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The Milin Kamak gold-silver deposit is located in Western Srednogorie zone, 50 km west of Sofia, Bulgaria. This zone belongs to the Late Cretaceous Apuseni-Banat-Timok-Srednogorie magmatic and metallogenic belt. The deposit is hosted by altered trachybasalt to andesitic trachybasalt volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks with Upper Cretaceous age, which are considered to be products of the Breznik paleovolcano. Milin Kamak is the first gold-silver intermediate sulfidation type epithermal deposit recognized in Srednogorie zone in Bulgaria. It consists of eight ore zones with lengths ranging from 400 to 1000 m, widths from several cm to 3–4 m, rarely to 10–15 m, an average of 80–90 m depth (a maximum of 200 m) and dip steeply to the south. The average content of gold is 5.04 g/t and silver – 13.01 g/t. The styles of alteration are propylitic, sericite, argillic, and advanced argillic. Ore mineralization consists of three stages. Quartz-pyrite stage I is dominated by quartz, euhedral to subhedral pyrite, trace pyrrhotite and hematite in the upper levels of the deposit. Quartz-polymetallic stage II is represented by major anhedral pyrite, galena, Fe-poor sphalerite; minor chalcopyrite, tennantite, bournonite, tellurides and electrum; and trace pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, marcasite. Gangue minerals are quartz and carbonates. The carbonate-gold stage III is defined by deposition of carbonate minerals and barite with native gold and stibnite.Fluid inclusions in quartz are liquid H2O-rich with homogenization temperature (Th) ranging from 238 to 345 °C as the majority of the measurements are in the range 238–273 °C. Ice-melting temperatures (Tm) range from −2.2 to −4.1 °C, salinity – from 3.7 to 6.6 wt.% NaCl equiv. These measurements imply an epithermal environment and low- to moderate salinity of the ore-forming fluids.δ34S values of pyrite range from −0.49 to +2.44‰. The average calculated δ34S values are 1.35‰. The total range of δ34S values for pyrite are close to zero suggesting a magmatic source for the sulfur.  相似文献   

老厂Pb-Zn多金属块状硫化物矿床是西南三江特提斯造山带内目前唯一报导的与OIB火山岩有关的VMS矿床,关于其成矿流体性质和成矿物质来源,以及由此约束的成矿作用过程依然值得深入研究。本文基于对该矿床Ⅰ号矿体群块状矿体和网脉状矿化系统的野外观察和矿相学研究基础上,选取部分块状矿石中的方解石和网脉状矿化中的石英开展流体包裹体热力学研究,并对各类矿石的硫化物进行硫同位素分析。结果显示,两类矿石的原生流体包裹体均属于NaCl-H_2O体系,块状矿石成矿流体温度110~158℃,盐度13.2%~18.7%NaCleqv;网脉状矿化成矿流体温度186~371℃,集中在246~339℃,盐度3.6%~19.8%NaCleqv,集中在6.9%~16.8%NaCleqv。从下部网脉状矿化到上部块状矿体的成矿温度降低,反映较高温度的成矿热液沿喷流通道上升至海底面与海水作用并降温。该过程中流体盐度并未发生明显下降,推测成矿前海底可能已存在较高盐度的卤水。各类矿石硫化物δ~(34)S值基本一致,均在-0.69‰~1.32‰,组成稳定(极差仅2.01‰),呈集中于零值的分布特征。共生硫化物对中δ~(34)S黄铁矿闪锌矿方铅矿,说明硫同位素基本达到分馏平衡。硫化物集中零值的硫同位素组成,既不同于由海水硫酸盐无机还原造成的明显正δ~(34)S值,也不同于有机(细菌)还原造成的明显负δ~(34)S值,因此提出硫来源于矿体下盘基性火山岩,通过海水循环淋滤含矿岩系或者直接源于浅部岩浆房的释气作用。综合前人C-H-O-Pb同位素组成研究结果,认为老厂VMS型矿床形成过程中发生过岩浆释气作用,为成矿提供了硫和金属成矿物质、以及初始成矿流体。  相似文献   

