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The Neogene–Quaternary Siwalik foreland fold and thrust belt is studied for better understanding of tectonics along the Kameng river section of Arunachal Pradesh, India. The Kimi, Dafla, Subansiri, and the Kimin Formation correspond to Lower, Middle and Upper Siwaliks, respectively. The lithology in the foreland basin is dominantly sandstones, siltstones, claystones, carbonaceous shales, and boulder beds in the upper part. The structural style of the sedimentary sequence from the Main Boundary Thrust southward shows first order ramp-flat geometry. The brittle shear transfers slip across glide horizons to shallower depth. Repeated splay generations from a major regional-scale floor transfers slip from one glide horizon to another that shortens and thickens the crust. In the micro-scale, the lithological response in the structural development is well documented as pressure solution seams and other diagenetic deformation signatures. The basement asperity plays a significant role as the moving thrust front produced a major lateral ramp. The differential movement of the mountain front on both sides of the ramp is decipherable. This is especially true at the western part of the SE flowing Kameng river. The tectonic evolution of the area initiated with slip along the MBT \(\sim \)11 Ma ago along with the deposition of the Siwalik sediments. With southward propagation of the mountain front, the foreland basin shifted towards S, produced splay thrusts from the Himalayan Frontal Thrust-1 (HFT-1), which has been uplifting the Kimin and the older terraces.  相似文献   

The frontal part of the active, wedge-shaped Indo-Eurasian collision boundary is defined by the Himalayan fold-and-thrust belt whose foreland basin accumulated sediments that eventually became part of the thrust belt and is presently exposed as the sedimentary rocks of the Siwalik Group. The rocks of the Siwalik Group have been extensively studied in the western and Nepal Himalaya and have been divided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Subgroups. In the Darjiling–Sikkim Himalaya, the Upper Siwalik sequence is not exposed and the Middle Siwalik Subgroup exposed in the Tista river valley of Darjiling Himalaya preserves a ~325 m thick sequence of sandstone, conglomerate and shale. The Middle Siwalik section has been repeated by a number of north dipping thrusts. The sedimentary facies and facies associations within the lithostratigraphic column of the Middle Siwalik rocks show temporal repetition of sedimentary facies associations suggesting oscillation between proximal-, mid- and distal fan setups within a palaeo-alluvial fan depositional environment similar to the depositional setup of the Siwalik sediments in other parts of the Himalaya. These oscillations are probably due to a combination of foreland-ward movement of Himalayan thrusts, climatic variations and mountain-ward shift of fan-apex due to erosion. The Middle Siwalik sediments were derived from Higher- and Lesser Himalayan rocks. Mineral characteristics and modal analysis suggest that sedimentation occurred in humid climatic conditions similar to the moist humid climate of the present day Eastern Himalaya.  相似文献   


