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Welded tuffs and related pyroclastic deposits are distributed at many localities in northeastern Japan, especially around the volcanoes of the Nasu volcanic zone running from north to south, but they are absent from the region along the Japan Sea. Their geological age varies from the Miocene to the Holocene, those of the Pleistocene being predominant in amount. Petrographically they cover rather a wide range from andesite to rhyolite, among which dacite is most common. The welded tuffs are always compact and hard, with well-developed columnar jointing, carrying parallel-layered obsidian lenticules; and various stages are observed from loose pyroclastic deposits to lava-like welded tuffs. Petrological, petrochemical, and physical properties of these deposits are studied in some detail. From these data some genetic consideration is given for the mechanism of welding, and also for the relation between the nature of parental magma and the formation of such pyroclastic deposits.  相似文献   

Batur volcanic field (BVF) in Bali, Indonesia, underwent two successive caldera-forming eruptions, CI and CII (29,300 and 20,150 years b.p., respectively) that resulted in the deposition of dacitic ignimbrites. The respective ignimbrites show contrasted stratigraphies, exemplify the variability of dynamics associated with caldera-forming eruptions and provide insights into the possible controls exerted by caldera collapse mechanisms. The Ubud Ignimbrite is widespread and covers most of southern Bali. The deposits consist dominantly of pyroclastic flow with minor pumice fall deposits. The intra-caldera succession comprises three distinct, partially to densely welded cooling units separated by non-welded pyroclastic flow and fall deposits. The three cooling units consist of pyroclastic flow deposits only and together represent up to 16 distinct flow units, each including a thin, basal, lithic-rich breccia. This eruption was related to a 13.5×10 km caldera (CI) with a minimum collapsed volume of 62 km3. The floor of caldera CI is inferred to have a piecemeal geometry. The Ubud Ignimbrite is interpreted as the product of a relatively long-lasting, pulsating, collapsing fountain that underwent at least two time breaks. A stable column developed during the second time break. Discharge rate was high overall, but oscillatory, and increased toward the end of the eruption. These dynamics are thought to reflect sequential collapse of the CI structure. The Gunungkawi Ignimbrite is of more limited extent outside the source caldera and occurs only in central southern Bali. The Gunungkawi Ignimbrite proximal deposits consist of interbedded accretionary lapilli-bearing ash surge, ash fall, pumice lapilli fall and thin pyroclastic flow deposits, overlain by a thick and massive pyroclastic flow deposit with a thick basal lag breccia. The caldera (CII) is 7.5×6 km in size, with a minimum collapsed volume of 9 km3. The CII eruption included two distinct phases. During the first, eruption intensity was low to moderate and an unstable, essentially phreatomagmatic column developed. During the second phase, the onset of caldera collapse drastically increased the eruption intensity, resulting in column collapse. The caldera floor is believed to have subsided rapidly, producing a single, short-lived burst of high eruption intensity that resulted in the deposition of the uppermost massive pyroclastic flow.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

The asymmetrical distribution of the welded Ata large-scale pyroclastic flow deposit in Southern Kyushu, Japan was identified. This distribution pattern was defined as depositional ramps. Depositional ramps can be identified in valleys wider than 1 km and become smaller-scale with increasing distance from the source. Upslope directions of depositional ramps are generally radially away from the source caldera, suggesting that the structure was formed by the flow of pyroclastic material radially away from the source. The original depositional surface was reconstructed based on field mapping and density measurements of the pyroclastic flow deposit. Depositional ramps having a dip angle of more than 9° were reconstructed on the vent-facing slopes of the topography underlying the valley-filling deposits in the area within 10 km of the caldera rim. Such a dip angle is much larger than previously described dip angles. The size and gradient of the depositional ramps decreases with increasing distance from the source. Depositional ramps are recognized commonly in densely welded pyroclastic flow deposits. A high emplacement temperature is required to form the depositional ramps. This suggests that the pyroclastic flow was transported as a dense, fluidized layer to minimize heat loss.  相似文献   

