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This study was carried out to evaluate the occurrence of the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agent ciprofloxacin (CIP) in the effluent of the Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria (HUSM). Measured environmental concentrations (MECs) of CIP in the hospital wastewater, both before (P1) and after (P2) cesspit/filter system treatment (CFTS), were determined by means of solid phase extraction and reversed‐phase liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC‐FLD) and reversed‐phase liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (LC‐MS/MS). The MECs (n = 7 daily composed samples) were 19 to 155 μg L–1 (average: 54 ± 21 μg L–1) and 32 to 99 μg L–1 (average: 65 ± 45 μg L–1) in P1 and P2, respectively. No relevant removal was observed from P1 to P2. In a worst case scenario, the final effluent was regarded as MECs of surface water. These MECs were generally 5 to 20,000‐fold higher than what was previously known. If the present data is drawn on to form a model of the situation in developing countries, the picture provides a first rough indication that the environmental risk associated with the use and emission of pharmaceuticals into the environment in developing countries might be higher than in developed countries.  相似文献   

南亚(巴基斯坦)地震灾害分布及成因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对南亚地震震害及其成因的分析表明,南亚地震灾害具有以下特点:①南亚地震的发震构造为喜马拉雅前缘弧形逆冲断层,地震地表破裂带发育的巴拉考特镇为此次地震的极震区,大量建筑物倒塌,造成严重的人员伤亡:②建筑物震害呈有规律分布:③地表破裂带和沿河谷两岸以及山坡的滑坡、建筑物没有抗震设防、建筑物结构不合理等是造成损失惨重的主因。  相似文献   

Wetlands are major sources of various ecological goods and services including storage and distribution of water in space and time which help in ensuring the availability of surface and groundwater throughout the year. However, there still remains a poor understanding of the range of values of water quality parameters that occur in wetlands either in its impacted state or under natural conditions. It was thus imperative to determine the health of Lunyangwa wetland in Mzuzu City in Malawi in order to classify and determine its state. This study used the Escom's Wetland Classification and Risk Assessment Index Field Guide to determine the overall characteristics of Lunyangwa wetland and to calculate its combined Wetland Index Score. Data on site information, field measurements (i.e. EC, pH, temperature and DO) and physical characteristics of Lunyangwa wetland were collected from March, 2013 to February, 2014. Results indicate that Lunyangwa wetland is a largely open water zone which is dominated by free-floating plants on the water surface, beneath surface and emergent in substrate. Furthermore, the wetland can be classified as of a C ecological category (score = 60–80%), which has been moderately modified with moderate risks of the losses and changes occurring in the natural habitat and biota in the wetland. It was observed that the moderate modification and risk were largely because of industrial, agricultural, urban/social catchment stressors on the wetland. This study recommends an integrated and sustainable management approach coupled with continuous monitoring and evaluation of the health of the wetland for all stakeholders in Mzuzu City. This would help to maintain the health of Lunyangwa wetland which is currently at risk of being further modified due to the identified catchment stressors.  相似文献   

In this work, an analytical methodological study was carried out to determine the antimicrobials sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, as well as their metabolites, in hospital effluent. The determinations were conducted by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry using a hybrid triple quadrupole‐linear ion trap mass spectrometer (LC‐QqLIT‐MS). The data acquisition was made in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode, in which two SRM transitions were monitored to ensure that the target compounds were accurately identified by the information dependent acquisition (IDA) function. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were 0.25 and 0.80 µg L?1 for sulfamethoxazole and 0.15 and 0.50 µg L?1 for trimethoprim. The linear range for the SMX was 0.8–100.0 µg L?1 and TMP was 0.5–100.0 µg L?1 on the basis of six‐point calibration curves generated by means of linear regression analysis. The coefficients of the correlation were higher than 0.999, which ensured the linearity of the method. The average concentration of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim found in hospital effluent was 27.8 and 6.65 µg L?1, respectively. The analytical methodology employed allowed two metabolites to be identified, N4‐acetyl‐sulfamethoxazole and α‐hydroxy‐trimethoprim. Fragmentation pathways were proposed.  相似文献   