锡铁山铅锌矿床发育较为完整的喷流沉积系统,包括管道相、近喷口相、远端沉积相及各种喷流沉积岩,并有后期改造作用形成的脉状铅锌矿体。本文通过喷流沉积系统各部位硫化物硫同位素的分析,不同部位硫化物硫同位素组成不同,且规律性变化。以黄铁矿分析结果为例,网脉状石英钠长岩δ34S=+0.8‰,代表供给系统的硫化物脉2.95‰,非层状矿体4.48‰,层状矿体3.25‰,炭质片岩为+6.26‰,后期改造型铅锌矿脉为+2.93‰。代表管道相的网脉状石英钠长岩黄铁矿具有深源(幔源)的硫同位素组成,而矿体或大理岩上盘炭质片岩具有海水硫来源的特点。矿体的硫介于二者之间,更靠近炭质片岩的硫化物同位素组成,其来源可能更多受海水硫酸盐的制约,即锡铁山矿床硫具有混合来源性质,主要是海水硫酸盐的还原,部分来源于深部卤水的供给。硫的还原方式以生物细菌还原为主。层状矿体中硫同位素组成由早至晚δ34S逐渐降低,表明层状矿体成矿作用过程中,发生了生物成因的H2S的大量加入。  相似文献   

The Darreh-Zar porphyry copper deposit is associated with a quartz monzonitic–granodioritic–porphyritic stock hosted by an Eocene volcanic sedimentary complex in which magmatic hydrothermal fluids were introduced and formed veins and alteration. Within the deepest quartz-rich and chalcopyrite-poor group A veins, LVHS2 inclusions trapped high salinity, high temperature aqueous fluids exsolved directly from a relatively shallow magma (0.5 kbar). These late fluids were enriched in NaCl and reached halite saturation as a result of the low pressure of magma crystallization and fluid exsolution. These fluids extracted Cu from the crystallizing melt and transported it to the hydrothermal system. As a result of ascent, the temperature and pressure of these fluids decreased from 600 to 415 °C, and approximately 500–315 bars. At these conditions, K-feldspar and biotite were stabilized. Type A veins were formed at a depth of ∼1.2 km under conditions of lithostatic pressure and abrupt cooling. Upon cooling and decompressing, the fluid intersected with the liquid–vapor field resulting in separation of immiscible liquid and vapor. This stage was recorded by formation of LVHS1, LVHS3 and VL inclusions. These immiscible fluids formed chalcopyrite–pyrite–quartz veins with sericitic alteration envelopes (B veins) under the lithostatic–hydrostatic pressure regime at temperatures between 415 and 355 °C at 1.3 km below the paleowater table. As the fluids ascended, copper contents decreased and these fluids were diluted by mixing with the low salinity-external fluid. Therefore, pyrite-dominated quartz veins were formed in purely hydrostatic conditions in which pressure decreased from 125 bars to 54 bars and temperature decreased from 355 to 298 °C. During the magmatic-hydrothermal evolution, the composition and PT regime changed drastically and caused various types of veins and alterations. The abundance of chalcopyrite precipitation in group B veins suggests that boiling and cooling were important factors in copper mineralization in Darreh-Zar.  相似文献   

The Sorkhe-Dizaj orebody is located 32 km southeast of Zanjan within the Tarom subzone of the Alborz-Azarbaijan structural zone. It is hosted mainly in quartz monzonite-monzodiorite and, to a lesser extent, in volcanoclastic rocks. Mineralization occurs in the form of stockwork and veins, comprising predominantly magnetite and actinolite, with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite. Two generations of magnetite and apatite are inferred: the first as disseminations in the host rock and the second mainly as an alteration product of actinolite, secondary K-feldspar, silica, sericite, chlorite and epidote. Fluid inclusion studies were carried out on second-generation apatite, and late-stage quartz to understand the geochemical evolution of the ore-bearing fluids. Fluid inclusions are of three types, i.e. primary, secondary, and pseudo-secondary. These inclusions are liquid or vapour single-phase, two-phase rich in liquid or vapour, and three-phase. Homogenization temperatures of second-generation apatite are inferred to be between 209°C and 520°C (mostly between 290°C and 320°C), indicating salinities of 9.08–21.61 wt.% NaCl equiv. At 342°C, the δ18O values range from 9‰ to 11.32‰ for the second-generation magnetite associated with coeval apatite. Fluid inclusions in the late-stage quartz veins are inferred to have homogenized between 186°C and 263°C, with δ18O values ranging between 2.5‰ and 7.4‰ at 220°C. Oxygen isotopes in the late-stage carbonate veins have values of 3.28–6.14‰ at 100°C. These data in the late-stage veins imply introduction of a cooler, less saline, isotopically depleted fluid, probably meteoric water. Field observations, mineral parageneses, and fluid inclusion?+?oxygen isotope data suggest that the magnetite-apatite veins formed from a predominantly magmatic-derived fluid. Introduction of cooler meteoric water in the final stage of mineralization reduced δ18O values, facilitating precipitation of sulphides, quartz, and carbonate veins.  相似文献   

