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Based on studies of the reflectance of Ordovician and Silurian zooclasts from 11 sections around the Huangling Anticline, Hubei, China, combined with determination of the conodont colour alteration indices (CAI) and of infrared spectroscopy of dispersed organic matter from the same or adjacent horizons, it is further proved that reflectances of graptolites, chitinozoans and scolecldonts, like vitrinite and natural bitumen, increase with increasing maturation, but follow different reflectance paths. They may be used, therefore, as thermal maturation indicators. Graptolites display optically strong anisotropy. The maximum reflectance measured from graptolite on polished section cut parallel to the bedding plane is the most suitable for determination of maturation of their host rocks. In polished section chitinozoan and scolecodont show reflectance, but no bireflectance owing to their isotropy. The random reflectance of chitinozoans is higher than that of scolecodonts in the case of the same maturity. By analysing the distribution trends of graptolite, chitionzoan and scolecodont reflectances, the Ordovician and Silurian strata can be subdivided into three areas of maturation in the present region. The potential of oil or gas generation is discussed for each area. The result is basically coincident with the distribution pattern of regional organic maturation presented by CAI and infrared spectroscopic determination of organic matter.  相似文献   

根据对我国扬子地台中部奥陶纪几丁虫生物地层及其壳壁光性特征和反射率的研究,联系华南及塔里木盆地有关的资料,系统总结了我国奥陶纪、志留纪几丁虫生物组合序列的划分及其对比,探讨了几丁虫的光性特征。指出几丁虫在所切光面上具有各向同性的光性特征,只有反射率而无双反射率;在相同成熟度情况下,几丁虫的随机油浸反射率较笔石高,而较虫牙和疑源类低。通过对几丁虫反射率与同层或邻近层位中所测Ica、笔石反射率,尤其是分散有机质红外光谱分析所获等效镜质组反射率的对比说明,几丁虫的随机反射率R0为104%~170%,>17%~31%和>31%~41%时,分别相当等效镜质组反射率(R0,eq)09%~135%,>135%~22%和22%~30%,依次指示含几丁虫母岩有机质演化处于成熟、过成熟早期和过成熟晚期阶段。尽管这个对应关系还需要在今后研究中去进一步证实,但至少说明,几丁虫反射率随有机成熟度增加而增加,对于不含镜质组的晚志留世以前地层来讲,它们可以作为有机质成熟度的指示。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s, Texaco has used the transmittance color index (TCI) of amorphous kerogen as an indicator of kerogen thermal maturation. The technique simply involves the direct measurement of a white-light spectrum as it is transmitted through a particle of amorphous organic matter (AOM). In brief, TCI values are obtained by the analysis of white light originating from a 100-W 6-V tungsten lamp attached to a photometric microscope. The assignment of particular TCI values is based on the increasing curvature of spectra with increasing maturity. TCI curves shift from an average wavelength around 580 nm for samples of immature, amorphous kerogen (i.e., material with a mean, random vitrinite reflectance of about 0.20%) to about 660 nm for samples containing very dark brown to some black particulate material (i.e., kerogen with a mean, random vitrinite reflectance of about 2.15%). The range of TCI values covers all zones of petroleum generation and preservation. In our opinion, TCI can provide as accurate a basis for maturation interpretations as is available from vitrinite reflectance (or from the mean random reflectance of some zooclasts, such as graptolites and chitinozoans), or the widely used visual estimate the thermal alteration index (TAI) or the similarly determined conodont color index (CAI). TCI is probably most useful, however, in those situations where the rocks to be examined have not yet reached the semianthricite coalification stage (≈2.0% vitrinite reflectance).  相似文献   

通过分析显微图像的光学性质和测定煤的反射率等方法,研究了新疆中生代煤中半镜质组特征。结果表明:新疆中生代煤中含有一定量的半镜质组;均质半镜质体占总体(均质镜质体与均质半镜质体之和)的49%~64%,均质半镜质体的最大反射率(Rmax)比均质镜质体的高0.08%~0.13%;均质半镜质体的Rmax介于均质镜质体和结构镜质体之间,结构半镜质体的Rmax比结构镜质体的高0.28%~0.34%。由此可以得出:在三大组分划分方案中,应将均质半镜质体归入镜质组的均质体中,同时认为,按显微组分三大组分划分方案中,将结构半镜质体归入惰质组的半丝质体中更合理;在测定煤的反射率时,不能将均质半镜质体作为反射率的测定对象。本项研究结果对于指导本地区煤炭的炼焦配煤、煤炭液化和深加工利用等具有重要意义。   相似文献   