南四湖表层底泥重金属污染及其风险性评价   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:36  
通过对南四湖表层底泥中的重金属元素浓度分析,揭示出南四湖不同湖区重金属污染物空间分布特征.利用潜在生态风险指数(RI)和地质积累指数(Igeo)两种指标相结合的方法对表层底泥中重金属污染程度进行评价.结果表明,南四湖上级湖的重金属污染主要以汞为主,并依据潜在生态风险指数将南四湖上级湖分为三个生态风险功能区: 昭阳湖轻污染区;独山湖中等污染区和南阳湖重污染区.  相似文献   

In this study, an investigation was carried out into the occurrence of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and trimethoprim (TMP) in the effluent of the university hospital (HUSM) of the UFSM. The degradation of these antimicrobials by the electrocoagulation (EC) process was also examined, in both the aqueous solution and hospital effluent, and a study was conducted in order to identify the subproducts formed. The experiments were optimized through factorial planning and, also, checked by response surface methodology. The best conditions for EC (achieving 58.0% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction) were obtained by using 13 mA cm?2, 500 mg L?1 of NaCl, and 30 mm of interelectrode distance. The quantification of SMX (27.8 µg L?1) and TMP (6.65 µg L?1) in the hospital effluent, and the identification of the degradation products were carried out through liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry quadrupole linear and ion trapping with electrospray ionization (LC‐ESI‐MS/MS_QTrap). Removals of 88.0% (degradation only) and 33.0% (adsorption only) were achieved for aqueous solutions of SMX and TMP, respectively, under optimized conditions. In hospital effluent samples, fortified with additions of SMX and TMP, corresponding removals of 16.0% (degradation) and 28.0% (adsorption) were achieved. This suggests that the EC process is efficient in degrading SMX in aqueous solution, although the same was not the case with TMP. The degradation products of SMX were identified (m/z 256.0 and 288.5); however, only the latter is mentioned in the literature. Toxicological aspects were not considered in this study.  相似文献   

In the last years more and more often detections of antimicrobially active compounds (“antibiotics”) in surface waters have been reported. As a possible input pathway in most cases municipal sewage has been discussed. But as an input from the realm of agriculture is conceivable as well, in this study it should be investigated if an input can occur via the pathway application of liquid manure on fields with the subsequent mechanisms surface run‐off/interflow, leaching, and drift. For this purpose a series of surface waters, soils, and liquid manures from North Rhine‐Westphalia (Northwestern Germany) were sampled and analyzed for up to 29 compounds by HPLC‐MS/MS. In each of the surface waters antibiotics could be detected. The highest concentrations were found in samples from spring (300 ng/L of erythromycin). Some of the substances detected (e.g., tylosin), as well as characteristics in the landscape suggest an input from agriculture in some particular cases. In the investigation of different liquid manure samples by a fast immunoassay method sulfadimidine could be detected in the range of 1…2 mg/kg. Soil that had been fertilized with this liquid manure showed a content of sulfadimidine extractable by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) of 15 μg/kg dry weight even 7 months after the application. This indicates the high stability of some antibiotics in manure and soil.  相似文献   

The extensive use of pesticides for increasing the agricultural production is affecting the quality of groundwater. The objectives of this article are to (i) develop pesticide relative leaching ranks for well sites, (ii) develop maps for human health risks due to pesticide applications, and (iii) identify the most significant parameters in pesticide simulations for groundwater vulnerability assessment. The methods include (i) development of acifluorfen relative leaching ranks for 25 well sites using ArcPRZM‐3, (ii) development of health risk maps using model simulated maximum dissolved bentazon concentrations on the basis of USA drinking water quality guidelines, (iii) sensitivity analysis for 14 ArcPRZM‐3 input parameters using the Plackett–Burman method. ArcPRZM‐3 is a user‐friendly system for spatial modeling of pesticide leaching from surface to groundwater. Thirteen acifluorfen relative leaching potential ranks were developed in which the pesticide leaching decrease from 1 to 13. The model predicted ranks for well 34 and well 9 were 2nd and 3rd, respectively, and acifluorfen was detected in both wells during the physical monitoring. The percentages of high health risks in the agricultural areas were 48.38 and 72.72% for Randolph and Independence Counties, respectively. The most significant parameters were thickness of horizon compartment, runoff curve number of antecedent moisture condition II for cropping, soil bulk density, and total application of pesticide. The irrigation, soil permeability, and numerical dispersion could impact the pesticide leaching in soils toward groundwater. The ArcPRZM‐3 system could be efficiently applied for spatial modeling and mapping of pesticide concentrations for groundwater vulnerability assessment on a large scale.  相似文献   