Nepal can be divided into the following five east–west trending major tectonic zones. (i) The Terai Tectonic Zone which consists of over one km of Recent alluvium concealing the Churia Group (Siwalik equivalents) and underlying rocks of northern Peninsular India. Recently active southward-propagating thrusts and folds beneath the Terai have affected both the underlying Churia and the younger sediments. (ii) The Churia Zone, which consists of Neogene to Quaternary foreland basin deposits and forms the Himalayan mountain front. The Churia Zone represents the most tectonically active part of the Himalaya. Recent sedimentologic, geochronologic and paleomagnetic studies have yielded a much better understanding of the provenance, paleoenvironment of deposition and the ages of these sediments. The Churia Group was deposited between ∼14 Ma and ∼1 Ma. Sedimentary rocks of the Churia Group form an archive of the final drama of Himalayan uplift. Involvement of the underlying northern Peninsular Indian rocks in the active tectonics of the Churia Zone has also been recognised. Unmetamorphosed Phanerozoic rocks of Peninsular India underlying the Churia Zone that are involved in the Himalayan orogeny may represent a transitional environment between the Peninsula and the Tethyan margin of the continent. (iii) The Lesser Himalayan Zone, in which mainly Precambrian rocks are involved, consists of sedimentary rocks that were deposited on the Indian continental margin and represent the southernmost facies of the Tethyan sea. Panafrican diastrophism interrupted the sedimentation in the Lesser Himalayan Zone during terminal Precambrian time causing a widespread unconformity. That unconformity separates over 12 km of unfossiliferous sedimentary rocks in the Lesser Himalaya from overlying fossiliferous rocks which are >3 km thick and range in age from Permo-Carboniferous to Lower to Middle Eocene. The deposition of the Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene fluvial Dumri Formation records the emergence of the Himalayan mountains from under the sea. The Dumri represents the earliest foreland basin deposit of the Himalayan orogen in Nepal. Lesser Himalayan rocks are less metamorphosed than the rocks of the overlying Bhimphedis nappes and the crystalline rocks of the Higher Himalayan Zone. A broad anticline in the north and a corresponding syncline in the south along the Mahabharat range, as well as a number of thrusts and faults are the major structures of the Lesser Himalayan Zone which is thrust over the Churia Group along the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT). (iv) The crystalline high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Higher Himalayan Zone form the backbone of the Himalaya and give rise to its formidable high ranges. The Main Central Thrust (MCT) marks the base of this zone. Understanding the origin, timing of movement and associated metamorphism along the MCT holds the key to many questions about the evolution of the Himalaya. For example: the question of whether there is only one or whether there are two MCTs has been a subject of prolonged discussion without any conclusion having been reached. The well-known inverted metamorphism of the Himalaya and the late orogenic magmatism are generally attributed to movement along the MCT that brought a hot slab of High Himalayan Zone rocks over the cold Lesser Himalayan sequence. Harrison and his co-workers, as described in a paper in this volume, have lately proposed a detailed model of how this process operated. The rocks of the Higher Himalayan Zone are generally considered to be Middle Cambrian to Late Proterozoic in age. (v) The Tibetan Tethys Zone is represented by Cambrian to Cretaceous-Eocene fossiliferous sedimentary rocks overlying the crystalline rocks of the Higher Himalaya along the Southern Tibetan Detachment Fault System (STDFS) which is a north dipping normal fault system. The fault has dragged down to the north a huge pile of the Tethyan sedimentary rocks forming some of the largest folds on the Earth. Those sediments are generally considered to have been deposited in a more distal part of the Tethys than were the Lesser Himalayan sediments.The present tectonic architecture of the Himalaya is dominated by three master thrusts: the Main Central Thrust (MCT), the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). The age of initiation of these thrusts becomes younger from north to south, with the MCT as the oldest and the MFT as the youngest. All these thrusts are considered to come together at depth in a flat-lying decollement called the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT). The Mahabharat Thrust (MT), an intermediate thrust between the MCT and the MBT is interpreted as having brought the Bhimphedi Group out over the Lesser Himalayan rocks giving rise to Lesser Himalayan nappes containing crystalline rocks. The position of roots of these nappes is still debated. The Southern Tibetan Detachment Fault System (STDFS) has played an important role in unroofing the higher Himalayan crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

The Kangra Re-entrant in the NW Himalaya is one of the most seismically active regions, falling into Seismic Zone V along the Himalaya. In 1905 the area experienced one of the great Himalayan earthquakes with magnitude 7.8. The frontal fault system – the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) associated with the foreland fold – Janauri Anticline, along with other major as well as secondary hinterland thrust faults, provides an ideal site to study the ongoing tectonic activity which has influenced the evolution of drainage and landscape in the region. The present study suggests that the flat-uplifted surface in the central portion of the Janauri Anticline represents the paleo-exit of the Sutlej River. It is suggested that initially when the tectonic activity propagated southward along the HFT the Janauri Anticline grew along two separate fault segments (north and south faults), the gap between these two fault and the related folds allowed the Sutlej River to flow across this area. Later, the radial propagation of the faults towards each other resulted in an interaction of the fault tips, which caused the rapid uplift of the area. Rapid uplift resulted in the disruption and longitudinal deflection of the Sutlej river channel. Fluvial deposits on the flat surface suggest that an earlier fluvial system flowed across this area in the recent past. Geomorphic signatures, like the sharp mountain fronts along the HFT in some places, as well as along various hinterland subordinate faults like the Nalagarh Thrust (NaT), the Barsar Thrust (BaT) and the Jawalamukhi Thrust (JMT); the change in the channel pattern, marked by a tight incised meander of the Beas channel upstream of the JMT indicate active tectonic movements in the area. The prominent V-shaped valleys of the Beas and Sutlej rivers, flowing across the thrust fronts, with Vf values ranging from <1.0–1.5 are also suggestive of ongoing tectonic activity along major and hinterland faults. This suggests that not only is the HFT system active, but also the other major and secondary hinterland faults, viz. the MBT, MCT, SnT, NaT, BaT, and the JMT can be shown to have undergone recent tectonic displacement.  相似文献   

