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The reflecting events from Moho and other interfaces within the crust are recognized from the wavefield characteristics of P- and S-wave for the 480km long wide-angle seismic profile between Peigu Tso and Pumoyong Tso. Then, seismic crustal structures of P- and S-wave velocities and Poisson ratio under the nearly east-west profile in southern Tibet are interpreted by fitting the observed traveltimes with the calculated ones by forward modelling. Our interpreting results demonstrate that the crustal thickness varies remarkably in the east-west direction, showing a pattern that the crust could be divided into three parts bounded by the west of Dingri and the east of Dinggyê, respectively, where the depth of Moho is about 71km for the western part, about 76km for the middle and about 74km for the eastern. There is one lower velocity layer (LVL) at the bottom of the upper crust with depth of 20-30 km. One of the distinct features is that the thickness of LVL abruptly thins from 24km on the west to 6km on the east. The other is that the velocity variation in the crust along east-west direction for both P- and S-wave displays a feature as quasi-periodic variation. The lower velocity (compared to the average value for the continent of the globe) in the lower crust and three sets of north-southward active normal faults are probably attributed to the coupling process of material delamination in the lower crust, crustal thicking and east-westward escape of the crustal material accompanied with the continental collision between India and Eurasia Plate.  相似文献   

The Tibetan plateau, which results from continu- ous collision between India continent and southern Eurasia continent, is cross-cut by no less than three major east-west sutures[1—6]. Yarlung Zangbo suture, marked by one 1500km long ophiolite belt appearing at the southernmost Tibet, separates the Tethyan Hi- malaya to the south from the Lhasa block to the north. In order to understand the deep structure of Tibetan crust and the uplifting process of Tibetan Plateau, one wide-angle seismic…  相似文献   

The method of 2-D travel time inversion,which can be applied to determining 2-D velocity structure and in-terfaces simultaneously,is used in this paper to reprocess the data of Paiku Co-Pumoyingcuo seismic profile across the Ny-ima-Tingri rift and Shenzha-Dinggye rift. P-wave velocity structure and interfaces beneath the profile are obtained. The in-terfaces in the crust near Tingri and Dinggye which are located on rifts have a tendency to uplift,and velocities of middle and lower crusts are high. Low veloc...  相似文献   

StudyofcrustalseismicvelocityintheWeihefaultdepresionbasinbyseismictomographicimagingGUANGYINGXUE1)(薛广盈)YUNYUDING2)(丁韫玉)ZH...  相似文献   

The southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt in China is a critical region for earthquake preparedness and risk reduction efforts. However, limited by the low density of seismic stations and the use of single-parameter physical structural models, the deep tectonic features and seismogenic environment in this area remain controversial. Thus, a comprehensive analysis based on high-resolution crustal structures and multiple physical parameters is required. In this study, we applied the ambient noise tomography method to obtain the three-dimensional (3D) crustal S-wave velocity structure using continuous waveform data from 112 permanent stations and 350 densely distributed temporary stations in the southern segment of the North-South Seismic Belt. Then, we obtained the high-resolution 3D density structure through wavenumber-domain 3D gravity imaging constrained by the velocity structure. The low-velocity and low-density anomalies in the upper crust of the study area were mainly distributed in the Sichuan Basin and around Dali and Simao, while the high-velocity and high-density anomalies were primarily distributed in the Panxi region, corresponding to the surface geological features. Two prominent low-velocity and low-density anomalies were observed in the middle and lower crust: one to the west of the Songpan-Garzê block and Sichuan-Yunnan diamond-shaped block, and the other near the Anninghe-Xiaojiang fault. Combined with the spatial distribution of seismic events in the study area, we found that previous earthquakes predominantly occurred in the transition zones between high and low anomaly regions and in the low-velocity and low-density zones in the upper crust. In contrast, moderate-to-strong earthquakes mainly occurred within the transition zones between high and low anomaly regions and close to the high-velocity and high-density regions, often with low-velocity and low-density layers below their hypocenters. Fluids play a critical role in the seismogenic process by reducing fault strength and destabilizing the stress state, which may be a triggering factor for earthquakes in the study area. Additionally, the upwelling of molten materials from the mantle may lead to energy accumulation and stress concentration, providing an important seismogenic background for moderate-to-strong earthquakes in this area.  相似文献   

