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The Mt. Edgecumbe Volcanic Field (MEVF), located on Kruzof Island near Sitka Sound in southeast Alaska, experienced a large multiple-stage eruption during the last glacial maximum (LGM)-Holocene transition that generated a regionally extensive series of compositionally similar rhyolite tephra horizons and a single well-dated dacite (MEd) tephra. Marine sediment cores collected from adjacent basins to the MEVF contain both tephra-fall and pyroclastic flow deposits that consist primarily of rhyolitic tephra and a minor dacitic tephra unit. The recovered dacite tephra correlates with the MEd tephra, whereas many of the rhyolitic tephras correlate with published MEVF rhyolites. Correlations were based on age constraints and major oxide compositions of glass shards. In addition to LGM-Holocene macroscopic tephra units, four marine cryptotephras were also identified. Three of these units appear to be derived from mid-Holocene MEVF activity, while the youngest cryptotephra corresponds well with the White River Ash eruption at ∼ 1147 cal yr BP. Furthermore, the sedimentology of the Sitka Sound marine core EW0408-40JC and high-resolution SWATH bathymetry both suggest that extensive pyroclastic flow deposits associated with the activity that generated the MEd tephra underlie Sitka Sound, and that any future MEVF activity may pose significant risk to local population centers.  相似文献   

块状搬运复合体是深水地层的重要组成部分。块状搬运沉积对深水储层研究具有重要意义。以琼东南盆地中央峡谷区为例,利用高分辨率三维地震资料探讨了块状搬运复合体的识别特征及其在油气勘探中的意义。研究发现:块状搬运复合体的边界变化大,内部常见滑块、推覆体和杂乱反射;块状搬运复合体往往不是油气勘探的首先目标,但可形成潜在的深水地层圈闭,同时还可以作为盖层和烃源岩。  相似文献   

Corona textures around kyanite, involving for example zoned plagioclase separating kyanite from the matrix, reflect the instability of kyanite with the matrix on changing P–T conditions, commonly related to decompression. The chemical potential gradients set up between the kyanite and the matrix as a consequence of slow Al diffusion drive corona development, with the zoning of the plagioclase reflecting the gradients. Calculated mineral equilibria are used to account for corona textures involving plagioclase ± garnet around kyanite, and replacement of kyanite by plagioclase + spinel symplectite, in quartz + plagioclase + K‐feldspar + garnet + kyanite granulite facies gneiss from the Blanský les massif in the Bohemian massif, Czech Republic. In the garnet‐bearing coronas, a commonly discontinuous garnet layer lies between the kyanite and the continuous plagioclase layer in the corona, with both the garnet and the plagioclase appearing mainly to replace matrix rather than kyanite. The garnet layer commonly extends around kyanite from original matrix garnet adjacent to the kyanite. Where garnet is missing in the corona, the kyanite itself may be replaced by a spinelplagioclase corona. In a local equilibrium model, the mineral and mineral compositional spatial relationships are shown to correspond to paths in μ(Na2O)–μ(CaO)–μ(K2O)–μ(FeO)–μ(MgO)–μ(SiO2) in the model chemical system, Na2OCaOK2OFeOMgOAl2O3SiO2 (NCKFMAS). The discontinuous nature of the garnet layer in coronas is accounted for by the effect of the adjacent original garnet on the chemical potential relationships. The replacement of kyanite by spinel + plagioclase appears to be metastable with respect to replacement by corundum + plagioclase, possibly reflecting the difficulty of nucleating corundum.  相似文献   

黄河中游新近系红粘土粒度分布表现出明显的三峰分布,说明它是由多种成因组份构成,而且每种成因组份对整体的贡献率也不同。其粒度组成主要是以粉土粒级(5~50 μm)为主,而250 μm以上的颗粒少见。除小于1 μm和小于2 μm粒级含量变化相对稳定外,其余粒级均表现出旋回起伏的特征。大于63 μm和大于30 μm及中值曲线变幅较大,说明当时冬季风比较盛行,而且变化强度比较大;而小于2 μm粒级曲线变化相对稳定,说明当时夏季风很弱,而且没有太大变化。粒度曲线与野外岩性所得结论相一致,说明当时气候总体上是以干冷为背景,但也有干冷与暖湿的交替。野外岩性上表现为粘土层与钙结核层相互交替,粒度曲线上表现为峰谷旋回起伏的变化,同时也有古生物证据与岩石学证据相佐证。  相似文献   