The aim of this study was first to review or even identify reliable diagnostic criteria to distinguish recycled and autochthonous vitrinite particles and, second, to examine and try to explain the impact of weathering and reburial on optical changes (reflectance) of recycled material. The work was based on indigenous and recycled particles of two sample sets from two wells drilled in the Senegalese margin basin and the Ardèche paleomargin (SE France), respectively. In addition to reflectance measurements, the studied samples have also been analysed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. For both sample sets, hydrogen index (HI) and oxygen index (OI) values suggest a type III organic matter of dominant terrestrial origin.Two main diagnostic criteria appear particularly useful to identify indigenous and recycled vitrinite particles: the first is the clear genetic relationship between telinite and collotelinite; the second is the presence of pyrite framboid inclusions in indigenous vitrinite. The pyrite–vitrinite association illustrates the relationship between sulphate reduction, pyritisation, and in situ organic matter transformation through gelification process. However, application of both diagnostic criteria requires some additional information about depositional conditions (i.e., anoxicity) and thermal maturity of the studied samples. Weathering has no or only very limited effect on vitrinite reflectance. During their new burial history, recycled vitrinites follow a reflectance evolution path close to that of inertinites and thus appear as transitional materials between vitrinite and inertinite macerals. Consistently, this behaviour implies that recycled vitrinite reflectance changes during burial diagenesis do not solely depend on their chemical composition but, most probably too, on combined chemical and structural changes inherited from their past burial history and from the impact of weathering during their recycling stage.  相似文献   

五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石富有机质页岩是中国目前最成功和最重要的页岩气勘探目标.由于缺乏镜质体,该地层的成熟度一直存在争议.以雪峰山西侧北缘富含笔石的五峰组-龙马溪组页岩为例,采用笔石表皮体反射率来表征其成熟度特征.该套页岩笔石含量丰富,以非粒状笔石表皮体为主,其具有二轴晶光性特征,最大反射率(GRmax)和双反射率之间表现出正相关关系,成熟度越高的笔石表皮体表现出更强的各向异性.同时,该套地层中也含有丰富的沥青颗粒,其随机反射率与笔石表皮体的最大和随机反射率也呈现了正相关性,其各向异性更弱,但其成因复杂,且颗粒细小,测定较困难,因此,相对而言,作为热成熟指标,笔石表皮体反射率更占优势.雪峰山西侧北缘五峰组-龙马溪组含笔石页岩的成熟度较高,EqVRo值均为3.10%以上,达到了过成熟阶段,是页岩气勘探的有利区.   相似文献   

Ten samples from the Upper Jurassic Naokelekan and Barsarin Formations in an outcrop section near Sargelu Village were studied to evaluate their thermal maturity using vitrinite reflectance method. The studied beds appeared to be mature and within the oil generation window (0.79–1.25 % vitrinite reflectance in immersion oil (Ro)). Some of the reflectance histograms showed bimodal distribution indicating existence of nonindigenous populations which were all ignored during the measurements of the mean value of Ro. Comparison between the results obtained from vitrinite reflectance method and some other methods like pyrolysis and gas chromatography showed variations which finally more reality believed to be for the vitrinite reflectance method.  相似文献   