Summary In 1974 and 1975 deep seismic sounding experiments were carried out in the area of the Betic Cordillera in southern Spain. A network of crustal seismic profiles was established with shotpoints at sea close to Cádiz, Adra and Cartagena and on land at Alquife near Guadix. The lengths of the profiles range from 50 km near Alquife to 440 km for the main profile between Cádiz and Cartagena parallel to the strike of the Betic Cordillera. The main profile was supplemented by a reversed recording line close to the Mediterranean coast between Adra and Cartagena and another one perpendicular to the main tectonic strike from Adra towards the north. The first interpretation of the data indicates considerable variation in the crustal thickness. A preliminary inversion leads to a three-layered model of the crust. The mean compressional velocity is about 5.1 km/s down to a depth of 4 km. Below this the velocity is 6.13 km/s from 4 to 16 km where it increases to 7.14 km/s. TheP n-velocity is 8.18 km/s. The crust-mantle boundary is reached at a depth of 27 km near Cartagena and lies 32 km deep near Adra, Underneath the gravity minimum of the Betic Cordillera the crust-mantle boundary is found at a depth of about 36 km. Below the Betic zone a pronounced zone of low velocity with 7.7 km/s seems to exist in the depth range from 40 to 60 km.Contribution No. 4, Grupo de Trabajo de Perfiles Sismicos, Comisión Española del Proyecto Geodinámico, C.S.I.C., Madrid, Spain.Contribution No. 139, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, Hertzstrasse 16, D-75 Karlsruhe 21, Germany.Contribution No. 217, Institut de Physique du Globe, Université Paris VI, 4 Place Jussieu, F-75230 Paris Cedex 05, France.Contribution No. 11, Instituto y Observatorio de Marina, San Fernando (Cádiz), Spain.Contribution No. 163, Institute of Geophysics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH-Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘地壳三维速度结构   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文用1980—2000年M≥1.5的2 032个天然地震事件的38 052个〖AKP-〗、〖AKS-〗、Pm、Sm、Pn和Sn震相到时及人工地震测深给出的Moho面形态资料,利用地震层析技术反演了32°~40°N, 100°~108°E区域内地壳地震波速度结构.从层析成像图象中可以得到,本区的地壳可分成4个层位.第1层(埋深约在0~3 km)为沉积层, 速度梯度约为0.2 s-1;第2层(埋深约在3~17 km)为上地壳, 其顶部速度梯度约为0.1 s-1, 下部速度横向变化较大且存在低速块体;第3层(埋深约在17~36 km)为中地壳, 速度梯度约为0.03 s-1;第4层(埋深约在36 km—Moho)为下地壳, 是一个契形层,总的趋势是西厚东薄,青藏高原较厚逐渐向鄂尔多斯地块和扬子准地台方向变薄,各处的地震波速度梯度不尽相同.  相似文献   

基于南海北部大陆边缘珠江口—琼东南盆地深水区实施的14条近垂直深反射地震探测叠加速度谱,利用Dix公式将叠加速度剖面转换为地壳层速度剖面,并利用时深转换方法构建了深度域地壳层速度模型,综合各地壳速度剖面分析了南海北部大陆边缘珠江口与琼东南盆地不同深度层次的P波速度变化趋势以及地壳几何分层特征.结果表明,琼东南盆地区可分为4~8 km沉积层(VP为1.7~4.7 km/s)、4~10 km厚的上地壳层(VP为5.2~6.3 km/s)、5 km〗左右的下地壳层(VP为6.4~7.0 km/s)以及2~6 km厚的高速下地壳底层(VP>7.0 km/s).VP>7.0 km/s下地壳高速层的存在被认为是岩石圈伸展、下地壳底部底辟构造或者是残存的原始华夏下地壳基性层的地震学指示;综合研究区地球物理探测成果构建了跨越华南大陆与南海北部陆坡区剖面莫霍和岩石圈底界图像,揭示出岩石圈上地幔在华南大陆与南海北部大陆边缘的减薄特征.  相似文献   