The shape of the frontal part of the Himalaya around the north-eastern corner of the Kumaun Sub-Himalaya, along the Kali River valley, is defined by folded hanging wall rocks of the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT). Two parallel faults (Kalaunia and Tanakpur faults) trace along the axial zone of the folded HFT. Between these faults, the hinge zone of this transverse fold is relatively straight and along these faults, the beds abruptly change their attitudes and their widths are tectonically attenuated across two hinge lines of fold. The area is constituted of various surfaces of coalescing fans and terraces. Fans comprise predominantly of sandstone clasts laid down by the steep-gradient streams originating from the Siwalik range. The alluvial fans are characterised by compound and superimposed fans with high relief, which are generated by the tectonic activities associated with the thrusting along the HFT. The truncated fan along the HFT has formed a 100 m high-escarpment running E–W for ~5 km. Quaternary terrace deposits suggest two phases of tectonic uplift in the basal part of the hanging wall block of the HFT dipping towards the north. The first phase is represented by tilting of the terrace sediments by ~30 ° towards the NW; while the second phase is evident from deformed structures in the terrace deposit comprising mainly of reverse faults, fault propagation folds, convolute laminations, flower structures and back thrust faults. The second phase produced ~1.0 m offset of stratification of the terrace along a thrust fault. Tectonic escarpments are recognised across the splay thrust near south of the HFT trace. The south facing hill slopes exhibit numerous landslides along active channels incising the hanging wall rocks of the HFT. The study area shows weak seismicity. The major Moradabad Fault crosses near the study area. This transverse fault may have suppressed the seismicity in the Tanakpur area, and the movement along the Moradabad and Kasganj–Tanakpur faults cause the neotectonic activities as observed. The role of transverse fault tectonics in the formation of the curvature cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

In the Sub-Himalayan zone, the frontal Siwalik range abuts against the alluvial plain with an abrupt physiographic break along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT), defining the present-day tectonic boundary between the Indian plate and the Himalayan orogenic prism. The frontal Siwalik range is characterized by large active anticline structures, which were developed as fault propagation and fault-bend folds in the hanging wall of the HFT. Fault scarps showing surface ruptures and offsets observed in excavated trenches indicate that the HFT is active. South of the HFT, the piedmont zone shows incipient growth of structures, drainage modification, and 2–3 geomorphic depositional surfaces. In the hinterland between the HFT and the MBT, reactivation and out-of-sequence faulting displace Late Quaternary–Holocene sediments. Geodetic measurements across the Himalaya indicate a ~100-km-wide zone, underlain by the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT), between the HFT and the main microseismicity belt to north is locked. The bulk of shortening, 15–20 mm/year, is consumed aseismically at mid-crustal depth through ductile by creep. Assuming the wedge model, reactivation of the hinterland faults may represent deformation prior to wedge attaining critical taper. The earthquake surface ruptures, ≥240 km in length, interpreted on the Himalayan mountain front through paleoseismology imply reactivation of the HFT and may suggest foreland propagation of the thrust belt.  相似文献   

