿(Ccp- a);挥发分流体作用阶段的主要矿物组合为镍黄铁矿(Pn- b)- 磁黄铁矿(Po- b)- 黄铜矿(Ccp- b)- 黄铁矿(Py- Ⅰ)- 磁铁矿(Mag- Ⅰ)- 菱铁矿- 叶蛇纹石- 磷灰石- 铬铁矿- 白云石- 方解石(Cal- Ⅰ)- 金云母。热液改造阶段的矿物组合为透闪石- 绿泥石- 蛇纹石- 方解石(Cal- Ⅱ)- 磁铁矿(Mag- Ⅱ)。高倍电子探针镜下发现,金川矿床铂族矿物与磁铁矿(Mag- Ⅰ)、黄铁矿(Py- Ⅰ)、铬铁矿、磷灰石、黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿及菱铁矿等共生。金川铜镍硫化物矿床中铂族元素(PGM)矿物主要包括硫砷铱矿(IrAsS)、钯的铋化物、碲化物和硒化物、钯的金属互化物(PdAu2)、砷铂矿(PtAs2)、铂单质以及铂的金属合金(Pt- Fe)。其中大量的PGM分布于镍黄铁矿的裂隙中,或产于镍黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿及蛇纹石裂隙中。与磁铁矿、菱铁矿、铬铁矿、黄铜矿、磷灰石以及叶蛇纹石等矿物共生,指示PGE富集与氧化性流体加入密切相关。金川矿石镍黄铁矿(Pn- b)、磁黄铁矿(Po- b)、黄铜矿(Ccp- b)、黄铁矿(Py- Ⅰ)、磁铁矿(Mag- Ⅰ)以及菱铁矿中高Co含量,表明流体在Co的超常富集过程中也起到了决定性作用。金川矿石中大量碳酸盐矿物、叶蛇纹石、金云母、磁铁矿、黄铁矿、铬铁矿以及富Cl磷灰石的出现;S、Mg元素呈网脉状分布于蚀变橄榄石和硫化物中,推测流体组分可能是一种富C富Cl的富含挥发分的高氧逸度流体。金川铬铁矿、磁铁矿(Ⅰ)、菱铁矿等矿物中高Ti、高Nb含量和高Nb/Ta比值,暗示此流体可能是一种高温的超临界流体。以上特征综合表明该特征流体对金川铜镍硫化物矿床中铂族元素等关键金属的超常富集起到了关键控制作用。当挥发分流体与残余硫化物矿浆相互作用及改造先存硫化物及橄榄石时,不仅会促使Os、Ir、Ru、Rh、Pt、Pd进一步活化、富集,还会导致流体中PGE强烈富集,使得流体中的Pd、Se、Te、Bi、Pt含量不断提高,最终形成大量的PGM。综上所述,本文认为在岩浆演化晚期可能存在一种高氧逸度的富Cl富C的深源流体注入岩浆房,该深源挥发分流体对PGE及Co的迁移和超常富集起到了关键控制作用。  相似文献   

