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安徽铜陵凤凰山铜矿床成矿流体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以安徽铜陵凤凰山铜矿床为例,通过对成矿流体特征的研究以及碳、氢、氧同位素分析,探讨矿床的成矿机制,分析成矿流体性质以及成矿流体来源。凤凰山铜矿床石榴子石、石英和方解石普遍发育流体包裹体,其类型为V-L型、V-L+S型、V-L富气相型和V型。石榴子石、石英和方解石中的流体包裹体分别集中于3个区,其流体包裹体的温度和盐度区间代表成矿流体演化的3个不同阶段。成矿流体经历了从高温度、高盐度向低温度、低盐度的持续演化过程,与成矿作用阶段基本对应,降温、流体沸腾是导致流体中巨量铜元素卸载的主要因素。氢、氧同位素组成表明成矿流体以岩浆水为主,可能在成矿晚期混有少量大气降水。  相似文献   

安徽冬瓜山叠生式层状铜矿热液改造型流体研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究证实冬瓜山叠生式层状铜矿液改造型流体包裹体的均一温度介于224℃-478℃之间,盐度介于3.20%-43.9%之间,呈双峰式分布;硬石膏与石炭系海水硫酸盐δ^34S相当,矿石黄铁矿和石英闪长岩黄铁矿中δ^34S比较接近岩浆中的硫;表明冬瓜山叠生式层状铜矿床既有沉积特征,又有热液改造的特征,且后者在铜矿富集成矿过程中占主导地位。碳同位素研究表明:矿区地层和矿体中方解石脉的δ^13C,矿石中的δ^13C和矿体石英脉中的碳主要来源于沉积碳酸盐,但经过一系列的地质作用,使得方解石脉中的δ^13C减少的速率明显的比围岩快。石英脉的δ^18OSMOW介于0.937%-1.390%之间,δDSMOW介于-5.500%--7.290%之间,说明流体中的氧,氢同位素接近岩浆水。因此热液改造型流体主要来自岩浆。  相似文献   

安徽铜陵胡村南铜钼矿床流体成矿过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡村南铜钼矿床是在安徽铜陵铜(金)矿集区中发现的第一个矽卡岩-斑岩复合型铜钼矿床,在长江中下游成矿带具有特殊性和典型性。文章对该矿床进行了矿床地质和流体包裹体研究,旨在查明该矿床的流体成矿过程。胡村南铜钼矿床流体成矿过程可以划分为高温气成热液期、中高温热液期和低温热液期3个成矿期。高温气成热液期发育钾长石化和矽卡岩化,中高温热液期发育绿泥石化、绿帘石化和绢云母化,而低温热液期主要发育碳酸盐化。其中,中高温热液期为主要矿化期,形成辉钼矿和黄铜矿等多种硫化物网脉。高温气成热液期矿物中发育富液相和含子晶多相包裹体,中高温热液期矿物中也主要发育富液相包裹体和含子晶多相包裹体,但可见少量的富气相包裹体,低温热液期矿物中只发育富液相包裹体。从高温气成热液期经中高温热液期到低温热液期,成矿流体均一温度从435℃以上,经203~458℃,降低到156~276℃;盐度w(NaCleq)从14.0%~64.9%,经4.6%~47.5%,降低到1.0%~15.5%。成矿流体在其演化过程中发生过不混溶作用和沸腾作用。不混溶作用发生在气成热液期,使成矿流体中的成矿元素大量富集。沸腾作用发生在中高温热液期,导致成矿流体中的成矿元素卸载而沉淀出大量金属硫化物。  相似文献   

研究了安徽冬瓜山热液叠加改造型铜矿床流体包裹体地球化学特征(包裹体均一温度、盐度、压力、成分、流体的H,O,C和Cu同位素),探讨了成矿流体的性质及其来源。认为该矿床是在岩浆水和后期少量大气水的加入而形成的混合热液共同作用下,活化碳酸盐岩地层和石英闪长岩中的铜等成矿元素,形成含矿热液,并以铜的氯络合物方式运移,在弱还原性条件下使原始沉积矿胚层加厚变富。  相似文献   

