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Ocean surface winds observed by the Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) satellite prior to the geneses of 36 tropical cy- clones (TCs) in the South China Sea (SCS) are investigated in this paper. The results show that there are areas with negative mean horizontal divergence around the TC genesis locations three days prior to TC formation. The divergence term [-(f ζ)( u/ x v/ y)] in the vorticity equation is calculated based upon the QuikSCAT ocean surface wind data. The calculated mean divergence term is about 10.3 times the mean relative vorticity increase rate around the TC genesis position one day prior to TC genesis, which shows the important contributions of the divergence term to the vorticity increase prior to TC formation. It is suggested that criteria related with the divergence and divergence term be applied in early detections of tropical cyclogenesis using the QuikSCAT satellite data.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBiofoulingonunderwaterpartsofman mademarinestructuresisamajoreconomicandtechni calproblemhavinginternationaldimensionsforthedevelopmentofoceanengineeringbecauseitnotonlyincreasesstaticandhydrodynamicloading,butalsoaffectscorrosioncharacteristicsandim pedesunderwaterinspectionandmaintenance (CallowandEdyvean ,1 990 ) .Duetodifferencesingeographicalpositionsandenvironmentalconditions,thedistributionofsessileorganismsvarieswitharea .Therefore ,understandingtheformationofbiofoulin…  相似文献   

Sea surface winds from reanalysis (NCEP-2 and ERA-40 datasets) and satellite-based products (QuikSCAT and NCDC blended sea winds) are evaluated using in situ ship measurements from the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expeditions (CH1NAREs) from 1989 through 2006, with emphasis on the Southern Ocean (south of 45°S). Compared with ship observations, the reanalysis winds have a positive mean bias (0.32 m·s-1 for NCEP-2 and 0.13 m·s-1 for ERA-40), and this bias is more pronounced in the Southern Ocean (0.57 m·s-1 and 0.45 m·s-1, respectively). However, mean biases are negative in the tropics and subtropics. The satellite-based winds also show positive mean biases, larger than those of the reanalysis data. All four wind products overestimate ship wind speed for weak winds (〈4 m·s-1) but underestimate for strong winds (〉10 m·s-1). Differences between the reanalysis and satellite winds are examined to identify regions with large discrepancies.  相似文献   

Relative roles of Ekman transport and Ekman pumping in driving summer upwelling in the South China Sea (SCS) are examined using QuikSCAT scatterometer wind data. The major upwelling regions in the SCS are the coastal regions east and southeast of Vietnam (UESEV), east and southeast of Hainan Island (UESEH), and southeast of Guangdong province (USEG). It is shown that the Ekman transport due to alongshore winds and Ekman pumping due to offshore wind stress curl play different roles in the three upwelling systems. In UESEV, Ekman pumping and Ekman transport are equally important in generating upwelling. The Ekman transport increases linearly from 0.49 Sv in May to 1.23 Sv in August, while the Ekman pumping increases from 0.36 to 1.22 Sv during the same period. In UESEH, the mean estimates of Ekman transport and Ekman pumping are 0.14 and 0.07 Sv, respectively, indicating that 33% of the total wind-driven upwelling is due to Ekman pumping. In USEG, the mean Ekman transport is 0.041 Sv with the peak occurring in July, while Ekman pumping is much smaller (0.003 on average), indicating that the upwelling in this area is primarily driven by Ekman transport. In the summers of 2003 and 2007 following El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, both Ekman transport and Ekman pumping decrease in UESEV due to the abnormally weak southwest monsoon. During the same events, however, Ekman transport is slightly enhanced and Ekman pumping is weakened in UESEH and USEG.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBiofoulingcancauseroughnessofsubmergedsurfacesofmarinestructures(Chakrabarti,1991),increasehydrodynamicloadings(WolframandTheophanatos,1985),acceleratecorrosionprocess(Patiletal.,1988),andimpedeunderwaterinspectionandmaintenance(Houghton,1978).Thelackofd…  相似文献   