Groundwaters were sampled from four research boreholes, a private supply well and a natural karst resurgence in southern County Durham, England. Time series data sets of piezometric levels, groundwater major ions, and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were interpreted in the light of new geological mapping to assess the movement of groundwater and its potential for the dissolution of gypsum. Three distinct groundwater facies were identified representing contact with gypsiferous strata, dolomitic limestone and Quaternary Till. Piezometric data indicated time varying transverse flow across the gypsifeorus strata, which was confirmed from gradational mixing of groundwater types and cation ratios. Fluorescence of dissolved DOM identified variations in protein and fulvic-like acid fluorescence. The former was taken to represent surface derived, short-lived material. Spatial and temporal variations in protein fluorescence offered a means to trace groundwater movement along the regional groundwater gradient and indicated rapid lateral movement of groundwater. It was concluded that gypsum dissolution is occurring beneath the town of Darlington, however, the presence of a thick deposit of Quaternary till effectively confines the small head differences of approximately 1 m, across the gypsum strata beneath the town. Further to the south, the lowering of the ground surface results in a greater upwards flow of water across the gypsum and is used to explain the presence of historic collapse sinkholes.  相似文献   

High-precision Pb isotopic measurements on teeth and possible sources in a given area can provide important insights for the lead (Pb) sources and pathways in the human body. Pb isotopic analyses on soils from the area of Sofia, Bulgaria show that Pb is contributed by three end-members represented by two natural sources and leaded gasoline. Sequential leaching experiments reveal that the alumosilicate fraction of the soils is mainly controlled by natural Pb derived from two mountain massifs bordering the city. Around 1/3 to a half of the Pb in the soil leachates, however, can be explained by contamination from leaded gasoline. Contemporary teeth from Sofia residents show very similar Pb isotopic compositions to the soil leachates, also indicating that around 1/3 to a half of the Pb can be explained by derivation from leaded gasoline. The remarkable isotopic similarities between the teeth and the most labile fractions of the local soils suggest that the lead can be derived from the latter. Pb incorporation in the human body via soil-plant–human or soil–plant–animal–human chains is unlikely due to the fact that no significant farming occurs in the city area. The isotopic compositions of the local soil labile fractions can be used as approximation of the bioaccessible lead for humans. Considering all possible scenarios it appears that soil and/or soil-born dust inhalation and/or ingestion is the most probable pathway for incorporation of local soil lead in the local population. The high-precision Pb isotope data presented in this work indicate that apparently the local soil is what plays major role in the human Pb exposure.  相似文献   

何云 《地质与勘探》2023,59(1):43-53
风化壳型矿床的资源储量,大多采用水平投影地质块段法进行估算,目前划分地质块段的原则与方法尚不统一。以云南省武定县梅子箐风化壳型钛铁砂矿V1号矿体由78个钻孔控制的南矿段为研究实例,对划分地质块段的主要参数——矿体铅直厚度(m)、钛铁矿含量(kg/m3)、金红石含量(kg/m3)进行数理统计与图解分析,提出划分地质块段的方法。具体方法是:(1)以勘查网中地理位置相邻的3个或4个探矿工程围成的区域,作为划分地质块段的基本区块;(2)对单工程、基本区块的主要参数进行统计与计算,对基本区块的主要参数、关键参数进行图解分析;(3)将地理位置相邻、关键参数类型相同的基本区块进行归并,得出合理的地质块段划分方案。该方法能够合理地控制地质块段数量,优化地质块段划分方案,科学合理、简单易行,可在风化壳型钛铁砂矿和其他风化壳型矿床中推广使用。  相似文献   