王梦玺  陈炳龙  焦建刚 《岩石学报》2018,34(8):2223-2244
坡北杂岩体位于塔里木板块东北缘北山裂谷带,主要由橄榄岩相、单辉辉石岩相、二辉岩相、辉长岩相、苏长岩相和辉长苏长岩相组成。坡一岩体中硫化物矿体赋存于超镁铁质岩中,而坡东岩体中硫化物矿体赋存于辉长苏长岩相中。坡一和坡东岩体不同岩相中单斜辉石的MgO和CaO含量、斜长石的An值和SiO_2含量连续变化且呈负相关,说明二者可能是同一原始岩浆分离结晶的产物。根据前人计算的原始岩浆成分,我们利用MELTS软件模拟了坡北杂岩体的分离结晶过程。结果表明矿物结晶顺序为:橄榄石→橄榄石+单斜辉石→橄榄石+单斜辉石+斜长石→单斜辉石+斜长石+斜方辉石,与岩相观察一致。坡北杂岩体原始岩浆经过20%分离结晶达到S饱和而发生早期硫化物熔离,形成坡一岩体中矿体。因此,在利用具有最高Fo值(90.9mol%)的橄榄石成分进行的模拟中,坡一岩体早期结晶的纯橄榄岩中橄榄石成分与分离结晶趋势线一致,而斜长橄榄岩中橄榄石成分低于趋势线,可能形成于早期硫化物熔离之后。随后岩浆中S再一次不饱和,但坡一岩体橄榄单辉辉石岩和辉长岩中橄榄石Fo和Ni含量在分离结晶趋势线之下,同时坡东岩体不含矿岩石中铂族元素总量主要在8.9×10~(-9)~29.0×10~(-9)之间,且相对于Ni和Cu明显亏损,说明在岩浆分离结晶晚期再次发生硫化物熔离,而且可能是地壳混染引起的,并形成了坡东岩体中的硫化物矿体。坡东岩体橄榄二辉岩和橄榄辉长苏长岩中橄榄石Fo值(74.5mol%~81.0mol%)较低,但变化范围较大,且Fo和Ni呈负相关关系,这可能是由于橄榄石和硫化物熔体在不平衡状态下发生成分交换造成的。坡北杂岩体超镁铁质岩石中单斜辉石Ti O2含量为0.21%~0.83%,阳离子中呈四次配位的Al(AlZ)为0.8mol%~7.8mol%,与裂谷环境堆晶岩中单斜辉石成分相似。因此,坡北杂岩体可能形成于和塔里木二叠纪地幔柱活动相关的裂谷环境。然而,超镁铁质岩石全岩Nd同位素指示其来源于亏损地幔,并不是地幔柱物质熔融的直接产物。纯橄榄岩和异剥橄榄岩La/Sm,Sm/Yb和La/Yb比值指示其源区为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩地幔。因此,坡北杂岩体源区应为浅部以尖晶石二辉橄榄岩为主的亏损岩石圈地幔,地幔柱在源区部分熔融过程中提供了大量的热。  相似文献   

1999年在雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段马攸木地区首先探查到砂金异常,进而通过预查、普查和详查,发现了砂金储量居目前西藏之首的马攸木砂金矿床。该矿床Ⅰ号矿体长为14196.3m,平均宽度为126.61m,平均厚度为11.25m,加权平均品位为0.5116g/m3,砂金资源总量属大型。介绍了Ⅰ号矿体砂金的形态与粒度、成分和成色。马攸木砂金矿床的发现,对西藏地区及古地中海—喜马拉雅成矿域的找矿与成矿理论研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogical and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry studies have revealed the physical manifestation of the platinum-group elements (PGE) within the Platreef at Overysel, northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa. The PGE in the Platreef were originally concentrated in an immiscible sulfide liquid along with semi-metals such as Bi and Te. As the sulfide liquid began to crystallize, virtually all the Os, Ir, Ru and Rh partitioned into monosulfide solid solution (mss), which on further cooling, exsolved to form pyrrhotite and pentlandite with Os, Ir and Ru remaining in solid solution in both phases with Rh prefentially partitioning into pentlandite. Platinum, some Pd and Au were concentrated in the residual sulfide liquid after mss crystallization, and were then concentrated in an immiscible late stage melt along with semi metals, which was expelled to the grain boundaries during crystallization of intermediate solid solution (iss) to form Pt and Pd tellurides and electrum around the margins of the sulfide grains. Tiny droplets of this melt trapped in the crystallizing mss and iss cooled to form Pt–Bi–Te microinclusions in all sulfide phases, whilst the excess Pd was accommodated in solid solution in pentlandite. Minor redistribution and recrystallization by hydrothermal fluids occurred around xenoliths and at the very base of the mineralized zone within the footwall, however, the overall lack of secondary alteration coupled with the volatile-poor nature of the gneissic footwall have allowed the preservation of what may be the most ‘primary’ style of Platreef mineralization. The lack of PGM inclusions within early liquidus phases suggests very early sulfur saturation in the Platreef, lending support to theories involving S saturation occurring prior to intrusion of the Platreef, possibly within a staging chamber.  相似文献   