K2 is a steep-sided kimberlite pipe with a complex internal geology. Geological mapping, logging of drillcore and petrographic studies indicate that it comprises layered breccias and pyroclastic rocks of various grain sizes, lithic contents and internal structures. The pipe comprises two geologically distinct parts: K2 West is a layered sequence of juvenile- and lithic-rich breccias, which dip 20–45° inwards, and K2 East consists of a steep-sided pipe-like body filled with massive volcaniclastic kimberlite nested within the K2 pipe. The layered sequence in K2 West is present to > 900 m below present surface and is interpreted as a sequence of pyroclastic rocks generated by explosive eruptions and mass-wasting breccias generated by rock fall and sector collapse of the pipe walls: both processes occurred in tandem during the infill of the pipe. Several breccia lobes extend across the pipe and are truncated by the steep contact with K2 East. Dense pyroclastic rocks within the layered sequence are interpreted as welded deposits. K2 East represents a conduit that was blasted through the layered breccia sequence at a late stage in the eruption. This phase may have involved fluidisation of trapped pyroclasts, with loss of fine particles and comminution of coarse clasts. We conclude that the K2 kimberlite pipe was emplaced in several distinct stages that consisted of an initial explosive enlargement, followed by alternating phases of accumulation and ejection.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic deposits interpreted as subaqueous ash-flow tuff have been recognized within Archean to Recent marine and lacustrine sequences. Several authors proposed a high-temperature emplacement for some of these tuffs. However, the subaqueous welding of pyroclastic deposits remains controversial.The Visean marine volcaniclastic formations of southern Vosges (France) contain several layers of rhyolitic and rhyodacitic ash-flow tuff. These deposits include, from proximal to distal settings, breccia, lapilli and fine-ash tuff. The breccia and lapilli tuff are partly welded, as indicated by the presence of fiamme, fluidal and axiolitic structures. The lapilli tuff form idealized sections with a lower, coarse and welded unit and an upper, bedded and unwelded fine-ash tuff. Sedimentary structures suggest that the fine-ash tuff units were deposited by turbidity currents. Welded breccias, interbedded in a thick submarine volcanic complex, indicate the close proximity of the volcanic source. The lapilli and fine-ash tuff are interbedded in a thick marine sequence composed of alternating sandstones and shales. Presence of a marine stenohaline fauna and sedimentary structures attest to a marine depositional environment below storm-wave base.In northern Anatolia, thick massive sequences of rhyodacitic crystal tuff are interbedded with the Upper Cretaceous marine turbidites of the Mudurnu basin. Some of these tuffs are welded. As in southern Vosges, partial welding is attested by the presence of fiamme and fluidal structures. The latter are frequent in the fresh vitric matrix. These tuff units contain a high proportion of vitroclasis, and were emplaced by ash flows. Welded tuff units are associated with non-welded crystal tuff, and contain abundant bioclasts which indicate mixing with water during flowage. At the base, basaltic breccia beds are associated with micritic beds containing a marine fauna. The welded and non-welded tuff sequences are interbedded in an alternation of limestones and marls. These limestones are rich in pelagic microfossils.The evidence above strongly suggest that in both examples, tuff beds are partly welded and were emplaced at high temperature by subaqueous ash flows in a permanent marine environment. The sources of the pyroclastic material are unknown in both cases. We propose that the ash flows were produced during submarine fissure eruptions. Such eruptions could produce non-turbulent flows which were insulated by a steam carapace before deposition and welding. The welded ash-flow tuff deposits of southern Vosges and northern Anatolia give strong evidence for existence of subaqueous welding.  相似文献   

Peralkaline silicic welded ash-flow tuffs differ characteristically in a number of properties from most calc-alkaline welded tuffs, due to their generally lower viscosity and higher temperatures. For example, individual cooling units are relatively small (less than 30 m thick, less than 5 km3 in volume); rocks can be thoroughly welded and crystallized to feldspar, quartz, and mafic minerals; several primary deformational structures (e.g. lineations, stretching of pumice, folds, ramp structures) indicate late stage laminar creep, resulting from the low yield strength of the nearly homogeneous glass of very low viscosity. Theoretical considerations also suggest that peralkaline melts are of low viscosity and high temperature, as inferred from,e.g., their chemical composition (high iron- and alkali-, and low alumina-concentrations). The low viscosity may also be due to trapping of volatiles. Absence or paucity of OH-bearing phenocryst phases, paucity of pyroclastic rocks, other than ash flow tuffs, formed from highly explosive eruptions, and apparently high crystallization temperatures, indicate that peralkaline silicic magmas are comparatively dry. The common occurrence of peralkaline ash-flow tuffs may be due to an increased water content of the magmas, resulting also in amphibole phenocrysts in some welded tuffs, or to specific volcanotectonic conditions. Ash flows of peralkaline composition move as particularly dense particulate flows. This type of flowage and the very rapid welding of the low viscosity glass lead to a high degree of homogenization of the fine glass shards. This in turn inhibits complete degassing of the collapsing ash flow. Semiclosed systems result where gas overpressures can develop and where volatiles play an important role by fluxing crystallization and transporting dissolved matter. Several types of vesicles can form under these conditions: (a) Spherical vesicles within collapsed ash and pumice particles formed after deposition of the ash flow. (b) Round or irregular vesicles transsecting pyroclastic particles, vesicle sheets, and large cavities, several m in diameter, may form in a largely homogenized ash-flow tuff beneath tightly welded layers. (c) Lensoid cavities formed during granophyric crystallization of large pumice particles. Small ash particles of peralkaline composition may assume spherical shapes due to their low viscosity and in some cases, expansion of bubbles. They form during transport and are preserved under low load pressure in the top part of cooling units. Globule lavas and most froth flows are interpreted as welded ash-flow tuffs, some of their unusual features being due to their peralkaline composition.  相似文献   

