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We have examined the fluid inclusion data and fluid chemistry of Australian orogenic and intrusion-related gold deposits to determine if similar mineralization processes apply to both styles of deposits.The fluid inclusion data from the Yilgarn craton,the western subprovince of the Lachlan orogen,the Tanami,Tennant Creek and Pine Creek regions,and the Telfer gold mine show that mineralization involved fluids with broadly similar major chemical components(i.e.H_2O NaCl CO_2±CH_4±N_2).These deposits formed over a wide range of temperature-pressure conditions(<200 to>500℃,<100~400MPa).Low salinity, CO_2-bearing inclusions and low salinity aqueous inclusions occur in both systems but the main difference between these two types of deposits is that most intrusion-related gold deposits also contain at least one population of high-salinity aqueous brine.Oxygen and hydrogen isotope data for both styles of deposit usually cannot distinguish between a magmatic or metamorphic source for the ore-bearing fluids.However,sulfur and lead isotope data for the intrusion-related gold deposits generally indicate either a magmatic source or mixing between magmatic and sedimentary sources of fluid.The metamorphic geothermal gradients associated with intrusion-related gold deposits are characterized by low pressure,high temperature metamorphism and high crustal geothermal gradients of>30/km.Where amphibole breakdown occurs in a granite source region,the spatially related deposits are more commonly associated with Cu-Au deposits rather than Au-only deposits that are associated with lower temperature granites.The dominant processes thought to cause gold precipitation in both types of deposits are fluid-rock interaction(e.g.desulfidation)or phase separation.Consideration of the physical and chemical properties of the H_2O-NaCl-CO_2 system on the nature of gold precipitation mechanisms at different crustal levels infers different roles of chemical(fluid-rock interaction)versus rheological(phase separation and/or fluid mixing)host-rock controls on gold deposition.This also implies that at the site of deposition,similar precipitation mechanisms operate at similar crustal levels for both orogenic and intrusion-related gold deposits.  相似文献   

The El Cobre deposit is located in eastern Cuba within the volcanosedimentary sequence of the Sierra Maestra Paleogene arc. The deposit is hosted by tholeiitic basalts, andesites and tuffs and comprises thick stratiform barite and anhydrite bodies, three stratabound disseminated up to massive sulphide bodies produced by silicification and sulphidation of limestones or sulphates, an anhydrite stockwork and a siliceous stockwork, grading downwards to quartz veins. Sulphides are mainly pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite; gold occurs in the stratabound ores. Fluid inclusions measured in sphalerite, quartz, anhydrite and calcite show salinities between 2.3 and 5.7 wt% NaCl eq. and homogenisation temperatures between 177 and 300°C. Sulphides from the stratabound mineralisation display δ 34S values of 0‰ to +6.0‰, whilst those from the feeder zone lie between −1.4‰ and +7.3‰. Sulphides show an intra-grain sulphur isotope zonation of about 2‰; usually, δ 34S values increase towards the rims. Sulphate sulphur has δ 34S in the range of +17‰ to +21‰, except two samples with values of +5.9‰ and +7.7‰. Sulphur isotope data indicate that the thermochemical reduction of sulphate from a hydrothermal fluid of seawater origin was the main source of sulphide sulphur and that most of the sulphates precipitated by heating of seawater. The structure of the deposit, mineralogy, fluid inclusion and isotope data suggest that the deposit formed from seawater-derived fluids with probably minor supply of magmatic fluids.  相似文献   

云南省文山县官房钨矿床矿床地质和流体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
云南省文山县官房钨矿床是华南西部右江成矿带新近发现的大型钨矿床之一,产于滇东南褶皱带文山-富宁褶皱束薄竹山穹窿南翼。该矿床的形成与薄竹山S类花岗岩有关,形成于燕山期陆内碰撞体制。矿体产于燕山期花岗岩与寒武系碎屑岩-碳酸盐建造的外接触带,矿石构造主要是浸染状和网脉状。围岩蚀变类型复杂、蚀变分带明显,自花岗岩体向外依次为金云母-绿帘石化带→透辉石-透闪石化带→镁橄榄石化带。成矿过程包括矽卡岩阶段(早阶段)、石英-硫化物阶段(中阶段)和石英-碳酸盐(晚阶段)阶段。早阶段矽卡岩矿物(透辉石、石榴石)中发育含CH4的水溶液包裹体和含子矿物包裹体,中阶段石英中发育含CO2、CH4、N2的水溶液包裹体和含子矿物包裹体,晚阶段石英中发育含CO2的水溶液包裹体。各阶段矿物中不发育含石盐子晶包裹体。早阶段流体包裹体均一温度集中于379~550℃,盐度为3.17%~9.86%NaCleqv;中阶段包裹体均一温度集中于250~370℃,盐度为8.95%~10.61%NaCleqv;晚阶段流体包裹体均一温度为115~221℃,盐度为1.74%~5.71%NaCleqv。估算的早、中阶段流体捕获压力分别为45~90MPa和10~30MPa,推测最大成矿深度为3km。上述流体包裹体研究表明成矿流体由早阶段高温、低NaCl的H2O-CH4-NaCl岩浆热液,演化为中阶段中温、低NaCl的H2O-CH4-CO2-NaCl热液体系,最终转化为晚阶段低温、含CO2的大气降水。  相似文献   