Based on field data for nutrients collected on the continental shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) during summer 2006, the structure and variations of nutrients in every water mass related to the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) were analyzed. The supplementary effect of nutrient of upwelling on harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the ECS was also estimated, based on upwelling data. Then the maintenance contribution of nutrient of upwelling to HABs was assessed. The results showed that N/P ratio is fairly low in both surface and deep layers of the TWC, which possibly controls nutrient structure of the HABs-frequently-occuring areas. In upwelling areas, the rate of phosphate (PO4-P) uptake exceeds that of nitrate (NO3-N) of the TWC. The TWC may relieve PO4-P limitation during the process of HABs. Furthermore, upwelling plays an important role in providing nutrients to HABs. After estimating nutrient fluxes (NO3-N, PO4-P, SiO3-Si) in the upwelling areas along a typical section (S07), the results showed that the nutrient uptake rate is the greatest at 10–20 m below euphotic zone, sustaining the ongoing presence of HABs. The uptake rate of PO4-P is the highest among dissolved inorganic nutrients. Therefore, upwelling is most likely the main source of PO4-P supply to HABs.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheKuroshioisthewesternboundarycurrentintheNorthPacificandisthecounterpartoftheGulfStreamintheNorthAtlantic.TheoriginoftheKuroshioisthenorthwardflowingbranchoftheNorthEquatorialCurrentwhichisdividedintotwocurrentsonapproachingthewesternbo…  相似文献   

OCCAM global ocean model results were applied to calculate the monthly water transport through 7 straits around the East China Sea(ECS)and the South china Sea(SCS).Analysis of the features of velocity profiles and their variations in the Togara Strait,Luzon Strait and Eastern Taiwan Strait showed that;1)the velocity profiles had striped pattern in the Eastern Taiwan Strait,where monthly flux varied from 22.4 to 28.1 Sv and annual mean was about 25.8 Sv;2)the profiles of velocity in the Togara Strait were characterized by core structure,and monthly flux varied from 23.3 to 31.4 Sv,with annual mean of about 27.9 Sv;3)water flowed from the SCS to the ECS in the Taiwan Strait,with maximum flux of 3.1 Sv in July and minimum of 0.9 Sv in November;4)the flux in the Tsushima Strait varied by only about 0.4 Sv by season and its annual mean was about 2.3 Sv;5)Kuroshio water flowed into the SCS in the Luzon Strait throughout the year and the velocity profiles were characterized by multi-core structure.The flux in the Luzon Strait was minimun in June(about 2.4 Sv)and maximum in February(about 9.0 Sv),and its annual mean was 4.8 Sv;6)the monthly flux in the Mindoro Strait was maximum in December(3.0 Sv)and minimum in June(Only 0.1 Sv),and its annual mean was 1.3 Sv;7)Karimata Strait water flowed into the SCS from May to August,with maximum in-flow flux of about 0.75 Sv in June and flowed out from September to April at maximum outflow flux of 3.9 Sv in January.The annual mean flux was about 1.35 Sv.  相似文献   

Based on the field data obtained during cruises on the shelf of the East China Sea from 1997 to 1999, seasonal variations of coastal upwelling on the inner shelf are discussed by using cross-shelf transect profiles and horizontal distributions of chemical and hydrographic variables. Results show that the coastal upwelling was year-round, but the areas and intensities of the upwelling were quite different in season. The coastal upwelling occurred in all of the coastal areas of the region in spring and summer, but in autumn only in the area off Zhejiang Province, and in winter in the area off Fujian Prov- ince. It was the strongest in summer and the weakest in winter. Geographically, it was the strongest in the area off Zhejiang Province and the weakest in the southmost or northmost parts of the East China Sea. The estimated nutrient fluxes upward into euphotic zone through coastal upwelling were quite large, es- pecially for phosphate, which contributed significantly to primary production and improved the nutrient structure of the coastal ecosystem in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

Wave fi elds of the South China Sea(SCS) from 1976 to 2005 were simulated using WAVEWATCH III by inputting high-resolution reanalysis wind fi eld datasets assimilated from several meteorological data sources. Comparisons of wave heights between WAVEWATCH III and TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter and buoy data show a good agreement. Our results show seasonal variation of wave direction as follows: 1. During the summer monsoon(April–September), waves from south occur from April through September in the southern SCS region, which prevail taking about 40% of the time; 2. During the winter monsoon(December–March), waves from northeast prevail throughout the SCS for 56% of the period; 3. The dominant wave direction in SCS is NE. The seasonal variation of wave height H s in SCS shows that in spring, H s ≥1 m in the central SCS region and is less than 1 m in other areas. In summer, H s is higher than in spring. During September–November, infl uenced by tropical cyclones, H s is mostly higher than 1 m. East of Hainan Island, H s 2 m. In winter, H s reaches its maximum value infl uenced by the north-east monsoon, and heights over 2 m are found over a large part of SCS. Finally, we calculated the extreme wave parameters in SCS and found that the extreme wind speed and wave height for the 100-year return period for SCS peaked at 45 m/s and 19 m, respectively, SE of Hainan Island and decreased from north to south.  相似文献   