孙嘉  段先哲  李玉彬 《矿床地质》2021,40(5):1085-1099
西藏多龙矿集区发育世界典型的斑岩铜矿系统,文章选取区内多个代表性矿床开展硫同位素研究,并结合前人数据,为探讨该成矿系统成矿物质来源、流体演化过程提供了新证据.研究表明,波龙、拿若、拿厅、拿顿和铁格隆南矿床δ34S平均值相似(接近于0),指示含矿岩浆提供了各矿床所需的硫元素.此外,区内典型矿床流体演化过程可分为2类:①流体演化主要受控于温度变化,表现为δ34S随温度降低而降低(如拿顿矿床);②流体演化受温度和氧化还原状态共同影响,表现为δ34S随温度降低而升高(如:波龙和拿若矿床),或是随温度降低,δ34S波动变化范围较大(如拿厅和铁格隆南矿床).结合岩相学证据,文章推测热液体系氧化还原状态的变化是由水岩反应所导致,最后,文章提出多龙矿集区内矿化阶段硫化物通常具有较低的δ34S,指示成矿流体为高氧化性流体,并且该特征在类似矿床的找矿勘查工作中也可发挥积极的指示作用.  相似文献   

Farsesh barite in the central part of Iranian Sanandaj-Sirjan zone is a sample of epigenetic hydrothermal mineralization in dolomitized limestone, which provides appropriate chemicophysical conditions making the passage of mineral-bearing fluids possible. Barite veins may range from a few centimeters to 2 m in thickness that increases downward. The microthermometry measurements obtained from more than 30 fluid inclusions show relative homogenization temperatures ranging from 125 to 200 °C with an average of 110 °C for Farsesh barite deposits. The mean salinity measured proves 16 times as much as weight percentage of NaCl for barite. Coexistence of liquid- and vapor-rich fluid inclusions in barite minerals may provide an evidence of boiling in ore veins. Moreover, occurrence of bladed calcite, high-grade ore zones, and presence of hydrothermal breccia are all consistent with boiling. Thermometric studies indicate that homogenization temperatures (Th) for primary and pseudosecondary fluid inclusions in barite range from 125 to 200 °C with an average of 1,100 °C. The δ34S values of barite also lie between 8.88 and 16.6 %. The relatively narrow spread in δ34S values may suggest uniform environmental conditions throughout the mineralization field. Thus, δ34S values are lower than those of contemporaneous seawater, which indicates a contribution of magmatic sulfur to the ore-forming solution. Barite is marked by total amounts of rare Earth elements (REEs) (6.25–17.39 ppm). Moreover, chondrite-normalized REE patterns of barite indicate a fractionation of light REEs (i.e., LREEs) from La to Sm, similar to those for barite from different origins. The LaCN/LuCN ratios and chondrite-normalized REE patterns reveal that barite in Farsesh deposit is enriched in LREEs compared with heavy rare Earth elements (HREEs). Similarity between Ce/La ratios in barite samples and those found in deep-sea barite supports its marine origin. Lanthanum and Gd exhibit positive anomalies, which are common features of chemical marine sediments. Cerium shows a negative anomaly in most samples inherited from the negative Ce anomaly of hydrothermal fluid that is mixed with seawater at barite precipitation. The available data including tectonic setting, host rock characteristics, REE geochemistry, and sulfur isotopic compositions may support a hydrothermal submarine origin for Farsesh barite deposit.  相似文献   

The Siah-Kamar porphyry Mo deposit, located in the western Alborz-Azarbayjan magmatic belt, is the first and largest Mo deposit in the Iran. This deposit is mainly hosted by an I-type, shoshonitic quartz monzonite to monzonite intrusion and also extends in the surrounding lower to middle Eocene volcanic rocks. The geochemical features of the Siah-Kamar intrusion show enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE), and significant negative anomalies of Nb, Ta and Ti analogues to the magmas derived from metasomatized sub-continental mantle. Porphyry molybdenum mineralization is associated with potassic, sericitic, argillic, and propylitic alteration zones. Mineralization occurs in disseminated form, in veins/veinlets and in hydrothermal breccias. The main ore minerals comprise molybdenite, chalcopyrite and bornite. The Microthermometric analyses at Siah-Kamar deposit showed that the halite-bearing inclusions contain high salinity (30.9–60.7 wt% NaCl eq.) with homogenization temperature ranging from 226 °C to 397 °C. The homogenization temperature of two phase liquid-rich inclusions range between 224 °C and 375 °C. The salinity of this type inclusions range from 0.6 to 7.5 wt% NaCl equivalent. The two-phase vapor-rich fluid inclusions homogenized at 270 °C to 397 °C. The salinity of this type fluid inclusions lie within the range of 0.6 to 4.24 wt% NaCl equivalent. Coexisting two phase V-rich and L-rich fluid inclusions in quartz associated with molybdenite provide evidence for boiling at 270 °C to 400 °C. The δ18Owater values of quartz in the molybdenite-bearing veins vary from +2.16 to +4.05‰, suggesting a magmatic origin for the ore-forming fluids. Re-Os isotopic dating of molybdenite indicated a mineralization age of 41.9 ± 3.6 Ma. The Re concentration in molybdenite suggests incorporation of mantle derived melt with crustal materials. The late Eocene magmatism along the western Alborz-Azarbayjan magmatic zone resulted from the Neo-Tethys subduction beneath the Iranian plateau. The Siah-Kamar monzonitic intrusion hosting the Mo deposit, could be considered as an example among the late Eocene intrusions within the western Alborz-Azarbayjan magmatic zone for any further exploration in this zone.  相似文献   