The Pering deposit is the prime example of Zn–Pb mineralisation hosted by stromatolitic dolostones of the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Transvaal Supergroup. The hydrothermal deposit centers on subvertical breccia pipes that crosscut stromatolitic dolostones of the Reivilo Formation, the lowermost portion of the Campbellrand Subgroup. Four distinct stages of hydrothermal mineralisation are recognised. Early pyritic rock matrix brecciation is followed by collomorphous sphalerite mineralisation with replacive character, which, in turn, is succeeded by coarse grained open-space-infill of sphalerite, galena, sparry dolomite, and quartz. Together, the latter two stages account for ore-grade Zn–Pb mineralisation. The fourth and final paragenetic stage is characterised by open-space-infill by coarse sparry calcite. The present study documents the results of a detailed geochemical study of the Pering deposit, including fluid inclusion microthermometry, fluid chemistry and stable isotope geochemistry of sulphides (δ34S) and carbonate gangue (δ13C and δ18O). Microthermometric fluid inclusion studies carried out on a series of coarsely grained crystalline quartz and sphalerite samples of the latter, open-space-infill stage of the main mineralisation event reveal the presence of three major fluid types: (1) a halite–saturated aqueous fluid H2O–NaCl–CaCl2 (>33 wt% NaCl equivalent) brine, (2) low-salinity meteoric fluid (<7 wt% NaCl) and (3) a carbonic CH4–CO2–HS fluid that may be derived from organic material present within the host dolostone. Mixing of these fluids have given rise to variable mixtures (H2O–CaCl2–NaCl ±(CH4–CO2–HS), 2 to 25 wt% NaCl+CaCl2). Heterogeneous trapping of the aqueous and carbonic fluids occurred under conditions of immiscibility. Fluid temperature and pressure conditions during mineralisation are determined to be 200–210°C and 1.1–1.4 kbar, corresponding to a depth of mineralisation of 4.1–5.2 km. Chemical analyses of the brine inclusions show them to be dominated by Na and Cl with lesser amounts of Ca, K and SO4. Fluid ratios of Cl/Br indicate that they originated as halite saturated seawater brines that mixed with lower salinity fluids. Analyses of individual brine inclusions document high concentrations of Zn and Pb (∼1,500 and ∼200 ppm respectively) and identify the brine as responsible for the introduction of base metals. Stable isotope data were acquired for host rock and hydrothermal carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and sulphides (pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite). The ore-forming sulphides show a trend to 34S enrichment from pyrite nodules in the pyritic rock matrix breccia (δ34S = −9.9 to +3.7‰) to paragenetically late chalcopyrite of the main mineralisation event (δ34S = +30.0‰). The observed trend is attributed to Rayleigh fractionation during the complete reduction of sulphate in a restricted reservoir by thermochemical sulphate reduction, and incremental precipitation of the generated sulphide. The initial sulphate reservoir is expected to have had an isotopic signature around 0‰, and may well represent magmatic sulphur, oxidised and leached by the metal-bearing brine. The δ18O values of successive generations of dolomite, from host dolostone to paragenetically late saddle dolomite follow a consistent trend that yields convincing evidence for extensive water rock interaction at variable fluid–rock ratios. Values of δ13C remain virtually unchanged and similar to the host dolostone, thus suggesting insignificant influx of CO2 during the early and main stages of mineralisation. On the other hand, δ13C and δ18O of post-ore calcite define two distinct clusters that may be attributed to changes in the relative abundance in CH4 and CO2 during waning stages of hydrothermal fluid flow.  相似文献   