The determinant role of upwelling in fine sediment patches is examined from the view-points of physical process and biological process respectively. It is pointed out that physical and biologicalprocesses are usually coexistent and interact with each other during the sedimentation of suspended mat-ters. This study used available figures showing the circulation pattern and surface sediment distribution inthe whole China Seas, the Gulf of Maine, the Irish Sea and the North Sea, and additional data to verifythat wherever upwelling exists on the continental shelf, mud must occur; and that wherever dowrtwellingoccurs, coarse sediment substitutes for mud.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model‘ s numerical simulation of the South China Sea (SCS) middle and deep layer circulation structure showed that: 1. In the SCS middle and deep layer, a seulhward boundary current exists along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula all year long.A cyclonic eddy (gyre) is formed by the current in the above sea areas except in the middle layer in spring, when an anticyclonic eddy exists on the eastern side of the current. In the deep layer, a larges-cale anticyclonic eddy often exists in the sea areas between the Zhongsha Islands and west shore of southern Luzon Island. 2. In the middle layer in snmmer and autumn, and in the deep layer in autumn and winter, there is an anticyclonic eddy (gyre) in the northeastern SCS, while in the middle layer in winter and spring, and in the deep layer in spring and snmmer, there is a cyclonic one. 3. In the middle layer,there is a weak northeastward current in the Nansha Trough in spring and snmmer, while in autumn and winter it evolves inl~ an anticyclonic eddy ( gyre), which then spreads westward l~ the whole western Nansha Islands sea areas.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model was employed to simulate the seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea (SCS) upper circulation. The results showed that: in summer, an anticyclonic eddy, after its formation between the Bashi Channel and Dongsha Islands in the northeastern SCS, moves southwestward until it disperses slowly. There exists a northward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula in the western SCS and an anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS. But at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, a weak local cyclonic eddy forms in the Nansha Trough, then grows slowly and moves westward till it becomes a cyclonic gyre in the southern SCS in autumn. At the beginning of winter, there exists a cyclonic gyre in the northern and southern SCS, and there is a southward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula. But at the end of winter, an anticyclonic eddy grows and moves toward the western boundary after forming in the Nansha Trough. The eddy‘s movement induces a new opposite sign eddy on its eastern side, while the strength of the southward western boundary current gets weakened. This phenomenon continues till spring and causes eddies in the southern SCS.  相似文献   

Wind measurements derived from QuikSCAT data were compared with those measured by anemometer on Yongxing Island in the South China Sea (SCS) for the period from April 2008 to November 2009. The comparison confirms that QuikSCAT estimates of wind speed and direction are generally accurate, except for the extremes of high wind speeds (>13.8m/s) and very low wind speeds (<1.5m/s) where direction is poorly predicted. In-situ observations show that the summer monsoon in the northern SCS starts between May 6 and June 1. From March 13, 2010 to August 31, 2010, comparisons of sea surface temperature (SST) and rainfall from AMSR-E with data from a buoy located at Xisha Islands, as well as wind measurements derived from ASCAT and observations from an automatic weather station show that QuikSCAT, ASCAT and AMSR-E data are good enough for research. It is feasible to optimize the usage of remote-sensing data if validated with in-situ measurements. Remarkable changes were observed in wind, barometric pressure, humidity, outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), air temperature, rainfall and SST during the monsoon onset. The eastward shift of western Pacific subtropical high and the southward movement of continental cold front preceded the monsoon onset in SCS. The starting dates of SCS summer monsoon indicated that the southwest monsoon starts in the Indochinese Peninsula and forms an eastward zonal belt, and then the belt bifurcates in the SCS, with one part moving northeastward into the tropical western North Pacific, and another southward into western Kalimantan. This largely determined the pattern of the SCS summer monsoon. Wavelet analysis of zonal wind and OLR at Xisha showed that intra-seasonal variability played an important role in the summer. This work improves the accuracy of the amplitude of intra-seasonal and synoptic variation obtained from remote-sensed data.  相似文献   

