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A limb, two-ribbon H flare on June 4, 1991, associated with a white-light flare and followed by an emission spray and post-flare loops, is studied. A region of rapidly enhanced brightness at the bottom of the H ribbon above the white-light flare is revealed. The energy released by the white-light flare at eff = 4100 is estimated to be about 1.5 × 1028 erg s–1.  相似文献   

A. M. Uralov 《Solar physics》1996,168(2):311-329
An attempt is made to impart a constructive character to the concept of the solar flaremagnetospheric substorm analogy. An idealized scheme for a two-ribbon solar flare in the originally closed magnetosphere of the active region is discussed. The basis is formed by a terrestrial substorm scenario with two active phases (Mishin et al., 1992). While a quadrupole magnetic configuration turns out to be a solar analog of the Earth's magnetosphere. A physical mechanism that sustains the preflare storage phase, is provided by an instability like a stretching instability of the closed geomagnetotail. The storage process is attributed to the emergence into the corona of closed magnetic flux lines in adjacent (to the location of the would-be flare) regions. The flare flash-phase is determined by the change-over of the stretching instability to a disruption instability of a nonstationary (not neutral) current sheet inside the storage zone. The final recovery phase corresponds to the wellknown Pneuman-Kopp model.  相似文献   

From results of spectral (in Ba II λ 455.4-nm line) and spectropolarimetric (in Fe I λλ 1564.3–1565.8-nm lines) observations of the active region (an isolated faculae at the solar disk center) with the German vacuum tower telescope (VTT) at the Institute of Astrophysics on the Canary Islands, the peculiarities of propagation of five-minute oscillations from the photosphere base (h = 0 km) to the lower chromosphere (h = 650 km) were investigated. At the height of the continuum formation (h = 0 km), the nature of wave propagation in the active region does not differ much from that in the quiet region: 80–90% of the investigated areas are occupied by waves moving up and down. In the lower chromosphere (h = 650 km), differences in the behavior of the waves are fundamental. In a quiet area, the waves become standing for 90% of the cases. In contrast to this, in the presence of moderate and strong magnetic fields (B = 30–180 mT), in 47% of the cases, the waves are running upward, which gives the principal possibility to heat the active region. The investigations revealed the presence of the waves in the active region, for which the phase shift Φ T,V of the temperature and velocity oscillations is between ?90° and 0°. These waves cannot propagate in a quiet atmosphere.  相似文献   

Dikpati and Choudhuri (1994, 1995) developed a model for the poleward migration of the weak diffuse magnetic field on the Sun's surface. This field was identified with the poloidal component produced by the solar dynamo operating at the base of the convection zone, and its evolution was studied by considering the effects of meridional circulation and turbulent diffusion. The earlier model is extended in this paper by incorporating the flux from, the decay of tilted active regions near the solar surface as an additional source of the poloidal field. This extended model can now explain various low-latitude features in the time-latitude diagram of the weak diffuse fields. These low-latitude features could not be accounted for in the earlier model, which was very successful in modeling the behavior at high latitudes. The time-latitude diagrams show that regions of a particular polarity often have tongues of opposite polarity. Such tongues can be produced in the theoretical model by incorporating fluctuations in the source term arising out of the decaying active regions.  相似文献   

By means of spectral analysis, oscillations have been detected in many-year time series of deviations in the duration of days from the standard that cannot be explained within the framework of existing gravitational theory. The solution of the problem of the origin and structure of these oscillations is associated with the essence of the phenomena taking place inside the Earth and the mechanisms of energy transfer by external fields and the Sun. The effect of the Sun on the Earth’s rotation also leads to the formation of a unified cyclic background, resulting in correlated oscillations in all shells of the Earth, as well as in its atmosphere and its nucleus. Ground magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun play the leading role in the abovementioned unified cyclic process. The results of spectral autoregressive and wavelet analyses of experimental data concerning deviations in the duration of days from the standard in the years 1832–2006, ground geomagnetic field intensities in 1832–2006, and the mean magnetic field of the Sun during the period from 1975 to 2005 have been discussed in this paper to reveal and compare correlating oscillations. To analyze a short-period (31-yr-long) series of daily data on the mean magnetic field of the Sun, the results of wavelet transformations (the Morlet wavelet) of the detected amplitude of a burst envelope with a carrier frequency of 13 cycles/yr have been obtained.  相似文献   

We simulate the evolution of supernova remnants(SNRs) in a strong magnetic field. Usually,supernovae explode in a normal interstellar medium with magnetic field of no more than 50 μG, which has been well studied. However, the surrounding magnetic field will be much stronger in some situations, such as in a galactic center. Therefore, we try to explore these situations. The simulations show that a strong magnetic field of 1 mG will align the motion of ejecta in a way similar to a jet. The ejecta propagating perpendicularly to the magnetic field will be reflected and generate a strong reverse shock. When the reverse shock converges in the explosion center, it will more or less flow along the central magnetic field. Finally,most of the ejecta will propagate parallel to the magnetic field.  相似文献   

