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The Peoples' Republic of China produces and consumes the largest quantity of coal in the world; about 2.19 billion tons of coal were produced in 2005. It is estimated that coal consumption will reach 7 billion tons by 2020. Although the nationwide percent…  相似文献   

Based on the mercury distribution in soil, atmosphere and plant in seven sections beside the trunk road, some advances are obtained: (1) Mercury content of fuel oil of petrol station in Guilin is 3.66-9.74 ng/g, higher than that reported by other countries (0.7-3.2 ng/g). The higher the number of petrol, the lower the content. Number 90 petrol widely used is the highest (9.74 ng/g). (2) Mercury content in soil is commonly 0.30-0.80 μg/g near the road, (0.30-2.60 μg/g) besides the street, both are higher than the average of Guilin background value (0.204 μg/g). Mercury content in vegetable near the road is generally 0.025-0.055 μg/g, higher than that far away from the road (0.022-0.038 μg/g). The content in cinnamon leaves on both sides of the street is 0.06-0.16 μg/g, also higher than that far away from the street (0.051-0.067 μg/g). Guilin Highway atmospheric mercury content is usually 7-12 ng/m^3, higher than the mean background value (4.4-6.6 ng/m^3). Atmospheric mercury content near rural roads is below the level on urban roads. The atmospheric mercury content increases apparently in traffic-intensive stations and intersections. (3) The average concentration of mercury in vegetables is mostly 0.025-0.055 μg/g. Mercury content in various tissues of vegetable follows the order of leaves (mostly 0.044).09 μg/g)〉roots (mostly 0.02-0.05 lag/g)〉stems (mostly 0.01-0.04 μg/g). (4) The distribution of mercury in soil, plants and atmosphere near the road is of certain similarity, with a single peak, nearly symmetrical. As far away from road, the content reduces gradually, which shows the release of exhaust gas mercury is the main source of atmospheric mercury pollution.  相似文献   

Mercury smelting is one of the important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources. Small-scale mercury smelting activities with indigenous method which is considered illegal and forbidden by local government always extensively existed in the Wuchuan area, northeastern Guizhou Province, China. Because of the simple processes without any environmental protection, a large amount of mercury vapor released to the ambient air during the processing of cinnabar roasting. By determining mercury concentrations in mercury ore and smelting slag samples, a mass balance method was used to calculate mercury emission factors and annual mercury emission from indigenous mercury smelting in Wuchuan mercury mining areas, Guizhou Province, China. The mercury emission factors ranged from 6.9% to 32.1% with the recovery from 78.4% to 93.6% and the annual mercury emission was up to 3.7-9.6 metric tons. The results highlighted that the indigenous mercury smelting was one of the most important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources in this region.  相似文献   

Coal is an important natural resource in Botswana. The best coals so far found occur in the Morupule coalfield, west of Palapye, where nearly 8000 million tons have been identified (Carney et al., 1994). In this study we investigate the environmental impact of the mining and consumption of the high-ash, medium-calorific value bituminous coal in the eastern part of Botswana, which may serve as a reference for other coal mines and coal-based power stations around the globe. More than two hundred surface soil samples and three profile soil samples were collected around Morupule Colliery, Morupule Power Station and Palapye.  相似文献   

The concentrations of total mercury and methylmercury in sediments were determined at the dam of the Wujiangdu Reservoir in different seasons. Total mercury (HgT) levels in the whole sediment profile were 254.2±47.0 ng/g in winter, 254.2±31.6 ng/g in spring, and 256.7±60.8 ng/g in summer, without significant variations in different seasons or at different depths. In contrast, the methylmercury (MeHg) compounds were most abundant at the sediment-water interface and decreased progressively with depth. MeHg contents of the sediments during different seasons are highly dependent on microbial activity, and seem to be higher when Hg (II)-methylating microorganisms are active. Thus, MeHg levels tend to rise in the loci where nutrient supplies and biological productivity are favorable. The percentage of HgT that is present as MeHg in the sediments increased gradually from December 2003 to April 2004 and to July 2004.  相似文献   

The Distrbution of Various Mercury Species in Soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
According to the mercury species with different solubilities,the analytical procedure involving sequential chemical extraction has been applied to partitioning the mercury species in soils into seven fractions.Soil samples collected from five localities in different areas (the high-mercury ares.the man-made mercury-polluted area and the reference area)were an alyzed for the seven mercury species.It is found that high mercury contents of soils can be attributed to both man-made pollution and geological processes,but the two kinds of solis show obvious differences in the distribution of their mercury species.  相似文献   

