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Redshift surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) have given a very precise measurement of the galaxy luminosity function down to about   MR =−17 (≈ MB =−16)  . Fainter absolute magnitudes cannot be probed because of the flux limit required for spectroscopy. Wide-field surveys of nearby groups using mosaic CCDs on large telescopes are able to reach much fainter absolute magnitudes, about   MR =−10  . These diffuse, spiral-rich groups are thought to be typical environments for galaxies, so their luminosity functions should be the same as the field luminosity function. The luminosity function of the groups at the bright end  ( MR < −17)  is limited by Poisson statistics and is far less precise than that derived from redshift surveys. Here we combine the results of the SDSS and the surveys of nearby groups, and we supplement the results with studies of Local Group galaxies in order to determine the galaxy luminosity function over the entire range  −25 < MR < −9  . The average logarithmic slope of the field luminosity function between   MR =−19  and   MR =−9  is  α=−1.26  , although a single power law is a poor fit to the data over the entire magnitude range. We also determine the luminosity function of galaxy clusters and demonstrate that it is different from the field luminosity function at a high level of significance; there are many more dwarf galaxies in clusters than in the field, due to a rise in the cluster luminosity function of  α∼−1.6  between   MR =−17  and   MR =−14  .  相似文献   

We present K -band observations of the low-luminosity galaxies in the Coma cluster, which are responsible for the steep upturn in the optical luminosity function at M R∼−16, discovered recently. The main results of this study are as follows.
(i) The optical–near-infrared colours of these galaxies imply that they are dwarf spheroidal galaxies. The median B − K colour for galaxies with −19.3< MK <−16.3 is 3.6 mag.
(ii) The K -band luminosity function in the Coma cluster is not well constrained, because of the uncertainties due to the field-to-field variance of the background. However, within the estimated large errors, this is consistent with the R -band luminosity function, shifted by ∼3 mag.
(iii) Many of the cluster dwarfs lie in a region of the B − K versus B − R colour–colour diagram where background galaxies are rare ( B − K <5; 1.2< B − R <1.6). Local dwarf spheroidal galaxies lie in this region too. This suggests that a better measurement of the K -band cluster luminosity can be made if the field-to-field variance of the background can be measured as a function of colour, even if it is large.
(iv) If we assume that none of the galaxies in the region of the B − K versus B − R plane given in (iii) in our cluster fields are background, and that all the cluster galaxies with 15.5< K <18.5 lie in this region of the plane, then we measure α=−1.41+0.34−0.37 for −19.3< MK −16.3, where α is the logarithmic slope of the luminosity function. The uncertainties in this number come from counting statistics.  相似文献   

We present the result of a photometric and Keck low-resolution imaging spectrometer (LRIS) spectroscopic study of dwarf galaxies in the core of the Perseus Cluster, down to a magnitude of   M B =−12.5  . Spectra were obtained for 23 dwarf-galaxy candidates, from which we measure radial velocities and stellar population characteristics from absorption line indices. From radial velocities obtained using these spectra, we confirm 12 systems as cluster members, with the remaining 11 as non-members. Using these newly confirmed cluster members, we are able to extend the confirmed colour–magnitude relation for the Perseus Cluster down to   M B =−12.5  . We confirm an increase in the scatter about the colour–magnitude relationship below   M B =−15.5  , but reject the hypothesis that very red dwarfs are cluster members. We measure the faint-end slope of the luminosity function between   M B =−18  and −12.5, finding  α=−1.26 ± 0.06  , which is similar to that of the field. This implies that an overabundance of dwarf galaxies does not exist in the core of the Perseus Cluster. By comparing metal and Balmer absorption line indices with α-enhanced single stellar population models, we derive ages and metallicities for these newly confirmed cluster members. We find two distinct dwarf elliptical populations: an old, metal-poor population with ages ∼8 Gyr and metallicities  [Fe/H] < −0.33  , and a young, metal-rich population with ages <5 Gyr and metallicities  [Fe/H] > −0.33  . Dwarf galaxies in the Perseus Cluster are therefore not a simple homogeneous population, but rather exhibit a range in age and metallicity.  相似文献   

We present the discovery of a giant low-surface-brightness arc, of length ∼80 kpc, in the Coma cluster. The arc consists of a diffuse luminous matrix with surface brightness μB<26.5 mag arcsec−2 and a number of embedded condensations. It is not associated with any giant galaxy in Coma in particular; neither does it have the properties of a gravitational arc. We argue that a fast interaction between the nearby barred S0 galaxy IC 4026 and either IC 4041 or RB 110 is the most natural explanation for the origin of the arc.  相似文献   

