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Abstract: This paper acknowledges Dame Evelyn Stokes’ introduction of postcolonial critical analysis of Māori/Pākehā relationships before postcolonialism was established as a field of theoretical enquiry. The paper reviews research I have done on some of the issues faced by the Mashantucket Pequots in the wider context of the contribution Dame Evelyn Stokes was making to similar debates in New Zealand. She emphasized that Māori research and knowledge provide a different world view and that this world view needs to be taken into account in any geographical study of New Zealand. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid the continued marginalization of Māoris from nation building in their own country.  相似文献   

This paper explores the spatiality of colonial and postcolonial power and discourse as produced, performed and imagined by former British colonial service officers and contemporary UK international development professionals. It focuses on two key aspects of spatial practices. The first addresses the spaces inhabited by these colonial officers and development professionals overseas and how their locatedness, embedded or enclavic, shapes relationships to others. The second explores this distinctive social and spatial distancing through their relationship to, and imagined geographies of, home and away and how these are embodied in their institutional and cultural capital. The paper examines the regularities and consistencies that stand out from numerous individual practices through which both former colonial officers and development professionals negotiate the situations in which they live and work. It also specifies how authoritative management, privilege and distance informs their spatial practices despite changing global contexts and a more diverse composition of those who articulate contemporary relationships between 'first' and 'third' worlds. Finally, the paper suggests that the cultures which travelled over colonial space through being performed by colonial officers have been reworked throughout the postcolonial period, belying epochal historical periodizations that conjure up a clear disjuncture between colonial and development eras.  相似文献   

The relationship between mainstream development policy (and perhaps also development studies) and postcolonial theorists has often been characterized as a dialogue of the deaf. Rather like in the old 'debates' between adherents of modernization and neo-Marxist theories, the protagonists are often thought to be talking at or past one another, rather than with each other. This paper reassesses some firmly held views on both sides of the schism. On the one hand, many official development agencies appear to promote business as usual (often quite literally, as a recent War on Want report attests in the case of the UK's DFID using its aid budget to promote profitable opportunities for British corporations). On the other hand, some postcolonial purists rely on surprisingly modernist, totalizing discursive techniques while claiming post-structural credentials, or baulk at the prospects of practical engagement. Discrepancies between theory, discourse, policy and practice are not the preserve of one side. However, the middle ground is firmer and better trodden than most believe. Considerable progress has been made and the paper assesses examples of productive engagement and concludes with suggestions for carrying forward the challenges.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the nature of FDI local networks in production and R&D activities in China and discusses their implications for technological dynamism and regional development. We investigate foreign ventures (or foreign-invested enterprises, FIEs) in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, based on a large-scale survey of ICT firms conducted in three mega-city regions of China: Beijing, Shanghai-Suzhou, and Shenzhen-Dongguan. Our data show that FIEs in China are gradually localizing their production, but the extent of local embeddedness is contingent upon home country effects, local specific contexts and FDI-host region relationships. We have also found significant influence of industrial agglomeration on FDI location and network decisions. Beijing tends to have broader FDI sources and better integrated global-local networks, while in those regions dominated by FDI such as Suzhou and Dongguan, FIEs are thinly embedded with local economies and tend to establish global-local networks among themselves; local embeddedness is limited by a series of technological, institutional, spatial, and structural mismatches. Shanghai and Shenzhen are in between. More efforts are still needed to better integrate FDI with local economies and strengthen China’s local innovative capacities.  相似文献   

This article contributes to a small but growing body of multi-sited and multi-scalar research on the Belt and Road Initiative.We focus on relations at the national,regional and international scales,and present original research from China and Turkey,to show how the Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway has served as a testing ground for China's Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).Its construction was initially funded by the European Investment Bank,but it is now part of the backbone of the Turkish Government's Middle Corridor plan which enhances west-east connectivity and integration with the Caucasus and Central Asia.We show that in contrast to multinational corporations from the OECD that seek to remain footloose,Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOEs)seek to adapt to,apprehend and ultimately shape local in-stitutions.In the case of Turkey this proved difficult given its institutional alignment with the European Union.Thus,while the railway project was completed successfully by a consortium led by a Chinese SOE,Turkey's dynamic and complex regulatory environment discourages Chinese SOEs in the infrastructure sector.We conclude that the Turkish and Chinese gov-ernments are currently pursuing complementary territorial visions yet their cooperation is project-based and pragmatic.  相似文献   