The Siwalik Group which forms the southern zone of the Himalayan orogen, constitutes the deformed part of the Neogene foreland basin situated above the downflexed Indian lithosphere. It forms the outer part of the thin-skinned thrust belt of the Himalaya, a belt where the faults branch off a major décollement (MD) that is the external part of the basal detachment of Himalayan thrust belt. This décollement is located beneath 13 Ma sediments in far-western Nepal, and beneath 14.6 Ma sediments in mid-western Nepal, i.e., above the base of the Siwalik Group. Unconformities have been observed in the upper Siwalik member of western Nepal both on satellite images and in the field, and suggest that tectonics has affected the frontal part of the outer belt since more than 1.8 Ma. Several north dipping thrusts delineate tectonic boundaries in the Siwalik Group of western Nepal. The Main Dun Thrust (MDT) is formed by a succession of 4 laterally relayed thrusts, and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) is formed by three segments that die out laterally in propagating folds or branch and relay faults along lateral transfer zones. One of the major transfer zones is the West Dang Transfer Zone (WDTZ), which has a north-northeast strike and is formed by strike-slip faults, sigmoid folds and sigmoid reverse faults. The width of the outer belt of the Himalaya varies from 25 km west of the WDTZ to 40 km east of the WDTZ. The WDTZ is probably related to an underlying fault that induces: (a) a change of the stratigraphic thickness of the Siwalik members involved in the thin-skinned thrust belt, and particularly of the middle Siwalik member; (b) an increase, from west to east, of the depth of the décollement level; and (c) a lateral ramp that transfers displacement from one thrust to another. Large wedge-top basins (Duns) of western Nepal have developed east of the WDTZ. The superposition of two décollement levels in the lower Siwalik member is clear in a large portion of the Siwalik group of western Nepal where it induces duplexes development. The duplexes are formed either by far-travelled horses that crop out at the hangingwall of the Internal Décollement Thrust (ID) to the south of the Main Boundary Thrust, or by horses that remain hidden below the middle Siwaliks or Lesser Himalayan rocks. Most of the thrusts sheets of the outer belt of western Nepal have moved toward the S–SW and balanced cross-sections show at least 40 km shortening through the outer belt. This value probably under-estimates the shortening because erosion has removed the hangingwall cut-off of the Siwalik series. The mean shortening rate has been 17 mm/yr in the outer belt for the last 2.3 Ma.  相似文献   

晚更新世以来南天山阿克苏地区地壳缩短率   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
汪新  John Suppe 《地质科学》2001,36(2):195-202
作者研究南天山中段阿克苏—库车山前带活动断层,发现断层切过托木尔峰山麓第四纪冰碛物和阶地,形成2条断层崖。通过测量阶地和冰碛物的变形量,推断阶地和冰碛物的沉积年代,估算南天山中段阿克苏地区晚更新世以来的地壳缩短率可能为1.85mm/a。这个缩短率与库尔勒地区(2mm/a)和柯坪地区(1.8mm/a)的地壳缩短率一致,但是小于南天山西段喀什地区(10±2mm/a)和天山东段玛纳斯地区(6±3mm/a)的地壳缩短率,表明天山不同地段的地壳缩短率存在明显差异。  相似文献   

In sharp contrast to the common observed characteristic of areas of thrust tectonics, where older rocks are thrust over younger, along the Vaikrita Thrust in the High Himalaya younger hanging wall rocks (i.e. Vaikrita Group—Late Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic) lie above the older footwall rocks (i.e. Munsiari Formation—Paleoproterozoic). The phenomenon is explained by an inversion tectonics-based model where normal faulting and metamorphism were followed by thrusting, in which the thrust displacement was less than the displacement during the earlier normal faulting. The present day hanging wall tilt towards north may have been caused by a later thrust, initiated as a piggy back sequence, accompanied by folding and Himalayan metamorphism.  相似文献   

The Himalayan fold-and-thrust belt has propagated from its Tibetan hinterland to the southern foreland since ∼55 Ma. The Siwalik sediments (∼20 - 2 Ma) were deposited in the frontal Himalayan foreland basin and subsequently became part of the thrust belt since ∼ 12 Ma. Restoration of the deformed section of the Middle Siwalik sequence reveals that the sequence is ∼325 m thick. Sedimentary facies analysis of the Middle Siwalik rocks points to the deposition of the Middle Siwalik sediments in an alluvial fan setup that was affected by uplift and foreland-ward propagation of Greater and Lesser Himalayan thrusts. Soft-sediment deformation structures preserved in the Middle Siwalik sequence in the Darjiling Himalaya are interpreted to have formed by sediment liquefaction resulting from increased pore-water pressure probably due to strong seismic shaking. Soft-sediment structures such as convolute lamination, flame structures, and various kinds of deformed cross-stratification are thus recognized as palaeoseismic in origin. This is the first report of seismites from the Siwalik succession of Darjiling Himalaya which indicates just like other sectors of Siwalik foreland basin and the present-day Gangetic foreland basin that the Siwalik sediments of this sector responded to seismicity.  相似文献   