显生宙陆壳垂向生长是一个新的值得进一步深入探索的课题.在已有的地质、地球化学研究基础上,本文报导了东天山东段矿物组成、成因类型相似的早古生代同造山花岗岩体和晚古生代-早中生代后造山花岗岩体新的Sr、Nd同位素测试结果,并进一步对比研究了它们的Sr、Nd同位素差异.前者ⅠSr值较高(0.7087~0.7288),εNd(t)值较低(-5.8~-15.8),模式年龄TDM大(1.29~2.37Ga),显示以古老陆壳物质为主的物源特征;后者ISr低(0.7069~0.708),εNd(t)值高(-3.8~ 0.3),TDM较年轻(0.80~1.28Ga为主),显示混有较多的年轻幔源组分;同期的煌斑岩脉ISr为0.7080,εNd(t)值为 4.3,TDM为0.8 Ga.这些特征为探讨显生宙地壳垂向生长提供了良好实例.一般而言,显生宙高εNd(t)值后造山花岗岩中的年轻幔源组分至少有3个可能的来源:(1)前造山(前寒武纪)底侵形成的年轻基性下地壳;(2)同造山水平增生的年轻地壳再循环;(3)后造山底侵的幔源岩浆.这3种来源分别揭示了3种陆壳生长方式和时限:前造山垂向生长;同造山水平生长;后造山垂向生长.通常,这3种情况仅仅依据地球化学特征不易鉴别;而通过花岗岩物源演变的对比研究有可能提供鉴别的线索.该区早古生代花岗岩以古老壳源为特点;而地点相同、矿物组成和地球化学相似、侵位深度相近的晚古生代-早中生代花岗岩幔源组分增多,并伴随有辉绿岩、煌斑岩侵入.这种新的年轻组分最可能与新底侵的幔源岩浆有关,它们随后造山花岗岩加入地壳,导致地壳垂向生长,这是造山后垂向生长的一种特征.该研究为中亚造山带后碰撞或后造山陆壳垂向生长的存在提供了一个证据.  相似文献   

The Carboniferous succession in the Tindouf Basin of southern Morocco, North Africa, displays Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian marine beds, followed by Pennsylvanian continental deposits. The marine beds comprise a shallow water cyclic platform sequence, dominated by shales and fine‐grained sandstones with thin but laterally persistent limestone/dolostone beds. Foraminiferal assemblages have been studied in the limestone beds in several sections from the Djebel Ouarkziz range in the northern limb of the Tindouf Syncline; they indicate that the age of the limestones range from late Asbian (late Viséan) to Krasnopolyanian (early Bashkirian). The foraminiferal assemblages are abundant and diverse, and much richer in diversity than those suggested by previous studies in the region, as well as for other areas of the western Palaeotethys. The richest assemblages are recorded in the Serpukhovian but, unusually, they contain several taxa which appear much earlier in Western European basins (in the latest Viséan). In contrast, conodont assemblages are scarce due to the shallow‐water facies, although some important taxa are recorded in the youngest limestones. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Qinling‐Tongbai‐Dabie‐Sulu orogenic belt comprises a Palaeozoic accretion‐dominated system in the north and a Mesozoic collision‐dominated system in the south. A combined petrological and geochronological study of the medium‐to‐high grade metamorphic rocks from the diverse Palaeozoic tectonic units in the Tongbai orogen was undertaken to help elucidate the origins of Triassic ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism and collision dynamics between the Sino‐Korean and Yangtze cratons. Peak metamorphic conditions are 570–610 °C and 9.3–11.2 kbar for the lower unit of the Kuanping Group, 630–650 °C and 6.6–8.9 kbar for the upper unit of the Kuanping Group, 550–600 °C and 6.3–7.7 kbar for the Erlangping Group, 770–830 °C and 6.9–8.5 kbar for the Qinling Group and 660–720 °C and 9.1–11.5 kbar for the Guishan complex. Reaction textures and garnet compositions indicate clockwise P–T paths for the amphibolite facies rocks of the Kuanping Group and Guishan complex, and an anticlockwise P–T path for the granulite facies rocks of the Qinling Group. Sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon dating on metamorphic rocks and deformed granite/pegmatites revealed two major Palaeozoic tectonometamorphic events. (i) During the Silurian‐Devonian (c. 440–400 Ma), the Qinling continental arc and Erlangping intra‐oceanic arc collided with the Sino‐Korean craton. The emplacement of the Huanggang diorite complex resulted in an inverted thermal gradient in the underlying Kuanping Group and subsequent thermal relaxation during the exhumation. Meanwhile, the oceanic subduction beneath the Qinling continental arc produced magmatic underplating and intrusion, leading to granulite facies metamorphism followed by a near‐isobaric cooling path. (ii) During the Carboniferous (c. 340–310 Ma), the northward subduction of the Palaeo‐Tethyan ocean generated a medium P/T Guishan complex in the hangingwall and a high P/T Xiongdian eclogite belt in the footwall. The Guishan complex and Xiongdian eclogite belt are therefore considered to be paired metamorphic belts. Subsequent separation of the paired belts is inferred to be related to the juxtaposition of the Carboniferous eclogites with the Triassic HP metamorphic complex during continental subduction and exhumation.  相似文献   

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