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This paper estimates CO2 fluxes in a municipal site for final disposal of solid waste, located in Gualeguaychu, Argentina. Estimations were made using the accumulation chamber methods, which had been calibrated previously in laboratory. CO2 fluxes ranged from 31 to 331 g m−2 day−1. Three different populations were identified: background soil gases averaging 46 g m−2 day−1, intermediate anomalous values averaging 110 g m−2 day−1 and high anomalous values averaging 270 g m−2 day−1. Gas samples to a depth of 20 cm were also taken. Gas fractions, XCO2 < 0.1, XCH4 < 0.01, XN2 ~0.71 and XO2 ~0.21, δ13C of CO2 (−34 to −18‰), as well as age of waste emplacement, suggest that the study site may be at the final stage of aerobic biodegradation. In a first approach, and following the downstream direction of groundwater flow, alkalinity and δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon (−15 to 4‰) were observed to increase when groundwater passed through the disposal site. This suggests that the CO2 generated by waste biodegradation dissolves or that dissolved organic matter appears as a result of leachate degradation.  相似文献   

A field facility located in Bozeman, Montana provides the opportunity to test methods to detect, locate, and quantify potential CO2 leakage from geologic storage sites. From 9 July to 7 August 2008, 0.3 t CO2 day−1 were injected from a 100-m long, ~2.5-m deep horizontal well. Repeated measurements of soil CO2 fluxes on a grid characterized the spatio-temporal evolution of the surface leakage signal and quantified the surface leakage rate. Infrared CO2 concentration sensors installed in the soil at 30 cm depth at 0–10 m from the well and at 4 cm above the ground at 0 and 5 m from the well recorded surface breakthrough of CO2 leakage and migration of CO2 leakage through the soil. Temporal variations in CO2 concentrations were correlated with atmospheric and soil temperature, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, and CO2 injection rate.  相似文献   

Basalts interbedded with oil source rocks are discovered frequently in rift basins of eastern China, where CO2 is found in reservoirs around or within basalts, for example in the Binnan reservoir of the Dongying Depression. In the reservoirs, CO2 with heavy carbon isotopic composition (δ13C>-10‰ PDB) is in most cases accounts for 40% of the total gas reserve, and is believed to have resulted from degassing of basaltic magma from the mantle. In their investigations of the Binnan reservoir, the authors suggested that the CO2 would result from interactions between the source rocks and basalts. As the source rocks around basalts are rich in carbonate minerals, volcanic minerals, transition metals and organic matter, during their burial history some of the transition metals were catalyzed on the thermal degradation of organic matter into hydrocarbons and on the decomposition of carbonate minerals into CO2, which was reproduced in thermal simulations of the source rocks with the transition metals (Ni and Co). This kind of CO2 accounts for 55%-85% of the total gas reserve generated in the process of thermal simulation, and its δ13C values range from -11‰- -7.2‰ PDB, which are very similar to those of CO2 found in the Binnan reservoir. The co-generation of CO2 and hydrocarbon gases makes it possible their accumulation together in one trap. In other words, if the CO2 resulted directly from degassing of basaltic magma or was derived from the mantle, it could not be accumulated with hydrocarbon gases because it came into the basin much earlier than hydrocarbon generation and much earlier than trap formation. Therefore, the source rocks around basalts generated hydrocarbons and CO2 simultaneously through catalysis of Co and Ni transition metals, which is useful for the explanation of co-accumulation of hydrocarbon gases and CO2 in rift basins in eastern China.  相似文献   

Mangrove ecosystems play an important, but understudied, role in the cycling of carbon in tropical and subtropical coastal ocean environments. In the present study, we examined the diel dynamics of seawater carbon dioxide (CO2) and dissolved oxygen (DO) for a mangrove-dominated marine ecosystem (Mangrove Bay) and an adjacent intracoastal waterway (Ferry Reach) on the island of Bermuda. Spatial and temporal trends in seawater carbonate chemistry and associated variables were assessed from direct measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon, total alkalinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and salinity. Diel pCO2 variability was interpolated across hourly wind speed measurements to determine variability in daily CO2 fluxes for the month of October 2007 in Bermuda. From these observations, we estimated rates of net sea to air CO2 exchange for these two coastal ecosystems at 59.8 ± 17.3 in Mangrove Bay and 5.5 ± 1.3 mmol m−2 d−1 in Ferry Reach. These results highlight the potential for large differences in carbonate system functioning and sea-air CO2 flux in adjacent coastal environments. In addition, observation of large diel variability in CO2 system parameters (e.g., mean pCO2: 390–2,841 μatm; mean pHT: 8.05–7.34) underscores the need for careful consideration of diel cycles in long-term sampling regimes and flux estimates.  相似文献   

