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张艺谋导演的《三枪拍案惊奇》反映了中国电影的娱乐化发展,体现在电影的爱情多角化、艺术形式嫁接化、人物形象脸谱化和造型雷人化、场面的视觉化、台词方言化、古装片现代化、明星云集化。这种电影过度娱乐化的现象引人深思。  相似文献   

集体土地流转始于十一届三中全会前后土地承包.20年来,集体土地产权市场化建设几经起落,至今仍无多大起色.相反,国有土地使用制度改革却顺利得多,只几年功夫便形成了制度.集体土地使用制度改革进程缓慢的原因,一是改革的思想和理论准备不足;二是集体土地产权改革缺乏整体推进的市场环境;三是集体土地市场化政策存在摇摆,使改革面临信用危机.因此,新世纪集体土地产权市场化建设必须以史为鉴,加强领导,综合推进,才能取得突破性进展.  相似文献   

集体土地流转始于十一届三中全会前后土地承包。20年来,集体土地产权市场化建设几经起落;至今仍无多大起色。相反,国有上地使用制度改革却顺利得多,只几年功夫便形成了制度。集体土地使用制度改革进程缓慢的原因,一是改革的思想和理论准备不足;二是集体上地产权改革缺乏整体推进的市场环境;三是集体上地市场化政策存在摇摆,使改革面临信用危机。因此,新世纪集体上地产权市场化建设必须以史为鉴,加强领导,综合推进,才能取得突破性进展。 集体土地产权实现形式的 探索与评估 一、集体土地产权实现形式的探索 1 改革领域全面开…  相似文献   

中国人几千年来对翡翠有着特殊爱好,其融入了自古以来的玉石文化,它对中华民族的精神、意志、道德、哲理产生着巨大的影响。翡翠的探释是一门高雅的艺术,不但要从文化的层面来认识翡翠,而且还要多了解一些翡翠的专业知识和翡翠市场的发展现状。本文详细地介绍了目前国内几大翡翠市场和各市场的特点以及中国翡翠市场的发展史。  相似文献   

正"化解房地产库存,促进房地产业持续发展"是中央确定的"三去一降一补"政策的重点任务之一,2015年、2016年和2017年中央经济工作会议都将化解房地产库存作为中央经济工作的重要内容。基本情况自2014年末开始,为加快形成促进房地产市场稳定发展的长效机制,将房地产去化周期调整到合理水平,辽宁省积极贯彻中央房地产调控政策,围绕去库存、促发展下  相似文献   

媒介时代的文化艺术生产渐渐形成了一种以文学形象为根源性、共同性因素的相关艺术文本的生产模式,即文学形象在异质媒介中的增殖模式。指出孙悟空形象除了在文学、影视、戏曲、游戏等作品文本的多重媒介中增殖,还作为文化形象、商业形象或娱乐形象出现在文化产品、旅游产品或游乐产品中。文学形象的增殖是文学艺术作品生产的内驱力,促使文学形象增殖的原因包括媒介伸手、形象长腿和经济效益的驱动。  相似文献   

临朐局针对土地交易市场实际,积极引入监督机制,市场化配置土地资源,实现了阳光操作,增进了土地市场的透明度,有效促进了土地市场的公开、公平、公正。一是出让土地使用权实行联席会议制度。对商业、旅游、娱乐和商品住宅等经营性用地的收购或“招拍挂”方案,由监察、财政、国土资源等部门组成领导小组,由县政府组织定期召开会议,确定拟招拍挂(收购)地块的起拍价、保留价、保证金数额等。  相似文献   

近年来,大力实施“一化三基”战略,加快新型工业化、新型城市化进程和新农村建设,经济社会发展加速跨越,特别是一系列扩内需、保增长项目的实施,使岳阳进入历史上固定投资规模最大、建设项目最多的发展高峰期,国土资源工作面临极其艰巨的保护资源、保障发展的双重任务。围绕保障岳阳经济社会的可持续发展,当前及今后一段时期,岳阳国土资源工作将突出抓好“三个统筹”,做活“双保”文章。  相似文献   