滇西金满铜矿床成矿流体地球化学特征及来源   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
滇西金满铜矿床是产于兰坪-思茅弧后盆地北缘的含银富铜脉状铜矿床。本文对该矿床的流体包裹体和稳定同位素进行系统的地球化学研究,揭示了在成矿期的充填交代阶段与沸腾喷发和沉积阶段,成矿温度分别为t1=140~280℃和t2=94~204℃,成矿压力为6×107~1.2×108Pa,成矿流体的盐度为5wt%~20.8wt%(NaCl)。硫化物的δ34S(CDT)分布范围为-9.6‰~+11.03‰,极差为22.66‰,在δ34S直方围中具明显的塔式分布特征,各硫化物δ34S值符合同位素平衡分馆特征(即δ34SPy>δ34SCp>δ34SBn)。矿石样品中的TS/TOC=0.16~5.54,数值变化大,无线性关系。用大本(Ohmotot)模式,计算得出成矿两阶段,成矿溶液中含硫原子团的氧化还原比R'1-2.16×10-17,R’2=1.55×104。方解石与石英包裹体中δ13CC02(PDB)为-8.12‰--3.18‰,均值为-5.26‰,与慢源CO2组成相一致。石英包裹体中δ13CCH4(PDB)为-32.11‰~-22.24‰,均值为-26.69‰,与现代地热气甲烷的碳同位素相近。成矿溶液的δ18OH2O)(SMOW)为-1057‰~+9.77‰,δDH2O(SMOW)为-51‰~-135‰,投点范围大。在考虑水-岩相互作用过程中的同位素交换反应效应,成矿溶液的投影点大多落在大气降水与碎屑岩反应线上或其间,少数点落于岩浆  相似文献   

银山铅锌矿床产于前震旦系地层中,容矿围岩主要为千枚岩,矿体呈脉状受构造裂隙控制,流体包裹体及同位素研究表明金属元素及硫主要来自上地幔,流体主要是岩浆水,矿床属中低温岩浆热液矿床,为燕山期成矿。  相似文献   

桂花冲铜矿床是铜陵矿集区沙滩脚矿田内新发现的一个以斑岩型矿化为主的矽卡岩-斑岩复合型铜矿床。文章对该矿床的矿床地质和斑岩型矿化成矿流体进行了初步研究,旨在查明该矿床成矿流体的演化过程。根据脉体的穿切关系及矿物共生组合,桂花冲铜矿斑岩型矿化成矿过程可划分为钾化、硅化、石英黄铁矿、石英多金属硫化物和碳酸盐5个阶段。硅化阶段主要发育纯气体、含子矿物及富气相包裹体,石英黄铁矿阶段主要发育纯气体、富液相、富气相及含子矿物包裹体,石英多金属硫化物阶段及碳酸盐阶段主要发育富液相包裹体。从硅化阶段至碳酸盐阶段,成矿流体由高温(472.9℃)、高盐度(47.7%~74.0%)的岩浆热液逐渐向中低温(140.2~280.3℃)、低盐度(1.6%~7.7%)的岩浆热液和大气降水的混合流体演化,成矿过程中流体经历了沸腾及混合作用,混合作用是导致铜沉淀的主要机制。  相似文献   

绿纱铜(钴)矿床一直缺乏对矿床流体包裹体及同位素地球化学的研究,本文对与矿化密切相关的热液矿物开展了系统的流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温以及碳、氢、氧同位素研究。结果表明,矿区成矿流体具有中高温(220~500℃)、中高盐度(27.40%~42.60%NaCleq)、中等密度(0.79~1.17g/cm3)的特征,成矿环境为低压(2.0~8.0MPa)环境。同沉积初始富集阶段的成矿流体为含海相碳酸盐的岩石组合的变质脱水,晚期流体为变质流体与岩浆水的混合流体,并有不同程度的大气降水参与。热液中的碳早期由海相沉积碳酸盐岩经溶解作用提供,晚期为岩浆和海相沉积碳酸盐岩经溶解作用共同提供的。主成矿阶段的成矿流体存在三种端元,即高盐度、高温的岩浆流体(25%NaCleq,400℃),高盐度、中高温的变质流体(25%NaCleq,200~400℃),低盐度和中低温的大气降水(10%NaCleq,150~300℃),流体混合是矿区金属沉淀的重要机制。  相似文献   

凤凰山铜(金)矿床产于燕山晚期花岗闪长岩及石英二长闪长斑岩与三叠系碳酸盐岩的接触带,先后包括矽卡岩型和斑岩型两期矿化,并可细分为9个成矿阶段。矿石中广泛出现角砾状和细脉状、网脉状构造。流体包裹体特征及显微冷热台测温资料表明,成矿流体存在过沸腾和局部超高压等现象。两个成矿期都经历了从高温高盐度向低温低盐度的转变,成矿溶液的主要成分也由钾钠型变成了钠钙型。来源于岩浆热液的早期含矿流体与来自围岩的地下水热液的混合可以解释成矿流体的这种演化。  相似文献   