Kettle ponds in the Cape Cod National Seashore in southeastern Massachusetts differ in their evolution due to depth of the original ice block, the clay content of outwash in their drainage basins, and their siting in relation to geomorphic changes caused by sea-level rise, barrier beach formation, and saltmarsh development. Stratigraphic records of microfossil, carbon isotope, and sediment changes also document late-glacial and Holocene climatic changes.The ponds are separated into 3 groups, each of which follow different development scenarios. Group I ponds date from the late-glacial. They formed in clay-rich outwash, have perched aquifers and continuous lake sediment deposition. The earliest pollen and macrofossil assemblages in Group I pond sediments suggest tundra and spruce-willow parklands before 12 000 yr B.P., boreal forest between 12 000 and 10 500 yr B.P., bog/heath initiation and expansion during the Younger Dryas between 11 000 and 10 000 yr B.P., northern conifer forest between 10 500 and 9500 yr B.P., and establishment of the Cape oak and pitch pine barrens vegetation after 9500 yr B.P. Sedimentation rate changes suggest lowered freshwater levels between 9000 and 5000 yr B.P. caused by decreased precipitation on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Lake sediment deposition began in the middle Holocene in Group II ponds which formed in clay-poor outwash. These ponds date from about 6000-5000 yr B.P. In these ponds sediment deposition began as sea level rose and the freshwater lens intersected the dry basins. The basal radiocarbon dates of these ponds and stable carbon isotope analyses of the pond sediments suggest a sea-level curve for Cape Cod Bay. Holocene topographic changes in upland and the landscape surrounding the ponds is reconstructed for this coastal area.Group III ponds in the late Holocene landscape of the Provincelands dunes originated as interdunal bogs about 1000 yr B.P. and became ponds more recently as water-levels increased. Peat formation in the Provincelands reflects climatic changes evident on both sides of the Atlantic region.This is the 8th in a series of papers published in this special AMQUA issue. These papers were presented at the 1994 meeting of the American Quaternary Association held 19–22 June, 1994, at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Dr Linda C. K. Shane served as guest editor for these papers.  相似文献   

通过搜集和处理互联网中的关键词数据,测度了在产业发展和区域创新两个方面的长三角城市网络空间体系,并研究了长三角城市之间的网络协作关系。研究表明,网络信息空间所折射的长三角城市网络与实体空间中的城市网络存在较大差异,主要体现在中小城市表现活跃,以及网络信息空间所呈现的平面化网络特征。但本文的分析也表明城市地理区位、地理邻近性及网络信息传播的特征是影响城市网络差异的主要因素。总的来说,网络信息空间中的城市网络形成是一个复杂机制的结果,在信息传播和基础地理条件等各种因素的相互作用中持续演化。  相似文献   

电力工业与可持续发展:节约资源和环境保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电力工业是资源消耗和环境的大户,对神会可持续发展有重大影响。作为发展中国家,我国电力工业的发展,在促进国民经济发展的同时,也带了对资源消耗和污染、破坏环境等问题。本文在借鉴国外经验基础上,探求行使我国电力工业发展的新路。  相似文献   

乡村振兴与可持续发展——国际典型案例剖析及其启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于对国际典型案例剖析,系统阐释了土地整治、特色产业发展、社会资本培育在协调乡村人地关系,提升内生动力,构建乡村新型主体,实现乡村地域“人-地-业”耦合发展中的重要作用。实施土地整治适应了乡村人地关系变化,有利于提高土地资源利用效率,优化乡村生产、生活、生态空间,为乡村转型发展提供载体。依托优势资源,发展特色产业是提升乡村内生动力的重要抓手,有利于激活乡村人口、土地、产业等要素活力。而民众主观能动性、新型经营主体的构建是增强乡村内生动力的关键因素。乡村社会良好的价值观、信任、责任及其社会网络的培育与构建有助于提高乡村主体凝聚力与协作力,提高乡村地区发展质量,提升物质资本及人力资本的产出效益。  相似文献   

