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When concerned with spatial data, it is not unusual to observe a nonstationarity of the mean. This nonstationarity may be modeled through linear models and the fitting of variograms or covariance functions performed on residuals. Although it usually is accepted by authors that a bias is present if residuals are used, its importance is rarely assessed. In this paper, an expression of the variogram and the covariance function is developed to determine the expected bias. It is shown that the magnitude of the bias depends on the sampling configuration, the importance of the dependence between observations, the number of parameters used to model the mean, and the number of data. The applications of the expression are twofold. The first one is to evaluate a priori the importance of the bias which is expected when a residuals-based variogram model is used for a given configuration and a hypothetical data dependence. The second one is to extend the weighted least-squares method to fit the variogram and to obtain an unbiased estimate of the variogram. Two case studies show that the bias can be negligible or larger than 20%. The residual-based sample variogram underestimates the total variance of the process but the nugget variance may be overestimated.  相似文献   

In the context of spatial statistics, the classical variogram estimator proposed by Matheron can be written as a quadratic form of the observations. If data are Gaussian with constant mean, then the correlation between the classical variogram estimator at two different lags is a function of the spatial design matrix and the variance matrix. When data are independent with unidimensional and regular support, an explicit formula for this correlation is available. The same is true for a multidimensional and regular support as can be shown by using Kronecker products of matrices. As variogram fitting is a crucial stage for correct spatial prediction, it is proposed to use a generalized least squares method with an explicit formula for the covariance structure (GLSE). A good approximation of the covariance structure is achieved by taking account of the explicit formula for the correlation in the independent situation. Simulations are carried out with several types of underlying variograms, as well as with outliers in the data. Results show that this technique (GLSE), combined with a robust estimator of the variogram, improves the fit significantly.  相似文献   

The Second-Order Stationary Universal Kriging Model Revisited   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Universal kriging originally was developed for problems of spatial interpolation if a drift seemed to be justified to model the experimental data. But its use has been questioned in relation to the bias of the estimated underlying variogram (variogram of the residuals), and furthermore universal kriging came to be considered an old-fashioned method after the theory of intrinsic random functions was developed. In this paper the model is reexamined together with methods for handling problems in the inference of parameters. The efficiency of the inference of covariance parameters is shown in terms of bias, variance, and mean square error of the sampling distribution obtained by Monte Carlo simulation for three different estimators (maximum likelihood, bias corrected maximum likelihood, and restricted maximum likelihood). It is shown that unbiased estimates for the covariance parameters may be obtained but if the number of samples is small there can be no guarantee of good estimates (estimates close to the true value) because the sampling variance usually is large. This problem is not specific to the universal kriging model but rather arises in any model where parameters are inferred from experimental data. The validity of the estimates may be evaluated statistically as a risk function as is shown in this paper.  相似文献   

The classical variogram estimator proposed by Matheron can be written as a quadratic form of the observations. When data have an elliptically contoured distribution with constant mean, the correlation between the classical variogram estimator at two different lags is a function of the spatial design matrix, the covariance matrix, and the kurtosis. Several specific cases are studied closely. A subclass of elliptically contoured distributions with a particular family of covariance matrices is shown to possess exactly the same correlation structure for the classical variogram estimator as the multivariate independent Gaussian distribution. The consequences on variogram fitting by generalized least squares are discussed.  相似文献   

The classical variogram estimator proposed by Matheron can be written as a quadratic form of the observations. When data have an elliptically contoured distribution with constant mean, the correlation between the classical variogram estimator at two different lags is a function of the spatial design matrix, the covariance matrix, and the kurtosis. Several specific cases are studied closely. A subclass of elliptically contoured distributions with a particular family of covariance matrices is shown to possess exactly the same correlation structure for the classical variogram estimator as the multivariate independent Gaussian distribution. The consequences on variogram fitting by generalized least squares are discussed.  相似文献   