安徽铜陵冬瓜山铜(金)矿床成矿流体特征及成矿过程探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流体包裹体的研究表明冬瓜山铜(金)矿床原生流体包裹体分为气液两相水溶液包裹体(Ⅰ型)和含子矿物多相水溶液包裹体(Ⅱ型),以Ⅰ型包裹体为主。同一矿物中多种类型包裹体共存,且均一温度相近、均一方式不同,显示成矿过程中流体可能发生过沸腾作用。流体包裹体均一温度大致可分为318.8~547.5℃、220.1~378.2℃和196.7~263.2℃三个区间,对应流体密度和均一压力分别为0.86~0.98 g/cm3和(219~661)×105 Pa、0.66~1.08 g/cm3 和(26~190)×105 Pa、0.88~0.96 g/cm3和(17~48)×105 Pa,盐度w(NaCleq)峰值为12%~16%和40%~48%。结合成矿流体的演化特征,对成矿过程进行了探讨,认为流体的不混溶是引起成矿物质沉淀富集成矿的重要因素。  相似文献   

杨世文  丰成友  楼法生  许德如 《地质学报》2022,96(11):3886-3900
赣南兴国县隆坪大型萤石矿床位于大余 南城深大断裂西侧兴国 宁都萤石成矿带内,呈板状、似层状、脉状产于永丰复式岩体外接触带北东向硅化破碎带中。本文划分了兴国县隆坪萤石矿床的成矿阶段,通过流体包裹体岩相学、显微测温、激光拉曼成分分析和H O同位素研究,讨论了该矿床成矿流体性质、来源、演化与成矿模式。根据矿物穿插关系和矿相学特征,将隆坪萤石矿床划分为3个成矿阶段,即成矿早阶段(萤石 石英阶段)、成矿主阶段(石英 萤石阶段)和成矿晚阶段(萤石 方解石阶段)。流体包裹体类型主要为富液相两相包裹体,均一温度变化范围在111~374℃之间,盐度变化于0. 53%~3. 55%NaCleq之间 ,密度变化于0. 58~1. 02 g/cm3之间。包裹体成分以H2O为主。总体而言,成矿流体属于中低温、中低盐度、中低密度的NaCl H2O体系,但成矿早阶段存在高温、相对高盐度的流体端元(温度大于300℃,盐度为2. 0%~2. 7%NaCleq),推断永丰复式岩体晚阶段岩浆热液参与早阶段萤石成矿作用,提供F的来源和热源。隆坪萤石矿床流体包裹体中的δDV SMOW和δ18OV SMOW值均较低,分别为-66. 8‰~-53. 1‰(平均值为-59. 5‰)和-5. 9‰~-3. 3‰ (平均值为-4. 6‰),成矿流体主要来源于大气降水和地热水。成矿早阶段萤石沉淀机制主要为岩浆热液和大气降水混合与水 岩反应,而流体冷却作用是成矿主阶段和晚阶段萤石沉淀的主要机制。隆坪萤石矿床属断裂控矿、中低温热液裂隙充填型萤石矿床。  相似文献   

小尖山金矿床产于东天山康古尔韧性剪切带南缘,对该矿床流体特征和矿床成因类型了解较少。矿区普遍发育低绿片岩相变质,矿床由多条走向为100°~120°的陡倾斜蚀变岩型矿体组成,金平均品位3.11×10-6~24.99×10-6;成矿过程可划分为3个阶段:(1)黄铁矿-磁铁矿-绿泥石-绢云母-石英阶段;(2)黄铁矿-黄铜矿-自然金-石英-绿泥石阶段;(3)石英-方解石-贫硫化物阶段。本文通过对矿床不同成矿阶段石英脉内发育的流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温与氢氧同位素研究分析,发现矿床主要发育H2O-CO2及气液两相流体包裹体,从早至晚成矿过程中流体内CO2包裹体逐渐减少,气液两相包裹体内气液比逐渐减小。各成矿阶段包裹体显微测温结果表明,从早至晚成矿流体均一温度分别为216.9~396.4℃、183.1~319.2℃与145.1~220.8℃;成矿流体盐度分别为1.40%~10.11%NaCleq、1.91%~11.22%NaCleq与1.63%~6.74%NaCleq,成矿流体属于中...  相似文献   