根据在西藏西北部日土县拉竹龙地区重新测量了西藏区调大队1984年所测的两个地层剖面——饮水河北岸剖面和兽形湖北岸剖面,在原来定为上奥陶统兽形湖组的底部发现了一套含笔石和几丁石化石的黑色页岩和炭质板岩,其中笔石Pristiograptus和几丁石Ancyrochitina brevicollis、Conochitina sp.为志留系兰多维列统Tely-chian阶的标准分子。同时在兽形湖组中也发现了大量兰多维列世的腕足类化石Hindella xizangensis和竹节石Gotlandellites sp.。证明了拉竹龙地区饮水河北岸和兽形湖北岸两个剖面均未出现真正的奥陶纪地层。通过所采集到的笔石、几丁石、腕足类、三叶虫、头足类、牙形刺、竹节石、珊瑚、遗迹化石的准确鉴定,重新修订了本地区志留系的划分和地层序列:自下而上依次为以笔石相为代表的兰多维列统饮水河组,以碎屑岩相为代表的兰多维列统兽形湖组,以碳酸盐沉积为主的文洛克统普尔错组和以碳酸盐岩相为主的罗德洛统至普里道利统野牛坡组。本区志留系目前发现的最低层位相当于兰多维列统Telychian阶的笔石带Spirograptusturriculatus带和Streptograptus crispus带,最高层位相当于欧洲和藏南壳相志留系的最高一个头足类化石带Kopaninoceras juncudum带或牙形刺组合Neoprioniodus latidentatus-Ligonodina siluria组合。  相似文献   

对吐鲁番-哈密等盆地100多块煤样有机岩石学分析表明:新疆早中侏罗世煤中普遍含有木栓质体.木栓质体在煤有机显微组分中所占比例仅以木栓化细胞壁计.一般在2%以下,若包括木栓化细胞壁和充填在胞腔中的团块镜质体两部分则最高可达20%.在镜质体反射率0.35%~0.70%时,木栓质体光性发生明显变化,但其形态和数量没有显著变化,反映了木栓化细胞壁中木栓质和蜡质在低成熟阶段明显失去,而作为细胞壁格架的纤维素、木质化纤维素则没有显著变化.随热成熟作用木栓质体光性逐渐向结构镜质体和均质镜质体演化;至镜质体反射率0.90%时二者已难以分辨.   相似文献   

对豫北煤田焦作、鹤壁和安阳矿区二1煤层的对比样(构造煤和原生结构煤)进行了显微镜和扫描电镜下观察、镜质组反射率测试、X射线衍射分析和化学分析等。研究结果表明,构造煤因发生了断裂构造地球化学作用,其化学成分、元素成分和煤分子结构与原生结构煤明显不同:构造煤的挥发分含量(%)比原生结构煤一般要小0.55~3.48,平均要小1.59;构造煤和原生结构煤相比,碳含量(%)平均增加了3.1,氢含量(%)平均  相似文献   

The development of a qualifying system for reflectance analysis has been the scope of a working group within the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) since 1999, when J. Koch presented a system to qualify vitrinite particles according to their size, proximity to bright components and homogeneity of the surface. After some years of work aimed at improving the classification system using photomicrographs, it was decided to run a round robin exercise on microscopy samples. The classification system tested consists of three qualifiers ranging from excellent to low quality vitrinites with an additional option for unsuitable vitrinites. This paper reports on the results obtained by 22 analysts who were asked to measure random reflectance readings on vitrinite particles assigning to each reading a qualifier. Four samples containing different organic matter types and a variety of vitrinite occurrences have been analysed. Results indicated that the reflectance of particles classified as excellent, good or poor compared to the total average reflectance did not show trends to be systematically lower or higher for the four samples analysed. The differences in reflectance between the qualifiers for any given sample were lower than the scatter of vitrinite reflectance among participants. Overall, satisfactory results were obtained in determining the reflectance of vitrinite in the four samples analysed. This was so for samples having abundant and easy to identify vitrinites (higher plant-derived organic matter) as well as for samples with scarce and difficult to identify particles (samples with dominant marine-derived organic matter). The highest discrepancies were found for the organic-rich oil shales where the selection of the vitrinite population to measure proved to be particularly difficult. Special instructions should be provided for the analysis of this sort of samples. The certainty of identification of the vitrinite associated with the vitrinite reflectance values reported has been assessed through a reliability index which takes into account the number of readings and the coefficient of variation. The same statistical approach as that followed in the ICCP vitrinite reflectance accreditation program for single seam coals has been used for data evaluation. The results indicated low to medium dispersion for 17 out of 22 participants. This, combined with data from other sets of comparative analyses over a long period, is considered an encouraging result for the establishment of an accreditation program on vitrinite reflectance measurements in dispersed organic matter.  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach for verifying thermal maturity data in a large historical dataset from the Canadian Arctic Islands. A compilation of more than 6000 maturity measurements (vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eval Tmax) collected over the span of three decades involved a rigorous assessment of data quality. Some common anomalies in interpreting thermal maturity dataset include: (i) elevated thermal maturity due to Cretaceous igneous intrusion in the region, (ii) reworking of refractory material from older rocks into younger strata during the Triassic period, (iii) suppression of vitrinite reflectance and Tmax in hydrogen-rich samples, (iv) low maturity values due to cross-contamination by the younger sediments during drilling process (caving), and (v) offset maturity values obtained from different maturity measurements. The study discusses various independent checks to verify the obtained maturity parameters. The comparison between thermal maturity data with the sonic velocity of shale resulted in a satisfactory correlation. While such a correlation may vary in different sedimentary basins, it produces a useful independent assessment of thermal maturity. The results indicate that increased heat flow during the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous rifting of the Canada Basin may have caused the elevated maturity beyond the expected burial level as suggested by the discrepancy between thermal maturity and sonic velocity data. Given the fact that vitrinite reflectance records only the maximum temperature to which the enclosing rocks were exposed, deviation of the collected reflectance values from the current depth of burial serves as an indicator for the amount of geological uplift.  相似文献   