泥堡金矿床是黔西南台地相区以断控型矿体为主、层状型矿体为辅的复合型金矿床。断控型矿体主要发育于低角度的逆冲断层中,层状型矿体主要发育于断控型矿体之上穹窿构造核部的上二叠统龙潭组和中二叠统大厂层中。根据脉体的穿插关系和矿物共生组合,将成矿过程从早到晚划分为石英-黄铁矿阶段、石英-黄铁矿-毒砂阶段和方解石-石英-多金属硫化物±萤石阶段。泥堡金矿床两类矿体中流体包裹体类型相同,包括水溶液包裹体、CO_2-H_2O包裹体和CO_2包裹体。层状型矿体早阶段石英中流体包裹体均一温度范围为194~305℃,盐度范围为0.70%~7.81%NaC leqv,石英的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为22.7~23.6‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH 13.5‰,~-62‰;2O为12.6‰~石英中流体包裹体水的δD_(H_2O)为-84‰中阶段石英中流体包裹体均一温度范围为125~278℃,盐度范围为0.53%~6.46%NaC leqv,石英的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为16.6‰~23.5‰,计算得到的δ~(18)O_(H_2O)为4.4‰~11.3‰,石英中流体包裹体水的δDH~-65‰;3~2O为-80‰晚阶段方解石中流体包裹体均一温度范围为13197℃,盐度范围为0.53%~7.45%NaC leqv,萤石中流体包裹体均一温度范围为102~264℃,盐度范围为0.18%~4.49%NaC leqv,方解石的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为20.6‰~22.7‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH 3‰~10.4‰,2O为8.方解石中流体包裹体水的δD_(H_2O)为-56‰~-47‰,δ13CV-PDB为-6.6‰~-1.6‰。断控型矿体中阶段石英中流体包裹体均一温度范围为126~296℃,盐度范围为0.35%~8.29%NaC leqv,石英的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为21.9‰~23.7‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH9.8‰~11.6‰,2O为石英中流体包裹体水的δDHNaC leqv,2O为-85‰;晚阶段方解石中流体包裹体均一温度范围为118~236℃,盐度范围为0.53%~7.02%方解石的δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)为19.8‰~21.5‰,计算得到的δ~(18)OH~10.4‰,2O为8.7‰方解石中流体包裹体水的δDH‰~-55‰,2O为-67δ13CV-PDB为-7.0‰~-4.7‰。流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究结果表明,两类矿体成矿流体性质和来源一致,且具有相似的演化过程。泥堡金矿床的成矿流体来源于大气降水和海水的混合,并且从早阶段到晚阶段,海水所占的比例逐渐增大,碳主要来自海相碳酸盐岩的溶解。  相似文献   

The junction of the southeastern Guizhou, the southwestern Hunan, and the northern Guangxi regions is located within the southwestern Jiangnan orogen and forms a NE-trending ∼250 km gold belt containing more than 100 gold deposits and occurrences. The Pingqiu gold deposit is one of the numerous lode gold deposits in the southeastern Guizhou district. Gold mineralization is hosted in Neoproterozoic lower greenschist facies metamorphic rocks and controlled by fold-related structures. Vein types present at Pingqiu include bedding-parallel and discordant types, with saddle-reefs and their down limb extensions dominating but with lesser discordant types. The major sulfide minerals are arsenopyrite and pyrite, with minor sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, and rare pyrrhotite, marcasite, and tetrahedrite. Much of the gold is μm- to mm-sized grains, and occurs as fracture-controlled isolated grains or filaments in quartz, galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and wallrock.Three types of fluid inclusions are distinguished in hydrothermal minerals. Type 1 aqueous inclusions have homogenization temperatures of 171–396 °C and salinities of 1.4–9.8 wt% NaCl equiv. Type 2 aqueous-carbonic inclusions yield final homogenization temperatures of 187–350 °C, with salinities of 0.2–7.7 wt% NaCl equiv. Type 3 inclusions are carbonic inclusions with variable relative content of CO2 and CH4, and minor amounts of N2 and H2O. The close association of CO2-rich inclusions and H2O-rich inclusions in groups and along the same trail suggests the presence of fluid immiscibility. The calculated δ18OH2O values range from 4.3‰ to 8.3‰ and δDH2O values of fluid inclusions vary from −55.8‰ to −46.9‰. A metamorphic origin is preferred on the basis of geological background and analogies with other similar deposit types.Two ore-related sericite samples yield well-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 425.7 ± 1.7 Ma and 425.2 ± 1.3 Ma, respectively. These data overlap the duration of the Caledonian gold mineralization along the Jiangnan orogen, and suggest that gold mineralization was post-peak regional metamorphism and occurred during the later stages of the Caledonian orogeny.Overall, the Pingqiu gold deposit displays many of the principal characteristics of the Bendigo gold mines in the western Lachlan Orogen (SE Australia) and the Dufferin gold deposit in the Meguma Terrane (Nova Scotia, Canada) but also some important differences, which may lead to the disparity in gold endowment. However, the structural make-up at deposit scale, and the shallow mining depth at present indicate that the Pingqiu gold deposit may have considerable gold potential at depth.  相似文献   

桓仁夕卡岩型多金属矿床位于辽东裂谷北部边缘与太子河凹陷复合部位, 产于燕山晚期侵入闪长 杂岩与寒武纪沉积灰岩接触带间的夕卡岩内。夕卡岩矿物可以分为进变质阶段蚀变矿物组合和退变质阶段 蚀变矿物组合, 成矿元素由深部向浅部具有Fe→Cu(Mo)→Zn→Pb 的转换规律, 具有明显的分带分段性。为 了探讨成矿流体的物理化学性质及其演化史, 选择了石榴子石和方解石中的气液两相流体包裹体进行研究。 数据测试表明, 石榴子中流体包裹体的均一温度范围为376.1~450.0 ℃, 平均411.6 ℃; 方解石中流体包裹 体的均一温度范围为122.6~170.0 ℃和178.3~270.2 ℃, 平均值分别为149.5 ℃和204.5 ℃, 冰点温度范围 为?4.2 ~ ?17.6 ℃, 与前人研究成果相吻合, 与国内外其他夕卡岩矿床相比, 数据具有实际和理论研究意义。 本矿床Fe-Cu(Mo)、Cu-Zn、Zn-Pb 矿体的形成温度分别集中于约410 ℃、400~300 ℃、约150 ℃和约200 ℃。 以往Pb、S 和D-O 地球化学数据和本次研究REE 特征显示, 岩浆流体起源于上地幔, 在上升过程中携带了 大量成矿物质, 在进变质阶段和退变质阶段, 成矿流体交代形成特定的夕卡岩矿物组合, 退变质阶段的后期 阶段, 有了大气降水的参与, 单一来源的岩浆流体转化为了混合流体。  相似文献   