We derive deep luminosity functions (LFs) (to   M z =−15  ) for galaxies in Abell 1835  ( z = 0.25)  and AC 114  ( z = 0.31)  , and compare these with the local z ' LF for 69 clusters. The data show that the faint-end upturn, the excess of galaxies above a single Schechter function at   M z < −17  , does not exist in the higher redshift clusters. This suggests that the faint-end upturn galaxies have been created recently, by infall into clusters of star-forming field populations or via tidal disruption of brighter objects.  相似文献   

Photometric redshifts are used to determine the rest-frame luminosity function (LF) of both early- and late-type galaxies to  MB∼−17.6  for the cluster Cl 1601+42 at  z=0.54  . The total LF shows a steep faint-end slope   α ∼−1.4  , indicating the existence of a population of numerous dwarf galaxies. Luminous galaxies, with  MB≲−19.5  are mostly red, early-type galaxies, with a LF best described by a Gaussian. Faint galaxies are predominantly blue, late-type galaxies, well fitted by a Schechter function with   α ∼−1.7  . Compared with clusters at lower redshift, the steepening of the faint end starts at brighter magnitudes for Cl 1601+42, which may indicate a brightening of the present-day dwarf population relative to the giant population with increasing redshift. Early-type galaxies are centrally concentrated, and dominate the core region, implying that the radial gradient of early-type galaxies seen in local clusters is already established at  z∼0.5  . Bright, late-type galaxies are rare, consistent with a decrease in star formation in field galaxies as they are accreted on to the cluster, while faint, blue galaxies are evenly distributed across the cluster, except for a depletion in the core region. The blue fraction is  fB∼0.15  , which is somewhat lower than the Butcher–Oemler average at  z∼0.5  . The value of f B is found to increase with limiting magnitude and with radius from the centre.  相似文献   

A deep   K s   -band photometric catalogue of galaxies at the core of the rich, nearby Norma cluster (ACO3627) is presented. The survey covers about  45 × 45 arcmin2  (slightly less than 1/3 Abell radius), which corresponds to  ∼0.8  h −270 Mpc2  at the adopted distance  ( v CMB/ H 0)  of  70  h −170 Mpc  of this cluster. The survey is estimated to be complete to a magnitude of     . This extends into the dwarf regime, 6 mag below     . The catalogue contains 390 objects, 235 of which are classified as likely or definite galaxies and 155 as candidate galaxies. The   K s   -band luminosity function (LF) is constructed from the photometric sample, using a spectroscopic subsample to correct for fore and background contamination. We fit a Schechter function with a characteristic magnitude of     and faint-end slope of  α=−1.26 ± 0.10  to the data. The shape of the LF is similar to those found in previous determinations of the cluster LF, in both optical and near-infrared. The Schechter parameters agree well with those of recent field LFs, suggesting that the shape of both the bright-end and the faint-end slopes are relatively insensitive to environment.  相似文献   

The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC) is a 37.5 deg2, medium-deep, B -band imaging survey along the celestial equator, taken with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. The survey region is contained within the regions of both the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release (SDSS-EDR). The survey has a uniform isophotal detection limit of 26 mag arcsec−2 and it provides a robust, well-defined catalogue of stars and galaxies in the range  16 ≤ B MGC < 24 mag  .
Here we describe the survey strategy, the photometric and astrometric calibration, source detection and analysis, and present the galaxy number counts that connect the bright and faint galaxy populations within a single survey. We argue that these counts represent the state of the art and use them to constrain the normalizations (φ*) of a number of recent estimates of the local galaxy luminosity function. We find that the 2dFGRS, SDSS Commissioning Data (CD), ESO Slice Project, Century Survey, Durham/UKST, Mt Stromlo/APM, SSRS2 and NOG luminosity functions require a revision of their published φ* values by factors of  1.05 ± 0.05, 0.76 ± 0.10, 1.02 ± 0.22, 1.02 ± 0.16, 1.16 ± 0.28, 1.75 ± 0.37, 1.40 ± 0.26  and  1.01 ± 0.39  , respectively. After renormalizing the galaxy luminosity functions we find a mean local b J luminosity density of     . 1  相似文献   