The relationship between the upper ocean thermal structure and the genesis locations of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the South China Sea (SCS) is investigated by using the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) best-track archives and high resolution (1/4 degree) temperature analyses of the world's oceans in this paper In the monthly mean genesis positions of TCs from 1945 to 2005 in the SCS, the mean sea surface temperature (SST) was 28.8℃ and the mean depth of 26℃ water was 53.1 m. From the monthly distribution maps of genesis positions of TCs, SST and the depth of 26℃ water in the SCS, we discovered that there existed regions with SST exceeding 26℃ and 26℃ water depth exceeding 50m where no tropical cyclones formed from 1945 to 2005 in the SCS, which suggests that there were other factors unfavorable for TC formation in these regions.  相似文献   

A two and a half layer oceanic model of wind-driven, thermodynamical general circulation is appliedto study the interannual oscillation of sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea (SCS). Themodel consists of two active layers: the upper mixed layer (UML) and the seasonal thermocline, with themotionless abyss beneath them. The governing equations which include momentum, continuity and sea.temperature for each active layer, can describe the physics of Boussinseq approximation, reduced gravityand equatorial β-plane. The formulas for the heat flux at the surface and at the interface between twoactive layers are designed on the Haney scheme. The entrainment and detrainment at the bottom of theUML induces vertical transport of mass,momentum and heat, and couples of dynamic andthermodynamic effect.Using leap-frog integrating scheme and the Arakawa-C grid the model is forced bya time-dependent wind anomaly stress pattern obtained from category analysis of COADS. The numerical results indicate that t  相似文献   

In this work, Princeton Ocean Model (POM) was used to study the formation of the South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC) in the barotropic case. Monthly averaged wind stress and the inflow/outflow transports in January were used in the numerical simulation which reproduced the SCSWC. The effects of wind stress and inflow/outflow were studied separately. Numerical experiments showed thatthe Kuroshio intrusion through the Luzon Strait and the slope shelf in the northern SCS are necessary conditions for the founation of the SCSWC. In a flat bottom topography experiment, the wind stress drivennortheast current in the northern SCS is a compensatory current.  相似文献   

In this part, Levitus‘ climatological temperature and salinity are incorporated in the numerical model developed in Part I. Diagnostic and prognostic experiment on the thermohaline circulation were conducted. The smooth Levitus‘ data do not include any information on the South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC), so it is not in the model-produced diagnostic thermohaline circulation. Although the SCSWC does not appear in the wind-driven circulation in the barotropic case, it appears in the prognostic wind-driven circulation in the baroclinic case. This implies that the differing circulation pat-terns between barotropic case and bareclinic case are due to the stratification. The prognostic thermohaline circulation with wind stress and inflow/outflow transports at open boundaries are also discussed. Coupling of density and dynamic forces makes the circulation pattern more complicated, Even though the stratification is not always a direct cause of the formation of the SCSWC, it is at least an indirect cause.  相似文献   

Ranlnoides longifions new species, off SE coast of Hainan Island, dorsal surface of carapace with an arched granular edge across carapace between the anterolateral teeth, median frontal tooth longest, second frontal teeth subquadrate.  相似文献   

Internal solitary waves(ISWs) are frequently observed in the area between Dongsha Island(DI) and Taiwan Island. However, there have been few in-situ observations southwest of DI. To improve our knowledge of ISWs in this area, we observed the ISWs over the continental shelf(115.4°E, 20.3°N) from Aug. 29 to Oct. 10, 2011 with temperature sensors and an acoustic Doppler current profiler(ADCP). The observations showed that the a fully developed ISW produced a current whose maximum westward velocity was 0.92 m/s and maximum northward velocity was 0.47 m/s. During the 41-day observation period the ISWs appeared for three periods with about 7-day gaps between each period. During each day, two types of ISWs were observed. The first type of wave arrived regularly diurnally at the same time each day, with a similar pattern to that of the type- a wave identified by Ramp et al.(2004). The second type arrived about 12 h after the first type and was delayed about 1 hour each day; this wave type was related to the type- b wave. Thus, our observations confirmed that both type- a and type- b waves can reach the area southwest of the DI. Moreover, the waves observed by the mooring propagated toward the directions of 270°–315° clockwise from true north, indicating obvious refraction from uneven topography around DI.  相似文献   

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