镜质体反射率的演化并不是人们传统意义上认为的随着温度(深度)的增加成指数增加,而是分阶段演化的。通过对有机质热模拟实验数据和自然演化数据进行分析后发现镜质体反射率的演化可以分为明显的3段:1)缓慢变化阶段,随着温度的增加镜质体反射率缓慢地变化,2)中等快速阶段,随着温度的增加镜质体反射率相比较前一阶段增加速率有明显的加大,3)快速增加阶段,随着温度的增加镜质体反射率呈指数快速增加。这种分阶段的演化是由镜质体本身的化学组成和化学结构所决定的。镜质体反射率演化阶段的划分对于热历史的恢复以及认识镜质体的热演化机制和规律具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

镜质体是一种由高等植物木质素经过生物化学降解作用和凝胶化作用形成的胶状体,在煤和炭质泥页岩中含量高,仅出现在志留纪及其以后的地层中。此外,还有一种海相镜质体,主要由海洋低等生物(藻类、菌类及某些海洋低等动物)经腐殖化作用而形成,主要存在于早古生代及晚古生代页岩和碳酸盐岩地层中。研究表明,海相镜质体反射率(R~o_m)可作为成熟度指标加以应用。海相镜质体成熟作用轨迹不同于镜质体,二者存在一定的相关关系,使用时需把海相镜质体反射率换算为镜质体反射率(R_o)。镜质体反射率是一个寻找隐伏岩体的好方法,作者采用镜质体反射率方法对铜陵地区开展了研究,初步结果表明,铜陵地区全部数值均超过地热增温率理论曲线,说明铜陵地区深部可能有较大的隐伏岩体,深度大约在4~5 km左右。此外,在ZK113号钻孔深度200~260 m处R_o很高(2%~3%),可能预示钻孔旁侧有规模较小的隐伏侵入体,推测距钻孔距离不超过100 m,但具体方位不详。上述研究表明采用镜质体反射率方法寻找隐伏岩体是可行的,它的最大优点是解释的唯一性,R_o数值仅与温度有关,不受其他因素的干扰。  相似文献   

A method is exhibited for assessing the time of onset of diapirism and salt flow-speed. Using vitrinite reflectance measurements from wells drilled on top of a salt structure it is possible to determine the excess maturity caused by the focusing of heat due to the higher thermal conductivity of salt. The method is based on calculation of the thermal anomaly surrounding a rising salt diapir. For a given salt speed, predicted vitrinite reflectance values are calculated and compared with the observed values at given depths. The process is repeated with various speeds of the rising salt until consistency of predicted and observed values is obtained, thus constraining an assessment of the velocity of the salt. The method can easily be tailored to thermal indicators other than vitrinite reflectance, thereby enhancing the resolution of the thermal history, and constraining both the onset of salt rise as well as the speed. The well, Lulu-1, from the Danish North Sea, is used to illustrate the procedure.  相似文献   