建立和规范矿业权市场,是实现矿产资源的资产化管理,使矿业真正融入市场经济的重要途径。如何培育和启动我省的矿业权市场,促进我省矿业的健康发展,是当前地矿行政管理工作中迫切需要解决的问题。去年底,省国土资源厅组织调研组,对这一问题进行了专题调研,在分析研究我省矿业权市场的现状和借鉴外省经验的基础上,提出了推进矿业权市场的思考与建议。  相似文献   

近年来,省第三测绘院在各级领导的关怀下,在国土资源厅党组的领导下,全院职工团结一心、抢抓机遇、爱岗敬业、奋发有为、求真务实、创新发展,为全省经济社会发展和国土资源管理基础工作提供了有力的服务保障。重点工作助推跨越式发展"十二五"期间,省第三测绘院紧紧围绕"长株潭经济一体化"、"四化两型"、"三量齐升"及建设"数字湖南"等战略机遇,努力做大做强测绘地理信息事业,全面完成国家、省基础测绘项目及省厅部署的工作任务,积极拓展市场业务,取得显著成绩。  相似文献   

To make surface seawater flow, the shear stress of the wind blowing on the sea must overcome the work of cohesion of seawaterW c. Oil film on the sea will drift along the wind direction so long as the shear stress of the wind overcomes the work of adhesion between the water and the oilW a or the work of cohesion of oil Wt,o. Experiments bear out the theory that surface tension of seawater is more than twice that of oils generally, so that the wind influenced drift velocity of the oil film is over two times that of the wind-driven surface current. The wind factor for surface current in Jiaozhou Bay is 0.025, while those for the drift velocities of O-diesel oil film and the used light crude oil film are 0.070 and 0.052 respectively. Generally the primary factors influencing the movement velocity of oil film on the sea are current, wind, and the physicochemical properties of the oil. The drift velocity of oil film is determined from analysis of the work of adhesion between seawater and oil. Experiments and actual observations agree with the theoretical analysis. Contribution No. 1831 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica  相似文献   

Exploring the history of the silk-reeling industry in Chichibu, Japan, this paper challenges the prevalent representation of mountain communities as marginal economic peripheries of the metropolitan center or as reservoirs of poverty and backwardness. Mountain districts were the cradle of an Asian “industrious” revolution that led to Japan‘s modernization. The highland-based silk-reeling producers pioneered an autonomous Asian model of industrial development, which competed successfully against the capital-intensive system introduced from the West into coastal cities. The export strength of silk-producing households in upland villages overturns the claim that Japan‘s economic miracle was based on the introduction of Western technology and administrative systems. To the contrary, the Asian-style management practices and labor standards developed by the silk producers were transferred to a succession of other industries. These indigenous practices account for the rise of Japanese industry in world markets. The clash between the two opposing models of modernization resulted in modern Japan‘s first major civil conflict, the Chichibu Rebellion of 1884, a legacy that has major implications for today‘s recession-mired Japan as well as for developing countries striving for an alternative path to economic development.  相似文献   

Stable isotope values, δ13C and δ15N, were determined for four primary producers and 19 dominant consumers in a small artificial lagoon located in Hangzhou Bay. Based on these results the major pathways for energy flow and trophic structure of the artificial lagoon ecosystem were characterized. The mean δ13C values for the 19 consumers ranged from −22.99‰ to −14.24‰. Apart from so-iny mullet Liza haematocheila, the other 18 consumers had intermediate δ13C values between those of epibenthic microalgae and particulate organic matter (POM). The results of a multiple source linear mixing model (IsoSource model) indicated that 50% or more of the organic carbon in the tissues of most consumers was derived from epibenthic microalgae. This indicated that these primary producers were the main food source fueling the lagoon food web. The mean δ15N values for the 19 consumers varied between 4.93‰ and 12.97‰ and indicated four trophic levels in the lagoon. Four macroinvertebrates and zooplankton represented the primary consumers, whilst the other 14 consumers occupied the secondary and tertiary consumer levels. The 19 consumers were divided into three trophic guilds (detritivores/suspension feeders, omnivores and carnivores).  相似文献   

在市场竞争的条件下,价格是决定利益分配的重要机制,价格的形成过程也就是资源的配置过程。地理信息对于价格的描绘直接关系到其在市场上发挥的作用和为市场消费者所接受的程度。地理信息应当在目前反映属性的情况下再前进一步,转变为价格反映,标识为:属性(坐标、价格、时间),以便为经济活动提供信息支撑,成为社会大众可消费的产品。  相似文献   

