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GIS软件应用实习对学生加深GIS理论的认识和理解、提高利用GIS解决实际应用问题的能力有重要作用。针对遥感科学与技术专业,从实习目标、内容设计、组织和考核方式3个方面探讨了GIS软件应用实习,提高实习效果。  相似文献   

提出聚焦高阶思维能力培养的毕业实习改革措施,从与用人单位联合开展毕业实习、以问题为导向设计毕业实习内容、以学生为中心创新教学方法和灵活多样的考核方式4个方面探索毕业实习教学模式.实践表明该教学模式能改善毕业实习课堂教学效果,提升学生的问题求解能力、批判性思维能力和创新思维能力,对测绘类专业毕业实习具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

遥感实习课程独立设课的教学实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
徐永明 《地理空间信息》2011,(6):146-147,157
在分析传统遥感实习课程教学模式不足的基础上,论证了单独设立遥感实习课程的必要性。对《遥感软件操作综合实习》独立实践课程进行教学改革和探索,从教学目标、教学内容、教材以及考核方式等方面进行了阐述,重点突出该课程的"综合"特色。实践表明,《遥感软件操作综合实习》独立设课能够有效提高学生对遥感专业软件的掌握程度和实际应用能力...  相似文献   

余代俊  黄强  蒲朝旭 《测绘科学》2016,41(8):174-176,53
针对测量外业实习管理和指导学生效率低下的问题,该文开发出一款测量实习管理信息系统,以期对传统测量实习管理和教学的方式进行改革。提出建立以学生智能手机为移动终端,室内服务器为数据存储和控制端的测量实习信息化管理体系。为实现学生移动终端直接向局域网内服务器交换数据,单独采用一部手机作为中转站服务器。教师控制端采用了瘦客户端的B/S架构,无需安装程序,并集成了百度地图、谷歌地图和天地图数据,显示更加直观。测试结果显示,利用该系统可在保证实习质量的前提下提高指导实习的效率。  相似文献   

测量实习一般采用分组方式展开实习工作,但为了保证每个人都能够掌握各个测量角色所应完成任务,要求实习过程中变换角色,但是具体实习实施过程中由于场地分散等原因无法进行全程监管,无法保证每个同学全掌握相关仪器的使用。文中以全站仪单人考核为例,在测量实习开始先进行全站仪碎部测量单人考核,从而保证每个人熟练掌握全站仪,能够顺利完成整个碎部测量实习工作,而在实习结束时进行全站仪点位放样单人考核,提高学生全站仪使用能力。  相似文献   

针对"数字地形测量学"、"大地测量学基础"常规测量教学和实践中存在的不足,充分考虑智能手机等移动终端逐渐全民普及趋势和应用需求,开发实现具有"测量记录"、"定位计算"和"成果转换"3大模块的安卓移动终端测量实习教学系统。该系统采用图形用户界面、按钮式交互操作方式实现各模块诸多具体功能,同时兼顾课堂教学演示、实验实习教学及工程实践要求,为提高测量实习实践教学效果和激发学生的测绘研发创新意识提供新途径。  相似文献   

分析比较了遥感类相关课程的教学要求,探讨了分层次进行"地物光谱测定与分析"实验教学的创新建设思路。通过设置基础技能型、综合设计型和探索创新型3个实习环节,逐步拓宽实习内容和加深实习难度,分别采用教师主导、学生自主设计以及产学研相结合的方式,对学生实现由基本操作技能向综合知识应用、前沿探索创新的能力逐步提升的培养,深化了实验教学改革。  相似文献   

地图学实习对理解和巩固地图学理论知识、提高动手操作以及观察分析问题的能力具有重要作用,在地图学教学中具有举足轻重的地位。但长期以来,兰州大学的地图学教学存在着重讲授、轻实习的倾向,主要表现为实习课时未与讲授学时分离、实习场地简陋、实习设备不能满足现代制图的要求以及野外实习环节缺失等,对后续学习及择业造成一定影响。根据21世纪课程教材的内容体系以及我校的具体实际,论述对实习环节进行加强和改革所采取的一系列措施,主要是建立和改善实习条件、制订实习大纲、优化实习内容、编写实习指导书、组织野外实习、严格实习过程、讲求实习效果等。通过这些措施,可以建立符合现代地图学特征的实习体系,对提高地图学教学效果具有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

依据教育部关于加强实习教学改革、推进实习信息化建设的指引,本文在分析传统自然地理学野外实习不足的基础上,引入GIS、RS和三维可视化等新技术,设计开发了自然地理学野外实习管理平台,实现了实习多源异构数据的集成与融合、一站式实习管理、实习路线组织与规划、特色实习专题图表达与分析及三维虚拟实习等功能。平台可为自然地理学野外实习管理流程化、信息化、虚拟仿真化提供一个崭新的教学方式,具有较强的实用性和推广价值。  相似文献   

地理信息科学是一门实践性很强的学科,企业实习是培养学生实践能力的重要途径。本文将校外企业实习基地归纳为散点型、面片型和联网型三种类型,将校企合作归纳为临时挂钩、固定合作和深度融合三种模式,建立了集中实习与分散实习、分层次实习与分阶段实习、循环实习与换位实习和顶岗实习与体验实习等几种企业实习模式,通过产学研结合和"双导师"制推行了"3+1"人才培养模式。依托校外企业实习基地,可以强化学生实践能力的培养,增强学生的就业竞争力。  相似文献   