Hyperspectral plant signatures can be used as a short-term, as well as long-term (100-year timescale) monitoring technique to verify that CO2 sequestration fields have not been compromised. An influx of CO2 gas into the soil can stress vegetation, which causes changes in the visible to near-infrared reflectance spectral signature of the vegetation. For 29 days, beginning on July 9, 2008, pure carbon dioxide gas was released through a 100-m long horizontal injection well, at a flow rate of 300 kg day−1. Spectral signatures were recorded almost daily from an unmown patch of plants over the injection with a “FieldSpec Pro” spectrometer by Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. Measurements were taken both inside and outside of the CO2 leak zone to normalize observations for other environmental factors affecting the plants. Four to five days after the injection began, stress was observed in the spectral signatures of plants within 1 m of the well. After approximately 10 days, moderate to high amounts of stress were measured out to 2.5 m from the well. This spatial distribution corresponded to areas of high CO2 flux from the injection. Airborne hyperspectral imagery, acquired by Resonon, Inc. of Bozeman, MT using their hyperspectral camera, also showed the same pattern of plant stress. Spectral signatures of the plants were also compared to the CO2 concentrations in the soil, which indicated that the lower limit of soil CO2 needed to stress vegetation is between 4 and 8% by volume.  相似文献   

Miller field of the North Sea has had high concentrations of natural CO2 for ~70 Ma. It is an ideal analog for the long-term fate of CO2 during engineered storage, particularly for formation of carbonate minerals that permanently lock up CO2 in solid form. The Brae Formation reservoir sandstone contains an unusually high quantity of calcite concretions; however, C and O stable isotopic signatures suggest that these are not related to the present-day CO2 charge. Margins of the concretions are corroded, probably because of reduced pH due to CO2 influx. Dispersed calcite cements are also present, some of which postdate the CO2 charge and, therefore, are the products of mineral trapping. It is calculated that only a minority of the reservoired CO2 in Miller (6–24%) has been sequestrated in carbonates, even after 70 Ma of CO2 emplacement. Most of the CO2 accumulation is dissolved in pore fluids. Therefore, in a reservoir similar to the Brae Formation, engineered CO2 storage must rely on physical retention mechanisms because mineral trapping is both incomplete and slow.  相似文献   

Field experiments on the CO2 flux of alpine meadow soil in the Qilian Mountain were conducted along the elevation gradient during the growing season of 2004 and 2005. The soil CO2 flux was measured using the Li-6400-09 soil respiration chamber attached to the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system. The effects of water and heat and roots on the soil CO2 flux were statistically analyzed. The results show that soil CO2 flux along the elevation gradient gradually decreases. The soil CO2 flux was low at night, with lowest value occurring between 0200 and 0600 hours, started to rise rapidly during 0700–0830 hours, and then descend during 1600–1830 hours. The peak CO2 efflux appears during 1100–1600 hours. The diurnal average of soil CO2 efflux was between 0.56 ± 0.32 and 2.53 ± 0.76 μmol m−2 s−1. Seasonally, soil CO2 fluxes are relatively high in summer and autumn and low in spring and winter. The soil CO2 efflux, from the highest to the lowest in the ranking order, occurred in July and August (4.736 μmol m−2 s−1), June and September, and May and October, respectively. The soil CO2 efflux during the growing season is positively correlated with soil temperature, root biomass and soil water content.  相似文献   