安徽东溪金矿床位于桐柏-大别造山带北淮阳构造带的中生代晓天火山盆地中,是桐柏-大别成矿带具有代表性的浅成低温热液金矿床。金矿体以含金方解石脉和方解石-石英脉形式产出,受NW向断裂控制,赋矿围岩为毛坦厂组安山质火山岩。该矿床热液成矿过程由早到晚可分为粗晶方解石阶段和方解石-石英阶段。早、晚阶段方解石中流体包裹体十分发育,主要类型有纯液相、纯气相和富液二相流体包裹体。早阶段流体包裹体均一温度范围为128~172℃,冰点温度介于-0.7~+23.4℃之间,盐度为0.35%~0.92%;晚阶段流体包裹体均一温度范围为105~160℃,冰点温度介于-0.5~+9.1℃之间,盐度为0.18%~0.52%。成矿流体从早阶段演化到晚阶段,温度和盐度具有小幅度的降低趋势。岩浆热液和加热循环的大气降水的混合可能是引起金属元素富集、沉淀的主要机制,该矿床是地表浅部热液对流系统的产物。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素研究表明,赋矿安山岩的锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)U加权平均年龄为126.7±1.4Ma(1σ,MSWD=0.95),代表了其火山作用时限。结合矿床地质特征认为,东溪金矿床成矿时间可能与安山岩喷发时限基本一致。该矿床形成于早白垩世陆壳强烈伸展和岩石圈地幔上涌的动力学背景。  相似文献   

Tin-polymetallic greisen-type deposits in the Itu Rapakivi Province and Rondônia Tin Province, Brazil are associated with late-stage rapakivi fluorine-rich peraluminous alkali-feldspar granites. These granites contain topaz and/or muscovite or zinnwaldite and have geochemical characteristics comparable to the low-P sub-type topaz-bearing granites. Stockworks and veins are common in Oriente Novo (Rondônia Tin Province) and Correas (Itu Rapakivi Province) deposits, but in the Santa Bárbara deposit (Rondônia Tin Province) a preserved cupola with associated bed-like greisen is predominant. The contrasting mineralization styles reflect different depths of formation, spatial relationship to tin granites, and different wall rock/fluid proportions. The deposits contain a similar rare-metal suite that includes Sn (±W, ±Ta, ±Nb), and base-metal suite (Zn–Cu–Pb) is present only in Correas deposit. The early fluid inclusions of the Correas and Oriente Novo deposits are (1) low to moderate-salinity (0–19 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-bearing aqueous fluids homogenizing at 245–450 °C, and (2) aqueous solutions with low CO2, low to moderate salinity (0–14 wt.% NaCl eq.), which homogenize between 100 and 340 °C. In the Santa Bárbara deposit, the early inclusions are represented by (1) low-salinity (5–12 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluids with variable CO2 contents, homogenizing at 340 to 390 °C, and (2) low-salinity (0–3 wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluid inclusions, which homogenize at 320–380 °C. Cassiterite, wolframite, columbite–tantalite, scheelite, and sulfide assemblages accompany these fluids. The late fluid in the Oriente Novo and Correas deposit was a low-salinity (0–6 wt.% NaCl eq.) CO2-free aqueous solution, which homogenizes at (100–260 °C) and characterizes the sulfide–fluorite–sericite association in the Correas deposit. The late fluid in the Santa Bárbara deposit has lower salinity (0–3 wt.% NaCl eq.) and characterizes the late-barren-quartz, muscovite and kaolinite veins. Oxygen isotope thermometry coupled with fluid inclusion data suggest hydrothermal activity at 240–450 °C, and 1.0–2.6 kbar fluid pressure at Correas and Oriente Novo. The hydrogen isotope composition of breccia-greisen, stockwork, and vein fluids (δ18Oquartz from 9.9‰ to 10.9‰, δDH2O from 4.13‰ to 6.95‰) is consistent with a fluid that was in equilibrium with granite at temperatures from 450 to 240 °C. In the Santa Bárbara deposit, the inferred temperatures for quartz-pods and bed-like greisens are much higher (570 and 500 °C, respectively), and that for the cassiterite-quartz-veins is 415 °C. The oxygen and hydrogen isotope composition of greisen and quartz-pods fluids (δ18Oqtz-H2O=5.5–6.1‰) indicate that the fluid equilibrated with the albite granite, consistent with a magmatic origin. The values for mica (δ18Omica-H2O=3.3–9.8‰) suggest mixing with meteoric water. Late muscovite veins (δ18Oqtz-H2O=−6.4‰) and late quartz (δ18Omica-H2O=−3.8‰) indicate involvement of a meteoric fluid. Overall, the stable isotope and fluid inclusion data imply three fluid types: (1) an early orthomagmatic fluid, which equilibrated with granite; (2) a mixed orthomagmatic-meteoric fluid; and (3) a late hydrothermal meteoric fluid. The first two were responsible for cassiterite, wolframite, and minor columbite–tantalite precipitation. Change in the redox conditions related to mixing of magmatic and meteoric fluids favored important sulfide mineralization in the Correas deposit.  相似文献   