We propose a simple 2D current sheet model of a normal prominence, in which the lines of the background magnetic field have the dip structure which seems to be required for such an object to form and to be stably supported.  相似文献   

The effect of a non-uniform magnetic field on the gravitational instability for a non-uniformly rotating, infinitely extending axisymmetric cylinder in a homogeneous medium has been studied. The Bel and Schatzman criterion of gravitational instability for a non-uniformly rotating medium is modified under the effect of a non-uniform/uniform magnetic field acting along the tangential and axial directions. As a consequence the stabilizing and destabilizing effect of the non-uniform magnetic field is obtained, a new criterion for the magneto-gravitational instability is deduced in terms of Alfven’s wave velocity; and it is also found that the Jeans criterion determines the gravitational instability in the absence of rotation and when the non-uniform/uniform magnetic field acts along the axis of the cylinder.  相似文献   

The main points are presented of a new hypothesis of the origin of the Earth—Moon system, developed on the basis of Savi's (1961) theory of the origin of rotation of celestial bodies. The cooling off and contraction due to gravitational attraction on vast particle systems, with the pushing out of electrons from atom shells result in a continually increasing density. Depending on the amount of mass, this pushing out can lead to the expulsion of electrons and the creation of a magnetic field by which a rotational motion is brought about. These conditions are satisfied for the Earth's mass and all larger masses. If the Earth and the Moon formed a unique body, the protoplanet, then once rotational motion had begun, the primeval spherical body must have taken the shape of a large Jacobi ellipsoid. New condensation followed, however no longer solely around the centre of the protoplanet, but also along the edge of the ellipsoid, the process leading to the creation of the dual Earth—Moon system.  相似文献   

We show that the surface of a planet growing by planetesimal impact is heated over the melting temperature of the surface materials due to the blanketing effect of an impact induced H2O atmosphere with the present H2O abundance of the Earth even when the accretion time is as long as 108 years. Hence, a magma ocean covering the entire surface was formed on the Earth and Moon and other terrestrial planets during their formations.  相似文献   

In the quasi-linear theory of pitch angle scattering the power spectrum of magnetic field fluctuations is related to the shape of the pitch angle diffusion coefficient D(), the absolute value of the mean free path , and the rigidity dependence of the mean free path (R). We discuss these relations in detail during the solar particle event of 11 April, 1978 which was observed on HELIOS-2 at a distance of 0.49 AU from the Sun. Magnetic field measurements obtained during the time of the event are used as a basis for the layer model in which the method of particle trajectories in an actually measured field is used to simulate pitch angle diffusion. The values of D() and based on the trajectory simulation for 100 MeV protons (field approach) are compared with results obtained from solar proton data (particle approach) and with predictions from quasi-linear theory based on the additional assumption of the slab model for magnetic field fluctuations (QLT approach). The time of the event is characterized by a high level of field fluctuations, the observed mean free path of about 0.03 AU for 100 MeV protons is smaller than the average value near 1 AU. Results from the field and particle approaches agree surprisingly well. The remaining difference in the mean free path of about a factor of 2 could be due to tangential discontinuities which are measured by the magnetometer, but not seen by the real particles traveling along the average field. The results from the field and QLT approaches based on the same set of magnetic field measurements differ by about a factor of 4. One of the reasons for this discrepancy is that the conditions for resonance scattering are only marginally valid. In addition, the wave vectors representing Alfvén-type fluctuations may not be totally field aligned. This deviation from the slab model would cause an increase of the theoretically predicted mean free path and lead to better agreement with the other two approaches.  相似文献   

High-speed jets of solar quiet regions have been observed at Big Bear Solar Observatory in H–1.0 Ú, and compared with high-resolution magnetograms. Over the whole Sun, the birthrate of the H–1.0 Ú jets is about 19±3 events s–1, which is much lower than the birthrate of spicules. The average lifetime of these jets is 2±1 min. H–1.0 Ú jets are very different from spicules, in the sense of birthrate, lifetime, and shape. Jets tend to recur in the same sites, always located in boundaries of supergranules. Under the best observing conditions, we found that 80% of the major jet sites are associated with converging magnetic dipoles – mainly the sites where intranetwork elements are canceling with opposite polarity network elements. In order to establish a possible relationship between the disk H jets and limb macrospicules, we have also obtained time sequences of H center-line images at the limb. These images are enhanced by median filtering so that jet structures over the limb are easily studied. We found that these limb H jets (above the spicule forest) repeatedly occur in the same sites, which is the property shared by the disk H–1.0 Ú jets. However, their mean lifetime is 10 min, substantially longer than that of disk jets. Comparison with simultaneous SOHO/EIT Heii 304 Ú images shows that every Heii 304 Ú jet over the limb coincides with an H jet, although Heii 304 Ú jets extend much farther out. Some H jets do not have associated He jets, probably due to the difference in image resolutions. H spectra of selected jets are analyzed, and we found that jets are not simply blue-shifted; instead, the line profiles are broadened with significantly larger broadening on the blue side. Two-component fitting finds that the velocity of the blue-shifted component (an optically-thin component) is around 20 to 40 km s–1.  相似文献   