The production of organic matter and calcium carbonate by a dense population of the brittle star Acrocnida brachiata (Echinodermata) was calculated using demographic structure, population density, and relations between the size (disk diameter) and the ash-free dry weight (AFDW) or the calcimass. During a 2-year survey in the Bay of Seine (Eastern English Channel, France), organic production varied from 29 to 50 gAFDW m−2 year−1 and CaCO3 production from 69 to 104 gCaCO3 m−2 year−1. Respiration was estimated between 1.7 and 2.0 molCO2 m−2 year−1. Using the molar ratio (ψ) of CO2 released: CaCO3 precipitated, this biogenic precipitation of calcium carbonate would result in an additional release between 0.5 and 0.7 molCO2 m−2 year−1 that represented 23% and 26% of total CO2 fluxes (sum of calcification and respiration). The results of the present study suggest that calcification in temperate shallow environments should be considered as a significant source of CO2 to seawater and thus a potential source of CO2 to the atmosphere, emphasizing the important role of the biomineralization (estimated here) and dissolution (endoskeletons of dead individuals) in the carbon budget of temperate coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to investigate the potential to detect fluid migration in a (homogeneous, isotropic, with constant pressure lateral boundaries) porous and permeable interval overlying an imperfect primary seal of a geologic CO2 storage formation. The seal imperfection was modeled as a single higher-permeability zone in an otherwise low-permeability seal, with the center of that zone offset from the CO2 injection well by 1400 m. Pressure response resulting from fluid migration through the high-permeability zone was detectable up to 1650 m from the centroid of that zone at the base of the monitored interval after 30 years of CO2 injection (detection limit = 0.1 MPa pressure increase); no pressure response was detectable at the top of the monitored interval at the same point in time. CO2 saturation response could be up to 774 m from the center of the high-permeability zone at the bottom of the monitored interval, and 1103 m at the top (saturation detection limit = 0.01). More than 6% of the injected CO2, by mass, migrated out of primary containment after 130 years of site performance (including 30 years of active injection) in the case where the zone of seal imperfection had a moderately high permeability (10??17 m2 or 0.01 mD). Free-phase CO2 saturation monitoring at the top of the overlying interval provides favorable spatial coverage for detecting fluid migration across the primary seal. Improved sensitivity of detection for pressure perturbation will benefit time of detection above an imperfect seal.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotopic composition of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides sacculifer and G. ruber (white) and sedimentary organic matter from the northern Gulf of Aqaba have been investigated to estimate changes in 13CDIC in surface waters during the last 1,000 years. The high sedimentation rates at the core sites (about 54 cm/Kyear) provide high temporal resolution (~10 years). Recent sediments at the top of the cores reflect conditions younger than 1950. The 13C records of the planktonic foraminifera from three multicores display similar trends, showing a uniform and consistent pattern before the 1750s, and a gradual decrease of approximately 0.63 over the last two centuries. This decrease seems to track the decrease of 13CDIC in surface waters, which is mainly caused by the increase of anthropogenic input of 13C-depleted CO2 into the atmosphere. Similarly, a trend towards lighter values of the carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter (13Corg) during the last 200 years supports the interpretation obtained from the planktonic foraminiferal 13C. Furthermore, direct measurements of seawater show that 13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the northern Gulf of Aqaba has decreased by about 0.44 during the period 1979–2000. The average annual decrease is 0.021, which is similar to that observed globally. The 13C values of planktonic foraminifera combined with organic matter 13C from marine sediments are good indicators for reconstructing past changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations from the northern Gulf of Aqaba.  相似文献   

CH4 and CO2 fluxes from a high-cold swamp meadow and an alpine meadow on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, subject to different degrees of degradation, were measured over a 12-month period. Air temperature, soil temperature and moisture, and the depths of the water table and thawing-freezing layer were determined. For swamp meadows, the greater the degradation, the lesser the carbon efflux. CH4 emissions at the nondegraded swamp meadow site were 1.09–3.5 and 2.5–11.27 times greater, and CO2 emissions 1.08–1.69 and 1.41–4.43 times greater, respectively, than those from moderately and severely degraded sites. For alpine meadows, the greater the degradation, the greater the CH4 consumption and CO2 emissions. CH4 consumption at the severely degraded alpine meadow site was 6.6–21 and 1.1–5.25 times greater, and CO2 emissions 1.05–78.5 and 1.04–6.28 times greater, respectively, than those from the nondegraded and moderately degraded sites. The CH4 and CO2 fluxes at both sites were significantly correlated (R 2 > 0.59, P < 0.05) with air temperature, soil temperature, and topsoil (0–5 cm depth) moisture, indicating these to be the main environmental factors affecting such fluxes.  相似文献   