黑龙江乌拉嘎金矿是我国陆相火山岩区的重要金矿之一。构造位置处于古亚洲构造域与滨太平洋构造域交接复合部位的东北缘,矿体主要分布于团结沟斜长花岗斑岩接触带部位的隐爆角砾岩带和黑龙江群变质岩的层间裂隙中。斜长花岗斑岩的石英斑晶中发育3类包裹体:熔体包裹体、原生的L-V包裹体(及少量的L-V-S包裹体)和次生的L-V包裹体。玻璃质熔体包裹体相当于酸性殘浆的成分(SiO2达69.5%~73.8%),其捕获温度大于800℃。石英斑晶中次生L-V包裹体均一温度集中在210~350℃、盐度5%~7%NaCleqv,代表了次火山岩浆热液的特征,与黄铁矿-早期白色玉髓状石英阶段中Q1的包裹体均一温度范围很接近,而盐度略高于白色玉髓状石英Q1的。乌拉嘎金矿的金成矿可划分3个成矿阶段,发育盐水溶液包裹体:(1)黄铁矿-早期白色玉髓状石英阶段,包裹体均一温度为154~355℃,集中在190~330℃,盐度为1.3%~8.2%NaCleqv,密度为0.53~0.88g/cm3。(2)烟灰色玉髓状石英-多金属硫化物阶段,石英中包裹体均一温度为159~196℃,集中在170~190℃,盐度为2.2%~3.2%NaCleqv,密度0.79~0.92g/cm3。(3)碳酸盐-石英阶段,方解石中包裹体均一温度集中在170~270℃;盐度0.5%~2.9%NaCleqv。成矿流体以中低温、低盐度、贫CO2的盐水体系为特征,与国内外陆相火山-次火山热液矿床十分相似。石英斑晶中熔体、流体包裹体及其共存反映了次火山岩浆活动晚期,由硅酸盐熔体通过不混溶产生含矿的盐水溶液的可能,说明了金成矿与斑岩的成因联系,乌拉嘎金矿应该属于陆相火山-次火山活动有关的中低温浅成热液金矿床。  相似文献   

对位于江西九瑞地区的东雷湾矽卡岩型铜钼金多金属矿床主成矿阶段(石英金属硫化物阶段)石英中的流体包裹体进行了岩相学和显微测温研究。结果表明,与成矿有关的包裹体类型主要有4类,成矿流体的均一温度和盐度主要集中于210~350℃和1%~9%,总体属于高中温、中低盐度流体体系。包裹体的气相成分以H2O和CO2为主,其次有N2、CO、O2,有少量CH4、C2H2;液相成分中,阳离子以Ca2+、K+、Na+为主,含少量Mg2+,阴离子以Cl-、SO2-4为主,含少量NO-3、NO-2,流体属于CO2-H2O-Na Cl-Ca Cl2(KCl)体系,计算所得离子浓度为3.1%~34.5%。氢、氧同位素特征显示,主成矿阶段成矿流体δ18OH2O值为0.93‰~5.20‰,δDV-SMOW值为-81‰~-64‰,表明成矿流体主要为岩浆水,有极少量大气降水混入。矿石硫化物的δ34SV-CDT‰值为-2.2‰~3.4‰,结合铅、铼同位素特征表明,东雷湾矿床的成矿物质主要来源于上地幔,同时有一定量的壳源物质混入。东雷湾矿床为热液交代矽卡岩型矿床,区域褶皱和断裂为成矿岩浆提供运移通道,岩浆侵位发育矽卡岩型岩浆流体系统,并伴随有Cu(Mo、Au等)矿化,最终形成矿床。  相似文献   