Consideration of published anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) studies on welded ignimbrites suggests that AMS fabrics are controlled by groundmass microlites distributed within the existing tuff fabric, the sum result of directional fabrics imposed by primary flow lineation, welding, and (if relevant) rheomorphism. AMS is a more sensitive indicator of fabric elements within welded tuffs than conventional methods, and usually yields primary flow azimuth estimates. Detailed study of a single densely welded tuff sample demonstrates that the overall AMS fabric is insensitive to the relative abundances of fiamme, matrix and lithics within individual drilled cores. AMS determinations on a welded-tuff dyke occurring in a choked vent in the Trans-Pecos Texas volcanic field reveals a consistent fabric with a prolate element imbricated with respect to one wall of the dyke, while total magnetic susceptibility and density exhibit axially symmetric variations across the dyke width. The dyke is interpreted to have formed as a result of agglutination of the erupting mixture on a portion of the conduit wall as it failed and slid into the conduit, followed by residual squeezing between the failed block and in situ wallrock. Irrespective of the precise mechanism, widespread occurrence of both welded-tuff dykes and point-welded, aggregate pumices in pyroclastic deposits may imply that lining of conduit walls by agglutionation during explosive volcanic eruptions is a common process.  相似文献   

In the southern part of Rhodes, Greece, rhyolitic subaqueous pyroclastic deposits are interbedded with Tertiary, deep water, marine sediments. The lowermost and best exposed of these deposits — the Dali Ash — is described here. The deposit has been previously described as a deep water welded subaqueous ignimbrite. This paper shows that there is no evidence of welding, and texture previously reported were misidentified. The Dali Ash consists of a lower massive unit (5 m thick), overlain by a sequence of ash-turbidites (2.5 m thick). The lower unit was deposited by a high concentration turbidity current and the ash-turbidites by dilute turbidity currents. Foraminifera are dispersed throughout the deposit and indicate that all the sedimentary gravity flows were cold water/particulate systems. A palaeomagnetic study also suggests they were deposited cold. The Dali Ash can be interpreted as the lateral equivalent of a subaerial pumiceous pyroclastic flow deposit (ignimbrite). The ash-turbidites then may be redeposited slumps off the submarine slope of the lower massive unit, or, may represent later, smaller pyroclastic flows in the eruption. Other alternatives for the origin of the Dali Ash are fully discussed to show the problems in interpreting submarine volcanigenic sediments. It is possible that the deposits are not even a primary eruptive product and are remobilized pyroclastic debris, slumped, for example, off the sides of a shallow marine rhyolitic tuff ring.  相似文献   

 This paper illustrates some problems involved in the quantitative compositional study of pyroclastic deposits and proposes criteria for selecting the main petrographic and textural classes for modal analysis. The relative proportions of the different classes are obtained using a point-counting procedure applied to medium-coarse ash samples that reduces the dependence of the modal composition on grain size and avoids tedious counting of different grain-size fractions. The major purposes of a quantified measure of component distributions are to: (a) document the nature of the fragmenting magma; (b) define the eruptive dynamics of the eruptions on a detailed scale; and (c) ensure accuracy in classifying pyroclastic deposits. Compositional modes of the ash fraction of pyroclastic deposits vary systematically, and their graphical representation defines the compositional and textural characteristics of pyroclastic fragments associated with different eruptive styles. Textural features of the glass component can be very helpful for inferring aspects of eruptive dynamics. Four major parameters can be used to represent the component composition of pyroclastic ash deposits: (a) juvenile index (JI); (b) crystallinity index (CrI); (c) juvenile vesicularity index (JVI); and (d) free crystal index (FCrI). The FCrI is defined as the ratio between single and total crystal fragments in the juvenile component (single crystals+crystals in juvenile glass). This parameter may provide an effective estimate of the mechanical energy of eruptions. Variations in FCrI vs JVI discriminate among pyroclastic deposits of different origin and define compositional fields that represent ash derived from different fragmentation styles. Received: 15 January 1998 / Accepted: 8 February 1999  相似文献   