A flare event occurred which involved the disappearance of a filament near central meridian on 29 August 1973. The event was well observed in X-rays with the AS & E telescope on Skylab and in H at BBSO. It was a four-ribbon flare involving both new and old magnetic inversion lines which were roughly parallel. The H, X-ray, and magnetic field data are used to deduce the magnetic polarities of the H brightenings at the footpoints of the brightest X-ray loops. These magnetic structures and the preflare history of the region are then used to argue that the event involved a reconnection of magnetic field lines rather than a brightening in place of pre-existing loops. The simultaneity of the H brightening onsets in the four ribbons and the apparent lack of an eruption of the filament are consistent with this interpretation. These observations are compared to other studies of filament disappearances. The preflare structures and the alignment of the early X-ray flare loops with the H filament are consistent with the schematic picture of a filament presented first by Canfield et al. (1974).  相似文献   

A replot of period derivative against period is done for about 300 pulsars, and the main features of the plot are discussed. The significance of a gap in this plot is reexamined and the existence of pulsars with nulling and subpulse drifting behaviour below this gap is pointed out. The implications of this for pulsar evolution are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this work we present a phase space analysis of a quintessence field and a perfect fluid trapped in a Randall-Sundrum’s Braneworld of type 2. We consider a homogeneous but anisotropic Bianchi I brane geometry. Moreover, we consider the effect of the projection of the five-dimensional Weyl tensor onto the three-brane in the form of a negative Dark Radiation term. For the treatment of the potential we use the “Method of f-devisers” that allows investigating arbitrary potentials in a phase space. We present general conditions on the potential in order to obtain the stability of standard 4D and non-standard 5D de Sitter solutions, and we provide the stability conditions for both scalar field-matter scaling solutions, scalar field-dark radiation solutions and scalar field-dominated solutions. We find that the shear-dominated solutions are unstable (particularly, contracting shear-dominated solutions are of saddle type). As a main difference with our previous work, the traditionally ever-expanding models could potentially re-collapse due to the negativity of the dark radiation. Additionally, our system admits a large class of static solutions that are of saddle type. These kinds of solutions are important at intermediate stages in the evolution of the universe, since they allow the transition from contracting to expanding models and viceversa. New features of our scenario are the existence of a bounce and a turnaround, which lead to cyclic behavior, that are not allowed in Bianchi I branes with positive dark radiation term. Finally, as specific examples we consider the potentials V∝sinh?α (β?) and V∝[cosh(ξ?)?1] which have simple f-devisers.  相似文献   

In this paper the situation above the large active region which passed across the solar disc between February 17 and 28, 1969 is considered. Five dynamical spectra of type II radio bursts registered by CSIRO and by Weissenau Observatory were used. After the elaboration of dynamical spectra, the parameters of shock waves and the values of magnetic field in corona were determined. The magnetic field was obtained using two methods. In the first method the connection between the velocity of shock front and the velocity of the Alfvén waves was used. In the second method the dependence of the frequency split upon the value of the magnetic field was applied.  相似文献   

Observations show that small-amplitude prominence oscillations are usually damped after a few periods. This phenomenon has been theoretically investigated in terms of non-ideal magnetoacoustic waves, non-adiabatic effects being the best candidates to explain the damping in the case of slow modes. We study the attenuation of non-adiabatic magnetoacoustic waves in a slab prominence embedded in the coronal medium. We assume an equilibrium configuration with a transverse magnetic field to the slab axis and investigate wave damping by thermal conduction and radiative losses. The magnetohydrodynamic equations are considered in their linearised form and terms representing thermal conduction, radiation and heating are included in the energy equation. The differential equations that govern linear slow and fast modes are numerically solved to obtain the complex oscillatory frequency and the corresponding eigenfunctions. We find that coronal thermal conduction and radiative losses from the prominence plasma reveal as the most relevant damping mechanisms. Both mechanisms govern together the attenuation of hybrid modes, whereas prominence radiation is responsible for the damping of internal modes and coronal conduction essentially dominates the attenuation of external modes. In addition, the energy transfer between the prominence and the corona caused by thermal conduction has a noticeable effect on the wave stability, radiative losses from the prominence plasma being of paramount importance for the thermal stability of fast modes. We conclude that slow modes are efficiently damped, with damping times compatible with observations. On the contrary, fast modes are less attenuated by non-adiabatic effects and their damping times are several orders of magnitude larger than those observed. The presence of the corona causes a decrease of the damping times with respect to those of an isolated prominence slab, but its effect is still insufficient to obtain damping times of the order of the period in the case of fast modes.  相似文献   

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