The Sivrikaya Fe-skarn mineralization is hosted by dolomitic limestone layers of Late Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary unit, comprised of andesite, basalt and their pyroclastites, including, sandstone, shale and dolomitic limestone layers. Intrusion of the Late Cretaceous–Eocene İkizdere Granitoid in the volcano–sedimentary unit resulted in skarn mineralization along the granitoid–dolomitic limestone contact. The ore is associated with exoskarns, and mineralization is characterized by early anhydrous garnet and pyroxene with late hydrous minerals, such as epidote, tremolite, actinolite and chlorite. The ore minerals are mainly magnetite and hematite, with minor amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The composition of garnet and pyroxene in the exoskarn is Adr79.45−99.03Grs0−17.9Prs0.97−2.65 and Di69.1−77.1Hd22.2−29.8Jhn0.6−1.4, respectively, and abundances of magnetite in the ore suggest that the Fe-skarn mineralization formed under relatively oxidized conditions.Homogenization temperatures (Th) of all fluid inclusions and calculated salinity content are in the range of 166 °C–462 °C and 0.35–14.3 wt% NaCl equ., respectively. Well-defined positive correlation between Th and salinity values indicates that meteoric water was involved in the hydrothermal solutions. Eutectic temperatures (Te) between −40.8 °C and −53.6 °C correspond to the presence of CaCl2 in the early stage of fluid inclusions. On the other hand, the Te temperatures of later-stage fluid inclusions, in the range of −38 °C and −21.2 °C, correspond to the presence of MgCl2, FeCl2, KCl and NaCl type salt combinations. None of the fluid inclusions were found to contain separated gas phases in microscopy observations. However, a limited amount of dissolved CH4 was identified in the early stage, high temperature fluid inclusions using Raman spectroscopic studies.Δ18O values in both dolomitic limestone (10.8–12.5‰) and skarn calcite (7.6–9.8‰) were highly depleted compared to the typical δ18O values of marine limestones. Decreases in δ18O values are accepted as an indication of dilution by meteoric water because retrograde brecciation of garnet, magnetite and breccia filling epidote and quartz in volcanic host rocks are an indication of increasing permeability, allowing infiltration of meteoric water. Highly depleted δ13C isotopes (up to −6.5‰) of dolomitic limestone, indicate that organic matter in carbonates had an effect on the decreasing isotopic ratios. The presence of CH4 and CH2 in fluid inclusions can be explained by the thermal degradation of these organic materials.  相似文献   

The large Yueyang Ag-Au-Cu deposit is commonly regarded as a low-sulfidation epithermal deposit in the Zijinshan orefield, Fujian Province, southeastern China. The Ag-Ag-Cu orebodies hosted in the Zijinshan granitic batholith are mainly stratoid and lens in shape, and controlled by a series of NW-trending listric faults with shallow dip angles. Four mineralization stages are recognized on the basis of mineral assemblage, ore fabrics, and crosscutting relationships of the ore veins, namely: pre-ore (pyrite + sericite + quartz ± chlorite), main Cu (chalcopyrite + pyrite + sericite + quartz ± bornite), main Ag-Au (Ag and Au minerals + pyrite + quartz + adularia ± calcite ± apatite ± chalcopyrite ± galena ± sphalerite) and post-ore (quartz ± chalcedony ± calcite) stages. Fluid inclusions (FIs) in the deposit include aqueous liquid-rich (WL-), aqueous vapor-rich (WV-), and minor carbonic (C-) and daughter mineral-bearing (S-) type ones. WL-subtype is the main inclusion type in the Yueyang deposit, accounting for more than 90% in proportion in each stage. Minor WV-subtype inclusions occur in both the main Cu and Ag stages, while the C-type and S-type ones are only observed in the main Cu stage. Fluid inclusion and H-O isotope study indicated that the ore-forming fluid of the main Cu stage is primarily magmatic vapor, which further underwent fluid boiling and mixing with meteoric water, while the ore-forming fluid of the main Ag stage is meteoric water-dominated, and the precipitation of silver and gold was mainly resulted from fluid boiling and the precipitation of other sulfides. On the basis of the aforementioned geological, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies, we proposed a two-stage model for the Yueyang deposit, including a magmatic vapor-related porphyry type Cu mineralization and meteoric water-related low-sulfidation epithermal Ag-Au-Cu mineralization, although the porphyry Cu mineralization is very limited in scale. The mineralization and exhumation depths of the Yueyang deposit are estimated to be 448‒527 m and 18‒97 m, respectively. By comparison with the exhumation depths of other deposits in the Zijinshan orefield, it is suggested that more epithermal deposits could be found in the southwest of the orefield due to less uplift and exhumation therein.  相似文献   

The Shurab Sb-polymetallic mineralization is a subvolcanic rock-hosted epithermal deposit and located in north Lut Block, eastern Iran. It is one of the most important deposits of the Iranian East Magmatic Assemblage (IEMA) in which numerous Middle-Cenozoic precious and base metals deposits occur. The main lithological units in the area are Paleogene subvolcanic intrusions and minor Jurassic sedimentary rocks. Mineralization occurs as veins in a series of NW-SE and E-W trending faults and fractures in the Eocene-Oligocene dacite and andesite subvolcanic rocks. Mineralization at the Shurab deposit can be subdivided into four stages: pre-ore stage, Cu-Zn-Pb ore stage, Sb-Ag ± As ore stage and post-ore stage. The total sulfide content of the veins in the area is variable, ranging from 1 to 50%, and is dominated by stibnite, chalcopyrite, galena, Fe-poor sphalerite and pyrite with minor chalcostibite, Ag-tetrahedrite and bournonite; gangue minerals are mainly quartz and calcite. Silicic, argillic, propylitic, and sericitic, are the most obvious wall rock alterations. Microthermometric measurements of primary liquid-rich fluid inclusions in quartz and sphalerite indicate that the veins were formed at temperatures between 115 and 290 °C from fluids with salinities between 0.7 and 16.2 wt% NaCl eq., suggesting an epithermal origin. The δ34S values of pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena vary between -2.5 and 0.8‰, and δ18O values of quartz range between 12.5 and 14.8‰. It is inferred that the Shurab mineralization is of epithermal origin, related to an Eocene-Oligocene magmatic geothermal system involving fluids of magmatic and meteoric origin.  相似文献   