朱永峰 《矿床地质》2017,36(4):775-794
铂族元素矿物(Platinum Group Mineral:简称PGM)资料的不断积累,丰富了人们对蛇绿岩中豆荚状铬铁矿成因的认识。文章总结近年来有关PGM的新资料和取得的新认识,探讨豆荚状铬铁矿以及其中PGM的成因问题。幔源岩浆结晶过程中,铬铁矿周边熔体减少将诱发那些易氧化的铂族元素(Os、Ir、Ru)在熔体中达到饱和状态,并结晶形成纳米级PGM。在地幔熔体中,随着硫逸度升高,PGM微粒与熔体中的硫反应并逐渐长大。多期次的熔体抽提和熔体-岩石反应事件,可以在地幔源区通过逐步降低硫逸度、促进含铂族元素的贱金属硫化物分解,形成PGM以及铂族元素合金。低硫逸度环境更有利于PGM的形成和保存。在变质环境或流体环境中,这些PGM往往会与流体反应,造就了PGM矿物的多样性。原生PGM与变质流体反应并发生原地去硫化作用,可以形成次生的PGM环边或者纳米级PGM包体。铬铁矿的多阶段蚀变/再平衡过程可以导致PGM溶解—沉淀—均一化,并扰动Os同位素体系。不同类型矿石在有限空间伴生的现象以及它们所具有显著差异的地球化学特征,说明蛇绿岩是不同地幔组分的机械混杂。随着俯冲板片,铬铁矿团块被拖曳到地幔深部,并通过地幔对流重新出现在扩张中心附近,最终混杂在蛇绿岩中。发生循环的铬铁矿团块因此可以与新生铬铁矿及其围岩伴生在同一蛇绿混杂岩中。  相似文献   

西藏尼玛砂金矿中金和银的提纯与精炼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提纯与精炼西藏尼玛砂金矿中的金和银,在王水介质中制作供还原的Au液,选择草酸作为还原剂很容易将Au还原,而且不与其他金属离子反应。砂金的提纯与精炼要经还原Au液、排除HNO3和砂金的2次溶解及Au的还原。尾渣以NaCO3、硼砂、KNO3为配料在焦炭炉中进行熔炼和泼珠,进而分离出金、银。在提取银的操作中,采用饱和NaCl水溶液。制定的金、银王水法提纯与精炼流程所产出金锭的成色大于等于99.99%,银锭成色大于等于99.90%。  相似文献   


邹平王家庄铜矿是山东重要的斑岩型铜(钼)矿床,产于中生代陆相火山岩盆地中,矿石物质组分复杂,以富含硫砷铜矿为特征,并伴有金矿化。通过显微镜下详细的矿石物质组分研究,结合电子探针微区分析、扫描电镜及能谱分析等测试技术,在矿石中新发现了铀矿物及铂族元素矿物(PGM)。测试结果表明,铀矿物为铜砷铀云母,与孔雀石等铜的氧化物一起分布于矿体氧化带中;PGM为碲钯矿、黄碲铋钯矿等钯的碲化物,包裹于针硫铋铅矿中,粒度较小,成分复杂。结合矿床地球化学资料,讨论了成矿物质来源及铂族元素(PGE)和U的迁移富集机制。认为成矿物质来源于地幔,矿床成因与地幔上隆、地壳减薄及深断裂活动有关。岩浆期后产生的富含金属络合物的高盐度热液对PGE和U的迁移富集起重要作用,隐爆作用造成的剧烈温压降低及气体散失、络合物分解是矿质聚集沉淀的重要条件。  相似文献   

