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利用成都市1978—2007年度的城镇居民可支配收入和人均消费支出数据,构建误差修正模型进行了实证研究,结果显示:成都市城镇居民人均消费支出和可支配收入两变量存在协整关系;人均可支配收入是影响消费支出最根本的原因;由于误差修正系数为负数,符合反向修正机制,使得短期的消费政策无效。因此,长期来看,政府必须采取有效措施提高居民的可支配收入,优化供给和消费结构,才能实现扩大内需的政策目标。  相似文献   

利用Logisitic曲线模型和扩展支撑模型对居民可支配收入预测和单项消费预测,以河北省居民的收入及其消费支出为实例,研究了城镇居民和农民的可支配收入分配和单项边际消费倾向,合理建立了预测模型,并理论计算了1999~2003年的通信消费方面的边际消费倾向、预测了2004~2008年通信消费情况。最后,根据预测结果对通信网络建设提出了一些有价值的建议。  相似文献   

广东省城镇居民消费结构变动的定量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用扩展的线性支出系统(ELES),依据1997年及2003年广东省城镇居民年人均可支配收入和消费支出的截面数据,对广东城镇居民消费结构的变动情况进行定量分析。分析结果表明,广东城镇居民在“衣”和“食”得到满足之余,越来越重视对“住”与“行”的消费,同时,对精神文化、教育、交往联络、自身健康和保健也越来越关注,并提出了促进广东城镇居民消费结构优化和升级的几点建议。  相似文献   

利用扩展的线性支出系统(ELES),依据1997年及2003年广东省城镇居民年人均可支配收入和消费支出的截面数据,对广东城镇居民消费结构的变动情况进行定量分析。分析结果表明,广东城镇居民在“衣”和“食”得到满足之余,越来越重视对“住”与“行”的消费,同时,对精神文化、教育、交往联络、自身健康和保健也越来越关注,并提出了促进广东城镇居民消费结构优化和升级的几点建议。  相似文献   

我国居民消费支出结构与收入水平关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对消费结构和收入水平进行现状分析的基础上,运用灰色关联原理对城乡居民各类消费支出与可支配收入水平的关系进行了量化分析,以期对随着可支配收入的增加,消费支出结构的变动情况有一个全面的了解,为有关部门进行产品结构调整和科学预测、国家制定相关政策提供依据与建议。  相似文献   

通过对1978-2007年四川省农村居民收入与消费的协整分析,发现农村居民的收入与消费之间存在着长期均衡的关系,在协整检验的基础上,建立了误差修正模型,说明了误差修正系数对偏离长期均衡的调整力度.  相似文献   

临海市处于台州市中部,三面环山、一面临海,陆域面积2273平方公里,人口111万,辖14个镇、5个街道。2006年全市实现生产总值193.1亿元,财政总收入21.28亿元,地方财政收入10.67亿元,城镇居民人均可支配收入  相似文献   

近年来,杭州市经济社会发展势头迅猛,全市国内生产总值连续多年稳居全国省会城市第二、副省级城市第三。2007年,全市实现生产总值4103.89亿元,人均GDP达8063美元,地方财政收入39162亿元。2008年上半年,全市实现生产总值2158.54亿元;2008年1—10月,市区城镇居民人均可支配收入突破2万元大关。  相似文献   

正编者按:2013年初,自治区人民政府确定了与全国同步全面建成小康社会的奋斗目标,同时实施城镇居民人均可支配收入倍增计划和农民人均纯收入倍增计划,加快实现富民强桂的"广西梦"。为实现这一奋斗目标,广西国土资源厅提出了打造"建小康、促生态、强班子、防风险、育文化"五大新平台。经过一年的努力,"五大平台"建设成绩斐然:资源保障强有力、"生态之花"绽放八桂大地、"五  相似文献   

数字经济时代,实体空间与信息空间融合叠加、场景消费与符号消费共同作用的新零售消费空间对城市空间发展的影响不断扩大。以西安市新零售奶茶消费空间为研究对象,通过空间句法模型分析奶茶消费空间分布特征,构建门槛回归、多尺度地理加权回归模型对奶茶消费空间分布影响因素进行解析。研究发现:(1)新零售奶茶消费空间区位选择对市场信息高度敏感并能够回应空间调控决策,传统零售业区位论中涉及的消费市场、空间接近性、地价、同行业发展等因素仍对新零售奶茶消费空间分布产生显著影响,但实体与信息在新零售奶茶消费空间中存在尺度博弈,信息作用随着尺度的扩大而更加明显;(2)新零售奶茶消费空间分布中蕴含着品牌社群组织行为特征,消费社群的消费主体性增强,不同品牌新零售奶茶消费空间通过多种方式促进消费社群成长;(3)社会文化感知在实体与信息消费空间中均存在价格门槛效应。低价位消费空间场景与符号价值作用机制中信息流与物质流之间相互排斥,文化扩散依靠场景与符号密度、传播速度与频次。高价位消费空间场景与符号价值作用机制中信息流与物质流相互促进,文化扩散依靠场景与符号影响力和传播距离。(4)空间句法模型模拟了实体消费的信息空间延展,...  相似文献   