The 14.1 Ma old composite ignimbrite cooling unit P1 (45 km3) on Gran Canaria comprises a lower mixed rhyolite-trachyte tuff, a central rhyolite-basalt mixed tuff, and a slightly rhyolite-contaminated basaltic tuff at the top. The basaltic tuff is compositionally zoned with (a) an upward change in basalt composition to higher MgO content (4.3–5.2 wt.%), (b) variably admixed rhyolite or trachyte (commonly <5 wt.%), and (c) an upward increasing abundance of basaltic and plutonic lithic fragments and cognate cumulate fragments. The basaltic tuff is divided into three structural units: (I) the welded basaltic ignimbrite, which forms the thickest part (c. 95 vol.%) and is the main subject of the present paper; (II) poorly consolidated massive, bomb- and block-rich beds interpreted as phreatomagmatic pyroclastic flow deposits; and (III) various facies of reworked basaltic tuff. Tuff unit I is a basaltic ignimbrite rather than a lava flow because of the absence of top and bottom breccias, radial sheet-like distribution around the central Tejeda caldera, thickening in valleys but also covering higher ground, and local erosion of the underlying P1 ash. A gradual transition from dense rock in the interior to ash at the top of the basaltic ignimbrite reflects a decrease in welding; the shape of the welding profile is typical for emplacement temperatures well above the minimum welding temperature. A similar transition occurs at the base where the ignimbrite was emplaced on cold ground in distal sections. In proximal sections the base is dense where it was emplaced on hot felsic P1 tuff. The intensity of welding, especially at the base, and the presence of spherical particles and of mantled and composite particles formed by accretion and coalescence in a viscous state imply that the flow was a suspension of hot magma droplets. The flow most likely had to be density stratified and highly turbulent to prevent massive coalescence and collapse. Model calculations suggest eruption through low pyroclastic fountains (<1000 m high) with limited cooling during eruption and turbulent flow from an initial temperature of 1160°C. The large volume of 26 km3 of erupted basalt compared with only 16 km3 of the evolved P1 magmas, and the extremely high discharge rates inferred from model calculations are unusual for a basaltic eruption. It is suggested that the basaltic magma was erupted and emplaced in a fashion commonly only attributed to felsic magmas because it utilized the felsic P1 magma chamber and its ring-fissure conduits. Evolution of the entire P1 eruption was controlled by withdrawal dynamics involving magmas differing in viscosity by more than four orders of magnitude. The basaltic eruption phase was initially driven by buoyancy of the basaltic magma at chamber depth and continued degassing of felsic magma, but most of the large volume of basalt magma was driven out of the reservoir by subsidence of a c. 10 km diameter roof block, which followed a decrease in magma chamber pressure during low viscosity basaltic outflow.  相似文献   

We investigated the existence of a fractal law (power law) distribution of size pyroclastic fragments erupted during the fallout phase of the 79 A.D. Plinian eruption at Mt. Vesuvius. In particular, we performed a particle size distribution analysis on 18 white and grey pumice samples collected in six sites distributed in the SW sector of Mt. Vesuvius. Our measurements show that the fragmentation of samples in the investigated range (from 32 mm to 850 μm) follows a power law, guaranteeing the scale invariance of the process. The relationship frequency-size distribution of the fragments is verified independently from the nature (i.e., pumices and lithics) and stratigraphic height of the considered samples in the pyroclastic deposit. Therefore, the fractal fragmentation theory can be indicated for evaluating the relationship between the intensity of fragmentation (fractal dimension D) and eruption energy. In this way the apparent chaotic distribution of the particles in the fallout deposits hides a self-organized complexity revealed by the retrieved power law distribution. We further remark that a key aspect of our analysis is the founded evidence that the fractal dimension of the lithics is systematically greater than that of the pumices.  相似文献   