The ~260 Ma-old Baimazhai Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposit in the Jinping region, Yunnan, SW China, is hosted in a small mafic–ultramafic intrusion, which intruded Ordovician sandstone and slate. The intrusion is concentric with lens shape, about 530 m long, 190 m wide and 24 to 64 m thick, trends 296°, and dips 22°NE. The massive sulfide ore body forms the core of the intrusion and is surrounded by variably mineralized orthopyroxenite, websterite and barren gabbro. The proportion of gabbro, websterite, orthopyroxenite and massive ore is approximately 30, 30, 20 and 20 vol.%, respectively. Magmatic pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite make up more than 90% of the massive ores. The massive ores contain high Ni (1.6 to 4.2 wt%) and Cu (0.4 to 6.5 wt%) and low ∑PGE contents (85 to 524 ppb). They have Pd/Ir ratios ranging from 6.7 to 530, Pd/Pt ratios from 0.7 to 2.6 and Cu/(Pd×1,000) ratios from 31 to 400, which are comparable with those of the silicate rocks [Pd/Ir = 4 to 183, Pd/Pt = 0.7 to 3.5, and Cu/(Pd×1,000) = 100 to 400]. Similar Pd/Pt and Cu/Pd ratios of the silicate rocks and massive ores throughout the intrusion indicate a single sulfide segregation event. Excess sulfide melt segregation resulted from intensive crustal contamination that formed Si-rich and Mg-rich basaltic magmas in a deep-seated staging chamber before magma emplacement. The immiscible sulfide melts and the silicate melts were eventually evacuated from the staging magma chamber by compressive forces. Flow differentiation under high velocity concentrated the sulfide melts toward the middle of the magma flow, and consequently, formed a massive sulfide ore body in the central part of the intrusion. Low concentrations of PGEs and general absence of platinum-group minerals in the massive ores may have resulted from a relatively large mass fraction of the sulfide melts (e.g. R-factor = ~70) in Baimazhai compared with other intrusions elsewhere, such as Noril’sk-Talnakh with a R-factor of >10,000.  相似文献   

云南牟定安益矿床为一处铂族金属与钛磁铁矿共同产出的大型钛磁铁矿铂族金属矿床。目前对该矿床中铂族元素的赋存状态研究甚少。结合野外宏观地质特征和室内岩矿鉴定,笔者利用TIMA和LA-ICP-MS-Mapping分析方法,对安益矿床中铂族金属矿物学特征进行研究,发现安益矿床中的铂族元素(PGEs)主要以独立矿物的形式存在。铂族矿物(PGMs)多为铂和钯的砷化物、碲化物,如砷铂矿、砷钯矿、黄碲钯矿、碲钯矿等;主要分布于硅酸盐矿物中,其次为硫化物边缘,部分分布于磁铁矿边缘;铂族矿物成因主要有岩浆成因和热液成因2种。岩浆作用形成的铂族矿物分布于硅酸盐矿物中或硫化物边缘,硅酸盐中的铂族矿物是早期PGE与半金属元素形成的纳米团簇颗粒随岩浆演化形成矿物颗粒,被结晶的硅酸盐矿物包裹;分布于硫化物边缘的铂族矿物是残余熔浆结晶的结果。热液作用将PGE以类质同象的形式富集于钛磁铁矿单辉岩的部分矿物中,如热液蚀变较强烈的黄铜矿中含有较高的Rh,这也与铂族矿物集中分布在钛磁铁矿单辉岩中一致。  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻100~850 m深度岩心的贵金属地球化学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对CCSD超深钻中首次获得的铂族元素及金、银的地球化学特点进行了分析和研究,结果表明各类样品的铂族元素含量均偏低,100~850 m深度平均Ir小于0.1×10-9,Os小于0.3×10-9,Pd小于0.5×10-9,Pt小于0.4×10-9,Rh小于0.1×10-9,Ru小于0.4×10-9,只有个别橄榄岩样品的铂族元素含量接近于地壳丰度,但远远低于超基性岩的一般含量.这种极低的铂族元素含量,属于"负异常",表明在变质作用过程中铂族元素发生了活化转移.榴辉岩和橄榄岩的铂族元素含量都偏低,但其球粒陨石标准化配分明显具有明显不同的特点,利用铂族元素仍然可以帮助对变质岩进行分类或恢复原岩.前人在蒋庄超基性岩岩体的人工重砂中发现有铂族矿物,其中包括有铱铂矿.可见,铂族元素是可以活化转移的,其活化转移的原因还需要探讨,是在结晶分异过程中转移的、还是在折返过程中活化的、或者是在造山运动结束之后由于其他原因而造成的,尚需要深入研究.  相似文献   