Caradocian source rocks belonging to the Utica Group occur around and overlay the southeastern part of the Canadian Shield from the Ottawa embayment, in the southwestern part of St. Lawrence Lowlands, to the Anticosti Island basin. The kerogen of the source rocks is mainly made up of amorphous organic matter (transmitted light), resembling a solid bitumen framework in reflected light, and contains a small portion of zooclasts (graptolites and chitinozoans). The kerogen is often too mature to have preserved the structure of the original constituents, except those of graptolites and chitinozoans. Otherwise, UV fluorescent colonial alga and tasmanites are observed.In the eastern half of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, stratigraphic and tectonic burial is the main control of source rock thermal maturation. From an area located 50 km west of Quebec City, the estimated vitrinite reflectance (Ro-Std) of the source rock increases in both northeastern (Montmorency Falls) and southwestern (St. Maurice River) directions, from Ro-Std of 1.2 to 1.5 and 1.7%, respectively. The source rocks of the Ottawa embayment and Montreal area (western half of the basin) are overmature due to hydrothermal and igneous activities (2.3%<Ro-Std<2.8%).. In Chicoutimi and Lac Saint-Jean outliers, the source rocks show reflectances between 0.9 and 1.2%, slightly less than reflectance values in the Quebec City area (Ro-Std between 1.2 and 1.5%). On Anticosti Island, the thermal maturation is related to burial only and increases downdip of the inclined platform, from the northeast toward the southwest (Ro-Std between 0.9 and 2.1%).These observations suggest that the St. Lawrence platform and the southeastern Canadian Shield were buried by at least 3.5 km of Paleozoic strata prior to erosion to Grenville basement. This implies that most potential hydrocarbon fields are presumably also lost by erosion.


Des roches mères caradociennes, appartenant au Groupe d'Utica, sont trouvées autour et sur la partie sud-est du Bouclier canadien, du sous-bassin de la région d'Ottawa, dans la partie sud-ouest des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent jusqu'au bassin de l'île d'Anticosti. Le kérogène de ces roches mères est principalement constitué de matière organique amorphe (lumière transmise) ayant l'aspect d'un treillis fait de bitume solide lorsqu'il est observé en lumière incidente et contient une petite proportion de zooclastes (graptolites et chitinozoaires). Ce kérogène est souvent trop mature pour avoir préservé la structure originale de ses constituants, sauf celle des graptolites et des chitinozoaires. Dans le cas contraire, on observe des colonies algaires et des tasmanites fluorescentes à la lumière ultraviolette.Dans la moitié est des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent, l'enfouissement stratigraphique et tectonique contrôle la maturation thermique de la roche mère. D'un point situé à 50 km à l'ouest de Québec, la réflectance standardisée à celle de la vitrinite (Rh-Std) de la roche mère augmente tant vers le nord-est (Chutes Montmorency) que vers le sud-ouest (rivière Saint-Maurice), et varie entre 1,2 et 1,5 ou 1,7% respectivement. D'autre part, les roches mères des régions d'Ottawa et de Montréal (ouest du bassin) sont supramatures à cause d'activités hydrothermales et ignées (2,3%<Rh-Std<2,8%). Dans les buttes témoins du Saguenay et du Lac-Saint-Jean, les roches mères montrent des valeurs de la Rh-Std comprises entre 0,9 et 1,2%, légèrement inférieures à celles de la région de Québec (Rh-Std entre 1,2 et 1,5%). Dans l'île d'Anticosti, la maturation thermique est surtout reliée à l'enfouissement et s'accroît en direction de l'approfondissement de la plate-forme, du nord-est vers le sud-ouest (Rh-Std entre 0,9 et 2,1%).Ces observations suggèrent que la plate-forme du Saint-Laurent et le sud-est du Bouclier canadien furent enfouis sous au moins 3,5 km de strates paléozoïques avant que ces dernières soient érodées au niveau du socle grenvillien. Ceci implique que la majorité des gisements potentiels d'hydrocarbures furent probablement aussi perdus par érosion.  相似文献   