Seismic surveys successfully imaged a small scale CO2 injection (1,600 ton) conducted in a brine aquifer of the Frio Formation near Houston, Texas. These time-lapse borehole seismic surveys, crosswell and vertical seismic profile (VSP), were acquired to monitor the CO2 distribution using two boreholes (the new injection well and a pre-existing well used for monitoring) which are 30 m apart at a depth of 1,500 m. The crosswell survey provided a high-resolution image of the CO2 distribution between the wells via tomographic imaging of the P-wave velocity decrease (up to 500 m/s). The simultaneously acquired S-wave tomography showed little change in S-wave velocity, as expected for fluid substitution. A rock physics model was used to estimate CO2 saturations of 10–20% from the P-wave velocity change. The VSP survey resolved a large (∼70%) change in reflection amplitude for the Frio horizon. This CO2 induced reflection amplitude change allowed estimation of the CO2 extent beyond the monitor well and on three azimuths. The VSP result is compared with numerical modeling of CO2 saturations and is seismically modeled using the velocity change estimated in the crosswell survey.  相似文献   

Motivated by the rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 due to human activities since the Industrial Revolution, and the climate changes it produced, the world’s concerned scientific community has made a huge effort to investigate the global carbon cycle. However, the results reveal that the global CO2 budget cannot be balanced, unless a “missing sink” is invoked. Although numerous studies claimed to find the “missing sink”, none of those claims has been widely accepted. This current study showed that alkaline soil on land are absorbing CO2 at a rate of 0.3–3.0 μmol m−2 s−1 with an inorganic, non-biological process. The intensity of this CO2 absorption is determined by the salinity, alkalinity, temperature and water content of the saline/alkaline soils, which are widely distributed on land. Further studies revealed that high salinity or alkalinity positively affected the CO2 absorbing intensity, while high temperature and water content had a negative effect on the CO2 absorbing intensity of these soils. This inorganic, non-biological process of CO2 absorption by alkaline soils might have significant implications to the global carbon budget accounting.  相似文献   

Documenting geographic distribution and spatial linkages between CO2 sources and potential sinks in areas with significant levels of CO2 emissions is important when considering carbon-management strategies such as geologic sequestration or enhanced oil recovery (EOR). For example, the US Gulf Coast overlies a thick succession (>6,000 m [>20,000 ft]) of highly porous and permeable sandstone formations separated by thick, regionally extensive shale aquitards. The Gulf Coast and Permian Basin also have a large potential for EOR, in which CO2 injected into suitable oil reservoirs could be followed by long-term storage of CO2 in nonproductive formations below reservoir intervals. For example, >6 billion barrels (Bbbl) of oil from 182 large reservoirs is technically recoverable in the Permian Basin as a result of miscible-CO2 flooding. The Gulf Coast also contains an additional 4.5 Bbbl of oil that could be produced by using miscible CO2. Although the CO2 pipeline infrastructure is well-developed in the Permian Basin, east Texas and the Texas Gulf Coast may have a greater long-term potential for deep, permanent storage of CO2 because of thick brine-bearing formations near both major subsurface and point sources of CO2.  相似文献   