王翠云  李晓峰  肖荣  白艳萍  杨锋  毛伟  蒋松坤 《岩石学报》2012,28(12):3869-3886
德兴铜矿是中国华南地区重要的大型斑岩铜矿,由朱砂红、铜厂和富家坞3个矿床组成。在系统的钻孔样岩相观察基础上,本文把德兴朱砂红花岗闪长斑岩划分为3种类型蚀变岩(钾化-黑云母化蚀变岩、绿泥石化蚀变岩、石英-绢(白)云母化蚀变岩),其主要标志性蚀变矿物依次为:钾长石(黑云母)→绿泥石→石英+绢(白)云母,且热液蚀变程度依次增强。以Al2O3作为不活动组分,通过Isocon分析法表明:随着热液蚀变作用的持续进行,蚀变程度的逐渐增强,主量元素(P2O5)行为较稳定,Na2O、Sr元素大量活化迁出;高场强元素Hf、Th、U、V、Co、Nb、Ta等表现为弱活动性或不活动性;成矿元素Cu、Pb、W显示出大量带入,表明热液流体和成矿流体可能属于同一流体系统。稀土元素均发生一定程度的活化迁移,其中绿泥石化蚀变岩的LREE、HREE均较原岩亏损,而石英-绢(白)云母化花岗闪长斑岩的LREE、HREE富集/亏损情况因样品而异,相对增量/减量变化幅度较大。各类蚀变花岗闪长斑岩球粒陨石化配分模式表现较一致,均为轻稀土相对于重稀土富集的右倾分布,极弱Eu负异常,曲线左陡右平缓,尾部轻微上翘,形似铲状,反映岩浆源区角闪石的分离结晶作用。蚀变花岗闪长斑岩的Y/Ho比值与球粒陨石的Y/Ho比值基本一致,表明Y-Ho在热液蚀变过程中未发生明显分离。弱蚀变花岗闪长斑岩具有较高Sr/Y比值、La/Sm比值以及中等Sm/Yb比值,暗示源区残留相主要为角闪石±石榴子石。  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Nakhlak epigenetic vein-type Pb(Ag) deposit is located 55 km northeast of the town of Anarak in Isfahan Province, Iran. The deposit contains 7 Mt of galena-barite ore with an average grade of 8.33% Pb, 0.38% Zn, and 72 ppm Ag. The ore mineralization occurs as stratabound, epigenetic, steeply dipping, east-west–trending veins in faulted- or fracture-controlled Upper Cretaceous Sadar carbonates. Galena and barite are the primary minerals. Minor sphalerite, tennantite-tetrahedrite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite occur as inclusions in galena. Cerussite with minor amounts of anglesite and plattnerite formed in the oxidized supergene zone. The ore and ore-related minerals were deposited in the hydrothermally dolomitized carbonate host rock containing saddle-shaped dolomite. Geochemically, the dolomitized carbonate host rocks are enriched in MgO, Fe2O3, MnO, Pb, Zn, and Ba, but depleted in CaO. The galena concentrate contains high values of Ag (932 ppm), Sb (342 ppm), Cu (422 ppm), As (91 ppm), and Zn (296 ppm); the presence of these trace elements indicates a low-temperature type of galena mineralization. This interpretation is corroborated by fluid inclusions containing 12.98 wt.% NaCl equivalent salinity; the inclusions homogenize at the low temperature of about 152.1 °C. The similarity between δ34S(V-CDT) values in Nakhlak barite and Permian–Triassic δ34S marine sulfate values indicates that the Nakhlak sulfur was probably provided from evaporates of Permian–Triassic age. The δ34S(V-CDT) values of galena and barite samples occupy the ranges of − 1.04‰ to + 8.62‰ and + 10.95‰ to + 13.71‰, respectively, and are similar to Mississippi Valley–type (MVT) deposits. The low-temperature basinal fluids, evaporate-originated sulfur, and fault- or fracture-controlled galena-rich veins in the Nakhlak deposit resemble the type of geological features documented in Pb-rich MVT deposits.  相似文献   