滇东地区奥陶系红石崖组的时代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红石崖组是分布于滇东和川西南地区的一套红色的奥陶纪粗碎屑沉积地层,含笔石、几丁虫和疑源类等化石,过去通常认为其时代为阿仑尼格期(大致相当于当前国际划分的弗洛期和大坪期)。通过对云南禄劝桂花箐水库岸边、禄劝六江和昆明二村红石崖3条剖面的红石崖组进行了较为详细的化石采集,获得了大量笔石标本,鉴定出了2属15种。根据滇东地区红石崖组的笔石动物群,建立Corymbograptus varicosus笔石带,通过与国内外相关笔石动物群的对比分析,该带可与我国黔北地区的Acrograptus filiformis带、英国湖区的Corymbograptus varicosus带以及阿根廷西北部Acoite组的"Baltograptus deflexus带"进行较好对比,其时代应为早奥陶世弗洛期早中期。据此,红石崖组与其上的巧家组之间很可能缺失大坪期地层。  相似文献   

The Late Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) Callide Coal Measures are preserved in a partly fault-bounded basin remnant in east-central Queensland, Australia. The sequence comprises up to 150 m of interbedded clastic sedimentary rocks and at least four major coal seams, including one coal body up to 23 m thick. The sequence was deposited initially in high-gradient alluvial fan systems which gave way through time to sandy, low-sinuosity rivers. The restricted, intermontane and entirely alluvial nature of sediment accumulation is here considered to have influence the petrographic characteristics of Callide coals, and their external geometry.The main coal seam from the Callide Measures shows variation in the predominance of some macerals, indicating successions of environmental changes. The application of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to the study of the Callide coal has enabled a better understanding of the nature and origin of some of the less understood macerals such as micrinite and vitrinite B. Two forms of vitrinite have been observed, each with a distinct reflectance range. The wood-sourced vitrinite A displays an average reflectance of 0.56%, implying a higher rank than the 0.49% Ro total vitrinite reflectance recorded in previous publications. Vitrinite B and A together represent the most commonly occurring macerals in the Callide coal samples of the present study. The lower-reflecting vitrinite B which forms bands, often several hundred μm in thickness, in TEM shows sub-micron electron transparent laminae of lipid-rich material alternating with a more conventional vitrinite material. The vitrinite B is interpreted to represent accumulations of leaves.The Callide coal has entered the oil window, and oil has been generated from some exinite, cutinite, and resinite, as evident from change in fluorescence and the presence of exsudatinite in cell cavities and cleats. Vitrinite B is seen under the microscope to also be generating oil. Micrinite, the origin of which has been much debated, occurs in selected horizons only, as lenticular bodies suggesting cell filling or filling of spaces between laminations in vitrinite B. TEM shows micrinite to consist predominantly of sub-micron pyrite and possibly other mineral particles adsorbed on humic acids.  相似文献   

徐学敏  孙玮琳  汪双清  秦婧  沈斌  郭望  杨佳佳  栗敏 《地球科学》2019,44(11):3717-3724
为明确适用于南方下古生界海相页岩成熟度评价的沥青反射率与镜质体反射率等效换算关系,利用初始成熟度接近的洪水庄组海相页岩及龙潭组煤样在350~525℃温度范围开展了系列共置热压模拟实验,通过测定各温度下页岩中的沥青与煤中的镜质体反射率的演化规律,建立了两者之间的等效换算关系,并利用模拟样品和实际剖面样品开展了方法验证.结果表明两者满足以下关系:VRo(等效镜质体反射率)=0.879 8Rb(沥青反射率)+0.114 5(适用范围:VRo 0.61%~3.04%),本次建立的沥青反射率回归公式可以为准确评价缺乏镜质体的高演化海相页岩地层的成熟度判定提供重要参考.   相似文献   

The quantitative maceral study of the Queen seam from Mailaram coalfield of Godavari valley has displayed alternate coal bands rich in vitrinite/liptinite or inertinite. The random vitrinite reflectance (Ro max. %) of these coals, from top part ranges from 0.50 to 0.64%. However, the bottom part of the seam has indicated lower reflectance, between 0.49 and 0.52%. Thus, the Queen seam, in general, has attained high volatile bituminous C rank. The study indicates that the depositional site has been a slowly sinking basin that witnessed alternate dry (oxidizing) and wet (reducing) spells. This subsequently caused fluctuation in water table of the basin and the formation of oxic and anaoxic moor condition, where accumulated vegetal resource transformed into mixed and fusic coal types in due course of time. Being high in liptinite and vitrinite contents and low mineral matter, the Queen seam of Mailaram coalfield has high economic potential.  相似文献   

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