Crustal structure beneath the Songpan—Garze orogenic belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Benzilan-Tangke deepseismic sounding profile in the western Sichuan region passes through the Song-pan-Garze orogenic belt with trend of NNE.Based on the travel times and the related amplitudes of phases in the record sections,the 2-D P-wave crustal structure was ascertained in this paper.The velocity structure has quite strong lateral variation along the profile.The crust is divided into 5layers,where the first,second and third layer belong to the upper crust,the forth and fifth layer belong to the lower crust.The low velocity anomaly zone gener-ally exists in the central part of the upper crust on the profile,and it integrates into the overlying low velocity basement in the area to the north of Ma‘erkang.The crustal structure in the section can be divided into 4parts:in the south of Garze-litang fault,between Garze-Litang fault and Xianshuihe fault,between Xianshuihe fault and Longriba fault and in the north of Longriba fault,which are basically coincided with the regional tectonics division.The crustal thickness decreases from southwest to northeast along the profile,that is ,from62km in the region of the Jinshajiang River to 52km in the region of the Yellow River.The Moho discontinuity does not obviously change across the Xianshuihe fault basesd on the PmP phase analysis.The crustal average velocity along the profile is lower,about 6.30 km/s.The Benzilan-Tangke profile reveals that the crust in the study area is orogenic.The Xianshuihe fault belt is located in the central part of the profile,and the velocity is positive anomaly on the upper crust,and negative anomaly on the lower crust and upper mantle.It is considered as a deep tectonhic setting in favor of strong earthquake‘s accumulation and occurrence.  相似文献   

We constructed a prototype of the basin and crustal structure model for the Kinki area, southwest of Japan, for the simulation of strong ground motions of hypothetical crustal and subduction earthquakes. We collected results of the deep seismic velocity profiles obtained by the reflection experiments and seismic imaging results, which were conducted in the Kinki area. The obtained profiles give underground velocity structures of the crust, from the surface to the subducting slab. We also gather the basin velocity structure information of the Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and Ohmi basins. To examine the applicability of the constructed velocity structure model to the ground motion simulation, we simulated waveforms of an intermediate size event occurred near the source area of the hypothetical subduction earthquakes. Simulated ground motions using the basin and crustal velocity structure model are fairly well reproducing the observations at most of stations, and the constructed basin and crustal velocity structure model is applicable for the long-period ground motion simulations.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带鲁苏皖段及邻区地壳速度结构   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
郯庐断裂带是我国东部规模最大的深断裂带.为了揭示该断裂带的深部结构,本文利用江苏、安徽、山东、上海和浙江地震台网记录的近震到时资料,对8700个地震事件重新精确定位,进而开展了多震相地震走时成像法反演地壳速度结构.通过分析郯庐断裂带鲁苏皖段及邻区三维地壳速度结构图像,发现(1)研究区内不同构造块体具有差异明显的地壳速度结构,即下扬子断块总体速度偏低,华北断块速度高于下扬子断块,大别断褶带和苏鲁断块整体速度最高;(2)在上地壳5~15 km内苏鲁超高压变质岩带的P波速度明显高于其他地区,中地壳速度与周围区别不大,但下地壳该区域速度也较高;(3)在20~25 km深度范围内,30°N~36°N,115°E~124°E间显示为低速异常区,研究区内发生的中强地震与该低速异常区分布有较强的空间对应关系;(4)莫霍面总体呈现西深东浅,南深北浅的形态;(5)研究区内沿郯庐断裂带速度结构呈现分段性,反映了不同构造块体间的速度差异,郯庐断裂带具有明显的构造块体边界特征.  相似文献   

陕西省数字地震台下方壳幔速度结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用广义反、透射系数的传递矩阵计算理论地震图,用快速模拟退火法搜索最佳模型,通过与地震台站实际记录的P波波形进行拟合对比,反演了陕西省13个数字地震台下方的P波速度结构。台站分布区域涉及到秦岭造山带、渭河盆地及鄂尔多斯地台三个构造区域。结果显示,3个构造区的地下速度结构差异明显,呈现了各自的构造特点。其中秦岭造山带上地壳乃至地表速度高,中下地壳出现多个低速层,可能与岩石脱水、构造滑脱带等有关;渭河盆地内上中地壳高低速度层交替出现,反映了断层活动在浅部的影响;鄂尔多斯地台有部分台站保持稳定的匀速构造。反映了古老地台地层稳定发展的特性,部分台站受到后期改造,低速层位增多。因为变化剧烈的台站分布在盆地的南部和西部。而且震源机制解显示该区主应力场方向为近东西向,可以说秦岭北缘的断裂作用以及后来来自青藏高原的挤压应力是导致渭河盆地形成和发展的主要因素。最后我们讨论了速度结构与强震、地震分布以及不同构造演化的关系。  相似文献   