虎头崖Pb-Zn多金属矿床位于东昆仑西段祁漫塔格岩浆弧带,矿体主要赋存于三叠纪花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩与围岩的接触带及围岩中,并伴生有Fe、Cu等元素,属典型矽卡岩型矿床。对矽卡岩阶段石榴子石和透辉石、退化蚀变阶段绿帘石、石英硫化物阶段方解石、石英、萤石中流体包裹体的详细岩相学研究结果表明,与成矿有关的流体包裹体类型主要有富液相包裹体、富气相包裹体和含子矿物三相包裹体。激光拉曼光谱分析结果显示,气相、液相成分以H2O为主,含少量HCO3-;固相成分以NaCl为主,并有少量的闪锌矿(ZnS)、磁黄铁矿(Fe1-xS)和硬石膏(CaSO4),成矿流体应为H2O-NaCl体系。包裹体显微测温结果显示,矽卡岩、退化蚀变、石英硫化物阶段均一温度分别为(430~490℃、550~580℃)、340~370℃和190~340℃,盐度w(NaCleq)分别为39%~48%、9%~12%、(0.18%~4%、15%~24%)。H-O同位素研究表明,成矿流体主要为岩浆热液,在成矿晚期则有不同程度的大气降水混入。在石英硫化物阶段,含子矿物包裹体和气相分数变化较大的气液包裹体共生,它们均一温度相近但盐度差别较大,表明成矿流体曾发生过广泛的不混溶(沸腾)作用,而这一过程很可能导致流体中Pb、Zn、Fe、Cu等矿质沉淀富集。  相似文献   

江西香炉山矽卡岩型钨矿床流体包裹体研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
从江西西北部至安徽南部发育一条显著的斑岩-矽卡岩型钨成矿带,香炉山是其中一典型的矽卡岩钨矿床。矿床具有明显的矿化分带特征,由近接触带矽卡岩和云英岩矿体和远接触带脉状石英-硫化物-白钨矿和透镜状矿体组成。通过对不同蚀变带上矿石矿物和脉石矿物的流体包裹体显微测温分析表明:矽卡岩中的流体包裹体的均一温度范围在209~383℃,脉状石英-白钨矿和石英-硫化物-白钨矿中流体包裹体的均一温度范围分别为163~278℃和204~284℃,晚期方解石脉的温度最低为143~235℃;矽卡岩中的流体包裹体的盐度范围在0.35%~5.26%NaCleqv,脉状石英-白钨矿和石英-硫化物-白钨矿中流体包裹体的盐度范围分别为0.35%~5.86%NaCleqv和0.70%~9.21%NaCleqv,晚期方解石脉的盐度为0.35%~2.07%NaCleqv。激光拉曼探针测试表明,矽卡岩、石英-白钨矿脉和石英-硫化物-白钨矿脉中流体包裹体组分主要为H2O,还含有一定量CH4和少量的N2。从早期到晚期成矿阶段表现为一个降温的过程,指明了钨成矿温度较宽泛;钨在流体中可能以钨酸的形式运移,与围岩反应时,温度降低和碱性升高,促使白钨矿沉淀成矿。早期到晚期成矿流体温度和物质组成发生变化是成矿发生分带的重要原因。  相似文献   

李新俊  刘伟 《岩石学报》2002,18(4):551-558
在详细的矿床地质研究基础上,对马庄山金矿床流体包裹体和氢、氧、硫、铅同位素组成进行了研究。成矿流体具有中温、中低盐度、富H2O、CO2和富Na^ 、K^ 、Cl^-离子等特征。氢、氧、硫同位素组成表明,成矿流体存在着两个主要来源:岩浆流体和大气降水来源的加热地下水。铅同位素组成分布区间较为宽广且构成良好的线性相关(R^≥0.98),反映金属物质的多源性以及地壳和地幔各个储库的混合趋势。显微温度计及气体组分间的协变关系的不一致性,排除了去气作用存在的可能性。流体包裹体和同位素综合研究表明,两种来源流体发生了混合作用,从而导致了矿石矿物和金的沉淀。  相似文献   