Fracture set properties such as orientation, spacing, trace length, and waviness tend to be spatially correlated. These properties can be efficiently simulated by spectral analysis procedures that take advantage of the computational speed of the fast Fourier transform. The covariance function of each property to be simulated is obtained from the variogram function estimated from mapped fracture set data and is typically referenced to the mean vector of the set. Simulation procedures for normally and exponentially distributed data involve generating uncorrelated Fourier coefficients that are assigned proper variance according to the spectral density, which is the Fourier transform of the covariance function. These coefficients are then reverse Fourier transformed to produce simulated set properties that have the desired variance and variogram function.  相似文献   

Assessment of the sampling variance of the experimental variogram is an important topic in geostatistics as it gives the uncertainty of the variogram estimates. This assessment, however, is repeatedly overlooked in most applications mainly, perhaps, because a general approach has not been implemented in the most commonly used software packages for variogram analysis. In this paper the authors propose a solution that can be implemented easily in a computer program, and which, subject to certain assumptions, is exact. These assumptions are not very restrictive: second-order stationarity (the process has a finite variance and the variogram has a sill) and, solely for the purpose of evaluating fourth-order moments, a Gaussian distribution for the random function. The approach described here gives the variance–covariance matrix of the experimental variogram, which takes into account not only the correlation among the experiemental values but also the multiple use of data in the variogram computation. Among other applications, standard errors may be attached to the variogram estimates and the variance–covariance matrix may be used for fitting a theoretical model by weighted, or by generalized, least squares. Confidence regions that hold a given confidence level for all the variogram lag estimates simultaneously have been calculated using the Bonferroni method for rectangular intervals, and using the multivariate Gaussian assumption for K-dimensional elliptical intervals (where K is the number of experimental variogram estimates). A general approach for incorporating the uncertainty of the experimental variogram into the uncertainty of the variogram model parameters is also shown. A case study with rainfall data is used to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Many variogram (or covariance) models that are valid—or realizable—models of Gaussian random functions are not realizable indicator variogram (or covariance) models. Unfortunately there is no known necessary and sufficient condition for a function to be the indicator variogram of a random set. Necessary conditions can be easily obtained for the behavior at the origin or at large distance. The power, Gaussian, cubic or cardinal-sine models do not fulfill these conditions and are therefore not realizable. These considerations are illustrated by a Monte Carlo simulation demonstrating nonrealizability over some very simple three-point configurations in two or three dimensions. No definitive result has been obtained about the spherical model. Among the commonly used models for Gaussian variables, only the exponential appears to be a realizable indicator variogram model in all dimensions. It can be associated with a mosaic, a Boolean or a truncated Gaussian random set. In one dimension, the exponential indicator model is closely associated with continuous-time Markov chains, which can also lead to more variogram models such as the damped oscillation model. One-dimensional random sets can also be derived from renewal processes, or mosaic models associated with such processes. This provides an interesting link between the geostatistical formalism, focused mostly on two-point statistics, and the approach of quantitative sedimentologists who compute the probability distribution function of the thickness of different geological facies. The last part of the paper presents three approaches for obtaining new realizable indicator variogram models in three dimensions. One approach consists of combining existing realizable models. Other approaches are based on the formalism of Boolean random sets and truncated Gaussian functions.  相似文献   

The aim of this short article is to stress the importance of using only positive-definite functions as models for covariance functions and variograms.The two examples presented show that a negative variance can easily be obtained when a nonadmissible function is chosen for the variogram model.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining pointwise or spatially averaged estimates of a nonintrinsic function is introduced based on residual kriging. The method relies on a stepwise iterative regression process for simultaneously estimating the global drift and residual semivariogram. Estimates of the function are then obtained by solving a modified set of simple kriging equations written for the residuals. The modification consists of replacing the true variogram in the kriging equations by the variogram of the residual estimates as obtained from the iterative regression process. The method is illustrated by considering groundwater levels in an Arizona aquifer. The results are compared with those obtained for the aquifer by the generalized covariance package BLUEPACK-3D.  相似文献   