MAIN CENTRAL THRUST ZONE IN THE KATHMANDU AREA, CENTRAL NEPAL, AND ITS TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE1 AritaK ,LallmeyerRD ,TakasuA .TectonothermalevolutionoftheLesserHimalaya ,Nepal:constraintsfrom 4 0 Ar/3 9AragesfromtheKathmandunappe[J].TheIslandArc ,1997,6 :372~ 384. 2 RaiSM ,GuillotS ,LeFortP ,etal.Pressure temperatureevolutionintheKathmanduandGosainkundregions ,CentralNepal[J].JourAsianEarthSci ,1998,16 :2 83~ 2 98. 3 SchellingD ,KArita .…  相似文献   

Four levels of terraces located along Siang River, north of Main Central Thrust at Tuting, NE Himalaya are dated using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL). The dating technique is applied using (1) Blue LED stimulation on Quartz (2) Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) stimulation on Feldspar at 50 °C and (3) Infrared Stimulated Luminescence stimulation on Feldspar at an elevated temperature of 225 °C. The results indicated that the later two protocols on feldspars yielded overestimated ages that suggested incomplete bleaching of luminescence signals in feldspar. The ages derived using quartz suggested a nearly continued valley aggradation from >21–8 ka with three phases of bedrock incision. The phase of aggradation coincides with a climatic transition from cold and dry Last Glacial phase to warm and wet Holocene Optimum. The bedrock incision phases centered at <21 ka, ∼11 ka and ∼8 ka indicate towards major episodes of tectonic uplift in the region around Tuting.  相似文献   

The Main Central Thrust demarcates the boundary between the Lesser Himalaya and the Higher Himalaya in the Himalayan orogen. Several definitions of the Main Central Thrust have been proposed since it was originally described as the southern boundary of the crystalline rocks (the Main Central Thrust mass) in the Kumaun-Garhwal Himalaya. The long-held contention that the Munsiari Thrust represents the Main Central Thrust has been negated by recent isotopic studies. One way to define the Main Central Thrust is that it is a ductile shear zone that is delimited by the Munsiari Thrust (MCT-I) in south and the Vaikrita Thrust (MCT-II) in north. The alternative proposition that the Vaikrita Thrust represents the Main Central Thrust is fraught with practical limitations in many parts of the Himalaya, including the study area. In the metamorphic rocks bounded between the Vaikrita Thrust and the Munsiari Thrust, the isoclinal folds of the earliest phase are routinely ascribed to the pre-Himalayan orogeny, whereas all subsequent folding phases are attributed to the Himalayan orogeny. This article elucidates the structural characteristics of the kilometre-thick Munsiari Thrust Zone and revisits the issue of pre-Himalayan orogenic signatures in the thrust zone. With the help of high-resolution field mapping and the analyses of mesoscopic scale structures, we demonstrate that the Munsiari Thrust is a typical fault zone that is made up of a fault core and two damage zones. The fault core traces the boundary between the quartzite and the biotite-gneiss. The damage zones consist of the low-grade metasedimentary rocks in the footwall and the gneiss-migmatite in the hanging wall. The entire fault zone shares an essentially common history of progressive ductile shearing. Successively developed mesoscopic folds trace various stages of progressive ductile shearing in the damage zones. Two recognizable stages of the shearing are represented by the early isoclinal folds and the late kink folds. As the strain during progressive deformation achieved the levels that were too high for accommodation by ductile flow, it was released by development of a tectonic dislocation along a mechanically weak boundary, the Munsiari Thrust. The isoclinal folds and the Munsiari Thrust were developed at different stages of a common progressive deformation during the Himalayan orogeny. Contrary to the popular notion of consistency with respect to orientation, the stretching lineations show large directional variability due to distortion during the late folding.  相似文献   

A petrography–geochemistry-based evaluation of the provenance of the sandstones of the Tertiary Middle Siwalik Subgroup in the Lish River Valley, West Bengal, is presented. The framework grains in the sandstones suggest mixing of sediments from spatially separated gneissic, quartzitic and phyllitic source rocks. Modal values of different framework minerals suggest that recycled sediments in an orogenic setting were deposited in the Middle Siwalik basin in the area. The major and trace element ratios suggest dominantly felsic input and mixing with subordinate basic material in an upper continental crustal setup. The major and trace element data also indicate that rocks of a passive margin setting acted as the source to the sediments. The present paper postulates that the Middle Siwalik sediments were derived from pre-Himalayan gneissic and metabasic rocks of an erstwhile passive margin setting and presently forming the Higher and Lesser Himalaya, respectively.  相似文献   