The Atacazo–Ninahuilca Volcanic Complex (ANVC) is located in the Western Cordillera of Ecuador, 10 km southwest of Quito. At least six periods of Pleistocene to Holocene activity (N1 to N6) have been preserved in the geologic record as tephra fallouts and pyroclastic flow deposits. New field data, including petrographic and whole-rock geochemical analyses of over forty soil and tephra sections, 100 pumice and lithic samples, and 10 new 14C ages allow us to constrain: (1) the tephra fall isopachs and detailed characteristics of the last two events (N5–N6) including volume estimates of the tephra and pyroclastic flow deposits and the corresponding volcanic explosivity index (VEI); (2) the petrographical and geochemical correlations between domes, tephras, and pyroclastic flow deposits; and, (3) the timing of the last 4 eruptive events and a period of quiescence that endured a few thousand years (1000–4000).  相似文献   

The grain orientations within the matrix of two large-scale welded, two small-scale nonwelded and two nonwelded low-aspect ratio pyroclastic flow deposits are measured to analyze flow behavior. Preferred grain alignments are especially apparent in the middle part of layer 2 of each deposit. Preferred grain alignments do not vary laterally within a 10 m interval. The grain alignments obtained are radial from the source caldera, especially in proximal to medial and plateau-forming facies of pyroclastic flow deposits. Grain alignments are controlled by valley-channel directions for the valley-ponded facies of pyroclastic flow deposits, especially at medial to distal locations. Such local topographic factors strongly affect the data for high-aspect ratio and smallscale deposits, and weakly affect the data for widespread low-aspect ratio pyroclastic flow deposits. This work suggests that grain alignment analysis should be used with care when attempting to determine the location of an unknown source.  相似文献   

Subaqueous pyroclastic flows and ignimbrites: an assessment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An assessment of the literature on subaqueous pyroclastic flows and their deposits shows that the term pyroclastic flow is frequently used loosely to describe primary, hot gas-rich pyroclastic flows, mass-flows which resulted from the transformation of gassupported flows into water-supported ones, and secondary mass-flows carrying redeposited pyroclastic debris. Based on subaerial pyroclastic flows, the term pyroclastic flow should be restricted to demonstrably hot, gas-rich mass-flows of pyroclastic debris. Using this definition, very few examples of subaqueous pyroclastic deposits with evidence for hot emplacement and of having been wholly submerged have been described. In the majority of these cases, the evidence for a hot state of emplacement and for the subaqueous nature of the host depositional environment is inadequate. The only unequivocal cases of hot pyroclastic flow deposits with adequate supporting evidence are the Ordovician nearshore, shallow marine ignimbrites of Ireland and Wales, and Miocene ignimbrites of southwest Japan, resulting from the passage of subaerially erupted pyroclastic flows into shallow water. Other possible examples are near-vent dense clast deposits in the Donzurobo Formation of Japan, possible submarine intra-caldera ponded ignimbrite successions in California and Wales, and near-vent pumiceous deposits of Ramsay Island, Wales. All other purported cases are either clearly the result of water-supported mass-flow transportation and deposition (debris avalanches, debris flows, turbidity currents), or lack adequate supporting evidence regarding the heat state or the palaeoenvironment. Only the shallow marine ignimbrites of Ireland and Wales show adequate evidence of welding, but even these could have been nearly wholly exposed above sea-level when welding occurred. We conclude that when pyroclastic flows enter water they are generally disrupted explosively and/or ingest water and transform into water-supported mass-flows, and we suggest the various scenarios in which this occurs. There is no evidence to suggest that welding in wholly subaqueous environments is common.  相似文献   

The Rockeskyllerkopf Volcanic Complex (RVC) comprises three overlapping monogenetic volcanic centers: Southeast Lammersdorf (SEL), Mäuseberg (M) and Rockeskyllerkopf (RKK). Each volcanic center comprises proximal wall deposits with a well defined crater wall unconformity and crater fill deposits that partially to completely cover the outer crater wall. The SEL Center is a phreatomagmatic tuff ring composed of lithic rich tephra deposited by pyroclastic falls and surges. The second center, Mäuseberg, with its crater to the northwest of the SEL Center is predominantly magmatic. Topographic and outcrop patterns suggest that this center may have formed a series of overlapping scoria cones along a N–S trending fissure. The youngest center, RKK, which lies on a poorly developed palaeosol within the earlier Mäuseberg deposits, comprises a well developed proximal crater wall sequence. This sequence of magmatic, likely Strombolian, fall and grain avalanche deposits passes upward into a crater fill sequence that comprises variably welded bombs. The final eruptions in the center were massive lava flows that were ponded within the RKK crater. Ar–Ar age dating of reequilibrated fragments of phlogopite megacrysts in the SEL lavas indicates volcanic activity began at 474?±?39 ka. Literature K–Ar dates for the youngest lava flows in the RKK Center give ages of 360?±?60 to 470 ka. Our interpretation of the age data and the presence of the poorly developed palaeosol between the Mäuseberg and RKK centers indicates that volcanism in the RVC began around 470 ka with the eruption of the SEL and Mäuseberg centers followed a few thousand years later by the eruption of the RKK Center.  相似文献   