We present the results from a CCD survey of the B -band luminosity function of nine clusters of galaxies, and compare them to published photographic luminosity functions of nearby poor clusters like Virgo and Fornax, and also to the field luminosity function. We derive a composite luminosity function by taking the weighted mean of all the individual cluster luminosity functions; this composite luminosity function is steep at bright and faint magnitudes and is shallow in-between.
All clusters have luminosity functions consistent with this single composite function. This is true both for rich clusters like Coma and for poor clusters like Virgo.
This same composite function is also individually consistent with the deep field luminosity functions found by Cowie et al. and Ellis et al., and also with the faint end of the Las Campanas Redshift Survey R -band luminosity function, shifted by 1.5 mag. A comparison with the Loveday et al. field luminosity function, which is well determined at the bright end, shows that the composite function, which fits the field data well fainter than M B=−19, drops too steeply between M B=−19 and −22 to fit the field data there.  相似文献   

We present a new photometric catalogue of the Coma galaxy cluster in the Johnson U and V bands. We cover an area of 3360 arcmin2 of sky, to a depth of     in a 13-arcsec diameter aperture, and produce magnitudes for ∼1400 extended objects in metric apertures from 8.8- to 26-arcsec diameters. The mean internal rms scatter in the photometry is 0.014 mag in V , and 0.026 mag in U , for     .
We place new limits on the levels of scatter in the colour–magnitude relation (CMR) in the Coma cluster, and investigate how the slope and scatter of the CMR depend on galaxy morphology, luminosity and position within the cluster. As expected, the lowest levels of scatter are found in the elliptical galaxies, while the late-type galaxies have the highest numbers of galaxies bluewards of the CMR. We investigate whether the slope of the CMR is an artefact of colour gradients within galaxies, and show that it persists when the colours are measured within a diameter that scales with galaxy size. Looking at the environmental dependence of the CMR, we find a trend of systematically bluer galaxy colours with increasing projected radius from the centre of the cluster. Surprisingly, this is accompanied by a decreased scatter of the CMR. We investigate whether this gradient could be caused by dust in the cluster potential, however the reddening required would produce too large a scatter in the colours of the central galaxies. The gradient appears to be better reproduced by a gradient in the mean galactic ages with projected radius.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the morphology of the dwarf galaxy population in Abell 868, a rich, intermediate-redshift     cluster which has a galaxy luminosity function (LF) with a steep faint-end slope     . A statistical background subtraction method is employed to study the     colour distribution of the cluster galaxies. This distribution suggests that the galaxies contributing to the faint-end of the measured cluster LF can be split into three populations: dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs) with     dwarf elliptical galaxies (dEs) with     and contaminating background giant ellipticals (gEs) with     . The removal of the contribution of the background gEs from the counts only marginally lessens the faint-end slope     . However, the removal of the contribution of the dIrrs from the counts produces a flat LF     . The dEs and the dIrrs have similar spatial distributions within the cluster, except that the dIrrs appear to be totally absent within a central projected radius of about 0.2 Mpc     . The number densities of both dEs and dIrrs appear to fall off beyond a projected radius of ≃ 0.35 Mpc. We suggest that the dE and dIrr populations of A868 have been associated with the cluster for similar time-scales, but evolutionary processes such as 'galaxy harassment' tend to fade the dIrr galaxies while having a much smaller effect on the dE galaxies. The harassment would be expected to have the greatest effect on dwarfs residing in the central parts of the cluster.  相似文献   

The global star formation rate has decreased significantly since   z ∼ 1  , for reasons that are not well understood. Red-sequence galaxies, dominating in galaxy clusters, represent the population that have had their star formation shut off, and may therefore be the key to this problem. In this work, we select 127 rich galaxy clusters at  0.17 ≤ z ≤ 0.36  , from 119 deg2 of the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) optical imaging data, and construct the r '-band red-sequence luminosity functions (LFs). We show that the faint end of the LF is very sensitive to how red-sequence galaxies are selected, and an optimal way to minimize the contamination from the blue cloud is to mirror galaxies on the redder side of the colour–magnitude relation. The LFs of our sample have a significant inflexion centred at     , suggesting a mixture of two populations. Combining our survey with low-redshift samples constructed from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we show that there is no strong evolution of the faint end of the LF (or the red-sequence dwarf-to-giant ratio) over the redshift range  0.2 ≲ z ≲ 0.4  , but from   z ∼ 0.2  to ∼0 the relative number of red-sequence dwarf galaxies has increased by a factor of ∼3, implying a significant build-up of the faint end of the cluster red sequence over the last 2.5 Gyr.  相似文献   

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