Extremely abundant PGE-minerals(PGM)hosted in chromitites from the Veria ophiolite complex in Macedonia(N.Greece)may be unique among ophiolite complexes.This study focuses on differences between the low-and high-PGE chromitites.New textural,mineralogical and geochemical constraints from those ores are presented,aiming to define factors controlling the PGE enrichment in a supra subduction environment,in the light of postmagmatic processes.The whole ore analyses for mmajor and trace elements indicated an unusually high-IPGE content(up to 25 ppm)and higher Fe,Ca,Mn,Zn and V contents in high-PGE compared to low-PGE in massive chromitites.The wide compositional variation of chromite,even in the same polished section,the occurrence of very fine PGM(less than 20μm)as inclusions within chromite and extremely large(>1000μm),angular or fine-grained PGM aggregates ones within a matrix of highly fragmented chromite-Cr-garnet matrix,may indicate crystallization/recrystallization of chromite from more than one precursor phases.Laurite(RuS2)is very limited,occurring as remnants surrounding by Ru–Os–Ir oxides/hydroxides,of a wide compositional variation.Irarsite occurs as euhedral crystals up to 200μm,surrounding by chromite,as anhedral exsolutions 1–200μm within laurite,or creating segregates with platarsite and relics of(Ru,Pt,Rh,Os)sulfarsenides.Platinum–Ru–Rh–Pd-minerals occur commonly as relatively fine-grained assemblages,up to 50μm,along with irarsite and other relics of(Ru,Pt,Rh,Os)sulfarsenides.Pt-alloys show a variation ranging from tetraferroplatinum to Pt–Ir–Fe–Ni alloys.The presence of laurite relics in large IPGM,awaruite,heazlewoodite,and carbon-bearing material reflecting a super-reducing environment,and the transformation of primary PGM into Os–Ir–Ru-alloys and oxides/hydroxides in association with Fe-chromite and Fe3t-bearing garnet(andradite-uvarovite solidsolution series)may reflect changes of the redox conditions from reducing to oxidizing.The relatively high Na content in hydrous mineral inclusions within high-PGE chromitites suggest a hydrous mantle source and provide the possibility for estimation of the P(average 3.0 kbar)and T(average 874C),indicating formation at a shallow mantle environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ru–Os–Ir alloys have been found in two podiform chromitites located at the Chiroro and Bankei mines in the Sarugawa peridotite complex in the Kamuikotan zone, Hokkaido, Japan. This is the first report on the occurrence of PGM (= platinum-group minerals) from chromitites in Japan. The Ru–Os–Ir alloys most typically form polyhedra associated with other minerals (Ni–Fe alloys and heazlewoodite) in chromian spinel. The PGM are possibly pseudomorphs after some primary PGM such as laurite and are chemically highly inhomogeneous, indicating a low-temperature alteration origin. This is consistent with intense alteration (formation of serpentine, uvarovite and kämmererite) imposed on the Kamuikotan chromitites. High-temperature primary PGE (platinum–group elements)–bearing sulfides were possibly recrystallized at low temperatures into a new assemblage of PGM, Ni-Fe alloys and sulfides. Placer PGM around the peridotite complexes are chemically different from the PGM in dunite and chromitite possibly due to the, as yet, incomplete search for the rock-hosted PGM. The PGE content in chromitites is distinctly higher in those in the Kamuikotan zone than in those in the Sangun zone of Southwest Japan, consistent with the more refractory nature (Cr# of spinel, up to 0.8) of the former than the latter (Cr# of spinel, 0.5).  相似文献   

该区砂金成色具有明显的不均一性,继承性和后期改造性。成色变化范围大(531.48-1000),具有粒度越大成色越高的趋势,区同西部砂金矿床的溶蚀系数小于1.03,为近原生源砂金,东部的1.03-1.10,为中近原生源砂金,崩纳藏分布于1.10,为远原生源砂金。自然金化学成分研究表明其原生金矿为中低温热型金矿床,那朗沟一带的燕山晚期花岗岩体内部有找到原生金矿床的可能。  相似文献   