张少颖  张华锋 《岩石学报》2017,33(6):1872-1892
热液蚀变过程中的元素活动性与流体性质对深入理解矿物稳定性和成矿作用具有重要的意义。本文以华北克拉通中北部山西五台地区的白云叶蜡石矿为例,研究了蚀变过程中元素迁移特征和流体性质。该矿体围岩以绿片岩相酸性火山岩为主,岩性为绢云钠长石英片岩并夹有少量的绿泥钠长片岩。矿区内蚀变分带明显,可分为早期的黄铁绢英岩化(绢云母-石英-黄铁矿)和晚期叠加的叶蜡石化(叶蜡石-伊利石-高岭石-石英),而金矿化则主要发育于黄铁绢英岩化带内。Log fo2-pH相图模拟结果显示,早期黄铁绢云岩化蚀变热液具有弱酸性至偏中性(pH=5.24~5.87)和较低氧逸度(位于黄铁矿+黄铜矿稳定相区内)特征;而引起叶蜡石化蚀变的热液具有强酸性(pH=2.07~2.20)和高氧逸度(位于HM缓冲线以上)特征。质量平衡迁移分析结果显示,随着叶蜡石化蚀变作用的增强,叶蜡石矿石中的Al2O3行为较稳定,SiO2、Na2O和K2O含量相对于围岩绢云钠长石英片岩呈不同程度的迁入,而其余氧化物大量活化迁出。微量元素Nb、Ta、Th、U、Rb和Ga含量相对升高,Th/U比值略有升高;Sr、Ba、Zr、Hf明显亏损,Zr/Hf比值从34~41下降到17~22。稀土元素均发生一定程度的活化迁移,且轻稀土迁出程度更高。Y/Ho比值(28~32)高于球粒陨石的Y/Ho(26~28),表明Y-Ho在叶蜡石化蚀变过程中表现出不同的地球化学行为。Eu负异常明显增大,这可能与长石的分解关系密切。围岩绢云钠长石英片岩中金属元素含量较高且Au与As含量之间呈明显正相关性,但在叶蜡石矿石中大部分金属元素含量均低于检出限,说明金属元素在叶蜡石化蚀变作用过程中发生了强烈的活化迁移,这与岩相学上叶蜡石矿石中可见港湾状细粒赤铁矿而缺乏黄铁矿的特征吻合。本文研究结果表明叶蜡石化过程中,大量的所谓不活动元素(如P、Ti、Zr、Hf、Y和Ho等)发生了显著迁移并导致Zr/Hf和Y/Ho比值的解耦,并伴随着大量金属元素的迁出,说明叶蜡石化不利于金矿化的形成。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1353-1368
Copper and gold mineralization in the Maher-Abad area, eastern Iran, is closely related to multiple episodes of emplacement of a late Eocene granodiorite into a quartz-monzonitic stock and andesitic volcaniclastic rocks. Hypogene and supergene porphyry Cu–Au mineralization occurred within the porphyritic granodiorite and quartz-monzonite host rocks extensively altered into dominantly potassic, propylitic, phyllic, and argillic assemblages. Temperature and pressure estimates using the plagioclase–hornblende thermometer and Al-in-hornblende barometer indicate that the granodiorite intruded at 758 ± 10°C and 1.4 ± 0.2 kbar.

Biotites from the alteration zones have more variable AlIV than those in the fresh granodiorite, but nearly all are close to the ideal phlogopite composition. Biotite compositions display an increase in Al2O3, FeO, TiO2, and Cl, but a decrease in SiO2 and F, from the porphyritic granodiorite and potassic to the transitional phyllic alteration zones. Biotite from the potassic zone (X phl?=?0.63–0.67) possesses a moderate F content (0.53 to 0.82 wt.%) that is significantly higher than that in the phyllic zone (0.22 to 0.38 wt.%), exhibiting a positive correlation with X Mg and negative correlation with Cl.