The determined results of the sulfur contents and isotopic composition of coal samples from major coal mines in 15 provinces and regions of China show that the coal mined in the north of China is characterized by higher ^34S and lower sulfur content, but that in the south of China has lower ^34S and higher sulfur content.During the coal-burning process in both indrstrial and daily use of coal as fuel the released sulfur dioxide is always enriched in lighter sulfur isotope relative to the corresponding coal;the particles are always enriched in heavier sulfur isotope.The discussion on the environmental geochemical significance of the above-mentioned results also has been made.  相似文献   

The ores of the Yata gold mine in China are rich in arsenic and antimony, so the exploitation of this mine may also lead to the release of As and Sb to adjacent environments, such as stream water, stream sediment, soil, plants, and crops. To understand the environmental impact of mine tailings, samples of water, sediment, soil, plant and crop were collected and analyzed. In summer of 2005, the tailings dump was seriously flushed by a heavy flood, and the mine waste was transported far away. Samples were collected in December of 2004 and January of 2006, respectively, and the impact of the flood on the release of toxic elements was evaluated. The result shows that the Yata creek, which drains the mining area, was severely contaminated by As and Sb. The dissolved As and Sb in water are 86-1140 μg/L and 65-370 μg/L, the particulate As and Sb are 38-2100 μg/L and 25-420 μg/L, whereas As and Sb in the sediment are 190-760 μg/g and 69-210 μg/g, respectively. In water environment, As and Sb show a similar feature to SO4^2- since As and Sb exist dominantly as anions--H2AsO4^-, HAsO4^2- and SbO3^-. In contrast to Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, which migrate mostly in particulate form, As and Sb tend to transport in dissolved form.  相似文献   

Direct coal combustion not only has a low utilizing efficiency, but also produces a large amount of pollutants such as particulate, CO2, SO2, NOx, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PCDD/PCDFs, and so on. Coal gasification is a clean coal technology that presents good prospects for coal use, mainly for producing electricity with a high coal conversion efficiency and low environmental impact. However, there is a problem about the minimization of PAHs in coal gasification or direct coal combustion. PAHs are harmful to the environment and human health due to their high degree of mutagenicity and carcinogenicity when they enter human bodies through breathing, eating, and drinking. It is said that about 75%-90% cancers of human beings are mainly caused by PAHs. So the US EPA has prioritized 16 PAH compounds as hazardous air pollutants; these compounds are naphthalene (NAP), acenaphthylene (AcPy), acenaphthene (AcP), fluorene (Flu), phenanthrene (PhA), anthracene (ANT), fluoranthene (FluA), pyrene (Pyr), benzo (a) anthracene (BaA), chrysene (Chr), benzo (b) fluoranthene (BbF), benzo (k) fluoranthene (BkF), benzo (a) pyrene (BaP), indeno(1,2,3,-cd) pyrene [In(1,2,3-cd) P], dibenzo (a,h) anthracene (DbA), and benzo (ghi) perylene (BghiP). The residual char is one of the main products during coal gasification, and then it is brought into the combustion chamber to combust. To investigate the distribution of PAHs in fly ash, the combustion of coal and residual char was tested in a pressurized spouted fluidized bed. After Soxhlet extraction and K-D concentration, the contents of 16 PAHs recommended by US EPA in coal, residual char, and fly ash, were analyzed by a HPLC coupled with fluorescence and diode-array detection.  相似文献   

Indoor coal-combustion type fluorosis is the only type of endemic disease that still lacks effective method of prevention and control. By the end of 2000, there had been 33901 thousand peoples living in the indoor coal-combustion-type fluorosis area, including 17695 thousand patients of dental fluorosis, and 1465 thousand patients with skeletal fluorosis. Guizhou is the province that suffers mostly from indoor coal-combustion-type fluorosis. 28.11% of the total population of Guizhou Province, 14489 thousand peoples, including 9910 thousand dental fluorosis patients, are living in indoor coal-combustion-type fluorosis area in Guizhou Province (NSB, 2000). During the period of 1980-1984, the following results were proved by authors : (1) there is no positive relationship between fluorine concentrations in foodstuff and in soils and rocks; (2) absorbed fluorine from indoor combustion formed high fluorine content foodstuffs. Fluorine emitted from combustion was acid-soluble fluorine; and (3) of the two factors that induced fluorosis,  相似文献   