In Kameng Valley of Arunachal Pradesh, the crystalline rocks of Se La Group of Higher Himalaya are thrust over the Lesser Himalayan rocks of Dirang Formation, Bomdila Group along the Main Central Thrust and exhibit well preserved structures on macro- to microscopic scales. Detailed analysis of structures reveals that the rocks of the area have suffered four phases of deformation D1, D2, D3 and D4. These structures have been grouped into (i) early structures (ii) structures related to progressive ductile thrusting and (iii) late structures. The early structures which developed before thrusting formed during D1 and D2 phases of deformation, synchronous to F1 and F2 phases of folding respectively. The structures related to progressive ductile shearing developed during D3 phase of deformation, when the emplacement of the crystalline rocks took place over the rocks of Dirang Formation along the Main Central Thrust. Different asymmetric structures/kinematic indicators developed during this ductile/brittle-ductile regime suggest top-to-SSW sense of movement of the crystalline rocks of the area. D4 is attributed to brittle deformation. Based on satellite data two new thrusts, i.e. Tawang and Se La thrusts have been identified parallel to Main Central Thrust, which are suggestive of imbricate thrusting. Strain analysis from the quartz grains of the gneissic rocks reveals constriction type of strain ellipsoid where k value is higher near the MCT, gradually decreases towards the north. Further, the dynamic analysis carried out on the mesoscopic ductile and brittle-ductile shear zones suggest a NNE-SSW horizontal compression corresponding to the direction of northward movement of Indian Plate.  相似文献   

Tectonics and Topography of the Tibetan Plateau in Early Miocene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Early Miocene stratigraphy, major structural systems, magmatic emplacement, volcanic eruption, vegetation change and paleo-elevation were analyzed for the Tibetan Plateau after regional geological mapping at a scale of 1:250,000 and related researches, revealing much more information for tectonic evolution and topographic change of the high plateau caused by Indian-Asian continental collision. Lacustrine deposits of dolostone, dolomite limestone, limestone, marl, sandstone and conglomerate of weak deformation formed extensively in the central Tibetan Plateau, indicating that vast lake complexes as large as 100,000–120,000 km2 existed in the central plateau during Early Miocene. Sporopollen assemblages contained in the lacustrine strata indicate the disappearance of most tropical-subtropical broad-leaved trees since Early Miocene and the flourishing of dark needleleaved trees during Early Miocene. Such vegetation changes adjusted for latitude and global climate variations demonstrate that the central Tibetan Plateau rose to ca. 4,000–4,500 m and the northeastern plateau uplifted to ca. 3,500–4,000 m before the Early Miocene. Intensive thrust and crustal thickening occurred in the areas surrounding central Tibetan Plateau in Early Miocene, formed Gangdise Thrust System(GTS) in the southern Lhasa block, Zedong-Renbu Thrust(ZRT) in the northern Himalaya block, Main Central Thrust(MCT) and Main Boundary Thrust(MBT) in the southern Himalaya block, and regional thrust systems in the Qaidam, Qilian, West Kunlun and Songpan-Ganzi blocks. Foreland basins formed in Early Miocene along major thrust systems, e.g. the Siwalik basin along MCT, Yalung-Zangbu Basin along GTS and ZRT, southwestern Tarim depression along West Kunlun Thrust, and large foreland basins along major thrust systems in the northeastern margin of the plateau. Intensive volcanic eruptions formed in the Qiangtang, Hoh-Xil and Kunlun blocks, porphyry granites and volcanic eruptions formed in the Nainqentanglha and Gangdise Mts., and leucogranites and granites formed in the Himalaya and Longmenshan Mts. in Early Miocene. The K2O weight percentages of Early Miocene magmatic rocks in the Gangdise and Himlayan Mts. are found to increase with distance from the MBT, indicating the genetic relationship between regional magmatism and subduction of Indian continental plate in Early Miocene.  相似文献   