利用上海地震台阵16个台站记录的远震资料,采用接收函数线性反演方法,对台阵下的地壳速度结构进行研究,获得了研究区域内地壳厚度和地壳速度的分布特征。研究结果表明,研究区域Moho面深度约为33±2 km,Moho面深度基本不变,地幔顶部S波速度约4.4 km/s,地壳内没有发现明显的低速层。  相似文献   


本文联合使用云南、四川和贵州地震台网的85个地震台站在2008年1月—2017年12月期间记录的49130个地震、317366个初至Pg震相绝对到时数据和2674110条高精度的相对到时数据,采用区域双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了川滇南部地壳三维P波速度结构和39621个地震的震源参数,探究了川滇南部中下地壳流和腾冲火山区岩浆囊的分布特征.研究结果表明:(1)川滇南部上地壳的速度异常特征与地表地形密切相关;(2)小江断裂带的中下地壳存在一条绵延近二百多公里的低速异常结构,最南端受到红河断裂带的阻挡而终止于断裂带南段北侧,这可能是川滇南部的一条中下地壳流,低速异常结构在红河断裂带南段转而向南东流动反映了红河断裂带可能为川滇菱形块体的西南边界;(3)红河断裂带各段速度异常存在明显的差异,重定位后的震源分布显示红河断裂带中段和南段虽然不如北段地震活动强烈,但地震震源深度分布较北段深;(4)腾冲火山区西侧和北侧下方10~20 km深度范围内存在的低速异常体推测为通过怒江断裂带形成的岩浆通道从中地壳涌入上地壳的岩浆囊,可能反映了自更新世延续至今的以橄榄玄武岩和安山岩为主要岩性的壳内岩浆活动,持续的岩浆活动为地表热活动提供了主要动力.


天山—帕米尔结合带的地壳速度结构及地震活动研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用流动地震台阵记录的地震数据,通过地震层析技术反演了天山—帕米尔结合带的P波速度结构,揭示出地壳结构的非均匀特征及其与地震活动的对应关系. 分析结果表明,天山和西昆仑的双向挤压导致塔里木西部边缘地壳严重变形,在山前地区形成基底隆起带,地壳深部则被断裂分割成为若干块体,有的块体可能卷入造山带内部;喀什坳陷地壳深部结构相对完整,变形程度较弱;天山和西昆仑的地壳结构显示出缩短增厚的波速特性,在与塔里木接壤的局部地区,壳幔边界附近存在热物质的侵入迹象. 大部分地震都发生在塔里木西部边缘的壳内高速块体周围,推测块体之间的相互作用和应力调整是导致天山—帕米尔结合带频繁发生地震的主要原因,伽师地震则与构造变形由天山向塔里木内部扩展以及该地区的地壳非均匀结构有关.  相似文献   

朝鲜半岛南部三维地壳速度结构成像   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
对多震相走时层析成像方法进行改进和优化, 使用朝鲜半岛陆地和近海的地震记录, 对朝鲜半岛南部(34.5°N~39°N,125°E~130°E)进行地震波走时反演, 获得了本研究区的三维速度结构成像结果.分析了沉积层、基底、上地壳、康腊面、下地壳和莫霍面的特征.研究了不同地质区的深部结构的主要差别、主要断裂特征、 海陆交界的地壳特征等.可以发现京畿山地与沃川褶皱带、太白山褶皱带、临津江褶皱带深部结构的差异尤为明显.  相似文献   