Similar to vascular plants, non-vascular plant mosses have different periods of seasonal growth. There has been little research on the spectral variations of moss soil crust (MSC) over different growth periods. Few studies have paid attention to the difference in spectral characteristics between wet MSC that is photosynthesizing and dry MSC in suspended metabolism. The dissimilarity of MSC spectra in wet and dry conditions during different seasons needs further investigation. In this study, the spectral reflectance of wet MSC, dry MSC and the dominant vascular plant (Artemisia) were characterized in situ during the summer (July) and autumn (September). The variations in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), biological soil crust index (BSCI) and CI (crust index) in different seasons and under different soil moisture conditions were also analyzed. It was found that (1) the spectral characteristics of both wet and dry MSCs varied seasonally; (2) the spectral features of wet MSC appear similar to those of the vascular plant, Artemisia, whether in summer or autumn; (3) both in summer and in autumn, much higher NDVI values were acquired for wet than for dry MSC (0.6  0.7 vs. 0.3  0.4 units), which may lead to misinterpretation of vegetation dynamics in the presence of MSC and with the variations in rainfall occurring in arid and semi-arid zones; and (4) the BSCI and CI values of wet MSC were close to that of Artemisia in both summer and autumn, indicating that BSCI and CI could barely differentiate between the wet MSC and Artemisia.  相似文献   

本文对2013年在国土资源部科技成果管理办公室登记的科技成果进行了系统总结,从成果来源、类别、评价方式、评价水平、完成单位、完成人员、经费投入和成果应用情况8个方面介绍了国土资源科技成果基本情况,并针对目前国土资源科技成果登记、推广应用和共享方面存在的问题,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

哈尔滨CORS建设及其在测量中应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭飞 《测绘工程》2010,19(2):56-58
介绍哈尔滨市GPS连续运行参考站系统的建设情况,详述系统原理和各组成部分的功能,以及在测量中的应用。  相似文献   

详细介绍了数据挖掘与数据库中的知识发现(KDD)技术,给出了KDD的定义以及KDD具体实现的3种处理模型,并从GIS和遥感影像分析两个方面论述了KDD技术在测绘中的应用.  相似文献   

详细介绍了数据挖掘与数据库中的知识发现 (KDD)技术 ,给出了KDD的定义以及KDD具体实现的3种处理模型 ,并从GIS和遥感影像分析两个方面论述了KDD技术在测绘中的应用  相似文献   

The primary objective of this research was to determine if the remotely-sensed metric, Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and ground-collected dekadal climatological variables were useful predictors of future malaria outbreaks in an epidemic-prone area of Nairobi, Kenya. Data collected consisted of 36 dekadal (10-day) periods for the variables rainfall, temperature and NDVI along with yearly documented malaria admissions in 2003 for Nairobi, Kenya. Linear regression models were built for malaria cases reported in Nairobi, Kenya, as the dependent variable and various time-based groupings of temperature, rainfall and NDVI data from the dekads in both the current and the previous month as the independent variables. Data from 2003 show that malaria incidence in any given month is best predicted (R2  = 0.881, p < 0.001) by the average NDVI for the 30 days including the final two dekads of the previous month and first dekad of the current month, and by the average rainfall for the 30 days including the three dekads of rainfall data from the prior month. Forecasting an outbreak in an epidemic zone would allow public health entities to plan for and disseminate resources to the general public such as antimalarials and insecticide impregnated bed nets. In addition, vector control measures could be implemented to slow the rate of transmission in the impacted population.  相似文献   

利用垂线偏差等重力格网数据平差计算高程异常差时,施加少量GPS/水准点进行控制,可以确定区域似大地水准面,但是采用传统方法在构造法方程时,需要对系数阵的每个元素逐一进行操作,并全部或者对角存储系数阵,具有计算速度慢、占用内存高等问题。为此提出了在平差解算中对系数阵先进行矩阵分块(操作单元为分块矩阵),再稀疏化处理(仅存非零元素),最后拼接的方法,实现了法方程阵的快速构建及解算。实验表明,相比于传统方法,该方法的计算效率提高了至少两个数量级,并且可快速解算传统方法在一般计算机上难以解算的平差问题,对于解算比较规则的格网数据平差问题具有一定的参考与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article explores the practicability and assesses the quality of searches for Wikipedia pages of topologically related administrative divisions in Switzerland and Scotland via Linked Data. To this end, the quality of searches in the English and German versions of DBpedia is compared, as is that of searches in GeoNames and DBpedia using DBpedia's links to GeoNames or a manually created list of links. In addition, the effects of updates to Swiss municipality borders in the English version of DBpedia on standard quality metrics are studied. It turns out that live searches are practicable with acceptable performance, but that the quality of searches in terms of recall and precision is acceptable only if DBpedia is queried via GeoNames and DBpedia's links to GeoNames are replaced by manually created links. Searches for Scottish unitary authority wards perform poorly for all approaches investigated. Recall and precision are strongly influenced by changes in municipality borders, with a relatively long latency suggesting that, at least in some cases, administrative changes propagate slowly into DBpedia. These results have important implications for those seeking to use location as a means to link data.  相似文献   

介绍了Rough集理论的概念与方法,并将其全面引入GIS领域,归纳整理出Rough集理论用于GIS中属性分析和知识发现的一整套方法,为GIS的属性分析和知识发现开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

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