With a decrease in the temperature, log (fH2O/fHF) and log (fH2O/fHCl) values calculated for fluids equilibrated with biotite increase progressively from the granodiorite through the potassic to the phyllic zones, whereas log (fHF/fHCl) shifts towards more negative values. Fugacity ratio trends in the Maher-Abad porphyry copper deposit are quite similar to those of other porphyry copper systems. The decrease in halogen content of hydrothermal fluids towards outer parts of the deposits reflects an increase in the degree of mixing between magmatic fluid and meteoric water.  相似文献   

孙学娟  倪培  迟哲  杨玉龙  景山  王国光 《岩石学报》2019,35(12):3749-3762
南京栖霞山铅锌矿床是华东最大的铅锌矿床,具有悠久的研究和开采历史;近些年来的勘探在深部取得显著进展,显示了很好的勘探潜力。本次研究,在系统全面地野外地质观察和样品采集的基础上,开展了详细的岩相学研究和成矿期次的划分,并进行了流体包裹体和氢氧同位素测试分析。结果显示,栖霞山铅锌矿存在两期铅锌矿化:早期以形成层状和块状矿石为特征,闪锌矿深灰-红棕色;晚期矿化以块状、角砾状和脉状构造为特征,闪锌矿呈棕色-浅黄色。早期闪锌矿中包裹体以富液相包裹体类型为主,均一温度分布范围为182~289℃,盐度为0. 9%~8. 2%NaCleqv,成矿流体与富硫同生沉积层发生化学反应可能是其主要的沉淀机制;晚期闪锌矿中也是以富液相包裹体类型为主,但是温度、盐度有所上升,均一温度集中在197~348℃,盐度介于0. 4%~10. 9%NaCleqv之间,指示有更多岩浆流体混入,流体混合可能是主要的沉淀机制。为了限定其深部可能的热液中心位置,我们利用晚期闪锌矿中的包裹体进行流体空间填图。填图结果显示了良好的空间变化规律:成矿流体温度以西南到北东方向为轴,向西南方向温度上升,暗示了成矿流体可能来源于西南方向深部,因此在其西南方向的深部可能具有更好的勘探潜力。  相似文献   

The Semna gold deposit is one of several vein-type gold occurrences in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, where gold-bearing quartz veins are confined to shear zones close to the boundaries of small granitoid stocks. The Semna gold deposit is related to a series of sub-parallel quartz veins along steeply dipping WNW-trending shear zones, which cut through tectonized metagabbro and granodiorite rocks. The orebodies exhibit a complex structure of massive and brecciated quartz consistent with a change of the paleostress field from tensional to simple shear regimes along the pre-existing fault segments. Textural, structural and mineralogical evidence, including open space structures, quartz stockwork and alteration assemblages, constrain on vein development during an active fault system. The ore mineral assemblage includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, subordinate arsenopyrite, galena, sphalerite and gold. Hydrothermal chlorite, carbonate, pyrite, chalcopyrite and kaolinite are dominant in the altered metaggabro; whereas, quartz, sericite, pyrite, kaolinite and alunite characterize the granodiorite rocks in the alteration zones. Mixtures of alunite, vuggy silica and disseminated sulfides occupy the interstitial open spaces, common at fracture intersections. Partial recrystallization has rendered the brecciation and open space textures suggesting that the auriferous quartz veins were formed at moderately shallow depths in the transition zone between mesothermal and epithermal veins.Petrographic and microthermometric studies aided recognition of CO2-rich, H2O-rich and mixed H2O–CO2 fluid inclusions in the gold-bearing quartz veins. The H2O–CO2 inclusions are dominant over the other two types and are characterized by variable vapor: liquid ratios. These inclusions are interpreted as products of partial mixing of two immiscible carbonic and aqueous fluids. The generally light δ34S of pyrite and chalcopyrite may suggest a magmatic source of sulfur. Spread in the final homogenization temperatures and bulk inclusion densities are likely due to trapping under pressure fluctuation through repeated fracture opening and sealing. Conditions of gold deposition are estimated on basis of the fluid inclusions and sulfur isotope data as 226–267 °C and 350–1100 bar, under conditions transitional between mesothermal and epithermal systems.The Semna gold deposit can be attributed to interplay of protracted volcanic activity (Dokhan Volcanics?), fluid mixing, wallrock sulfidation and a structural setting favoring gold deposition. Gold was transported as Au-bisulfide complexes under weak acid conditions concomitant with quartz–sericite–pyrite alteration, and precipitated through a decrease in gold solubility due to fluid cooling, mixing with meteoric waters and variations in pH and fO2.  相似文献   