In St. Louis, as in many other cities, decline and displacement occurred when key policies, prejudices, and plans interacted with broad economic restructuring to devastate poor and minority communities, while leaving White and middle-class communities largely intact. Amidst overall population loss and neighborhood decline are pockets of prosperity and gentrification within the central city. In this article, we analyze three significant planning interventions in St. Louis, Missouri, that spurred displacement of populations—urban renewal, triage, and the foreclosure crisis. We argue that the differential experiences of Black and White during each of these periods represent two faces of development: one in the north of the city that is largely Black, experiencing vacant land, high crime, and crumbling infrastructure; another in the south of the city that is largely White, enjoying pockets of vibrant commercial development, larger homes, and stable real estate markets. We analyze each period through a framework of uneven and unequal development and displacement, which we call the Divergent City Theory. Based on this theory, planners face an ethical obligation to plan for the future of their cities in a way that seeks to reconcile the structured race and class inequalities of the divergent city.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the features and dynamic changes of the spatial layout of air transportation utilization among different provinces in China. It makes use of data for the airport throughput and socio-economic development of every province throughout the country in the years 2006 and 2015, and employs airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per unit of GDP as measures of regional air transportation utilization, which is significant for refining indicators of regional air transportation scale and comparing against them. It also analyzes the spatial differences of coupling between the regional air transportation utilization indicators and the key influencing factors on regional air transportation demand and utilization, which include per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Based on these key influencing factors, it establishes a multiple linear regression model to conduct forecasting of each province’s future airport passenger and cargo throughput as well as throughput growth rates. The findings of the study are as follows: (1) Between 2006 and 2015, every province throughout the country showed a trend of year on year growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita. Throughput per capita grew fastest in Hebei, with a rise of 780%, and slowest in Beijing, with a rise of 38%. Throughput per capita was relatively high in western and southeastern coastal regions, and relatively low in northern and central regions. Airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP showed growth in provinces with relatively slow economic development, and showed negative growth in provinces with relatively rapid economic development. Throughput per unit of GDP grew fastest in Hebei, rising 265% between 2006 and 2015, and Hunan had the fastest negative growth, with a fall of 44% in the same period. Southwestern regions had relatively high throughput per unit of GDP, while in central, northern, and northeastern regions it was relatively low. (2) Strong correlation exists between airport passenger and cargo throughput per capita and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density. Throughput per capita has positive correlation with per capita GDP and urbanization rate in all regions, and positive correlation with population density in most regions. Meanwhile, there is weak correlation between airport passenger and cargo throughput per unit of GDP and per capita GDP, urbanization rate, and population density, with positive correlation in some regions and negative correlation in others. (3) Between 2015 and 2025, it is estimated that all provinces experience a trend of rapid growth in their airport passenger and cargo throughput. Inner Mongolia and Hebei will see the fastest growth, rising 221% and 155%, respectively, while Yunnan, Sichuan, and Hubei will see the slowest growth, with increases of 62%, 63%, and 65%, respectively.  相似文献   

港城耦合发展动态模拟与调控策略——以连云港为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨山  潘婧 《地理研究》2011,30(6):1021-1031
区域系统中港城互动关系具有系统动力学耦合特征,根据SD原理和方法,建立港口与城市耦合的PU-SD模型,解剖港城耦合系统多重反馈机理和各系统相互作用过程.以江苏省连云港为例,运用历史数据拟合,在证明模型具有可靠性和适用性基础上,通过变换经济社会资源等参数,以2008年为基年,对未来30年港城发展进行情景模拟,确定不同发展...  相似文献   