When estimating the mean value of a variable, or the total amount of a resource, within a specified region it is desirable to report an estimated standard error for the resulting estimate. If the sample sites are selected according to a probability sampling design, it usually is possible to construct an appropriate design-based standard error estimate. One exception is systematic sampling for which no such standard error estimator exists. However, a slight modification of systematic sampling, termed 2-step tessellation stratified (2TS) sampling, does permit the estimation of design-based standard errors. This paper develops a design-based standard error estimator for 2TS sampling. It is shown that the Taylor series approximation to the variance of the sample mean under 2TS sampling may be expressed in terms of either a deterministic variogram or a deterministic covariance function. Variance estimation then can be approached through the estimation of a variogram or a covariance function. The resulting standard error estimators are compared to some more traditional variance estimators through a simulation study. The simulation results show that estimators based on the new approach may perform better than traditional variance estimators.  相似文献   

Fitting trend and error covariance structure iteratively leads to bias in the estimated error variogram. Use of generalized increments overcomes this bias. Certain generalized increments yield difference equations in the variogram which permit graphical checking of the model. These equations extend to the case where errors are intrinsic random functions of order k, k=1, 2, ..., and an unbiased nonparametric graphical approach for investigating the generalized covariance function is developed. Hence, parametric models for the generalized covariance produced by BLUEPACK-3D or other methods may be assessed. Methods are illustrated on a set of coal ash data and a set of soil pH data.  相似文献   

Generalized covariance functions in estimation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
I discuss the role of generalized covariance functions in best linear unbiased estimation and methods for their selection. It is shown that the experimental variogram (or covariance function) of the detrended data can be used to obtain a preliminary estimate of the generalized covariance function without iterations and I discuss the advantages of other parameter estimation methods.  相似文献   

Transition probability-based indicator geostatistics   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
Traditionally, spatial continuity models for indicator variables are developed by empirical curvefitting to the sample indicator (cross-) variogram. However, geologic data may be too sparse to permit a purely empirical approach, particularly in application to the subsurface. Techniques for model synthesis that integrate hard data and conceptual models therefore are needed. Interpretability is crucial. Compared with the indicator (cross-) variogram or indicator (cross-) covariance, the transition probability is more interpretable. Information on proportion, mean length, and juxtapositioning directly relates to the transition probability: asymmetry can be considered. Furthermore, the transition probability elucidates order relation conditions and readily formulates the indicator (co)kriging equations.  相似文献   

For any distribution of grades, a particular cutoff grade is shown here to exist at which the indicator covariance is proportional to the grade covariance to a very high degree of accuracy. The name “mononodal cutoff” is chosen to denote this grade. Its importance for robust grade variography in the presence of a large coefficient of variation—typical of precious metals—derives from the fact that the mononodal indicator variogram is then linearly related to the grade variogram yet is immune to outlier data and is found to be particularly robust under data information reduction. Thus, it is an excellent substitute to model in lieu of a difficult grade variogram. A theoretical expression for the indicator covariance is given as a double series of orthogonal polynomials that have the grade density function as weight function. Leading terms of this series suggest that indicator and grade covariances are first-order proportional, with cutoff grade dependence being carried by the proportionality factor. Kriging equations associated with this indicator covariance lead to cutoff-free kriging weights that are identical to grade kriging weights. This circumstance simplifies indicator kriging used to estimate local point-grade histograms, while at the same time obviating order relations problems.  相似文献   

On the Use of Non-Euclidean Distance Measures in Geostatistics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In many scientific disciplines, straight line, Euclidean distances may not accurately describe proximity relationships among spatial data. However, non-Euclidean distance measures must be used with caution in geostatistical applications. A simple example is provided to demonstrate there are no guarantees that existing covariance and variogram functions remain valid (i.e. positive definite or conditionally negative definite) when used with a non-Euclidean distance measure. There are certain distance measures that when used with existing covariance and variogram functions remain valid, an issue that is explored. The concept of isometric embedding is introduced and linked to the concepts of positive and conditionally negative definiteness to demonstrate classes of valid norm dependent isotropic covariance and variogram functions, results many of which have yet to appear in the mainstream geostatistical literature or application. These classes of functions extend the well known classes by adding a parameter to define the distance norm. In practice, this distance parameter can be set a priori to represent, for example, the Euclidean distance, or kept as a parameter to allow the data to choose the metric. A simulated application of the latter is provided for demonstration. Simulation results are also presented comparing kriged predictions based on Euclidean distance to those based on using a water metric.  相似文献   