Groundwater is a valuable resource in the semiarid Ordos Plateau region where abundant mineral resources, such as coal, natural gas, and halite, are present. With resources development, groundwater demand will increase dramatically. The origin identification and recharge estimates of groundwater are significant components of sustainable groundwater development in the Ordos Plateau. Groundwater and precipitation samples were taken and the isotopic compositions δ2H, δ18O, and chloride were analyzed to identify groundwater origins and to estimate recharge rates. The δ2H and δ18O of the groundwater show that the groundwater recharge is of meteoric origin. The chloride mass balance (CMB) method was used to quantify recharge rates of groundwater in the Ordos Plateau, which varies from 2.93 to 22.11% of the effective annual rainfall. Recharge rates estimated by CMB were compared with values obtained from other methods and were found to be in good agreement. This study can be used to develop effective programs for groundwater management and development.  相似文献   

Effects of mercury on ecosystems and human health are well documented. Human activities have significant impacts on transport, transformation, and fate of mercury in the natural environment. In this study, a gold mining area (Tongchuan), an urban area (Xi'an), and a historical site (Qinshihuan Tomb) in Shaanxi Province, China, was chosen to study the effects of human activities on the transport, transformation, and fate of mercury in the area. Samples of atmospheric precipitate, soil, sediment, pomegranate, corn and those from wells and the rivers that flow through or flow by the city and from the mining area were collected. The EPA methods were used for sample preparation and analysis of these samples. These methods combine acid digestion, chemical reduction, purge and trap with Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (CVAFS). Preliminary results showed high total mercury concentrations in the water samples collected from a river in Tongguan County. The total mercury concentrations ranged from 133 to 188 ng/L in the water samples collected from the rivers flowing through Xi'an City. The amount of total mercury in the soil/sediment samples which were collected in the vicinity of Xi'an ranged from 31.8 to 83.2 ng/g. The total mercury concentrations in the samples of atmospheric precipitate (including rain and snow collected from Sep. 2005 to Jan. 2006) ranged from 106-298 ng/L.  相似文献   

Summary The Ni-Mo Huangjiawan mine, Guizhou Province, People’s Republic of China, occurs in Lower Cambrian black shale (stone coal) in an area where other mines have recently extracted ore from the same horizon. Detailed electron microprobe (EMPA) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses of representative thin sections have revealed a complex assemblage of sulfides and sulfarsenides. Early sulfidic and phosphatic nodules and host matrix have been lithified, somewhat fractured, and then mineralized with later-stage sulfides and sulfarsenides. Gersdorffite, millerite, polydymite, pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, and clausthalite have been recognized. EMPA data are given for the major phases. Pyrite trace-element distributions and coeval Ni-, As-sulfides indicate that in the main ore layer, the last sulfide deposition was Ni-As-Co-rich. Mo and V deposition were early in the petrogenesis of these rocks. The assemblages gersdorffite-millerite-polydymite (pyrite) and millerite-gersdorffite (pyrite) and the composition of gersdorffite indicate a formation temperature of between 200° and 300 °C suggesting that the last solutions to infiltrate and mineralize the samples were related to hydrothermal processes. Environmentally sensitive elements such as As, Cd, and Se are hosted by sulfides and sulfarsenides and are the main source of these elements to residual soil. Crops grown on them are enriched in these elements, and they may be hazardous for animal and human consumption. Authors’ addresses: H. E. Belkin, U.S. Geological Survey, 956 National Center, Reston, VA 20192, USA; Kunli Luo, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 11A Datun Road, Beijing 100101, People’s Republic of China  相似文献   

Coal combustion can mobilize trace elements by introducing them to terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric environments, and if leached, these elements may cause the contamination of soils, surface waters and groundwater. Therefore, these elements may become a hazard to the environment because of their contribution to the formation of toxic compounds, if the ash is not utilized or disposed of properly. This possible contamination could lead to health, environmental and land-use problems. A fluid coal-t-fred thermal power plant (320 MWel) has been in operation since 2005 in Can (Canakkale-Turkey) and currently produces almost half a million tones of fly ash per year. Fly ash is classified based on the nature of constituents present. Fly ashes of Class C contain less than 70% but greater than 50% of silica, alumina, and iron oxide which are typical for the western part of Turkey. When the ash concentrations of these three constituents exceed 70%, fly is classified as F, which is representative of those, produced from Can. Fly ash is enriched in many trace elements particularly metals in this thermal power plant ash. These metals are part of the pyrite structure in the coal and become concentrated in the fly ash during the combustion process. These elements may be surface adsorbed on the glassy spherical fly ash particles. Elements that are surface adsorbed can be quite mobile.  相似文献   

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