本文联合使用云南、四川和贵州地震台网的85个地震台站在2008年1月—2017年12月期间记录的49130个地震、317366个初至Pg震相绝对到时数据和2674110条高精度的相对到时数据,采用区域双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了川滇南部地壳三维P波速度结构和39621个地震的震源参数,探究了川滇南部中下地壳流和腾冲火山区岩浆囊的分布特征.研究结果表明:(1)川滇南部上地壳的速度异常特征与地表地形密切相关;(2)小江断裂带的中下地壳存在一条绵延近二百多公里的低速异常结构,最南端受到红河断裂带的阻挡而终止于断裂带南段北侧,这可能是川滇南部的一条中下地壳流,低速异常结构在红河断裂带南段转而向南东流动反映了红河断裂带可能为川滇菱形块体的西南边界;(3)红河断裂带各段速度异常存在明显的差异,重定位后的震源分布显示红河断裂带中段和南段虽然不如北段地震活动强烈,但地震震源深度分布较北段深;(4)腾冲火山区西侧和北侧下方10~20 km深度范围内存在的低速异常体推测为通过怒江断裂带形成的岩浆通道从中地壳涌入上地壳的岩浆囊,可能反映了自更新世延续至今的以橄榄玄武岩和安山岩为主要岩性的壳内岩浆活动,持续的岩浆活动为地表热活动提供了主要动力.  相似文献   


洋中脊速度结构是揭示大洋岩石圈演化过程的重要约束.为探讨不同扩张速率下洋中脊的洋壳速度结构特征,挑选了全球152处快速(全扩张速率> 90 mm·a-1)、慢速(全扩张速率20~50 mm·a-1)和超慢速(全扩张速率 < 20 mm·a-1)扩张洋中脊和非洋中脊的洋壳1-D地震波速度结构剖面,通过筛选统计、求取平均值等方法对分类的洋壳1-D速度结构进行对比研究,获得了不同扩张速率下洋中脊洋壳速度结构差异以及洋中脊与非洋中脊洋壳速度结构差异的新认识:(1)快速、慢速和超慢速扩张洋中脊的平均正常洋壳厚度分别为6.4 km、7.2 km和5.3 km,其中洋壳层2的厚度基本相似,洋壳厚度差异主要源自洋壳层3;其洋壳厚度变化范围分别为4.9~8.1 km、4.6~8.7 km和4.2~10.2 km,随着洋中脊扩张速率减小,洋壳厚度的变化范围逐渐增大;(2)快速扩张洋中脊的洋壳速度大于慢速和超慢速,可能与快速扩张脊洋壳生成过程中深部高密度岩浆上涌比较充足有关;(3)非洋中脊(>10 Ma)的洋壳比洋中脊(< 10 Ma)的洋壳厚~0.3 km,表明洋壳厚度与洋壳年龄有一定的正相关性.


利用地震波走时联合反演算法(改进型最短路径算法)进行三维弯曲地震射线追踪正演,以及共轭梯度法求解带约束的阻尼最小二乘问题进行反演,同时更新速度模型和地震震中位置,结合地方震和区域地震走时资料得到了黄土高原(含汾渭断陷盆地)及邻区地壳三维P波速度结构.其横向变化结果表明,研究区地壳内的P波高速异常区与其内的地震活动构造带相一致,地震多发生在P波高速异常区的边缘或高、低速异常区的交汇处.秦岭山区和鄂尔多斯块体东南区为P波低速异常区.而垂向变化结果则表明研究区存在低速异常区.  相似文献   


利用蒙古中南部台阵记录的连续背景噪声数据、天然地震面波数据和远震P波波形数据, 开展瑞利波相速度、椭圆率和远震P波叠加波形的联合反演, 建立了蒙古中南部地壳三维S波速度模型.结果显示, 蒙古中南部的瑞利波相速度及椭圆率、沉积基底深度、莫霍面深度、地壳S波速度在蒙古—鄂霍茨克缝合线和蒙古主构造线南北两侧分布均有明显差异, 暗示了这两条缝合线至少为地壳级别的分界.中戈壁火山和Bus-Obo火山在地壳内相互连通, 在下地壳存在大面积低速层.我们推测杭盖穹隆上地幔热物质上涌在中戈壁带地壳底部形成岩浆囊, 为这两座板内火山活动提供了岩浆来源.


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