The Budunhua Cu deposit is located in the Tuquan ore-concentrated area of the southern Great Xing'an Range,NE China.This deposit includes the southern Jinjiling and northern Kongqueshan ore blocks,separated by the Budunhua granitic pluton.Cu mineralization occurs mainly as stockworks or veins in the outer contact zone between tonalite porphyry and Permian metasandstone.The ore-forming process can be divided into four stages involving stage Ⅰ quartz-pyrite-arsenopyrite;stage Ⅱ quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite;stage Ⅲ quartz--polynetallic sulfides;and stage IV quartz-calcite.Three types of fluid inclusions(FIs) can be distinguished in the Budunhua deposit:liquid-rich two-phase aqueous FIs(L-type),vapour-rich aqueous FIs(V-type),and daughter mineral-bearing multi-phase FIs(S-type).Quartz of stages Ⅰ-Ⅲ contains all types of FIs,whereas only L-type FIs are evident in stage Ⅳ veins.The coexisting V-and S-type FIs of stages Ⅰ-Ⅲ have similar homogenization temperatures but contrasting salinities,which indicates that fluid boiling occurred.The FIs of stages Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,and Ⅳyield homogenization temperatures of 265-396℃,245-350℃,200-300℃,and 90-228℃ with salinities of3.4-44.3 wt.%,2.9-40.2 wt.%,1.4-38.2 wt.%,and 0.9-9.2 wt.% NaCl eqv.,respectively.Ore-forming fluids of the Budunhua deposit are characterized by high temperatures,moderate salinities,and relatively oxidizing conditions typical of an H_2 O-NaCl fluid system.Mineralization in the Budunhua deposit occurred at a depth of0.3-1.5 km,with fluid boiling and mixing likely being responsible for ore precipitation.C-H-O-S-Pb isotope studies indicate a predominantly magmatic origin for the ore-forming fluids and materials.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb analyses indicate that ore-forming tonalite porphyry and post-ore dioritic porphyrite were formed at 151.1±1.1 Ma and 129.9±1.9 Ma,respectively.Geochemical data imply that the primary magma of the tonalite porphyry formed through partial melting of Neoproterozoic lower crust.On the basis of available evidence,we suggest that the Budunhua deposit is a porphyry ore system that is spatially,temporally,and genetically associated with tonalite porphyry and formed in a post-collision extensional setting following closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.  相似文献   

The Yangla Cu deposit is the largest Cu skarn deposit in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt. Based on the detailed observation of crosscutting relationships, three mineralization stages (i.e., pre-ore, ore and supergene) have been identified in the Yangla deposit. The pre-ore stage is dominated by prograde skarn. The ore stage is characterized by the precipitation of hydrous silicate minerals, Fe-oxides, Fe-Cu-Mo-sulfides, quartz and calcite, whose mineral assemblages were formed in the early and late sub-ore stages. The early sub-ore stage is marked by retrograde alteration with the deposition of hydrous silicate minerals (e.g., actinolite, epidote and chlorite), Fe-oxides, abundant Fe-Cu-Mo-sulfides, quartz and minor calcite. Whilst, the late sub-ore stage, associated with silicic and carbonate alteration, is represented by widespread thick quartz or calcite veins with disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite. We present new carbon-oxygen (C-O) isotopic compositions of the ore-hosting marble and hydrothermal calcite of this deposit. The hydrothermal calcite in the Yangla deposit was precipitated from both the early and late sub-ore stages. Calcite I from the early sub-ore stage is anhedral, and occurs as spot in the skarn or locally replaces the skarn minerals. Calcite II from the late sub-ore stage is distinguished by being coarse-grained, subhedral to euhedral and its occurrence in thick veins. Calcite I contains lower δ13CPDB (−7.0‰ to −5.0‰) and δ18OSMOW (7.2‰ to 12.7‰) than Calcite II (δ13CPDB = −4.5‰ to −2.3‰; δ18OSMOW = 10.7‰ to 19.4‰). In the δ13CPDB vs. δ18OSMOW diagram, the Calcite I and Calcite II data fall close to the igneous carbonatite field and between the fields of igneous carbonatite and marine carbonates, respectively. This suggests a dominantly magmatic origin for the early sub-ore fluids, and there might have been increasing carbonate wall rock involvement towards the late sub-ore stage. The ore-hosting marble (δ13CPDB = −4.8‰ to −0.3‰; δ18OSMOW = 10.2‰ to 23.9‰) also shows a positive δ13CPDB vs. δ18OSMOW correlation, which is interpreted to reflect the decreasing alteration intensity during the interactions between the hydrothermal fluids and ore-hosting carbonates. Simulated calculation suggests that both the Calcite I and Calcite II precipitated at 350 °C to 250 °C and 250 °C to 150 °C, respectively. We proposed that CO2 degassing and water/rock interactions were likely the two major processes that precipitated the calcite and led to the observed C-O isotopic features of the Yangla Cu deposit.  相似文献   