The Lesser Himalaya in central Nepal consists of Precambrian to early Paleozoic, low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks of the Nawakot Complex, unconformably overlain by the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Miocene Tansen Group. It is divided tectonically into a Parautochthon, two thrust sheets (Thrust sheets I and II), and a wide shear zone (Main Central Thrust zone) from south to north by the Bari Gad–Kali Gandaki Fault, the Phalebas Thrust and the Lower Main Central Thrust, respectively. The Lesser Himalaya is overthrust by the Higher Himalaya along the Upper Main Central Thrust (UMCT). The Lesser Himalaya forms a foreland-propagating duplex structure, each tectonic unit being a horse bounded by imbricate faults. The UMCT and the Main Boundary Thrust are the roof and floor thrusts, respectively. The duplex is cut-off by an out-of-sequence fault. At least five phases of deformation (D1–D5) are recognized in the Lesser Himalaya, two of which (D1 and D2) belong to the pre-Himalayan (pre-Tertiary) orogeny. Petrographic, microprobe and illite crystallinity data show polymetamorphic evolution of the Lesser and Higher Himalayas in central Nepal. The Lesser Himalaya suffered a pre-Himalayan (probably early Paleozoic) anchizonal prograde metamorphism (M0) and a Neohimalayan (syn- to post-UMCT) diagenetic to garnet grade prograde inverted metamorphism (M2). The Higher Himalaya suffered an Eohimalayan (pre or early-UMCT) kyanite-grade prograde metamorphism (M1) which was, in turn, overprinted by Neohimalayan (syn-UMCT) retrograde metamorphism (M2). The isograd inversion from garnet zone in the Lesser Himalaya to kyanite zone in the Higher Himalaya is only apparent due to post-metamorphic thrusting along the UMCT. Both the Lesser and Higher Himalayas have undergone late-stage retrogression (M3) during exhumation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the morphology of the Andes of Peru and its evolution based on the geometry of river channels, their bedrock profiles, stream gradient indices and the relation between thrust faults and morphology. The rivers of the Pacific Basin incised Mesozoic sediments of the Marañon thrust belt, Cenozoic volcanics and the granitic rocks of the Coastal Batholith. They are mainly bedrock channels with convex upward shapes and show signs of active ongoing incision. The changes in lithology do not correlate with breaks in slope of the channels (or knick points) such that the high gradient indices (K) with values between 2,000–3,000 and higher than 3,000 suggest that incision is controlled by tectonic activity. Our analysis reveals that many of the ranges of the Western Cordillera were uplifted to the actual elevations where peaks reach to 6,000 m above sea level by thrusting along steeply dipping faults. We correlate this uplift with the Quechua Phase of Neogene age documented for the Subandean thrust belt. The rivers of the Amazonas Basin have steep slopes and high gradient indices of 2,000–3,000 and locally more than 3,000 in those segments where the rivers flow over the crystalline basement of the Eastern Cordillera affected by vertical faulting. Gradient indices decrease to 1,000–2,000 within the east-vergent thrust belt of the Subandean Zone. Here a correlation between breaks in river channel slopes and location of thrust faults can be established, suggesting that the young, Quechua Phase thrust faults of the Subandean thrust belt, which involve Neogene sediments, influenced the channel geometry. In the eastern lowlands, these rivers become meandering and flow parallel to anticlines that formed in the hanging wall of Quechua Phase thrust faults, suggesting that the river courses were actively displaced outward into the foreland.  相似文献   

The Siwaliks in the foothills of the Himalayas, containing molasse sediments derived from the rising mountain front, represent a foreland fold-thrust belt which was deformed during the continued northward convergence of the Indian plate following the continent-continent collision. In this contribution we present balanced and restored cross sections along a line from Adampur through Jawalamukhi to Palampur in the foothills of the Punjab and Himachal Himalayas using published surface/subsurface data. The cross section incorporates all the rock units of the Sub-Himalaya Zone as well as that of the northern Lesser Himalaya Zone. The structural geometry of the fold-thrust belt in this section is largely controlled by three buried thrusts within the Sundernagar Formation of the Lesser Himalaya Zone. Two of these buried thrusts splay from the basal detachment and delineate a buried horse. Three thrusts towards foreland, including the Main Frontal Thrust (inferred to be a blind thrust in this sector), splay from these buried thrusts. In the hinterland, an anticlinal fault-bend fold was breached by a sequence of break-back thrusts, one of which is the Main Boundary Thrust. A foreland propagating thrust system is inadequate to explain the evolution of the fold-thrust-belt in this section. We show that a “synchronous thrusting” model in whichin-sequence initiation of thrusts at depth combined with continued motion on all the thrusts leading toout-of-sequence imbrication at the upper structural levels better explains the evolution of the fold-thrust belt in the Jawalamukhi section. The estimated shortening between the two chosen pin lines is about 36% (about 72 km).  相似文献   

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