Although there are multiple methods for modeling matrix covariance functions and matrix variograms in the geostatistical literature, the linear coregionalization model is still widely used. In particular it is easy to check to ensure whether the matrix covariance function is positive definite or that the matrix variogram is conditionally negative definite. One of the difficulties in using a linear coregionalization model is in determining the number of basic structures and the corresponding covariance functions or variograms. In this paper, a new procedure is given for identifying the basic structures of the space–time linear coregionalization model and modeling the matrix variogram. This procedure is based on the near simultaneous diagonalization of the sample matrix variograms computed for a set of spatiotemporal lags. A case study using a multivariate spatiotemporal data set provided by the Environmental Protection Agency of Lombardy, Italy, illustrates how nearly simultaneous diagonalization of the empirical matrix variograms simplifies modeling of the matrix variograms. The new methodology is compared with a previous one by analyzing various indices and statistics.  相似文献   

Before optimal linear prediction can be performed on spatial data sets, the variogram is usually estimated at various lags and a parametric model is fitted to those estimates. Apart from possible a priori knowledge about the process and the user's subjectivity, there is no standard methodology for choosing among valid variogram models like the spherical or the exponential ones. This paper discusses the nonparametric estimation of the variogram and its derivative, based on the spectral representation of positive definite functions. The use of the estimated derivative to help choose among valid parametric variogram models is presented. Once a model is selected, its parameters can be estimated—for example, by generalized least squares. A small simulation study is performed that demonstrates the usefulness of estimating the derivative to help model selection and illustrates the issue of aliasing. MATLAB software for nonparametric variogram derivative estimation is available at http://www-math.mit.edu/~gorsich/derivative.html. An application to the Walker Lake data set is also presented.  相似文献   

Variograms of Order ω: A Tool to Validate a Bivariate Distribution Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multigaussian model is used in mining geostatistics to simulate the spatial distribution of grades or to estimate the recoverable reserves of an ore deposit. Checking the suitability of such model to the available data often constitutes a critical step of the geostatistical study. In general, the marginal distribution is not a problem because the data can be transformed to normal scores, so the check is usually restricted to the bivariate distributions. In this work, several tests for diagnosing the two-point normality of a set of Gaussian data are reviewed and commented. An additional criterion is proposed, based on the comparison between the usual variogram and the variograms of lower order: the latter are defined as half the mean absolute increments of the attribute raised to a power between 0 and 2. This criterion is then extended to other bivariate models, namely the bigamma, Hermitian and Laguerrian models. The concepts are illustrated on two real data-sets. Finally, some conditions to ensure the internal consistency of the variogram under a given model are given.  相似文献   

For any distribution of grades, a particular cutoff grade is shown here to exist at which the indicator covariance is proportional to the grade covariance to a very high degree of accuracy. The name mononodal cutoff is chosen to denote this grade. Its importance for robust grade variography in the presence of a large coefficient of variation—typical of precious metals—derives from the fact that the mononodal indicator variogram is then linearly related to the grade variogram yet is immune to outlier data and is found to be particularly robust under data information reduction. Thus, it is an excellent substitute to model in lieu of a difficult grade variogram. A theoretical expression for the indicator covariance is given as a double series of orthogonal polynomials that have the grade density function as weight function. Leading terms of this series suggest that indicator and grade covariances are first-order proportional, with cutoff grade dependence being carried by the proportionality factor. Kriging equations associated with this indicator covariance lead to cutoff-free kriging weights that are identical to grade kriging weights. This circumstance simplifies indicator kriging used to estimate local point-grade histograms, while at the same time obviating order relations problems.This paper is based in part on a PhD thesis submitted to the Department of Applied Earth Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, in 1984 (unpublished).  相似文献   

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