Respiration and calcification rates of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas were measured in a laboratory experiment in the air and underwater, accounting for seasonal variations and individual size, to estimate the effects of this exotic species on annual carbon budgets in the Bay of Brest, France. Respiration and calcification rates changed significantly with season and size. Mean underwater respiration rates, deducted from changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), were 11.4 μmol DIC g−1 ash-free dry weight (AFDW) h−1 (standard deviation (SD), 4.6) and 32.3 μmol DIC g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 4.1) for adults (80–110 mm shell length) and juveniles (30–60 mm), respectively. The mean daily contribution of C. gigas underwater respiration (with 14 h per day of immersion on average) to DIC averaged over the Bay of Brest population was 7.0 mmol DIC m−2 day−1 (SD 8.1). Mean aerial CO2 respiration rate, estimated using an infrared gas analyzer, was 0.7 μmol CO2 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 0.1) for adults and 1.1 μmol CO2 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 0.2) for juveniles, corresponding to a mean daily contribution of 0.4 mmol CO2 m−2 day−1 (SD 0.50) averaged over the Bay of Brest population (with 10 h per day of emersion on average). Mean CaCO3 uptake rates for adults and juveniles were 4.5 μmol CaCO3 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 1.7) and 46.9 μmol CaCO3 g−1 AFDW h−1 (SD 29.2), respectively. The mean daily contribution of net calcification in the Bay of Brest C. gigas population to CO2 fluxes during immersion was estimated to be 2.5 mmol CO2 m−2 day−1 (SD 2.9). Total carbon release by this C. gigas population was 39 g C m−2 year−1 and reached 334 g C m−2 year−1 for densely colonized areas with relative contributions by underwater respiration, net calcification, and aerial respiration of 71%, 25%, and 4%, respectively. These observations emphasize the substantial influence of this invasive species on the carbon cycle, including biogenic carbonate production, in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TDIC) and its stable isotope ratio δ13CTDIC are used to trace the evolution of the carbon system of groundwater in three UK Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifers. Samples were collected from multilevel piezometers, open boreholes and sewer sampling points in the British Midlands (Nottingham, Birmingham and Doncaster) to evaluate both local and regional variations in δ13CTDIC. δ13C samples of matrix and pore water have also been analysed in each aquifer to further constrain the interpretations. Combining δ13CTDIC ratios with measurements of TDIC and pH clearly distinguishes the principal processes underlying the geochemical evolution of groundwater in Triassic sandstone aquifers, where processes can be both natural (e.g. carbonate dissolution) and anthropogenic (sewer-derived recharge). The paper shows that δ13CTDIC resolves ambiguities that arise from the interpretation of TDIC and pH measurements in isolation. Field measurements demonstrate that, under natural conditions, the carbonate system evolves similarly in each aquifer. An open-system evolution during recharge largely saturates the groundwater with carbonate depending upon its availability in the sandstone matrix. The contribution of sewer exfiltration to urban recharge is readily distinguished by lower pH and higher TDIC values without significant changes in δ13CTDIC.  相似文献   

Freshwater marshes could be a source of greenhouse gases emission because they contain large amounts of soil carbon and nitrogen. These emissions are strongly influenced by exogenous nitrogen. We investigate the effects of exogenous nitrogen on ecosystem respiration (CO2), CH4 and N2O emissions from freshwater marshes in situ in the Sanjiang Plain Northeast of China during the growing seasons of 2004 and 2005, using a field fertilizer experiment and the static opaque chamber/GC techniques. The results show that there were no significant differences in patterns of seasonal variations of CO2 and CH4 among the fertilizer and non-fertilizer treatments, but the seasonal patterns of N2O emission were significantly influenced by the exogenous nitrogen. Seasonal averages of the CO2 flux from non-fertilizer and fertilizer were 987.74 and 1,344.35 mg m 2 h 1, respectively, in 2004, and 898.59 and 2,154.17 mg m 2 h 1, respectively, in 2005. And the CH4 from the control and fertilizer treatments were 6.05 and 13.56 mg m 2 h 1 and 0.72 and 1.88 mg m 2 h 1, respectively, in 2004 and 2005. The difference of N2O flux between the fertilizer and non-fertilizer treatments is also significant either in 2004 and 2005. On the time scale of 20-, 100-, and 500-year periods, the integrated global warming potential (GWP) of CO2 + CH4 + N2O released during the two growing seasons for the treatment of fertilizer was 97, 94 and 89%, respectively, higher than that for the control, which suggested that the nitrogen fertilizer can enhance the GWP of the CH4 and N2O either in long time or short time scale.  相似文献   