邓格庄金矿是胶东牟平-乳山成矿带第二大石英脉型金矿床,其空间产出受断裂构造、荆山群变质地层和岩浆活动联合制约。对不同类型蚀变岩和不同阶段金脉体流体包裹体研究表明:包裹体可划分为液相包裹体(Ⅰ)、气相包裹体(Ⅱ)、含液体CO_2包裹体(Ⅲ)和含子矿物包裹体(Ⅳ)四类。从热液蚀变期到主成矿期,包裹体的种类增多,数量增多,主成矿期可见Ⅲ和Ⅳ型包裹体。激光拉曼探针分析结果显示成矿流体的气相成分类型包括CO_2-CH_4-H_2O、CO_2-H_2O、CO_2-CO_2和CO_2-CH_4四种,以CO_2为主,H_2O次之,主成矿期出现了少量的CH_4,成矿流体总体属CO_2-H_2O-NaCl体系。成矿流体完全均一温度变化范围为177~361℃,峰值240~280℃;盐度为1.7%~16.3%NaCleqv,密度变化范围为0.65~0.97g/cm~3;表明该矿床属于中低温、中低盐度、中低密度热液脉型矿床,成矿流体为酸性、弱酸性,且富含CO_2、CH_4等还原性质的热液体系。从热液蚀变期到成矿期各个阶段成矿温度、盐度、密度总体显示降低趋势。邓格庄金矿石英的δD值为-87.6‰~-80.7‰,δ18O_(H_2 O)值为5.87‰~7.49‰;δ13C_(V-PDB)值为-3.6‰~0.7‰,δ18O_(V-SMOW)值为1.3‰~9.1‰;δ34S值的变化范围在8.4‰~10.8‰之间;表明成矿流体来源于深部流体,以岩浆水为主,少量的大气降水参与了成矿过程。流体包裹体及C-H-O-S同位素研究,并结合地质特征,表明邓格庄金矿是与白垩系岩浆岩有关的,受断裂构造控制,并以大面积钾长石化为特征标志的中温岩浆热液型矿床,充填作用和混合作用可能是金矿成矿物质大规模沉淀的机制。  相似文献   

铜陵矿集区是我国长江中下游Cu-Au-Fe-Mo成矿带中最重要的有色金属基地之一,凤凰山矿床是铜陵矿集区的重要组成部分,为一个典型的夕卡岩型铜矿床。本文利用Re-Os同位素定年方法对凤凰山铜矿床进行了成矿时代测定,获得了辉钼矿的Re-Os同位素模式年龄范围为139.1±2.4~142.0±2.2Ma,等时线年龄为141.1±1.4Ma,与矿区内石英二长闪长岩和花岗闪长岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄(144.2±2.3Ma)相吻合,也与铜陵地区其他矿田的成矿时代基本一致,可能为岩石圈减薄事件的成矿响应。  相似文献   

The El Cobre deposit is located in eastern Cuba within the volcanosedimentary sequence of the Sierra Maestra Paleogene arc. The deposit is hosted by tholeiitic basalts, andesites and tuffs and comprises thick stratiform barite and anhydrite bodies, three stratabound disseminated up to massive sulphide bodies produced by silicification and sulphidation of limestones or sulphates, an anhydrite stockwork and a siliceous stockwork, grading downwards to quartz veins. Sulphides are mainly pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite; gold occurs in the stratabound ores. Fluid inclusions measured in sphalerite, quartz, anhydrite and calcite show salinities between 2.3 and 5.7 wt% NaCl eq. and homogenisation temperatures between 177 and 300°C. Sulphides from the stratabound mineralisation display δ 34S values of 0‰ to +6.0‰, whilst those from the feeder zone lie between −1.4‰ and +7.3‰. Sulphides show an intra-grain sulphur isotope zonation of about 2‰; usually, δ 34S values increase towards the rims. Sulphate sulphur has δ 34S in the range of +17‰ to +21‰, except two samples with values of +5.9‰ and +7.7‰. Sulphur isotope data indicate that the thermochemical reduction of sulphate from a hydrothermal fluid of seawater origin was the main source of sulphide sulphur and that most of the sulphates precipitated by heating of seawater. The structure of the deposit, mineralogy, fluid inclusion and isotope data suggest that the deposit formed from seawater-derived fluids with probably minor supply of magmatic fluids.  相似文献   