The accelerated production and replacement of new electrical and electronic equipment demonstrates a tendency for the proportional increase in the generation of e‐waste. Developing countries experience similar social and environmental consequences from this trend, which compounds the other challenges associated with the already poor solid waste management in these regions. Moreover, the dangerous composition of some e‐waste amplifies the problems related to managing these materials. This mini‐review presents a brief overview of e‐waste management in Brazil, including technical aspects, scientific studies, and the challenges ahead. With the Brazilian National Policy of Solid Waste already in place, technical and scientific studies endorse measures that range from incorporating the informal recycling sector into the e‐waste management sector to encouraging the expansion of the recycling industry. All such actions, combined with an intensified commitment of electronic equipment manufacturers to reverse logistics, can improve e‐waste management in Brazil.  相似文献   

Sulfonamides (SAs) are one of the most frequently used antibiotics. SAs have been found in various environmental compartments. If SAs are not degraded in the environment, they can affect bacteria by their antibiotic properties and contribute to bacterial antibiotic resistance. Therefore, the biodegradability of 11 SAs (sulfanilamide, sulfaguanidine monohydrate, sulfadiazine, sulfathiazole, sulfapyridine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethoxypyridazine, sulfachloropyridazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, and sulfadimethoxine) was studied. For this purpose, the Closed Bottle Test (CBT, OECD 301D) was performed, which includes a toxicity control. In order to monitor the environmental fate of the parent compound and to check for transformation products, a simple, efficient, and reliable HPLC–UV method for the simultaneous determination of these SAs has been developed. Acetonitrile and water (with 0.1% formic acid) were used as mobile phase solvents for gradient elution. The method was validated in terms of precision, detection and quantitation limits, selectivity, and analytical solution stability. In the CBT, none of these SAs was readily biodegradable. The HPLC–UV analysis confirmed that no degradation of any SA took place. In the toxicity control, these SAs showed no toxic effect in the used concentration of environmental bacteria applied in the test.  相似文献   

Sydney Water has completed a risk assessment to assess the risks to human health and aquatic organisms in creeks, rivers, estuaries and ocean waters affected by wet weather sewage overflows, stormwater and sewage treatment plant discharges. The risk assessment methodology consists of a comparison of measured and predicted concentrations of chemicals with toxicity reference values. Estimates of receiving water chemical concentrations were derived using data from a 10-year period so that the variable rainfall pattern was represented. Computer models were used to simulate and predict wet weather discharges during this ten year period. Risks were validated by bioassays and bioassessments. Risks to aquatic life from wet weather discharges were attributed to 14 chemicals at one or more of the sites and stormwater was the predominate source of the chemicals. There were no risks to people engaged in water based activities. Noncarcinogenic risks from fish ingestion are predicted at three sites. Predicted cancer risks for most individual chemicals were relatively small. Carcinogenic risks were typically associated with organochlorine compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dichlorobenzene, and arsenic. The predicted cancer risks also appear to be largely the result of stormwater rather than sewage overflow inputs and largely due to historical contamination by organochlorine pesticides. It is expected the concentrations of these chemicals will decrease over time.  相似文献   

In this work, a new separation–preconcentration method was developed for the determination of trace amounts of Cu(II), Ni(II), and Fe(III) by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Analytes were complexed by using zincon (2‐[2‐[alpha(2‐hydroxy‐5‐sulfophenylazo) benzylidene] hydrazino] benzoic acid sodium salt). The analyte ions were quantitatively adsorbed on a Diaion HP‐20 resin at pH 5. The retained metal ions on the resin were eluted by acetone. The analytical parameters such as pH of the sample, eluent type and volume, sample volume, and flow rates of the solution and the eluent were investigated. The influences of concomitant ions on the recoveries of the analytes were also examined. The instrumental detection limits for the analytes after application of the presented solid‐phase extraction procedure were in the range of 0.72–1.41 µg/L. The validation of the presented procedure was checked by analyzing certified reference material of SRM1515 Apple Leaves. The procedure was performed by analyzing some spice samples.  相似文献   

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