This paper reports a preliminary investigation of CO2 sequestration and seal integrity at Teapot Dome oil field, Wyoming, USA, with the objective of predicting the potential risk of CO2 leakage along reservoir-bounding faults. CO2 injection into reservoirs creates anomalously high pore pressure at the top of the reservoir that could potentially hydraulically fracture the caprock or trigger slip on reservoir-bounding faults. The Tensleep Formation, a Pennsylvanian age eolian sandstone is evaluated as the target horizon for a pilot CO2 EOR-carbon storage experiment, in a three-way closure trap against a bounding fault, termed the S1 fault. A preliminary geomechanical model of the Tensleep Formation has been developed to evaluate the potential for CO2 injection inducing slip on the S1 fault and thus threatening seal integrity. Uncertainties in the stress tensor and fault geometry have been incorporated into the analysis using Monte Carlo simulation. The authors find that even the most pessimistic risk scenario would require ∼10 MPa of excess pressure to cause the S1 fault to reactivate and provide a potential leakage pathway. This would correspond to a CO2 column height of ∼1,500 m, whereas the structural closure of the Tensleep Formation in the pilot injection area does not exceed 100 m. It is therefore apparent that CO2 injection is not likely to compromise the S1 fault stability. Better constraint of the least principal stress is needed to establish a more reliable estimate of the maximum reservoir pressure required to hydrofracture the caprock.  相似文献   

Mineral-specific IR absorption coefficients were calculated for natural and synthetic olivine, SiO2 polymorphs, and GeO2 with specific isolated OH point defects using quantitative data from independent techniques such as proton–proton scattering, confocal Raman spectroscopy, and secondary ion mass spectrometry. Moreover, we present a routine to detect OH traces in anisotropic minerals using Raman spectroscopy combined with the “Comparator Technique”. In case of olivine and the SiO2 system, it turns out that the magnitude of ε for one structure is independent of the type of OH point defect and therewith the peak position (quartz ε = 89,000 ± 15,000  \textl \textmol\textH2\textO-1 \textcm-2\text{l}\,\text{mol}_{{\text{H}_2}\text{O}}^{-1}\,\text{cm}^{-2}), but it varies as a function of structure (coesite ε = 214,000 ± 14,000  \textl \textmol\textH2\textO-1 \textcm-2\text{l}\,\text{mol}_{{\text{H}_2}\text{O}}^{-1}\,\text{cm}^{-2}; stishovite ε = 485,000 ± 109,000  \textl \textmol\textH2\textO-1 \textcm-2\text{l}\,\text{mol}_{{\text{H}_2}\text{O}}^{-1}\,\text{cm}^{-2}). Evaluation of data from this study confirms that not using mineral-specific IR calibrations for the OH quantification in nominally anhydrous minerals leads to inaccurate estimations of OH concentrations, which constitute the basis for modeling the Earth’s deep water cycle.  相似文献   

The present analysis adjusts previous estimates of global ocean CaCO3 production rates substantially upward, to 133 × 1012 mol yr?1 plankton production and 42 × 1012 mol yr?1 shelf benthos production. The plankton adjustment is consistent with recent satellite-based estimates; the benthos adjustment includes primarily an upward adjustment of CaCO3 production on so-called carbonate-poor sedimentary shelves and secondarily pays greater attention to high CaCO3 mass (calcimass) and turnover of shelf communities on temperate and polar shelves. Estimated CaCO3 sediment accumulation rates remain about the same as they have been for some years: ~20 × 1012 mol yr?1 on shelves and 11 × 1012 mol yr?1 in the deep ocean. The differences between production and accumulation of calcareous materials call for dissolution of ~22 × 1012 mol yr?1 (~50 %) of shelf benthonic carbonate production and 122 × 1012 mol yr?1 (>90 %) of planktonic production. Most CaCO3 production, whether planktonic or benthonic, is assumed to take place in water depths of <100 m, while most dissolution is assumed to occur below this depth. The molar ratio of CO2 release to CaCO3 precipitation (CO2↑/CaCO3↓) is <1.0 and varies with depth. This ratio, Ψ, is presently about 0.66 in surface seawater and 0.85 in ocean waters deeper than about 1000 m. The net flux of CO2 associated with CaCO3 reactions in the global ocean in late preindustrial time is estimated to be an apparent influx from the atmosphere to the ocean, of +7 × 1012 mol C yr?1, at a time scale of 102–103 years. The CaCO3-mediated influx of CO2 is approximately offset by CO2 release from organic C oxidation in the water column. Continuing ocean acidification will have effects on CaCO3 and organic C metabolic responses to the oceanic inorganic C cycle, although those responses remain poorly quantified.  相似文献   

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