Tin mining carried out on the Jos Plateau since the beginning of the last century has disturbed some 320 km2 of agricultural land. Formal attempts at reclamation of this land failed, but local farmers have developed a successful informal strategy for reclamation. This paper reports on a study undertaken to comprehend the farmers'informal' approach to soil fertility management. Their soil fertility management practices centre on the use of a complex combination of traditional organic manures and 'modern' inorganic fertilizers that they have developed entirely on the basis of experimentation. A central focus of this paper is therefore the empirical knowledge base of the farmers and an assessment of any underlying scientific explanations for their strategies, including an analysis of their assertion that different brands of NPK fertilizers differ in their nutrient value. This discussion is followed by a consideration of the difficulties in accessing and understanding empirical knowledge. It is concluded that farmers' knowledge and understanding of the values of different fertilizers and manures does have a scientific basis. It is argued that for further agricultural development to take place on the Jos Plateau, there must be synergy between farmers' empirical knowledge (which has led to the development of successful and effective soil fertility management strategies, unlike the attempts of the local 'scientific' communities) and scientific knowledge (which can identify health and environmental hazards which may not be immediately visible to farmers).  相似文献   

博台线——中国区域发展均衡线的重要功能与建设构想   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
方创琳 《地理学报》2020,75(2):211-225
推动区域协调发展战略是中国新时期的重大战略之一,面对中国区域发展不平衡不充分的现实,客观上需要构筑一条或多条支撑区域协调均衡发展的主轴线,成为表征区域均衡发展格局的标志线。反复审视中国区域发展版图并计算发现,垂直于胡焕庸线的博台线(连接新疆博乐市与台湾省台北市的西北—东南走向的轴线)可建成中国区域发展均衡线。2016年博台线西南半壁与东北半壁国土面积占比为59∶41,而两侧人口占比约为45∶55,经济总量占比约为41∶59,并分别向50∶50的平衡格局演变;两侧人均GDP比值为44∶56,人口密度比值为38∶62,经济密度比值为32∶68,城镇化水平比值为48∶52,主要均量指标都逐步趋向1∶1的均衡发展格局。进一步分析发现,博台线是连接"一带一路"双核心区的战略扁担线,是国家安宁和台湾回归的祖国和平统一线,是综合交通运输通道支撑连接的实体线和国家城市与城市群发展的琵琶型对称线,也是双向对外开放的中坚线、海陆联动发展的对接线,更是促进东中西部、南北协调发展、解决地区发展不平衡不充分的重要分界线,博台线对推动国家区域协调均衡发展具有不可替代的重要功能与战略作用。建议将博台线建设纳入国家发...  相似文献   

1 Research background The globalization in process challenges our traditional way of looking at territories. New regional entities are emerging at sub-continental level as it is the case in Western and Central Europe through the growing assertion of Europ…  相似文献   

 通过模糊分级评价方法对西北五省会城市的城市经济、环境与社会协调发展进行评价。首先,对区域经济与环境协调发展评价的研究现状进行梳理;其次,建立城市经济、环境与社会协调发展的评价指标体系,改进和使用模糊分级评价方法, 引入协调度、协调发展度和协调发展趋势指数的模型;再次,对中国西北五省会城市自2003-2009年的经济、环境与社会协调发展状况进行评价分析;最后得出,西北五个城市经济、环境和社会协调发展的总体水平不高,并且城市经济系统、环境系统和社会系统之间的协调发展存在着差异,影响了城市协调发展的总体水平。五城市中协调发展状况最好的是银川,其次为乌鲁木齐、西安、兰州,最差是西宁。应引起注意的是,西安、西宁和乌鲁木齐的社会系统处于衰退趋势。  相似文献   

刘洁敏  吕斌 《地理科学进展》2015,34(10):1266-1274
针对当前国内研究区域城乡统筹水平定量测评方法中存在的问题,如未能区分整体发展指标和协调发展指标,截面和时序数据难以同时体现,以及城乡统筹评价指标体系集成数据导致的“黑箱子”效应等问题,本文建立了涵盖城乡整体发展水平指标、城乡协调发展水平指标及时间指标的三维坐标系统,并通过转化为二维“九宫格”坐标系统的方法,提出一种包含时序数据和截面数据的城乡统筹水平综合评估的方法论,定量地测评一个区域内各城市在某个特定时间段内的城乡统筹演化特征。本文将城乡统筹水平分为经济、产业、基础设施、公共服务4个方向,对川渝19市2006-2011年间城乡统筹演化特征进行了分类研究。研究结果表明,川渝19市在城乡经济和公共服务统筹方面整体差距缩小且成效显著,而在产业和基础设施统筹方面城乡差距仍在拉大;成渝二市的整体成效远超过区域内其他城市。上述研究成果可对川渝19市优化城乡统筹发展方向提供理论指导和方法论工具,亦可为国内其他地区城乡统筹成效的测评方法提供指导与示范。  相似文献   