The Yangla deposit is an intrusion‐related Cu deposit in the Jinshajiang tectonic belt (eastern Sanjiang region, SW China). Despite extensive studies that have been conducted on this deposit, the relationship between the granitic magma and Cu mineralization is still unclear, and hence, the genesis is debated. To answer this question, we conducted an integrated study of mineralogy, fluid inclusions (FIs), and hydrogen and oxygen (H‐O) isotopes. Three mineralization stages were identified based on the ore textures, alteration zonation, and crosscutting relationships: (i) pre‐ore prograde skarn (stage I), with the garnet and pyroxene dominated by andradite and diopside, respectively; (ii) syn‐ore retrograde alteration (stage II), which is subdivided into the early syn‐ore stage (stage IIa) marked by retrograde hydrated mineral assemblages and significant Fe‐Cu‐Mo‐Pb‐Zn sulfide mineralization, and the late syn‐ore stage (stage IIb) featured by quartz‐calcite veins; and (iii) late supergene mineralization (stage III), which is characterized by secondary azurite and malachite. These results of mineralogy, FIs, and H‐O isotopes indicate that: (i) Cu mineralization has a close temporal, spatial, and genetic relationship with skarn alteration; (ii) the ore fluids were magmatic dominated with late‐stage meteoric water incursion; and (iii) Type‐S (halite‐bearing) and Type‐V (vapor‐rich) FIs coexisted in garnet and clinopyroxene of stage I, indicating that fluid boiling might have occurred during this stage. From stage I to stage IIa, the FI type transformed from Type‐S + Type‐V + Type‐L (liquid‐rich) to Type‐V + Type‐L with the conduct of mineralization and was accompanied by the disappearance of Type‐S, and homogenization temperature and salinity also tended to decrease dramatically, which may be caused by the deposition of skarn minerals. At stage IIa, boiling of the ore fluids still continued due to the change from lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure, which triggered the precipitation of abundant quartz‐Cu‐Mo‐Fe sulfides. Furthermore, fluid mixing between a high‐temperature magmatic fluid and a low‐temperature meteoric water might cause a considerable drop in temperature and the deposition of Cu‐bearing quartz/calcite veins during stage IIb. Hence, we consider the Yangla deposit to be of a skarn type, genetically related to the Mesozoic magmatism in the Sanjiang region.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):258-274
The Dabaoshan deposit in Northern Guangdong Province, South China, is a Cu–Mo–W–Pb–Zn polymetallic deposit, located in the southern part of the Qin–Hang porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo ore belt. The deposit mainly comprises porphyry Mo and stratiform skarn Cu ore deposits. The genesis of the Cu ore deposit has been ascribed to a typical skarn ore deposit formed by the metasomatism of Devonian carbonate rock layers or to a volcanic rock‐hosted massive sulfide deposit formed by marine exhalation. In this paper, we report on the homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions and C, H, O, S, and Pb isotopic compositions of fluids and minerals in this deposit. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in garnet, diopside, quartz, and calcite provide information on the skarnification, mineralization, and postmineralization stages. The data show that ore‐forming fluids experienced a continuous transition from high temperatures and salinities to low temperatures and salinities over the entire period of mineralization. C, H, and O isotopic compositions indicate that ore‐forming fluids were derived mainly from magmatic water. O isotopic compositions indicate that ore‐forming fluids mingled with atmospheric water during the last stage of mineralization. Sulfur in the ore came mainly from deep magmatic sources. Pb isotopic compositions in the orebody show that almost all the lead in the ore was derived from magma with a crustal source. Combined geological, geophysical, and geochemical data were achieved before we proposed that the Dabaoshan porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo–W–Pb–Zn deposit, as one member of the Qin–Hang porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo ore belt, formed during the Jurassic subduction of the paleo‐Pacific plate beneath the Eurasian continent at quite low angle. NE‐ and EW‐trending structures controlled the emplacement of magmatic rocks in the South China region. In the mining area, the Xiangguanping Fault and its branches were the main conduits for magmatic crystallization and mineralization. The many subfaults, folds, and interlayer fracture zones on both sides of the main fault provided the requisite space for the ore and, together, were the controlling structures of the orebody.  相似文献   

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