Well defined, laterally continuous welded tuff beds from <1 cm to 2 m thick are more common than has previously been recognized. Examples ranging in composition from rhyolitic to basaltic are described from Ordovician volcanic areas in Britain and Norway, and from the Miocene of the Canary Islands. Bedded welded tuffs are most common in areas of alkaline and peralkaline acidic pyroclastics. They generally occur within successions of massive, welded ash-flow tuff, or within non-welded air-fall tuff successions. Sequences consisting entirely of bedded welded tuff range from <1 m up to 75 m thick. Bedded welded tuffs are thought to originate in three ways. Poorly sorted, thick-bedded welded tuffs are interpreted as the deposits of pyroclastic flows, in which case the beds represent either individual flows units or the layers within flow units. Better sorted, thin-bedded welded tuffs are thought to be of air-fall origin. Thirdly, welding may be produced by the effects of an external heat source on non-welded bedded tuffs.  相似文献   

The November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz produced a series of pyroclastic flows and surges that eroded channels on the surface of the summit glacier and generated lahars which descended down most of the rivers that drain the volcano. The stratigraphy of the proximal pyroclastic deposits indicates that there were at least four episodes to the eruption. Episode I, deposited an unusual surge consisting of small pieces of ice mixed with ash and exhibiting planar stratification. Ballistically emplaced fragments are also intercalated with this unit. During Episode II, at least two pyroclastic flows were erupted. Their deposits contain the most evolved pumice of the entire eruption; SiO2 content of matrix glass ranges between 74.5 and 74.9%. Episode III is marked by the emplacement of a welded tuff with an average SiO2 content of about 66% in the matrix glass. The final Episode IV was characterized by the development of a high-altitude eruption column and the emplacement of several nonwelded pyroclastic flows. Banded pumice are common in the pyroclastic flow as well as in the pumice fall deposits. Co-existing dark and light pumice bands differ in SiO2 content by 3.5% and in general are similar to the composition of the welded pumice from Episode III.The compositional zonation of the pyroclastic deposits from Episode I to IV suggests that a nearsurface compositionally-stratified portion of the magma body was tapped during Episode II. During Episodes III and IV the main body of magma was involved although the coexistence of the compositionally distinct pumice clasts at similar stratigraphic levels argues for mixing of magma from different levels in the chamber during the eruptive process.  相似文献   

The complex eruption sequence from the ∼1000 A.D. caldera-forming eruption of Volcán Ceboruco, known as the Jala Pumice, offers an exceptional opportunity to examine how pyroclastic material is transported and deposited from pyroclastic density currents over variable topography. Three main pyroclastic surge deposits (S1, S2, and S3) and two pyroclastic flow deposits (Marquesado and North-Flank PFDs) were emplaced during this eruption. Pyroclastic surge deposits are massive, planar, or cross-bedded, poor-to-well sorted, and display fluctuations in thickness, median diameter, sorting, and lithology as a function of distance, topography, and flow dynamics. Marquesado pyroclastic flow deposits reveal lateral variations from massive, poorly sorted deposits located within 5 km of Ceboruco to planar bedded, moderately well sorted deposits located >15 km away over the nearly horizontal topography to the south of Ceboruco. North-Flank pyroclastic flow deposits also reveal lateral variations from massive, poorly sorted deposits located within 4 km of Ceboruco to planar bedded, moderately well sorted deposits located 8 km away atop an escarpment that steeply rises 230 m from the northern valley floor. Field observations, granulometric analyses, component analyses, and crystal sedimentation calculations along flow-parallel sampling transects all suggest that both surges and flows were density stratified currents, where deposition occurred from a basal region of higher particle concentration that was supplied from an overlying dilute layer that transports particles in suspension. This supports the idea of a transition between “flow” and “surge” end members with variations in particle concentration. Topography greatly affects the transport and depositional capacity of the pyroclastic density currents as a result of “blocking”, either by topographic obstacles or by abrupt breaks at the base of volcano slopes, whereas the origin of Jala Pumice surge deposits (phreatomagmatic versus magmatic) appears to have little impact on their flow dynamics. Editorial responsibility: A.W. Woods This revised version was published in February 2005 with corrections to the title. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

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