信息熵方法是建立在信息论基础上的信息量评价方法,目前多用于地图信息的量测,尚无针对地形库中的几大要素特征的综合性的信息量分析评价方法.本文在分析已有地图信息量测方法基础上,选择国家1:1 000 000地形数据库中9幅地图的居民地要素层,建立Voronoi图,全面分析评价了该要素层的统计信息量、几何信息量、拓扑信息量和专题(属性)信息量.实验表明,对地形数据库中的要素层采用全面评价的方法是可行和必要的,能更好地反映要素的分布特征和专题(属性)特征.  相似文献   

The rate of evaporation of seawater droplets in the air-sea boundary layer can be estimated by its salinity change compared to the sea surface salinity. A micro-chemical method based on Farlow (1954) is developed for quantitative determination of the salinity of an individual droplet without the error due to further evaporation after sampling. A halide ion-sensitive sampling surface is prepared by colloidally dispersing brown silver dichromate into the gelatin layer of a commercially available film. The reaction of soluble chlorides with the silver salt leaves a clear white halo with diametera on the brown film to reveal the volume of the droplet. After the film is developed in a water vapor saturated atmosphere, the halo grows to diameterd with the original as the embryo to indicate the quantity of chloride ion involved in the action. The ratio ofd/(a1.5) is a function of the salinity of the droplet. The method can be used to determine the salinity of seawater droplet of 10−6 to 10−10 gram. Details of the principle and preparation, and calibration of the reagent film, are presented. Contribution No. 1708 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. The research was supported by the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation. The paper was prepared while the author was a visiting scholar at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, AK-40, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (from May to July, 1989), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, A-030, University of California, La Jolla, California 92093, USA (from September, 1989 to February, 1990).  相似文献   

Initiation and development of water film by seepage   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
When water seeps upwards through a saturated soil layer,the soil layer may become instability and water films occur and develop.Water film serves as a natural sliding surface because of its very small friction.Accordingly,debris flow may happen.To investigate this phenomenon,a pseudothree-phase media is presented first.Then discontinuity method is used to analyze the expansion velocity of water film.Finally,perturbation method is used to analyze the case that a water flow is forced to seep upwards through the soil layer while the movement of the skeleton may be neglected relative to that of water.The theoretical evolutions of pore pressure gradient,effective stress,water velocity,the porosity and the eroded fine grains are obtained.It can be seen clearly that with the erosion and redeposited of fine grains,permeability at some positions in the soil layer becomes smaller and smaller and,the pore pressure gradient becomes bigger and bigger,while the effective stress becomes smaller and smaller.When the effective stress equals zero,e.f.liquefaction,the water film occurs.It is shown also that once a water film occurs,it will be expanded in a speed of U(t)(1-ε).  相似文献   

TiO2 films were formed on metallic titanium substrates by the anodic oxidation method in H2SO4 solution under the 80V D.C.. Phase component and microstructure were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Water contact angles on titanium oxide film surface were measured under both dark and sunlight illumination conditions. Corrosion tests were carried out in seawater under different illumination conditions by electrochemistry impedance spectrum (EIS) and polarization curves. The result showed that the TiO2 film prepared by the anodic oxidation method was anatase with a uniform structure and without obvious pores or cracks on its surface. The average water contact angle of the film was 116.4° in dark, in contrast to an angle of 42.7° under the UV illumination for 2 hours, which demonstrates good hydrophobic property. The anti-corrosion behavior of the TiO2 film was declining with the extended immersion time. Under dark conditions, however, the hydrophobic TiO2 film retarded the water infiltrating into the substrate. The impedance changed slowly and the corrosion current density was 2 orders of magnitude lower than that with the film illuminated by sunlight. All of those mentioned above indicate that the TiO2 film possesses much better performance under dark condition, and it can be applied as an engineering material under dark seawater environment.  相似文献   

浅谈我国导航电子地图生产企业市场准入制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了国外导航电子地图市场的发展概况和管理机制,以及我国导航电子地图市场的发展现状和存在的问题,在此基础上,进一步论述我国导航电子地图行业实行市场准人制度的必要性.  相似文献   

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