王毅  苗转莹  陆玉麒  朱英明 《地理学报》2022,77(10):2529-2546
在中国经济和城镇化都逐步迈入高质量发展阶段的背景下,厘清经济发展对城市宜居性的影响规律具有重要的学术价值和应用价值。本文将宜居性作为一项“要素”引入生产函数研究框架,构建了经济发展对城市宜居性影响的理论模型,并基于2005—2019年中国40个大中城市的面板数据,利用系统GMM、面板门槛模型等方法对其进行实证检验。结果表明:① 2005—2019年中国大中城市的宜居性水平总体呈上升态势,但存在明显的维度分异和空间分异特征。② 总体上经济发展对城市宜居性的提高具有抑制效应,但这种效应在不同时间阶段和不同城市规模中呈现出明显的异质性。对于进入经济新常态阶段前,以及规模较大的直辖市和部分经济发达的省会城市,这种抑制作用比较显著;而进入新常态阶段后,经济发展对城市宜居性提升具有明显的促进作用。③ 经济发展对城市宜居性的影响还存在门槛效应,随着居民收入水平的提高,其影响效应呈现出显著的倒“N”型门槛特征。当经济发展使职工平均工资处于6万元至8万元时,经济发展能明显提高城市宜居度。经济发展本身对城市宜居性的影响表现出显著的单一门槛抑制效应,但其负向影响呈现出边际效率递减规律。最后,根据本文的研究发现从“宏观指引”和“微观行动”两个层面提出相应的政策启示。  相似文献   

刘彦随  冯巍仑  李裕瑞 《地理学报》2020,75(10):2029-2046
农业地理学是农业科学与地理科学的交叉学科,农业地理工程是地理学与工程学交叉研究在现代农业与乡村领域的进一步深化和系统应用。随着现代农业科学技术和人地系统科学的创新发展,区域农业基础建设的科技需求日益旺盛,农业地理工程试验成为农业工程技术研发和农田系统管理的重要任务。本文阐述了农业地理工程的科学内涵、试验原理与技术方法,并以黄土丘陵沟壑区为例开展了地理工程试验研究和农业高质量发展对策探讨。结果表明:①农业地理工程试验主要包括针对特定区域地理环境和农业发展问题的水土配置、土层复配、大田试验、生态防护、地理空间分析与监测,旨在探明区域高标准农田建设、健康农业生态系统营造的水土气生资源要素耦合规律,建立可持续土地利用系统与多功能农业经营模式。②农业生态系统试验主要包括沟道边坡防护方式、健康农田系统结构、作物与土壤匹配关系、耕地投入产出经济分析,通过开展土地改良、作物优选交互试验和田间试种,揭示新造地"作土关系"耦合机理与优化调控途径。③作土关系优化调控是工程试验设计的主要内容,包括气候—作物优选、土体结构改良、地形—作物优选、土壤质量改良、土壤—作物优选、效益—作物优选6个阶段。④农业地理工程...  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1527-1547

Departing from localized accounts of the role of local governments in the financialization of the built environment, this article outlines their contribution to the process through increasing attendance at global real estate fairs such as the Marché international des professionnels de l’immobilier (Mipim), where they showcase investment opportunities. Following urban political economy approaches centered on the transcalar intermediations of financialization, Mipim is conceptualized as a site of the circulation of the expectations of investors that involves spatial and temporal dimensions. Based on a comparison of two local authorities in France, namely the Grand Lyon metropolitan authority and Saint-Ouen municipality, the article examines the motives, modalities, and outcomes of their attendance. If both committed to the event despite opposite political agendas, the impact of Mipim has been more significant in the case of the Grand Lyon, where the metropolitan authority adjusted not only the type of showcased projects over the years, but also their content as well as its local planning strategy. The article explains why and how, and discusses under which conditions Mipim is not a mere display showcase, but instead can actively contribute to the adjustment of urban space and governance to the requirements of financial markets.  相似文献   

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