董宇  魏博  王焰 《岩石学报》2021,37(9):2875-2888



胶东是我国最重要的金矿集中区,破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床是区内最主要的金矿床类型,该类型金矿床已探明金资源量占全区的90%以上,其巨量金的来源是引人瞩目的关键科学问题。招平断裂带是该区内规模最大的断裂-成矿带,位于招平金矿带中段的大尹格庄金矿床是该金矿带最具代表性的破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床之一,已探明金金属量约283t。大尹格庄金矿床严格受沿胶东群与玲珑花岗岩接触带发育的NNE向招平断裂带控制,矿体赋存在招平断裂下盘黄铁绢英岩化和碎裂岩化玲珑花岗岩中,主要由Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号矿体组成,其具有相似的矿物组成,矿石主要矿物是绢云母、石英、黄铁矿,次要矿物是钾长石、斜长石、黑云母、方解石、黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、磁黄铁矿、黝铜矿和自然金、自然银、金银矿、碲银矿等;其中黄铁矿是最主要的载金矿物。根据穿插关系和矿物共生组合,大尹格庄金矿床内成矿作用可划分为4个成矿阶段,分别是黄铁矿-石英-绢云母阶段(I)、石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅱ)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅲ)和石英-方解石-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅳ)。各个成矿阶段的黄铁矿的晶体形态标型研究表明,成矿Ⅰ阶段黄铁矿以粗粒自形立方体为主,含有少量五角十二面体;成矿Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段黄铁矿以细粒五角十二面体为主,且具有更多五角十二面体、八面体和立方体形成的聚形;成矿Ⅳ阶段主要为细粒立方体晶形。不同矿体各个成矿阶段的硫化物的δ~(34)S值集中在4.58‰~7.54‰,具有一定的塔式效应,正向偏离陨石硫,与胶东地区胶东群变质岩、围岩花岗岩类δ~(34)S比较接近,指示大尹格庄金矿床各个成矿阶段的矿石硫源总体一致,与胶东群变质岩和中生代花岗岩间具有继承演化关系。此外,从成矿Ⅰ阶段→Ⅱ阶段→Ⅲ阶段→Ⅳ阶段,大尹格庄金矿床矿石硫化物δ~(34)S呈现出逐渐降低的趋势,反映了成矿过程中物理化学条件的演化趋势:Ⅰ阶段为较高温度(330~350℃)、快速冷却、低过饱和度、低氧逸度和硫逸度的成矿环境;Ⅱ和Ⅲ阶段黄铁矿形成于中-低温(200~300℃)、成矿流体过饱和度高、高氧逸度和硫逸度、缓慢冷却同时物质供应充分的成矿环境;Ⅳ阶段处于较低温度(200℃)、热液流体过饱和度较低、低氧逸度和硫逸度、同时物质供应不足的成矿环境。  相似文献   

The Glen Eden Mo-Sn-W deposit in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia, is an example of a leucogranite-related, low-grade, large-tonnage hydrothermal system. It occurs in the southern part of the New England Orogen and is hosted within Permian felsic volcanic rocks, intruded at depth by dykes of porphyritic microleucogranite (Glen Eden Granite). The deposit is hosted within a pipe-like quartz-rich greisen breccia body about 500 m in diameter, surrounded by a greisen zone several hundred metres across, zoning out into altered volcanic rocks. The dominant ore minerals, largely hosted as open space fillings and disseminations in quartz and quartz-rich greisen, are molybdenite, wolframite and cassiterite; they are accompanied by minor to trace amounts of muscovite, fluorite, topaz, siderite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bismuth, bismuthinite, joseite A, cosalite, galenobismutite, beryl, anatase and late-stage dickite and kaolinite. Two types of breccia are recognised: (1) greisenised volcanic rock fragments (quartz + muscovite), cemented by hydrothermal quartz ± K-feldspar ± ore minerals, and (2) fragments of hydrothermal quartz ± cassiterite ± wolframite enclosed in quartz ± clay. In both types of breccia and in stockwork veins, there is evidence of early precipitation of Mo-Sn-W phases, followed by Bi minerals and base metal sulfides (± fluorite, siderite).Breccia formation and associated hydrothermal alteration (greisen, potassic, argillic, propylitic) are interpreted to be related to devolatilisation of the highly fractionated Glen Eden Granite of early Triassic age (240±1 Ma based on 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of greisen muscovite) as well as to fluid mixing with meteoric waters. The breccia pipe could have formed in part by rock dissolution and collapse, as well as by explosive degassing of boiling fluids. Fluid inclusion evidence is consistent with boiling, with breccia pipe formation and mineralisation having mainly occurred at 250–350 °C from fluids with salinity of 0.4–9 wt% NaCl equivalent in the dilute types and 30–47 wt% NaCl equivalent in the hypersaline types. Stable isotopic evidence (O, D, C, S) indicates a strong magmatic contribution to the hydrothermal fluids and metals in the breccia. The 18O values of quartz decrease outward from the breccia pipe (10.6–12.3 in the pipe to 3.4–8.7 in the peripheral quartz) indicating that there has been mixing with isotopically light (high latitude) meteoric fluids, mainly after formation of the breccia pipe.  相似文献   