福建马坑矿床是一个大型层控矽卡岩型铁(钼)矿床,赋存于早白垩世莒舟-大洋花岗岩外接触带黄龙组灰岩和林地组碎屑岩层间构造破碎带中.对不同成矿阶段的石榴子石、透辉石、角闪石、石英、方解石和萤石中流体包裹体所进行的岩相学和显微测温研究表明,与成矿有关的包裹体类型主要有富气相水溶液包裹体、富液相水溶液包裹体、含子矿物多相包裹体和少量富CO2包裹体,其中以富液相水溶液包裹体为主.气相组成均以CO2、H2O、N2、O2为主,其次为CH4、C2H4、C2H6和少量C2H2,液相成分中阳离子以Na+、K+和Mg2+为主,其次为Ca2+和少量Li+,阴离子以SO42-、F-、Cl-为主,还含有少量Br-、NO3-,成矿流体应为H2O-NaCl(NaF)±CaCl2(KCl)体系.矽卡岩、退化蚀变、石英硫化物阶段均一温度分别为460~600℃、260~540℃、160~400℃;盐度w(NaCleq)分别为(6%~24%、32%~44%),(4%~16%、36%~44%)和0~4%.H、O、C、S同位素研究表明,矽卡岩期成矿流体主要是岩浆水,晚期石英硫化物阶段混有不同程度的大气降水,流体中碳和硫来自深部或地幔,但也受到围岩等因素的影响.岩浆热液的相分离及其与大气降水的混合作用可能是马坑铁(钼)矿床形成的主要原因.  相似文献   

冀北东坪金矿床深部-外围的构造-蚀变-流体成矿研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冀北东坪金矿田是我国首次在碱性杂岩体内发现的金矿床,曾被认为是与碱性岩有关的金矿床。近年来年代学数据表明,东坪-后沟一带金矿的赋矿碱性杂岩体形成于海西期,而成矿却主要发生在燕山期。金矿床严格受构造裂隙控制,构造-蚀变-流体成矿作用显著,钾长石化是最重要的蚀变。由未蚀变岩石向矿体和断裂带中心方向,典型的构造-蚀变-矿化分带依次为:0-原岩(二长岩、正长岩)带,I-微斜长石化带,II硅化绢云母化微斜长石岩带,III碎裂微斜长石岩带,及IV断层泥。从0带到III带,Au含量增加,Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn、Mo也略有增加。东坪金矿构造-蚀变-矿化阶段可分为4个:Ⅰ钾长石-石英脉阶段;Ⅱ黄铁矿-白色石英阶段;Ⅲ多金属硫化物-烟灰色石英脉阶段;Ⅳ晚期碳酸盐阶段。深部中段各阶段脉石英的流体包裹体研究表明, 在I、II、III阶段均发育富CO2包裹体。第Ⅰ阶段钾长石石英脉L-V型包裹体均一温度(Th)为220.3~359℃,盐度1.1%~3.1% NaCleqv;H2O-CO2型包裹体Th在346.5~383.5℃。第Ⅱ阶段黄铁矿白色石英脉中L-V型包裹体Th范围是217.2~372.5℃,盐度在1.1%~5.7% NaCleqv;H2O-CO2型包裹体Th在241.2~396.7℃,盐度为2.2%~6.2% NaCleqv。第Ⅲ阶段的烟灰色石英脉中L-V型包裹体Th范围为158.2~350.5℃,盐度在0.7%~5.5% NaCleqv;H2O-CO2型包裹体Th范围在215.2~378℃之间,盐度范围在3.0%~6.0% NaCleqv。第Ⅳ阶段晚期石英脉L-V型包裹体Th范围为151.2~249.8℃,盐度在0.9%~8.3% NaCleqv。矿区外围转枝莲矿段的II阶段白色石英脉中包裹体的Th范围为220~416.2℃,III阶段烟灰色石英脉的Th范围为195.3~425℃。富金石英脉形成于中高温(>300℃,可达400℃以上)、中深压力(70~160MPa以上)条件下。其成矿背景、热液蚀变、矿物共生组合及流体性质与典型的造山型金矿有一定的差别,归属于"与侵入岩有关的金矿床"更合理。  相似文献   

Idiomorphic quartz crystals in topaz-bearing granite from the Salmi batholith contain primary inclusions of silicate melt and abundant mostly secondary aqueous fluid inclusions. Microthermometric measurements on melt inclusions give estimates for the granite solidus and liquidus of 640–680°C and 770–830°C, respectively. Using published solubility models for H2O in granitic melts and the obtained solidus/liquidus temperatures from melt inclusions, the initial water concentration of the magma is deduced to have been approximately 3 wt.% and the minimum pressure about 2 kbar. At this initial stage, volatile-undersaturation conditions of magma were assumed. These results indicate that the idiomorphic quartz crystals are magmatic in origin and thus real phenocrysts. During subsolidus cooling and fracturing of the granite, several generations of aqueous fluid inclusions were trapped into the quartz phenocrysts. The H2O inclusions have salinities and densities of 1–41 wt.% NaCl eq. and 0.53–1.18 g/cm3, respectively.  相似文献   

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