We study the behavior of a number of siderophile elements, including platinum-group elements, during the formation of the Medek dunite-wehrlite intrusion. Its structural position, internal structure, and mineralogical composition are presented; a 3D geochemical model is constructed. The forsterite content of olivine varies from 90 to 73% from top to bottom of the vertical cross section of the intrusion. In addition, there is a decrease in the volume content of olivine and the appearance of ilmenite instead of accessory Cr-spinel. The observed zonation in variations in the composition of rocks and minerals is consistent with magmatic differentiation in a sheet-like body, which changed its primary occurrence. A geodynamic scenario is proposed, which links the formation of the intrusion with the break-up of Rodinia and the further changes in the primary occurrence with subsequent accretion-collision events on the southern and southwestern margins of the Siberian craton in the period 600-450 Ma.  相似文献   

铂族元素的地球化学行为及全球主要铂族金属矿床类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球铂族金属矿床主要有6种类型,分别为:(1)镁铁质-超镁铁质层状岩体铂族金属矿床;(2)镁铁质-超镁铁质Cu-Ni硫化物矿床伴生的铂族金属矿床;(3)Urals杂岩体型铂族金属矿床;(4)蛇绿岩型铂族金属矿床;(5)与热液相关的铂族金属矿床;(6)外生型铂族金属矿床。除第4类型外其他类型的铂族矿床都具有经济意义。铂族金属矿床的形成主要与幔源岩浆性质及岩浆演化过程密切相关。大规模的幔源岩浆活动及在岩浆演化过程中具有产生硫饱和的条件是形成铂族金属矿床的有利条件,同时岩浆期后的热液作用能使铂族元素迁移并在特定条件下富集,对铂族金属矿床的形成有利。镁铁质-超镁铁质层状侵入体形成铂族金属矿床的有利条件是岩浆分异作用强,并且具有能产生高R因子的环境;镁铁质-超镁铁质Cu-Ni硫化物矿床中形成铂族金属矿床的有利条件是硫化物熔体的结晶分异作用;Urals型杂岩体中,由于岩浆在早期演化过程中硫的不饱和,形成的主要铂族矿物为Pt-Fe、Pt-Ir合金,且主要与铬铁矿共生,在岩浆演化硫饱和阶段可形成富Pd的铂族矿物,且与Cu-Fe-V-Ti-P金属共生;蛇绿岩型杂岩体中,主要形成的铂族矿物为含Ir- 、Os- 、Pt- 的合金或少量硫化物矿物,且主要赋存于铬铁矿中。  相似文献   

Lead isotopic compositions of mineral separates are presented from the mineralized zones (Roby, Twilight, and High Grade zones) of the Lac des Iles palladium deposit (approximately 2.69 Ga) and tonalitic country rocks (approximately 2.727 to 2.775 Ga) in the Wabigoon subprovince of the western Superior Province of Canada. Plagioclase separates show Pb isotope ratios similar to those of the late Archean depleted mantle. Sulfide minerals coexisting with plagioclase have a more radiogenic Pb isotope composition, but very low concentrations of U (<0.2 ppb U) and Th (<0.01 ppb) compared to Pb (≫50 ppb). The isotope data are consistent with a model involving the incorporation of radiogenic Pb from country rocks to sulfide melt near the base of the magma chamber or along the conduit of the parental magmas. The proposed interpretation is also supported by decreasing Cu/Pd ratios from earlier barren to late fertile gabbro intrusions in the complex. The ponding sulfide melt became enriched in platinum group elements, as it was interacting with a large magma volume during the evolution of the Lac des Iles igneous complex.  相似文献   

新疆金矿火山岩微量及稀土元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘家远 《黄金地质》2001,7(4):45-51
金矿火山岩微量元素以Th和Zr的明显正异常及Nb和Ti的明显负异常为特征。微量元素比值蛛网图模式曲线均呈微向左倾斜的多峰多谷曲线。过渡元素以Cr和Ni的明显负异常及Sc,Co,Cu明显正常为特征。过渡元素球粒陨石标准化曲线,也均呈微向右倾斜的W形曲线。稀土元素以稀土总量偏低,轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损,Eu具微弱异常至微弱正常为特征。稀土元素配分模式均呈微向右倾斜和近于水平的平滑曲线,陆相火山作用两类成矿岩浆建造-陆相火山岩与潜火山杂岩具有基本一致的微量元素和稀土元素地球化学特征。  相似文献   

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