范裕  周涛发  袁峰  唐敏惠  张乐骏  马良  谢杰 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3657-3666
庐枞中生代火山盆地位于长江中下游断陷带内,地处扬子板块的北缘。庐枞盆地内火山岩和侵入岩分布广泛,包括龙门院、砖桥、双庙和浮山四组火山岩以及34个侵入岩体。盆地内产出一系列铁、铜、铅、锌、铀等金属矿床,同时还大量产出以明矾石和硬石膏为代表的非金属矿床。庐枞盆地北部砖桥组火山岩内中酸性硫酸盐蚀变广泛发育,指示盆地内存在高硫化型浅成低温热液系统。本文以盆地北部矾山明矾石矿床为研究对象,查明了矾山明矾石矿体主要赋存在火山碎屑岩内,矿体呈似层状,产状基本上与围岩一致,矿石类型以黄铁矿-石英-明矾石矿石为主,明矾石主要为钾明矾石,主要蚀变类型包括明矾石化、硅化、高岭土化和绢云母化。明矾石的δ34S值范围为20.29‰~23.18‰,平均值为21.86‰,黄铁矿δ34S值范围为-7.06‰~-8.36‰,平均值为-7.49‰,明矾石和黄铁矿δ34S平均值计算Δ34SAlun-Py为29.35‰,指示矾山明矾石为岩浆热液与火山岩地层水岩作用的产物,硫同位素温度计计算得出明矾石形成温度为264℃。通过相关对比研究,本文认为庐枞盆地内存在高硫化型低温热液系统,系统中广泛发育的酸性蚀变很可能是玢岩铁矿成矿系统的组成部分,是玢岩铁矿系统成矿气液不断作用并演化到了最晚阶段的产物。  相似文献   

The Sangan iron skarn deposit is located in the Sabzevar-Dorouneh Magmatic Belt of northeastern Iran. The skarn contains zoned garnet, clinopyroxene and magnetite. Cores and rims of zoned garnets are generally homogeneous, having a relatively high ΣREE, low ΣLREE/ΣHREE ratios, and positive Eu anomalies. The cores of the zoned clinopyroxenes are exceptionally HREE-rich, with relatively high ΣREE and HREE/LREE ratios, as well as positive Eu anomalies. Clinopyroxene rims are LREE-rich, with relatively low ΣREE contents and HREE/LREE ratios, and do not have Eu anomalies. Magnetite grains are enriched in LREEs in comparison with the HREEs and lack Eu anomalies. Variations of fluid composition and physicochemical conditions rather than YAG-type substitution mechanism are considered to have major control on incorporating trace elements, including REE, into the skarn mineral assemblage. Based on baro-acoustic decrepitation analysis, the calc-silicate and magnetite dominant stages were formed at similar temperatures, around 350–400 °C. In the Sangan skarns, hydrothermal fluids shifted from near-neutral pH, reduced conditions with relatively high ΣREE, low LREE/HREE ratios, and U-rich characteristics towards acidic, oxidized conditions with relatively low ΣREE, high LREE/HREE ratios, and U-poor characteristics.  相似文献   

勐满金矿床是西南三江特提斯造山带迄今为止报导的为数不多的热泉型金矿床之一,也是南澜沧江带唯一发现的该成因类型的金矿床。然而目前对勐满金矿床热液蚀变特征的分析不足和地球化学数据的缺乏,一直制约着对其成矿过程的深入理解。勐满金矿床原生矿体产于早古生代澜沧群曼来组片岩和侏罗纪花开左组碎屑岩不整合面附近,断裂构造导流、控矿作用显著。矿区两类围岩均发生强烈蚀变,但蚀变类型简单,仅为硅化和高岭土化,与金成矿密切相关。热液高岭土化的大量发育,反映围岩中的长石等含铝矿物与呈酸性的流体发生作用。全岩微量元素组成对比研究表明,近矿围岩蚀变过程中未发生明显的微量元素迁移。镜下观察到Au与黄铜矿等金属硫化物共生,元素相关性分析显示Au与Ag、Cu、Pb、As、S、Sb等元素有正相关趋势,表明它们由统一热液系统携带并发生卸载。在弱酸性成矿流体中,Au主要以金硫络合物的形式进行迁移。当含Au流体运移至地层不整合面附近时,与围岩反应并发生强烈高岭土化,导致流体中的SiO_2和高岭石含量急剧增加,逐渐在矿区导流断裂中沉淀下来。断裂变窄甚至封闭,流体内压持续升高,最终发生爆破,成矿流体强烈减压沸腾,引发金硫络合物失稳,Au发生卸载并沉淀。该过程反复多次发生,形成了矿区含金硅质角砾岩及蚀变岩型矿石。  相似文献   

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