China is a mountainous country,and Southwest mountain areas cover the most mountain areas in China and have the most serious problems.Taking Zhaotong city as the study area,based on 902 rural household questionnaires of 11 villages in 2 counties and Tobit model,this paper analyzes the geographical differences and influencing factors of energy consumption for non-production purposes of rural households living in different terrain conditions.This research finds that:(1) Coal takes up the main part of energy consumption in valley areas and coal consumption is mainly affected by per capita cultivated land area,household income,proportion of rural household energy expenditure in total expenditure,coal price,and family population size.Firewood takes up the main part of energy consumption in high mountain areas and firewood consumption is mainly affected by per capita firewood forest area,distance to purchase coal,household income,electricity price,and coal price.(2) Only when the distance is greater than 20 kilometers,that is the average distance of rural households living in middle mountain areas(1,600m~1,800m) to purchase coal,the transportation condition has a significant impact on coal consumption.(3) In high mountain areas,prices of coal and electricity are the main factors influencing energy consumption choice of rural households.Too high prices of coal and electricity would to some extent lead rural households to choose firewood as the main energy consumption type.Compared to coal,rural households prefer to choose electricity.  相似文献   

文章介绍了广西石油资源及消费概况 ,特别是阐明石油资源不足的事实。提出实施石油勘探的战略性转移和开源节流的政策 ,抓住有利时机 ,进入国际石油市场  相似文献   

Using four types of settlements in the upper reach of Minjiang River as case,we establish structural models in farmers’ income of different settlement patterns based on rural household panel data to reveal the gradient effect on farmers’ income and determinants.The results indicate that:(1) except the resettlement area,the incomes for farmers living in river valley,semi-mountain,and high-mountain settlements present a decreasing trend with the elevation increasing;on the contrary,their nonfarm earnings show an increasing trend with the elevation decreasing;(2) from the effect on farmers’ income,there is a common feature that the nonfarm earnings and farming incomes have significant positive effects,and family size and productive expenditure have significant negative effects.One exception to this is the productive expenditure,which becomes insignificant in the model of resettlement area;(3) from the way of increasing farmers’ income and alleviating poverty,there are great differences for four types of settlements in mountain areas,however,the improvement of agricultural product sales,agricultural production subsidies,the expansion for nonfarm employment,and the control of the family’s size are the most effective approaches for poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

Based on the decomposition model of environmental quality and univariate regression model, the relationships of industrial wastewater drainage with economic scale, economic structure, and technological level in Anshan, a mining city in Northeast China, were studied. The results showed that, due to scale effect, the drainage of three important industrial wastewater pollutants (COD, NH3-N and petroleum) increased 8505t, 671t and 384t, respectively, and due to structure effect, those pollutants drainage increased 3996t, 174t and 120t from 2001 to 2006. While due to technological effect, the drainage of COD, NH3-N and petroleum reduced 4452t, 458t and 331t, and due to cross effect, those pollutants drainage reduced 7270t, 575t and 476t simultaneously. Meantime, the relationships between household consumption structure and domestic sewage discharge were analyzed, and domestic sewage discharges in different income levels were also compared. The results showed that, the domestic sewage discharges would increase 376t with 1000 yuan (RMB) increased in the traffic and communication consumption, and they would be 344t, 219t, 428t, 1873t, respectively, in housing consumption, food consumption, medical consumption, miscellaneous commodity consumption. The proportion of domestic sewage discharge increased for high income residents significantly, but reduced for lower income residents. The industrial wastewater pollutants drainage tends to be reduced by technical progress, while domestic sewage discharge will be a more important factor for urban water environment quality.  相似文献   

针对目前针功耗分析攻击的影响因素研究偏少的情况,讨论和分析了取样电阻对功耗分析攻击的影响.功耗分析攻击的研究对象是功耗曲线,现有常见实验平台采集的通常是包括各种噪声的功耗综合.取样电阻作为功耗分析平台中的一部分,会在电阻噪声和功耗区分度两方面造成影响,进而影响到功耗分析攻击的正确率.因此为了提高攻击正确率,在不影响区分度的前提下可选用相对小的电阻.  相似文献   

以全球变暖和极端气候为主要特征的气候变化已成为世界各国普遍关注的重大环境问题,全球性的碳排放问题亟待解决已是非常明确的科学共识。然而城市能源消耗尤其是在街道街区尺度能源消耗空间定量化研究目前较少,不利于城市采取精准控制、优化能源结构和减少碳排放措施。本文以资源型城市荆门作为案例城市,以夜间遥感数据、POI等空间数据为基础,定量化分析影响交通、产业和建筑部门碳排放的关键因素车流量、建筑面积和主要用能企业的空间分布数据,实现城市能源消费街道尺度空间可视化,并探讨城镇化和工业化对街道尺度城市能源消费的影响。结果发现工业部门能源消费的持续增长是该市能源消费总量增长的主要驱动因子,72个乡镇(街道)中,以产业能耗为主的10个乡镇(街道)占荆门市能源消费总量达68%。荆门市总用能量在2005—2015年增长82.82万 tce,然而同时用能量高于10 000 tce的乡镇减少了4个,说明荆门市能源消耗提高并呈现集中化趋势。研究结论能够填补以城市或城区为最小单元统计城市能源消费情况所不能发现问题,提出了更加精准的降低荆门市能耗的途径,以期为同类中小资源型城市转型实现绿色发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

As Chinese cities rapidly transformed themselves into consumerist societies, the relationship between consumers and consumption space under stratification has become a new research area in the field of urban social geography. Based on a consumer behavior analysis, this study explores the relationship between consumption space and the social strata of consumers in typical shopping malls in Guangzhou where the first shopping mall in China was built. The result shows that shopping malls have performed significant constructive functions of organizing consumers from different social classes into different consumption space. For middle- and upper-class consumers, the function of shopping malls centers on utilitarian consumption, identity recognition, and identity construction; whereas for lower-class consumers, its function revolves around pleasure and enjoyment. The symbolism of consumption space is the underlying reason for shopping malls to have their social constructive function. The findings of this research suggest that: 1) a shopping mall is a productive consumption space and a geographical space with subjectivity; 2) the micro-location of a shopping mall has social construction function; and 3) symbolic consumption is the core of social construction.  相似文献   

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